Terraces and verandas attached to the house: types, options, photos. Building a veranda to a house with your own hands How to attach a veranda to a house made of logs

A cozy and spacious veranda will be a great place for a cozy rest, for a friendly tea party or fun gatherings with friends. And if you think through an original design, then it can become a real decoration for a private home.

It is more convenient, of course, when the device is already included in the main design of the house. But there’s nothing wrong with not thinking about it in advance.

You can think over the type and type of extension and build it at any time, as you wish. Is it possible to build a house with your own hands? Let's discuss this.

As with any construction project, a veranda will require drawing up a project. , which can be found on the Internet, convince us that the project must take into account the characteristic features of the building’s architecture, configuration and topography of the site.

An attached veranda will contribute to significant insulation of the home, so if possible it is better to place it on the north side.

Remember that:

  • If you plan to use the terrace as a room for relaxation or sports, it is advisable that the windows overlook your own territory and not the neighbor’s.
  • If the room is attached near the entrance to the house, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a recreation room out of it - rather, it will be a comfortable summer lounge.
  • If you dream of an almost completely glazed veranda, it is important to provide a reliable one. Otherwise, in hot weather you will not be able to avoid the greenhouse effect. You can use windows with removable frames: this design will allow you to easily and quickly turn a closed room into an open one.
  • If you want the air temperature in the room to be quite comfortable both in case of bad weather and in the cold season, choose dense material for building walls. Enclosing structures should not have cracks or gaps. To better retain heat in the room, double glazing is advisable.

Those who want to get a single architectural complex from a house with a veranda use the same or similar externally materials for the enclosing structures. The walls of the veranda must remain independent from the main building. They are usually built on a separate or. The roof often has a single slope, not too steep. The floor is arranged with a slight external (towards the site) slope - approximately 2 cm per meter of width.

Veranda design for a brick house

Although experts recommend using similar materials for the extension, it is not at all necessary to make it out of brick for the house. Often other materials, very different, are used for this.

The main thing is that the veranda should be stylistically related to the main building. An important role here is played by the compatibility of the materials used and their skillful combination. A wooden veranda looks great with the brick walls of the house. If the brick walls of the main building are finished, it is quite possible to combine the construction of the extension from glass and plastic. In this case, sliding glass doors are perfect for entry.

However, the most common are extensions made of natural stone or boards. Also relevant, the basis of which is hard metal.

Red brick is a reliable, time-tested material that is perfect for a closed extension. Such a veranda assumes... Typically, the extension is adjacent to the facade wall and has dimensions of 3 meters. Its width can reach 5-6 meters, and largely depends on the characteristics and size of the site.

It is important to know that any additional building erected on the territory of your site must be registered with the architectural department and the inventory bureau. Otherwise, your building will not be considered legal, but will be considered an unauthorized construction.

For a summer extension of a brick terrace to a house, it will be enough; the walls of a winter building should be much thicker. The walls must be of high quality.

The new building should not be “rigidly” connected to the main one, therefore all existing connecting lines are sealed with polyurethane foam.

Thorough sealing of the seams should be done only after the newly built veranda has completely settled. To arrange the roof of a closed veranda, it must be placed under the roofing sheets.

Materials for adding a veranda


An extension made of the same material is quite suitable for a wooden building. The use of other materials is not always appropriate, and in some cases it looks completely tasteless.

Natural material is harmless, environmentally friendly, looks great, is well processed and used. From different types of wood you can build a terrace structure of any shape, even the most intricate.

You can make it in a mountain style - it will look like a massive frame made of rough wood, fenced with stylized. Built on the side of a picturesque garden, such a veranda will look extremely impressive. You can also use green bushes or original ones as a wooden veranda fence.


To add a terrace to a wooden home, you can use a metal frame or one made of. Huge ones suit this structure well.

If you choose the summer version of the veranda, then for the floor you can choose the same wear-resistant modern materials that were used for the local area. This could be, for example, tiles, cedar decking or one of the types of stone.

On closed terraces, the floor is decorated with traditional indoor materials -,.


Due to the remarkable ability of wood to combine perfectly with all kinds of natural materials, a veranda made of wood will look very natural when finished with natural stone.

But its function will be not only to decorate the room: on cool evenings it will be so cozy near the crackling hearth.

Enclosed verandas

They prefer to place such extensions on the side of the house, hidden from prying eyes.

It is advisable to arrange it in such a way that as much light as possible gets inside.

Such a terrace made of transparent polycarbonate seems to float in the air, creating a feeling of lightness and weightlessness, even if it is adjacent to a solid capital structure. If you plan to use it in the cold season, you will definitely have to use thermal insulation.

Various projects of closed extensions require different glazing methods

Open veranda

An open veranda under a canopy attached to the main residential building is perhaps the most common and most feasible structure for self-production.

Such a room will allow you to be in the fresh air, despite the pouring rain or the hot rays of the summer sun. Flowers, shrubs and climbing vines framing it will give the structure security and special comfort.

The main advantage of such open buildings is the opportunity, without giving up the comfort of home, to be at the same time outside the enclosed space, in the fresh air.

A compact area for comfortable cooking can also be arranged here. On such a terrace it is convenient to welcome guests, arrange gatherings and picnics. Functionally, it can be used as a full-fledged one. Here you can also create a wonderful place for sunbathing: just arrange comfortable sun loungers and sun loungers.

Most existing designs for terraces to the house involve a slight inclination of the floor surface outward. It is clear why this is needed - to drain incoming moisture from precipitation. It is advisable to make it from a material with a rough surface. It should be raised above the level by about 15 or a little more centimeters.

A fence for the terrace is preferably about a meter in height. You can use a variety of materials for it - wood, metal, glass, metal chains and decorative ropes.

The open terrace can have any configuration - it depends on the imagination and preferences of the homeowner. The polygon-shaped veranda that surrounds the house around the perimeter looks very interesting. Here you will definitely be able to find a cool corner on a hot day, despite the position of the sun. If the local area has uneven terrain, then the veranda can play the role of a kind of leveling platform.

A house outside the city is a place where you can have a good break from everyday worries and relax. Therefore, every owner of a suburban area tries to make it as comfortable and beautiful as possible. Creating a veranda is one of the most popular ways to improve a site. This building beneficially expands the living area, and with the right approach to building a veranda with your own hands, you can not heat it and spend time at any time of the year.

What is a veranda

This is a closed or open terrace, which is located along the facade of a residential building. This room was built into the house initially or added later. As a rule, it is not heated. It can have glazed windows and doors (veranda) or do without them (terrace). The design of the veranda should match the overall appearance of the house and be in the same style. For example, you can build a brick veranda for a wooden house, but it will be ugly. It is better to make it also from wood. The roof for the veranda is usually made of a pitched roof, using the same roofing material as for the roof of the house.

One of the defining aspects of the overall appearance of the terrace is the location and shape of windows and doors. The shape and designs of the frames of window and door openings will help you make your extension original and beautiful.

Photo: room options made of various materials

Cozy veranda A simple open veranda under construction
Spacious bright veranda Open terrace Veranda with equipped rest room View of the veranda from the street

Modern verandas are no longer cluttered with work clothes and household supplies. Now these are full-fledged premises and extensions of a residential building, the arrangement of which is approached with the utmost seriousness and responsibility.

Design is the most important stage in the construction of any structure, including a veranda. At this stage, you need to create a sketch, which will show the general view of the structure by hand, and a detailed project drawing, indicating all measurements and necessary materials for construction. The more detailed the project, the easier it will be to build later. After all, you will know in advance how long, for example, a board you need for a particular element, as well as how many such boards you need. The project will help you calculate the amount of material and the approximate cost of constructing a veranda.

There are many projects for constructing an open veranda

If you do not have drawing skills, then you can look up the project in open sources or order an individual one from specialists.

How to make a foundation correctly

To build a veranda, it is enough to erect a columnar or strip base, the depth of which will be equal to the depth of the base of the house. Experts do not recommend connecting the main foundation to the base of the extension due to differences in weight. They will not shrink equally and this can lead to deformations of the extension. Leave a gap of 30-40mm between these two bases.

The choice of the right type of foundation depends on what material the extension will be made of and the characteristics of the soil. For example, for the construction of heavy brick extensions, it is better to make a strip foundation, but for lightweight wooden structures, a columnar foundation is sufficient.

Tape base: step-by-step construction instructions

The dimensions of the foundation for the extension should be the same as the dimensions of the foundation of the house.

In order for the foundation to be strong, it needs to be “watered” at first. Especially on hot days. Moisten it with water and cover with plastic wrap. So, it won't crack.

Columnar base

For light timber or polycarbonate verandas, the construction of a columnar foundation is ideal. The recommended depth of holes for pillars is 800–1100 mm. For a small veranda (3x4 meters), it will be enough to install supporting structures only in the corners. But for greater reliability, it is better to play it safe and make intermediate posts. The distance between the supports should ideally be 80–100 centimeters.

The parameters of the pillars must be carefully calculated

  1. Dig holes for support structures. Using a drill will make the task much easier.
  2. Make a sand and crushed stone cushion for the pillars. Sand in a layer of 150–200 mm, and crushed stone 100 mm. Compact each layer well.
  3. Make wooden formwork and lay reinforcement mesh.
  4. Pour concrete to the full depth of the hole and let it harden.
  5. After hardening, coat the concrete structures with bitumen.
  6. Remove the formwork and cover all cracks with sand.
  7. The ground part of the foundation is made of bricks. The height of their construction should be equal to the height of the base of the house.


It is better to start installing the subfloor immediately after building the foundation, having previously waterproofed the base with roofing felt in 2 layers.

The floor can be made of wood or concrete. The first option is better suited for a frame wooden veranda, the second for a massive brick one.

How to build a wooden one

Subfloor installation

  1. Secure the bottom trim to the base with anchors. The strapping elements are connected to each other using galvanized nails.
  2. Attach wooden floor joists to the trim beams at a distance of 500 mm from each other.
  3. Fill the space between them with expanded clay.
  4. Using an uncut board or plywood about 5 cm thick, construct a deck that is attached to the floor joists using galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

We create a concrete

  1. Fill the base with sand, the layer of which should be 100 mm.
  2. Then comes a layer of expanded clay.
  3. Lay a reinforcing network, the rods of which are 6–8 mm, and the cells are 250x250 mm.
  4. Pour the concrete mixture.
  5. The thickness of the floor screed should be 3–5 cm.

It is important that the concrete surface is perfectly flat. Use a spirit level to check this as you work.

Wooden veranda: design and implementation

Option for a light wooden veranda

Wood is the most popular and ancient building material. This material does not lose its position even with the advent of new species.

In principle, building a veranda based on a wooden frame is a simple process. Almost anyone can handle this task. Having correctly installed the frame racks and protected them with shields or clapboards, you get a good veranda.

Wood is an environmentally friendly raw material with a beautiful appearance. It does not have much weight, which greatly facilitates work in the fundamental part of the building.

But, this is a flammable material. Therefore, fire sources, such as barbecues, must be located at a safe distance from such a structure.

In addition, wooden structures require additional treatment with antiseptics, since the external environment and weather conditions do not have a very good effect on this material.

To build the veranda frame, use only high-quality wooden beams, the cross-section of which is 10x10 centimeters.

  1. Make grooves in the beams of the lower trim where vertical supports will be installed in increments of 0.5 meters.
  2. Install the supports, fastening them with staples and screws or nails.

    Vertical rack mounting options

  3. In order to make a pitched roof, the vertical beams must be made of different heights. What this means is that where the bottom of the roof will be, the beam should be 500 mm lower than the place where the top of the roof will be.
  4. Build the top frame from timber with a slope for a pitched roof.
  5. After you have made the top trim, you can install the rafters for the roof. Make an additional girder near the roof slope, securing it to all supports with anchor bolts. If the roof is supposed to be heavy, then it is better to add cross boards to the timber frame. And attach racks and subcomponents to them. Thus, the rafter system will be reliable for any type of roof.
  6. The rafters are mounted at a distance of 500 mm. For them, a beam with a section of 10x20 cm is used.
  7. The next stage is covering the frame. You can use clapboard inside and siding outside. Between them you need to put waterproofing and thermal insulation materials. Don't forget about window and door openings.

    Wooden frame cladding

How to attach brick or foam blocks

Beautiful brick veranda

This is already a capital building. If the work is done according to the rules, then such a building will be comfortable at any time of the year. In the summer heat it will be cool there, and in the winter cold it will be warm. The brick veranda is distinguished by its durability, fire safety and ease of maintenance.

But it also has a drawback. Namely, heaviness. Therefore, its construction requires a strong foundation.

When the foundation and subfloor are ready, laying can begin. There is a type of spoon masonry, in which the total thickness of the walls is 12 cm; bonded masonry, with 25 cm walls and chain masonry, with 38 cm walls.

If the veranda is intended to be used all year round, then you can make 2 rows of masonry and put waterproofing and thermal insulation materials between them.

You can leave single masonry. Then insulation and waterproofing are laid between the brickwork and the internal wall cladding material.

External finishing work remains at the discretion of the owner: it can be facing bricks, it is allowed to sheathe the building with polycarbonate.

Calculation of the number of bricks for the terrace (table)

Masonry size Length Width Height Qty
seam, pcs.
taking into account
seam 10 mm, pcs.
1 m 3 single brickwork250 120 65 512 394
1 m 3 thickened brickwork250 120 88 378 372
1 m 2 masonry in half a brick
(masonry thickness 12 cm)
250 120 65 61 51
1 m 2 masonry in half a brick
(masonry thickness 12 cm)
250 120 88 45 39
1 m 2 masonry in 1 brick
(masonry thickness 25 cm)
250 120 65 128 102

(masonry thickness 38 cm)
250 120 65 189 153
1 m 2 masonry of one and a half bricks
(masonry thickness 38 cm)
250 120 88 140 117
1 m 2 masonry in 2 bricks
(masonry thickness 51 cm)
250 120 65 256 204
1 m 2 masonry in 2 bricks
(masonry thickness 51 cm)
250 120 88 190 156
1 m 2 masonry of 2.5 bricks
(masonry thickness 64 cm)
250 250 65 317 255
1 m 2 masonry of 2.5 bricks
(masonry thickness 64 cm)
250 250 88 235 195

Roof: ceiling trim and other structural elements

To finish work on the roof, you need to build a sheathing, lay down layers of insulation and cover the surface with the finishing roofing material.

The sheathing can be made continuous for rolled materials or sparse for sheet roofing. The first is made from OSB boards. They need to be attached to the rafters, leaving a gap of 10 mm. The sparse sheathing is done at a pitch recommended by the manufacturers of the selected roof. Usually it is about 300–350 mm. The sheathing is attached to the rafter part with galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

Veranda roof

Place mineral wool in the cells between the beams of the sheathing part. This will be thermal insulation. Lay a waterproofing material on top, which is attached to the sheathing using staples from a construction stapler.

For a continuous version of the sheathing, the heat-insulating material is laid inside the veranda, fixing it with the help of transverse slats added to the sheathing.

The last stage is laying the roofing material. Ideally the same as the roof of a house.

Final work

Mount the finished floor joists to the wooden subfloor, between which it is necessary to lay thermal insulation. Finished floor boards are laid on top, which can be painted or varnished.

Insulate the veranda floor taking into account the climatic conditions of the region

Concrete floors can be finished in the same way as wood floors. Or you can send it at your discretion, for example, lay linoleum or tiles.

The last stage of construction is the installation of windows, doors and landscaping of the veranda. The better it is equipped at the dacha, the more pleasant it will be to live there in the summer.

There is no need to install additional electrical wiring to the veranda. Here you can use an extension cord that is pulled from the house, and lighting fixtures are connected to it.

Video: diagram for constructing a corner veranda with your own hands

Almost anyone can handle the work of building a veranda. This is a wonderful place to relax, which is simply necessary for a summer cottage. Do not doubt the need for this extension. You will definitely enjoy spending your evenings in the cozy space of the veranda. Good luck!

Look at the beautiful verandas and terraces of the house: photos of real projects are given in the article, enjoy viewing!

The difference between a veranda and a terrace

  1. The veranda can be glazed, while the terrace is an open area.
  2. A mandatory element of a veranda is a roof, but a terrace does not have a roof.
  3. The veranda serves as part of the house, an extension to it. The terrace is located outside the house, often on a small hill.
  4. The veranda can be insulated, while the terrace cannot.

See also:


Open veranda

When fencing a deck or deck, choosing lumber that is suitable for outdoor use becomes a priority. Outdoors, wood is subject to nature's harsh tests. The choice of wood type depends on the budget; the most accessible are pine boards, timber, and logs. Oak or beech is better, but much more expensive.

  • larch;
  • pine;
  • ash timber;
  • solid oak;

Types of decorative fencing lattice:

  • horizontal, vertical or located in different directions - crosswise;
  • in the shape of a rectangle, square or semicircular;
  • with different distances between sections.

Glazed veranda

Whether to glaze the veranda or not is a matter of taste for each owner. You can glaze only part of the openings, or all the windows.

Verandas whose glazing is made without the use of frames look interesting. Glass ceilings literally erase the existing line between the interior decoration and the surrounding nature. Frameless glazing is an excellent solution when arranging a winter garden on the veranda.

Verandas with transparent roofs are literally immersed in bright streams of sunlight. The sun's rays will penetrate through the vaults of the domed glass roof throughout the day, enlivening the room with its glow. Your task is only to enhance the effect by decorating the room with furniture in light shades and creating a light atmosphere for the relaxation area at minimal cost. Always remember that you can create beautiful verandas and terraces for your home in your own home, just show the craftsmen the photo you like.

Design of a glazed veranda in the house

Sliding windows onto the veranda are becoming increasingly popular. By moving one of the glass walls, the veranda turns from closed to open, and vice versa. The veranda's floor-to-ceiling sliding panels can be opened mechanically or automatically using a remote control. Glazing the veranda with sliding windows provides an unobstructed view of the garden area and effective protection from precipitation, wind and insects.

Veranda-dining room

The most cozy and friendly place in the house can be the kitchen-dining room on the veranda. The design of this room can be decorated in a minimalist style, where a standard set of furniture from chairs and a table is complemented only by indoor plants and textiles.

Veranda-living room

When arranging an enclosed living room-veranda at the dacha, you should take into account the needs of all family members and make it as functional as possible. When decorating a veranda, it is advisable to follow the basic rule of designers - proportionality. In other words, a huge sofa will not suit a small veranda, and a miniature one will get lost in a space with a large area. All elements in the room should be combined with each other both in style and in size.

Arranging furniture in groups contributes to a feeling of comfort. Conversely, its location strictly along the walls will create a more strict, formal atmosphere.


In the space of any, even the smallest enclosed veranda, there is room for a comfortable chair, a small desk and a shelf with books. A veranda with panoramic glazing is an ideal solution for an office work area.

Veranda-winter garden

Plants for a greenhouse or winter garden on the veranda - an intermediate zone between the street and the living space, it is advisable to choose hardy ones. For example, tropical: Kenti palms, ficus benjamina, ivy, ficus, yucca. They, like all flowers, require increased attention, warmth, humidity and plenty of light. You can visually expand the boundaries of your home garden by adding a glass roof to the design of your enclosed veranda.

The material used depends on the style. In modernity, plastic and metal are additionally used. Polycarbonate structures are lightweight and decorate the entire building. If the dacha is wooden, then build a beautiful wooden terrace.

Most often, the veranda to the house is built with your own hands from the same material as the house. If it is wooden, then the walls with a frame are wooden, and if it is brick, then they are made of brick. A brick house has a veranda made of wood. Extension of a terrace to the house in the photo. Advantages:

  1. The structures are not heavy; they do not require an expensive, strong foundation.
  2. Economical. Payment for work and materials is cheaper than in other options.
  3. Aesthetics. The carving will be unique, original and very beautiful. See the options for extensions to the house in the photo.
  4. Versatility. With a rustic or classic style, this is an excellent choice of material.
Don’t forget that the wood needs to be impregnated with special compounds to prevent beetles from gnawing it and covered with several layers of varnish. Then it requires care and renewal after 1-2 years with a layer of varnish. A summer veranda attached to a wooden house can accidentally catch fire from a thrown cigarette butt, etc.

Furniture for the veranda

The most popular material for making country furniture has always been wood. The most accessible wood was and is pine. The prevalence of growing areas, low price, ease of processing predetermined the frequent use of pine. But with all the advantages of this type, there are also disadvantages. First of all, fragility and high vulnerability to various pests. To counteract these negative phenomena, protection methods are used. The modern chemical industry has invented preparations and coatings that successfully protect wood from premature wear.

Veranda lighting

When choosing lamps for gazebos in shopping centers, you should take into account the technical characteristics of the purchased device, since such devices must work properly outdoors.

Lighting fixtures for gazebos are made from various materials:

  • natural wood;
  • glass;
  • metal with elements of artistic forging

which allows you to choose a practical, functional and original model.


A terrace is a platform that is located at ground level or slightly higher. It is not part of the house and can either be adjacent to it or be located separately in the yard.

The terrace can be completely open or have a roof mounted on pillars. In addition, the terrace is not heated, so, in fact, it is just a summer area.

Types of terraces

Terraces differ in the following characteristics:

By location,

According to the form,

By levels,

According to the presence/absence of a roof,

By the presence/absence of fencing.


Terraces, as already mentioned, can be adjacent to the house or stand separately. It is best to arrange a site in a quiet, picturesque corner of the yard so that no one disturbs your relaxation.

Many people choose the south side of the house or plot for the terrace, as it is sunnier and warmer, but it all depends on your preferences.

The terrace can be located separately or adjacent to the house. The photo shows a terrace attached to the house.

There is also the option of a terrace that wraps around the house or pool.


Uneven soil can be a serious problem during construction, but can also provide an excellent foundation for a multi-level deck. However, even on a flat area you can arrange a terrace with several levels: this will expand the space and make the area more interesting.A multi-level terrace allows you to visually divide the space

A single-level terrace is the simplest option; it does not require much effort, but looks beautiful and elegant, in no way inferior to a multi-level one.

Terrace lighting

At the stage of project preparation and taking into account all the customer’s wishes, the main types of lighting are thought through. The combination of different light sources to perform specific functions plays an important role:

  • Decorative;
  • Security;
  • Local or marking (illumination of specific areas: paths, gates, stairs and steps);
  • General lighting.

Sources: mediasvet.com, allfacades.com, moydomik.net, diz-cafe.com, www.it-nv.ru, maja-dacha.ru

A veranda attached to the house allows you to expand the habitable area and provide a place for comfortable relaxation. Closed (glazed), it further reduces heat loss in the house. The best part is that you can do it yourself. Moreover, there are options that require significant costs, and there are inexpensive ones. There are many varieties both in structure and in the materials used; they can be decorated in any style.

What are there

Depending on the method of construction, a veranda attached to a house can be closed - with glazing - or open. Open ones are used mainly in the warm season, closed ones can serve as a place to relax all year round. A veranda attached to a house can be of two types at once: part can be glazed (closed), part can be open.

There are also walk-through doors - this is when in order to get into the house you pass through it. Such extensions are located on the front side of the house, sometimes on the yard side if there are two exits from the house. Entrance to impassable buildings is only from the house. It is impossible to get outside from such a veranda.

An extension can cover one, two or more sides of the house. If it covers two adjacent parts of the house, it is called a corner. Some of them occupy only part of the wall.

The forms are different. More often it is a rectangle, less often a hexagon, a semicircle, or other non-standard shapes (these are more difficult to build). In short, these are all types of verandas attached to the house, but without taking into account the materials.

The perimeter extension gives the house an extravagant look

What materials are they made from?

Most often, wooden verandas are made in our area. It is easier to work with wood, and it is not as expensive as in other countries. In areas where wood is very expensive, structural elements are made of metal, and the cladding is selected to suit your taste. It can be glass (double-glazed windows), polycarbonate.

The walls of the veranda are built from brick, shell rock, rubble stone, and building blocks. Just like a house, they are then finished or not, depending on the design of the main building. They can simply make a fence, as in the photo above.

If wood is expensive, or you are reluctant to work with it on a regular basis, the veranda frame is assembled from metal. For this purpose, a profile pipe, corners or channels are most often used - it depends on the material and size of the extension. It is easier to attach double-glazed windows to metal; instead of glazing, you can use polycarbonate. This material can be of different colors and varying degrees of transparency. Despite its apparent fragility, there is a fairly strong material that is used for the construction of greenhouses. And if so, then in the veranda, if it is closed, it will keep the heat well.

Veranda attached to the house: stages of construction

First of all, you need to decide on the type - open/closed, what material it is made of, and choose the type of foundation. It is also necessary to decide what size it will have, where and how it will be located. It is advisable to draw all this on the plan. Even better - order a project. Construction according to a project is rather an exception in our country, but at least there is a plan with dimensions and location, reference to paths, etc. you must have.

The construction of a veranda for the house with your own hands proceeds according to the following plan (we build it from wood):

  1. Use pegs and twine to mark the outlines.
  2. Remove the turf and fertile layer. If this is not done, the vegetation under the flooring will rot, spreading aromas.
  3. Mark out the foundation. At this stage, questions may arise: what height should it be. If the foundation is made incoherent and “floating”, the level of the veranda flooring should be 5-10 cm below the floor level. This is necessary so that even when raised, the extension does not block the front door. If you don’t want the floor to be lower, you will have to make a high threshold in the front door: to guarantee the freedom of opening the door. The height of the support beam depends on the height of the extension floor. It is nailed to the wall of the house, and floor beams are attached to it. The height of the foundation is marked along its lower edge (these are the next two steps).
  4. Nail a support beam to the wall, along the lower edge of which the height of the foundation is measured.

    How to mark an extension: nail the support beam at the required level, and mark the height of the foundation along its lower edge

  5. Build the foundation.
  6. While the concrete gains at least half strength, you complete site preparation. If at the bottom of the pit (the fertile layer has been removed) the soil allows water to pass through well (sandy, sandy loam), add crushed stone to the bottom. It can be compacted, or you can do without it. If there is loam or clay under the fertile layer, you will have to fill the pit either with the same soil (but not fertile) or with clean clay. It must be compacted well to avoid creating voids in which water will accumulate (it is better to lay it soaked to a paste in layers).
  7. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the finished foundation.
  8. Support posts for the roof are installed and secured.
  9. They tie the racks: they nail a beam 100*150 mm thick around the perimeter. It can be nailed to the outside of the studs or between them. Sometimes the racks are nailed after the floor has been laid. This is not the best option: the floor will most quickly become unusable. With such a structure, in order to replace it, you will have to dismantle everything, right down to the roof. If you install the racks first and then the floor, it can be repaired without problems.

    This is what the assembled frame of a veranda attached to the house looks like. Intermediate racks are needed only if the width of the veranda is more than 3 meters.

  10. Floor beams (beam 100*150 mm) are attached to the foundation and support beam. The step of their installation corresponds to the step of installing piles or columns.
  11. Assemble the rafter system.
  12. Side railings (for open ones) or walls (for glazed ones) are installed. At this stage, the general technology ends. Further, for indoor ones it is longer; an open veranda is easier to attach to the house:
    • For open ones, floor boards are nailed onto the beams.
    • For glazed ones, an insulated floor is made. The subfloor is nailed to the beams. There are joists on top, insulation between them, and a finished floor on top.
  13. Roofing.
  14. Wall decoration inside and outside.

These are just general steps. To have a more complete idea of ​​how to make a veranda for a house, we will next consider the most problematic aspects of construction in more detail.

Perhaps you are interested in building a gazebo?


If a veranda is attached to a house, the foundations are very rarely made coherent. Firstly, the house has already settled, the shrinkage has passed. If a “fresh” building is rigidly attached to it, problems will inevitably arise. If it is possible to tie them, then only on stable, reliable soils, on which no movement occurs. Secondly, heavy foundations are rarely made for extensions of this type. The building itself turns out to be light - especially an open one made of wood or frame - and the load-bearing capacity is sufficient.

In general, verandas are placed on the same foundations as houses. Another thing is that most of them are on columnar foundations: the costs are small and the time required is short. And although all architects and designers claim that it is much more difficult to install a correct columnar foundation than (though a strip foundation is much more expensive), people install exactly the pillars.

Column and pile foundation

If you decide to attach a veranda to a wooden house, you can install a columnar foundation. To make it yourself, you need to find out at what depth and at what distance the supports are placed. The distance between the columns depends on the material from which the extension will be built. If these are lightweight materials - wood or a light frame structure - you can place them in increments of 1.5 meters. For heavier ones, the distance should be from 1 meter.

Columnar foundation for the veranda - the columns are made of brick. This open veranda is attached to a wooden house. The house stands on a strip foundation. The foundations of the extension and the house are not connected

When choosing the depth of columns, there are two approaches:

  • Bury below the freezing depth of the soil. This is done on water-saturated soils that are prone to heaving. In this case, the veranda will stand at the same level without changing its position, regardless of the heaving forces. For a columnar foundation, this only makes sense if the freezing depth is no more than 1.2 meters. At greater depths it is easier to make a pile foundation (better -). Holes for piles are not very difficult to make even if you need to drill 2 meters. To install posts for each of them, digging a pit of the same depth is difficult and time-consuming.
  • Make a shallow foundation: 20-30 cm below the fertile layer. In this case, get a floating veranda that will float and lower during frost heaving. It is much easier to build such a structure, but every spring you will have to deal with the consequences of heaving. Different pillars will “walk” differently and the situation will have to be corrected somehow. But this is on heaving soils (clays, loams). On stable soils that are not prone to heaving there will be no such problems.

What is good about this option for the foundation for the veranda of the house? It is quickly built, the cost of work and building materials is low.

The veranda is attached to a brick house on a strip foundation. They put it on . It differs from columnar in that the piles are either screwed in/driven ready-made, or poured into the formwork and are monolithic.

Disadvantages: difficult to predict his behavior. Moreover, both deep and shallow. With a shallow foundation, everything depends on winter and the degree of soil saturation with water, which is impossible to predict and calculate. When buried deep, there is also a problem: it is not known what is under each of the piles. After all, geological surveys cannot be done at all points. And in those areas where the soil has a complex layered structure, it is quite possible to get into some kind of pocket, due to which the pile will not behave as expected. Also in the case of piles or deeply buried columns, it is necessary to remember about lateral heaving forces. They may well break long and thin piles or pillars. Therefore, on problematic soils, strong formwork (metal, asbestos) is used for piles and they are also reinforced: when making pillars, a steel pipe coated with a primer is inserted inside, around which the masonry is laid. It is also possible to lay reinforcing belts. When making bored piles, three or four reinforcement rods must be inserted inside, which add strength to them. Building a veranda with your own hands on a pile foundation can be done quickly and inexpensively, but the risks on heaving soils are great.

Monolithic: strip and slab

If you are going to build a veranda from brick, rubble or other similar heavy materials, and even with heavy cladding, you need a monolithic foundation. You will have to either cast a tape or make a slab. They are made according to all the rules without any exceptions: with formwork, reinforcement, vibration, etc. Completely based on technology.

When building such a foundation, it can already be connected to the main one: you will have to build it to the same depth and, most likely, it will behave stably.

Advantages: high reliability and stability. Disadvantages: significant cost and lengthy construction process.


If the house is located on dry soils or in a region where frost heaving is just a horror story, if it does not have a base, a veranda attached to the house can do without a foundation. In this case, the fertile layer is removed along with the vegetation, the bottom of the pit is compacted, then crushed stone is filled in, compacted, then sand, which is also compacted. On this base you can already lay a flooring: wooden, paving slabs or slabs.

A veranda attached to a house can be without a foundation

One “but”: the racks on which the roof will rest still need to be strengthened in some way. Small piles are made for them or columns are laid (from approximately the same depth where they began laying crushed stone under the flooring).

How thick should I make the bedding? It depends, firstly, on the thickness of the fertile layer, and secondly, on the choice of floor covering. If these are wooden panels (as in the photo), you need to choose the layers so that they lie flush with the ground. If you are planning to lay paving slabs, you will have to consider their thickness. Although, it can be raised slightly above ground level to separate it from the yard. But then they put a border along the edge.

In this photo, the open veranda is attached to the house without a foundation - it’s more like a summer shed with a polycarbonate roof and an open wooden fence

How to attach the stand and bottom trim

Work on the construction of the veranda frame begins after the foundation concrete (if used) has gained some strength. 50% of the calculated value is enough, and this at a temperature of +20° C will happen in 4-5 days. Then, on top of the concrete, in those places where the posts or trim will be attached, two layers of waterproofing are laid. It can be roofing felt, roofing felt, folded in half. You can coat it twice with bitumen mastic or use other modern materials.

Then there are two ways:

  • secure the racks and then the harness;
  • first the strapping, there are stands for them.

If the first option is chosen, special holders are inserted into the foundation when pouring. These can be different devices (see photo), but the most convenient is a metal plate in the form of an inverted letter “P”, to the bottom of which a pin is welded, which is walled up in the foundation. A stand is inserted into this plate (the end must be treated with an antiseptic), its level is checked, and secured with bolts or nails.

How to attach posts to the foundation

After all the posts have been positioned and secured, the framing bars are nailed between them.

With the second option, the situation is different: the racks will have to be attached to the harness. The strapping beam is attached first. It is more convenient to do this if studs are embedded into the concrete at some intervals. Then holes are made in the beam in the right places, it is put on studs and secured with bolts. Then, using one of the methods suggested in the photo, the racks are installed.

Options for attaching racks to strapping beams

Any of these methods does not exclude the use of metal corners. They make the fastening more reliable, which is very important in this case. After all, the racks will support the roof, as well as the walls or fence.

Attaching the joist to the harness

They can be mounted on top of the harness, or at the same level with its top edge. You need to decide exactly how you will do this at the very beginning of the work: this will determine at what level it will be necessary to attach the support beam to the wall of the house (the height of the joists is taken into account or not). Methods for attaching floor joists are shown in the photo below.

How to attach floor joists to the frame

Attaching the roof of the veranda

The porch attached to the house is usually covered with the same type of roofing as the crowbar. There may be several options, and the organization of the roof connection depends on how and to which wall you attach it. If the roof is a continuation of the roof slope of the house, you need to join two rafter systems. In this case, they say that the roof of the veranda is adjacent to the roof of the house.

Then the procedure is as follows:

  • The top trims are attached to the veranda posts.
  • Transverse ceiling beams are nailed to the frame. The ceiling is then sewn to them.
  • The long rafter legs of the house are shortened. They should not protrude beyond the wall.
  • Veranda rafters are made from planed boards, which are cut at an angle from the roof side so that they adjoin the existing ones (see photo below). To make it easier to work, you can make a template, according to which you can then prepare the rafters on the ground. The rafter legs are attached to the house system through nails; metal reinforcing pads can be placed on the sides.
  • To increase the rigidity of the structure, spacers (anti-snow supports) are installed between the rafters of the house and the extension. They are shown in the photo explaining the design.

If the width of the veranda is more than 2 meters or heavy roofing material will be used, spacers are installed to prevent the support beam from sagging. It is better not to nail them on the side, but rather to insert them between the ceiling beam and the rafter leg.

In order to prevent the roof from sagging, spacers are installed between the ceiling beams and rafters

More often it turns out that the roof of the veranda attached to the house is adjacent to the wall. In this case, a groove is made in the wall, a special wall profile is placed in it, the other side of which is laid on the roof covering. The place where it joins the wall is sealed with sealant.

The second option differs only in the shape of the wall profile: it can be made independently from a sheet of roofing iron. This design is distinguished by the presence of a beam, which allows you to move the bend away from the wall of the house and cover possible errors when laying roofing material at the junction. Also, in this option, the apron is not attached directly to the wall material, but to a beam with a beveled edge, mounted in the groove.

The second option for connecting the roof of the extension to the wall of the house

Some questions may arise about how to attach the rafters to the outer top frame, because its dimensions do not allow making cuts, as on the mauerlat. The solution is the usual: using corners (see photo). Instead of corners, you can use small cross-section bars.

Maybe not the most elegant solution, but reliable. After everything is covered with roofing on top, clapboards will be added underneath, they will not be visible.

Most often, summer cottages require summer areas for relaxation: to relax after working in the garden or vegetable garden. Verandas - open or glazed - are best suited for this. They can be large or small, wooden, stone, polycarbonate. The best part is that a small veranda at the dacha can be built with your own hands by one person in a few weeks. True, modest in size.

Projects of country houses with a veranda

If the dacha is going to be built from wood - timber or logs - it doesn’t matter, the most popular design is 6x6 meters. This is due to the fact that the standard length of lumber is 6 meters. With the size of the house, waste is minimal. When considering projects, we notice that it is necessary to look at six meters - this is only the residential part or together with the veranda.

For example, in a timber project, the photo of which is located below, the entire building area is 6*6 meters, 2*6 is a veranda, the habitable part is only 4*6 meters. The internal area will be even smaller - it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the walls and finishing materials.

In another project, 6*6 meters is just a building, and a veranda is attached to it. The total building area is larger (see photo).

Country houses with an attic and a veranda (as in the photo above) are popular. With this layout, having occupied a small area for the house, you use it to the maximum. Another one of these dachas is in the picture below.

The following project was created for a country house made of foam concrete. The asymmetrical roof gives it an oriental flavor, which is echoed by the design style of the veranda.

How to attach

A do-it-yourself veranda at the dacha is not only built from scratch. Much more often it is attached to a finished house. In most cases, the foundation for the veranda is made columnar (on posts) or piled. For a light veranda made of wood or built on a frame principle, such a base is more than enough. But you need to take into account the geology of the site, otherwise the extension will “walk” in height in winter. Then in the spring you will have to correct the distortions.

Foundation for a veranda at the dacha

We'll tell you how to build an open veranda at your dacha. On sandy or sandy loam, gravelly soils that are not prone to heaving, it is quite possible to get by with shallow posts. They are buried 20-30 cm below the level of fertile soil. Crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the excavated pit and compacted well. To be safe, you can spill it with liquid concrete mortar. Solbiks made of bricks or rubble are placed on this pillow (ruble ones are more durable when laid correctly). To make the work even easier, you can put concrete blocks-pillows down, and, if necessary, build columns on them to the required height.

On sandy soils, the foundation can be made columnar. In this case, country houses with a veranda are inexpensive

If the soil is prone to heaving - clay, loam, posts - you cannot install them: they will be pushed out every year. In this case, it is better to make a pile foundation, digging below the soil freezing depth for your region. You can make holes for them using a hand drill. On not very viscous clay you can handle it alone, or in extreme cases - together. For greater stability it is better to do

A little about how many piles or posts are needed. They are placed at a distance of 1-2 meters. The distance depends on the cross-section of the pile or column and on the materials from which the veranda is built. Open wooden country verandas adjacent to the house weigh little. Therefore, supports can be placed under them with a distance of 1.5-2 meters. If glazing is expected on the veranda, the step should be smaller - at least 1.5 meters. In general, it would be a good idea to calculate the load and determine the required cross-section of the piles.

Consider the mass of all materials that will put pressure on the piles: frame beams, joists, floor boards, insulation, racks, rafter system, roofing, supposed heavy furniture. In general, you count everything. Add 20-30% percent for snow loads (if the winters are very snowy, then more) and a safety margin. Divide the resulting number by the estimated number of piles. You get a mass that will put pressure on one support. Using the table, find the line that indicates the type of soil on your site. Moving along it, find the nearest higher value of the bearing capacity of the piles. In the upper part above the found column the diameter required for this load is indicated.

Now let’s talk about how tall the pillars should be. The floor in the extension should be slightly lower than the floor in the country house. This will prevent rainwater from entering the house. The height difference is required to be small - about 25-50 mm. And the height of the pillars or piles should be such that after assembling the entire structure (framing, beams, floor boards), the flooring will be at the required height. On the wall of the house, this height is achieved using a beam on which the ends of the floor joists will rest (its upper edge is set below the required level of the flooring by the thickness of the board).

The beam is fixed at the required level, and the upper level of columns or piles is marked along its lower edge

Before starting construction, do not forget to remove the fertile layer from the site, which will be under the veranda. Otherwise the smell from there will be unpleasant. The resulting pit after pouring the piles on heaving soils is covered with the same soil and compacted well; on well-drained soils it can be filled with crushed stone. If, for example, you fill a hole with crushed stone on clay, then water will collect in the pit, which sooner or later will end up under the foundation, or will bloom and smell accordingly. Therefore, spare no effort, compact the soil well.

We think it’s clear in general terms how to make a foundation for a veranda at the dacha. Having chosen its type, you will need to thoroughly understand the details, and this is unrealistic within the framework of one article.

Construction of a veranda at the dacha

After the foundation is ready, the construction of the veranda itself begins. Let's divide the process into stages.

    1. It all starts with tying pillars or piles. They are first covered with waterproofing, then racks are attached to them. After installing all the racks, the lower frame beams are laid between them. There is a second option: first, attach the harness and the stands to them. This is a worse option: if you need to change the strapping bars (they are closest to the ground and are most often affected by fungi, even though they are treated with antiseptics), you will have to disassemble the entire structure of the veranda, including the roof.

    2. After the bottom trim, floor beams are installed. When building country verandas adjacent to the house, pillars or piles are rarely placed at a distance closer than one meter to the main foundation. With this arrangement, the second end of the beams is attached to the support beam. One end of them rests on the harness, the other on a beam attached to the wall of the house. If the width is sufficiently large, there are also intermediate supports. The logs are also attached to them with nails driven diagonally.

    3. Now install the top trim, which connects all the racks. The next step is laying the ceiling beams. They are installed in increments of at least 1 meter. These beams can be open, but then the rafter system must be assembled carefully, or they can be hemmed underneath with clapboard, edged board, drywall, etc.

      Assembled top frame and ceiling beams

    4. The roof on the veranda must have a slope. Therefore, a rafter system is also required: the roof of the veranda is connected to the wall or to the roof of the house. Since the veranda is adjacent to the wall, timber is nailed to it at the required height. The difference between the height of this beam and the trim determines the angle of the roof slope. Its minimum value depends on the type of roofing material.

    5. Next, the veranda rafter system is installed. One edge of the rafter legs rests on the upper support beam, the second - on the outer beam of the upper frame. You can attach it to the harness by making a notch in the timber (the depth of the cut is no more than 50% of the thickness of the timber). The second option is to cut out a recess in the rafter legs and nail it through the top with nails. The third one is to simply lay the lag and secure it to the beam with corners.

    6. If the rafter system is of considerable length, the beams may sag. To minimize deflection, spacers must be installed between the ceiling beams and the rafters. The number of spacers depends on the depth of the veranda. On average, they need to be installed every meter.

    7. Next the floor is laid. If the veranda is open, it is better to take a decking board: it has an uneven surface (wavy) and does not slip when wet. If you need a floor with a smooth surface, use edged boards. One important point: on open verandas, the floor should be made with a slight slope away from the house. This way, any trapped water will quickly drain away. A floor board with a tongue and groove is needed only if the veranda is covered and the floor needs to be insulated. Then, first, they make a subfloor from edged boards, put joists on it, insulation between them, and then finish the floor on top.

    8. After laying the floor, you can install side rails. They will give the building even more rigidity.

    9. The roof covering is laid last. There are no special features: they make a sheathing, the pitch of which depends on the weight of the material, and install the roofing material according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. After this, it is important to make the connection to the wall correctly so that there are no leaks in this place. The most universal option for dachas made of bricks or building blocks: make a groove above the level of the roofing material, lay a beam in it, and trim one of the edges (see photo below). Below, another beam is nailed, a slightly larger cross-section and also with a cut edge. From above, this entire structure is covered with an apron made of roofing iron.

How to cover the floor on the veranda at the dacha

First of all, let’s make a reservation that by “painting” the floor in a dacha we mean changing the color of the wood, increasing its security, but not painting over its texture. That is, we will actually talk about stains, but with protective properties. Rather, we will tell you how to cover the floor on the veranda at the dacha. Opaque paints that create an opaque film on the surface, even the best ones, will definitely swell and crack on the floor. Especially if it is an open summer veranda. In this case, it is better to use stains.

Impregnations for protection

Please note that all wood must be treated with antiseptics before construction. This is especially true for the open veranda. Here the side rails, all the racks and the floor - all these elements - require careful protection. For impregnation, you can use the SENEZH IMPRA composition. It is even suitable for processing wood that has direct contact with the ground. What is important is that it does not change its color, does not wash out, and does not create a vapor-proof film. That is, after treatment, the wood continues to dry.

The same campaign has another impregnation “Senezh” with similar characteristics. But it gives the wood an olive tint. If you apply a dark color later, it will have almost no effect on the final result, but will be visible under light colors.

Pinotex Tinova Professional - primer for dry wood. Protects against blue staining, darkening, mold and rot. Penetrates deep into the fibers. Apply to clean, dry wood (humidity not higher than 18%). This is its disadvantage: verandas are rarely built from dry lumber.

Color Changing

There are the following options for coloring compositions:

  • Tikkurila Valtti Puuoljy (Tikkurila Valtti Puyoli). This composition is intended for surfaces constantly exposed to atmospheric factors. Its base is oil. Therefore, it is necessary to use on dried wood: maximum humidity 20%. Apply with a brush to a clean surface, one coat is usually sufficient.
  • Pinotex Terrace Oil (Pinotex terrace oil) - oil for Pinotex terraces. This composition is applied to the base and also: it must be tinted by adding the desired pigment. Designed for processing wood on terraces, verandas, stairs, etc.

Both of these formulations are oil-based. They need to be updated once every year or two - check the condition. But at the same time apply it to the old coating, simply by cleaning it first. Easy to apply and leaves no streaks. It is usually absorbed quickly: if after 15-20 minutes there is some unabsorbed composition somewhere, you need to blot it with a dry cloth. Moreover, even after a year the surface looks attractive, no cracks, chips of the coating or other troubles.

If the wood you use is not dry enough, here’s the solution: impregnate it with antibacterial impregnations that do not create a vapor-proof film on the surface. After some time it will dry out enough (in a year - for sure). During this time, of course, it will get darker. Remove the top layer with a sander and then cover the floor on the veranda at the dacha with oil.

If you look at the prices, then Pinotex is cheaper, but under it you must apply its own “Base” - a basic impregnation. Tikkurila can be used directly on boards (but on dry ones). If water gets on surfaces treated with these compounds, it remains in separate puddles, not absorbed until it is wiped off or it dries.

Sometimes verandas are covered with yacht varnish. If you take expensive, high-quality ones, the coating lasts for several years. Cheaper yacht varnish cracks and lifts in places after a year. Before applying a new layer, the old one must be removed and the surface sanded. If you want to varnish, try Eurotex alkyd varnish or Eteral urethane varnish. They have good reviews. But keep in mind: varnished surfaces are slippery in winter. So if you want shiny surfaces, paint your walls, counters and side rails. Still, it's better than oil on the floor.

Glazing: what and how

Even a large open veranda can be glazed if desired. The easiest way is to call a measurer from a company that sells metal profile windows and listen to their proposals. They may offer windows that open or not. Here the choice is yours. The glazing of the veranda looks like the photo below. For a summer residence, this option may be unsafe: if the territory is not guarded, it can be broken up.

Even with this solution, questions arise:

  1. Install single or double frames. If you have finances, it’s better to bet double. They hold heat much better. Even if you only come to your dacha in winter to check how things are going, in spring or autumn it will be much warmer. To the point that if the veranda is on the south side, while the house is heated, you will bask on the veranda: the sun heats the air, and the frames retain the heat. It will be especially warm if you make an insulated floor. But even with a single deck, the temperature in the glazed extension will be much higher than in the house.
  2. The windows must be burglary resistant or not. If there is no security nearby, then even the best ones will be able to break into it. Even tempered reinforced glass will not last long against brick. And in order not to provoke thieves, the entrance to the house should be behind a reliable metal door, but the entrance to the veranda can be equipped with simple doors.

In the photo below, the veranda at the dacha was glazed with double windows. With a cracked floor in the spring, the extension is much warmer than in a log house.

Large glazing area - large sashes. If you order double frames made of wood, they will open inward (the same as fiberglass). If the veranda area is small, they can get in the way. There are several options here. First: order ones in which both frames will open outward (there are some). The second is to install sliding ones. One point: sliding ones are made only from aluminum profiles. Even if they can make you one from wood, they will cost a lot (this type of window, even made from aluminum, is not cheap at all). You can see the glazing of the country veranda with sliding metal-plastic windows in the photo.

If the veranda in a house is made of logs, and it was cut down along with the house and was originally planned as open, the white windows in it will look, to put it mildly, “not very good.” Not everyone can afford windows with wooden frames over a large area; metal-plastic is still cheaper. The solution is simple: there is laminated aluminum. A film imitating the surface of wood is glued onto it. You select the required color and everything looks good (an example of such glazing of a veranda on two floors is in the photo below).

Glazing of a veranda at the dacha made of logs (the mounting foam is visible, it will then be covered with flashings)

After the veranda has been glazed, I want to build an open gazebo. How? Read

Another option is frameless glazing. In this case, a strong strapping is made at the top and bottom, special glasses are inserted between them, and the gaps between them are sealed with rubber seals or covered.

Frameless glazing of the veranda in combination with a log house is not the best solution

Wood and polycarbonate combine better. Its advantage is that you can install it yourself: make frames with a quarter removed, install polycarbonate sheets in them with sealant. They are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws with special thermal washers that compensate for different temperature expansion. The seams between the sheets are filled with transparent sealant, but there are special mounting profiles for joining the sheets.

You can glaze the veranda yourself in this way. Polycarbonate weighs relatively little, is not so demanding on transportation conditions, and is easier to work with than glass. Due to its cellular structure, it retains heat even better than glass: it is used in greenhouses and greenhouses. So a veranda at the dacha can not only be built with your own hands, but also glazed.