Internal electronic library system. Electronic library systems

Contains only modern and relevant electronic versions of educational and scientific materials that comply with the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education and SPE. The library is regularly updated with new editions. Books are placed on the site before the release of their printed counterparts.

Portal of business and educational literature IPRbooks

ELS IPRbooks is the most important resource for obtaining a quality education, providing access to educational and scientific publications necessary for teaching and organizing the educational process in our educational institution.
The EBS IPRbooks resource combines the latest information technologies and educational licensed literature designed for various areas of study, with which you can get the necessary knowledge, prepare for seminars, tests and exams, complete the necessary work and projects. EBS teachers will find IPRbooks useful in preparing curricula and RAPs, preparing and conducting classes, and obtaining information about new publications of colleagues.

ELS IPRbooks contains more than 127,000 publications, of which more than 40,000 are educational and scientific publications in various disciplines, about 700 titles of Russian and foreign journals, more than 2,000 audio publications. The content of EBS IPRbooks is represented by publications of more than 700 federal, regional, university publishing houses, research institutes, leading teams of authors, the content of which meets the requirements of federal educational standards for higher, secondary professional, additional vocational education, and is updated daily with new relevant publications. ELS IPRbooks contains many exclusive publications that are not presented in other resources, including publishing houses of the IPRmedia group of companies: Higher Education, Vocational Education, IP Air Media.

ELS "RUKONT" is a unique cross-industry database of full-text electronicdocuments that includes digital content, both leading and smallregional publishing houses in Russia.The diversity and accessibility of content makes it possible to fully engage in scientific andresearch work, and the daily updating of the electronic library allowsusers to be aware of up-to-date information.EBS "RUKONT" has state registration as an electronic media and databasedata. Publications are included in the resource on the basis of license agreements withauthors and copyright holders.Users of "SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY (IUBiP)" are given the opportunityuse the following periodic electronic resources of ELS "RUKONT":

  • Electronic journal "Banking technologies
  • Electronic journal "Bulletin of economic justice"
  • Electronic journal "State and Law"
  • Electronic journal "Law"
  • Electronic journal "World Economy and International Relations"
  • Electronic journal "Logistics"
  • Electronic journal "Practical Marketing"
  • Electronic journal "Psychological Journal"
  • Electronic journal "Modern problems of service and tourism"
  • Electronic journal "Criminal Law"
"RUKONT" (NTsR "RUKONT"). Media Review

An archive of important publications is collected manually. Database with rubricator: 26 industries / 600 sources / 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation / 235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews of 3000 top officials. Every day, a thousand news, full text in Russian, a million of the best stories from news agencies and the business press for 15 years. Search with settings. Export to Word hundreds of articles in one click. Internet services by industry and country. Access to is open from all computers of the library and the internal network. Users can self-register for access from home or any device. Website.


Collection of e-books of the Business Ebook company on the Ebook Central platform

Business Ebook Central are e-books on history, art, social sciences, literature and linguistics, health and medicine, business, science and technology.

The Business Ebook Central database includes the following sources:

at least 20,000 full-text books on English language the world's leading publishing houses HarvardUniversityPress, MP Press, PrincetonUniversityPress, GeorgetownUniversityPress and others in various areas of business, economics and management:

economic development and social policy;

information and international management;

organizational change and strategic planning;

production management and quality control;

finance and accounting;

personnel Management;

career management.

Access to the electronic books of the collection is possible from all computers of the University with branches. Access from home requires self-authorization from the territory of the PRUE.

Scopus covers about 50 million publications / 21,000 titles of publications / 5,000 publishers.

Scopus uses the latest high-tech tools to identify, analyze and present research literature.

Scopus indexes:

400 Trade Publications titles

370 book series (continuing editions)

5.5 million conference papers from conference proceedings and journals

Articles accepted for publication (“Articles-in-Press”) by more than 3850 journals and publishers, including Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Nature Publishing Group and the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

The database contains about 50 million records:

21 million entries from 1996 to 1823

Scoupus also covers 359 million scientific web pages indexed through Scirus and about 24 million patent records from five patent offices (US Patent & Trademark Office, European Patent Office, Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization and the UK Intellectual Property Office ).

Access to the SCOPUS database is possible only from the IP addresses of the University.

Wiley Online Library- An extensive collection of books and journals published by John Wiley & Sons in all disciplines. The portal provides convenient integrated access to the results of more than 200 years of research, without restrictions and authorization requirements.

Wiley Online Library contains approximately 4 million articles, 1,500 peer-reviewed journals, over 9,000 online books and book series, over 125 reference books of various sizes, encyclopedias, manuals and dictionaries, major chemistry databases included in the Cochrane Library, and thousands laboratory test protocols of the well-known Current Protocols series.

Wiley Online Library is regularly updated with the latest protocols, articles, books and research materials.

The depth of the archive is 2015-2019 years of publication.

Access is carried out from the IP addresses of the University (with branches).

springer nature

As part of the national subscription of the PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov (with branches) access to full-text electronic resources of the publishing house springer nature.

Search query results are available in full text format if the data sources are available to the University as part of a subscription.

Access to all listed resources is possible from the IP addresses of the University (including branches).

On the platform Springer Linka database containing full-text Springer Journals in various fields of knowledge for 2019.

(Nature journal + Nature branded journals + Scientific American + Macmillan Palgrave) for 2019 on the Nature platform.

Collections of scientific materials in the field of physical sciences and engineering​Springer Materials (The Landolt-Bornstein Database) on the platform Springer Materials .

The integrated tool Springer Materials Interactive allows scientists to visualize data and use the resulting graphs, tables and animations in their work.

​Springer Nature Experiments 2019 collection of scientific protocols in various fields of knowledge on the platform Springer Nature Experiments

International Statistical Institute

A commercial organization dealing with the compilation of bibliographic databases of scientific publications, their indexing and determination of the citation index, impact factor and other statistical indicators of scientific works.

An open resource for all Internet users.







All articles 01.10.2014

70% of students prefer printed textbooks to electronic ones

Electronic library systems are gradually being integrated into the educational environment of universities. The results, problems and prospects for the development of the ELS were discussed at a discussion held at the Russian National Library as part of the conference "Funds of Libraries in the Digital Age".

EBS: trends 2013

The growth of the market for electronic library systems has now stalled. New players do not appear, work begins on the quality of resources. Universities figured out what ELS is and found solutions that are convenient for themselves by entering into long-term contracts with suppliers.

Describing the situation on the electronic content market, the experts noted that many universities have significantly increased the book collections that form the ELS (for example, at the expense of university publications that were previously inaccessible to online users). Sergey Ivanov, commercial director of EBS "IPRbooks", noted that the direction of the content has also changed: there has been a transition from the humanities to technical specialties, as well as to construction and architecture.

There are subscribers, no activity

However, electronic library systems have not yet become an important tool in the educational life of the university. Most teachers and students do without electronic resources or do not attach importance to them.

“There are universities where, on average, there are 8 books per student, this is a very high figure. In other universities, there are 0.01 books per student. A colossal gap of 800 times,” Konstantin Kostyuk commented on the situation, CEO LLC "Direct-media".

The inefficient use of electronic resources by universities is also confirmed by Galina Shamatonova, director of the library of the Yaroslavl State University: “By the beginning of 2014, about 1,000 users were registered in the ELS “University Library Online” - 10% of the total number of students and teachers.” The situation is similar in the region as a whole. For example, in the Yaroslavl Medical Academy in 2013, 500 access cards to the ELS “Student Advisor” were distributed to students and teachers, and only 217 of them were activated.

According to a study conducted by Yaroslavl librarians, only 11% of the students surveyed use electronic textbooks, while 70% of students lean towards the traditional printed version. Universities themselves also hinder the development of electronic libraries by purchasing paper textbooks, according to which teachers build the educational process.

The publishers believe that the task of attracting students to the use of ELS should fall on the shoulders of universities. Without the popularization of electronic resources in educational institutions, statistics will not change for the better.

From general to specific

An important trend of the past year is the targeted acquisition of university subscriptions. Such an approach becomes necessary if the university is serious, and not "for show" to use the resources of the EBS. Spot acquisition allows you to select the relevant industry textbooks and spend less money than subscribing to one basic collection, the content of which will be used inefficiently.

Thanks to a targeted approach to recruitment, in 2013 smaller universities were able to rise to the same levels in book lending as large institutions that purchase large subscriptions.


Experts described the changes that await the EBS market as a knockout game. A large number of players will cause intense competition, because the market, which is 400 million rubles, accounts for 15 electronic library systems. The expected development scenario is price struggle and redistribution of market shares. The mentioned tendencies will be exacerbated by university optimization: the desire to buy more for less money. It is important to remember that the main thing in these business competitions is not to lose the quality of Russian educational content.

Standards and certification

So that competition does not turn into unfair and does not lead to the imitation of high-quality resources, it is necessary to form industry standards, create professional public examination and certification. The concept of quality should be the same for everyone - representatives of the publishing community are convinced.

Librarians agree with them: the interest of students in the use of electronic resources will depend on the actual content and convenience of electronic library systems.

Summarizing the discussion, we can conclude that all participants in the book market should join the struggle for quality. Universities need to turn ELS into a real, not a formal element of the educational process, and publishers and aggregators need to take care of creating high-quality ELS with up-to-date licensed content, a workable platform, and interactive services.

The electronic library system of the Lan publishing house is a resource created to provide universities with the necessary educational and scientific literature in specialized areas. The ELS includes both electronic versions of books published by the Lan publishing house and collections of full-text files from other publishers and is constantly updated with new editions. The principles of the electronic library: unlimited number of users; access anytime and from anywhere via the Internet. Electronic textbooks are collected in sections - mathematics, physics, theoretical mechanics, engineering sciences, forestry and forest engineering, nanotechnologies, informatics, economics and management, law, psychology and pedagogy.
The technical capabilities of the resource allow an unlimited number of users to visit the electronic library at the same time.

EBS provides the ability to search for books by author or title. Content search allows you to search through the texts of books. It is possible to download book supplements (CDs and DVDs), as well as save or print fragments of books for further use. Any book or its individual page can be added to favorites by creating a note for it.

For the readers of our library, the academy acquired the right to free access to the thematic package of electronic textbooks “Forestry and forest engineering” in the Electronic Library System “Lan”.

For this you need:

Register your Login and password for access to EBS personal account "DOE" V Library Electronic Resources Hall (room 166).

After successful Registration on the site, you can work with the thematic package "Forestry and forest engineering" EBS using your Login and Password from ANY computer, not only in VGTU, but also outside it.

Single window of access to educational resources

The information system "Single Window for Access to Educational Resources" (IS "Single Window") provides free and unlimited access to the integral catalog of educational Internet resources, to the electronic library of educational and methodological materials for general and vocational education and to the resources of the federal educational system. portals. The Library section contains more than 27,000 educational and methodological materials developed and accumulated in the system of federal educational portals, as well as published in universities, universities and schools in Russia. More than half of the educational and methodological materials have been developed and submitted to the "Library" by the leading universities and universities of Russia, as well as by publishing houses, individual teachers and authors. Advanced search in the "Catalogue" is carried out by title, author, annotation, keywords with possible filtering by subject, subject, type of material, level of education and audience.

Electronic educational editions are available in viewing mode. In order to download the publication to your home or work computer, you must obtain permission from the copyright holders of electronic textbooks and other educational materials presented in the Single Window Library.

Information for authors VGLTU. For placement in the electronic library of the IS "Single Window for Access to Educational Resources", electronic versions of printed educational, educational and methodological and methodological materials are accepted: textbook, study guide, text of lectures, encyclopedia, dictionary, task book, test, laboratory workshop, as well as scientific articles and works on pedagogy and problems of education. The authors are issued a "Publication Certificate" of the standard form, confirming that the electronic copy of the educational resource is accepted for publication in the electronic library. Regulations for the placement of electronic publications for educational purposes . Editorial address [email protected].

The library specializes in educational materials for universities and fully complies with the requirements of the federal state educational standards being developed (FSES VPO) for libraries in terms of the formation of funds of basic and additional literature.

The basis of the "University Library Online" is more than 37 thousand e-books in the following sections - natural sciences, information technology, history, cultural studies, linguistics, jurisprudence, sociology, philosophy, economics.
The “University Library Online” performs the following functions: full-text search, catalog operation, unlimited paging of publications, copying or printing text (page by page), changing text page parameters, creating bookmarks and comments.

EBS publishing house "INFRA-M"

EBS contains more than 50 thousand titles of electronic publications in basic and variable disciplines - textbooks and teaching aids, dissertations and author's abstracts, monographs and articles, collections of scientific papers, encyclopedias, scientific periodicals and specialized journals. Electronic textbooks are grouped into sections: physical and mathematical sciences, natural sciences, humanities, Social sciencies, education and pedagogy, economics and management, information security, mechanical engineering and material processing, vehicles, automation and control, computer science and computer technology, architecture and construction, life safety, environmental protection.

Access is provided to students, graduate students and faculty of the university to the ELS "INFRA-M" via the Internet with enhanced functionality for users - setting a "bookmark" for a quick return to an interrupted work (bookmark on a page; automatic generation of a list of used literature ; sending abstract by e-mail for further use. Convenient navigation in the system will allow you to quickly search by author, title, publisher, as well as disciplines and areas of training.

EBS "KnigaFond"

An electronic resource where you can find literature that meets modern requirements and standards of education, including the federal state educational standards of higher professional education (FGOS VPO) of the new generation. EBS contains more than 107 thousand e-books in the following areas: economics, information technology, legal sciences, history, foreign languages, industry and transport, natural sciences, scientific periodicals.

Opportunities for working with text for ELS users - creating an unlimited number of their own abstracts, copying quotes from a book into an abstract with automatic creation of an accurate bibliographic reference to the edition and page; creating labels that allow you to quickly find the desired pages of the book; the possibility of compiling a selection of constantly used books.


Electronic Library System (ELS) is a unified system of access to a constantly updated collection of electronic versions of books of modern educational literature. The fund of the electronic library is completed on the basis of the new federal state educational standards of higher professional education (FSES VPO). The system fully complies with the requirements for providing universities with access to electronic library systems.

Educational literature is represented by sections - life safety, natural sciences, computer science and Computer Engineering, history, social sciences, law, linguistics, economics, forestry, technical sciences.

EBS IPRbooks

The electronic library system IPRbooks is a licensed library for all branches of science (OKSO), fully compliant with the Federal State Educational Standard, the library contains more than 5,000 publications.

In the EBS IPRbooks you will find textbooks and teaching aids, monographs, industrial and practical, reference publications, as well as business literature for practitioners. At present, more than 100 leading federal publishing houses are represented in the ELS IPRbooks, the ELS includes publications over the past 10 years (in the humanities, social and economic sciences over the past 5 years), their list is constantly growing. The content of EBS IPRbooks is updated monthly with new electronic publications, periodicals (including VAK), and articles by leading Russian scientists.
Access to ELS IPRbooks funds is provided around the clock for an unlimited number of users.

EBS IQ library

ELS IQlib is an electronic library system that fully meets the criteria of a modern information and educational resource.

ELS IQlib is formed in accordance with the current legislation in the field of copyright and related rights, as well as on the basis of direct agreements with authors and copyright holders.

The IQlib catalog includes more than 80,000 full-text digital versions of printed publications. Both actual demanded publications (textbooks, manuals, monographs) and rare editions of past years are presented. The catalog is completed in accordance with generally accepted trends in modern higher and professional education.
EBS IQlib offers users the service capabilities of searching and processing information, allowing them to work on large arrays with high speed and efficiency.

EBS publishing house "URAIT"

Access to the Electronic Library System of the publishing house "URAIT" is open.

In the arsenal of ELS "URAIT" there are textbooks for bachelors and masters in various disciplines, dictionaries. Now you can learn about the publisher's news in real time, conduct a search in the disciplines of interest.

The website of the EBS "YURIGHT" is an excellent virtual exhibition and an assistant in choosing the necessary books for the purchase of printed and electronic publications, because. each book on the site can be scrolled through, added to favorites and exported to Excel with a single click.

In accordance with the requirements of the new federal State standard The HPE educational process in universities should be provided with electronic library systems containing publications on the main disciplines studied and providing the possibility of simultaneous work of 25% of students. This norm was enshrined in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated June 7, 2010 No. 588, which prescribes the need for an ELS for licensing university educational programs. Today we are discussing various aspects of ELS implementation directly with the buyers - universities.

The interlocutors of the "UK" were offered the following topics:
. the main criteria for choosing an ELS supplier, a reasonable price for the service;
. preferred content delivery formats;
. the need for additional technical equipment for libraries;
. the main problems associated with the introduction of EBS and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 588, pre-
provisions and recommendations to market participants.

Vladimir Yakovlevich EPP, First Vice-Rector for academic work Tomsk State Pedagogical University

When choosing an EBS supplier, the main selection criteria for us are, first of all, compliance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 07.06.2010 No. 588, then the price and completeness of the assortment in accordance with the areas of study of university students.

The question of the price should be addressed to the founder who finances the work of the university and, in particular, the library. A reasonable price would be about 50% of the funds allocated to the university for the acquisition of the library fund. Today, the ratio of prices on the market and funding of libraries is such that the average university has to choose between signing an agreement with ELS and buying textbooks on paper.

The purchase of content is more preferable for the library when choosing an ELS. Acquisition of access requires significant annual financial costs. At the same time, the resource of the library is not increased. The library loses autonomy and becomes dependent on ELS providers in the conditions of an unsettled service market. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 07.06.2010 No. 588, naturally, encourages the university to connect to one of the existing EBS.

Unfortunately, the filling capacity of the EBS presented on the market does not meet the requirements of this order. A significant disadvantage is the high price, the fullness of obsolete publications, the practical absence of literature with the stamps of UMO and NMS, the poor representation of classical educational publications used in educational process and recommended by the UMO for studying at the university.

The educational process uses modern textbooks from different publishers, which, as a rule, do not transfer their publishing rights to various aggregators. Acquiring content from publishers completely is expensive and unjustified, the entire range will not be in demand.

Our library will require additional technical equipment for the implementation of ELS.

The most acute are, first of all, the problems of financing.

The legislator needs to soften the requirements for EBS. The requirement of simultaneous access to each publication included in the electronic library system for at least 25% of students in each of the forms of education seems to be redundant. Aggregators and content producers need to create low-cost universal ELS and specialized ELS, taking into account educational programs and the focus of training specialists (classical university, engineering, medical, pedagogical education, etc.).

It is necessary to provide the university with the opportunity to carry out the formation of content itself, so as not to force the university to connect to an expensive ELS with a huge amount of non-core literature, for example, on medicine, veterinary medicine, books for the training of engineers.

Ekaterina Eduardovna LYUBUSHKO, Director of the Library of the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina

The main criteria for us are the quality of the content and the completeness of the coverage of the subject area or areas necessary for our university. We need at least 70% of the content to be interesting for our users. A necessary condition is the replenishment of the resource with new content, the prompt replenishment of full-text periodicals is especially important. The EBS interface itself is also important (friendliness, ease of use, etc.) and, of course, the number of services offered to users. It is desirable that the pricing policy of companies representing EBS on the market correspond to the content they offer, and not be clearly overpriced, as is the case in a number of cases.

The price should be determined by the quality of the ELS itself (interface/features/content). And if all these criteria satisfy our users, which is determined by the statistics of using the resource during test access, then the resource will be interesting and important for our university. Then the administration will decide to allocate funds for its acquisition.

Online access to resources is preferable with the subsequent transfer of the archive to the permanent use of the university (the term is usually specified in the contract).

In principle, all the main producers of Russian-language educational resources - eLIBRARY.RU, EastView, University Library Online, Libraries, IQLib - comply with the main provisions of order No. 588. Their products include licensed pure content in the main disciplines, they provide access to all readers, without limiting the number of workplaces and simultaneous connections to documents. MGUA them. O.E. Kutafina has been successfully cooperating with the producers of these resources for several years. We annually acquire access to several electronic full-text and bibliographic resources and plan to further develop this area of ​​work.

One of the shortcomings that exist today is that not all EBS have the ability to provide remote access to the full content of their resource and the necessary registration certificates. But I think that these problems will be solved by companies in the near future.

We are planning to increase computerized places for our users in the reading rooms, as well as to use WiFi technologies to create a Wi-Fi zone on the territory of the Academy, so that our users are not limited geographically to the library premises only. The main problem is that there are not always enough material and technical means for the implementation of the planned.

I think that all interested parties need to conduct a constructive dialogue on any issue related to problems and proposals for information support of educational and scientific-educational activities. Today, this task can be solved only through joint efforts and mutually beneficial cooperation. This will give universities the opportunity to assess and increase their scientific and educational potential, take a strong position and become more competitive in the domestic and international market of educational services.

Olga Romanovna ARUTYUNOVA, Deputy Director of the Fundamental Library of the Moscow City Pedagogical University

When choosing an EBS supplier, the main criteria for us are the completeness of the assortment and the price. For our university, we consider about 60,000 rubles a half-year for a certain collection to be an acceptable price. It is most preferable for us to provide access to online viewing.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 7, 2010 No. 588 will force us to acquire more collections, various ELS, and also improve the university electronic library. We work with IVIS LLC (East View) and RUNEB LLC. The updated eLibrary portal is the most convenient for users, "User's Guide" 2010 E.M. Polnikova and S.M. Shabanova is a good help to beginners.

Technical equipment will not hurt, but even now our users (25%) can simultaneously use the Virtual Center for Innovative Technologies http// / through the website of our university.

I recommend that manufacturers of university ELSs familiarize themselves with the Virtual Center for Innovative Technologies of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (City Information Resource Center, director - Rukavishnikov I.V.).

Irina Gennadievna ZHOLOBOVA, head of Acquisition and Cataloging Department of the Scientific Library of Tomsk State University

One of the main criteria when choosing an ELS supplier is the optimization of expenses for the acquisition of educational and educational literature. The most expensive in terms of book supply are general humanitarian, socio-economic, mathematical and natural science disciplines. And, first of all, it is necessary to choose an EBS, which, in terms of the completeness of the assortment, would correspond to the list of recommended textbooks and teaching aids in these disciplines at the university. Another condition that must be met by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is the relevance of educational literature. Educational literature on general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines must be published within the last 5 years, on general mathematical and natural science disciplines - over the last 10 years. I think this criterion will remain for electronic educational literature.

Price when choosing an ELS supplier remains a rather difficult problem for the library. There will always be a transitional stage when introducing new technologies to provide students with electronic educational literature. The library will learn how to optimally redistribute financial resources for the purchase of textbooks in printed and electronic forms. But before developing a price criterion when choosing an EBS supplier, it will be necessary to answer the following questions. How many students would prefer an electronic textbook to a printed textbook? How many titles of electronic textbooks will the teacher include in the list of recommended literature for the discipline? How many items does this or that EBS include in its assortment? How much does it cost to provide access to an e-textbook per year? How many years do you need an electronic textbook to use? The most preferred format for working with content is providing access to online viewing with conditions of convenience and ease of use, the possibility of unlimited access for students and teachers to all books of the selected ELS, at any time, from any workstation of the university and home computers via the Internet.

It can be stated that the Russian book market (in the broadest sense) has New Product- electronic library systems. The transition to the EBS environment is due to scientific and technological progress and is irreversible. This is a huge layer of work that libraries have to do - to develop criteria for selecting ELS suppliers and within two to three years to move into this environment with the most complete coverage of the ELS range and the rational use of funds. Of course we will buy. Thoughtfulness and precise calculation are the main rules when introducing something new.

The choice of providing content through access to online viewing of the resources of the electronic library system will not require additional technical equipment for the Scientific Library of Tomsk State University.

ELS at Tomsk State University began to be created in 2005 and includes a sufficient number of electronic educational publications of our authors. The main problems are the speed of replenishment with new electronic editions and copyright issues.

If you start work on choosing ELS suppliers, then you need to start, as I think, with cooperation with the publishers themselves, which produce both printed and electronic versions of educational and educational publications for higher educational institutions, such as "Academy", "Lan ”, “Infra-M”, “Alpina Business”, etc. This will ensure the gradual and deliberate transition to the EBS environment, the systematic nature of the work. I think that a publishing house that publishes a large number of titles of educational and educational literature needs to create its own ELS. This is a promising and, most importantly, controlled business. But the process of creating an EBS should not be expensive. To do this, legislators need to develop guidelines to create a publishing ELS or to take as a basis the already existing promising software and distribute among Russian publishers free of charge. It is necessary to define the term "Electronic library systems". I recommend legislators to synchronize the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 07.06.2010 No. 588 with the allocation of sufficient funding for universities to purchase such an information resource as EBS.

Marina Eduardovna KARPOVA, Deputy Director of the Scientific Library of St. Petersburg State University

When choosing an EBS supplier, in order of importance, we highlight the following criteria.
1. The amount of content and the completeness of the range.
2. A reasonable price based on "one book per user", comparable to the cost of one textbook (about 300 rubles). The cost of access to one electronic publication for a certain number of students should not exceed by several times the cost of purchasing a similar number of paper textbooks for students studying this discipline.
3. Additional services.

For users of St Petersburg University, access to online viewing is convenient. The main disadvantages of existing ELS are the quantity and quality of content, the format of provision (pdf-files) and pricing based on the number of licenses for using one copy.

In connection with the assignment by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of a special status to the St. Petersburg state university Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science are advisory for St Petersburg University. Order No. 588, we hope, will not affect the decision to purchase electronic resources in any way.

Based on the requirements of the order, each university must have thousands of computerized user places. Of course, we will need additional technical equipment.

The main problem in creating an ELS at a university is compliance with the requirements of the 4th part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Legislators need to provide legal support for the creation of ELS, which provides for the possibility for universities to form their own ELS within the framework of the current legislation. It is also necessary to focus work with university libraries at the level of large aggregators that take on legal formalities and provide a convenient format for accessing resources. Content producers should carefully study foreign experience in providing access to electronic publications for libraries and avoid attempts to set prices based on the sale of the number of user licenses, i.e. sell "electronic circulation", fearing to lose paper.

Vera Alekseevna SVETLOVA, Director of the Library of the St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics

- The main criteria for choosing a resource are the following: the Russian language, the quality of the content (compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and educational programs university), the possibility of partial copying, quoting.

As practice shows, aggregators and users have very different ideas about the “reasonableness” of the price. University libraries live in conditions of constant lack of funding, and therefore the acquisition of access to the resource is accompanied by a big "bargaining".

Basically, the price can be reduced by limiting the period (time) of the subscription, or truncation of the amount of available content. Nevertheless, even under this condition, the price of access is very high. From the experience of communicating with the KnigaFond company, it is not at all clear to me where such prices for services come from, who has the opportunity to purchase them? The assertion of KnigaFond that “it will cover all acquisitions” is somehow not convincing, and the price of 1.5-2.75 million rubles is simply unrealistic for a university library, with all other questions to this organization.

You can talk a lot about innovative technologies in the library, but at the same time remember that no one has canceled the traditional paper book. Therefore, in my opinion, it is very important in this matter to adhere to the principles of reasonableness and gradualness in changing the current acquisition of library collections. As experience shows, it is impossible to go along with regulatory documents to the detriment of quality and accessibility, since basically access to resources is carried out by IP addresses, i.e. within the framework of the subscriber's organization, but this is clearly not enough to ensure the educational process and especially for the independent work of the student outside the university. The provided service, as a rule, allows you to work with the resource for 1-2 hours, since purely physiologically the user cannot fully work on the computer for longer, and we are invited to fully or partially provide the student with electronic texts. There are a lot of questions: both on the interface of the presented content, and on the possibilities of working with it. I think this topic requires separate consideration and discussion with resource providers.

We do not need additional technical equipment, the academy is well equipped.

When creating an ELS, I do not see any big problems when it comes to the electronic library of the university in its former sense. But legislators, aggregators and other market participants need to listen to the people and not put the cart before the horse.