Installing an exhaust hood for a gas boiler in a private house: a necessity or an extra expense? Exhaust ventilation device for a gas boiler

A gas boiler is a complex technical device, the efficient and safe operation of which depends on many factors. Therefore, the transition to autonomous gas heating requires homeowners to strictly follow the rules for the safe operation of gas heating equipment. Ventilation is one of the key aspects of its correct operation and, regardless of the type of heating unit, is mandatory.

For residents of city apartments using compact wall-mounted gas boilers, the issue of ventilation is not so acute, since modern models of heating boilers are equipped with a closed combustion chamber, the normal operation of which is ensured simply by installing a coaxial chimney.

The situation is more complicated for that category of residential buildings in which powerful units are installed - such units require more air to burn fuel in the firebox.

Basic requirements for ventilation of gas heating equipment

The basis of any heating system is design documentation. Even at the project development stage, it is necessary to make thermal calculations and accurately calculate the parameters of the exhaust system. For private houses in which it is planned to use high-power gas boilers, a prerequisite is the allocation of space for a boiler room.

A boiler room for gas equipment must comply with state regulations and standards, which is explained by the increased danger of using natural gas in everyday life. Let's get acquainted with the requirements for residential buildings when installing autonomous heating and ventilation equipment for a gas boiler when installing a heating system in a private house.

Why is gas boiler ventilation needed?

The main task assigned to ventilation is to remove combustion products from the interior. Even a slight ingress of carbon monoxide can have an extremely negative impact on the well-being of the inhabitants of the house. No less dangerous are leaks of natural gas, which easily accumulates in a closed space and, at a certain concentration, is an explosive flammable mixture.

The lack of normal ventilation also significantly affects the performance of the heating gas boiler. Only a constant flow of the required volume of air ensures normal combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber. As a result of insufficient exhaust efficiency, the fuel burns worse, resulting in a decrease in heat generation and an increase in gas consumption.

Important! For powerful floor-standing units, poor operation of the hood causes rapid clogging of the combustion chamber. Accumulated soot and soot also cause a decrease in the internal diameter of the air duct. As a result, some of the combustion products are not drawn out, but enter the room.

The ventilation system has certain requirements, so its parameters must correspond to those calculated in the project - a lot depends on the diameter of the air duct, its length and the method of air supply. In order to maximize the efficiency of the heating system, the parameters of the supply ventilation system for a heating gas boiler are calculated individually for each situation and model of gas equipment. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the building, which also play an important role in ensuring ventilation of the boiler room.

Basic requirements for ventilation equipment in the boiler room

A building planned for equipment is subject to a number of requirements, including the presence of a separate, specially equipped room in accordance with GOST standards for the installation of a gas boiler - a boiler room. The boiler room can be equipped in the following places (the list is compiled in order of decreasing preference):

  • in a separate building;
  • in an extension to the main building;
  • in the attic;
  • on the ground floor of the house.

Important! The use of a house basement or ground floor as a boiler room, especially when the boiler is operating on liquefied gas, is allowed in extreme cases and only if two ventilation systems are equipped - the main and backup ones. Liquefied gas has a higher specific gravity, so its leak will lead to the accumulation of gas in the lower layers of air in the boiler room and create an explosive situation.

Wall-mounted boilers have a power of up to 30 kW and a closed combustion chamber. The supply of air for the operation of such a unit in a city apartment is ensured simply - for exhaust it is enough to install a coaxial air duct in a hole of the required diameter in the wall, which can perform two functions at once - through it atmospheric air enters the closed combustion chamber of the boiler, and at the same time combustion products are discharged outside .

Installation of wall-mounted gas boilers is carried out in utility rooms, bathrooms or. If the thickness of the wall allows, you can build a special niche for installing the boiler to save space.

This heating system is quite suitable for heating small private houses or country houses. At the same time, the installation premises of an autonomous gas boiler must be equipped with ventilation.

Chimneys of coaxial design are also used for ventilation equipment for powerful floor-standing boilers, but additional requirements are imposed on the installation of such heating units.

The use of heating equipment designed for installation on the floor (with a power of up to 30 kW) for heating requires the allocation of a separate room for installation of the boiler, which, in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05.II-35, must be equipped with ventilation. In addition, this boiler room must meet the following requirements:

  • minimum area – 4 sq. m.;
  • room volume - over 8 cubic meters;
  • ceiling height - from 2200 mm;
  • door width - at least 80 cm;
  • presence of opening windows in the room;
  • arrangement of a special permanently open vent;
  • the glazing area must exceed 0.05 m2 per 1 m3 of the room (standard for easily removable structures in explosive premises - SNIP 31-03-2001).

Air with oxygen, necessary for fuel combustion and boiler operation, enters the heating unit from the outside through the ventilation duct. In the boiler room, the location of the air duct is the upper part of the room, the wall or the ceiling. To make it easier to clean the air duct, an inspection hole-hatch is made 30 cm below the main duct, closed with a flap or a cover-plug.

Important! The work of the supply ventilation is calculated as follows: 1 kW of boiler power requires 8 cm 2 of the cross-sectional area of ​​the vent channel; with natural ventilation due to the internal air mass, 1 kW will require 30 cm 2 of its cross-sectional area.

The main types of ventilation for the operation of gas heating boilers

There are two types of ventilation arranged for the efficient and safe operation of gas heating boilers:

  • natural;
  • forced.

For clarity, the effect of these two types of ventilation can be depicted schematically.

Let us briefly consider the design and application of these room ventilation systems.

Natural ventilation

The average area of ​​a private house is 80-100 m2, so natural draft is sufficient for normal operation of autonomous heating. For a boiler with a power of up to 30 kW, it is necessary to have a vent with a diameter of 15 cm. The ventilation duct is equipped with a plastic pipe and is closed from the outside with a metal mesh, which prevents access to rodents and prevents the entry of debris.

Ventilation for a gas boiler in a private house is installed as follows. The upper edge of the exhaust pipe is covered with an “umbrella” that protects the exhaust duct from precipitation. A check valve is installed on the inside of the pipe, which prevents any air from escaping outside.

The hood is placed directly above the heating boiler, while the air duct is mounted behind the fuel chamber.

Important! In accordance with the requirements and standards, the effectiveness of ventilation is determined by its ability to renew the air mass in the boiler room three times within an hour.

On a note: It is impossible to calculate the exact parameters of natural ventilation of a gas boiler installed in a private house, since the intensity of air exchange depends on too many factors - atmospheric pressure, wind strength and direction, ambient temperature, etc.

The efficiency of the hood depends on the design of the chimney, and the requirements for chimneys are set out in the relevant SNiPs - the diameter of the chimney is determined by the power of the boiler.

Example: for a boiler with a power of 24 kW, it is enough to have a chimney with a diameter of 120 mm. As the boiler power increases, the diameter of the chimney increases. Gas boilers with a power of over 100 kW are equipped with chimneys with a diameter of 230 mm. An important role is played by the length and degree of elevation of the upper point of the chimney above the roof ridge - the pipe must rise above the ridge by at least 0.5 m. Otherwise, air may leak into the room.

Forced ventilation

If the natural exhaust parameters do not meet the requirements specified in the boiler operating instructions, you can use equipment equipped with a blower fan. In most cases, duct fans are installed on gas boilers. Air enters the combustion chamber through the operation of a fan. A working blower creates an area of ​​low pressure, due to which air is sucked into the room.

For high-power boilers with high combustion intensity and the formation of a large volume of harmful substances, a forced ventilation device is necessary. Calculating the performance of forced ventilation of a gas boiler installed in a private house is quite simple. Let's look at a specific example.

Dimensions of the boiler room:

  • length – 3.0 m;
  • width – 2.0 m;
  • height – 2.2 m.

By multiplying the parameters we determine the volume of the room:

3m x m2 x 2.2m = 13.2 cubic meters. Rounding up to whole units, we get 14.0 cubic meters.

The air in the boiler room must change three times in an hour, therefore:

14.0 x 3 = 42 cubic meters. That is, the exhaust fan under ideal conditions should have a capacity of 42 m3/hour. But part of the power will be spent on overcoming resistance when passing through the chimney, so 40% should be added to the resulting value:

42 x 1.4 = 58.8 (m3/hour).

We round the value up to tens and get the final value of 60 m3/hour.

You should know that the intensity of supply ventilation

In order to get a more complete idea of ​​what ventilation looks like in an apartment or what residents of a private house need to pay attention to, watch the video.

A ventilation device is necessary to organize constant air renewal. This is especially important if there are gas-flame appliances in the house - heating boilers, water heaters and stoves. When starting to install ventilation devices, you need to carefully study the rules for their arrangement and strictly follow them during design and installation.

The role of ventilation in a room with a gas boiler

The process of fuel combustion in a gas boiler occurs with the active participation of atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, its content in the boiler room quickly decreases, gas combustion becomes incomplete, which is why soot more actively settles on the walls of the chimney, and the room becomes stuffy. A person’s well-being in such conditions can deteriorate sharply, even to the point of loss of consciousness.

The situation can become more complicated if gas leaks form from the internal gas pipeline in the house. The situation becomes explosive with possible dire consequences.

To prevent this from happening, a ventilation system must be installed in each room with gas appliances. It allows you to continuously refresh the room by supplying fresh air from the outside and removing polluted air.

Fresh air enters the boiler room through ventilation holes in the walls

Requirements for ventilation in a private house with a gas boiler

For private homes, gas boilers of low power are most often used - up to 30 kilowatts. Their installation does not require separate boiler rooms. Such equipment can even be placed in kitchens that meet the following requirements:

In addition to the ventilation device, there are some special requirements for the boiler installation site. Boiler rooms are allowed to be installed:

  • in premises attached to a residential building;
  • in separate buildings;
  • in attics;
  • in separate rooms in the house.

Boiler rooms are often installed in the basement or basement of a building. This does not apply to devices running on liquefied gas. Its density is higher than that of air and, if a leak occurs, it can accumulate near the floor, being initially invisible at human height. This creates an explosive situation.

Standardization of ventilation during operation of gas boilers

It should be noted that gas equipment is a source of increased danger. Therefore, the procedure for designing and operating boiler houses is standardized by the state, and compliance with these requirements is strictly controlled by it.

To streamline all requirements, “Building Norms and Rules 2.04.05” have been developed and applied. II-35", and II-35–76. The basic requirements for premises for gas boilers are set out above.

This document also regulates:

  • procedure for developing technical documentation;
  • sizes and capacities of ventilation systems for different types of buildings;
  • their types and order of arrangement.

How to arrange ventilation of a gas boiler room in a private house

There are and are used several types of ventilation for rooms with gas boilers:

  • supply;
  • exhaust;
  • supply and exhaust;
  • natural.

None of the listed types is practically used in isolation. The most effective methods of ventilation are combinations of these methods in various combinations.

Natural supply ventilation

This is the most common and mandatory way of supplying fresh air to the boiler room.

In the scheme of supply natural ventilation, air enters through the inlets at the bottom of the room and is removed through the upper exhaust ducts due to natural circulation

The manufacture of the ventilation duct is carried out as follows:

When choosing a place to install the ventilation duct, you should take into account the fact that its outlet must be at least a meter away from the boiler, then the cold air from it will not affect the operation of the unit. Of course, modern automation can easily cope with this circumstance, but there is no need to overload it unnecessarily.

The influence of external conditions, including weather, on the operation of the ventilation duct should be taken into account, but one of its advantages is undeniable - it will work independently of the power grid, ensuring a constant supply of air from outside.

Video: how to make a ventilation duct for a boiler room

Forced exhaust ventilation

Combined supply and exhaust systems with wide adjustment capabilities consist of fans, filters and air heaters. Essentially, these are climate systems. Considering that modern boilers are equipped with various regulators that automatically control its operation depending on the microclimate in the boiler room, the use of such ventilation devices ensures optimal operation of the heating unit and contributes to significant fuel savings.

Supply ventilation systems supply and extract air due to the operation of fans installed in laid channels

Our next article provides detailed instructions for installing supply and exhaust ventilation with calculations: .

Duct and free ventilation systems

One of the characteristics for classifying ventilation systems is their design features and the method of air movement.

A duct ventilation system involves the creation or use of specially designed air ducts determined by the building design. In this case, various niches, the installation space of the suspended ceiling, and ventilation shafts are used. In places where the building structure does not provide for such elements, ventilation ducts are laid directly along the walls and masked with the finishing details of the room.

The duct ventilation system involves laying supply and exhaust air ducts

It should be noted that the ventilation of a building cannot be considered only for a separate room, even such a specific one as a boiler room. All air flows are combined into a single system and removed from the house by force or naturally. Gas equipment can be used in the kitchen (stove), bathroom (gas water heater), living room (gas fireplace). The principles of air exchange in all these objects are subject to the same requirements.

The main means of transporting air are pipes. The most popular:

  • rectangular products made of galvanized steel. They are easy to install and are always provided with components - corners, bends, etc.;
  • aluminum corrugated pipes. They practically do not require additional fittings, since they themselves are flexible products. Quite convenient to use;
  • plastic air ducts of rectangular and round cross-section.

All mentioned products can be retrofitted with decorative air intake grilles, dampers, and connecting elements. Thanks to their use, air duct installation has become simple and accessible to do with your own hands, even without the appropriate qualifications.

The small size and weight of the air duct elements and the presence of all the necessary fastening and connecting products allows you to build a ventilation duct of any configuration with your own hands

The procedure for installing supply and exhaust ventilation in a boiler room with your own hands:

Video: which pipes to use for ventilation

Calculation of ventilation cross-section

To correctly calculate the cross-section of the boiler room ventilation system pipeline, you will need the following data:

  1. The cubic capacity of the boiler room, depending on the height of the room. According to SNiP requirements, its height should not be less than 6 meters. Obviously, in the conditions of a village house such a requirement is impossible to fulfill. When calculating, it must be taken into account that when this indicator decreases by 1 meter, the amount of air required for fuel combustion must be increased by 25%;
  2. Air mass flow velocity (at least 1 m/s).
  3. Air exchange rate. The value depends on the height of the boiler room.

The result of the calculation will be the air requirement, on the basis of which, using special tables, the cross-section of the ventilation system pipeline can be determined.

The calculation is made using the relationship V = L x S X (6 - H) x 1.25 x n, where:

  • V is the volume of air for fuel combustion;
  • L - room length;
  • S - room width;
  • H - room height;
  • n - frequency of air change in the boiler room equal to 3.

Thus, when determining the air requirement, the actual size of the room and the increase in air turnover are taken into account. Having received the desired value, the diameter of the air duct can be selected from the table.

Table: dependence of the duct diameter on the required air flow

air duct, mm
Air flow in m 3 /hour at speed in m/s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
100 28,3 56,5 84,8 113 141 170 198 226
125 44,2 88,3 132 177 221 265 309 353
140 55,4 111 166 222 277 332 388 443
160 72,3 45 217 289 362 434 506 579
180 91,6 183 275 366 458 549 641 732
200 113 226 339 452 565 678 791 904
225 143 286 429 572 715 858 1001 1145
250 177 353 530 707 883 1060 1236 1413

To ventilate rooms with gas appliances, it is advisable to install a duplicate ventilation system so that one of them works under any circumstances.

When there is a power outage, ventilation of the premises will be carried out through natural circulation channels.

Video: calculation of air exchange in a boiler room

Ventilation system testing

Checking the functionality of the ventilation system is very simple. It is enough to take a strip of newsprint and bring it to the pipeline grate. If she pulls herself towards it, then there is traction. But in this way you can only establish its presence or absence.

The quantitative characteristics of thrust are measured using a wind force measuring device. Its impeller must be placed inside the ventilation duct and this indicator must be determined on a scale. Knowing the size of the pipeline cross-section, it is easy to calculate the performance of the system, that is, its sufficiency to provide the required amount of air in the room for normal combustion in the boiler.

Closed combustion boilers with coaxial chimneys stand apart. In them, air is supplied to the firebox directly from the atmosphere through pipes of a special design, and the room air does not take part in combustion.

The ventilation duct of the boiler room should not be connected to the air lines of the general exhaust. This will prevent the gas from spreading throughout all areas of the house.

You may also find this material about certification of ventilation systems useful:

The main reasons for the deterioration of draft in the ventilation system

Among these it should be noted:

  • difficulties encountered with the flow of outside air into the boiler room after replacing traditional window units with double-glazed windows. Their tightness significantly reduces the possibility of air penetration;
  • the same consequences after replacing doors if the gap between the floor and the bottom edge is minimal or absent;
  • decrease in natural draft in the hot season due to a decrease in temperature difference outside and inside the house;
  • the appearance of stagnant zones or zones with low pressure during strong winds in the atmosphere, which also negatively affects the operation of ventilation systems, so in such conditions additional draft control is needed.

When using forced ventilation of a boiler room, you need to select fans with an impeller that does not spark from impacts. Products made of aluminum alloys, copper or plastic are suitable for this.

The inadequacy of the ventilation system of a gas boiler house is dangerous not only for health, but also for human life. In addition, it reduces the heating efficiency. Excessive ventilation leads to disruption of the thermal regime, worsening living conditions in the house. When starting to install ventilation yourself, try to get qualified advice from a specialist and take into account his comments. I wish you success!

A constant flow of fresh air into the house is a vital necessity, without which comfortable living is impossible. The use of a large number of energy-saving technologies that perfectly insulate walls leads to disruption of natural ventilation. And the presence of such serious heating installations as a gas boiler, even more so, requires the installation of a good air exchange system. What should it be like to work efficiently, safely, silently?

Natural gas used in boilers of this type has a good heat transfer coefficient, but has one significant drawback - it emits a large amount of harmful combustion products. These include oxides of nitrogen, sulfur and carbon. They are not only dangerous to health, but can also be fatal if they are in high concentrations in the air of a residential building. Constantly being in a room with poor carbon dioxide outflow threatens health problems such as periodic headaches, nausea, oxygen starvation, and anemia.

If gas enters directly into the air, it may cause a sudden explosion!

Therefore, installing ventilation is a necessity, not a whim!


The following standards are common for all premises with heating equipment:

Absolute tightness of the equipment. Even the slightest crack in the air exchange system can fill the room with harmful combustion products, so the issue of pipe integrity should come first. In this case, the seams where the parts meet must be treated with a heat-resistant sealant.

Fire safety. All components and parts of this equipment must be insulated with a special safe protective layer to avoid sudden fire.

Independent ventilation. The boiler room must be equipped with its own independent system, since the peculiarity of gas boilers is that they operate effectively only if there is a good oxygen supply. To do this, a hole is made in the lower part of the wall next to the boiler, protected by a grate. During operation, it will draw in fresh air itself, increasing its efficiency. According to the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05, II-35, the hole for the air exhaust must be located on the ceiling, with another channel punched 30 cm below to clean the chimney itself.

Unloading the system. When connecting a kitchen stove hood to the chimney, it is worth making a cut at a distance of at least 50 cm. This safety measure will help increase the outflow of exhaust air several times by unloading the exhaust paths.

Natural ventilation

This type is the most cost-effective and is applicable for boilers with a power of no more than 30 kW. The principle of its operation is based on the difference in temperature indoors and outdoors. Installation does not require any additional equipment and does not depend on the availability of electricity in the house.

With this method, cold fresh air enters the room by pushing out warm and exhaust air. As you can see, this type of outflow of used air works without human intervention, but has one significant drawback - it completely depends on weather conditions such as wind strength and temperature outside the window.

Step-by-step installation instructions

  1. Equipment for ventilation holes in the wall with a diameter of 15 cm
  2. Assembling a plastic pipe directly from the boiler
  3. Protection of the outer part of the vent with a plastic guard against rodents, small birds, leaves
  4. Installing a check valve to prevent air from escaping to the street
  5. Installation of the inlet at the floor, next to the firebox
  6. Location of the exhaust grille above the boiler

Scheme of a natural ventilation system for a gas boiler

This type of ventilation is divided into ducted and ductless

  • The ductless type involves the installation of air exchange openings directly in the partitions, where fresh air can be taken from the adjacent room. The main condition is good access to a direct flow of fresh air.
  • The duct type of installation involves the extraction and intake of air from the street using ventilation pipes.

Artificial ventilation

In houses with a large living area, a mechanically reinforced ventilation system is used. It allows you to not depend on weather conditions and be confident in the high safety of residents. Its operation is based on the forced supply and exhaust of fresh and exhaust air into the room using fans. As a rule, they are additionally equipped with automatic sensors for independent synchronous activation with the boiler furnace. This equipment is often very noisy, so it is better to install it away from living spaces, for example, in the basement.

Important! Installation of a mechanical ventilation system must be carried out by qualified specialists!

An engineer invited to the house takes measurements of the thickness of the walls and the height of the premises. Plumbing components, window and door openings, electrical communications are also taken into account by a competent developer when designing. An important indicator when developing a diagram is the calculation of pipe bends and sections.

Step-by-step drafting

  1. General outline of the scheme
  2. Carrying out engineering calculations
  3. Creating a Detailed Sketch
  4. Economic miscalculation of the project
Note! The contract with the installer must contain a clause on further warranty service and commissioning work on the equipment.

According to the principle of operation, mechanical ventilation for a gas boiler is divided into three main types:

Supply. The work is based on installing a fan in the supply duct and forcing fresh air into the room. As a rule, it is additionally equipped with a mechanism for heating air coming from outside in winter and cooling in summer.

Exhaust. The process of exhaust air outflow is organized by installing ventilation equipment in the exhaust openings.

Combined or supply and exhaust. The most expensive and most effective ventilation system. Combines all the advantages of both methods. With it, the supply and outflow of air occurs through coercion. Near the fans, at the input and output, controllers are installed that measure the flow power and supply data to the central processor. The operation of the system, in this case, is fully automated.

This type of installation allows not only to supply air to the boiler room, but also ensures complete ventilation in the house. Pipes and ventilation holes for air intake are installed in technical rooms - bathroom, toilet, kitchen. Purified air is supplied from the street to living rooms. Thus, it is possible to ensure not only the safety of the boiler, but also excellent sanitary and hygienic conditions


Coaxial chimneys, which have proven themselves to be highly reliable elements, are extremely popular.

It consists of the following parts

  • Protective umbrella
  • Thermally insulated pipe
  • Pipe through the wall to the street
  • Fastening elements
  • Clamps and adapters
  • Condensate collection tank
  • Inspection window at the bottom of the chimney to monitor the condition and drain condensate

When choosing a pipe for a chimney, it is important to ensure that the diameter is the same throughout its entire length. Using high-quality smooth cylindrical pipes, it is very easy to achieve good air outflow.

The installation should be approached with the utmost seriousness, since the pipe must be firmly fixed in the wall to avoid depressurization and the entry of contaminated air back into the room. The end of the pipe must be at least 1 m above the roof. After installation, serviceability is checked with a burning match. If the flame stretches outward, the installation was carried out correctly.

When natural gas is burned, oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and formaldehyde are released. Accumulating in the air, they cause lethargy, dizziness, lacrimation and the development of serious illnesses. In addition, combustion products of household gas are explosive. Therefore, any room with gas equipment must be equipped with ventilation.

Ventilation is the key to safe and efficient operation of equipment

Ventilation in the kitchen with a gas stove or boiler protects not only people’s health.

For high-quality combustion of gas, oxygen is required. If it is deficient, a lot of carbon monoxide and under-oxidized substances are released into the air during the combustion process. You can notice this by the yellow color of the flame, high with abundant soot.

The efficiency of gas equipment decreases - the same amount of fuel burns, but less heat is released.

An even greater danger is posed by natural gas itself, which can get into the air in the room, for example, if a draft blows out the fire on a burner, the gas supply hose to the stove cracks, or the gas boiler breaks down.

The choice of a gas ventilation system in a private house or apartment depends on the type of boiler and the characteristics of the boiler room.

Requirements for ventilation of a room with a gas boiler

The ventilation requirements for a room with a gas boiler or a kitchen with a stove are similar.

Gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber are equipped with a coaxial ventilation duct, through which air is simultaneously supplied to the burner from the street and combustion products are removed.

Installation of ventilation in a room with a gas boiler must be carried out taking into account technological requirements and standards:

  • No more than 2 units of gas equipment are connected to the chimney, regardless of their distance and level of location;
  • Combustion products must enter the chimney at a distance of at least 50 cm at different levels;
  • If the supply is carried out from one level, a cut with a height of 50 cm is installed in the chimney;
  • The ventilation system for a gas boiler in a private house must be absolutely sealed. Minimal leakage of carbon monoxide and soot, which are potentially dangerous to human life, is not allowed;
  • The seams at the joints of the chimneys are treated with a sealant that is resistant to high temperatures;
  • To prevent fire, all components of the system are provided with thermal insulation;
  • Ventilation is provided on the basis of: outflow in the amount of three times air exchange, supply in the amount of outflow plus the volume of air for combustion.

Ventilation device for a room with a gas boiler

There are the following types of ventilation for a gas boiler in a private house:

  • Natural and mechanical based on the principle of traction;
  • Exhaust, supply and combined according to purpose;
  • Duct and ductless according to the design solution.

When installing ventilation in a room with a gas boiler with an open combustion chamber, the following is taken into account:

  • In the room with a gas boiler, a ventilation chimney is installed to remove carbon monoxide to the street;
  • A general exhaust ventilation system is installed from the room with a gas boiler;
  • Supply ventilation is provided in the boiler room for a gas boiler, supplying fresh air and oxygen from the street.

Gaps in windows and doors, gaps through which air can enter the room, are quite suitable as supply ventilation for a room with a gas boiler. This is especially true for private houses, where a separate room is allocated for the boiler.

If the room is sealed hermetically, a special system and supply ventilation for the gas boiler are required.

When choosing equipment, you should take into account the power of the boiler, otherwise the cost of installing gas ventilation will not be justified. The oxygen supply must be sufficient to maintain a normal flame. Otherwise, soot accumulates on the heat exchanger and heating performance decreases. If there is no air flow in the room with a gas boiler, the atmosphere in it is discharged. The oxygen level drops, and reverse draft may appear, that is, combustion products will be drawn into the room. The situation is dangerous when the boiler is installed in the kitchen. By absorbing oxygen, it will cause oxygen starvation in people: pain in the eyes, headache, malaise.

When calculating the air flow, the volume of the room in which the boiler is installed is also taken into account.

Air movement principle

With mechanical draft, the air is driven by a fan. It is located in the ventilation grille at the entrance of the air duct to the room. With natural draft, air moves due to the difference in pressure outside and indoors. And even if there is good natural draft, it would be useful to install a small exhaust fan that will support air movement.

If you equip a mechanical air supply, then increased pressure is created in the room and the exhaust air is pushed out through the air duct.

Exhaust ventilation works by forcibly removing exhaust air.

There is another type of ventilation for a gas boiler room - supply and exhaust or combined. In this case, it is a combination of the previously described systems.

Duct or ductless ventilation

Ductless ventilation for a gas boiler in a private house consists of holes in the ceiling or walls. Openings connect adjacent rooms. For example, a hole is made between the bathroom and the toilet, and a ventilation duct is led out from the toilet.

Duct ventilation of a room with a gas boiler is a complex system of ventilation pipes running throughout the house. This type is most relevant for damp and dusty rooms.

The cross-section of the pipes and their location should be calculated by a specialist.

Installation of ventilation in a room with a gas boiler

Making a kitchen ventilation system with a gas stove or boiler is not that difficult. Any owner with a basic set of tools and some skills can handle this.

Exhaust ventilation

To install exhaust ventilation for a gas boiler you will need:

  • fan (preferably with a check valve so that outside air does not enter the apartment or house);
  • ventilation grille;
  • PVC air duct pipe of a diameter suitable for the fan.

Work progress:

  • Mark with a circle the place where the hole for the air duct will be. Make the diameter of the circle a little larger;
  • Using a hammer drill, drill holes in small increments in a circle and one in the middle;
  • Carefully, use a hammer and chisel to knock out the middle and get a round hole into which the pipe is inserted;
  • Seal the gaps between the pipe and the wall with foam or mortar;
  • Install an exhaust fan;
  • The last step is to attach a ventilation grill, which will give the structure a finished look and protect the home from insects and debris.

Forced ventilation

When installing supply gas ventilation in a private house, several important rules should be taken into account.

The basis of the system is the supply unit. It takes air from the street, filters it, cools or warms it, and delivers it into the room. For an apartment or residential building, low-power household equipment is suitable. The main advantage of such ventilation is quiet operation and ensuring complete comfort in the room.

The simplest option for a supply air installation is a supply fan. It is installed according to the above diagram.

Ventilation for geyser

The main requirement for ventilation for a geyser is the presence of a chimney. It is made from metal corrugated pipe, steel or coaxial pipe. A coaxial chimney is considered the most effective, so this option for ventilating a gas water heater is in great demand. This is a reliable system that has been working smoothly for many years without failures or malfunctions. The features of the chimney depend on the power of the gas water heater.

Any chimney for a column includes:

  • protective umbrella (crowns the structure);
  • the pipe itself (made with or without thermal insulation);
  • the passage pipe separates the pipe from the wall of the house;
  • fasteners-brackets;
  • clamps are installed at the connections of pipe sections;
  • adapter from pipe to column;
  • inspection window to check the condition of the chimney;
  • container for condensate.

It is important that throughout the entire chimney its internal diameter is the same; the parameters are indicated in the instructions for the column. The total length of the chimney is from 4 meters. It is important to take into account climatic conditions; in cold climates it is preferable to insulate the chimney. When installing ventilation for a gas boiler or water heater in a private house, the end of the chimney is installed 1 m above the roof.

Requirements for the chimney of a geyser

Installation of a chimney for a gas water heater

  • The feed-through pipe is installed in the wall, and a 90-degree turn is attached to it from the outside. The column itself is attached from the inside;
  • A chimney pipe is installed outside. This is done sequentially, one pipe at a time, from bottom to top. The joints are strengthened with clamps;
  • We distribute the fasteners evenly along the length of the pipe and fasten them to the wall. The optimal distance between fasteners is 2 m. The pipe should not bend;
  • We install an umbrella on the top, and a viewing window at the very bottom of the pipe;
  • Upon completion of installation, we check the traction. We bring a lit match to the chimney. If the flame goes down the chimney, the work is done efficiently.

Kitchen ventilation with gas stove

Natural ventilation for gas stoves, equipped in all apartment buildings and private buildings, most often does not fulfill its purpose. The reasons are incorrect design, builder errors, lack of maintenance and cleaning. The simplest test is whether the ventilation works in a kitchen with a gas stove: smoke a cigarette indoors and return to it after 15 - 20 minutes. Strong smoke smell? This means that the requirements for kitchen ventilation with a gas stove are not met and it’s time to improve the system.

Requirements for kitchen ventilation with a gas stove

To ensure sufficient air exchange, the room with a gas stove must meet the following requirements for ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove SNiP 42-01:

  • Ceiling height more than 2 m 20 cm;
  • The presence of a ventilation duct or window with an openable window in the upper part;
  • There is a gap or opening under the door or in its lower part with a total area of ​​25 square meters. cm.

Air outflow

The most common way to normalize ventilation above a gas stove is to install a hood. The fan will remove air rising from the cooktop, food odors and carbon monoxide. A wide hood will direct vapors directly into the air duct. Thus, the hood provides forced exhaust ventilation for the kitchen with a gas stove. The cost of hoods varies widely and depends on power, additional functions, design and manufacturer.

There are two types of hoods:

  • with filtration and air recirculation;
  • with exhaust air exhaust to the outside.

Hoods of the first type cannot be called part of the ventilation system, because they do not participate in air exchange in any way. But the latter fully ensure the outflow of exhaust air. In place of which fresh is drawn in from the street. But if plastic windows are installed in the kitchen with a gas stove, fresh ventilation requires additional measures.

The hood power is selected according to the formula:

M=O * 10

ABOUT– the volume of air in the kitchen is calculated as follows:


H– room height, L– length of the room, S– width of the room.

According to regulatory documents, in residential apartments of multi-apartment buildings it is allowed to install mechanical ventilation for a gas boiler of a supply-exhaust system, without disrupting the operation of general building ventilation. That is, you cannot lead the exhaust duct into the shaft, completely blocking the ventilation grille. Otherwise, when the hood is turned off, the ventilation in the room of the gas boiler or kitchen will not function.

The problem is solved with the help of a special ventilation grille that has an outlet for a round air duct.

All the secrets of connecting the hood in the video:

Air flow

The supply of fresh air necessary for the normal operation of gas equipment and the well-being of people is produced by air supply devices.

The following types of air supply devices for ventilating a gas stove in a private house or apartment are available on the market:

  • Window inlet valve. It is built into the sash of a plastic window, works automatically or manually. Prone to icing in particularly severe frosts;
  • Wall supply valve. Installation requires a hole in the outside wall. There are models with air filtration, it can be automatic;

The main role of the ventilation system is to ensure high-quality air exchange in a room, building or in a certain area. Various options are used to ensure ventilation of buildings. Ventilation of the boiler room is also important.

To dispose of harmful gaseous substances in the boiler room, it is necessary to install ventilation

In a room of this type, such as a boiler room, a vacuum is created in the air space, which can lead to reverse draft. Therefore, the ventilation device plays an important role among the equipment in a gas boiler room, since it utilizes harmful gaseous substances.

Why is ventilation necessary?

Ventilation in the boiler room of a private house allows you to promptly and effectively remove volatile explosive gases from the room, making it safe for a person to stay not only in the boiler room itself, but throughout the entire home.

Air exchange is necessary for any installed boilers: gas, electric and solid fuel. An increased concentration of combustion products in the air can lead to poisoning of the human body and even to its death. Only 0.2% of gas in a confined space poses a threat to human health, so the importance of air exchange in the boiler room is undeniable.

Ventilation is important for another reason. In a boiler room in a private house, during the operation of boilers, a large amount of thermal energy is released. If a ventilation system is not installed and the equipment is equipped with a conventional hood, there is a risk of creating reverse draft. It promotes the absorption of gaseous substances into the space of the room itself. Therefore, ventilation in a boiler room in a private house is a necessity that meets all building codes and regulations.

It is important to install a ventilation system in the boiler room, as it meets all standards

Features of designing a ventilation device

Before starting construction, you should study all SNiP standards relating not only to the location of individual equipment, but also to the need to use ventilation systems.

The operation of boiler equipment should be approached with caution, without neglecting safety rules. Its most important part is the ventilation system. There are several options for schemes that are effective in ensuring high-quality ventilation, which must be complied with SNiP standards.

Gas, solid fuel and electric boilers have their own construction features, but some factors apply to equipment of any type. These include:

  1. The air flow is carried out using a through ventilation hole in the wall or through specially installed ventilation ducts.
  2. The hood is installed at the top of the room - on the wall or ceiling.
  3. The diameter of the ventilation ducts should be determined according to the ratio of 30 sq. cm of pipe cross-sectional area per 1 sq. cm. boiler power for the entire system. If the air flow is through a through hole, the same proportion accounts for 8 square meters. see cross-sectional area.
  4. When installing a hood, you should create an additional inspection window for cleaning the boiler pipe in a private house. It should be mounted at a distance of 25-35 cm from the connection point of the hood to the ventilation shaft.

Conventional exhaust ventilation for some types of equipment is the only affordable and cheap way to ensure a high-quality microclimate not only in the boiler room itself, but throughout the house. For others, the required ventilation is achieved only through the operation of the supply element with an exhaust hood. Moreover, the gas boiler must provide threefold air exchange.

The increased rate of air exchange of ventilation systems for gas boilers is due to the fact that such equipment burns a large amount of oxygen during operation, i.e. the air of the boiler room itself participates in the combustion process. In a poorly ventilated room, the boiler efficiency decreases very quickly. This leads to reverse thrust.

Where is the best place to install?

Calculation of boiler room ventilation begins with the part of the home where the heating device is located.

The calculation of ventilation in the boiler room depends on where exactly the heating device is located

In relation to gas boilers, SNiP standards are provided, according to which it is allowed to equip a boiler room:

  • in a separate building;
  • in the attic;
  • in the attached part of the house;
  • in a separate room reserved for such equipment.

Boilers that burn liquefied gas are prohibited from being located in basements. The specific gravity of the gas itself is much higher than ordinary air, so if a leak occurs, its spread throughout the basement can lead to a fire. For private homes, modern gas heating systems require threefold air exchange, which will remove processed gas from the home space as quickly and efficiently as possible.

In accordance with the standards, fresh ventilation in a boiler room with gas equipment is a necessity. With a power of more than 30 kW, it is prohibited to consider the need to install boilers in the residential part of the house. A boiler with a power of less than 30 kW can be located in the kitchen.

Having decided to install such a boiler, you should make sure that all requirements are met: the area of ​​the room must be at least 15 square meters, and the ceiling height must be 2 meters. The kitchen or other room must have windows with an area of ​​at least 3 square meters. cm per 1 cu. m of space.

Ventilation of a gas boiler room must ensure comfort and safety. Therefore, it is important to monitor the organization of the process of high-quality flow of clean air. When the boiler is located in the kitchen, the interior door is located with a gap between the floor (at least 1 cm). And the heating equipment itself must be installed next to a wall protected from fire. The minimum gap between the device and the wall is 1 cm.

Basic installation rules

You can find out information about what kind of air exchange ventilation for boiler rooms should provide in the SNiP rules. They set out all the standards that must be followed when working with gas boilers. Special attention to the following:

  1. Ventilation in a boiler room with a gas boiler is necessary, and the exhaust pipe is mounted under the ceiling.
  2. You can make ventilation in the boiler room of a private house, powered by natural draft or mechanical draft.
  3. The minimum size of the air channel for air flow is 15 cm.
  4. For proper use of the ventilation system, a check valve is installed on the inside of the supply and exhaust ducts, which should ensure that the air flow moves in only one direction.

If you decide to install a natural ventilation system with your own hands, then you need to take care of the highest quality preliminary calculations.

Simple ventilation sometimes fails. During an hour of operation, it provides a complete change of air in the room at least 3 times. If creating an ordinary natural circuit is difficult for some reason, then fans are used. These devices create the necessary traction using an artificial method.

Another important part of the heating and ventilation system is the chimney. Its design and quality affect the ventilation efficiency by more than 70%. Even for home boilers that are installed in the kitchen, you should know how to properly construct it.

The chimney is an important part of the heating and ventilation systems.

Features of chimney construction

Proper arrangement of the ventilation system in a boiler room with gas equipment cannot occur without a chimney. It must meet the following requirements:

  1. The chimney must protect the room from dust, fumes and dirt. Care should be taken to ensure maximum tightness of the pipe itself. For this purpose, a two-layer chimney technology made of a metal box and an asbestos-cement pipe is used.
  2. The height of the street part of the chimney should be located above the maximum point of the roof. The minimum distance from the roof ridge is 2 m.
  3. The diameter of the ventilation shaft of the house is made larger than the size of the exhaust pipe of the boiler itself. Each type of equipment has its own calculation standards.

If you decide to build a chimney with your own hands, you should use the rules of SNiP.

This is especially true for the required diameter of the exhaust system. For gas boilers whose power does not exceed 30 kW, it is advisable to use a pipe up to 130 mm. If the boiler is 40 kW - 175 mm, and with 55 kW - 195 mm. If the equipment power exceeds 80 kW, it is important to install a pipe with a diameter of 230 mm.

Other features are also important for building ventilation with your own hands. When choosing a design for a chimney, sheet steel is the best option. Stainless steel or galvanized sheets are suitable. The structure itself should be simple without obstacles, its thickness should be equal in any part of it, and an inspection window should be made on the side of the boiler room.

Forced ventilation of the boiler room

Mechanical draft is a more effective option for providing air exchange compared to natural force. They resort to such equipment because it is impossible to install a conventional system or because of its inefficiency.

The main difference between artificial ventilation is the presence of a fan or several devices. They should be selected according to the size of the air channel and air exchange power.

With the help of fans, air can be supplied and removed from the boiler room. Supply and exhaust devices are used. The required quality of ventilation is determined before installation. Therefore, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • a floor-standing boiler requires an increase in the required air exchange rate with a margin of 30–40%;
  • the operating power of the device depends on the design features of the air channel;
  • for living rooms in which heating equipment is installed, the power of the ventilation equipment is selected from the value - V * 3 (V is the volume, which is calculated by the formula V = a * b * c, where a and b are the lengths of the sides of the room, and c is its height).

For small boiler houses with a low-power boiler, a system with one fan is suitable, which increases the force of exhaust or air flow. It is important to choose specialized models made in a metal case. Plastic fans are not suitable for use in high temperature environments. Such devices are suitable only for the supply air duct.

Forced ventilation systems with automatic switching on and off are popular. As soon as the boiler turns on, the ventilation drive starts. When it is turned off, the system also turns off itself. Such automation eliminates the influence of the human factor.