DIY metal fire pit. Ideas for fire pits for the garden Types of outdoor fireplaces

Fire pits are rapidly gaining popularity. They extend the time we can spend outdoors, providing comfort and warmth on cool evenings. People have always been attracted by the safety, heat, atmosphere and wide culinary possibilities that a fire provides. Using fire pits in gardens is a modern and more convenient alternative to regular fires.

How fire bowls are used

Today, people use garden fires for gatherings with family and friends, for grilling food, and to create an unusual object to highlight the originality of the landscape design.

Sometimes the bowl is placed for ease of movement between the main areas of the garden. For example, guests will enjoy walking from the dining area or pool to the fire pit and back again.

If you decide to build a fire pit in your backyard, think carefully about the size and location of the fire pit. Although you can make the structure quite large, the average diameter of a fire pit used in a garden is about 1 m. These dimensions include both the outer edge of the fire bowl and the burning area. The most comfortable distance from the fire to the feet lying on the edge of the outer wall is 25-30 cm.

If the bowl is designed so that it is level with the ground, people will have to squat around it to feel the warmth. Therefore, if you want the outer wall of the fire pit to also serve as a seat, make it about 50 cm high.

Don't make the bowl too high because it will make it uncomfortable for people to lean on the surround and the hearth won't be able to radiate enough heat to warm the seating area.

Location and weather

Further recommendations for the construction of a fireplace bowl concern the distribution of free space around it, as well as weather conditions:

  • dimensions of the area around the bowl;
  • Rose of Wind;
  • Fire safety.

How large should be the area that you allocate for chairs? Some owners of fire bowls believe that a distance of 2 meters is enough so that people can move further away if they feel hot. If the diameter of the structure is more than 1 m, we recommend leaving up to 5 m of free space around it.

Check the compass rose for your area. It is not recommended to install a fire pit where the wind is constantly blowing: firstly, it will be difficult for you to light a fire, and secondly, guests will have to constantly dodge smoke flying in their faces.

If you plan to make permanent benches or chairs, don't place them too far from the fire. Position them so that you are comfortable and warm.

Please note that in some regions it is prohibited to light open fires to avoid fire or air pollution. You'll likely need permission from the fire marshal because they will want to make sure you don't place the fire pit on a wood porch or too close to flammable overhanging branches or foliage.

Fire Bowl Ideas

There are many types of garden fire bowls. The easiest and most budget option is to buy a ready-made structure at a local store. Typically, it is made of light metal and is equipped with a grille with a spark-proof cover. The design is mobile and can be easily moved throughout the garden.

If you decide to make a bowl yourself, nothing can limit the flight of your imagination. You can use brick, concrete, stone, metal or a combination of all these materials.

A hemispherical bowl made of smooth concrete is also a popular option. They look modern and expensive.

You can also make a table with a fire bowl in the middle. This design has a fire area and a wide edging around it, on which plates and cutlery are placed. The table can be square, rectangular, round or even L-shaped. You don't need a wood stove. There are all kinds of gas and propane options that are great alternatives and easy to use.

Many landscaping experts specialize in building garden fire pits. They know all the building codes and how to make the structure safe for you.

If you decide to build a fire bowl yourself, you must be extremely careful to prevent flames and sparks from reaching surrounding objects. Use fire bricks and fire-resistant caulk on the bottom and sides of the bowl. Follow the drawings and instructions drawn up by professionals, then your creation will become a source of warmth and comfort, where you will want to return again and again.

In our instructions, I will try to show how I made a barbecue from a metal sheet in the backyard.

The design is very simple and not very difficult for those with even minor welding skills.

As you can see from the photos, I love making things like this and I hope this fact will inspire other DIYers.

For our bowl we will need a piece of steel sheet 1200mm x 1200mm. Let's cut the plate so that we can then bend it in such planes that it forms a bowl.

For the stand we will need about 10 meters of reinforcement with a diameter of about 12mm. or steel rod.

Cutting plate for bowl.

It is necessary to mark the cutting lines on the metal sheet, as shown in the figure above

Using a grinder, we cut the metal along the lines outlined in advance.

Slightly bend the edges and fold lines inward. Use a grinder to follow the fold lines and cut about 1-2 mm. This will help you bend the plate neatly.

We bend the sheets inward to form a bowl.

Now fold along the edges towards the center of the bowl. All corners must be connected to each other. I asked my beloved wife for help to cope with this matter. It's quite difficult for one.

It is necessary to weld the potholders so that they hold the shape of the bowl.

You may need to use a hammer at this point to get the edges together as best as possible. We use a welding machine to grab the remaining edges together, after which we weld all the seams thoroughly.

After the work has been done, it is necessary to get rid of any sharp corners, knock off the slag and process it with a grinder and a grinding wheel.

Now you have your own bowl (barbecue) for the fire. Enjoy your use.

Many city residents prefer a more relaxed holiday, in a homely, familiar and cozy atmosphere, to a “loud” holiday. Very often this is a dacha. And in the warm season and in the evening, where would we be without gatherings around the fire, songs and barbecues on May Day? Such a vacation is already, in part, a tradition. It was precisely for such moments that technologists created the fire bowl. You can light a fire in it, cook food, and it also serves as a decoration for the yard. Does not require additional installation measures and is easy to operate.

For ease of use, such bowls are made multifunctional and made from different metals or their alloys. Its functionality lies in the presence of handles with which it can be moved under the canopy when it rains, without flooding the fire. This should also include lids or ribs that serve as a grill. As for the material, it is heat-resistant and, depending on the alloy, has a special color, which already affects the design.

Usually it is cast iron, steel or stainless steel. Such models are just portable. There may also be stationary ones. They are made of fire-resistant stone, then lined with decorative or sandstone. These options are installed in one place and cannot be mobile. A round stone hearth looks more sophisticated, especially if the gazebo or canopy is decorated with stone. Both are resistant to corrosion, mechanical and chemical influences, but it is still not recommended to use stone on purpose.

On the Internet pages of the repeller store “site” you will find a large selection of fireplaces of different designs. To avoid being disturbed by blood-sucking insects in the evenings, we advise you to pay attention to insect repellents and exterminators. They will protect you and your comfort.

Types of fire pits. How to choose a fireplace in your dacha

To choose a fireplace for your dacha, you should understand why you need it. It could be just gatherings by an open fire, it could be a barbecue, or there could be everyone’s favorite kebabs. The question is that the equipment for all these moments is different. Therefore, it is necessary to more clearly explain what is proposed on the site for what, is suitable and in what way.

The first thing we'll start with is a fire bowl (decorative brick). It is best suited for light and unobtrusive relaxation by the fire. Usually, they do not have any additional devices for frying meat, so this is a purely decorative heating element.

As for fire bowls, most of them also serve a decorative role, but due to their metal base they can also be used for frying kebabs if there is no other way to cook meat.

A cast iron fire bowl, like the previous one, is good for frying meat thanks to the cast iron. Usually barbecues are made from it. The only issue is convenience - the bowl is round, and the grill is oblong and it is convenient to place skewers on it. But if, nevertheless, there are no other options, then the kebab will turn out delicious. If you don’t need to cook food on it, then this is a purely decorative option.

A metal garden hearth is functionally similar to the second and third options. As you have already noticed, they serve a more decorative role. The portable fireplace looks beautiful thanks to its shape, color rendition and the play of fire reflections. It is safe if you follow basic fire safety rules. A portable outdoor fireplace is not so easy to throw, weight still comes into play.

The online store site is constantly increasing the number of products in its assortment, increasing it with high-quality and truly necessary things for the comfort and warmth of your home. One of them is the above-mentioned “fiery” hearths.

Buy an outdoor fireplace for your dacha in the online store website with delivery throughout Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation

If your yard or home is designed in a certain style, then you should look at fire pits from that same angle. For example, a cast iron or bronze fire bowl goes well with modern style. Whereas a brick hearth is more suitable for a naturgarden. The fire pit will be a highlight in almost any design.

the site offers you to buy the following types of bowls:

  • With a round base and a fine mesh lid;
  • in Roman style;
  • with a spherical bottom;
  • open hearths in the shape of a table;
  • fire spheres.

Taking into account that the listed products are manufactured largely for decorating the landscape and creating comfort, we decided to offer you a new product - inexpensive barbecue grills. And in order to avoid fire and embers and sparks getting outside the fire, we recommend purchasing spark arrestor covers.

Photos of products illustrate their appearance, and in the detailed description next to it you will find the exact dimensions.

To prevent birds from damaging or littering the fire pit, we recommend purchasing bird repellers. They are absolutely safe for humans, but have an irritating effect on the animal, causing it to fly away from the source.

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They say that you can look at a burning fire forever. A fire makes outdoor gatherings more comfortable and conversations more intimate. The main thing is that the place for the fire is safe, because a gentle fire turns into a fire in a matter of minutes.

You can create a compact fire pit using half a steel sheet.

Step #1: What you will need

Half 2.1mm thick corrugated steel sheet;
Welding machine;
Grinder with cutting discs;
Sanding disc;
Wire brush;
Drill with a set of drills;
A can of heat-resistant black paint;
Protective equipment (gloves, glasses, earplugs)

Step #2: Getting Started

Before you start working with steel, do model on graph paper and select the appropriate size. Transfer the drawing to a steel sheet. This is quite easy to do, just draw on the smooth side of the sheet.

Step #3: Sawing

This stage is quite simple, but very noisy. Using a grinder, cut out triangles in the corners, as shown in the photographs. Next, fold the sheet along the drawn lines. It’s better to do this together, then the product will turn out more neat. By the way, it is better to cut the drawn lines with cutting discs about half the thickness of the metal, this will make folding much more convenient.

Step #4: First Bend

If you saw through the fold lines, this step will not be difficult. Bend the outer pieces, but don't try to achieve the final look of your piece. Then fold the inner folds in the opposite direction. Try to have the folded sides meet at the corners. The metal does not hold well when bent and tends to unfold. Use string to hold it in place.

Step #5: Welding

Now the folded seams need to be welded. After the seams are ready, the structure can be corrected with a hammer, giving it the desired
form. Noisy, of course, but effective. Turn the work over and finish the seams where necessary. Try to make the seams neat.

Now you need to fold from the outside to finish the corners. The work is not easy and an assistant will not hurt. Compare the angles with each other so that they turn out the same.

Step No. 7: Continue welding

In order for the metal corners to come together, straighten them again with a hammer, and then weld them.

Step #8: Completion

The main work is completed, but there are still a few small things to do:
Sand the welds so they look neat;
Drill several holes to drain the water - one in the center and one in each corner;
If there is rust or scale somewhere, remove it with a wire brush;
To top it off, paint the structure with heat-resistant black paint.

Step #9: Conclusion

You now have a fire pit you can be proud of. Fill it with wood, light a fire, invite some friends (make sure one of them has a guitar and knows how to use it), grab some delicious food and beer. There's nothing better than sitting around a fire with good friends!