Cleaning the air from dust at home. How to choose an air purifier for dust at home. Phillips in the modern market

People with allergies to pollen, animal dander and other organic irritants are recommended to install air purifiers indoors. Household appliances are also useful for city residents whose homes are located near industrial zones and busy highways. Modern models protect the user from dust, harmful aerosols and unpleasant odors. How to choose an air purifier for a city apartment - read on.

Methods for purifying room air

Effective air flow purification involves two operations:

  • removal of the smallest particles and impurities;
  • deactivation of harmful microorganisms.

There are several methods for solving these problems. Let's take a closer look at those that are used in home air purifiers.

Mechanical particle capture (HEPA filters)

It is carried out using fibrous materials that work on the principle of a sieve. HEPA is the designation for all such filters, adopted in the West (regardless of the degree of purification) and has recently become widespread in the territory of the former USSR. Previously, such elements were known as “Petryanov fabric”.

HEPA is an abbreviation for the term High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance, in Russian - “highly efficient particle capture.”

Filters of this type used in home air purifiers look like an accordion-folded sheet of paper-like material. This is the most effective means of delaying mechanical impurities:

  • has a meager breakthrough coefficient (the ratio of dust content in the air at the filter outlet to the contamination of the inlet flow);
  • captures particles up to 0.3 microns in size (for example, the thickness of hair is 80...120 microns, pollen - 10...250 microns).

The filtering capacity of the element is periodically restored with a vacuum cleaner; at the end of its service life, the accordion is replaced. If this is not done, the filter turns from a dust cleaner into a pollutant, since it saturates the air with particles that previously fell on it.


  1. High aerodynamic drag is the downside of efficiency. A HEPA dust collector requires a fan to create a powerful air flow.
  2. Special disposal is required: pathogenic microorganisms are likely to multiply on the filter. Catchers with bactericidal impregnation pose less danger.
  3. The element does not retain chemical gaseous impurities. These include substances that are registered by the sense of smell as unpleasant odors.

Adsorption-catalytic method (carbon filters)

Through special processing, carbon is converted into activated carbon containing many micropores. Due to their small size, the pores easily capture molecules of foreign gases and allow only air to pass through. A carbon filter purifies the room atmosphere from unpleasant odors, tobacco smoke, car exhaust and emissions from nearby industries.

Various devices use round and rectangular carbon cassettes

Purifiers of this type, like HEPA, after their service life is exhausted, pollute the air with accumulated material, and therefore require timely replacement.

Attention! Carbon absorbers do not tolerate high humidity: under such conditions, the filter material “sinters” and stops performing its functions.

Electrostatic elements

An electrostatic filter (otherwise known as a plasma ionizer) is a set of plates with metal threads installed between them. A potential difference is applied to these elements, an electric field is formed around them, and a corona discharge is formed on the threads themselves. The latter causes the occurrence of ionic current between the conductors and plates. Dust in the passing air flow is ionized (magnetized), then, under the influence of an electric field, is attracted to the plates.

Note. The filter must be cleaned of accumulated dirt 1-2 times a week.

Photocatalytic purification

This filter contains two components:

  • catalyst plates, usually made of titanium dioxide;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

Under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation, all organic substances that fall on the catalyst enter into a photochemical reaction with the oxygen contained in titanium oxide. As a result of oxidation, they decompose into carbon dioxide and water. Microorganisms are also subjected to chemical combustion, so the photocatalytic filter also has an antibacterial effect.

The principle of operation of the photocatalytic element is the decomposition of pollutants by OH hydroxide radicals under the influence of UV radiation

Disadvantage of the element: such a device is incapable of capturing inorganic impurities, for example, construction dust.


Water filters are available in two versions:

  1. Conical. The device is equipped with a cone that creates a wet mist in a water tank by rotating it. The air blown through this suspension is saturated with moisture, and the mechanical impurities contained in it become wet, become heavier and settle.
  2. Disk devices differ from the previous type in their operating principle: instead of a water curtain, a rotating cassette of plates installed with a gap is used. The flat parts are located vertically and are half recessed into a container of water.

Explanation. As a result of the rotation of the cassette, the plates are constantly moistened. Air is blown through the gaps between them, causing most of the mechanical impurities to remain on the wet surface. Adhered dirt is washed off the next time the “blade” is immersed in water.

Air washers are positioned as “two-in-one” devices: they combine the functions of humidification and air purification. This is definitely a plus. But the hydrofilter, first of all, is precisely a humidifier - it cleans the atmosphere of the home very mediocrely. Only large particles are retained, and not all of them; cone models are powerless against dirt that is immune to getting wet. Such a device will not help a sensitive allergy sufferer.


  1. The water in the tank is changed periodically - dirt accumulates in it. Ideally, daily maintenance is required.
  2. Poorly treated water in the sink “blooms”, especially when the household appliance is idle for a long time. It is not recommended to fill the cassette with tap water - distilled water is needed.
  3. High humidity in the device causes intensive development of colonies of microorganisms, therefore it is highly advisable to perform disinfection (disinfection). Ultraviolet lamps are often built into air washers.

Advice. If there are high requirements for cleanliness, it is wiser to purchase a high-quality air purifier and, for example,. Or invest in an air conditioning complex consisting of a full-fledged air purifier and a cold evaporation humidifier.


The destruction of harmful microorganisms is carried out using ultraviolet lamps. They also die, as already mentioned, on the catalyst of the photocatalytic filter.

Recently, some manufacturers have begun to use ozone for disinfection. Oxygen molecules are converted into it during an electrical discharge (ozone formula is O3). This gas is a strong oxidizing agent, and at a certain concentration is destructive for all living things. At the outlet of the purifier, it is neutralized by a special adsorption-catalytic filter.

Criteria for choosing a household appliance

When considering which air purifier to choose for your home, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • method of cleansing;
  • device performance;
  • electrical power consumption;
  • noise level and functionality.

Cleaning methods involved

The best air purifiers contain several filters of different types (multi-stage cleaning). It is important that they include an effective HEPA filter. Today, so-called filterless climate systems are actively advertised, which do not burden the user with the need to periodically buy replacement filters. There are no HEPA or carbon dirt traps in them, but only:

  • ionizer (see below);
  • photocatalytic and electrostatic unit.

Such devices are ineffective by definition, because the listed catchers are elements of auxiliary air treatment and here’s why:

  1. Photocatalytic decomposition takes time, and contaminants travel too quickly in the air stream. Please note: not all organic matter is amenable to such breakdown.
  2. Electrostatic filters are effective when the plate area is large. Household models are distinguished by small-sized blocks, therefore they are unable to purify the air of all impurities.
  3. The ionizer acts on dust like an electrostatic unit and, for the same reasons, cannot retain it completely.

By the way, the term “HEPA filter” does not mean high-quality filtration. This is the general name for all fabric dust collectors. To make the right choice, it is worth checking the class of the product. The European standard EN 1822 identifies 17 such classes - from G1 to U17.

Reference. Each category of fabric elements corresponds to an MPPS value (Most Penetrating Particle Size) - the largest size of particles passed through. Filters of the highest category retain particles with MPPS = 0.3 microns.

Filter classes are combined into groups:

  • rough - G1…G4;
  • fine cleaning - F5…F9;
  • high efficiency filters - H10…H14;
  • ultra-high efficiency - U15…U.

The best purifiers necessarily contain a carbon filter and three HEPA filters of different classes - coarse, medium and fine (the latter - not lower than H11). Antibacterial impregnation of the filter surface would be a good addition.

Note. For rooms with strong unpleasant odors, manufacturers produce reinforced carbon filters.

Device performance

Typically, the characteristics of the device indicate the maximum area of ​​​​the room for which it is designed. But this is a relative indicator. It is more correct to take the air performance and correlate it with the volume of the room for which the device is selected. Under normal conditions, a single air exchange is required (1 room volume per hour). For allergy sufferers - three times.

Calculation example. For a room of 50 m² with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, an ordinary person needs a purifier with a capacity of 50 x 2.5 = 125 m³/h, and an allergy sufferer needs 50 x 2.5 x 3 = 375 m³/h.

Noise level

All air purifiers make noise “thanks to” the built-in fan and, since the devices operate for a long time, the sound level is important. The model is selected taking into account the installation location. For example, in an office, even a noisy system will not cause discomfort, but a bedroom requires quieter equipment.

According to medical standards, the maximum permissible noise level during night sleep is 30 dB. There are air purifiers that are so quiet that the user has to visually check that the device is working.

Installation options

Household air purification systems are available in three versions:

  • desktop (low-power models);
  • wall;
  • floor

Advice. The choice in favor of the desktop version should be made with caution for those who have a small child in the family. It is not desirable for him to have access to the device.

Floor-standing models are superior to wall-mounted models in terms of mobility - if necessary, the device can be temporarily moved, for example, to the kitchen. But such purifiers take up more usable space, especially since they cannot be placed close to the walls. The minimum permissible distance for different models is from 15 to 50 cm.

The desktop version (left) is suitable for a small room, as it has low productivity

Additional functions

Some air purifier models come with useful features:

  1. Aromatization. The device mixes aromatic oil vapor contained in a special cartridge into the air flow, that is, it works as a freshener. The function is useless in devices equipped with a carbon filter that eliminates odors.
  2. Fresh air from outside. In addition to the standard recirculation mode, the purifier works like. That is, the outside air enters the room already clean, which reduces the risk of allergies and other diseases to a minimum. Some models are equipped with an air flow heater. Such stations are called ventilators or breathers.
  3. Filter contamination indicator. A convenient, cost-saving feature: filters are changed when really needed.
  4. Automation functions: dust/air pollution control, timer.
  5. Night mode. When activated, the device runs much quieter, but at the same time performance decreases.
  6. Ionization.

In part, the ionizer helps filter the air by acting on dust like a magnet - impurities are electrified and then attracted to a horizontal surface (it is periodically wiped). But the main job of the device is to saturate the air with positive and negative ions.

The beneficial effects of negatively charged oxygen ions on human health have not been well proven.

Marketers are positioning the ion module as extremely necessary - according to them, the air after filtration loses charged particles and becomes dead. Indeed, ions are important for the normal functioning of the body and their quantity is even regulated by the regulatory document SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the aeroionic composition of air,” but with regard to ionizers, experts state the following:

  • the benefits of artificial ions have not been confirmed in any way;
  • the ionizer may exceed the concentration of charged particles beyond the permissible level (the mentioned document stipulates not only the minimum, but also the maximum amount);
  • this module can produce ozone, which, when the maximum permissible concentration is exceeded, has a toxic effect on the body.

For reference. Ozone in acceptable quantities is not recognized by smell. If you smell “fresh” or “like after a thunderstorm,” it means that the maximum permissible concentration has been exceeded and the room urgently needs to be ventilated.

The question of the advisability of using ionizers remains controversial. One way or another, many experts recommend abandoning this option.

Review of popular models

A potential buyer should pay attention to several proven air purification systems. Let's consider 4 models from different companies.

Daikin is a Japanese manufacturer that produces household and semi-professional versions of air purifiers (Daikin Siesta and Daikin MC704VM).

Characteristics of Daikin MC70LVM:

  • number of cleaning stages: 5 standard + our own development - Flash Streamer technology to combat unpleasant odors and formaldehyde fumes;
  • power consumption - 65 W;
  • air capacity - 55–420 m³/h;
  • optimal serviced area - 46 m²;
  • noise level - 16 dB;
  • control - remote control.

The disadvantage of the model, in addition to its high cost: during operation, the smell of ozone is heard, which indicates that its maximum permissible concentration is exceeded. For a review of another modification of the Daikin brand, watch the video:

Inexpensive air purifier Ballu AP-430F7 with the following characteristics:

  • number of filtration stages - 7;
  • power consumption - 91 W;
  • room area - up to 50 m²;
  • productivity - up to 270 m³/h;
  • noise level - 53 dB;
  • number of operating modes - 3;
  • control - touch screen.

The Chinese device Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2 is equipped with two filters:

  • external: mesh and HEPA pleated are installed in it. Their task is to retain solid suspensions;
  • internal: filled with activated carbon produced from coconut shells. Gaseous pollutants and odors are adsorbed here.

In a cubic meter of purified air, up to 518 thousand particles of 0.3-0.5 microns in size remain. You can control the operating mode and monitor the degree of air pollution using a smartphone.

Reference. The productivity of Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2 is about 300 m³/h. This model can clean the air in a room of 23 m² in 600 seconds.

The classic Panasonic F-VXK70R climate complex has three stages of cleaning + humidification:

  1. Odor and gaseous contaminants are absorbed by the carbon filter.
  2. The HEPA filter copes with allergens and fine dust.
  3. A layer with green tea extract reduces the activity of viruses.

In an hour of operation, the device purifies 402 cubic meters of air. This is quite enough to clear dust from a room of 52 m2. According to the results of many tests, the Panasonic F-VXK70R confidently takes 1st place among the reviewed units for treating room air.

The article examines in detail such a useful device as an air purifier for an apartment: what type of device to choose for your home, types of existing designs, their classification, functional and technical features, advantages and disadvantages, rating of the best models on the market, reviews and prices. The text provides useful recommendations for choosing a quality household appliance.

The cleanliness of indoor air has a strong impact on a person’s well-being and health. People suffering from allergic reactions and bronchial asthma are especially sensitive to pollution. In such cases, it will not be enough to buy a humidifier; an air purifier will be an excellent addition to it in the fight for comfortable living conditions in an apartment or house.

Most devices are designed to combat popular household allergens:

  1. Dust – dust particles by themselves do not pose a serious threat to humans. The danger lies in the ticks living in them, protein particles from pets, fungal and mold spores.
  2. Pollen – pollen from plants enters the house through windows. This type of allergen is a seasonal problem, but the effects can last almost a year.
  3. Dander and pet hair – pet hair is also not dangerous to humans; the harmful effects come from the protein that is produced by the pet’s body and attaches to it.

Air purification is carried out through special filters that retain allergens inside the structure. Devices are classified by purpose and type of filter installed inside. There are air purifiers on sale without replaceable filters. They are less hygienic than devices with a replaceable filtration system, but they are less expensive.

Note! No purifier can completely remove all types of allergens from the air. But high-quality devices can cope with most of them. In stores you can purchase universal devices that include the function of humidifying and purifying the air.

Air purifiers for apartments with plasma filters

The cleaning process is based on a plasma filter. It forms an electrostatic field that attracts dust particles. This type of device is quite popular among consumers. The filter is made of metal plates that are easy to clean and do not need to be replaced. Just rinse them under running water.

However, these devices are not as effective as dust purifiers. The capabilities of the electrostatic (plasma) device allow it to cope with only a certain amount of dust particles. Only 80-90% of contaminants can be removed from indoor air.

If there is too much dust in the room, the device cannot cope with high-quality cleaning of such volumes. For this reason, to more effectively clean the air masses in the house, you will need a device with several degrees of purification. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics are better off looking for another option.

Most modern air purifiers are equipped with

Air purifiers for home with ionization function

Air purifiers with ionization function are a whole complex. The device includes several elements that perform cleaning in different ways. This ensures a high degree of purification of air masses from various impurities that can be harmful to humans.

  1. Due to the built-in fan, contaminated air masses are drawn into the structure.
  2. The foam filter performs preliminary coarse cleaning, thereby trapping large dust particles.
  3. Air flows are forced through a photocatalyst filter. There, toxic and chemical substances are destroyed, as well as unpleasant odors are eliminated.
  4. An ultraviolet lamp with a bactericidal effect disinfects the air.
  5. Plates that create an electrostatic field filter out small dust particles from the air.
  6. A special device generates negatively charged ions that are transferred to the air.
  7. Through the outlet grille, the air that has been purified and disinfected returns to the room.

Helpful advice! When using this air purifier for dust at home, you need to perform dry and wet cleaning more often. This is done in order to remove dust settled on the surfaces.

The operating principle of this equipment is at the same time its advantage. The device does not accumulate pollution inside itself, so there is no need to regularly replace the filter system. Thus, the owner of the device will avoid additional costs for its maintenance. Metal plates are easily washed under running water. To keep the pre-filter in working order, simply vacuum it.

Features of air purifiers with HEPA filters

If you need to perform high-quality air purification from dust particles, the best air purifier for an apartment will be a device equipped with a HEPA filtration system. The name is an abbreviation for “High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance,” which literally translates from English as “highly effective particle retention.”

Such devices have a complex configuration and are a kind of accordion consisting of fibrous material. The filter density is so high that the gaps between the fibers are only a few microns.

A fan is installed inside the devices. It draws air masses inside an air purifier with a HEPA filter, where the flows are cleaned not only of microscopic dust particles, but also of bacteria living in it, as well as plant pollen. The efficiency is almost 100%. For this reason, this type of equipment is considered one of the most optimal options for apartments where people prone to allergies live.

Helpful advice! In order for the device to maintain such high efficiency, it should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at least once a month. The filtration module is changed 1-2 times a year. The frequency of this procedure depends on the quality of air purification and the level of contamination.

Specificity of photocatalytic air purifiers

Just like devices with a Nera filter, photocatalytic purifiers perform step-by-step cleaning. Thanks to this, the equipment copes not only with removing dust particles of various sizes from the air, but also with the elimination of mold spores, mildew, and dust mites. These factors are the triggers of allergies.

This type of device is necessarily equipped with an ultraviolet radiation lamp and a catalyst. In addition, the design contains ion generators, a carbon filter and plates that form an electrostatic field. When contaminated air enters the device, it is pre-cleaned using a dust filter located at the inlet. It traps most large dust particles and pet hair.

After this, the air masses enter the chamber, where they are exposed to ultraviolet light from a lamp and a catalyst. As a result, the process of photocatalysis starts. During this process, toxic pollutants in the air are broken down into harmless substances. In other words, the output is carbon dioxide, water and oxygen. After this procedure, there is almost no dust deposit inside the device, so there is no need to frequently replace the filter.

Why is it profitable to buy a photocatalytic air purifier for your apartment?

Many buyers prefer to buy a photocatalytic air purifier for their home and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Removal of formaldehyde and phenol fumes emitted by building materials. These materials include fiberboard and chipboard, on the basis of which furniture is made.
  2. Elimination of exhaust gas entering the house from the street through window openings. Relevant for city apartments in houses located near highways.
  3. Effective removal of soot and carbon monoxide in homes where residents use a stove or fireplace.
  4. Elimination of dust along with the harmful microorganisms it contains (bacteria and viruses).
  5. Air purification from allergens of animal, household, and plant origin.
  6. Removing organic compounds that evaporate from powdered household chemicals and solutions.

Note! Devices of this class are most often characterized by a low level of electrical energy consumption. They are environmentally friendly and safe. At the same time, the cleaners require minimal maintenance. It is enough to only clean it with a vacuum cleaner once every six months.

Taking into account all of the above, it becomes clear why it is so profitable to buy an air purifier for an apartment, the basis of which is the process of photocatalysis. On the other hand, cleaning efficiency, which is one of the most important advantages of these devices, can be considered as a disadvantage.

During the process of passing through the structure, the masses are cleaned so thoroughly that at the outlet there are no microorganisms not only harmful, but also neutral for humans. The device simply cannot distinguish one from the other. Subsequently, such sterile air can negatively affect the immune system of children. For this reason, you should not perform too thorough cleaning of the premises where children live.

Ozonizers as air purifiers for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

An ozonator is a device designed to purify the air by forming a small amount of ozone. Ozone is a gas that is part of ordinary oxygen. In high concentrations, this element has a detrimental effect on all living organisms, so it is widely used to disinfect rooms and destroy germs.

Related article:

Which is the best humidifier for a children's room? Types of designs, their advantages and disadvantages, operating features.

The gas is formed when oxygen is exposed to an electrical discharge. As a result, splitting into atoms occurs. A similar process occurs in nature when there is a thunderstorm outside. You can smell the characteristic ozone smell in the air. It was this natural phenomenon that formed the basis of the operating principle of the device. In it, electric current and oxygen collide artificially.

Note! There are many air purifiers for allergy sufferers that work on the principle of ozonizers. But all these devices have similar key components: mains voltage converters, ozone generators and a fan.

Why is it profitable to buy an air purifier for your home with ozonation: advantages and disadvantages

Air purifiers using the principle of ozonation are very popular. As household appliances, they can offer a lot of useful advantages:

  1. Disinfection of indoor air with complete removal of mold and pathogens.
  2. Elimination of putrid odors.
  3. Purification of drinking water from impurities of harmful metals and chlorine.
  4. Purification of food products from chemicals and antibiotics, for example, meat, vegetables, fruits.
  5. Elimination of unpleasant odors from refrigerator compartments and disinfection.
  6. Treating things with ozone (underwear, bedding, furniture, shoes).
  7. Cleaning air conditioner filters from mold.

Having such a large number of advantages, air purifiers-ozonizers are not without their disadvantages. Doctors recommend that you be careful when using such equipment in your home. Excessive exposure to ozone on the air that surrounds a person is not allowed. To avoid negative consequences from using the device, you should strictly adhere to the operating instructions that come with it. It is better if there are no people in the premises while using the device.

Features of air purification in an apartment using devices with carbon filters

Devices equipped with carbon filters belong to the category of fine cleaning devices. They can remove all kinds of impurities from air masses, including gases. The structures contain ultraviolet lamps that remove biological contaminants from the air.

Carbon filters themselves are not capable of high-quality cleaning of air masses from environmental pollutants, which are present in large quantities in city apartments. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a modern generation air purifier for allergy sufferers. In such models, additional photocatalytic or HEPA filters are installed.

Note! It is not recommended to use carbon filtration systems in rooms with high humidity levels. In such conditions, the material absorbs moisture well and quickly deteriorates. As a result, flowability is lost and, consequently, efficiency is reduced.

Carbon filters contain finely dispersed activated charcoal powder. It generates a lot of resistance when air flows through the system. Therefore, when looking for where to buy an air purifier with carbon filtration, it is recommended to pay attention to the availability of models with large-sized granules in the composition.

There are also devices on sale with a pleated and universal mesh filter. Corrugated options, due to their large absorption surface, are considered more effective in the fight against small and large particles than mesh ones. Filters are replaced twice a year, otherwise these elements themselves can become a source of air pollution.

Air washer as a humidifier and air purifier for the home

Air washing performs cleaning using hydrofiltration. The operation of the device is as follows:

  • the fan forces air masses inside the purifier;
  • passing through a zone with special rotor impellers, the air, due to blades of various configurations, mixes with liquid (water) almost to the point of dispersion. This is where the cleaning of impurities takes place, which later settle on the pallet. Air masses are separated and directed to the outlets;
  • There are additional functions that provide photocalytic and ultraviolet cleaning. Moreover, these options are enabled if necessary. As a result, air purification is so effective that it eliminates viruses, odors and mold spores;

  • the built-in ionization module is another advantage of modern models. Thanks to negative ions, the air reaches a high level of purity and freshness;
  • After this, the humidified and purified air is supplied back to the room.

Note! In the ratings of air purifiers and humidifiers for apartments, sinks occupy leading positions due to their versatility and the presence of a large number of functions. The devices not only remove large and small particles of dust and other allergens from the air. They can eliminate unpleasant odors, humidify and even aromatize the air. The efficiency of the devices is 85-95%.

What are the best air purifiers and humidifiers for home?

There are three types of humidifiers:

  • steam;
  • ultrasonic;
  • traditional (mechanical type).

All of them, to one degree or another, also perform the function of a purifier, despite the fact that the main task of these devices is air humidification.

In ratings of air purifiers, ultrasonic humidifiers are equated with devices that provide cleaning. Due to the ultrasonic membrane, which splits water into the smallest particles, heated or cold steam is formed. It is atomized thanks to the built-in fan. Ultrasonic devices are safe, virtually silent, economical and easy to use.

Traditional devices remove dust particles from the air while humidifying it. Cleaning is carried out by passing air through humidifying cartridges. Disadvantages of the design include high noise levels.

Steam humidifiers operate using hot steam. This type of structure is the least popular; if used carelessly, you can get burned. In addition, steam appliances consume a lot of energy and produce a lot of noise.

A Brief Review of the Best Household Air Purifiers and Humidifiers

The capabilities of the Atmos AQUA-1210 air purifier are enough to humidify and purify the air in a room measuring 30 m².

Advantages of the device:

  • ergonomic and stylish design;
  • high functionality;
  • air purification even from fine dust;
  • night lighting, which can be turned off if necessary;
  • efficiency;
  • aromatization function.

Note! The Atmos AQUA-1210 device works in 4 directions at once: cleaning, hydroionization, humidification and biological sterilization of air.

The Sharp KC-D61RW air purifier can treat a room measuring 48 m². It has convenient electronic controls. The maximum air purification speed is 396 m³/h.

The advantages of the device include a multi-level filtration system:

  • pre-filter;
  • deodorizing filter (washable);
  • condensate filter;
  • HEPA filter.

The device has three operating modes: ion rain, cleaning and moisturizing, pollen.

Using the Venta LW15 purifier and humidifier, you can treat an area of ​​20 m². The device is easy to use and has the following advantages:

  • water filtration system;
  • ability to adjust work intensity;
  • low noise level;
  • low fluid level indicator.

The air purification performance of the device is 120 m³/h.

Prices of air purifiers for apartments with humidification function:

Device model price, rub.
Atmos AQUA-1210 4900
Venta LW15 14790
Sharp KC-D61RW 24200

Which air purifier to choose for an apartment: reviews and recommendations

Basic criteria for choosing an air purifier:

  • power level - the larger the area of ​​the room, the more power the unit should have. At the same time, energy costs increase;
  • service area - this indicator is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. The device must cover the intended treatment area of ​​the room, otherwise the air purification will be incomplete;

  • type of control - devices with mechanical control belong to the budget category of devices. Purifiers with electronic control allow you to create a work program that will meet the needs of residents;
  • type of power supply – power supply can be battery-powered or mains-powered. The presence of a battery is considered an advantage, especially if the house has frequent power outages;
  • noise level – the maximum permissible limit is 35 dB. Despite the fact that manufacturers set this figure to 65 dB, it is recommended to buy less noisy models;
  • dimensional parameters – for small rooms, compact and stable device options should be selected. They are convenient and easy to carry from one place to another.

Note! Most reviews confirm the fact that many buyers prefer devices with additional functionality. Such options include ionization, ozonation, UV lamp, the ability to adjust speeds, indication of filter contamination and switching on, timer, remote control, aromatization.

Many users choose smart models of air purifiers with advanced functionality

Air purifiers have long become a common attribute of many private houses and apartments. They are used to purify the air in both large and small rooms. Not only allergy sufferers and asthmatics, but also people who do not have similar health problems increasingly prefer a clean atmosphere to the dusty and dirty air of their home. Apart from the hygienic aspect, air purifiers help make the air clean and harmless to breathe. Of course, this will have a positive effect on the health of the body as a whole.

Today we will look at ten models of air purifiers of different price and technical ranges and determine which one is best to buy.

The rating opens with a cleaner from the Shivaki company. The manufacturer is known to domestic users quite well. The products of this brand are widely represented in all areas of household appliances, from TVs and refrigerators to air conditioning units and air purifiers. Model SHAP-3010 costs from 8390 to 18490 rubles, depending on the region and retailer. The main purpose of the device is air purification, without the possibility of humidification. Electricity consumption up to 38W.

The design provides for the installation of several different filters: HEPA filter, photocatalytic and carbon. Present air ionization function, which significantly increases the oxygen content in the room. The rotation speed of the cooler is regulated using a switch, as well as the intensity of evaporation. The device can be hung on the wall or left standing on the floor.

The SHAP-3010 is powered from the mains, but its power cord is quite short, so you should stock up on an extension cord in advance.

A pleasant bonus for the buyer will be presence of remote control, with which you can set basic parameters and turn the device on and off. I was also pleased with the noise level - at peak load it was only 46 dB, a very good indicator. The dimensions of the device are compact, convenient for carrying from room to room. Overall, the purifier gives the impression of a reliable and balanced device that can be considered as a purchase.

  • stylish look of the case;
  • strong material, resistant to external influences;
  • no backlash or squeaks when moving;
  • presence of a HEPA filter;
  • low power consumption;
  • acceptable noise level even at maximum load;
  • possibility of installing various air filtration systems;
  • UV lamp.
  • inconvenient activation of the cooler's automatic rotation mode;
  • price;
  • The speed change relay clicks periodically.

Prices :

The following cleaner is a real salvation for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. The model from the specialized manufacturer Stadler Form Viktor with the index V-001/V-002 is a premium product. The price tag for this unit starts from 13,350 and reaches 31,890 rubles. What does the user get for this rather high price?

The system specializes in indoor air purification, serviced area up to 50 sq.m. The device is capable of processing up to 200 cubic meters per hour, which is a remarkable indicator. The filtration system here is single, carbon. In addition to the ability to adjust the power of the supplied air, there is aromatization function. It is implemented by applying special aromatic oils to the surface of a carbon filter, after which the blown air is saturated with freshness and a pleasant smell.

The purifier can only be installed on the floor; it cannot be mounted on a wall. The power cord is long enough to allow you to place the device in a corner for comfortable air intake. However, if you need to move V-001/V-002 to the middle of the room, you will most likely have to use an extension cord.

The weight of the equipped device is 4.9 kg, which allows you to easily carry it within the same room, as well as easily transport it.

Additional functions include timer, which can be used to delay the start of the device, as well as the HPP Filter System, patented for use on this model. The device is controlled using mechanical keys and wheels. There is no control panel. There is a power indicator on the instrument panel. The maximum noise level at peak load reaches 57 dB. The figure is not a record, but his work will not distract him much.

  • high degree of reliability;
  • air aromatization function;
  • one of the lowest energy consumption levels in the class;
  • optimal performance ratio in cubic m/h ratio;
  • attractive design;
  • ease of operation;
  • lightweight, easy to carry.
  • no remote control;
  • the price could be significantly lower, given the functionality;
  • noise level.

Prices :

In eighth place is a domestic air purifier for an apartment. The manufacturer relied on efficiency, which can be seen both in ergonomics and in the positioning of the device itself. It is obvious that Atmos is aimed at the middle price segment of the market (from 12,550 to 15,590 rubles). Like the models discussed above, the 1550 is a full-fledged air purifier with the possibility of subsequent ionization. The power of the device is 50W, but the productivity is not the highest, 110 cubic meters per hour.

The filtration system is a classic trio: HEPA filter, carbon and photocatalytic. In addition, the device has pre-filtration system, which does not require changing consumables (cleaning is sufficient). The air flow system is controlled electronically. In addition to the main filters, Atmos is equipped with a built-in ultraviolet lamp, which does an excellent job of disinfecting indoor air.

The device has only floor fixation without the possibility of wall mounting. The power supply comes from the mains, the cord is of medium length, so you will still need an additional supply of wire. In addition, there is a built-in timer and an indicator of a dirty filter, a function, it should be noted, that is quite rare. The noise emitted by the device operating at maximum load is 45 dB, and this is a very good figure. The buyer will also be pleasantly surprised by the weight of Atmos - only 3.4 kg, which, coupled with its small dimensions, makes it quite mobile.

  • electronic control;
  • presence of a timer;
  • three filtration systems;
  • low noise level;
  • attractive appearance;
  • presence of a UV lamp and ionizer;
  • balanced energy consumption.
  • price;
  • no control panel;
  • expensive consumables.

Prices :

7. Electrolux EHAW 7510D/7515D/7525D

On the seventh line is an air purifier and humidifier from Electrolux. Many users know it from the wide range of household appliances it offers on the market. This includes this stylish cleaner, which combines three models in its index. The price of the device cannot be called budget - from 18,520 to 31,760 rubles. Unlike its predecessors, this model focuses not only on dry air purification, but also on room humidification.

The area that the purifier can serve at one time should not exceed 50 sq.m. The water reservoir is not very large, seven liters, with an average liquid consumption of about 0.5 liters per hour. The device is equipped with a hygrostat, so the owner will always know the current level of air humidity in the room. The intensity of blowing and evaporation can be adjusted using the control unit. Floor fixing, mains power (220V).

A pleasant surprise is the touch control of the device. In addition, the model itself dims the display if the lighting level in the room is sufficient.

Availability in EHAW will also please you silver plated ionizing rod, as well as the ability to choose from three body colors. There are indicators for low fluid level and dirty filter on the housing. The weight of the device is 6 kilograms.

  • many functions, flexible settings system;
  • high-tech apparatus;
  • touch control;
  • unusual and attractive appearance;
  • reliability;
  • moderate fluid consumption;
  • silver plated ionizer.
  • price;
  • the reservoir with liquid is enough for only a few hours of operation with intense evaporation;
  • The hygrostat readings may lie.

Prices :

Many 2016 models were distinguished by increased efficiency. In 2017, the domestic brand “Ecology” decided to keep up with the once-set trends by releasing a model with a power of only 10W. This is a budget device of the mid-price level, its cost is 3970 rubles. The main purpose is air purification. Additional functions are not provided.

The power of the device is enough to clean a small room with an average area of ​​10-15 sq.m. The device is equipped built-in ionizer and ozonizer. The model is controlled using mechanics. The power source is a regular household 220V socket. The indicators include a power light and a dirty filter. The weight of the purifier is only 2 kg, which makes it easy to move it throughout your apartment or house or take it with you on a trip.

  • interesting exterior;
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • low energy consumption, efficiency;
  • portability;
  • does not make noise;
  • built-in ozonizer and ionizer;
  • reliable and easy to maintain.
  • body material;
  • short fork;
  • The filter clogs quickly.

Prices :

In search of an effective remedy for dust in the apartment, you can go quite far. For example, consider an air purifier from the famous Chinese cell phone manufacturer Xiaomi. The average cost of Air Purifier 2 is 11,987 rubles, which characterizes it as a device in the middle price category. The main emphasis is on indoor air purification. The throughput capacity of the unit is 310 cubic meters per hour. There is an air purity control function.

In addition to the primary filter (pre-cleaning), the device is equipped HEPA filter class N-11. The control unit is adjusted electronically, fixed to a floor-type surface. Power is supplied via a 220V household outlet.

Additional interesting features: the presence of a formaldehyde filter, as well as the ability to remotely control the device using a smartphone through a special “smart home” application from the Xiaomi company.

On the case there are indicators for power on and a dirty filter. The power cord is quite short, so you will likely need an extension cord to move the device around the room. In general, the Xiaomi air freshener of the second revision (index “2” in the name) leaves a positive impression of use. It can be safely recommended as a convenient and simple air purifier for the home.

  • stylish body;
  • reliability;
  • electronic control;
  • low power consumption;
  • possibility of remote control;
  • does not make noise when loaded;
  • body material.
  • price;
  • short cord;
  • lack of a full remote control.

Prices :

Air purifiers from Daikin differ in their purpose and price. These are premium devices. The price of the presented model is 34,770 rubles. Increased power (65W) allows you to blow through rooms with a capacity of 420 kb.m/h. There is a function for monitoring air purity in the apartment. The filtration system is divided into a preliminary (removable, cleanable) filter, photocatalytic, and electrostatic filters. Of course, the case contains built-in air ionizer. The device is powered from a regular 220V network.

There is a convenient timer on the control panel that allows you to perform a delayed start of the device, as well as its remote shutdown at a specified time (for 1, 2 and 4 hours). For the safety of children, the model provides protection against accidental pressing(blocking). The model has a record noise level, only 16 dB. The average electricity consumption is 7-10W, which is also an excellent indicator even among price competitors. There is a convenient remote control available. The weight of the device is 8.5 kg - considering the wide capabilities of the device, this is not so much.

The use of high-quality air purifiers is recommended by doctors for all people with chronic respiratory diseases, so the model from Daikin will be a faithful assistant in the fight against asthma and allergies. If you are looking for a high-quality and reliable device, and are willing to pay a significant amount for it, then the MC70LVM is what you need. It is easy to maintain, and the process of cleaning and replacing filters does not take much time.

  • quality of components;
  • high degree of reliability;
  • excellent warranty conditions;
  • interesting interior;
  • noise level is one of the lowest in its class;
  • minimal energy consumption;
  • easy and simple controls.
  • the main and impressive disadvantage is the price of the device;
  • power cord length;
  • equipment.

Prices :

These are the best air purifiers for children. The domestic brand “Ballu”, which provides the entire range of climate control equipment on the Russian market, presents an air purifier model with the AR-155 index, designed for cleaning small rooms up to 20 sq.m. (ideal for a children's room). The average price of the model is 9990 rubles. The power of the device is 37 W, and a powerful air ionizer is built into the body. Productivity is at an average level, 170 cubic meters per hour. There is a built-in function for monitoring the level of air purity.

In addition to the pre-filter, the device is equipped with a mid-class HEPA filter, as well as removable carbon filter. The cooler rotation speed and evaporation intensity are controlled by an electronic control unit. The timer can start and stop the device with a delay of up to 8 hours. The device can be fixed only on the floor, without the possibility of mounting on a wall. The weight is 4.5 kg, which makes it easy to carry the device from room to room.

Consumables are easy to find in many online stores, they are inexpensive, so replacing them should not be a problem. The Ballu company has one of the widest service networks (including post-warranty) for its equipment.

They are known for repairing devices even after their life cycle (production at the factory) ends.

  • recognizable design;
  • reliability;
  • simplicity and functionality;
  • works quietly;
  • is well versed in maintenance;
  • easy to carry;
  • inexpensive consumables.
  • the cost, taking into account the characteristics, could be lower;
  • equipment;
  • no remote control.

Prices :

In second place in our top 10 is a cleaner from the highly specialized company Korting. The KAR800 model belongs to the entry-level, judging by its price (RUR 6,589). The air purifier has a power of 40W and is capable of serving an area of ​​up to 28 sq.m. Its productivity is 240 cubic meters per hour. As in more expensive analogues, there is “air purification control” function. The built-in ionizer allows for additional treatment of indoor air when the main cleaning has already been completed. Electronic control panel with the ability to use remote control of the device. An indication on the housing notifies the user that the filter is dirty and it is time to clean or replace it.

The maintenance of the device itself does not take much time and is carried out at home without the use of special tools. Average noise level is 26 dB, and the weight of the device is 8.2 kg. Overall, the purifier is a good example of a well-built device. The body is beautiful, smooth, without burrs, sagging or irregularities. The buttons turn on clearly, the pressing is soft, but at the same time distinct and elastic. Reviews about the model are mostly positive, which allows us to add it to the list of models recommended for purchase.

  • reliability;
  • attractive appearance;
  • low noise level;
  • balanced energy consumption;
  • strong body;
  • ease of use;
  • easy to maintain (clean).
  • cost of filters;
  • too bright lights on the instrument panel;
  • unipolar ionizer.

Prices :

Today's winner for the best is AIC Cleanser. This is a device in the mid-price range. At a price of 15090 rub. it has the following characteristics: maximum power level 89W, service area 60 sq.m. The performance level is higher than that of competitors - as much as 360 cubic meters per hour. Of course, the option to control air purification is present “on board”. The filtration system is represented by the classic trinity: HEPA filter, photocatalytic and carbon.

A pleasant bonus will be the presence of an ionizer and an ultraviolet lamp, as well as the function of plasma cleaning technology (a proprietary option that is not found in every model).

Electronic control unit with remote control. The noise level at maximum load is 52 dB, the average is slightly lower. The weight is almost seven kilograms, which is also not a record figure. However, AIC is clearly not chasing records; rather, it is betting on technology and reliability, and judging by the XJ-3800A1, it knows a lot about this.

  • bright and stylish appearance;
  • three-level filtration system;
  • low noise level;
  • high power;
  • high performance;
  • convenient control;
  • functional timer with delayed start and shutdown capabilities.
  • price.
  • There is no sensor for allergens in the air.
  • complaints about the operation of the plasma filter and its functionality.

Prices :


As you can see from the rating presented, the choice of cleaners is quite wide. There are models on the market with 2 and 3-level filtration systems, as well as devices with an additional humidification function. Considering the diversity of the market and the concept of approaches (cost of consumables and the device itself) of the manufacturer, we can recommend that the buyer first of all focus on their own needs and build on them, and not just on the stated characteristics and marketing offers.

In our age, when every day there are more and more cars on the street, the issue of air purification in apartments is becoming increasingly important. It especially affects residents of large cities and megalopolises. After all, breathing harmful fumes every day is quite harmful to health. Many people install and do not open windows, but there is a better solution - an air purifier for the apartment. Such a device can become not just useful, but sometimes even vital. Today we will talk about the types of such devices and some of their technical characteristics.

Already from the name of the device it is clear that its purpose is to purify the air in the apartment from harmful impurities. But modern air purifiers are capable of performing not only this function. They can also ionize the air - it all depends on the model. But you should understand that the more features a device has, the higher its price will be.

The main element of an air purifier is the filter. The quality of its work will depend on what material it is made of. The choice of an air purifier with a particular filter element will depend on what expectations are placed on it. Other technical characteristics of the device are also quite important - we will talk about them below.

Benefits of using air purifiers for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

An air purifier for allergy sufferers and asthmatics can be truly vital. Here its main advantage is in removing from the air in the apartment the very cause of exacerbation of these diseases - dust, carbon monoxide or pollen. But here it is worth noting that in this case you should not save. It would be best to purchase a more functional device with an ozonizer.

Important information! For asthmatics, maintaining a certain level of inhaled air is very important. It is for this reason that the most purchased models in such cases are purifiers with humidification or air washers.

Quite a lot of people believe that respiratory tract problems are quite easily solved by installing a conventional one, but this is a misconception. Conventional filters of such a device are not able to capture the smallest particles that can cause complications associated with asthma or allergies. The same applies to those who do not have health problems. You can be sure that constant inhalation of dust or harmful emissions from cars or factories will eventually affect the condition of even the healthiest person. This means that a dust air purifier for the home remains the best option for solving this problem.

How to choose the right air purifier for your home and what to look for

Let's consider the main selection criteria. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Room area– the device must be suitable for the volume of air being purified. If you plan to move from one room to another, the largest area is taken into account for the calculation;
  • Installation option– whether the device will be stationary or mobile;
  • Nature of pollution– different air purifiers may have different characteristics according to this criterion;
  • Possibility of service intervals– one type of device may require daily use, while another may require only once a month;
  • Device power– it will depend on this;
  • Availability of additional functions.

Of course, the cost of an air purifier may also influence your choice, but you shouldn’t skimp on this. After all, this is the health of all household members, and, as you know, you cannot buy it. Let's try to understand the main characteristics of air purifiers.

Main technical characteristics of air purifiers

A fairly important parameter affecting energy consumption is the power of the device. But the volume of filtered air in the device depends on it, and there is no escape from it.

The location of the air purifier can also be called a very important point. The point now is that the device installed on the floor begins to collect rather large dust particles that cannot rise to the level of human height, and therefore cannot enter the body. But they are destructive for device filters. These particles clog the filter elements quite quickly. For this reason, experts advise purchasing wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted air purifiers.

The structure of the filter is also important. Some of them need to be changed periodically, while others can be washed quite well or cleaned with regular cleaning.

What types of air purifiers for apartments can there be?

Of the variety of brands and models of such devices, there are several main types into which they can be divided:

  • Electrostatic;
  • Ionizers;
  • HEPA filters;
  • Photocatalysts;
  • Ozonizers;
  • Carbon filters;
  • Air washers;

It makes sense to understand each of these types and understand what functions they can perform other than air purification, and which ones are really good and which ones may not be so good.

Electrostatic filters and some of their parameters

The simplest devices, which are also called air purifiers with plasma filters. Their operating principle is quite simple. Two plates, under the influence of electricity, create a static field, which attracts dust particles, purifying the air in the room. The great advantage of such devices, in addition to being cheap, is that there is no need to purchase new filters - the plates are easily washed and installed in place. However, it was not without its drawbacks.

Important information! If there is a large accumulation of dust, the device cannot cope with it, which can negatively affect the health of allergy or asthma sufferers. This means that if you live in an apartment, you should think about a more functional and expensive air purifier.

Air purifier-ionizer for apartments

This equipment can already be called a whole complex that performs several functions. The essence of his work is this. Initially, air is drawn into the device using a fan and undergoes rough cleaning - large dust particles are removed. The ultraviolet air purifier then disinfects it, killing harmful microorganisms. Slightly purified masses fall between electrostatic plates that attract smaller particles. At the last stage, devices generated by a special device are added to the air and, completely purified, it goes back into the room.

A significant advantage of such an air purifier is that there is no need to change the filters - the coarse element is cleaned with a regular one, and the plates are washed.

HEPA filters for residential premises and their features

The most convenient and high-quality cleaning device. The abbreviation “HEPA” comes from the English “High Efficiency Рarticulate Arrestance”, which can literally be translated as highly effective particle retention. The filter element itself is a special finely porous material, folded into an accordion, which is capable of trapping even the smallest particles. The fan drives air through it, which at the exit becomes almost perfectly clean.

The filters of such equipment require vacuuming once a month and replacement once a year.

Photocatalysts - what are they?

Such air purifiers can cope with almost all toxic and poisonous substances. The air here, undergoing primary coarse filtration, enters a chamber where it is irradiated with ultraviolet light and treated with a special catalyst. It is with its help that harmful substances, even such as formaldehyde, are converted into safe ones - oxygen, water and carbon dioxide. This contributes to less accumulation of contaminants. The pre-filter can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

The big disadvantage of this type of air purifier is its excessive cleaning. Indeed, in addition to harmful microorganisms, it also removes neutral ones, which can have a bad effect on the immunity of children. Therefore, you should not get carried away with such procedures, especially if there are small children in the home.

Apartment air purifiers with ozonation function

The principle of its operation is based on such a natural phenomenon as lightning. Surely after a thunderstorm everyone smelled ozone in the air. Here, such artificial “lightning” is created by a special voltage converter. And although such a device does a fairly good job of cleaning, doctors warn against using it frequently. After all, excess ozone is harmful to the human body.

Carbon filters and their effect in air purifiers

Carbon filters are not used separately in air purifiers. They come as an additional function and can be installed in any type of similar device. Such elements require replacement at least twice a year. Otherwise, they themselves will begin to pollute the surrounding air. This fact is considered their main drawback. They also do not tolerate moisture. After all, when it gets wet (and coal absorbs moisture very well), the coal cakes and completely ceases to perform its functions.

Air washing - what is this installation?

Where to buy and which air purifier to choose for an apartment: customer reviews

You can buy an air purifier for your home either in a regular hardware store or online, which will be much cheaper. In our age of computer technology, this is quite simple.

In general, reviews from air purifier owners are mostly positive. We will not indicate many of them, so as not to burden our dear reader with unnecessary information. Let's consider just one.

na2106, Ukraine, Lugansk: I haven’t used this ionizer myself, but my sister bought one. Her child began to get sick very often, and the pediatrician advised her to buy some kind of air purifier, hinting that there might be some kind of germs in the apartment. Our whole family studied it for a very long time and settled on this model. We liked it because this model was not large in size and its price at that time was reasonable. After the purchase, my sister was never disappointed. The child gets sick less often, sleeps more peacefully, and if he gets sick, the recovery process goes faster...

More details on Otzovik:


Without a doubt, an air purifier in an apartment is a very necessary and useful device. The main thing is to choose it correctly. And then you yourself will feel how much cleaner and more pleasant the atmosphere in your home has become. Well, what functions are needed is up to you, our dear reader, to decide.

If anyone has any questions on this topic, we will be happy to answer them in the discussions for this article. We hope that it was useful to you. And finally, a short video on the topic.

If you opened this article, then you probably no longer have the question Why do you need an air purifier? But how to choose an air purifier that will last for many years, will purify the air in the room, solving all problems associated with air pollution, and will not break down or make a lot of noise is not an easy task. There is such a quantity of climate control equipment on the Russian market today that even a professional will not always immediately understand, and it is quite easy for an ordinary person who has not previously been interested in air purifiers to get confused. We don’t want to leave you alone with the problem of choosing an air purifier, and we will honestly tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of different devices. Here are our tips:

1. Each air purifier is designed for a certain area of ​​the room, so you first need to decide on the size of the room.

Are you ready to buy an air purifier for each room or will you carry it with you when you are in one of the rooms for a long time?

  • If for each room, then choose clearly in accordance with: the area of ​​your room - the service area of ​​the air purifier.
  • If you are planning to move, then focus on the area of ​​the largest room in your apartment (house, office). It is better to choose an air purifier model that is designed for a slightly larger area - the air will be cleaned faster and with better quality.
  • If the room is very small, then you can choose a car air purifier, which can also be used in the room, and purify the air with one device both at home and in the car.

2. Decide what problems you are going to solve with the help of an air purifier.

Its price will depend on this. There are many air purification technologies, each of which solves some problems better than others. The cost of the air purifier will depend on how many cleaning technologies the selected air purifier model uses.

  • Large amount of dust.
    1. Air purifiers with electrostatic (plasma) filters : These filters attract dust using an electrical charge, are easy to wash, and you don’t have to constantly order replacement filters. But if there is really a lot of dust, then the device will not be able to cope with it. Also remember that electrostatic cleaners can remove no more than 90% of dust. If higher quality cleaning is required (there are children, allergy sufferers, asthmatics in the house), then it is better to choose the next option.
    2. : the filter is easy to care for: vacuumed once a month and changed every six months to a year, depending on the degree of air pollution. A HEPA filter is the most effective means of removing dust, because... form a continuous barrier in the path of moving air, and even a microscopic speck of dust or bacteria will not be able to fly past, lingering in the pores of the filter. When a high degree of dust removal is required, an air purifier with a HEPA filter is the best choice.
    3. deposit dust flying in the air onto horizontal surfaces, thereby purifying the air. They do not collect dust inside the air cleaner housing; you do not have to wash or change the filter. Therefore, such air purifiers are suitable for those who want to avoid additional costs for maintaining an air purifier, but are willing to more often collect dust from surfaces with a vacuum cleaner or rag.
  • The main problem here is the smallest dust invisible to the eye; it is this that causes sneezing attacks, redness of the eyes and allergic runny nose in allergy sufferers. Your choice
    1. Air purifiers with HEPA filters - removes the smallest specks of dust from the air, cleaning efficiency is up to 99.9%. The best way to prevent allergies has not yet been invented.
    2. Air purifiers with electrostatic filters - less effective than with HEPA filters, because dust is attracted to the plates only due to an electric charge, and the plates are located at a certain distance from each other, i.e. Some of the dust flies past. Cleaning efficiency 81-90%.
    3. Air washers - purify the air by driving it through a sprayed suspension of water. Water washes away the smallest particles of pollutants, leaving no chance for them to return to the air in the room. Air washes with pre-ionization are the most effective, because... charged dust is better attracted to the drum plates. Cleaning efficiency - 80-95%.
    4. Air purifiers and humidifiers - humidify using an evaporation filter located in the water or water sprayed inside the apparatus itself. Cleaning is also carried out using a water suspension. Cleaning quality 80-90%.
    5. Air purifiers - ionizers with remote ionization, producing a large number of ions around the air purifier, are able to remove a maximum of allergens from the air, depositing them on the surface.
    It is important to remember that allergies are caused not only by the dust itself, but also by the dust mites, mold, and fungus contained in it, and by destroying them, you will eliminate the very cause of the allergy. Photocatalytic air purifiers and air purifiers - ozonizers will help to cope with dust mites and mold, but photocatalysis and ozonation in the selected air purifier must be supplemented by one of the previous cleaning options - a filter that removes the dust itself.
    1. clean and disinfect the air due to the interaction of UV light and a catalyst, decompose toxic chemical compounds, and destroy microorganisms.
    2. - ozone also decomposes toxic substances, kills microorganisms and germs due to its powerful oxidizing properties. Ozonizers can be used when there are no people in the room.
  • Tobacco smoke, any other smoke. Your choice
    1. Photocatalytic air purifiers - ionizers , it is better if they have an electrostatic filter, because it is easier to wash it from precipitated nicotine resins. If you choose a HEPA filter, you will have to change it quite often. Photocatalysis breaks down the toxic elements of tobacco smoke, ionization disperses the smoke, and the electrostatic precipitator precipitates tar and purifies using microdoses of ozone.
    2. Air purifiers - ozonizers decompose smoke into harmless carbon dioxide and water.
    3. Air washers - less effective, because they do not have time to capture most of the smoke rapidly rising upward, and water itself is not so effective against smoke.
    4. - also do not have a high degree of efficiency, since it is quite problematic to quickly drive smoky air through the air cleaner body (so that smoke particles are adsorbed by the filter).
  • Unpleasant odors (car, industrial emissions from windows, kitchen smell, burning, rot, from pets, finishing materials, office equipment, etc.)
    1. Photocatalytic air purifiers - decompose any odors in the presence of people.
    2. Air purifiers - ozonizers - oxidize and break down any chemical and organic components in the air, including odors.
    3. Air purifiers with carbon filters - odor molecules are adsorbed in micropores on the surface of coal granules, but the efficiency of a carbon filter will be several times lower than a photocatalytic one.
  • Air disinfection(if children or you yourself often get sick, during epidemics of viral diseases, in children's institutions, etc.). You better choose
    1. Photocatalytic air purifiers - disinfectants, disinfecting the air using ultraviolet light and photocatalysis reactions, in which most microbes, bacteria and viruses die.
    2. Air purifiers - ozonizers - the best choice, because Ozone is 2-3 times more effective than ultraviolet radiation, i.e. It will take much less time to process. In standard mode, such devices are capable of disinfecting air using ionization.
  • Significant dryness of the air in addition to its pollution.
    1. Air purifiers-humidifiers - humidify and purify the air through filtration.
    2. Air washers - purify the air with water and at the same time humidify it.
  • Poor health, lethargy, fatigue, poor sleep, frequent illness. You should choose
    1. Ionizer- ionization improves the general condition of the body, strengthens the immune system, and improves mood.
    2. Air purifier - ozonizer - ozone in small doses is very beneficial for health and is a natural immunostimulant.

3. Decide whether you are ready to incur additional costs for maintaining the selected air purifier or whether you want to buy it now and in the future spend a minimum of money on maintaining clean air.

If spending doesn’t bother you, you can safely choose air purifiers with filters; they have the highest degree of air purification, because... Several stages of air purification are better in any case. If additional costs are burdensome for you, then choose: air purifiers - ionizers, ozonizers, photocatalytic, electrostatic (plasma), air washers.

4. A very important point! If you choose an air purifier with replaceable filters (not photocatalytic, not electrostatic or plasma), be sure to make sure that it has an ionization function.

Air passed through any filter loses its natural charge and becomes absolutely “dead”; it is unsafe for humans and animals to be in such air, because its inhalation leads to various diseases. All air purifiers presented in our online store, which purify the air using filters, are ionizers. Therefore, when choosing an air purifier from us, you can be absolutely calm about your health. This advice will only be useful to you if you decide to purchase an air purifier elsewhere.

5. Answer yourself honestly how often and how much time you can devote to your air purifier.

It cleans the air for you, but you, in turn, must clean it, otherwise it simply will not be able to work and will break.

  • If you are ready to use it every day, choose an air washer or an air purifier-humidifier - you will have to change the water in them every three days and add water when it runs out.
  • If it is not burdensome for you to take care of your air purifier once a week, your choice is an electrostatic (plasma) air purifier. About once a week you need to wash the electrostatic plates (filter) in it.
  • If you want to spend a minimum of effort and remember to clean the device only once a month, then you should choose an air purifier - ionizer, photocatalytic purifier, air purifier - ozonizer or a purifier with replaceable filters (usually HEPA filters), which only need to be vacuumed once a month.

6. Consider how often you plan to use the air purifier.

It is optimal that it always works, and that the air in the room is always clean and has high quality indicators necessary for your health.

  • If you plan to operate the air purifier around the clock, and savings are important to you, choose an air purifier with low energy consumption (see the parameter - power consumption).
  • If periodic use of an air purifier is optimal for you, then air washers or air purifiers-humidifiers, which cannot be left idle for a long time with water filled with water, are unlikely to suit you. it may turn sour. If you are ready to drain the water every time, disassemble the air purifier and dry the parts, then the choice of air washers or air purifiers-humidifiers should not scare you.

7. Decide what features you need and who in your family will control the air purifier settings.

Do you need several fan speeds to choose more intensive or background air purification and reduce noise at night? Or do you want your air purifier to have maximum capabilities - a timer for automatic cleaning in certain modes, air pollution sensors, a hygrometer (for measuring humidity), night lighting, a function for air disinfection in the absence of people? As you understand, all the additional “bells and whistles” cost extra money, so decide right away whether you want to have them, or you won’t use them and will only get confused in a large number of buttons and modes. It all depends on what exactly you want to get: for some, it’s important to have all kinds of functions, but for others, they simply don’t want to understand them. So decide right away so you don’t regret it later.

8. Answer the question - do you sleep soundly, and how much do extraneous noises bother you?

If noise is not an important issue, you can skip this point; if not, then choose an air purifier with a night mode of operation that has a reduced noise level, or generally silent air purifiers - these are air purifiers - ionizers or photocatalytic air purifiers, devices without a fan or with the ability to turn it off completely .

9. Decide where you want to place the purchased air purifier, where it will best fit in your room or office.

There are models that need to be placed at a height of approximately 1.80 m from the floor, there are floor-standing models, wall-mounted or plugged directly into a socket (with a plug on the body). This is actually important because... If you choose the wrong model of air purifier now, you can then simply push it into the far corner, where it will not be able to optimally purify the air, and you will continue to breathe dirty air and get sick. In addition, many air purifiers effectively purify the air when installed at a certain distance from the wall, usually 10-50 cm; this also needs to be taken into account when choosing the location for installing the device.