What do you need to take to become a programmer? Exams, features of admission and recommendations. Professions and subjects that need to be taken What subjects need to be taken for a television studio operator

Profession telecom operator

There is a lot of complex technology that is not so easy to handle. Communication devices are different and an unprepared person can work with some. As for signal transmission, it is mainly carried out through devices, the operation of which is not complete without a specialist. The telecom operator is the person whose voice you hear on the phone when you try to get through to someone through the PBX. Signalers set up the operation of radio devices and transmitters, and also switch your call in the right direction.

The connection itself has been around for a long time. Even our ancestors used fires and smoke as a way to transmit information at a distance (for example, about the invasion of enemies). But such signaling was done by soldiers, not operators. The first telegraph technique with encryption devices appeared in the 19th century, since before that there was only a light telegraph, where the cipher was transmitted only with a mirror and only in clear weather. Telegraph operators can be called the first telecom operators. When the telephone appeared, its work was not yet automated as it is today, and the connection of subscribers was carried out by a person. ...

Of course, it would be more difficult to communicate with each other without these people. Calls to the customer support service are also answered by the operator. Another nuance in our country is that it is cheaper for domestic enterprises to maintain an employee than to supply expensive automatic equipment - this is why such professions are popular. It is unlikely that the time will come when it will be possible to fully automate communication and help desk. So the operators will not be left without work.

There are military and civilian telecom operators. Such employees are also maintained by mobile phone companies and telephone information. If a person is dealing with complex equipment, then he must be technically educated, have a quick reaction and ingenuity so as not to make the subscriber wait long. If the duties include simply answering calls, then politeness and sociability can be considered a requirement. A military liaison has the opportunity to get a higher rank if he diligently performs his duties.

The need to systematically perform quick actions can lead to nervous breakdowns. To this it is worth adding the fact that you will have to work alone, without the opportunity to leave, when there are constant calls from subscribers. But you have to work in the warmth and without much physical exertion.

Education in the specialty "Communication Operator" can be obtained at the lyceum or at courses. They study for 3 years or several months, respectively. Simple skills in processing postal directions, registering letters and documents will be taught in the courses, and in the lyceum the student will receive more fundamental knowledge in the field of computer technology, the use of modern postal equipment and more.

Admission rules and requirements for applicants to the specialty

55.05.03 "Cinema»
(specialist level)
Full-time study, study period - 5 years

Acceptance of documents June 08 to July 07, 2020
Entrance tests - from 08 to 26 July 2020

Applicants wishing to enter for training in the specialty 55.05.03 "Cinema operator",
apply for admission to entrance examinations and provide the following documents:

1. A document proving identity and citizenship (the original is presented in person, a photocopy is filed in the file).
2. Original or photocopy of the document on education.
3. 2 photos, size 3x4 ( + 4 photos by the time of enrollment).
4. Documents confirming a special right (if any).
5. Medical certificate in the form No. 086-y and a copy of the medical policy ( at the time of enrollment).
6. A copy of a military ID or registration certificate ( by the time of enrollment).
7. Copy of TIN ( by the time of enrollment).
8. Copy of SNILS ( by the time of enrollment) .
9. Creative set of photographs.

The possibility of submitting documents for admission to study at the Faculty of Operators in electronic form is not provided.

The creative kit includes pictures of different genres:

In the genre of photography two types of works are presented: a portrait taken with the use of lighting devices, and a documentary portrait, made in a real setting in natural light. The portrait should convey the emotional state and psychological characteristics of the model. In these works, the applicant demonstrates his ability to reveal the three-dimensional plastic shape of the face and figure, to achieve the expressiveness of the frame by choosing the shooting point, the size of the plan, the nature of the lighting and compositional solution.
In the genre of still life subject compositions are presented that reveal various facets of human life. In still lifes, accessories of labor, everyday life, and applied arts are depicted. These can be images of fruits, flowers, dishes, household items. In these works, the authors demonstrate their understanding of the composition of the frame, knowledge of the light composition, the ability to convey the shape and spatial position of objects, their texture and color.
In the genre of landscape photographic works on the theme of rural, urban and industrial nature can be presented. The set may include photographs of architectural elements, landscapes made in the interiors of museums, public and residential buildings.
An important part of the presented set - reportage photographs.
Genre photographic works must demonstrate the skills of compositional thinking of applicants, their observation skills, the ability to choose a motive and lighting conditions.
Reportage photographs should show how the applicant chooses a topic and plot, how he understands the surrounding reality and his attitude to the phenomena and facts of modern life, while demonstrating the skills, techniques and ways of reproducing events in the picture - choosing the moment in the development of the event, the shooting point, the size of the plan, the angle and etc.

In total, the applicant submits - 30 photographs, including black and white works, no more than 10 pieces can be included in the set. All works must be signed (full name) with home address and phone number.
All photographic works must be printed on photographic paper (the size of the largest side of each photograph must be 30 cm) and pasted on cardboard of any size, but not more than 30 by 40 (cm).
On the reverse side of photographs, the source medium must be indicated: the type of film or format of the source file, the model of the digital camera, information about the position of the camera relative to the subject, and photographic shooting conditions. Photographs taken with the use of lighting devices are accompanied by a scheme of light.

Works that do not meet the established requirements and format will not be considered by the competition commission!
Sets of photographs are not reviewed!
Brief information about the applicant is attached to the creative set of photographs:
Surname, name, patronymic (in full). Postal address, e-mail, contact phone number. Date and place of birth. Education, Place of study at the moment, Place of work and work experience. Family status. When and in what kind of creative activity did they show themselves. Motivation for career choice.
Applicants who have applied for admission to entrance examinations and submitted a set of documents perform practical work - photography in the pavilion of the institute and on location.
Filming includes:
one shot - a plaster bust (pavilion);
One shot - still life (pavilion);
one shot - a portrait (pavilion);
two shots - genre scenes on location;
one shot - a portrait with natural light (taken on location);
· four shots – a thematic or event photo report (taken on location).
Shooting is carried out with their own digital camera in JPEG format (before shooting, the digital media is formatted in the presence of a faculty member), the selection of frames for viewing by the examination committee and / or for printing is performed by the applicant independently, the printing of selected frames (10 photographs) is carried out in the laboratory of the institute.
(each round is evaluated on a 100-point scale, the threshold for a positive assessment is 41 points)

I round - a creative test.
The purpose of which is to select creatively promising applicants who are able to acquire knowledge and skills during their studies to work as cameramen in film-producing organizations.
II round - professional test:
Conducted orally on exam tickets, including: basic information on photography, including photography technology; fundamentals of electrical engineering; basics of lighting engineering; fundamentals of optics.
III round - interview:
Conducted with each applicant individually on the following issues:
- artistic and technical issues of photography, film and television;
- the history of culture, the history of the development of photography and cinema;
- also, the applicant must be familiar with the outstanding works of domestic cinema, know the leading cameramen and the characteristic features of their work, be informed in the field of fine arts, be able to analyze the works of domestic and foreign masters of painting, sculpture and graphics;
- have an idea about Russian classical literature;
- analysis of the creative and technical quality of a home set of photographs, as well as photographs taken during practical photography tests.

(based on USE results)

1. Russian language - 56
2. Literature - 45

The following categories of citizens have the right to take entrance general education exams in the form established by the Institute:

  • document of a person with disabilities, disabled children, disabled people;
  • Foreign citizens;
  • persons who received secondary professional education;
  • persons who have received higher professional education;
  • persons who have received secondary general education within one year before the date of completion of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, if all the attestation tests of the state final attestation for educational programs of secondary general education passed by them during the specified period were not passed in the form of the Unified State Examination (or they passed the final certification procedures in foreign educational organizations and did not pass the USE during the specified period)
Applicants who have not passed the entrance examinations can pick up their sets of photographs upon application until September 1, 2020. After September 1, 2020, photographs will not be returned.

Applicants who have higher education, can apply only for an extrabudgetary (paid) form of education and pass all entrance tests in accordance with the admission rules and requirements for applicants for this specialty.
Foreign citizens, entitled to admission to places at the expense of the federal budget, pass all entrance tests in accordance with the admission rules and requirements for applicants for this specialty.
Foreign citizens entering places with payment of tuition fees, pass entrance tests of a professional and creative orientation, as well as a general education exam in the Russian language (in the form of state testing, or in the form of the Unified State Examination, or in the form established by the Institute).

At the time of submission of documents and passing exams, the hostel is not provided!

You can learn programming on your own, but only those who study according to proven programs have a career head start. Where and how to act in order to master the profession?

  • It is necessary to decide on the direction (a specialist can write programs or look for vulnerabilities in the software used, design and maintain internal corporate networks, be responsible for communications and communications, and build the business IT infrastructure).
  • Collect a package of documents.
  • Pass the entrance exam for a programmer.

How to become a programmer

The test format for admission to the Faculty of IP may differ depending on the choice of specialty, the level of professional training and the age of the applicant. What exams do you need to take to become a programmer? Difficulty level may also vary.

  • For talented enthusiastic young people who have already distinguished themselves in school or college, there is the possibility of admission after an interview.
  • Often candidates are internally tested.
  • School graduates need to score a passing score for the required exam as part of the USE program.
  • 9th graders entering college will get by with a good GPA or can “get” points in the OGE.

What items to take

What subjects are needed to enter the programmer are determined by a particular university. For admission to "Synergy" at the Faculty of Information Systems, an examination is provided in two mandatory and one core subject. Compulsory disciplines:

  • mathematics,
  • Russian language.

Which third exam you need to take depends on the specialty. To enroll in a bachelor's degree, a future IT specialist with a wide profile must pass computer science. A programmer in the field of software and systems administration, as well as a future expert in instrumentation and telecommunications, passes Russian, mathematics, physics.

What to take when going to college

Along with undergraduate and graduate programs, our university practices professional training of future programmers in the college. Graduates of 9th and 11th grades have access to the profile of an IT specialist-generalist. Young students with a predominantly mathematical approach to problem solving may be admitted without an examination.

For admission, a good average attestation score is sufficient. For both 9th graders and 11th graders. We keep the doors to the future of technology open for the keen student.

Reasons why you should choose this field

The term of study ranges from 2 years 10 months (college) to 6.5 years (higher master's education). Why is this time worth investing in professional training to unlearn to be a programmer?

  • A programmer is the highest paid profession after lawyers (world statistics).
  • The deficit of competent IT-specialists in Russia alone is more than 1 million vacancies. Employment - quite frequent the question of university graduates is not relevant for this profile.
  • Programming is the profession of the future. Computers are confidently gaining ground in all areas; today, de facto, a serious business without an IT infrastructure cannot function successfully.

Among young engineers, technicians, extras, many are thinking about changing their qualifications to a programmer.

Is it hard to study

Programming is a complex industry, the amount of knowledge needed here is colossal. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about simple learning in its context.

During the training, the student will take a lot of purely technical subjects - matan, graph basics, probability theory. They are not easy for everyone, they are accompanied by a large number of calculations.

But despite the complexity of the study, it remains interesting. We made sure that our future programmers could “apply” every block of acquired knowledge in real business practice. Plus, we hold forums, webinars and seminars with the participation of recognized representatives of the profession.

Programming is the whole world. It requires diligence and a responsible approach to learning, but is filled with world-changing discoveries from the very first weeks.

The choice of a specialty is a key moment for applicants. After all, the list of subjects for which it will be necessary to prepare and pass the exam depends on the chosen direction.

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Rules for admission of applicants to the theater university, evaluation criteria and exams.

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The list of compulsory disciplines that must be passed to the exam for future psychologists.

Where can you get a prestigious police profession after 9th or 11th grade, and what is needed for this.

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What exams do you need to pass for those who are going to master the economic profession.

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Everything you need to know about enrolling in a military school after grades 9 and 11.

Universities offer a number of popular specialties, as well as creative professions that require additional knowledge and skills. Before choosing a future profession, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for entering the chosen specialty, find out the list of exams and clarify information about internal entrance tests. Each university has the right to present its own individual requirements, which should be taken into account when choosing an educational institution. In this section, we have collected information about the most interesting and in-demand professions and reviewed the basic rules for entering these specialties.

Choice of specialty

Choose the exam subjects you are going to take

Find out the specialties that are right for you

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Education News

  • Approbation of the GIA in Chinese began in Russia November 8, 2017, Wednesday
  • Scientists have calculated the age of the oldest spiral galaxy in Sun. November 7, 2017, Tuesday
  • The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation discussed the fall of children's tourism November 7, 2017, Tuesday
  • 10 rubles per week, multiplied by the age of the child - the amount of karma. November 2, 2017, Thursday
  • "Fool" on the student's forehead cost the teacher 1 thousand rubles and work November 1, 2017, Wednesday

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He who is happy himself does not wish harm to others.


USE for 5!

No matter how much you delay, you will have to prepare for the exam, and it is better to start it early. Especially if you dream of passing exams in compulsory and selected subjects for 5.

Spanish tutor - looking for the right one

Any dialect has features, something attractive. The difference is that one is used by thousands of people, while the other is spread over a modest region.

Internships abroad - is it valuable knowledge or endless parties?

Marina Roshchina is a graduate of Ural Federal University, graduated with honors from the Faculty of World Economy and international business. Today he works at Sberbank, travels a lot and plans to get a law degree. As a third-year student, Marina participated.

(Issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor)

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Professions after 11 - list

List of professions after grade 11

Not every graduate after high school continues to study at further levels of education - there can be many reasons for this. Despite the barriers to obtaining higher qualifications, all boys and girls after grade 11 are already in demand in many areas, and all you need to find a job is desire. Below are sample professions for high school graduates. The article will consider options only for permanent employment.

Professions after grade 11 - list for boys

For young men, the profession of the military direction is relevant, because with good condition health, an adult guy after graduating from school is obliged to serve in the army. After completing the mandatory service, your desire to continue working in the army is always welcome. In the present, the military is a fairly privileged category of the population: monetary allowance is at a fairly high level, the state provides housing, as well as early retirement.

Also, after a short training after school, the profession of a train driver, metro, tram, etc. becomes available. Very often, housing and various benefits are provided during the training.

  • A loader is an exceptionally difficult and sought-after profession, suitable only for guys, and strong ones at that. It usually compensates salary slightly above average;
  • The work associated with logging is not easy and not the most profitable. Not everyone wants to get involved with her;

Demanded professions after grade 11 - list

A huge layer of professions is highly skilled labor. Secondary vocational and higher education is valued more and more: simple operations are more often performed by automation. The list of professions is huge.

A guy can choose to be an auto mechanic by getting a college qualification. There is no place for white-collar jobs at such a job, but it is in great demand and, with an accumulated client base, is profitable. Girls can choose medical business. After receiving a diploma of secondary medical education, become a nurse or pharmacist.

Higher education can open the way to a great variety of prestigious professions. After passing a long and difficult training, with an increase in experience, you will be able to take high positions in your specialty. Universities and institutes offer a range of specialties from engineers to lawyers, from applied mathematicians to interior designers, from medical professionals to diplomats, and so on.

Among the most sought-after professions for boys and girls are:

  • Medical workers;
  • IT specialists;
  • Engineers of various fields of production;
  • Bank employees;
  • Builders;

It is almost impossible to tell which profession is right for you. But before choosing your vocation, it is recommended to study the labor market in your and other regions at least at a basic level. It would not be superfluous to find out the forecast for the level of supply and demand for specific professions for several years ahead.

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To get a job after the 11th grade, without blat, is really possible only for a low-paid job. Given the level of unemployment, most employers prefer to hire professionals with seniority and experience.

To get a job after the 11th grade, without blat, is really possible only for a low-paid job. Mostly as a waiter, loader, cleaner or janitor. Given the level of unemployment, most employers prefer to hire professionals with seniority and experience.

It is desirable to combine work after grade 11 with study in absentia or remotely. The sister's son is studying and working in a mobile communications campaign. They have their own corporate settings in a Western manner. He likes it and there are growth opportunities. He passed the selection, testing, work as a trainee. Salary by our provincial standards is not bad.

I agree with everyone that if after the 11th grade you go to work without blat, then you won’t have to count on a high job. It’s better to either go to study or have a goal for yourself and immediately after the end of the 11th grade go to work hard. Of course, the choice is yours if you want to earn more then you need to develop.

For men, indeed, after serving in the Army, you can stay in the same place, for extra military service under a contract. Provision of housing, at the place of service. Great salary, further admission and studies are welcome. Most people retire at the age of 45, two years is taken into account. Possible transfer to a better or bigger city, to a higher position. It's confidence, a career. Military personnel are not fired just like an ordinary worker can be fired. In addition, it is very rare that someone is fired, even with a reduction in staff, they offer a transfer to another unit for further service. Discipline has not been lost in the Army and, in a sense, is still in effect. Soviet Union. And no one just gets fired.

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List of professions after grade 11. Prestigious and in-demand professions

Today, our attention will be presented with a list of professions after grade 11. In general, after graduating from school, it will not be so difficult to go somewhere. But finding a job is already a rather big problem for modern schoolchildren and students. It is also important to choose a direction that will be prestigious and in demand in the future. This will help eliminate employment problems. So, let's try to figure out which profession to choose after grade 11.

The medicine

The first scenario is to go to medical school and then study to be a doctor. Surgeons, pediatricians, dentists are very popular now. True, for this you will have to sit at the university for about 7 years, and then undergo an internship.

However, if you are interested in in-demand professions after grade 11, and with all this, you understand biology and chemistry, then you can really learn to be a doctor. They are currently in short supply. To make your work profitable and prestigious, just get a job in a private clinic upon graduation. And in this case, you do not have to worry about your earnings, as well as the popularity of your direction. At a minimum, the years spent at the university will not be in vain.

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And we continue our list of professions with you after grade 11. In fact, professions in demand may not be the most prestigious. And, moreover, not highly paid. Just one of these now include the direction of management. We are talking about the area that we are used to seeing - about the lowest link.

What it is? The thing is that the entire management is divided into 3 parts: higher, middle and lower level. The first two are the real managers, bosses. And the last - just what is so popular and in demand today in the labor market - the most common, so to speak, junior managers. These include: sellers, cashiers, catering workers and fast food cafes, movers, cleaners, sales representatives. In principle, all those professions that a student or schoolchild can get a job.

However, these are quite popular professions after grade 11. You can train to be a manager, gain experience in a lower-level field during your studies, and then move into a management position. So, do not be afraid of this specialty. Plus, it's pretty easy and simple to get into it.


Good professions after grade 11, to be honest, should be adequately paid. And just one of those jobs can be attributed to engineering. Today Russia does not have enough personnel who will be engaged in this work. There are simple engineers and equipment installers.

You can get such an education by entering the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. You will have to study long and hard in order to be able to find a normal job later. Unfortunately, this direction is not very popular among applicants. After all, often engineers are paid a rather small salary, which is incomparable with the responsibility and duties in the workplace.


Our list of professions after grade 11 continues. To be honest, along with doctors and physicians, a very popular position today is a teacher. Only among graduates this work is not particularly popular.

There are more and more people, first-graders too. Schools and kindergartens are expanding before our eyes. Yes, but there is no one to teach children. In order to become a good teacher, now you need to get a pedagogical education, as well as get a second "tower" in the direction in which you want to work. That is, if it is chemistry and biology - medical, physics - physics and mathematics, mathematics / geometry - mathematics, and so on. With all this, you will be loaded with work up to your ears, and the salary, as a rule, for teachers is meager. Only in private schools teaching is a really prestigious job.


Professions for girls after grade 11, to be honest, are more popular and in demand. And they are often paid much better than any other direction. If you are a girl who does not know where to go to study after school, but with all this, you want to get a “purely female profile” education, then you can go to school to become a cosmetologist. Or a manicurist.

These professions for girls after grade 11 are quite in demand. Yes, there are a lot of such masters and cosmetologists now. But the clients keep coming. On all several masters of time will not suffice. So, cosmetology and manicure are quite popular and profitable areas. Especially if you are a private master, and also get a job in some private and good salon. Training in this area is shorter than in any other area. And there is almost no competition - each client (and there are many) chooses a master for himself. Try it, you won't regret it!

Office worker

Now the list of professions after grade 11, which can only be called in demand, continues indefinitely. However, there is another very necessary area in which new personnel are always required. This is an office job.

To be honest, many people want to work in this way. However, to achieve this, you will have to get an economic or legal education. Sometimes students who have graduated from management also have an opportunity. And, congratulations, you will become the most ordinary office worker.

There are many such employees now, but there is a huge turnover of personnel in the labor market. And so a new "office plankton" is always needed. What will you have to do in your place? As a rule, work with documents, write reports, sometimes sell goods and services through phone calls. In principle, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

But you should immediately warn - office workers are often loaded with someone else's work. And they put pressure on you morally. Not everyone will agree to this. For this reason, after working for some time in the office, people move to another company. Or quit altogether. So when you take on a career as an office worker, you have to prepare for a lot of pressure. If you can endure it, you will achieve heights in building a career, and you will also begin to receive good pay. Not? Then you have to look for another job.

How to find yourself

If you cannot decide where to go to study, then the so-called test for a profession after grade 11 will help you. As a rule, all future school graduates take it. Approximately at the beginning of the school year.

What will be in the test? Many questions that will illustrate your behavior in different situations, as well as show your abilities, skills, emotional stability and ambition. After a clear analysis, psychologists will make a verdict - to whom and what profession is more suitable. Unfortunately, usually the test results and the desires of future applicants diverge. In general, listen to yourself - this is the only way you can choose the best profession for yourself.

More and more often, schoolchildren who are fond of computers are thinking about what to take for a programmer. This profession is considered one of the most paid around the world, not only in Russia. Becoming a programmer, you can achieve certain heights in your career. More often than not, being a programmer is a calling. So, success is sure to await the graduate. But what will applicants have to endure? What exams to take? How is the learning process going? Where to go to study? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. After all, today's students are given a lot of opportunities. And programming can be done in a variety of ways.

Programmer: perspectives

To begin with, it is worth understanding how much programming is in demand in modern world. A programmer is a person who is not only well versed in computers, but also creates new programs, as well as websites. In fact, this is an IT employee.

Programming is a promising direction. Having received a diploma in the relevant specialty, you can build a good career. The average salary of a programmer is 100-150 thousand rubles. That is why many think about admission. But where and how much to study? What is the student to study?

About training

Before entering programming, it is necessary to understand not only the prospects of the chosen profession, but also how the training will take place. Quite often, most applicants change programming to another specialty in the first 2 years of study. Because they simply can't handle the load.

Programming will have to study Information Technology and various programming languages. Usually students are taught to work with:

  • JAVA;
  • basic;
  • Visual Basic;
  • Visual C++.

In some cases, they also study C, Delphi, HTML programming. All this is not as easy as it seems. You will also have to be well versed in computer science, logic and mathematics. After all, the direction is mainly mathematical. Not suitable for people with humanitarian talents.

Accordingly, you will have to think a lot, make mistakes, program, invent and learn. It is because of C ++ that some students refuse to specialize. Learning this language is not as easy as it seems.

If you are interested in what exams you need to take for a programmer, it is worth considering that in the learning process you will have to learn how to compose and write programs. This is a very long occupation that requires perseverance.

No uniqueness

What do you need to take to become a programmer? We will have to learn one important fact - there is no unequivocal answer to this question. The fact is that a lot depends on which direction of programming is chosen. They also independently establish a list of exams that the applicant must pass.

That is why you first have to figure out where to go to study. Depending on this, one or another USE list will be offered after grade 11. Under certain circumstances, you can not take any exams at all, but at the same time successfully unlearn to be a programmer. This is a rather rare case, it will be discussed a little later. So where to study in the chosen direction?

Where to apply

There is no single answer here. Many schoolchildren think that they need to pass in order to enter the programmer. As already mentioned, you first need to understand where exactly to submit documents. And in the selected institution to clarify this issue.

But where to study as a programmer in Russia? Can:

  1. Enter the university in the Faculty of Mathematics. For example, at Moscow State University. In every technical university there is a specified direction. You can't learn to be a programmer in liberal arts universities.
  2. Seek help from technical schools and colleges. As a rule, they enter either after the 9th or after the 11th grade. It is in this situation that you can sometimes not take any exams at all.
  3. Complete specialized courses in the direction of "Programming". Good way self-education. It does not require any examinations at all for enrollment. You will have to apply to private training centers. They are in every city.

Accordingly, the question of what to take as a programmer most often arises among university and college applicants. What are they preparing for? What items should you pay attention to first?

Required subjects

Want to learn to be a programmer? What exams are needed? You will have to hand over a lot of different items. Start with the essentials. That is, from those that are the same in all educational institutions.

The list of such entrance examinations includes only 2 subjects. Namely:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

The second exam is taken at the profile level. Russian is not needed directly for admission. It is simply included in the list of compulsory subjects that are required from students to graduate and receive a certificate of secondary full education.


  • physics;
  • Informatics;
  • foreign language.

The most common combination of exams is mathematics + physics + computer science. But it may also be that you have to write the exam in specific subjects. Namely:

  • social science;
  • foreign;
  • biology (very rare).

In any case, you will have to pay attention to the exact sciences. Humanitarian areas and programming do not go together in principle. Therefore, as already mentioned, it is better for people with a non-mathematical mindset to refrain from entering.

Now it’s clear how to learn to be a programmer. What exams are needed? An applicant to a university must:

  • Russian;
  • mathematics;
  • informatics;
  • physics.

More precisely, as already mentioned, in universities this scenario is most common. And what about colleges?

In colleges

The answer to this question is not as difficult as it seems. Interested in the direction of "Programmer"? What do you need to pass after the 9th grade in order to enter a particular technical school? As in the case of universities, you will have to clarify the information in a specific educational institution. But most often, the presence of a GIA is sufficient for:

  • Russian language;
  • informatics;
  • mathematics.

Physics and other subjects in college, especially after grade 9, are rarely required. From now on, it is clear what needs to be taken as a programmer. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Becoming a programmer is easier than graduating.