How to choose an electric boiler for heating a private house. Reviews of electric boilers for heating private houses. Electric boiler installation

The number of people wishing to move from apartment buildings to private cottages is growing every year. However, many of them forget that providing heating for their own home most often falls on the shoulders of the owner - not all cottage villages immediately have a connection to the gas supply, and sometimes you have to wait several years for this. So what should you do in this case? An option could be an electric boiler, which we will talk about.

Features of electric boilers

The operating principle of an electric boiler is extremely simple: coolant is supplied to a special tank in which heating elements are installed. When connected, the energy of the electric current is transferred to the coolant molecules, and the temperature of the latter increases. From the expansion tank it spreads through radiators and pipes throughout the room, heating it. In addition to the tank and heater, a monitoring and control mechanism and a circulation pump can be installed in the boiler. To save energy, some boilers have the option of automatic power control; in simpler models, the power is regulated using a thermostat that sets the water temperature.

The electric boiler can be installed wherever there is a power connection. The main advantages of this type of boiler are, first of all, its compact size and ergonomics. It can be installed even in a small house, for example, in a country house, and it does not require additional storage space for fuel. Such a boiler is very easy to install and operate, and, importantly, installation does not require special permits from technical supervision authorities. Another advantage is environmental friendliness. The boiler does not produce harmful emissions, so it can be placed in residential areas, for example, in the kitchen. It operates silently, without open fire, and, therefore, there is no need for a chimney, thereby increasing the safety of operation.

On a note
When installing an electric boiler, it is necessary to take care of high-quality insulation of the house, otherwise all the heat will evaporate outside, and the amount of payment for electricity will increase to incredible sizes. Requirements for thermal energy consumption for heating and ventilation of buildings, as well as examples of calculations and many reference indicators are contained in the set of rules “SP 50.13330.2012. Thermal protection of buildings. Updated edition of SNiP 02/23/2003.”

Which type of electric boiler is better?

To choose an electric heating boiler that is ideal for a particular home, you need to understand at least a little about the features of each of the three main types.

Heating elements new boilers

This is a classic type of electric boiler. In it, the coolant is heated by heating elements consisting of a durable shell (steel, aluminum or titanium) and a nichrome spiral inside it. Between the shell and the spiral there is a dielectric filler, most often quartz sand. The boiler heat exchanger may have one or more heating elements. The operating principle of such a device resembles the operating principle of a conventional electric kettle (boiler). It reaches its rated power abruptly, and water heating occurs only 10–15 minutes after turning on the boiler. Heating element boilers operate in flow mode, which also helps create water circulation throughout the entire heating system of the room.

Advantage A heating element boiler is that there is no direct contact of the coolant with the heating element; they are separated from each other by a dielectric, which reduces the possibility of a short circuit to a minimum. The boiler is protected from overheating by a thermal regulator.

Serious flaw Heating element boilers - scale formation, which can lead to equipment breakdown. To avoid this, it is recommended to use distilled water or special liquids as a coolant. In the event of a coolant leak, the boiler can overheat and completely fail.

Most heating element boilers are wall-mounted, but there are also floor-mounted designs.

Electrode boilers

In such a boiler, a potential difference is created on the electrodes placed in the heat exchanger under the influence of electric current. Due to the salt impurities contained in the coolant, it itself acts as a conductor of electric current - an electrolyte with good resistance, and the current passing through this medium causes it to heat up. The process of heating water in the boiler takes place without the participation of an intermediary in a small ionization chamber. The coolant base is usually ethylene glycol-based liquid or specially prepared water. A given level of thermal conductivity of the liquid makes it possible to quickly bring the boiler to rated power. The electrode boiler heats up very quickly - literally in one minute.

Electrode, or ionic, boilers are quite economical. With the same power, they consume almost half as much electricity as heating elements. Using automation, you can not only set the desired air temperature, but also change it as needed, turning the boiler on and off.

Big advantage electrode boilers - reliability, since there is practically nothing to fail in them. For example, if there is a coolant leak, the boiler will turn off because the currents will drop to zero. Such boilers are especially convenient to use in rooms with unstable voltage. Even when it is reduced to 180 V, the electrode boiler does not turn off.

Flaw electrode boiler - the need to maintain continuous circulation of liquid and the high cost of the coolant, since it is impossible to use ordinary water in them.

Induction boilers

The first induction boilers appeared in the 80s of the twentieth century and were used for industrial needs. The production of household units began around the end of the 90s. An induction boiler operates on the principle of a transformer and consists of primary and secondary windings: an induction coil, which is also a generator, and a core - a system of steel pipes with coolant inside. After starting, the primary winding converts electricity into a magnetic field and directs it to the secondary. The core heats up and transfers heat to the coolant.

Plus induction boilers are their high efficiency, protection against scale, efficiency, and high degree of fire safety. The boiler has no elements subject to mechanical wear, so its service life can exceed 30 years. Compared to heating element boilers, induction boilers have a much larger heat transfer area, and almost any liquid can be used as a coolant, including refined petroleum products. The operation of the equipment does not depend on the ambient temperature, so the likelihood of failure is reduced to almost zero.

Among shortcomings One can note the high price and high weight for small sizes; even the weakest boiler weighs more than 20 kg.

What else to look for when choosing an electric boiler

But choosing the type of boiler is not everything. There are several important factors that determine how well the boiler will meet its assigned tasks.

Number of circuits

A single-circuit boiler is responsible only for heating the coolant in the heating system. If there is a need for hot water for domestic needs, then you should either initially install a double-circuit boiler, or supplement the system with a water heater.

Double-circuit boilers have two independently operating circuits, one of which provides heating, the other provides hot water supply. Electric double-circuit boilers are not popular because they consume too much electricity. The cost of water and heating in this case is too high.


Electric boilers of each of the three types mentioned are characterized by approximately the same efficiency - 95–98%. Such a high figure is explained by the fact that the electric boiler does not generate, but converts electricity into heat. Therefore, no matter what type of boiler the buyer chooses, its efficiency will be almost the same as that of its counterparts.


One of the main parameters when choosing a boiler. It depends on it whether the boiler will cope with heating the room. An insufficiently powerful unit will not be able to provide the required temperature, and an overly powerful unit will lead to unjustified energy costs.

Electric boilers are available with power from 2.5 to 60 kW (depending on the type of boiler). The power for each room must be calculated individually; it depends on the heated area, wall and ceiling materials, quality of thermal insulation, and window area. In order to approximately calculate the boiler power, you can use the formula:

W= (S x Wsp): 10,


W - boiler power in kW,

S - room area,

W beat - specific power of the device (set individually for each region, for example, for Moscow and the region it ranges from 1.2 to 1.5 kW).

If it is necessary to heat a house near Moscow with an area of ​​100 m2, then according to the formula, the boiler power should be W = (100 × 1.2): 10 = 12 kW. This calculation is valid only for single-circuit boilers. For double-circuit power is calculated adjusted for DHW - about 20%.

Power control type

This indicator depends on the design of the boiler and can be stepped or smooth. Step regulation is used in boilers with independent heating elements. To regulate energy consumption and room temperature, you can simply turn off some of them.

On a note
Most often, three heating elements are installed in boilers, one of them provides 50% of the total power, and the remaining two provide 25% each. In this regard, you can get only four boiler power levels - 25, 50, 75 or 100%. For more precise adjustment, it is necessary to install a separate valve or thermostat in each room.

Smooth adjustment is possible only in those boilers that have a rheostat in their design. And in cheap low-power units there is no possibility of adjustment at all.

Connection method

Boilers with a power of up to 6 kW can be connected to a regular single-phase 220 V network, but if you plan to install a more powerful device, you will need a three-phase 380 V line.


The body of the electric boiler can be made of any durable material - steel, plastic, cast iron, copper. The main requirement is reliable protection against fire and electric shock. As a rule, wall-mounted models have lighter housings.

Automation type

Automation maintains the required temperature in the room and makes it possible to rationally use electricity without constant human control. There are two types of thermostats for electric boilers - mechanical and electronic.

A mechanical thermostat operates either on bimetallic plates or on liquid- or gas-filled bellows. When the temperature reaches a certain level, such a thermostat either cuts off the coolant flow or opens the electrical circuit. When the temperature drops, the boiler starts working again. Despite being easy to operate, low cost and resistant to power surges, mechanical automation still has insufficient sensitivity and is capable of deviating from the specified temperature range by 2–3°C.

Electronic thermostats consist of a control unit and a remote sensor. The sensor is connected to the heating element remotely or via wires and transmits information to the control unit, which turns off the boiler if necessary. The electronic thermostat is capable of controlling all boiler systems, providing high temperature accuracy and can operate without human intervention for up to 8 hours. At the same time, it has a fairly high cost and expensive maintenance.


The most compact electric boilers are electrode ones. They can be mounted directly on the pipe, since such a boiler is a cylinder only about 40 cm long. Induction boilers are also not too large, but at the same time, as already mentioned, they have significant weight. However, almost all electric boilers are very compact and do not require a separate room for installation, unlike gas or solid fuel counterparts.


All types of electric boilers, in addition to the basic configuration, have additional options. These include automatic drainage of water when switched off and temperatures drop to zero, protection against changes in pressure in the system, a centrifugal pump, a remote temperature sensor, an expansion tank, and a fine filter. Before abandoning additional options in order to save money, you should carefully calculate everything. Often, a cheap model with the subsequent purchase of additional units and their additional installation ends up costing more than purchasing a fully equipped boiler.


The cost of the boiler is influenced, first of all, by its type - a heating element will cost many times less than an induction one, as well as the number of circuits, power, and the availability of additional options. The manufacturer's brand also plays an important role in pricing - unknown Chinese brands will cost less than European brands that have proven themselves on the market. But in this case we are also talking about quality, so saving is not always appropriate.

So, the complete dependence of the unit on the power supply, high requirements for the power supply line and water quality, and, finally, the high cost of electricity do not allow the full use of electric boilers as the main source of heat.

However, in some cases, for example, for heating rooms that are rarely visited in winter, an electric boiler is an ideal option. In addition, it is useful as a backup when the gas is turned off or to increase the efficiency of a solid fuel heating system.

Currently, the issue of heating a home is becoming increasingly relevant. Electric boilers have become very popular among heating equipment. This happened due to several reasons: installation does not require permits, heating can be connected even in non-gasified houses. Demand creates supply, and today the market offers a large number of different models and modifications of electric boilers. Thanks to the large selection, it will not be difficult to choose the right model for your home. When choosing, you will need to focus on your requirements, ease of use and the area that needs to be heated.

Models of electric boilers

The principle of any electric boiler is the conversion of electricity into heat. Electric units are not the most cost-effective, but the efficiency of their use is 95-99%, which is quite good for such units. Such boilers are divided into three types according to the type of coolant. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Electric heating element boiler

Electric heating boilers equipped with heating elements operate on the principle of an electric kettle. Water passes through tubular heating elements - heating elements. Acting as a coolant, it passes through the entire heating system, circulating using a pump.

One of the advantages is its compactness, neat appearance and the ability to be mounted on a wall. The installation process will not cause any particular difficulties, and operation is comfortable and simple, thanks to thermostat sensors. Automation allows you to maintain the required heating, focusing on data from sensors that measure the ambient air temperature.

The coolant can be not only water, but also a non-freezing liquid, thanks to which scale will not form on the heating elements, which cannot be avoided by using water.

Attention ! Scale formed on heating elements impairs the heat transfer and energy-saving properties of an electric heating boiler.

This option for heating a house is also good because it has a low cost. For the convenience of regulating electricity consumption, it is equipped with several heating elements that can be turned on separately.

Electrode electric boiler

The operating principle of an electrode electric boiler for heating a house is completely different from the previous model. The liquid is not heated by a heating element. An electrode installed in the housing gives the liquid an electrical charge, under the influence of which the molecules are split into negatively and positively charged ions. The coolant has its own resistance, which provides intense heating. Either water or a special compound (similar to antifreeze) is poured into the system.

This type of electric unit for heating a house is completely safe; if a liquid leak occurs, it will simply turn off. Electrode models are very compact (looks like a small cylinder with pipes), equipped with sensors for measuring ambient air temperature, and controlled automatically.

Maintenance of this model comes down to replacing the electrode, since they gradually dissolve as they work, which worsens the heating of the house. It is also necessary to ensure that the circulation pump is working properly so that the liquid in the system does not boil. Correct and efficient operation of an electrode electric boiler for heating a private house is only possible with prepared water - it must have the required resistivity value. Measuring them yourself is not always convenient and easy, just like preparing water. Therefore, it will be easier and more reliable to buy a liquid specially designed for use in electrode boilers.

Electric induction boiler

This type of electric heating unit for the home operates on the basis of induction heating of liquid with ferromagnetic alloys. The inductive coil is located in a sealed housing and does not have direct contact with the coolant, which flows around the perimeter of the device. Based on this, not only water, but also antifreeze can be used as an energy carrier for heating a house. This electric boiler for home heating is not equipped with a heating element or electrode, which improves its efficiency. Also, the absence of heating elements ensures complete safety during operation. This version of the boiler for heating a home is not subject to scale formation, practically does not break and does not leak.

The only disadvantage of induction models is their higher cost and larger dimensions. But over time, the size problem is eliminated - the old ones are replaced by improved models.

In addition to this classification, electric boilers for heating a private home are divided into:

  • single-circuit (intended only for heating the entire house);
  • double-circuit (provide not only heating throughout the house, but also water heating).

You also need to highlight:

  • wall-mounted boilers;
  • floor-standing boilers (high-power models are produced).

Installation and operation of an electric boiler

The scheme according to which an electric boiler is installed primarily depends on the number of floors of the house. If it is necessary to heat a house of two floors or more, the unit is installed in the basement, and an expansion tank is installed in the attic.

To achieve high-quality heating of your home, take seriously the choice of heating device, the quality and quantity of heating radiators, the location of all parts of the heating system, and take into account the area of ​​the premises. It is worth consulting with professionals before installing an electric boiler yourself.

The process of heating a house with an electric boiler is not complicated; it is based on simple laws of physics. The boiler is connected to electricity and heats the coolant passing through it. The circulation pump circulates water through the radiators, where the hot liquid releases heat, warming the house. The cooled coolant returns to the heat source - the boiler.

To install home heating, you must purchase the following materials:

  • radiators (calculated by the number of sections per square footage of the room);
  • pipes (the length of the walls along which the heating system is supposed to be installed is measured);
  • fittings (if the heating system is mounted from metal-plastic);
  • boiler;
  • circulation pump;
  • expansion tank.

Important ! The main stage of installing the boiler is connecting it to electricity; it is advisable to entrust this work to professional electricians and power the boiler with a separate wire (you should choose the wiring cross-section based on the power of the boiler).

Cost of electric boilers

The simplest unit, wall-mounted, with a minimum number of functions and parameters, low power, will cost about 2,000 rubles. This option is quite sufficient for heating a small house or cottage.

The cost of electric boilers is influenced not only by the manufacturer, but also, for the most part, by their equipment. The more different functions (automatic on/off, ambient temperature measurement, liquid control sensors, pressure gauge, ability to turn on some heating elements), the more expensive the electric boiler for heating a home.

Another important factor influencing the cost of the boiler will be the presence of a secondary circuit. Such units are very convenient for private homes, as they not only heat the house, but also provide it with hot water. But when choosing such a model, remember that heating water is a priority for them. That is, if you plan to constantly use hot water, then there is a risk of not getting proper heating.

An electric boiler for heating a home can be equipped with a magnesium anode designed to soften the water if it is very hard. Electric boilers are often equipped with various electronic indicators: temperature sensors; pressure sensors and liquid level control and many others.

Modern electric boilers for heating a cottage or home are almost completely autonomous; you just need to set the necessary parameters, and the automation will maintain the specified operating mode.

An example of an autonomous model is the Protherm Skat 9K electric heating boiler, which has a power of 9 kW and is capable of heating a house with an area of ​​70-95 square meters. The efficiency of this electric boiler is 99.5%, which is why many owners of private houses choose it.

In the same price segment, we can note another boiler - Vaillant eloBLOCK 9KVR14, from a German manufacturer. This is an efficient and reliable heating device.

Domestic manufacturers offer many different models, among which the most popular are Rusnit and Evan boilers.


In recent years, more and more people have chosen to heat their private homes with electricity. Thanks to the wide variety of equipment modifications, you can choose a boiler for any room.

Electric boilers are increasingly being used for heating apartments, since in some regions heating from a coal boiler house does not provide the necessary heat in severe winter conditions, and the cost of utilities is equal to the cost of electricity required for heating. The difference is that using an electric boiler for heating, you will live in a warm apartment for the same money.

It is also very important for owners of private houses to worry about home insulation. When choosing an electric boiler, consider the size of the room, heat loss, and boiler power. With the right calculations, your home will always delight you with comfort and warmth!

Let's look at how to install an electric heating boiler with our own hands using the Nevsky boiler as an example in the next video

In the case where a country house is considered as a place of permanent residence for a family, it is impossible to do without efficient heating. Well, if the owners take this issue seriously, then most likely they will opt for a full-fledged heating system with a water circuit. Properly planned and installed pipe distribution, radiators rationally placed in the required quantity throughout the rooms ensure optimal uniform heat transfer to all rooms, open up the possibility of fine adjustment of the heating level, which has a positive effect on the created microclimate in the house and on saving energy resources. But which boiler should be used to heat the coolant circulating through the circuit?

If at your place of residence it is possible to connect to a gas main, then, of course, the choice will be made in favor of a gas boiler - this is by far the most inexpensive source of energy. But what should those owners do who do not have such an opportunity? There are several solutions, and one of them is electric heating boilers, how to choose which will be discussed in this publication.

General advantages and disadvantages of electric heating boilers

To begin with, before moving on to considering the types of electric heating boilers, it makes sense to dwell on their general advantages and, alas, disadvantages. And the advantages of such devices are especially noticeable at the stage of creating a heating system

If a water heating system is created, then its design and installation, in principle, does not particularly depend on the type of future boiler. In any case, this will be a fairly large-scale and very labor-intensive event, requiring significant material costs, which, one way or another, cannot be avoided. But when installing the electric boiler itself, the advantages of such equipment immediately appear. A quick comparison can be made.

1. Gas is by far the most economical type of energy source available today. However, it is no secret that running a gas main to a house immediately results in very significant costs. Very often you can find houses that are not gasified, the owners of which simply cannot afford to pay even for laying a branch line from the main line.

The next aspect is that even if gas is supplied to the house, no one will ever allow you to install the equipment yourself. The owners have to go through a difficult path of bureaucratic procedures, starting from drawing up a project and ending with its approval by many different regulatory authorities. And all this is a considerable expense only at the stage of preparation for the actual installation work.

Do not forget about the mandatory conditions for installing a gas boiler - well-thought-out ventilation systems and removal of combustion products. This will also entail additional costs.

And finally, the installation and commissioning of gas equipment has the right to be carried out exclusively by specialists from specialized organizations, which, as a rule, are monopolists in this matter, which, of course, is reflected in the price level.

Thus, future savings on energy resources result in very significant initial expenses, even without taking into account the cost of the gas boiler itself.

2. What about solid or liquid fuel equipment? There are also many difficulties here.

First of all, such a boiler will definitely require a separate room, equipped in accordance with existing rules. A chimney is required, and if in the case of a gas boiler it is possible in some cases to get by with a short coaxial one with forced removal of combustion products, then with solid fuel or solar equipment a full-fledged one is required.

There is no way to avoid approval procedures with regulatory organizations - solid or liquid fuel boilers, whatever one may say, are the most dangerous from a fire safety point of view.

In any case, you will have to prepare some kind of storage for fuel reserves - it takes up a lot of space and requires a special approach to organizing storage. Solid fuel boiler equipment will be appropriate if the owners really have access to cheap fuel.

Such boilers require very frequent intervention in their operation - loading fuel and monitoring its combustion. Even installing long-burning equipment only partially solves the problem - loading, one way or another, will have to be done manually. Well, automated systems for supplying granulated fuel (pellets) are very expensive, and pellets are also not cheap.

And finally, another drawback is that such equipment is least amenable to the processes of fine-tuning, automation, operation programming, etc.

3. Well, now we will talk about electric boilers. What are their undeniable advantages?

  • The operation of such equipment has nothing to do with combustion and open flame - completely different physical principles are used here. From a fire safety point of view, electric boilers can be called the most reliable, if, of course, they have high-quality electrical wiring installed and the necessary safety devices are installed.
  • It also follows that the operation of the boiler is not associated with the emission of combustion products. Even the slightest possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning is completely eliminated. There will be no costly measures for installing a combustion product removal system and additional ventilation.
  • Such advantages entail another advantage - an electric boiler does not require a separate boiler room at all. In principle, it can be installed in any room in the living area of ​​the house. Its operation does not involve the release of any gases or even unpleasant odors.

Modern compact wall-mounted electric boilers fit perfectly into the interior and become almost invisible when installed, for example, in the kitchen, hallway or small utility room.

Moreover, if heating is required for several rooms of a small house, miniature electric boilers are often installed, placing them near the radiators, where they are even difficult to notice.

The only thing that can impose certain restrictions on the placement of equipment in a residential area is the noise from the operation of automation units of some models, or a slight vibrational hum characteristic of induction installations.

  • In most cases, if the total boiler power does not exceed about 8 ÷ 10 kW, no approvals from regulatory organizations will be required. This means that the installation can be carried out on your own, well, perhaps with the assistance of a qualified electrician.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the commissioning of facilities owned by individuals does not require obtaining permission from state technical supervision if they are used for domestic needs and have a total power of no more than 15 kW. That is, to connect a boiler whose power is in the range indicated above, a standard power line connected to a residential building will be sufficient.

“Going through the authorities” will be necessary if more powerful equipment is required, and it is advisable to install a three-phase power line for it.

By the way, many electric boilers have the ability to connect to both single-phase and three-phase networks. Their rated power in the technical documentation is shown in two numbers, separated by a fraction, for example, 7.8 / 14.0 kW.

  • Electric boilers are extremely easy to operate and control and do not require constant monitoring or user intervention. Many modern models have very convenient control panels that allow you to make fine adjustments to the operation of the heating system.

Moreover, electric boilers fit perfectly into the “smart home” system that is gaining popularity these days. If you purchase the appropriate set of equipment, you can make maximum use of preferential tariffs (night or holiday), program the operation of the equipment for minimum consumption during the day, when no one is home anyway, and bring it to the desired level by the time residents arrive in the evening, manage boiler by transmitting signals via mobile communications or IP protocol.

  • It is clear that using electricity to heat a house will not require any additional costs to create storage facilities for fuel.
  • Electric boilers, as a rule, are much simpler in design, which also determines their price - modern gas or solid fuel installations will cost much more.

All of the above would sound very nice if it were not for the significant disadvantages of electric boilers, which, alas, cannot be avoided, and which stop many potential owners from such a purchase:

  • In the first place, of course, is the high cost of electrical energy. Before purchasing such equipment, you will need to carefully calculate the “accounting” of future monthly costs.

It is clear that with such a cost of energy, you will have to pay the greatest attention to the thermal insulation of the entire house (apartment), since it would be completely unreasonable to waste money on unnecessary heat loss. In addition, the importance of precise control of the heating system is increasing in order to use all energy saving reserves.

  • The use of an electric boiler will impose certain restrictions on the structure of the heating system itself. So, for example, you will have to abandon an open system, especially since it has natural coolant circulation - it is uneconomical in this regard.

In addition, not all heating radiators are suitable. Two extremes immediately disappear: light steel radiators and heavy cast iron batteries - both of them will lead to unnecessary energy losses with insufficient operating efficiency.

The best options are bimetallic radiators or, with some reservations, which will be discussed below, aluminum ones.

  • Some electric boilers are very demanding on the quality and chemical composition of the coolant used.

Such a heating system becomes completely dependent on power supply. If there are frequent power outages in a populated area, then you should not even think about purchasing such equipment. No, even the most powerful uninterruptible power supply systems will come to the rescue here. True, there is the option of using combined boilers, for example, “wood-electricity”, but this requires a completely different approach to creating a heating system.

Combined wood-electricity boiler

Combination boiler prices

combi boiler

  • Some electric boilers really do not like voltage drops in the network. This issue, of course, can be solved quite simply by installing a power stabilizer, but this will again entail new costs.

What general parameters should you rely on when choosing a boiler?

In this section of the article, only general selection criteria will be considered, which apply to all electric boilers without exception. Below when it comes. Actually, about the types of equipment, this information will be supplemented with specific features characteristic of specific varieties.

You might be interested in information on how to choose

Boiler power

You should always start with this parameter - most of the other criteria will depend on it. Well, the boiler power itself depends, in turn, on a number of characteristics of the building or apartment where the heating system is supposed to be created.

There is a common opinion that for high-quality heating and replenishment of heat loss, 1 kW per 10 m² of heated room area is sufficient. To give a rough estimate, this may be true. But still, this approach does not take into account many nuances that can affect the efficiency of heating a house. This may include the height of the ceilings, the number, type and size of windows, the presence of entrance doors or exits to an unheated balcony, the degree of insulation of the walls, vertical proximity to rooms (attics, basements, unheated rooms, etc.), climate features in the region of residence . Moreover, even the location of the rooms on the cardinal points matters (the north side will always require more heat). And since we are talking about expensive electricity, then even the method of connecting heating radiators becomes important - this can also provide some cost savings.

Formulas for calculating the required power are very complex and cumbersome. Therefore, we will take the liberty of offering the reader a convenient method of calculation using the calculator below. It already takes into account the most basic parameters affecting the consumption of thermal energy. The method involves calculating the power for each of the premises, followed by summing up the values ​​and creating the necessary reserve.

To begin with, you should turn to the plan of your property that each owner has. The dimensions and area are probably indicated there. The remaining parameters will not be difficult to determine simply by walking around the rooms a little.

To make it easier to understand, let's give an example:

The figure shows a completely arbitrary house plan, for which it is necessary to calculate the thermal power of the boiler.

To calculate the power of a heating boiler, it is advisable to make a small plate in which the individual characteristics of each room should be placed. In this case it will look something like this:

The room, its area, ceiling height. Floor insulationThe number of external walls and their main location relative to the cardinal points. Degree of wall insulationNumber, type and size of windowsAvailability of entrance doors (to the street or to the balcony)Required thermal power (including 10% reserve)
Area 42.1 m² 7.8 kW
1. Hallway. 1.24 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Poorly insulated fieldNoNoOne0.5 kW
2. Hall. 3 m². Ceiling 2.9 m. Insulated floorNoNoNo0.4 kW
3. Living room. 14.1 m². Ceiling 2.9 m. Well-insulated floorTwo. East - South. Average degree of insulation.Two, single glazing.No2.1 kW
4. Utility room. 2 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well-insulated floorNoNo0.2 kW
5. Kitchen. 5.3 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well-insulated floorTwo, North, East. Average degree of insulationTwo, ordinary wooden frames. 1000 × 900 mm.No1.3 kW
6. Combined bathroom. 2.4 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well-insulated floorOne, North. Average degree of insulationNoNo0.3 kW
7. Bedroom. 14 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well-insulated floor.Three, mostly South and West. Average degree of insulation.Three. Single glass unit. 1200 × 900 mmOne3 kW

For an example of calculation, let’s take a region with an average minimum air temperature in the coldest decade of the year - in the range from - 25 to - 35 ° C. The house has an average degree of wall insulation (brickwork without high-quality external thermal insulation), and there is an unheated attic on top of the premises.

Please note that the last two points in the calculator below will be the location of heating radiators. They are shown in order from the most effective connection methods, with the least loss of thermal energy, and then - as their heating efficiency decreases. For electric heating, this can be very important in terms of saving energy consumption.

Now all that remains is to sequentially enter the values ​​for each of the rooms - and determine the required amount of thermal energy for high-quality heating and replenishment of heat loss. In the calculations, a 10% power reserve is immediately introduced so that under the most unfavorable conditions the equipment does not operate at the limit of its capabilities. The sum of the values ​​in the right column will give the required power of the electric boiler.

Thanks to the rapid development of modern technologies, new, more advanced devices appear on sale every day that make our lives comfortable. This applies to the range of products in any industry. The field of heating systems is no exception.

Today, many manufacturers have begun to mass produce boilers. This equipment has many advantages.

Features of work

Everyone knows from physics lessons that not a single energy can arise from anywhere and does not disappear into nowhere. Thermal energy is converted from electrical energy and serves to heat the room.

Many today prefer heating a private home. The cost of this equipment varies from 5,800 to 77,000 rubles. It depends not only on the novelty of the equipment, but also on its technical characteristics. At the moment there are several options

Types of electric boilers

All electric boilers can be divided into three types:

  • Heating elements.
  • Induction.
  • Electrode.

They differ from each other primarily in the method of heating the coolant.

In addition, all electric boilers for home, depending on the mounting, are divided into:

  • Wall-mounted.
  • Floor-standing.

Depending on the network voltage, the equipment can be:

  • Two-phase.
  • Three-phase.

These boilers can also be:

  • Single-circuit.
  • Double-circuit.

The cost of heating with an electric boiler depends on the type of equipment chosen.

Heating elements new boilers

This electric boiler works on the same principle as an electric kettle. Special ones are placed inside the boiler. These are tubular heating elements. In such boilers, water often acts as a coolant. It is heated in flow mode, due to which there is a natural circulation of hot water in the system.

Advantages of heating element boilers

Have you decided to heat your private home with an electric boiler? Reviews about this type of equipment are more detailed. This equipment is small in size and can be easily placed on the wall. You should also take into account its attractive appearance. Installation of a heating element electric boiler is quite simple. The device is equipped with temperature control equipment that can control all processes without the attention of the owners. Such equipment is often characterized by the presence of two sensors.

How heating of a private house is organized with an electric boiler, reviews, price - all these are questions that you can clarify at the points of sale of the equipment. The price of a heating element electric boiler varies in the middle ranges. This equipment can work with various types of coolants: from water to antifreeze. The home owner can independently regulate the power of the equipment, turn off or turn on all tubular heating elements. In this way, you can save energy consumption from time to time.

Disadvantages of heating element boilers

Unfortunately, scale often forms on the surface of heating elements, as in the case of a kettle. This negatively affects the quality of heat transfer, which leads to increased energy costs.

Induction electric boilers

Home heating is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. Visually, it resembles a transformer located in a welded metal casing. The inductor is located in a sealed compartment, which eliminates the possibility of its contact with the coolant. When heated, the coolant gives off heat to the core in the coil, which constantly moves around it.

The dimensions of this equipment are quite large, but manufacturers annually improve this model, reducing its dimensions.

Advantages of induction equipment

  • This electric boiler does not have a heating element, which eliminates the possibility of breakdown.
  • There is practically no scale formation.
  • Both antifreeze and water can be used as a coolant.
  • Characterized by a high level of safety.

Disadvantages of an induction boiler

Not everyone can heat a private home with an electric boiler. The cost of induction equipment is quite high.

Unfortunately, to install this equipment it is necessary to prepare a sufficient area, because the dimensions of the equipment are quite large.

Electrode electric boilers

Electrode boilers differ from electric heating elements in the way they heat the coolant. This type of electric boiler does not have tubular heating elements. Instead, there are electrodes. The electrode is not a heater; it is capable of transmitting current to the coolant. The water, in turn, heats up due to its own resistance. This occurs due to the interaction of negatively and positively charged molecules at the molecular level under the influence of the electrode.

The most popular in our country is heating a private house with an electric boiler. Reviews confirm this.

Advantages of electrode boilers

The main advantage of this equipment is its small size, which allows installation in any room. The cost is acceptable for many residents of our country.

Disadvantages of electrode equipment

Before introducing coolant into the system of this equipment, it must be prepared. Normal operation of the boiler is possible only with a certain specific resistance of water. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to independently measure these indicators, as well as normalize them. Therefore, you should use the services of specialists.

Only water can be used as a coolant. It is necessary to regularly monitor its circulation in the system.

It is necessary to regularly replace the electrodes, because they dissolve in the coolant over time.

Features of electric heating

Unfortunately, there is nothing permanent in our country, as in the world. And every year there are many disputes on the topic: “Will electric heating be cheaper?”

Today they believe that heating a private house with an electric boiler is unprofitable. Reviews say that over several years the energy consumption for heating a country house far exceeds the expenditure for gas heating. But electric heating equipment is several times cheaper than gas heating equipment. This is easy to explain.

The price of electricity increases every year. Many people who decide to install cheaper equipment risk facing power outages and high prices. In addition, do not forget about force majeure circumstances, for example, bad weather conditions. But electric heating has many advantages.

Advantages of heating a country house with electricity

It is very important for owners of private houses to decide on the type of heating equipment. After all, such houses are often characterized by a significant area, and the house must be warm.

Using electricity for heating is beneficial because:

  • High level of safety during operation.
  • Low costs and minimal installation time.
  • There is no need to search for fuel.

Many consumers already heat their private homes with an electric boiler. Reviews from most of them indicate that it is better to choose The latter allow you to use both gas and electric heating. This is an ideal option in case of force majeure situations. Electricity can help out in any situation when, for example, bottled gas runs out. And gas will become indispensable in the event of a thunderstorm or heavy snowfall, when electricity is often cut off.

Therefore, the ideal option for heating with electricity in a country house is to have additional sources that can help out in an unforeseen situation.

Electric boiler installation

It is possible to organize heating of a private house with an electric boiler yourself! Compared to gas and solid fuel boilers, it is quite simple. But you must strictly follow all the rules and requirements.


  • There is no need to allocate a special room for the equipment. Due to their minimal dimensions, most electric boilers can be installed anywhere. And the modern design of the equipment can fit perfectly into any room interior. If you wish, you can hide the boiler in a special niche.
  • Special ventilation systems or chimneys may not be used. This equipment does not create waste that threatens human life and needs to be disposed of.
  • Connecting the equipment is easy.
  • The heating scheme with an electric boiler is quite simple, so the installation and connection of this type of heating does not require approval and approval from the relevant authorities. Also, in the future, systematic checks, which often bring discomfort and conflicts, will not be carried out.


Heating a private home with an electric boiler is an innovation, but it is gaining popularity every year. Thanks to the availability of various modifications of equipment for heating with electricity, you can find a suitable option for a particular structure. Before purchasing equipment, each home owner needs to calculate the power of the electric boiler for a specific room, taking into account all heat losses. Therefore, you should worry about insulating the building in advance. This will avoid troubles associated with the heating system.

On the market of electrical heating equipment you can find Russian boilers and foreign-made products with suitable technical characteristics that will provide heating for houses with an area of ​​up to 100 square meters or more and a height of up to three floors. Such boiler equipment allows you to create a heating and hot water heating system with the ability to connect to a household electrical network. Electric boilers for heating a private home are used along with gas ones, although the differences between these options in terms of efficiency, ease of use and connection features are very significant.

To find out how to choose an electric boiler for heating a private home, you need to understand the design features of such models, take into account the connection possibilities in the conditions of the selected suburban area, and choose a model with floor installation or wall mounting. It should also be noted that in order to heat rooms, systems with boilers of this type can be filled with coolants such as water, antifreeze or oil. When choosing one of the options, they are also guided by the conditions for maintaining a certain temperature regime and the intensity of heating of the premises of the selected area.

How to choose an electric boiler with a heating element

Equipment with electric heating elements (TEH) is distinguished by the simplest but most effective design, which allows you to quickly replace or repair any of the elements. The kit of such a wall-mounted or floor-standing boiler includes a container in the form of a sealed tank with several heating elements for heating the coolant. You can regulate the heating power by alternately turning on/off the heating elements. For a model with a power of up to 12 kW, the number of heating elements can reach 5-6 pieces.

A modern electric boiler for heating a private home is equipped with an automatic system that allows you to turn on/off heating of the coolant and makes it possible to select a mode on the control panel. Hot water is also heated by boilers with two circuits. In such cases, when hot water is supplied, heating of the coolant is suspended.

The owner of a boiler with heating elements receives one important advantage - a low and quite affordable price. In addition, the advantages of such equipment include:

  • simple design with high maintainability;
  • a large selection of coolants for refilling the system;
  • minimum time to warm up the boiler;
  • high operational safety, since in cases of water leakage, boilers with heating elements are switched off due to the operation of a thermal relay.

When choosing a coolant, pay attention to resistance to freezing, which is possible when heating stops when the hot water supply circuit is turned on.

Disadvantages of electric boilers with heating elements:

  • massive tank design with heavy heating elements;
  • the appearance of scale in systems with water coolant.

It is believed that such an electric heating boiler for a private home remains one of the simplest and least expensive solutions in terms of delivery, installation, connection, and operation costs. In fact, this is the same boiler, with the only difference that the latter is intended only for heating water.

Electric boiler with electrode heating

The presence of electrodes in an electric boiler ensures heating of the coolant due to the potential difference that occurs when special salts are added to the water. These substances increase electrolytic properties and ensure the occurrence of alternating current between the electrodes, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the coolant. The change in polarity occurs with a frequency of 50 Hz, which, in the presence of a fairly high resistance of water as a conductor of electric current, is quite sufficient for heating.

Before thinking about how to choose an electric boiler for heating a private home, consider the advantages of electrode heating equipment:

  • small size due to a compact tank and the absence of circulation pumps;
  • minimal costs for the equipment itself, delivery, installation and operation;
  • high level of safety in case of leaks, since the conductor is water, and if the tank is damaged, heating stops due to the disappearance of the conductor.

Choosing an electrode electric boiler, you need to focus on the disadvantages of this equipment:

  • For normal operation of the system, only water is suitable as a coolant;
  • the coolant with the resistivity specified by the manufacturer is charged, since otherwise the boiler simply will not start;
  • Periodically, replacement of electrodes is required, which dissolve over time under the influence of an electric charge.

If you compare which electric boiler is better - with heating elements or electrodes, then you need to take into account that both options are easy to install and operate, but the safety of the first is much higher.

Heating houses with induction boilers

Choosing an electric boiler for heating a house allows you to choose induction-type models with heating of the coolant using a magnetic coil core. The heating element is installed in a hollow housing to protect it from water ingress. Heating occurs when voltage is applied to the coil, which leads to the appearance of an electric current in the core, which increases the temperature of the coolant.

During the production of this equipment, the outside of the boiler body is carefully insulated to eliminate any heat loss, so the efficiency and economy of induction equipment remains very high. Energy consumption for excitation Due to good insulation, the induction currents in the coil are practically zero, so heating of the coolant occurs quite quickly.

The choice of induction models greatly simplifies the installation and maintenance of this equipment due to the simplicity of the design. You can even assemble such a boiler yourself, for which it is enough to take an insulating pipe made of polyethylene, install press fittings, select a winding using a powerful transformer. Any steel rod with the appropriate dimensions is suitable for the core.

Advantages of choosing an induction boiler:

It is necessary to take into account what a good and reliable induction boiler will cost much more than models with heating elements or electrodes.

What do electric boilers of different designs have in common?

In terms of functionality and design features, boiler equipment with heating elements, electrodes and induction heating has certain similarities:

An electric boiler is a good option for a country house also because it eliminates energy loss to the external environment. Models with electrodes, heating elements and induction heating need to be installed correctly and provided with thermal insulation so as not to heat the surrounding space. Do it in a country house can be done at minimal cost; it is enough to allocate a room or place inside the house prepared for this.

Selection by heating power

Before purchasing and installing boiler equipment, a preliminary power calculation is made to ensure optimal heating conditions. Such calculations help determine the average value, which is obtained by dividing the total area of ​​the house by 10. The peak power indicator is calculated approximately, so in reality, electricity consumption may be more or less. Availability of a thermostat provides automatic heating control, which directly affects energy consumption in real room conditions.

How to connect boiler equipment

Electric boilers are fire safe, so the likelihood of a fire is reduced to almost zero, and such equipment can be installed in wooden houses without any restrictions. In this case, you will have to correctly calculate the power and select the appropriate electrical wiring, which, in the event of a malfunction, can cause fires. This is explained by the fact that wires with a smaller cross-section under a significant load quickly heat up, the protective insulation melts, and the metal heats up, which leads to the appearance of a fire.

To adhere to safety standards, wiring is selected at the rate of 8 A per square millimeter. The minimum cross-sectional area for a 6-kilowatt boiler is at least 3.4 square meters. mm. In terms of efficiency, these systems are most optimal for supplying coolant to underfloor heating systems. The efficiency remains quite high due to the low location of the heating circuit, which simplifies the supply of coolant.

Options for heating your home with electricity

In addition to boiler equipment, in country houses other possibilities for heating rooms are used:

The choice of the appropriate option is made taking into account the characteristics of the connection to the nearest power line in a particular area.

Electric boilers can be installed even in areas where there is no connection to the gas main. To do this, select models with suitable power, operational safety and energy consumption. Such boiler equipment allows you to create comfortable conditions in houses with one or more rooms, regardless of weather conditions outside the home.