Brick partitions are thick. Technological map for the installation of brick partitions. Construction of door and window openings

Let's start with the fact that masonry, regardless of the width and height of brick partitions, can be carried out with these products, regardless of their belonging to any type. The question is the economic feasibility of such a solution. Therefore, to select a material, you need to know its classification, purpose and quality requirements.

Brick is classified according to the following parameters:

  • Manufacturing method. There are two types of it - ceramic and silicate brick. The first, in the classic version, consists almost entirely of clay and is fired at high temperatures in special ovens to acquire the necessary strength. The second is made by autoclave synthesis from one part of air lime, nine parts of quartz sand and additives. After creating the shape of the product using semi-dry pressing, it is treated with water vapor in an autoclave at a pressure of 8-12 atm and a temperature of 170-200°C. If pigments are added to the working mixture of sand-lime brick, it will acquire color.
  • Purpose. According to this parameter, brick is divided into three types: ordinary, oven and facing. Ordinary brick is used for laying walls and partitions of buildings, facing brick is used for decorating surfaces, and stove brick is used for making hearths.
  • Filling. This property determines the weight of the products. There are solid bricks and bricks with voids. Products of the second type are lighter, used for the construction of walls with improved thermal insulation, but have less strength than solid similar materials.
  • Sizes. A typical ordinary clay brick has dimensions of 250x60x65 mm, and silicate bricks have dimensions of 250 x 120 x 88 mm; they are the most convenient and familiar in the production of masonry. Modern manufacturers offer double and one-and-a-half bricks, as well as similar materials under the European standard - 250x60x65 mm.
Product quality requirements are regulated by GOST. According to this document, errors in dimensions, for example, of clay bricks should not exceed 4 mm (+ or -) in length, 2 mm in thickness, and +3 mm in width. The curvature of the edges and edges of products should not be higher than 3 mm. Overburning or underburning of bricks is also not allowed.

Bricks of all types have common advantages:

  1. Moisture resistance, which allows the material to be used for the construction of enclosing structures in premises for any purpose.
  2. Strength, ensuring durability and reliable operation of load-bearing walls and partitions.
  3. Good sound insulation of masonry up to 57 dB when installing partitions in? solid brick with a layer of plaster applied.
Among the main disadvantages are the significant weight of the finished structure and increased requirements for the foundation: it must be concrete or stone. In addition, brickwork cannot be classified as light work.

Despite these problems, brick partitions remain quite in demand where high reliability and an attractive appearance are required. The natural beauty of ceramic masonry is appropriate in many interior design styles.

Requirements for installation of brick partitions

For the construction of partitions of various designs and sizes, there are certain rules that should be followed:
  • Before making the partition, it is necessary to seal all interpanel seams in the ceiling with cement mortar.
  • In hot, windy or dry weather, bricks should be moistened before laying.
  • Partitions longer than 3 m must be connected to the ceiling.
  • The connection of the partitions with the pillar is carried out by releasing a groove from its mass.
  • The corners of the partitions should be made using templates made from boards. They are installed plumb and extend between the ceiling and floor. Corner bricks are installed with bandaging close to the template.
  • Brick partitions cannot be installed on the surface: plank floors, parquet. Destruction of the floor under the partition can cause it to sag.
  • The use of hollow materials will help reduce the load from the brick partition on the floor. However, their use is undesirable in rooms with high humidity - kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms.
  • If the thickness of a brick partition is more than 120 mm, it is not reinforced if the length of the masonry is less than 5 m and its height is up to 3 m.
Partitions 65 mm thick in their raw state are very unstable. Therefore, they should be erected gradually at 1-1.5 m of height per day, giving parts of the structure time to set the mortar and gain strength. Such partitions are made up to 3 m long and up to 2.7 m high and are usually used to separate storage rooms, bathrooms and other small rooms.

Brick partition installation technology

The construction of a partition is one of the simplest types of work related to bricklaying. There is no need to align the corners and constantly monitor them with a plumb line; you just need to carefully follow the markings. To lay the partition you will need cement, sand, water, a building level, a cord, a hammer, a trowel and a container for mixing the mortar.

Preparatory work before installing a brick partition

To erect a partition, you can use mortar or a special dry masonry mixture, which can be purchased ready-made. A typical mortar consists of cement, sand and water. In addition to these components, clay, lime and additives are added to the masonry mixture, which give the binder material additional properties: plasticity, frost resistance, etc.

When purchasing a ready-made mixture, it is recommended to pay attention to its production date and suitability. The most durable and elastic mixtures are grade 200-300. The ratio of sand and cement in solutions is 3:1 or 4:1. Dry mixtures should not include any large particles. Therefore, it is recommended to sift the sand before preparing the solution.

The mixture is brought to working condition by adding water and mixing the components in a special container. The composition must be homogeneous and plastic.

Before making a brick partition, you need to mark its boundaries on the floor and walls. The lines must be straight, and it is recommended to control the placement of vertical lines with a building level or plumb line. The support for the partition can be a ceiling - a beam or a panel.

In the basement, the wall is mounted on brick pillars and concrete preparation. It is unacceptable to install it on a clean floor. The brick partition has a thickness of? or a quarter of a brick, with a greater thickness it is already a wall.

How to make a brick partition

After preparing the solution and applying markings, you can begin installing the masonry. First of all, it is necessary to lay a leveling layer of mortar on the base, which will eliminate defects in the support and determine the zero level of the masonry.

Then you should lay the bricks of the first row of the future partition. This stage of work is very important. The reliability and appearance of the planned structure depend on its high-quality execution. Therefore, the laying of the first row should be controlled by the rule, plumb and level.

All subsequent rows must be laid with a slight offset so that all vertical seams of the bottom row are projected onto the middle of the overlying bricks. The laying of each next row should begin with securing and tensioning the mooring cord, which can be used to guide when leveling the bricks.

Minor masonry defects can be eliminated before the mortar sets. This is done using a level lath and a hammer. After completing several rows of masonry, the lath is applied to a section of the finished partition and tapped with a pick or hammer. The process continues until complete contact of the slats with the masonry plane is achieved. This operation is repeated, changing the position of the tool clockwise.

If, when installing a brick partition, you plan to make a door or window opening in it, then during the laying process you should periodically check its size using a tape measure. The verticality of the opening slopes is controlled by a plumb line or level. These actions contribute to the trouble-free installation of a window or door frame into a finished partition.

As lintels over the openings, you can use concrete beams, wooden beams or metal profiles that are suitable in size. To install the boxes, wooden plugs treated with an antiseptic are embedded into the masonry on each side of the openings. Their size is usually 125 mm.

Often, the top of the masonry when installing partitions does not reach the ceiling surface by 2-5 cm. This gap can be filled with pieces of brick and mortar. Another option: moisten the tow in a gypsum solution and compact it into the cracks. As the gypsum hardens, it expands and very tightly connects the surfaces of the ceiling and the top of the partition.

How to strengthen a brick partition

Close attention during the masonry process requires tying the partition to the load-bearing walls and strengthening its strength through reinforcement. The rigidity of the junctions is achieved by using anchors, which must be placed in the load-bearing wall every 5-6 rows of masonry.

In addition, you can use a perforated mounting metal strip. It has the form of a corner, one shelf of which is fixed to the load-bearing wall with dowels, and the other is located between two rows of masonry. This creates a connection connecting the partition and the walls to each other, while the supporting structure does not experience load on the partition.

The strength of the partition can be increased by reinforcing it. Wire mesh 4 mm thick or individual metal rods with a diameter of 6-8 mm are used as reinforcement. These elements should be laid in the partition both in the vertical and horizontal directions, forming a frame when they intersect.

The cell size should be 525x525 mm. The total diameter at the intersection of the reinforcement should be less than the width of the seam and have a 5 mm margin, providing a layer of protection to metal parts. Short masonry partitions made of bricks less than 1.5 m long can be sufficiently reinforced in the horizontal section.

Finishing brick partitions

A brick partition made by yourself can be plastered, and then covered with wallpaper or painted with a regular or textured composition.

If its surface is not smooth enough, it is never too late to eliminate this defect by finishing the partition with plasterboard sheets, which can be attached to it using glue or preliminary installation of a metal frame.

Many people like the natural look of brick walls. Some of them are guided by economic considerations, while others find masonry truly romantic. The natural texture of brick decorates the room and gives it special expressiveness.

The surface of the partition can be painted in the desired color or the brick can be varnished. Partitions made of sand-lime brick and coated with thick white paint look beautiful. They transform from a conventional design to a modern and stylish design.

Light-colored furniture, monochrome photographs and paintings look great against the background of natural brickwork. Decorative plain objects such as candles and vases, placed on shelves or in niches, give the room a special elegance.

With the right accessories, shades and well-organized lighting, clay brickwork fills the room with comfort and coziness. However, in the pursuit of everything natural, it is important not to overdo it: you should not leave all brick walls and partitions in their natural form, since instead of a spectacular interior, a basement may appear.

Laying brick lintels

Typically, a door or window opening is equipped with a lintel made of concrete, metal or wood. If the partition is not plastered, then such an element will look inconspicuous on it. Therefore, in such cases, lintels are made from selected bricks and are divided into three main types:
  • Privates. The height of their masonry is 6-9 rows. Installation is carried out according to all the rules for its dressing. To make an ordinary lintel, special formwork is required. Reinforcement and concrete mixture are laid at its bottom. After the base is ready, brickwork is done.
  • Wedge. In such lintels, the arrangement of bricks forms V-shaped seams. The width of the wedge in its lower part is 5 mm, and in the upper part - up to 25 mm. Masonry is also done using formwork. Work is carried out simultaneously on both sides of the lintel, gradually approaching its center.
  • Arched. The formwork for such lintels is made in the form of a template provided for by the design. Standard clinker bricks are used for masonry. The sequence of their installation is similar to the manufacture of a wedge lintel.
How to make a brick partition - watch the video:

As a result, it should be noted that brick partitions are the optimal solution for zoning a room. Their material is durable, moisture-resistant and can withstand quite heavy loads, and the variety of shades and sizes of bricks allows you to adequately decorate any interior.

Laying brick partitions is necessary in cases where a full-fledged structure is required to divide a significant space. A brick partition is not only a strong and reliable structure, it provides effective sound and heat insulation and allows you to create an additional room in an existing living space. Such a structure is durable, reliable, and resistant to various types of negative influences such as humidity and temperature changes in the surrounding space. In addition, stationary brick interior partitions do not serve as load-bearing walls.

Design Features

The main feature of a brick partition built in an apartment with your own hands: durability, strength and reliability. The construction of such structures begins after all major construction work has been completed:

  • load-bearing walls were erected,
  • reinforced floors;
  • floors and walls are completely dry.

The construction of brick partitions has certain distinctive features. Their construction requires compliance with the rules of construction work. It is in accordance with these requirements that the load on the floors is calculated, allowing cracking of the floor or ceiling. Since the weight of the structure is quite large, its construction in most cases is carried out on the 1st floor of the building or exclusively on reinforced concrete floors.

The use of hollow bricks for partitions can significantly reduce the weight of the structure. Another way to lighten the structure is to build a half-brick partition or use porous brick blocks.

When performing work on creating brickwork partitions, it is necessary to take into account the microclimate in the room where construction is taking place.

To build an additional internal wall with your own hands in the bathroom or when adding a balcony to the kitchen or living room, it is better to use red solid brick. Its main distinguishing feature is high moisture resistance. Such blocks practically do not absorb moisture and are not susceptible to the formation of mold and mildew on the surface.

The installation of brick partitions requires careful sealing of cracks and cracks through which insects can enter the room. This condition can be met with the help of a high-quality solution prepared according to all the rules. Only this composition will provide:

  • reliable and high-quality adhesion of blocks;
  • strength;
  • durability of the structure.

The second no less important condition is the competent connection of the partition to the load-bearing wall. To do this, you will need to make grooves in the main walls into which new bricks are laid. It is necessary to lay waterproofing material between the first row of bricks of the future partition and the floor. Roofing material laid in 2 layers will not only guarantee high-quality moisture insulation, but will also dampen possible vibration.

The laying is carried out with bricks previously moistened with water. It absorbs less moisture from the solution and adheres better. Considering the need for subsequent plastering work, the seams between the bricks of the partition are not completely filled with mortar. This type of masonry is called “wasteland”. Its feature is better adhesion of the plaster mixture to the surface of the constructed wall.


Laying a partition indoors is a job that can be done independently, without resorting to the services of specialists, if you strictly follow the instructions and observe the rules and nuances of the technological process. First of all, you need to take care of preparing the material and tools:

  1. To create the solution you will need clean sifted sand, M100 cement, and cold water. Having mixed the main components in a 3:1 ratio and adding water at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 kg of cement, you can begin mixing. For greater convenience, you can add a plasticizer, but experienced craftsmen sometimes replace expensive products with the usual Progress composition. This is a soap solution that prevents the composition from “settling” too quickly.
  2. Knowing the dimensions of an individual brick block and the area of ​​the future partition, you can calculate the amount of brick that will be needed for construction. It is folded so that it always remains in the free access area.
  3. Before you begin work, you should prepare a string, a hammer-pick, a building level, a plumb line, a trowel and a hammer drill.
  4. The first thing you need to do is prepare the construction site, you need to make a groove in the load-bearing wall for tying, sweep out debris, clean the floor surface and place a double layer of waterproofing material on it.

The thickness of brick partitions in most cases does not exceed half the product. Knowing this, you can calculate the required amount of material. Now you can prepare a container, a construction mixer or a drill with an attachment for mixing the solution and begin preparing the composition.

While the prepared solution is infused, you need to lay out the first row “dry”. This means that this operation does not require a solution. The first row of bricks will show not only the number of solid brick blocks, but also the number of halves, which are best prepared in advance.

The boundaries of the future partition are marked both on the floor and on the walls of the room with which the structure will border or come into contact. The thickness of the partition deserves special attention.

If the thickness of a brick partition exceeds half a brick, this structure is called a wall.

This design requires additional load calculations, preparation of a project for redevelopment of the premises and permission for construction. No special documentation is being developed for interior partitions. Lightweight structures do not cause premature destruction of the building and can be removed at any time.

Work order

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin marking. The importance of this operation cannot be overestimated. Incorrectly executed markings will cause premature destruction of the entire structure created by yourself. On the internal surfaces of the load-bearing walls to which the partition will adjoin, vertical and horizontal lines should be noted. This is done using a laser building level and a plumb line. All further manipulations are performed under the constant control of a level (laser level).

During marking, the contours of the future partition are marked on the floor and walls, which will have to be adhered to during construction. The masonry begins with the waterproofing being laid according to the markings made and the first row of bricks being laid on it. A layer of mortar will eliminate all existing irregularities, and the quality of the first row of masonry is checked using a building level of the maximum possible length.

Before starting the laying of the second row, dry laying is done again, placing the bricks so that the seams run apart. The seams between the bricks of the first row should fall in the middle of the block of the second row. It is this method of constructing interior partitions made of brick that guarantees their strength, reliability and durability.

The quality of further masonry and the level of complexity of subsequent work depend on how correctly and accurately the bricks of the 1st row are laid.

It is impossible to achieve correct masonry by trying to eliminate errors by changing the thickness of the inter-row seam. Its thickness should be the same between all rows. A string stretched between 2 nails, which are simply inserted into the not yet hardened mortar of the seam of the previous row, will help to monitor the correct laying of the brick, straightness and location of all components of the structure in the same plane. This will help avoid the formation of the so-called “belly”.

You can quickly and efficiently complete the laying as follows:

  1. A strip of mortar no more than 10 cm wide and 1.5-2 cm thick is laid on the waterproofing.
  2. The first row of bricks is laid on this strip, under the control of the building level. If it is necessary to hide the unevenness of the floor, you can carefully tap the brick or slightly increase the thickness of the mortar layer.
  3. The second row is laid out, starting from the sides (outermost bricks in contact with the walls). After checking the quality of the binding, lay out the blocks towards the middle of the partition.
  4. To create a 3rd row, you can use nails and lace, which will not allow you to violate the established boundaries of the plane and will help maintain the evenness of the partition.

The bricks are laid on the mortar, leaving the joint space between them empty. After making sure that the masonry is correct, the horizontal seams are also filled. Thus, it is possible to carry out laying in a “waste area”, ensuring in advance the creation of a high-quality and reliable plaster layer.

The process can be seen in more detail in the video:

The purpose of partitions is to divide into parts the internal space of the house, enclosed by load-bearing walls.

Brick partitions are laid out with a thickness of 12 cm (in ½ brick) and 6.5 cm (brick “on edge”). When the length of partitions laid out “on edge” is more than 1.5 m, they are also reinforced with wire every 2–3 rows in height.

The thickness of brick partitions is equal to ¼ brick for a partition length of up to 3 m and a height of up to 2.7 m, and for longer lengths and heights – ½ brick. In cases where it is necessary to make a ventilation duct in the partition, their thickness must be increased to 38 cm.

The partitions are laid on a mortar of grade no lower than 100, for stability they are reinforced with steel reinforcement rods with a diameter of no more than 6 mm, and in places where they interface with the walls, they are driven in with steel ruffs or pins.

For laying the corners of partitions with a thickness of ½ and ¼ brick, templates are used from boards, planed on the outside and planed on the inside working side. The template is installed along a plumb line - at a distance between the floor and ceiling of the room. Corner bricks are laid close to the template with bandaging.

To give the partitions rigidity, every 5–6 rows of masonry, two rods of reinforcing wire with a diameter of 3–4 mm are laid at a distance of 20 mm from the edges of the partition.

To ensure that the partitions are held firmly between the walls, through grooves (grooves) or separate holes (sockets) 2–5 cm deep are punched into the latter. The nests are chosen so that every 5–6 rows 2–3 rows of masonry partitions can be wedged into them.

The laying of partitions is carried out in the same way as the laying of brick walls.

It is best to do the masonry by emptying it, followed by plastering with lime or lime-gypsum mortar.

The top of the masonry partition often does not reach the ceiling by 2–5 cm.

Sometimes this space is filled with mortar and pieces of brick. You can also fill it with tow soaked in gypsum solution and compact it well. When the gypsum sets, it expands and adheres tightly to the partition and ceiling.

The necessary rigidity of the partition is given by mandatory wedging every meter, as well as the placement of soft wire with a diameter of 2.8 mm stretched and fastened to nails in every 2nd row.

If the partition sways and its rigidity is questionable, this is the result of poor wedging. It is not recommended to wedge the partition immediately after installation, since the solution in it cannot yet fully withstand the pressure and, when wedging, begins to be squeezed out of the seams. It is best to carry out wedging the next day, when the solution reaches the required strength.

It is impossible to obtain the required rigidity of the partition with loose and weakly tensioned wire. It is also very important to ensure the rigidity of the brick partition with a thickness of ½ brick. They often make a mistake when, when remodeling premises, they forget to make a connection with the walls half a brick deep at the four corners of the partition.

Until the required strength is achieved (8–10 days), the bathroom partitions should not be touched.

A typical mistake during reconstruction and redevelopment of apartments is installing a partition on the surface: parquet, plank flooring. In this case, the floor under the partition collapses, rots, and the partition itself sags.

Subsidence of the partition is also possible if it is installed directly on the slag bedding of the floor. Under the influence of loads and other factors, the bedding becomes compacted and shifts.

Subsidence of the partition occurs when it is installed on a “floating” concrete screed. Under the influence of the partition's own weight and the force developed from wedging, the concrete screed cracks and the partition sags. The correct solution is to install a partition on a rigid floor structure.

The weight of 1 m² of brick partition is significant (about 288 kg), so it is advisable to rest it on a special foundation. Reinforced concrete floor slabs used in residential buildings are usually designed for a load of 300 and 400 kgf/m², which allows even brick partitions with a thickness of 120 mm to be laid on them. In houses with floors on wooden beams, the installation of partitions must be approached more thoughtfully.

It is the wrong thing to do if immediately after the construction of the partition, especially during redevelopment, they begin plastering work. The partition still experiences shrinkage for several days, some movement is observed, so cracks appear on the fresh plaster. If prestressed reinforced concrete beams are installed at a distance from each other greater than the norm, then cracks will very soon form in the partitions resting on them.

To eliminate audibility between apartments, double partitions are erected with an air gap between them of 2–6 cm. Practice shows that such a solution is effective only if the walls are erected without deviations from technology requirements. Often walls are laid everywhere in the same way, on the same mortar, hence the frequency of their own vibrations will be the same, which negatively affects sound insulation.

Good sound insulation is obtained by laying one of the walls on lime, the other on reinforced lime-cement mortar. Sound insulation is compromised if the resulting air gap in the wall is narrowed either by protruding bricks or mortar. It is unacceptable for the walls of the double partition to touch each other.

To prevent sounds from penetrating from below, the partition is installed on a double layer of roofing felt. A good effect is obtained by making a gasket under the partition from cork or other soundproofing material.

Bathroom partitions ½ and ¼ brick thick are arranged using a template. The template for unmarked laying of bathroom walls is established according to the marks applied.

The first two rows of masonry are made according to the template, the quality is checked using the rule, and then the template is removed. Then install corner templates or regular orders and continue laying the walls. As the masonry proceeds, metal ruffs are hammered into the seams of the adjacent walls (2-3 ruffs along the height of the wall), tying reinforcement rods to them with soft wire.

In the process of laying partitions on each side of the doorway at a height of 1/3–

1/4 of the opening from the bottom and top, wooden antiseptic plugs are installed in the masonry (their size is usually equal to ½ brick) for subsequent fastening of door frames to them.

Laying junctions of partitions When crossing walls, the butt rows of one wall are moved a quarter of a brick away from the other wall and quarters are laid in this gap. With subsequent spoon rows, the bonded rows of both intersecting walls are tied into ¼ or ½ bricks. In this case, when intersecting the rows of spoons, the intersecting walls do not seem to pass through the main wall, but only go deeper into it by ½ brick.

The junctions of the walls are carried out in the same way as when laying the intersection of walls.

When walls are not erected simultaneously, junctions can be made in the form of vertical multi-row or single-row fines. In these cases, steel rods with a diameter of 8 mm are laid in the external walls, which are placed three in a row at least 2 m apart along the height of the masonry, as well as at the level of each floor. The rods must have a length of at least 1 m from the junction angle and end with an anchor.

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The All-Ukrainian TV channel in the program “Breakfast with 1+1” interviewed Roman Kirigetov, the founder of the project, live about how the service works and how to safely order the services of private specialists in Ukraine.

An almost obligatory stage of any construction work is bricklaying - brick buildings are traditionally and rightly considered reliable, durable and suitable for our climate.

Laying bricks correctly is a difficult task. The building codes and regulations describe the requirements for such work. It is worth noting right away that a beginner will not cope with the task efficiently: only an experienced mason can build perfectly smooth walls.

Features of bricklaying

The quality of brickwork is influenced by many factors: the characteristics of the material itself, the mobility of the mortar, and the ideal horizontality of the structure.

Professionals know how to achieve quality in their work. In addition, they know how to work quickly: an experienced mason will not delay construction deadlines. The most popular services ordered from specialists:

Laying facing bricks.

This is the most complex and time-consuming process. It requires neatness, cleanliness and precision at the same time. Facing bricks are usually laid immediately after the construction of main walls (in some cases, an insulating layer is provided between the walls and the facade).

Most often, modern customers are interested in laying clinker facing bricks - the material is quite expensive, so it requires special care. Brick laying for jointing. It is performed in cases where no finishing is planned on the brick surface, so it is important to provide it with an aesthetic and finished appearance.

Almost always, this method of masonry is used for finishing bricks, and in a large number of cases - for bricks from which main walls are built. The craftsman is required, in particular, to immediately remove excess mortar from the seams. Brick walls.

Brick walls are erected using the “press” or “butt” masonry method. The first method is used for fairly rigid solutions, the second for plastic ones. There are many standardized types of masonry and dressing - the master chooses the desired option, focusing on the characteristics of the object.

Who should be entrusted with laying bricks?

Ideal brick laying is assessed according to the following characteristics:

    strength; horizontal; aesthetics; no protruding parts.

Prices for bricklaying in Kyiv

Cost of bricklayingPrice, UAH/m2 Façade. facing brick from 200 UAH. Partitions in 1/2 brick (rough masonry) from 80 UAH. Rough wall from 300 UAH. Wall for jointing from 400 UAH. Wall made of aerated block or foam block from 250 UAH. Partition from aerated block or foam block from 250 UAH. Laying walls from cinder block from UAH 300

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The installation of an internal brick partition is still quite popular today. If it is not recommended to build them in apartments of multi-storey buildings, since the weight of the brickwork creates an excessive load on the floors and supporting structures, then in private houses and country cottages they are installed almost everywhere.

The brick partition is durable and provides good heat and sound insulation.

Although they take longer and are more difficult to construct than their drywall, plywood or plank counterparts, they are much stronger and provide better thermal and sound insulation. The most important practical advantage of a brick partition is that although it does not bear a supporting load and usually does not require a special foundation, it is strong enough to withstand hanging shelves, cabinets and other similar structures without additional support reinforcement.

Types of bricklaying.

Before starting masonry, you must first of all calculate the required amount of materials that will be used to build the partition. Since the partition runs through the interior, its thickness can be significantly less than that of external walls. Considering that a standard brick has dimensions of 250 by 120 with a thickness of 65 mm, the partition is usually placed 1/2 or less often 1/4 brick in thickness.

If in the first case it is simply placed on a plane with its side facing out, then in the second it is placed on the edge. The first option is used much more often, since the thickness and strength of the partition is much higher. At the same time, we should not forget that during the laying process, some of the bricks need to be split into pieces, which inevitably leads to waste, so you need to purchase it with some reserve.

The basis for a brick partition, as a rule, is the surface of a concrete floor. It usually does not require a foundation, but there are also cases when it cannot be done without it. This happens when the base for the masonry is the earthen floor of the basement or if the surface of the floor has a certain curvature.

Construction of a foundation for a brick partition.

In the first case, a ditch the width of a brick and a depth of about 120-150 mm is dug in the ground, which is well wetted and filled with cement mortar and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. In the second case, the surface of the concrete floor, covered for better adhesion with a special network of grooves, is simply A layer of such a solution is placed, and its surface is leveled using a level. In both cases, the foundation must harden well before starting masonry.

The marking of future masonry is done directly on the floor to the surface of the adjacent wall. It must be free of foreign deposits and perfectly smooth. Using a long straight ruler, draw two parallel lines, spaced apart by the width of a brick.

Along the wall it should reach the ceiling, and on the floor take into account the width of the doorway, if provided. The quality of the entire partition depends on the correct marking, so when drawing vertical lines on the wall it is better to use a plumb line or a long spirit level. It is better to spend extra time and check everything several times, since it will be almost impossible to correct the flaws of a wall that has already been built from brick.

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Diagram of a brick partition.

In the absence of a foundation, which happens most often, the first row of bricks is placed on a previously notched and generously moistened floor, strictly according to the markings. Under it is placed a layer of an aqueous solution of cement with fine sifted river sand, mixed in a ratio of 1 to 3 to the consistency of thick sour cream. The width of this layer should be from 80 to 100 mm, and the height from 15 to 20 mm.

Under the weight of the bricks, it will give a mortar joint thickness of 10 to 12 mm. To do this, lightly tap the laid brick with the handle of a trowel. A little mortar is also placed on the end of the brick with a trowel, and it will be used to attach it to the end of the next one.

For the first brick in the row, this procedure is carried out with both ends, since it must be adjacent to the wall. To ensure that the row runs smoothly, a special cord is stretched from the wall to the opposite wall. Excess mortar protruding along the seams must be immediately removed with a trowel.

The second row of bricks should start not with a whole brick, but with half a brick.

Every other row will start this way, allowing the bricks to be staggered, creating a bandaged seam. This order will give the masonry the necessary strength. Approximately every fifth row should be attached to an adjacent wall, and the method of attachment depends on the material from which the wall is built.

Laying a quarter-brick partition using a guide board: 1 - loop; 2 - stand; 3 - hole; 4 - nail; 5 - board; 6 - partition.

If it is made of brick or stone, then a piece of metal rod or reinforcement approximately 300 mm in length and from 5 to 8 mm in thickness is driven into it at the height of the next row of masonry of the partition. If the wall is concrete, then the fastening element is a metal plate in the shape of the letter “L” with a number of holes on the surface. One side of it, using specially drilled holes, is attached to the wall with screws on plastic dowels, and the other is walled up in the brickwork.

Each row should be laid along a stretched cord, starting from the foundation or floor, and the vertical should be periodically checked using a plumb line every 3 or 4 rows. If a doorway is provided in the partition, then it is best to install the door frame at the very beginning, when the first row of bricks is laid.

It must be carefully leveled and secured with temporary spacers, and then the masonry must be adjacent to it. The brick should be laid close to it, and every 5 rows a fastening plate should be inserted in the shape of the letter “L”, similar to the one that secures the masonry to a concrete wall. There should be no foundations in the doorway.

Internal partitions make it possible to arrange your living space according to your taste. Planning is carried out according to certain needs. Interior walls are built from various materials, among which brick is especially popular due to its high performance characteristics. The article will discuss the laying of interior brick partitions.

Brick classification

Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with its types, depending on various characteristics. The manufacture of any product is carried out in accordance with GOST, which specifies the requirements for the production process, the quality of raw materials, geometry and marking of piece elements.

Classification of piece elements is made:

  • According to the manufacturing method. There are 2 types of bricks - silicate and ceramic. A silicate product is obtained by mixing sand, lime and special additives in certain proportions, followed by processing in an autoclave. Classic brick consists of almost 100% clay, which is fired in special kilns.
  • By purpose. Based on the area of ​​application, bricks are divided into construction, facing and oven bricks. Ordinary (construction) clinker is used for the construction of both load-bearing and internal walls. Facing is designed to perform specific work. But, stoves and fireplaces are made from a fire-resistant stove (fireclay) block.

  • By the nature of the filling. Thermal and sound insulation of a building depends on the presence/absence of voids in the clinker body. Since thermal insulation is in principle not required for partitions (with the exception of a mini-sauna in the house), when choosing a material for construction, preference should be given to solid blocks with excellent noise-insulating characteristics.
  • By standard sizes. The typical one, which is also the most convenient in terms of masonry, is a brick with dimensions of 250x120x65 mm. Today, manufacturers offer one-and-a-half, double bricks, as well as products for the Euro standard - 250x60x65 mm.

Regardless of the type, brick blocks have a number of common advantages:

  • high resistance to moisture, which makes it possible to use it for premises of any purpose;
  • the strength of this material ensures the reliability and durability of the entire structure;
  • laying a half-brick partition (solid type) together with a plaster layer guarantees sound insulation of up to 57 dB, which is comparable to confident speech or the sound of a TV operating at medium power.

Among the disadvantages is the heavy weight of the material. Brick partitions are erected only on concrete and stone floors. Wall masonry cannot be classified as a simple task.

It should be remembered that if it is necessary to drill holes in a brick partition for fastening heavy equipment or make working channels (grooves) for carrying out various types of communications, then the construction must be made with solid brick. During such work, a hollow analogue will lose its load-bearing capacity, up to the collapse of the entire structure.

However, despite the complexity of the work, the brick partition will fully meet expectations. Thanks to the efforts and efforts made, it will delight you with its reliability and aesthetic appearance. After all, if you build a wall from facing blocks, you don’t have to plaster it. The natural beauty of brickwork will be appropriate in many modern styles.

  • Preparing a brick partition for painting or wallpapering involves careful leveling with plaster mixtures. For rooms with above-average humidity levels, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant finishing materials, such as ceramic tiles.
  • An interior brick partition creates a serious load on the load-bearing elements of the building. Using porous or hollow blocks will help reduce weight. In rooms with high (unstable) humidity levels (bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens), only solid clinker is used.
  • Even in new buildings, the interior wall should not be very long. If this figure exceeds 5 m, then you should not even use hollow brick as a building material for the construction of a partition.
  • Building an interior wall is a dirty and time-consuming process. This is due to the use of various water-based solutions and mixtures, and, accordingly, significant breaks between “wet” stages of work.

Installation of brick partitions

  • First of all, the partition must be structurally reliable. When constructing load-bearing walls, reinforcing strips or half a brick (every other row) are released in the planned places. If the need for an additional wall arose after construction was completed, then metal pins are used to connect the partition to the main walls.

  • It is not recommended to build an interior wall on the ground. In such cases, a mini-strip foundation is performed. In this case, a mesh with rods with a diameter of at least 8-10 mm is laid on the bottom of the formwork. The concrete mortar layer should be about 300 mm. Next, you need to make another reinforcement with a mesh with a rod diameter of 6-8 mm, and then fill it with a finishing layer of concrete. Between the footing and the first row of bricks, waterproofing (roofing material, glass insulation, etc.) must be laid.

For interior walls, standard bricks placed on edge are usually used. Thus, the thickness of the brick partitions is 120 mm, to this indicator it is necessary to add the thickness of the plaster layers on both sides of the rooms - approximately 30 mm.

Marking for partition

  • Using a pencil or marker, mark the location of the future partition. According to the project, risks are placed equal to the width of the doorway (taking into account the thickness of the door frame, if provided).
  • The first brick is placed at a mark at an angle of 90º to the load-bearing wall. The second brick is placed in a similar way on the opposite side. Using a special cord, the horizontality of the line is checked, which can be adjusted if necessary.

Masonry mortar

  • Three types of mortar are used for brickwork: cement-sand, cement-lime, cement-clay.
  • The sand-cement mortar is durable, but it is very hard for this type of work. For partitions that separate spaces with high humidity, a cement-clay composition is suitable. Finely ground clay gives elasticity to the solution and improves its moisture resistance.
  • Cement with the addition of lime is used for the construction of partitions in rooms with constant temperature conditions and normal humidity levels. The addition of slaked lime not only facilitates the work process due to its elasticity, but also reduces cement consumption by 1.5-2 times.

It is not at all necessary to purchase all the components of the solution separately, and it is also very inconvenient if the construction of partitions is planned to be carried out on the top floor of a high-rise building.

Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of dry mixtures, which can simply be diluted with water in accordance with the instructions.

Laying partitions in one brick

  • First, the brick is laid out “dry”, this will help determine the number of whole blocks included in the row. This process is relevant if a doorway is provided in the partition. In this case, the masonry is carried out from the opening to the main walls.
  • A hammer or small hatchet is used to split the clinker block. For a neat cut, you can use a grinder with a stone disc. Of course, the cut will turn out smooth, but its “aesthetics” will be hidden behind a layer of plaster, and there will be plenty of dust and noise from the grinder.
  • The mixed mortar is applied to the footing and the first row of bricks is laid out. Using a level, the horizontal layout of the blocks is checked. If necessary, the mixture can be added or, conversely, excess can be removed. As a rule, the thickness of the seams is 8-12 mm.

  • After every 4-5 rows, the masonry is reinforced. For this, a mesh with wire with a diameter of 4-6 mm is used. It is mandatory to check the level in horizontal and vertical planes. Although building codes allow a deviation of 1 cm for each meter of height of the structure, it is better to try and maintain the verticality of the masonry.
  • A brick partition placed on edge in its raw form is extremely unstable. Therefore, when the height of the wall is 1-1.5 m, you must wait at least a day. During this time, the solution will set and the structure will gain strength. Then you can continue laying clinker blocks.
  • At a certain height equal to the height of the door frame, a lintel is installed or formwork is arranged. There may be a gap of about 10 mm left at the ceiling, which becomes clogged with tow. This point is especially important when constructing partitions in wooden houses. If the gap between the ceiling and the last row of bricks is quite large, then in such cases it is filled with mortar mixed with broken bricks.
  • The approximate consumption of bricks for a partition is 1150 pcs/10 m2.

Laying lintels

The part of the wall above the doorway is constructed using a wooden beam or reinforced concrete element. If plastering of the brick structure is not planned, then selected bricks of at least M75 are used to construct the lintel. The main requirement for this part of the opening is to carefully fill the seams between the clinkers.

There are 3 types of jumpers:

  • private. The height of the structure is usually 6-9 rows. The laying is carried out in compliance with the dressing rules. The construction of the lintel is carried out using formwork. A layer of concrete mixture is poured onto the bottom, in which periodic profile reinforcement is embedded. Only then is the brick laying done;
  • wedge-shaped This type of lintel is created by arranging clay blocks to form a “V” joint. The thickness at the bottom of the wedge is about 5 mm, and at the top no more than 25 mm. Formwork is used for masonry. Work is carried out from both sides, tending to the center;

  • arched The formwork is carried out in the form specified by the project. The masonry is made using standard piece clinker. The rules of work and the sequence of the process are the same as for installing a wedge lintel.

Brick partitions video

How to plaster a brick partition

  • Before work, the surface is cleaned of dust and dried particles of masonry mortar. Guide rails are attached to the wall, which set the thickness of the plaster layer. The distance between them should be equal to the length of the rule.
  • Immediately before plastering, the brick is wetted. You can lay plastic film near the wall, since most of the solution falls on the floor.
  • Dry powder is diluted with water (recommended proportions are indicated by the manufacturer). The mixture is applied by “spraying”, that is, a small amount of plaster is taken on a spatula and thrown forcefully onto a vertical surface. This method requires a certain skill.
  • The peculiar slaps are smoothed out with a spatula. For a more uniform distribution of the plaster mixture on the surface, a rule is used, the length of which corresponds to the width between the slats.
  • The finishing layer will be putty. After its application, the surface will be ready for painting or wallpapering. Here you can use a decorative mixture that imitates textiles or leather.

Brick wall in the interior

  • The brick partition provides room for imagination. After plastering, it can be covered with wallpaper or painted with water-dispersed paints and other composite compositions.

  • If desired, a frame is constructed on the surface for finishing with plasterboard sheets. But many leave the walls in their natural form, some are guided by the economic component, while others find the masonry quite romantic.
  • Partitions made of sand-lime brick painted with thick white paint look especially beautiful. They are transformed from ordinary building material into a stylish and modern design idea.

A brick wall has the following advantages:

  • The material allows you to get rid of a labor-intensive process and financial costs. It’s easy to achieve a bohemian look on a wall - it’s enough to treat it with a special impregnation. Fast, easy and inexpensive;
  • The natural texture and texture of brick gives expressiveness to the room. After priming, the surface can be painted in the desired shade or varnished. A relief wall will become the highlight of any interior;
  • Light-colored furniture stands out especially well against the background of a rough brick wall. Paintings and monochrome photographs look impressive. Plain decorative objects (vases, candles, etc.) placed in niches or on shelves will also add elegance to the room.

Oddly enough, but clinker masonry will fill the space with comfort. The secret lies in the right shades, accessories and lighting.

However, with all its simultaneous originality and simplicity, such a surface has several disadvantages:

  • All brick walls and partitions should not be left in their natural state. Instead of the expected spectacular interior, you can get a basement;
  • Dust and other contaminants collect in the seams, and therefore it is not recommended to leave an unplastered surface on the working side of the kitchen area;
  • the presence of a brick partition requires well-organized lighting.

To summarize, it can be noted that laying a brick partition is the optimal solution. Moisture-resistant, durable and fire-resistant material can withstand heavy loads. The variety of shapes, sizes and shades allows you to implement almost any ideas for space distribution and interior design.

Before installing partitions, the following work must be completed:

  • - construction of external and internal walls;
  • - marking partitions;
  • - delivery to the workplace of necessary materials, tools and equipment.

The process of bricklaying partitions consists of the following operations: installation and rearrangement of the mooring cord;

  • - cutting and hewing bricks (as needed);
  • - supplying bricks and laying them out on partitions (scaffolds);
  • - shoveling, feeding, spreading and leveling the mortar on the wall (ceiling);
  • - laying bricks into the structure;
  • - checking the correctness of the laid masonry.

Work on the construction of brick partitions must be carried out in accordance with the project. The brickwork of the partitions is made of solid brick with 1/2 brick bandaging along the length of the rows

When installing partitions, mason K 1 secures and tensions the mooring cord.

Bricklayer K2 lays out the bricks first on the ceiling (then on the laid partition), close to one another, at a distance of three bricks from the beginning of the laying, leaving space for spreading the mortar. This is how he lays 6 bricks, after which he spreads the mortar. Before applying the mortar to the partition, the K2 mason shovels it in the trough until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then, with a shovel, he applies the solution to the partition and, placing the shovel obliquely on the side edge, spreads it in a bed about 10 cm wide, 2-2.5 cm thick and 75 cm long, see fig. 21.

Rice. 21.

After mason K 1 lays 3 bricks, mason K 2 lays mortar under 3 more bricks.

Bricklayer K 4 carries out the laying end-to-end. First, use a trowel to level the mortar for 3 bricks; then, holding the brick in an inclined position with his left hand, with the butting edge he scoops up part of the spread mortar and moves it towards the previously laid brick, creating a complete vertical seam. After this, the brick is leveled flush with the surface of the partition, with light blows of the trowel handle, pushing the brick down to the level of the mooring cord so that the gap between the cord and the brick does not exceed 1-2 mm. The mortar squeezed onto the front surface of the wall is trimmed with a trowel and thrown into the vertical joint of the masonry. Then he lays 3 more bricks in the same area.

Partitions 1/4 brick thick, for stability, are reinforced in horizontal seams with strip iron 1 mm thick or steel reinforcement bars with a diameter of no more than 6 mm at least every 5-6 rows. The thickness of the seams in which the reinforcement is located must exceed the diameter of the reinforcement by at least 4 mm. Partitions 1/2 brick thick are laid out with spoons.

In the places where the partitions meet the main walls, embedded parts are installed, see Fig. 22.

Rice. 22.

The embedded parts are attached on both sides of the partition in a checkerboard pattern

The mortar used for laying partitions must correspond to the project. The laying of partitions, as well as walls, is done in tiers (three tiers per floor). The height of the tier is 1.2 m. For a diagram of the breakdown of brickwork into tiers, see Fig. 18.

Having completed the brickwork on the first tier, the masons move on to work on the second tier. Work on the second and third tiers is carried out from scaffolding and is similar to work on the first tier.

When laying partitions, special attention is paid to the quality of filling the joints with mortar, the correct position of each brick, and the verticality of the masonry as a whole.

As the masonry progresses, reinforcement and lintels are installed over the openings. The verticality and horizontality of the masonry rows are periodically checked using a plumb line, rule and level. The masonry is leveled by lightly tapping it with a pick-hammer according to the rule applied on the outside of the partitions.

When breaking masonry with a vertical groove, a mesh (reinforcement) of longitudinal rods with a diameter of no more than 6 mm, of transverse rods - no more than 3 mm with a distance of up to 1.5 m along the height of the masonry, as well as at the level of each ceilings

The number of longitudinal reinforcement bars is taken at the rate of one bar for every 12 cm of wall thickness, but not less than two for a wall thickness of 12 cm.

The floor is closed only after the installation of partitions.

In the places where the partitions meet the ceiling, mortgages are installed. The embedded parts are fastened on both sides of the partition in a checkerboard pattern, see fig. 23. The installation step of embedded parts should not exceed 1.5 m on each side.

Rice. 23. Scheme of fastening partitions in places where they interface with the overlap with embedded parts