Remedies for moths in the garden. Potato moth - control measures in the garden, in the cellar during storage. Harm from fruit moths

The moth is a keratophagous insect (it feeds mainly on the horny substance contained in wool and fur products), but the pest does not disdain organic matter.

Getting into the apartment in various ways:

  • with low-quality food products already infected with pest larvae (moths especially love cereals, dried fruits, flour and sugar);
  • through ventilation holes from neighbors;
  • together with clothing, in the folds of which there may be oviposition;
  • on pet fur;
  • with books from libraries.

It doesn’t matter by what cunning ways this inconspicuous butterfly entered your home, what matters is the damage it can cause in the form of damaged carpets, fur coats, and things made from expensive natural fabrics.

Most often, the following pests live in apartments::

  • Fur coat (wool).

    The color of this butterfly is gray-yellow with small black specks on the wings. Favorite place to settle - wardrobes. To get to fur items, it can even chew through polyethylene. In case of lack of tasty clothes can feed on books, pillow feathers and felt.

  • Furniture.

    The color of the wings is yellowish with a characteristic golden tint. Lives mainly in upholstered furniture, feeds on furniture fabric, but will never give up fur and wool.

  • .

    The wings of this insect are yellow with a purple tint. Lives in dark wardrobes, where eats all clothes indiscriminately, leaving ugly holes all over the surface.

  • (grain, fruit).

    A small butterfly of the moth family. The wings are gray with speckles or brown with stripes. It not only destroys food (cereals, legumes, tea, flour, nuts, sugar), but also contaminates food with its excrement, particles of skin, and caterpillar husks. Food after moth damage is unfit for consumption and can cause severe intoxication in humans.

Still exists. It lives in beehives and causes a lot of harm, but has many healing properties.

IMPORTANT! An adult moth is not capable of causing damage. She has no oral apparatus and is generally unable to eat or digest food. Its main task is to lay eggs, from which voracious caterpillars hatch, sweeping away everything in their path.

What a mole looks like, photo below:

Methods of combating household (clothes, fur coat, furniture) moths

What to do if there are moths in your apartment? First of all, stop chasing the poor butterfly trying to swat it. As a rule, the male flies in the open during the daytime, and the female is already quietly laying eggs somewhere, from which hungry larvae will hatch very soon.

IMPORTANT! If the moth has already taken up residence in your living space, then before starting a war with the annoying guest, thoroughly clean the apartment, ventilate well and wash all cabinets and bedside tables (the pest prefers dark and damp corners).

Clean upholstered furniture, go through and shake all things, books (they may contain larvae and laid eggs), pillows, rugs, blankets. Take the carpets out into the air and beat them well. Take coats, fur coats and other outerwear to the dry cleaner.

How to get rid of moths in an apartment:

  • Garlic. Delicate butterflies cannot stand the strong smell of garlic. It is enough to place the slices in wardrobes, bookcases, and bedside tables to once and for all discourage the pest from settling in them.
  • Orange peels. Orange essential oil is also not to the taste of moths. Having smelled the smell of citrus fruits, the butterfly will never lay eggs near the source of the aroma.
  • Tansy. This poisonous odorous plant has long been famous for its ability to repel moths. Insects will not even fly close to the place where bouquets of this inconspicuous-looking grass will be laid out.
  • Vinegar. The smell of vinegar is also unbearable for moths. To prevent pests from appearing in cabinets, it is advisable to wash the surfaces of the shelves with a vinegar solution (then ventilate), and also grab the floors to enhance the effect.
  • Geranium (pelargonium). Few people know that this beautiful ornamental plant not only pleases the eyes of everyone living in the house, but is also an enemy of moths.

    In an apartment where pelargonium blooms luxuriantly on the windowsills (it is advisable to plant it in every room), moths are unlikely to want to live and reproduce. Geranium leaves emit ethereal vapors, the smell of which is unpleasant to many harmful insects.

  • Spices(cloves, allspice). The specific aromas of these spices are unacceptable to moths. To scare away the pest for a long time, it is necessary to place bags filled with spices throughout the entire area of ​​​​the apartment.
  • Lavender. Dry lavender herb has a delicate, persistent odor that is pleasant to humans but repulsive to insects. Bunches of grass laid out in the corners of the room will discourage moths from choosing your apartment for settlement.
  • Laundry soap. The alkaline smell of soap is not very pleasant, especially if it is present in cabinets, saturating things.

    But it’s better to air out your clothes later than to lose them forever. To drive moths out of the apartment, pieces of soap are laid out in cabinets, pantries and closets.

  • Naphthalene, empty perfume bottles placed in wardrobes will also help ward off moths and keep clothes safe and sound.
  • Frost and sun. Moths tolerate very high and very low temperatures equally poorly.
  • Newspapers. Printing ink is also indigestible to moths. Newspapers that need to be crumpled up and stuffed inside each boot or boot will help preserve your winter shoes with natural fur.

How to get rid of food (grain, fruit) moths?

Food moth is called differently: granary moth, grain moth, fruit moth, potato moth. But the point is not in the name, but in the result of its activities.

The result is spoiled food that must be thrown away immediately..

Some thrifty housewives try to save cereals by heating them in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. But it’s better not to waste time and endanger your household.

The use of chemistry in this case is unacceptable, since we are talking not only about destroying the pest, but also about preserving the health of all family members, so we will describe how to remove moths from an apartment using “grandmother’s methods”:

  1. contaminated products must be thrown away, those that survive must be stored in jars with tight-fitting lids;
  2. thoroughly wash all kitchen cabinets with soda solution;
  3. limit moths' access to water. An adult cannot eat, but can drink, this helps it reproduce successfully. It is necessary to inspect all water pipes and eliminate all problems;
  4. treat all the cracks in the kitchen unit with a vinegar solution, this is where the pest lays eggs;
  5. place laurel or walnut leaves in all corners of the kitchen, as well as in cabinets;
  6. place chestnut fruits in shells (pre-dried) inside each kitchen cabinet, as well as in jars with flour and cereals; it is advisable to change the chestnuts from time to time;
  7. place jars of black allspice (peas) in the cabinets;
  8. keep the sink clean, wipe it dry after each wash;
  9. The ventilation hole in the kitchen and bathroom must be covered with a fine mesh to prevent visits from neighboring moths.

The appearance of moths can be avoided if you keep your home in order, as well as properly store clothes and food. But if, after all, the insect managed to get into the house, do not despair, use the advice in this article on how to get rid of moths at home.

These simple ones will help you destroy uninvited guests and force them to avoid your home in the future.

Useful video

Preventive measures and tips for combating moths in an apartment:

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It is difficult to find a person who has not encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as indoor moths. A small, inconspicuous-looking butterfly can appear from wardrobes or kitchen cabinets, leaving behind a lot of spoiled things and food. Therefore, the question of how to deal with moths at home arises for every housewife who discovers a pest in the house.

Features of moth species

Before you start fighting the pest, you need to know what types of moths there are. There are about 30 types of moths in everyday life, and all of them are harmful to humans. The following types of moths are more common at home:

  • Fur coat;
  • Furniture;
  • Food;
  • Carpet.

Habitat and food preferences are the main criteria for distinguishing them. So, which are stored in cabinets. In the kitchen there may be a cereal farm or one that feeds exclusively on food: flour, cereals, dried fruits, mushrooms and even tea leaves. The pest usually starts when food is stored improperly.

Furniture moths can ruin the upholstery of a furniture set. You can often see pupating caterpillars on the underside of a sofa or chair. Representatives of carpet moths are slightly larger than their relatives. The insect can lay eggs in blankets, rugs and carpets made of natural fibers.

Owners usually find out about the presence of moths in the house late, when they notice a fluttering butterfly or a damaged item (product). Many people chase them, trying to slam the pest. However, this way cannot solve the problem. After all, flying butterflies are nothing more than males who do not pose any particular danger. Female moths are more careful: they prefer to move in dashes, trying to hide. At one time, a female moth can lay up to 150 eggs, from which tiny worms will hatch over time. They spoil food or clothes.

Chemical control agents

How to deal with moths in an apartment is a question that puzzles many housewives who have discovered winged pests in their apartment. Control methods depend on the type of insect. There are ways to get rid of all types of insects. But it is more correct to fight precisely the type of pest that has actually been identified.

Moth control agents can be destructive and repellent. The first type of drugs kills insects on close contact. Using repellents, you can prevent the appearance of a pest, as they have a distinct, specific odor. A combination of both means gives a good effect in order to.


Aerosols are a widely used insecticide in the fight against moths. The main advantages of modern products are fast action and the absence of a strong odor. The drug is easily sprayed, enveloping all surfaces with a thick layer. Upon contact with an insecticidal substance, not only adult moths die, but also moth larvae. Despite the fact that many sprays are safe for human health, when using them, you should use a protective suit (goggles, respirator, gloves, closed clothing as much as possible). The following brands are in great demand:

  • Raptor;
  • Armol;
  • Dichlorvos;
  • Clean house.


You can also fight harmful insects using a fumigator. You just need to plug it into a power outlet. The most popular fumigators are: Reid, Dick-3 or Mosquitall.

Sections and tablets

This is another invention of mankind against domestic insects. This repellent has repellent properties due to its pronounced odor; it is not capable of destroying pests. The unpacked records, which have a pleasant smell, are placed in the closet with clothes. The validity period can vary from 4 to 6 months. The Mosquitall and Raptor brands are especially popular among consumers.

Anti-moth tablets have similar effects. It is enough to put a couple of tablets on a shelf or in a drawer and moths will not start in them.

On a note!

Often, in the instructions for use for anti-moth sections, manufacturers indicate that before using the device, it is necessary to pre-treat the internal surfaces of the cabinets with an aerosol. The spray will help get rid of pests, and the sections will prevent their appearance.


The devices do not contain pesticides, therefore they are safe for human health and pets. The design looks like a house with several openings “entrances” and adhesive tape inside. The butterfly is attracted by the pleasant aroma emanating from. Having flown into it, the insect simply sticks to the tape.

Folk remedies

To combat food moths, it is not advisable to use insecticidal agents, since it is dangerous to use processed foods for food. Therefore, fighting moths at home involves the use of folk remedies. Their advantages also include accessibility and low cost.

Garlic. One of the effective ways to combat food moths is garlic. It is enough to place a couple of cloves on the surface of the cereal or flour, and insects will not live in it.

Lavender. Lavender has similar properties. . Therefore, bags with lavender branches are laid out on the shelves of wardrobes and kitchen cabinets. For the same purpose, you can use tampons soaked in lavender oil.

Citrus. Oranges and lemons have a very strong smell that repels moths. Their peels are laid out both in kitchen and wardrobes. Dried peels should be periodically replaced with fresh ones. This product does not kill insects, but only repels them. Therefore, it will not have a positive effect if products or things are already infested with insects.

Plants. Also does not tolerate the smell of fluttering butterflies tansy, wormwood, carnations, eucalyptus, mint. It will help protect your apartment from the invasion of household moths geranium.

On a note!

It should be remembered that plant repellents only repel adult insects; they have no effect on their larvae and eggs. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect, you cannot do without the use of modern anti-moth chemicals.

Tobacco. Tobacco is another effective remedy for moths. This method of fighting insects was used by our grandmothers, placing things in tobacco, which was previously sold in packs.

Vinegar. This product is used to repel various household pests. Moths are no exception. To prevent the winged pest from settling in a kitchen or wardrobe, its surface must be washed with soapy water and then treated with vinegar.

Walnut leaves. Moths will not appear in the kitchen cabinet if you place fresh walnut leaves in the corners. As they dry out, they should be replaced with fresh ones.

Soap. Toilet soap can be an excellent way to combat the winged pest. It must be placed between the clothes in the closet.


To prevent moths from appearing in your apartment, you must:

  • Periodically clean and ventilate the room;
  • The interior surfaces of cabinets should be treated with a vinegar solution;
  • Regular inspection of food and wardrobe will help prevent the spread of winged pests;
  • Grocery products must be stored in glass containers with a hermetically sealed lid;
  • Before storing winter clothes, they must be washed and dried thoroughly, since moths prefer to live in sweaty and dirty clothes. It is recommended to take fur products for cleaning, after which they are placed in covers impregnated with a special anti-moth agent.

By following these simple rules, you will not encounter such a problem as moths in your apartment.

Every beekeeper has encountered wax moths. Wax moth is a collective term that includes the greater bee moth and the lesser bee moth. The moth itself is almost harmless, but its larvae devour wax honeycombs, bee bread, honey, propolis, and harm bee cocoons. The hive is an excellent place for wax moths to live.

Wax moth:


The wax moth belongs to the species of nocturnal moths from the Ognevok family. There are two varieties of it:

  • Great wax moth (Galleria mellonella). It has larger sizes. The wingspan reaches 3.5 cm. The front wings combine brownish-yellow and grayish-brown shades, the hind wings have a cream color;
  • Small wax moth (Achroia grisella). The wingspan is 2.4 cm. The front wings are gray-brown, the hind wings are silvery-white.

The life cycle of each species consists of four stages:

  • Egg;
  • Larva;
  • Pupa;
  • Adult butterflies.

How to withdraw:

An adult butterfly does not need food, since its digestive organs are completely undeveloped. It exists thanks to the reserves accumulated during the development period. Females live for two weeks, males from two to three. The female wax moth is very fertile. At night, she enters the hive and lays eggs in the cracks. During its short life it lays 1500 eggs. Ten days later, white larvae about 1 mm in size with a light yellow head emerge from the eggs.

Vigorously devouring honeycombs and young bees, the larvae turn into dark gray caterpillars up to 4 cm in length. After a month, the caterpillar creates a cocoon from a very strong web. Ten days later, a new butterfly flies out of the cocoon, which during its existence will give birth to new offspring. Starting from spring and ending in autumn, two or three generations of wax moths will change.

Benefits and harms for humans from wax moths

The wax moth is an insect that is a real disaster for the beekeeper. Its insatiable larvae eat only bee products. While they are developing, they bring the hive to such a state that the bees leave it. At first the larvae feed on beebread and honey, but having gained strength, they begin to devour wax, insulating material, and the remains of bee brood. Caterpillars mercilessly damage honeycombs, making countless tunnels in them. Moving along them, they leave behind excrement and a thin cobweb, which seals the honeycombs and the bees cannot lay honey.

One caterpillar damages up to 500 honeycombs. If there are a lot of pests, all the honeycombs are filled with cobwebs and become dust. Unpleasant and musty air appears in the hive. Ultimately, the bees weaken and leave the hive, and sometimes even die.

REFERENCE: Wax moths are not found in residential areas, since there is no food for their offspring there. But it is found in basements where honeycombs are stored.

In addition to causing harm, wax moth larvae also bring benefits. Based on them, a tincture is made that has a large number of healing properties. Useful properties of the tincture:

  • Increases immunity;
  • Stimulates physical and mental abilities;
  • Used for diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Relieves fatigue and stress;
  • Helps with intoxication of the body.

How to get rid of moths at home:

Physical methods

Simultaneously with chemical effects, physical ones are used. Most often, the frames are heated at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius for an hour. You can lower the temperature to 40 degrees, but the warm-up time will take three hours. If the degree of infection is high, the honeycombs are doused with boiling water and then left in a draft or in a cool place. This stress treatment is highly effective.

Beekeepers also heat the entire inner surface of the hive with a blowtorch as a preventative measure before and after wintering.

The most effective remedy used by beekeepers is thymol. It is laid out in bags and placed in a box where the frames affected by caterpillars are located.

ATTENTION: When the temperature in the storage reaches +25 degrees, the poison must be removed.

Traditional methods against moths

Beekeeping is the most ancient craft of the national economy. You can use time-tested folk remedies at home:

  • To repel moths, they are affected by strong odors. The following plants have this effect: peppermint, cold mint, oregano, wormwood, garlic, hops, nuts;
  • They also use a mixture of the listed herbs with the addition of orange peels;
  • Immortelle leaves, which are used to fumigate or cover infested frames, also have a deterrent effect.

Tincture – wax moth extract:

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of pests, you must do the following:

Old cells must be replaced annually with new ones, and faulty ones must be thrown away.

  • To prevent the larvae from crawling into other hives, you need to dig grooves around them, filling them with water;
  • Keep wax raw materials in an airtight container;
  • Do not store wax in the apiary for a long time, process it immediately;
  • Spare combs are stored in a cool, clean, dry and ventilated area;
  • Near the apiary, grow herbs: oregano, hops, mint, fragrant geranium, wormwood. Bunches of these herbs are placed at the top and bottom of the hive.

Beekeepers spend a lot of effort to completely get rid of wax moths, as well as to protect their apiary from its destructive influence. There are quite a few ways to combat this pest. They use chemicals and safer ones. The positive results of these methods are time-tested. They can improve the condition of the hive and increase the productivity of the apiary.

Have you once again opened your winter clothes before the start of the season and discovered several holes in your favorite sweater? This means that the moth, or rather its larvae, is to blame for this unpleasant incident. After all, an adult does not eat organic products. But it can lay larvae in huge quantities. They eat everything around. Don't think that moths are only bad for your wardrobe. This nasty insect can take up residence in your kitchen and pantry, slowly but surely devouring your food supplies. Today we’ll talk about moths in an apartment - how and why they appear, what they are like, how to fight them using professional and home methods, and also learn about ways to protect your home from this insect.

Types of moths

There are several groups of moles, which differ depending on their taste preferences. The largest group is the kitchen moth, which can often be found in food supplies. The fruit type prefers dried fruits and tea, the flour type loves flour and can penetrate even closed containers. The potato moth settles directly in the potato tuber and feeds on its pulp. The grain affects the cereal partially or completely. If you open a container with cereal, the remains of the moth’s vital activity will be immediately visible - holes in the grains, fine dust, insect excrement, discarded skins. There is also a granary moth that loves to eat various nuts. These are the main groups of insects that feed on food.

In addition to different types of kitchen moths, there are also clothes moths, which feed on natural wool. This could be sweaters, outerwear lining, upholstery, curtains, carpets. Moths can also eat pet fur. In some cases, moths also spoil simple textiles if they are soaked in urine, sweat, or other organic secretions. Most often, moths lay larvae in the folds of clothing, in the gaps of carpets under the sofa, that is, in secluded places. As noted, the female can lay larvae, which need wool nutrition. The offspring of one individual can eat up to 10 kilograms of wool.

Another moth is the fur moth. The damage from its actions is especially sensitive, since natural fur and products made from it cost a lot. In addition to fur, this insect feeds on felt, felt, natural feathers, down, etc. Fur moths can even eat the end of your pet's tail. Moths can also be furniture moths - their preferences are very strange. This moth eats upholstery, both natural and synthetic. Such moths settle in secluded places, gaps in wood, behind the upholstery lining. In some cases, furniture moths even attack the wood itself, creating hollow passages in it. But the carpet moth is considered the most difficult and resistant to remove - it is not sensitive to mothballs, lays eggs deep inside the fibers, and it is almost impossible to find them.

Knowing about the types of moths and their places of residence, it is possible to eliminate these insects more efficiently. What to do if a moth is found in the house?

What to do if moths appear in the apartment

To evict an unexpected guest and prevent his return visit, you need to act comprehensively.

  1. If you find some type of moth in your apartment, inspect other parts of the home. The fact is that moths rarely settle in a house alone. If insects appear in the kitchen, carefully inspect all food supplies, cabinets and textiles in the house.
  2. If a nest of moth larvae is discovered, it must be eliminated. To do this, vacuum the entire affected area, rinse it with a sponge and water. In addition to soap, you need to add a small amount of chlorine detergent to the water.
  3. If moths are found in the closet, carefully and painstakingly shake all clothes, even synthetic ones. After all, insects do not always lay their offspring in edible wool.
  4. Ideally, all clothes should be washed on a high-temperature wash cycle. Large wool sweaters can be cleaned of larvae in another way - just place the clothes in the freezer for a few hours - the larvae will not survive this. Large outerwear should be cleaned with a brush, especially folds, pockets, and hard-to-reach areas of the lining. Ideally, jackets, fur coats and coats can be treated with a steam generator; this will leave no chance for the larvae.
  5. Wash everything possible - curtains, carpets, drapes. If the item cannot be washed, it must be left in direct sunlight for several hours - the moth will not survive this.
  6. If moths have infested your kitchen, a thorough inspection is also needed here. Affected grains, dried fruits and nuts cannot be saved, and they cannot be eaten. Therefore, we send them to the trash bin without regret. All containers, cabinets and the most inaccessible places should be washed with chlorine or vinegar solution, allow the drawers to be sufficiently ventilated.

These simple measures will help you eliminate visible moth spots and nests. But often this is not enough and just one undetected larva can reproduce the population in large sizes. What to do in these cases?

Here we will talk about household chemical insecticides that are designed to kill flying insects.

  1. Aerosols. The largest group is presented in the form of sprays. They must be used strictly according to the instructions. As a rule, the poison is sprayed in closets and hard-to-reach areas of carpets, furniture, etc. After this, you need to close all the windows and doors in the house and leave the apartment for several hours. The treatment must be carried out wearing a respiratory mask. Next, everything is thoroughly washed and the clothes are washed. Aerosols will help get rid of not only adults, but also larvae. Here are some popular insecticides. Dichlorvos can only be sprayed on hard surfaces, for example, in a closet. Antimol is very effective against moths. Armol is suitable for textiles. Raptor gives excellent results - it affects the respiratory system of the larvae and kills them. This product is safe for humans. Many aerosols cannot be used in the kitchen. Sprays such as Clean House, Morimol, Foxide, Maskitol, etc. are also effective.
  2. Fumigator. A fumigator is a device that is plugged into an outlet. When heated, the plate or special insecticidal liquid evaporates and releases special components into the air that kill moths. For people, a fumigator is considered safer than an aerosol. Most manufacturers make insecticides in different formats - aerosols, traps, fumigators, you can use what is more convenient for you. The fumigator has a small affected area, but it is very convenient to use for disinfecting a cabinet if you place the device inside using an extension cord. This way you won't have to rewash all your clothes.
  3. Pheromone traps. This is one of the safest and most effective ways to cleanse your home of moths. The traps are a small piece of cardboard that emits the subtle scent of the female moth's pheramones. The male flies towards an attractive scent and sticks tightly to the cardboard. The life cycle ends and there is no one left to reproduce. But you need to know one rule - you cannot hang several traps in a room at once - excessive smell disorients males.
  4. Plates. These are small pieces of cardboard or organic material impregnated with special fragrances and insecticides. You just need to place the plates in the cabinet. This will get rid of existing moths and prevent them from reoccurring. The plates are one of the most durable means of protection against insects - the effect of the device lasts up to several months.

These are the most popular, effective and safe means of killing moths and their larvae. But is it always worth resorting to chemical insecticides? You can try to get rid of moths using folk remedies, especially if there are old people, children or pregnant women at home.

Here are a few recipes that don't kill moths, but do a great job of repelling them.

  1. Herbs. Place aromatic herbs in your closet that will repel moths. Among them are wormwood, tansy, tobacco, geranium, mint, eucalyptus, cloves, and walnut leaves. To prevent the twigs from becoming moldy, they must first be dried and then placed in fabric bags so that they do not fall out or become littered.
  2. Toilet soap. Many cosmetic fragrances have a rather pungent odor, which also repels moths and other insects. Place strong-smelling soaps in your coat pockets and wrap them in woolen sweaters.
  3. Citrus zest. Previously, there was a lot of tangerine peel left over on New Year's Day, but experienced housewives did not throw it in the trash. Fragrant citrus peels can be placed not only in the wardrobe, but also on the kitchen shelves, unlike soap and herbs.
  4. Lavender. Lavender essential oil will not only get rid of moths, but will also give your clothes a pleasant floral aroma.
To protect your home from moths, you need to carefully follow all preventive measures. Do not buy food for future use - longer than 1-2 months. Regularly inspect the cabinets and do an audit, wipe the doors and shelves. It is better to store dried fruits for long-term storage in the refrigerator - moths will definitely not appear there. When cleaning wardrobes and kitchen cabinets, use vinegar solutions. Store food supplies in sealed containers so that moths cannot get into them. Try to ventilate your closets with clothes and clean them more often. Before putting away clothes until the next season, they need to be washed, thoroughly air dried and packaged in a vacuum sealed bag. Carpets and upholstered furniture also need cleaning - vacuum them every week and take them to the dry cleaner once a year. Pillows and mattresses should be ventilated and dried in the sun every few months. Expensive fur coats must be treated with insecticides before storage so that moths do not spoil a good thing.

The moth family includes more than two thousand species of this insect. The phrase "moth-eaten" implies a description of a very old, dilapidated and abandoned thing. Unfortunately, moths can ruin even a new item in just a few days. Therefore, you should not treat it with disdain. Protect your closets, clothes and food, use only proven moth repellents!

Video: how to get rid of moths using folk remedies

A moth is a small moth with a pubescent body and small wings. The pest larvae not only infest closets, spoiling wool and fur items, but also cause enormous damage to garden and vegetable plants.

The large cohort of moths can be divided according to their feeding habits:

  • clothes or household - eats fabrics made from natural wool, spoils furs;
  • food or grain - found in cereals;
  • fruit or mushroom - feeds on dried mushrooms, nuts, dried fruits;
  • waxy - settles in hives and natural bee houses (its larvae are used to prepare medicines);
  • gardening and vegetable gardening – plant pests.

Apple moth: caterpillar and moth

The last representatives of these pest moths on the list lay eggs on the leaves, shoots and flowers of plants. The larvae cause significant damage to plantings by devouring leaves.

On a small plot of land, the use of powerful chemicals with a long waiting period before harvesting is not always justified.


Immediately after the buds on the trees swell, the garden is sprayed with the following preparations, diluting them in water according to the instructions:

  • Fufanon (karbofos),
  • Kinmiks,
  • Spark,
  • Aktellik,
  • Inta-Vir.

Important! It is forbidden to treat plants with these drugs during flowering! The poison can harm bees collecting nectar from flowers.

After harvesting and removing all plant debris from the garden, the trees are sprayed again with insecticides.

When working with poison, precautions are taken: work in closed clothing, use a respirator and goggles.

Biological drugs

Lepidocide, Bitoxibacillin, Entobacterion-3 do not harm the surrounding environment, acting only on the pest. The drugs are used when the ambient temperature has warmed above +15 degrees.

Potato moth and the damage caused to it

These products can be used to spray trees without restrictions. It is effective to repeat the treatment every 10 to 12 days until the moth larvae are completely destroyed.

Attention! It is necessary to treat the entire garden using any means, not just those plants on which eggs or larvae are found. Otherwise, surviving pests will move from treated trees to clean ones and continue to destroy foliage.

Traditional methods of destruction

First of all, in the fall they try to destroy the pest that has gathered for the winter mechanically:

dig up the soil in tree trunks and in the garden;

remove and burn all plant residues (tops, fallen fruits, leaves);

The trunks and skeletal branches of trees are washed with brushes, scraping off moth clutches from the bark.

When the mass flight of adults begins, at the end of April - May, pheromone and ultraviolet traps are effective. Butterflies fly to the smell or light of a light bulb, and end up on sticky tape or a net. You can make a trap yourself. To do this, a piece of plywood or thick cardboard is painted bright yellow (a deceptive sun for moths), and coated with glue for catching mice or other sticky substance (honey, thick jam).

Having discovered accumulations of moth larvae on young tree branches, the shoots are cut off and burned.

Dead wax moth in a bee hive

Attracting birds to the garden will help reduce the number of pests. For the starling, moth larvae are a real delicacy.

Infusions and decoctions

  • Tobacco infusion. Pour 100 g of shag into 10 liters of hot water, let it brew for 5 – 7 days, stirring occasionally. The strained infusion is sprayed on vegetables, bushes and trees.
  • Garlic infusion. 300 g of garlic cloves, chopped into a pulp, are infused in a bucket of water for 3 days. The prepared solution will not only repel moths from the garden, but will also protect plantings from other harmful insects and prevent the development of late blight on tomatoes and potatoes.
  • Hot pepper decoction. 100 g of crushed pods are poured into a liter of water. The mixture is boiled for about 40 minutes over low heat, then infused for a day. The finished strained preparation is stored in a cool place, in tightly closed bottles. For spraying, the working solution is diluted with clean water 5 times, adding a little liquid soap for better adhesion to the foliage.


What is common to all garden and garden moths is that the pest overwinters in the form of pupa or eggs in the top layer of soil or on the bark of trees. Therefore, an important measure to prevent the appearance of larvae in the spring is to dig up the soil in the fall and clean the trunks and branches of trees and whitewash them.