What you need to open shawarma. How to open shawarma (shaver) from scratch? What documents are needed to open Shawarma

Significant propagation was simple, but convenient points of fast food - Kiosks for the preparation of shawarma.

They can be found in any big city and at the same time start a similar one's own point is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance.

This type of business is attractive with its relative simplicity and speed of creation. The initial investment is quite modest and with successful circumstances will quickly pay off.

The variability of the final form of the establishment is enormous, you can open as a small kiosk specializing exclusively on the sale of food, and a larger room, where visitors will be able to eat at the tables.

The outdoor food format fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the metropolis, booming life, and with competent positioning your business will exist for many years.

Recently, the spread of stalls with Shawarma has slightly decreased due to increasing competition from the numerous mobile points of fast food. The minus start in this area is its low prestige, the majority believes that this type of business is the lot of emigrants. Most establishments are very similar among themselves, and if you give your unique highlight, then consumers will notice, and revenues will certainly grow.

What are the documents and permits

The required package of documents is quite significant, and some efforts are required and a lot of time to get everything. Most entrepreneurs make up such a business, but if it is planned to sell not only shawarma and soft drinks, and alcohol, it is necessary.

You will also need the following:

  • After successfully searching for the location of the stall and conclude a lease agreement, you need to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor to install the trading point in a particular place. In fact, this document confirms that in the case of fires and other emergencies, your kiosk will not create obstacles when evacuating people.
  • Additionally, the same instance issues a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion that the production process complies with all standards.
  • At this, Rospotrebnadzor does not stop and still requires a production control program, which in the idea should be a tool for continuous monitoring for product quality.
  • The entire proposed range must be issued certificates of compliance with the requirements of standards.
  • Easy the form of personnel at home is prohibited, you need to conclude a contract for the use of laundry services.
  • Even if the sanitary situation in the room is impeccable, state bodies will still require an agreement on the conduct of disinfection, disinsection, deratization of surfaces and ventilation systems.
  • Employees must be decorated according to labor legislation standards and have properly completed medical records, which are tolerance to work with food products.

Bureaucratic Volokita is the most tiring process when opening a business, and many use the mediation services of agencies that will get rid of you from the hours spent in the queues for a democratic price.

It is also not recommended to get involved in bribery when designing permits, regulators like numerous checks, during which simply reveal explicit violations. It is better to do everything initially in accordance with legal requirements.

Format options

All options for point format can be divided into stationary and mobile ("on wheels"):

  • The advantage of mobile institutions is their fast transportation when celebrating the day of the city and other mass events, when the need for fast food is maximum.
  • At the same time, stationary premises can have more efficient equipment, comfortable tables and other amenities. Most often, stationary points open on the first floors of buildings, the angular placement will only strengthen the recognition of the institution. Quite often use ready-made small architectural forms. The range of such kiosks is huge, while they have basic communications for further configuration. It is advisable to give your own point a unique appearance to become distinguished among many faceless competitors.

Select location

Perhaps this nuance is most important for the profitability of the future enterprise. Of course, you can prepare the best shawarma in the city for a reasonable price, have a very attractive exterior, but without constant human stream, all your efforts will be useless.

The following factor is the potential demand for street fast food in this place. For example, there are 2 metro stations near the metro stations, and 3 points on the implementation of Shawarma, and the next institution of such a plan is unlikely to quickly pay off, and in the face of competitors you will become a true enemy, due to which their income fell.

An ideal option will be a crowded place, but so that there are no similar points on the horizon. Many acquire Shawarma spontaneously, simply seeing nearby a kiosk with smearing flavors, and your point should become exactly the choice for customers.

Equipment for the point

Cooking shawarma - the process of infertility, and special devices do not need. Basic are the following devices:

  • grill;
  • burners;
  • refrigerator;
  • cash machine.

The grill is the main place to prepare the product, and the large difference between gas and electric models does not exist. All is based solely on the required performance and financial capabilities.

Grill burners require more close attention when buying. When purchasing a simple grill, the product quality will in no way affect, but if you choose an unreliable burner, you can lose the preferences of buyers.

With the refrigerator, everything is very simple, it must accommodate all the necessary ingredients. That's just exactly planning this parameter in theory is very difficult, everything will be cleared only in the first months of work. Therefore, it is not necessary to purchase refrigeration equipment with small capacity, it is easier to buy a large device immediately than to buy another one to meet the growing demand.

Since it is preferable to function fully legally, the simplest cash register will become excellent proof of legitimate income.

The process of cooking products you can carefully examine on the following video:

Necessary personnel

The staff is the face of the enterprise, it is worth hiring people of the appropriate appearance, the presence of charisma is only welcome. Cooking shawarma is very simple, and require the availability of the cooking of the cook is irrational. With due skill, even the most unpromising officer will become a virtuoso preparation of products in a matter of days.

Mandatory is the absence of Venus dermatological diseases and a correctly filled sanitary book. The fluidity of frames in this business is significant, and should always be in the reserve of a reliable worker.

Purchase of raw

Ingredients for shawarma (meat and fresh vegetables) perishable, so it is necessary to constantly analyze the level of sales in order not to overreal the expiration date. After achieving some level of predictability of the implementation, it is worth thinking about the quality of the products.

Ideally, if a farmer is found that supplies consistently high-quality products at adequate prices.

The use of such components will distinguish between your goods from the product of competitors who purchase the factory raw materials on the wholesale platforms. In negotiations regarding the value of raw materials, it is worth insist on progressive discounts regarding procurement. This will serve as an additional incentive for the development of the enterprise.

Plastic advertising

Traditional advertising channels are poorly adapted for promoting shores for sale. The vast majority of customers know that specifically this shawarma is delicious, or simply make a purchase, because this shopping point turned out to be closer than others.

But this does not mean that advertising your business is not needed. Many create entire networks from multiple points, and if you think about the future, it is recommended to take participation in all sorts of festivals Street meal, periodically offer sharesFor example, when buying Shawarma - tea for free. Also high quality, noticeable and unique signboard - One of the best advertising media that is obliged to attract attention.

The costs and profitability of the project

All business costs besides initial investment, it is worth separating for further analysis on permanent and variables. Depending on the size of the investment business, when starting, can be from 3 to 10 thousand dollars.

The lion's share of constant costs will consist of rent and wages. Direct raw material costs, electricity and other relatively small, and there is no need to cut them.

It is important not to forget that receiving the profit is not the original task of the business, the priority need to recoup the money invested at the start.

What is the article?

Open shawarm The task is not from the lungs, you need a lot of strength, but no one said that it would be easy. The most accounts for the documentation:

  1. Permissions.
  2. Documents for trade from sanitary and epidemiological and fire services.
  3. A document that confirms the range.
  4. Product quality certificates.

In order to open Shawarma, buy a pavilion, or another design, but for this contact local authorities to obtain relevant recommendations. Develop the menu concept, then it will be clear which in gradients, and how much is necessary for normal operation. Get already pickled raw materials, but hold it for a long time, it is spoiled, especially in the summer, immediately prepare the dish from it. If you know what trade turnover, then it will be easier to adjust the delivery. It is best to buy and pick it up with himself, but not all at once, parts, depending on the number of customers. There are different designs in which they sell food.

The advantages of stalls in trade:

  • Detached building.
  • Rental of land at the administration.
  • The check will be only after a year, or if a complaint has come to you.
  • If the strings on the wheels are registering - this is a vehicle.

Decide where the goods will be implemented. The wrong selection of the location will lead the collapse. Before concluding the contract, ask to show a contract with the city authority.

The cost of equipment depends on the country of the manufacturer, foreign more expensive, our order is less. Having agreed with the suppliers, having received all the permits, putting the strap - gain workers. Check the work of the cook, try dishes, and then, make the opening, invite buyers.

What you need to open shawarma

To start selling Shawarma, finance is required. In order to understand how to make a loan, and what capital in what size will need, calculate about the paper, how much and what you need. Answer exactly how much money for the opening of Shawarma will be required, no one will be able, because it all depends on the city of sale, competition where you will post sales and many other factors.

Money on the opening of a stall with Shawarma can be obtained:

  • Take a loan bank. When signing the contract, read it very carefully if there are a lawyer who are familiar with him.
  • Investment. Find an investor who will not invest. Excellent version of the business partner.
  • State aid.

You, as the owner, should understand what will be placed in a stall, or a kiosk, how the kitchen will work, the equipment as it works, watch the work of the sellers and the cook, whether they do it correctly, whether the technological process does not violate whether the safety technique complies. For a beginner businessman, it is important to understand what it will be for the design. Choose a place best where there are a lot of educational institutions, business centers.

By thinking to open Shawarma, make it possible to, for example, in the summer to put the tables, near the stall for convenience in the summer, and if you work in the winter period, the room should be prepared for this.

A more important component for any business is new customers. Shawarma is a food that people most often buy it for snacks, or to enjoy. A good option will make the site of your products so that your customers can learn about it, familiarize yourself with the assortment. You do not need a lot of staff, several chefs and accountants will be enough.

  • For normal operation, buy equipment:
  • The grill on which roasted meat.
  • Refrigerator in which you will store products.
  • Working surface for the seller;
  • Sink with washbasin.
  • Cashbox.
  • Microwave.
  • Storage bedside tables.

Your commercial premises connect to electricity and water supply.

How to open shawarm

You eat Shawarma, but you do not like where they are preparing, in what conditions, and where are they selling? Exit only one - do the cooking shawarma yourself. So you can control the whole process, you will follow the quality of the products, pick up the team of cooks, will be confident in the product you sell.

Do you want to sell Shawarma? This product is delicious if cooked from fresh products on new equipment and indoors that correspond to safety technician. To open Shawarma, make an approximate plan for implementing your project. You have a clear understanding where you will produce a product who will be your customers.

To determine their competitors, you can just walk near the metro stations, and see how they are preparing. There they do not always do it well, and with violation of all possible rules. Shawarma or Shaverm is a sought-after product that came to us from a close east. Quite inconspicuous beef with vegetables, twisted in the pellet began to be in demand. The mystery of success is cleaner, comfortable and maybe there is on the go.

For the dish, select only fresh pita. In the event that he is not except - it is no longer suitable. It will explode and burst. By the way, so that he stays longer, it turned out to be free to freeze! Before cooking, remove from the freezer and put it in the refrigerator in order for it. Huge sense has a sauce. Naturally, mayonnaise is used, or Ketchup. But in case you have time - make sauces yourself.

For cooking use 2 sauces - a snow-white garlic and acute scarlet. Correct the filling then the shawarma will not fall apart! Lavash leaf straightened, mix a little a little water with lemon juice. On the middle, lubricate the snow-white sauce, put vegetables from above. Pour the sauce and lay out meat. From above all pour ketchup. At the beginning, overcoat the stuffing with brief edges, and then wrap as a roll. In case the shawarma cooled, do not heal it, it will flow and will open. Heat on a frying pan without oil use.

Open Shawarma if you really want to do on this business and make a profit will have to delve into all processes. Let's look at how to prepare Shawarma. From the very beginning it was called "Shaverm". Preparing exclusively from the calf and lamb meat, but the Turks contributed to the traditional recipe chicken. The main ingredients is meat with spices. She is preparing, on special equipment that rotates.

The meat is maridious and the mustache is striking on the needle for the root. Tastier all turns cooked on coal shawarma. Take meat from the hip part, spend it with spices, marinate a few hours. The main spice of turmeric and paprika, you can add cardamom, pepper or curry. This is a dish that is popular in our country.

The main dish should be delicious because the profitability of the business depends on it. Diversify a list of dishes, you can, making it with different tastes, from different types of meat seasoned with different tastes at the request of the client. Buy only fresh meat that will not be labeled in the refrigerator, and it will immediately go for cooking.

Equipment for cooking shawarma:

  • Electric grill.
  • Refrigerator for meat storage.
  • Microwave.
  • Burner for your grill.

Personnel pick carefully, preferably with experience in restaurants. The main cook must quickly prepare shawarma and tasty. Read more: how to open a cafe of healthy nutrition.

What you need to open Shawarma

Open stall with shawarma At first glance, it's easy, but the most difficult to get permission from fire, sanitary, tax services. The most important discovery document is permits from SanEpidem Service and Fire Safety. At the end of the check, start purchasing equipment, and pick up staff.

First, find a profitable place. The main mistake of most businessmen is to find, or pay money for rent area in a business center, ill-friendly room. The cons of this approach is a high rental cost, it will be necessary to get permission from Employees of the SES and the fire service. It is best to install a stall on the land plot, taking it to rent, or buy a mobile design, it is much more profitable and cheaper.

Next, you will make a range of products, a list of raw materials, and plan processes. Make a filling of different, so you will have a lot of variety. For filling there are many options. You can buy meat and independently cut it and marine, it will be much more profitable and cheaper. You need to buy a refrigerator, or a refrigeration chamber, grill, kitchen inventory, microwave.

The production of the product should be engaged in a cook that loves it to do, because delicious is the key to good sales.

Preparation technology includes such steps:

Cut meat thin.

Hangle on Shafur.

Cut meat with small pieces.

All ingredients lay out on Lavash.

All fry on oil.

Sell \u200b\u200ba product in branded packages. So it will be very convenient for you and customers.

How much does it cost to open shawarma

The opening of your business project requires capital investment. The initial value of the investment depends on where you will open the sale of Shawarma, how long will the registration take, whether you will pay for the rented land, what equipment are purchased, and from many other nuances.


  • Small attachments for start.
  • Find cooks for Shawarma.
  • Non-flat registration.


  • Big competition.
  • Products are prepared from perishable products.

Features of the opening of a stall with shawarma

For fans of oriental dishes, the opening of a stall with the sale of Shawarma is a real holiday. But buying your product, they will only if it is cooked from fresh meat and will be very tasty.

A feature of the development of such a business is the time spent on paperwork. Good location, delicious shawarma and acceptable price are the main components of the success.

For success in business it is necessary:

  • Selected location
  • Excellent service.
  • For success:
  • Quality products.
  • Diverse assortment.
  • Purity.
  • Good faith.
  • Discounts.
  • Good prices.

The main feature of trade is the success of a business that depends on the flow of people.

Shawarma Business Plan

Shawarma Business Plan - This is a clear understanding of how much money and what will go. An approximate time to start such a draft month 3. You can hire a lawyer to accelerate the time, which will take place of permits from instances. Buy stall, rent land and invite staff you will take 2 months.

This document describes:

  • Goals and objectives.
  • Brief summary of the whole document.
  • Analysis of the market for the sale of shawarma, one can characterize both the city and the country.

To highlight its competitors, it is also desirable to make a brief description of their negative parties in work, how and what they attract buyers, due to which. To do this, it is advisable to look into some of them, to eat, see how the cook works, evaluate how to make shawarma, view the menu, note important dishes for yourself.

Very good, will ask a question, when ordering: And so that you recommend me, or with what filling you have the most delicious shawarma, how much time it takes her cooking. The most important factor when buying is whether the seller has a pass.

Development Strategy:

  • Price for shawarm. Curlee the approximate cost of products with different fillings. Make it a little lower than in other places.
  • Product.

Make a menu, enter a variety. In addition to the main - Shawarma, sell juices, mineral water, non-alcoholic drinks, so you will have more customers. For example, while the buyer is waiting for an order, give him a questionnaire, where there will be a number of questions:

  1. You like our products.
  2. To add to the range.
  3. With what fillings you would like to try Shawarma.
  4. It suits you the location of our stall.
  5. Wherever you want our stall to open.
  6. Whether it would be convenient for you, we would sat down we launched the delivery of Shawarma.

    Specifying such questions, you can identify customer needs, make business work under the needs of your buyers.

  • Sales. Install operation and output mode if they are. How many people you need to work.
  • Advertising. As you will inform already existing and potential consumers of products about your updates, promotions, etc. It is very economical, because when opening such a business, you do not need to make an advertising company. The client will make it himself, coming for Shawarma the next time. If you want to use promotional methods, then the main of them:
  1. a) Distribution of flyers.
  2. b) Group in social networks, filling it with information, carrying out the drawing.

    Make financial calculations (the cost of renting, equipment, employee salary, the costs of paperwork, as well as an approximate request price, costs and advertising).

Shawarma Stages Business Plan:

  • Register enterprises and get permissions.
  • Rent a stall.
  • Purchase equipment and furniture.
  • Score staff.
  • Open a stall.

Stages of the business plan for the opening of Shawarma:

  • Registration of your business

You need to register as a private entrepreneur, and think what taxation system is better to choose. You can also blow non-alcoholic drinks and still food. You will be brought to a single registry and put pressure on.

  • Place for sale

For sale Shaurama, you can buy a ready strand and put it, or pay for an existing one. The second option is much easier, because you do not need to resolve local authorities, it already has the owner.

  • Permissions

The fire service will examine the premises and will issue its safety recommendations. Read more: what is a franchise.

  1. Choose the city center.
  2. Near educational institutions.
  3. Near markets and bazaars.
  4. In the proximity of parks, and places of entertainment of a large number of peoples


For tasty shawarma, high-quality equipment is needed.

  1. Grill. A gas grill is more economical, but for its use it is necessary to resolve the gas service. It is also recommended to use electric.
  2. Grill burners
  3. Refrigerator. It is mandatory, since without it you will not get the resolution of the SES.
  • Personnel search

In order to determine which personnel you need, first determine the schedule of his work. Personnel for Sale Shawarma:

  1. Cook.
  2. Seller (1-2).
  3. Accountant.
  4. Cleaner.

For all employees, place sanitary books, inspect the safety technique. Furnishing service guarantee of good work and positive image.

An important factor is the appearance of a stall, or kiosk. They can be very comfortable and functional. The signage should be seen from all sides, while so that it does not look too defiantly. It will be warm in winter and not hot in summer. The cost of shopping kiosk is significantly less than to build its own store.

You can also buy a shopping stall, and it will be immediately delivered to the object, or you can develop an individual project, then it will take time. The cost is less than you will build anew. Depending on the size of the building, a total area and internal filling. According to the functional purpose, it can be mobile and stationary. By type of external sheaving and metal frame.

The price may be different. Lark - a building that consists mainly of 1st floor, and everything you need is inside: kitchen, restroom, storage room, etc. The cost depends on many factors, mostly materials that are used internal compounds. You can see the approximate cost on the websites of companies. The area, the complexity of the design, all this affects the price. The standard design size does not change and, accordingly, the price of different companies is almost the same.

For the sale of Shawarma, the price of an ordinary stall will be much less than, if you order it, to work in the winter period, because then the cost will be able to check whether heating has been conducted there, whether he was insulated.

Practicality, durability and universality of use, comfort, due to this they have a high period of operation. Manufacture of no less than two weeks, it all depends on the area, the number of windows, designs. It can be placed on a small area, and at the same time work is comfortable in it.

An excellent option is a pavilion for trading. It can also be traded with Shawarma. Put the room is already pre-purchased, much more profitable than renting square meters in the mall. When developing a model, we can choose the size, wall thickness, color, insulation. The most important thing in the construction process make conditions for working personnel comfortable.

Choosing a stall for Shawarma, pay attention to firms that have their own production. Enterprise, which is independent of its contractors, reliable. He will never have problems with the materials, and the order is manufactured within the specified time frame. The main leaving will be a huge selection and an individual approach to the client.

The stalls are standard in size, their manufacture leaves from a few days to a week or two. Insulation is insulated, the walls are crumpled, moisture-resistant floor and wiring. Considering all these nuances, you can safely acquire the room, sell your products every year, not loose, it is frost, wind, or heat.

Business Shaurma - It is now very popular. Invested investments pay off due to the highest demand. The high degree of competition at this stage gives the key to obtain income. The plan in which includes, the cost of all articles.

Shawarma or "Shaverm", or "Döner Kabab" - the confused meat wrapped in Lavash, mixed with sliced \u200b\u200bgreens, vegetables, sauce and mayonnaise. Shawarma got the greatest spread in Germany, where today there are about 20 thousand points for the sale of this fast food. In Russia, this dish has been associated with something risky and even dangerous to health (including, from a sanitary point of view). However, in its properties, many types of fast food are losing: Belyashi, pancakes, pies, potatoes, etc. Unlike all listed species, it does not contain carcinogens in shawarm, which is in any food that fries on the oil. In addition, greens and vegetables are added to the shawarma, which contain crude fiber. The only thing that can spoil this product is the shelf life of the ingredients from which the dish is prepared. But it is equally true to any type of fast food.

Be that as it may, the demand for this product is saved quite high. Shawarma deserved its popularity, thanks to its taste, shades and affordable price. It is possible, for example, to eat in a cafe for 200 rubles and not to rise, but you can eat shawarma for 100 rubles and feel quite well.

Due to the popularity of this fast and cheap dish, the opening of the specialized point for the sale of Shawarma, even in a small town, may be quite a successful project.


Many novice entrepreneurs attract relatively low costs of business in this business. Full business on shawarme can be organized by having capital up to 500 thousand rubles. Such a sum is enough to purchase a small kiosk or pavilion, purchase equipment and ingredients for the preparation of street fast food.

The required starting amount depends on the format of the institution. Here you can select several options:

  1. trade of Shawarma in a stationary room. You rent a small area in any building, for example, at the grocery store, in the indoor pavilion on the market, etc. Your main costs in this case are the purchase of equipment and cosmetic point repair (design). The start of the case may be enough and 200 thousand rubles. The lack of such an option is high rental payments. Yes, and place is very difficult to find;
  2. opening a point in the kiosk or pavilion. The new kiosk will cost approximately 150-200 thousand rubles (you can buy b. Y. For 100 thousand rubles), about 150 thousand rubles will go to the purchase of equipment and the design of the point, 50 thousand rubles will be required to purchase products and ingredients. In total, about 400 thousand rubles will be required for the start of the case. The advantage of this option is the lack of dependence on the landlord, from here, and lower constant costs. The deficiency is the highest starting costs and a large number of coordination when installing the kiosk (rent or purchase of a land plot, connecting electricity, etc.);
  3. purchase a mobile "turnkey" mobile kiosk, fully equipped under the preparation and sale of shawarma and other fast food. For example, Kupava sells similar solutions. You can only find a land plot for the installation of a kiosk, and the kiosk and the equipment you get in the finished form. In addition, thanks to mobility, the kiosk can be moved to a new place without much difficulty. The only drawback of this option is the cost of a mobile kiosk, which is at least 500 thousand rubles (in the finished form).

Also, when opening your own business, do not forget about the reserve capital, at a minimum, at 100 - 150 thousand rubles. The fact is that for the first time months of work, the point will only gain popularity and proper flow of customers, most likely, will not be, the point will be unprofitable. In turn, you will need to pay for rent, salary and other unforeseen expenses.

Land search

After investment planning, you need to search for a land plot. If possible, it is necessary to choose the places of the greatest passability of people who need fast and inexpensive food. In this regard, the most beneficial will be placed near universities, outcomes from the subway, on bus stations, markets and taxi parking (can be around the clock).

The procedure for entering into an agreement for lease of a private and state land plot is somewhat different. In the first case, you need to contact the owner of the land plot (if this is the market - to the market administration). All you need is to agree on the conditions and conclude a lease agreement. It is easy, but in terms of rental payments, private territory is expensive (it all depends on its owner).

In the case of state land (in most cases, you will deal with it with it), you will have to visit the local administration. The lease agreement conclude in Kuga - the Urban Property Management Committee. The whole complexity of the procedure is the passage of the auction, the right to conclude a lease. That is, you have chosen the site, collected documents, suffered certain cash, but not the fact that it is you will get this site. The procedure for launching auction, its holding and concluding a lease agreement takes at least a month. It is difficult, but there is no other way.


The most important stage of the formation of a successful business is the search for personnel. Your cook should not just be able to prepare Shawarma - he must prepare her best in your city. Then it doesn't even matter how your point will be framed, and what are your prices - if the dish is delicious, demand will certainly.

Such qualities as hard work and patience are important here. With all the seeming simplicity of cooking dishes, it is sometimes sometimes in very harsh conditions, which not every person will withstand.

Equipment and assortment

The point for the sale of shawarma will be required to be equipped with everything necessary for the preparation of shawarma and accompanying dishes. The most basic is a device for cooking meat for shawarma. The device is equipped with burners and a special knife rotating in a circle, which is planted pre-sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of meat. These are those pieces of meat, which after cooking wrapped in Lavash. Buying a new apparatus will cost about 18 thousand rubles. By the way, such equipment is universally and can prepare other dishes, for example, kebab.

In addition to shawarma, the point must be prepared accordingly for the sale of related products. This will significantly increase the turnover of the outlet. In the summer, near the kiosk, it is necessary to establish a refrigerator for the sale of cooled beverages (lemonade, juice, water). Tea and coffee are also a mandatory part of the range. If the area allows, you can install the grill and sell grilled chicken (also no less popular product). Some entrepreneurs manage to organize even selling on the removal of some second dishes (pilaf) and salads.

Organizational matters

The optimal organizational form of business on Shawarme, in the case of the only owner, is an individual entrepreneurship. IP opens quickly, inexpensively and requires a minimum package of documents. When filling out a statement in the tax inspectorate, indicate the OKVED code 55.30 "The activities of restaurants and cafes".

As a tax system, it is advisable to use specials. Mode - USN (simplified taxation system). When wept, you pay a tax of 6% of revenue or 15% of profits (on your choice).

Many are also interested in the question, and what claims are presented to such objects, to whom can I ask for clarification? Since you are a catering company, then the main control body (all of their dozens) is Rospotrebnadzor (SES). Therefore, before the opening of the kiosk with Shawarma, visit the local SES branch and find out all that you are interested in. This will help avoid multiple problems that will arise if you ignore the requirements of the legislation.

Make all the requirements, in fact, not easy. According to the rules of the SES, your kiosk or the pavilion should be equipped with a ventilation system, water supply and toilet. Surov Russian law, but everything is solved. As a source of water, for example, you can use autonomous boilers, and you can go to the toilet to the next building. The main thing is to conclude an agreement so that in the case of the inspection it was, than to prove.

Business Plan of Kiosk Saurma


  • coordination in obtaining a land plot - 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of mobile kiosk "Kupava" with finished design and built-in equipment - 500 thousand rubles;
  • business registration and other organizational costs - 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 600 thousand rubles.

Permanent monthly expenses:

  • rent of land - 5 thousand rubles;
  • salary (2 people) - 50 thousand rubles;
  • communal payments - 10 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

TOTAL: 80 thousand rubles.

  • the average check is 100 rubles,
  • trading markup - 100%,
  • the average number of buyers per day is 100 people,
  • daily revenue - 10,000 rubles (of which 5,000 are material expenses),
  • daily income - 5,000 rubles, monthly - 150,000 rubles.

Hence the profit: 150 000 - 80,000 \u003d 70,000 rubles. Minus taxes (USN, 15% of profits), the net profit of the entrepreneur is 59,500 rubles. Playback of the project with such indicators occurs after 11 months of work.

In this material:

What do you need to open shawarma and ensure the influx of profits? The fast paced of modern life does not always allow to pay enough time to dinner, so many are content with fast snacks on the run, giving preference to satisfy and tasty fast food. Each will like roar meat, mixed with chopped vegetables, tasty sauce and a variety of seasonings, carefully loan in Lavash. Nutrient and raw shawarma is bought out quickly enough, so it is worth thinking about opening your own business in this area.

Selection of place to implement

This type of entrepreneurial activity does not require foreseen investment. Significant demand for shawarma contributes to an increase in the number of goods offered, income will increase over time. The advantage can be considered the mobility of the sales point, usually a mobile tent or stationary stall is selected for the sale of goods. You can develop a profitable project with the help of a specialist, and in the presence of certain knowledge and skills will not be difficult to cope.

Opening your own point is possible in the following formats:

  • mobile tent, which allows you to change location;
  • kiosk - constant point;
  • mini-diner, where in addition to the shawarm, various drinks or other types of fast food are offered.

The territorial location of the future stall plays a big role in the success of sales. Product sales is better to produce in crowded places where many potential buyers. It can be the place of arrival and departure of people, educational institutions, stops, shopping buildings, parks and attractions.

The organization of Shawarma is possible on the market itself or next to it, but there will be a decrease in the number of buyers from the moment the market is closed. You can rent a room inside the shopping centers, but in this case you will have to make decent financial investments for rent a pavilion, which will also reduce the amount of profit. Next to other points offering fast food, it is better not to install a stall, since sales will be lower.

Documentation and necessary permits

Before registering a business, you need to decide which documents to open shawarma must have. Having collected all the documentation, it is necessary to register as IP or LLC. The first is preferable in view of the cost savings and time. If you wish, to implement alcohol products together with the sale of shawarma it is better to register as a limited liability company.

Deciding with the placement of the future business, it is necessary to obtain permits from the SES and the fire service confirming the fulfillment of all regulatory requirements. These government agencies will have to pre-contract a service agreement. Failure to fulfill all the conditions for obtaining permits entails a long-term paperwork, it can push the opening of its own business for many months.

Be sure to check the conditions under which the products used for the manufacture of dishes are needed. The entire list can provide SES in personal circulation. Before checking, you need to pay the state duty. It is necessary to enlist the resolution and from the environmental service. During all the requirements for paperwork, a small amount of time is due to the requirements for issues.

Acquisition of equipment and hiring staff

The cost stage is the purchase of equipment for the preparation of fast food, storage of raw materials and finished products. Equipment:

  • electric grill for roasting meat and burner for him, an alternative to him can serve as a gas grill;
  • refrigerators purchased taking into account the requirements of the SES;
  • microwave for heating finished product;
  • cash machine.

For the organization of the workspace, you need to purchase a table, the couch, the necessary kitchenware. You should trace in advance so that electricity and water can be connected to the outlet. When choosing equipment, you need to pay attention to the comfort and safety of use, functionality. From these criteria will depend on the cost of purchased equipment.

It is not necessary to overpay to foreign suppliers if there is a high-quality analogue in the domestic market several times cheaper.

For high-quality and productive work, chefs are required. It is necessary to hire at least two, replacing each other. They need to undergo a special medical examination and hygienic certification, the test results will be indicated in the medical records. The profitability of the company as a whole will largely depend on their experience and professionalism, so it is desirable that they have the appropriate education and at least a little experience in the preparation of shawarma.

Purchase of raw materials and payback

It is impossible to open a business for the manufacture of shawarma without the necessary raw material. Therefore, planning includes and finding suppliers of delicious and high-quality raw materials. Big purchases require a permanent supplier who can faithfully issue small discounts and bonuses. During the six months, the invested costs will gradually be reimbursed from the beginning of the activity, and then the period of obtaining net profit from the sale of shawarma will begin.