Occupation drawing an aquarium 4 5 years. Drawing lesson "Fish", presentation for the lesson. Finger gymnastics "Fish"


1. Exercise children in the technique of working with gouache;

Exercise in the correct in the correct holding of the brush (without straining the muscles, and without squeezing the fingers);

To teach to pick up paint on a brush carefully, dip all the pile into a jar of paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar with a light touch of the pile;

Learn to draw with non-standard technique.

2. Develop aesthetic perception;

Draw the attention of children to the beauty of the surrounding objects and objects of nature;

To generate interest in the activities of the publishing house.

3. Cultivate love for pets;

To cultivate goodwill towards people, to help people.

Class type: Subject drawing.

Lesson type: Communication of new material (info-receptive method); exercise (reproductive method).

Equipment and materials: demonstration material - toys, a fish in an aquarium; handout - painted aquariums, a dish of paint, wet wipes, paints, a brush.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time:

Educator:-Hello guys! Take your seats. They sat down correctly, beautifully, legs together, backs straight.

MASHENKA enters the group. crying

Educator:- Honey, why are you crying?

Masha:- My fish got sick because she was bored alone in the aquarium. And there is no one to help me.

Educator: Don't cry Masha, we'll help you! Will the guys help Masha? Let's draw fish friends.


Educator: Now take a close look at the toy. Guys, who do you see on my palm? (Fish). Who has aquarium fish at home?

Look at the fish, it has a head and a body together. They form one unity.

What shape is the body of the fish? (oval). What shape does the tail look like? (triangle). What color is our fish? What other color are the fish?

Mobile game: "Know your color."

The teacher gives the children red, yellow, blue fish. Then he shows the ball and offers children with fish of the same color as the ball being shown, at the command “run to me!” run up to him.

Educator: The guys are now looking carefully, I will show you how we will draw a fish.

We lower the palm into a plate with paint. Then put your palm on the center of the sheet and press well. Then wipe your hand with a tissue.

We dip our finger in green paint and draw algae. We draw a wavy line without lifting your finger, press hard so that it is drawn well. We wipe our hands with a napkin. We take a brush for an iron shirt, first dip it in black paint and draw an eye and a mouth for the fish. Wipe excess paint from the brush on the edge of the jar.

Physical education minute

Fish swim in the water

Fish are fun to play with

They will shrink, they will unclench

They will bury themselves in the sand


Educator: Now let's take our seats. We start drawing. Do not forget that we first dip our palm into the paint, then draw algae, an eye and a mouth for a fish. Who finished drawing, we hang the work on the board.

Educator:-Children look at the pictures. Which drawing do you like best?

Masha comes in.

Masha:- Guys, look how fun my fish became because she has so many friends now! Thank you!

educator, MADOU No. 97 "Bee",

Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia

middle group.

Subject: « Fish swim in the aquarium» .

OO. Artistic and aesthetic development



  • expanding children's ideas about aquarium fish;
  • improving the ability to draw in an unconventional way, using geometric shapes.
  • the formation of orientation in space in children by depicting a fish in the center of a sheet of paper;
  • Improving the ability to use a brush and pencil correctly.


  • Develop an interest in an unconventional way of drawing;
  • Develop attention, imagination, memory;
  • Develop the artistic and creative abilities of children.


  • education of accuracy in drawing;
  • education of interest and respect for aquarium fish;
  • fostering friendly relations between children in the process of organizing communication about aquarium fish.
  • fostering a positive attitude towards the results of productive activity in the process of depicting the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Materials, equipment:

  • illustrations depicting fish;
  • schemes for drawing fish of various shapes.
  • album sheet in the form of an aquarium for everyone,
  • watercolor paints,
  • "non-spill", brushes No. 6,
  • wax crayons.
  • Presentation "Video letter from Masha"

Lesson progress

I. Motivational and incentive stage.

Masha and an empty aquarium are on the screen.

V .: Guys, guess what kind of round object Masha has? This is not just an object, but a house. But whose, try to guess.

That's right, fish. (fish of different sizes and colors on the screen) .

Guys, look carefully the fish are the same ? (No).

And how do they differ? (Body shape, size, color. Miscellaneous shape of fins and tails).

What do they all have in common fish? (Fish have a head, body, fins) .

Let's take a closer look at the fish. (fish on screen)

What does a fish have? (torso). What shape is it? (oval)

tail the fish serves as a rudder , and fins help her move in the water.

Guys, why do fish need scales? (protects the body fish from various injuries) .

That's right, when a fish swims along the bottom, it can get hurt on sharp stones, and the scales protect the body fish).

Let's and we will turn into little fish.

Fizminutka. "Five little fish"

Five small fish splashed in the river.

(Imitation of fish movement) .

There was a big log on the sand.

(Spread arms to sides)

First the fish said: - diving here is easy.

(Simulated diving)

The second one said: it's deep here.

(Threaten with index finger)

The third one said: I want to sleep.

(Hands folded under the ear)

The fourth began to freeze a little.

(rub hands over shoulders)

Fifth shouted: here is a crocodile,

(Hands imitate the mouth of a crocodile)

Swim quickly so you don't get swallowed.

(They sit on chairs.)

(on the screen again Masha)

Guys, let's help Masha fill it with beautiful colorful fish? With what can we do this?

II. Organizational-search stage.

productive activity.

Children sit at tables

The teacher shows the drawing method using a mnemonic card.

Guys, do you know fish can be drawn using geometric shapes? (Teacher shows a sample picture)

Educator: What geometric shapes does a fish look like? (children: oval, circle, triangles)

Educator: Well done. And now with the help of a finger, draw an oval in the air.

Straight, round, straight, round, connect.


Now the triangle:

Straight at an angle up, straight at an angle down, straight, connect

Finger gymnastics.

To make the handles work better, we let's play:

The fish swims in the water . (Put palms together and show how to swim

The fish is fun to play .

Rybka, small fish, mischievous, (Wag finger.)

We want to catch you. (Slowly bring your palms together.)

The fish bent its back , (Show again how it floats small fish.)

I took a crumb of bread (Make a grasping motion with your hands.)

The fish wagged its tail ,

The fish quickly swam away . (Show again how it floats small fish.)

The kids get to work.

Summary of the lesson: (Children hang their work on the stand)

Well done guys, now Masha will not be sad, because she has such wonderful fish.

"Dance with Masha"

(Masha praises the children and says goodbye)

MBDOU No. 8 kindergarten "Yolochka" of the Urensky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Synopsis of organized educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development


Topic: "Fish swim in the aquarium" .

Educator: Smirnova N. A


Program content:

To teach children to depict fish swimming in different directions: to correctly convey the shape, tail, fins. To instill the ability to draw with a brush and paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, using strokes of a different nature. To develop the ability to determine one's own goal and realize it, to celebrate one's own achievements and the achievements of other children. To cultivate independence, creativity, and determination.

Preliminary work:Conversation “Where do fish live?”, modeling fish, drawing with stencils, looking at the album “Aquarium fish”, placing fish drawing patterns in an art corner and drawing the attention of children to them, reading works of art: A.S. Pushkin "Goldfish", Permyak "The First Fish", N. Nosov "Karasik", I. Tokmakova's poem "Where the Fish Sleeps". Consideration of aquarium fish in a presentation, video film in order to introduce the names of fish, features appearance help me remember them.

Conversation with children about the presence of an aquarium at home. Involving families with an aquarium at home to the photo exhibition “My Aquarium”, a child to compose a story and tell peers “How I take care of fish at home”.

Used Books:T.S. Komarova “Visual activity in kindergarten / middle group /.

Material: Aquarium, toy fish of various shapes, sheets of paper in the shape of aquariums (round, rectangular and square), watercolor paints, jars of water, brushes, rags, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, pencils, an audio recording of the music of San Seine "Aquarium", the sound of the sea .

Lesson progress:

Q: Children, do you like surprises? (children's answers) I have prepared an interesting surprise for you today. Close your eyes and don’t open (I turn on San Sen’s “Aquarium” music) What did you imagine when you listened to music? (I listen to the children’s assumptions with reasoning, then I suggest paying attention to the table (children identify the object under the napkin, express their opinions, I propose to check the assumptions by guessing the riddle).

Educator: (riddle guessing)

Grass and grottoes - crumbs,

Clear water…

are playing there are fish in it

There's a mess of fish.

Look - one of the fish

He waves his fin at me -

It tells, apparently

About life behind glass

What it is? Who guessed? Why?

(children's answers) If even after the riddle, the children find it difficult to answer correctly, I partially open the napkin, and then remove it completely.

Educator: That's right, it's an aquarium. To get a better look at it, I suggest you sit down at the tables(looking at the aquarium) My aquarium is glass and empty, you also have aquariums on the tables and they are also empty, there is no one there. What can I do to make fish appear in your aquariums (children's answers)? What else can be in the aquarium?(pebbles, algae, sand, you can still depict a grotto).

Before you start drawing, let's remember what kind of fish are in shape (I post pictures depicting aquarium fish and some diagrams for drawing fish) I summarize the answers of the children that the fish are different in shape: round, oval and triangular, and the colors are also different for everyone . Show how to draw these shapes with your hand in the air. What else do fish have? (fins, scales, eyes, mouth).

Think about what kind of fish you want to put in the aquarium, what else to place in it.Choose for yourself any shape of the aquarium and what you will draw with and proceed to the image of the fish in the aquarium. In order for the fish to turn out bright and beautiful, think about what color to color them in. I turn on the music, the children begin to draw (If the child cannot realize his plan and goal, I help with advice or share my experience, encourage children, paying attention to their achievements)

caregiver : Guys, what beautiful fish you got in aquariums, all different in shape and size. What can be done with our aquariums? (children's answers - Give, make a book, an exhibition)

You can still play with our aquariums. Shall we play? Where can I buy aquarium fish?(Children's answers - In the pet store.)

caregiver : The pet store sells different fish: goldfish, swordtail, guppies, catfish. Sales consultants tell buyers about them.

A pet store is opening in our group,everyone can bring their aquarium with fish into it, turn into a sales assistant and tell buyers about their aquarium or the aquarium of a friend. (the educator can himself or ask to talk about the aquarium, the author of which, due to personal characteristics, cannot characterize his own work, another child) When examining and telling, the educator participates in a conversation with the sales assistant, noting the achievements of each child)

Educator: You each have an interesting story about the fish. I wanted to buy all the beautiful fish. Our pet shop is closed for lunch. We can invite Nina Ivanovna and Olga Nikolaevna, your parents, and tell them about aquarium fish, I think they will be happy to visit our pet store.



for artistic and aesthetic development

"Fish swim in the aquarium"

middle group

Developed by educator:

Bubenko A. M.


Program content:



  • expanding children's ideas about aquarium fish;
  • improving the ability to draw in an unconventional way, using geometric shapes.
  • the formation of orientation in space in children by depicting a fish in the center of a sheet of paper;
  • Improving the ability to use a brush and pencil correctly.


  • Develop an interest in an unconventional way of drawing;
  • Develop attention, imagination, memory;
  • Develop the artistic and creative abilities of children.


  • education of accuracy in drawing;
  • education of interest and respect for aquarium fish;
  • fostering friendly relations between children in the process of organizing communication about aquarium fish.
  • fostering a positive attitude towards the results of productive activity in the process of depicting the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Preliminary work:

  • composing fish figures from geometric shapes on a plane
  • conversation on the topic "Corner of the water kingdom";
  • reading nursery rhymes and poems about fish, educational books
  • viewing illustrations with aquarium fish

Methods and techniques:

Visual - Aquarium display different types fish

verbal - problematic and clarifying questions, the teacher's story, encouragement, explanations, individual answers.

Practical - physical minute, drawing fish, drawing algae and pebbles; exhibition of drawings.

Materials, equipment:

  • illustrations depicting fish;
  • schemes for drawing fish of various shapes.
  • album sheet in the form of an aquarium for everyone,
  • watercolor paints,
  • "non-spill", brushes No. 6,
  • wax crayons.

Activity progress:

Educator: Guys, today we have guests. Let's say hello to our guests. Now come to me.

Educator: Today I went to work and in the mailbox kindergarten saw the letter. Look how unusual it is. Envelope in the form of an aquarium. Want to open the envelope and read the letter.

The teacher opens the envelope and takes out a letter.

"Hello guys!

Luntik writes to you.

I need your help! I was given an aquarium for my birthday. I love watching the inhabitants of the aquarium so much! But here's the thing, they're empty! How can I fill and revive the aquarium?

Educator: Guys, who lives in the aquarium?

(children: fish)


Educator: And what do you need to make them comfortable in the aquarium?

(children algae, snails, water, pebbles)


Guys, what color are aquarium fish?

(children: red, yellow, orange, green, striped…)

Educator: What sizes are the fish?

(children: big and small)

Educator: And what kind of fish are in shape (children: round, triangular ....)

Educator: Guys, do you know fish can be drawn using geometric shapes? (Teacher shows a sample picture)

Educator: What geometric shapes does a fish consist of? (children: oval, circle, triangles)

Educator: Well done. And now with the help of a finger, draw an oval in the air.

Straight, round, straight, round, connect.


Now the triangle:

Straight at an angle up, straight at an angle down, straight, connect.

Well, guys, let's go draw a fish. Go to your seats.

Children go to tables, to workplaces.

Educator: Guys, before drawing, we will do exercises for hands. (Finger gymnastics with a pencil)

Start the engine soon

And warm up your palms.

Everything is faster, faster, faster

Strength, buddy, don't be sorry.

We slow down a bit.

Looks like we're on our way to the house.

Let's go quieter, quieter, quieter.

And the motor is no longer heard.

Educator: Well done. In order for you to be able to draw fish. I've got some tips for you. (schemes for drawing fish of various shapes)

Children begin to draw and paint over the drawing on their own.

Phys. minute (talk together)


The fish splashed happily

In clean fresh water.

They bend, they bend.

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Educator: guys, do you know that the fish in the aquarium lives in the water?

(Kids: Yes)

Educator: Let's draw water?

(Kids: Yes)

Educator: We take a brush, wet it in water. We remove excess water. We collect blue paint and paint over the picture.

Educator: Well done. Look how well we did. What did we draw today?

(Children: aquarium).

Teacher: And for whom?

(Children: for Luntik)

Educator: Well done, you are great. You have completed the task. Luntik wakes up very glad that you helped him.

Abstract of the lesson in middle group kindergarten

Target: introducing children to creativity through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques pointillism
Tasks: arouse in children an interest in the image of a fish, exercise to paint in different ways using non-traditional pointillism techniques, achieve expressiveness of the image through a contrasting combination of colors; to cultivate a desire to help a lonely fish.
Ways: finger game, problematic questions, the use of riddles, non-traditional drawing techniques.
Facilities: cotton buds, gouache, plasticine, felt-tip pens, PVA glue, brush, colored paper mugs, fish blanks, audio recording with music, tape recorder.
Preliminary work: conversations about fish, reading works, looking at illustrations, pictures depicting various fish drawing with stencils.
Dictionary: fins, torso, aquarium fish.
GCD progress:
- Guys, listen to the riddle
On the window a pond
The fish live in it.
At the glassy shores
There are no fishermen.
-What is this? Who guessed?
-Here he is. Look how big
/ the teacher points to the easel where the aquarium drawn on the Whatman paper is fixed /
-How many fish are in it? (one)
Yes, guys, one. Do you think she is happy or sad to swim alone in a large aquarium? (sad)
-How can you help her? (draw fish friends)
Let's look at the fish. What does she have? (body, tail, fins, eyes)
Are the listed parts of the fish the same color? (No)
-What color is the body? (yellow)
What about the tail and fins? (red)
-What color are the eyes? (black)
- But the fish can be of other colors. Do you agree? (Yes)
-Look at the different colors of the fish.
/Pisces presentation using a laptop/
-Guys, I invite you to our creative workshop
/children pass and sit at the tables/
-You have fish on the tables. What color are they? (white)

What should be done to make the fish bright and beautiful? (colorize)
-Today we will try to color the fish in different ways. See what we have on our tables for this?

gouache and cotton buds


colored paper mugs and glue

-Let's remember how in an interesting way you can color with felt-tip pens? (draw rings or dots)
-How gouache? (with the help of cotton buds using the “poke” method)
How to hold a cotton swab correctly? (so that its tip looks at the ceiling)
-Right. This is called vertical.
How can you paint with plasticine? (from a large piece you need to pinch off a small piece, roll up a ball, attach it and press it)
How can you color with colored circles? (using the app)
What are we going to glue? (parts of drawing)
-Right. Gradually smearing parts of the picture, we will apply colored circles.
-Well, now close your eyes and imagine what your fish will be like in color
/children think for a minute which colors to choose/
-Get to work. Sit up straight, work carefully
/independent activity of children, the teacher turns on music for creative inspiration/
- Our fish are ready. Guys, what can fish do? (swim)
- Do you want to play with them? (Yes)
/finger game "Fish" is held /
The fish swims in the water
Fish are fun to play with.
Fish, fish - mischievous,/threaten with a finger/
We want to catch you./ brings palms together /
The fish arched its back/hands folded like a boat, imitate that they are swimming/
I took a piece of bread./perform grasping movements/
The fish wagged its tail
The fish once - and swam away./ hands folded like a boat, imitate that they are swimming /
-Guys, now let's put the fish in the aquarium
/children go to the easel and attach the fish to the aquarium, double-sided tape helps with this/

- Tell me, how many fish are in the aquarium now? (a lot of)
-What kind of fish did you get? (bright and beautiful)
-Look how different they look. Show where are the fish painted with gouache and cotton swabs, and where with the help of plasticine?
/children show with a pointer/
-Guys, do you think the fish is happy now? (Yes)
-What was her mood like? (joyful)
-Why? (she made friends, she's not bored)
- Guys, how well you worked today! Well done! Our creative workshop is closed.