Classic scrub. Scrabble is a board game for the curious. Educational game for the whole family

Scrabble (translated from English "rummage in search of something") is a very popular game. For the first time in Russian, the Scrabble rules were described in 1968, in the journal Science and Life. The name of the game was translated as "Crossword". However, the game became widely known later as "Erudite" or "Slovodel".

Description of the board game set: field and chips

The field of the game is a square with dimensions of 15 by 15 divisions - a total of 225 places. The set also contains game pieces - wooden or plastic squares with letters and points printed on them. There are 104 letters in total, the number of copies of each depends on the frequency of its use in a particular language, and the value of each chip is determined from the same indicator. The set also includes several "dummies" or "jokers" that can be used instead of any symbol of the player's choice.

In specialized stores, you can purchase a desktop in Russian or an English version - Scrabble. The design and cost of the fun can vary from a cheap plastic and paper kit to handmade wooden collectible sets.

Basic rules and objectives of the game "Scrabble"

The main goal of the game is to score more points than the opponent by making words from chips. There is a variant of the game in which the winner is the one who first collects the agreed number of points.

According to the rules of the "Scrabble" game, from 2 to 4 people can take part in a round, depending on the size of the set - more chips will be required for more players. For those who are not sure of the capabilities of their own memory, it is better to stock up on a piece of paper and a pencil to write down the words composed.

The list of all the rules of the game "Scrabble" is not long. It includes the following items:

  1. Words should be composed in two directions: vertically - "top-down" and horizontally - "left-to-right".
  2. Each participant is randomly given 7 chips before the start of the round.
  3. The player making the first move must lay out the inscription across the central square of the field.
  4. After each move, the player collects the spent chips.
  5. All subsequent words are composed only in conjunction with those already laid out.
  6. If the player does not want to form a word in turn, then he should change the chips and skip the move.
  7. The participant who has used all 7 tokens in one move gets additional points.
  8. A universal chip ("dummy" or "joker") can be used instead of any letter of the player's choice.
  9. The participant can replace the "dummy" with the required letter, provided that he uses it in the next move.
  10. The above rules can be changed or supplemented by prior agreement of the players.

Point 10 gives the participants room for their imagination to fly and makes the game even more interesting.

We count points in the game "Scrabble" correctly

Scoring in a game is not easy. Each player should keep a record of the words laid out during the course and the number of points scored. There are specially marked areas on the board that increase the value of the chips. The rules of the Scrabble game for scoring can be formulated as follows:

  1. The cost of the letter is doubled on green squares of the field and tripled on yellow ones. The extra points are called a bonus.
  2. The amount of the move consists of the value of the laid out letters and is calculated for each player separately.
  3. If one of the word tokens is located on a blue square, the cost of the word is doubled, and on a red one it is tripled. First, the premium is calculated for the letters, then for the word as a whole.
  4. If the player has used all 7 chips during the turn, then he receives a bonus in the amount of 15 points.

As you can see, the rules of the "Scrabble" game are extremely simple and straightforward. The colors of the premium areas of the board may vary from set to set. In any case, detailed instructions with analysis and illustrative examples for each rule are always attached to the fun.

Who benefits from the game "Scrabble"?

In addition to the fact that the fun is incredibly exciting and addictive, it is also a very educational activity. Board game "Erudite" is perfect for schoolchildren and students studying foreign languages.

Scrabble will allow you to arrange a real competition and find out "whose English is better" or "who knows more foreign words". It is also interesting to observe the progress of the game, how to participate yourself. It is possible to organize whole "Erudite" tournaments within the framework of open lessons at school and even among the faculties of higher educational institutions, like chess competitions.

Parents can play Scrabble with their children to develop their intelligence and spelling skills in their native language. Sometimes the desire to win forces the child to engage in real word creation and invent non-existent objects and concepts. You should not immediately reject the compiled versions of the children, it is much more fun to ask the child and listen to his interpretation of the "new" word.

One of the most popular board games is the Scrabble word game. It is suitable for children and adults who want to test their skills and vocabulary. It is interesting to play it with a large company, everyone can develop attentiveness, logic, speed of reaction. It is important for people of all ages to develop their vocabulary. Erudite's motto is to help everyone who wants to know more.


The rules of the game are simple. It is enough to sit at the gaming table once, and everyone will understand what and how to do. Therefore, we will consider how to play this interesting fun, make the right words, win quickly and simply.

Erudite is considered a classic linguistic game in which you need to add words from letters. This is done on the field included in the kit. If we compare it with Scrub, there are more chips, even 5-6 people can take part. But, in fact, these two fun have practically no differences.

The level is chosen depending on linguistic skills and the ability to think logically. By laying out different words, each of the participants earns points. The winner is the one who scores the most. In terms of its purpose, Erudite is comparable to composing crossword puzzles.

If we return again to the differences between Scrabble and, it is worth noting that the second game has become an analogue of the first. There are differences in the rules, but the principle is the same. The erudite is more strict linguistically. The distribution of letters by points varies here. The Russian counterpart has the Joker. This is an asterisk that replaces any letter. But it can be taken from the fields every turn. Of course, you can play Scrabble magnetic according to the Scrabble rules or vice versa. Erudite can be taken with you on any journey, as it is much smaller than the Scrub. There is no bag for mixing letters, however, this does not affect the process.


The rules of the Scrabble game are simple and clear to everyone. It is intended for children from 7 years old. From 2 to 6 people can take part in it. The process itself takes about an hour. If there are only two of you, don't despair, the game will be just as interesting. The winner is the one who first scores a certain number of points. This point is discussed before the game. Words cannot be drawn diagonally or with curved lines. They should be read from right to left to right or top to bottom and placed vertically or horizontally. All the tokens can be used in one move. That is, it can be one or more words consisting of 7 letters and cells that are already filled in the field.


Chips are laid out at the very beginning of the game. It is advisable to mix them and put them on the reverse side so that the inscription is not noticeable. Each participant takes 7 pieces for himself. The first word is composed so that the letters fall on the central cell of the field. There is a clause in the rules that stipulates the possibility of an agreement between the players on what the first word will be. Positioning it horizontally or vertically also depends on the participants. In any case, the center square on the field must be affected. If the player does not want to make his move or does not have the necessary letters for this, he can exchange one or all 7 chips. In this case, he skips a move. The amount for each move is calculated from the numbers written on each letter. There are also bonus cells on the field, which indicate the number of possible prize points. There is also a gradation in color. For example, if the cell is green, the points are doubled. The yellow cage triples them.

The rules of the Scrabble game indicate that there is a bonus cell for whole words. They are colored blue and red. In the first case, the sum of points for the whole word is multiplied by 2, and in the second - by 3. There are situations when a word is composed on bonus cells both for letters and for typing them. The prize is calculated first for the letters, and then for the word. In the end, it all adds up. Bonuses are received only by the player who first occupied the cells.

By purchasing Scrabble Magnetic, you get not only an interesting and exciting game, but also the opportunity to take it with you wherever you go. The box is compact and is similar in size to a CD. It contains the rules of the Scrabble game, a cover suitable for mixing letters, a playing field, 129 chips with letters on them. There is no mixing bag here.

Any edition that is at hand can serve as a dictionary for the Erudite. The rules indicate that absolutely all words can be used except for those that are written with a capital letter. Also, you cannot use abbreviations, constructions with apostrophes or hyphens. It is best if the word you have composed is presented in the nominative, singular. It can be in the plural only when it simply does not have the only one.

Level of difficulty

Even small children from 7 years old can play the game Scrabble. It develops vocabulary, allows you to have a great time. For adults, it will brighten up long winter evenings, and for children it will be appropriate for any holiday. If you want to try Scrabble in English, the difficulty level is slightly higher. Therefore, it is recommended to play it only for those who want to thoroughly learn a foreign language, tighten up the spelling. This fun is suitable for absolutely all ages. Having played it once, you will simply fall in love with this simple but addicting game.

The value of the marking of the playing field

In order to find out about the meaning of the marking of the playing field, we recommend that you look at the full instructions. We will tell you briefly. On the fields of Erudite there are special cells that give bonuses. They are colored in different colors, indicating which number the word or letter should be multiplied by. Each chip is assigned its own number of points. And, if there is a colorless square under it, the amount written on it is added to the total score. The green color multiplies the number by 2, the yellow one by 3. The blue and red square doubles and triples, respectively, the points for the whole word.

Sometimes you need a dictionary to play. Especially if the players are betting not on Russian, but on English. In everyday life, you rarely find words with a b sign. But in Erudite they help to win. Words with le will also have to be repeated. After all, this combination occurs quite often, like phrases with the letter y. Finding a word in the dictionary is very easy. The main thing is that you at least have an elementary understanding of what you want to add. For example, an anagram of a word with the letter Ф or others. Of course, such simple words as heart, simulator, princess, dinosaur or pirates will not bring you a lot of points. Therefore, we recommend that you go through the categories of animals, planes, cars or fishing. There you can find a lot of interesting things.

The dictionary may also be needed when the opponent has folded a certain combination, but you are sure that it does not exist. Can you blame for the fact that in the Russian language there is a word pojnitsa? And in the dictionary you can see it.

More interesting

Did you know that in some countries of the world the Erudite championship is regularly held? Europe is just really into this game. But, few people realize that it was not invented by some linguist, but by an ordinary architect. There are various modifications and additions that make the process even more exciting and interesting.

Major additions

The classic word game Scrabble has many additions. Therefore, if you like this fun, you may also like Math Scrabble for children or Scrabble in English. The first supplement will help develop math skills, and the second will help improve both conversational and grammatical English.

A person loves to play with words - in most cases this gives him solidity and importance in difficult situations. " Live apple tomato"- you say at the agricultural exhibition, and the people around you are imbued with respect. Let's and we will try to play with words. Today on the Pink Sofa - word-composition board game Scrabble Travel Deluxe (Scrabble. Travel version).

Scrabble itself is an amazing game that forces players to twist their entire vocabulary in their heads. But the game presented in the review is even more amazing - the road version has an original design and excellent performance. See for yourself what a miracle is in a small cardboard box.

A bag with plastic squares - letters, rules of the game, a memo, a bag in which something rattles and a plastic box of an intricate shape with embossing. Let's start our acquaintance with the components with a "pig in a poke".

Four letter stands - one for each player. A transparent rectangle is intended for letter chips; it can be closed with an opaque lid, which, in turn, after a simple manipulation turns into a stand.

104 plastic squares with letters of the Alphabet. Each chip has a value, which is indicated in the lower right corner - the more difficult it is to use the letter, the more points you will receive if it is used successfully. An empty square replaces any letter in the game, but does not score.

By pressing the button located on the case and picking up the special protuberances with your fingers, you can open the box by placing both halves in a horizontal plane. The playing space is divided into cells, the size of which coincides with the squares of the letters. On the sides are the scoring counters for four players - one side belongs to one player. This is very convenient as there is no need to write down your result on paper.

By pulling back the latch, we gain access to the inner compartment for storing letter chips. The box reminds me of the Transformer - it feels like a voice will now be heard: “ I am the great ScrabloThrone", And the plastic container will turn into a combat robot, which will release a line of plastic cubes in your direction ...

The compartment perfectly accommodates rules, letters, a bag and stands. The only remark is that the chips must be laid horizontally and in one row. The "minus" of such storage is that it will take some time for packing, the undoubted "plus" - nothing rattles during transportation.

Imagine my amazement when I accidentally pulled on another part of the box and saw another compartment in which the stands can be stored. There are even special grooves for them! Frankly, I put everything in one compartment, and put the bag inside the field - it's more convenient for me. But the very idea of ​​such an original storage evokes genuine admiration.

I would like to note that each piece has locks in the form of "petals" on four sides, which securely hold the letter on the surface of the playing field - you can even turn it over. The squares are also removed without much effort.

But let's get back to the playing field.

Some squares have special properties - when a letter chip hits such a cell, the player receives bonus points depending on the color of the cell - red ones triple the amount of points per word, blue ones increase the value of one letter by the same amount, and so on.

As I mentioned earlier, there are points counters at each end of the field: sliders indicate units, tens and hundreds of points. Having a lock opposite each letter, the arrow will allow the player to keep track of their achievements. I will repeat myself - a very competent decision, since it can be difficult to find paper for notes on the road.

For experienced players, there is a table in the corner of the field, which indicates the number of letters presented in the game. Helpful background information, especially towards the end of the game.

It's time to start composing words.

All letter tokens are placed in a bag, shuffled, each player takes seven uncovered squares and places them in his tray.

Pay attention - on the left, the cover serves as a convenient stand, and on the right, it covers the letters from the prying eyes of opponents. The player who is the first to say the word "synchrophasotron" on the contrary goes first.

You can play as many letters from your tray as you like by forming a word on the field. The first player must place the squares in such a way that one of the letters hits the "star" in the center of the field. After the word is drawn up, it is necessary to calculate the bonus points for the colored areas and mark the result on your counter.

Then take from the bag tokens up to seven pieces and pass the right to move to the next player.

Next, players must use at least one letter from any word previously located on the field. You can "cross" multiple words using their constituent letters. If the squares are located on adjacent cells horizontally or vertically, then they must form a word - otherwise, placing chips is prohibited.

Do not forget about the bonus cells - for example, the player will receive not 16 points, but twice as much, since he placed the letter "L" on a special location of the field.

You can use several special cells at the same time - each of them will bring additional bonus points. In this case, prize points are separately taken into account, referring to both letters and the word as a whole. In our example, the player gets 36 points: 15 for the letters themselves, 6 for "b" and another 15 for doubling the word points.

In a difficult situation, players always have the right to discard any number of letters and replace them with new ones taken from the bag. On this move, he does not form a word on the field.

As soon as one of the players places all his chips, or all the players fold (no one will be able to form a word for any reason), the game ends, and the winner is determined by the counter readings.

Enriching your vocabulary.

It was with great pleasure that I took this wonderful game into my hands and remembered the "old days" when the cubes of letters were made of magnets, and a blue plastic box with the inscription "Scrabble" was placed in a pocket. A lot has changed since then, and it's still fun to play. Scrabble develops the child, broadens his horizons, with the help of the game you can easily "correct" the spelling. And it's time for adults to remember the "great and mighty" ...

This is exactly the game, from distant times, which will be published for many more years, despite the fashion and trends. Personally, I regret that I forgot this wonderful "dictionary puzzle", and will gladly fill the gap by taking this road version with me to nature - all the components are plastic and they are not afraid of bad weather.

I would also like to note the quality - everything is thought out, original and functional. The letter squares are securely fixed in the grooves, the individual trays will reliably keep our chips, and the transformer box will keep all the game components on the road. In general, I have an irresistible craving for such compact and extremely functional things ...

Before buying, be sure to try the board game in the "Igroved" store, the sellers of which will provide expert advice in the selection and selection of the product you are interested in.

Word can kill, word can save
In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you ...

Vadim Shefner, "Words"

Scrabble (Scrabble, Scrabble) - a classic game for which many generations of families whiled away the evenings. It is known in 122 countries of the world as an excellent intellectual entertainment.

About the game "Scrabble"

"Scrub" - invented 80 years ago by the American architect Alfred Butts. After ten years of unsuccessful implementation attempts and numerous improvements, she finally "shot" and united fans of crosswords and anagrams.

The game was originally called "Criss-Crosswords", but the entrepreneur who bought it from the author renamed it "Scrabble" - this is the name under which it went down in history. "Scrabble" (scrabble, scrabble, scrabble, scribble - all pronounced differently) from English translates as "frantically looking for something", "rummaging".

Over its long life, the game has sold one hundred million copies. It is published in 31 languages. Regular championships are held in the USA and Europe for word makers who are ready to play Scrabble anytime, anywhere.

Of course, the most popular is the original version for thoughtful table play. The road “scrub” differs from it in the structure of the field - it is not smooth, but with recesses for each chip, so that the shaking of the train car does not destroy the folded words. The size allows you to use the set both at home and on the road.

There is also a set for children. Words are already written on its field - just look carefully at the letters that you have in your hands and lay them out according to the pattern.

How famous is "Scrabble" in our country

In the Russian Federation, a budget copy called "Erudite" (formerly "Crossword" and ""), which appeared in the 60s of the last century, is better known. In some cases, they even do it with their own hands, tracing the field and cutting out chips from cardboard.

The original board game "Scrabble" in Russian began to gain popularity in the post-Soviet period. Now there is even a public organization called the Scrabble Federation of Russia, which unites the most ardent fans of word games and organizes tournaments throughout the country.

Scrabble can be found at home, away, and in places like time cafes and themed restaurants. It is a great assistant for improving your vocabulary and spending time with the benefit of your mind.

Is Scrabble good as a family game?

Scrabble is ideal for quiet family evenings and gatherings with friends who prefer intellectual entertainment to test their knowledge.

If you are playing at a home level, then it is not necessary to strictly follow all the rules. For example, it will be possible to allow participants to use all cases and declensions, and words either singular or plural. But for a serious game, there are clear rules.

What's in the set "Scrub"

In the large box you will find:

  • rules of the game;
  • playing field 15 by 15 cells;
  • 4 stands for chips;
  • a bag with 104 square knuckles with letters and their "price" written on them.

By the way, as noted above, they call the game who is in what is much. The transcription of the word "scrabble" sounds like "scrabble", that's right. But more often you can see the spelling and hear the more familiar to the Russian ear "Scrabble".

Preparing to play "Scrabble"

Prepare a piece of paper and a pen before you start playing. The page will need to be divided into as many columns as there are players and sign them. Points earned will be recorded here.

Pour all the knuckles with letters into a bag and mix. Each participant blindly draws one chip - whoever has a chip with the letter closest to the beginning of the alphabet (keep in mind that the "dummy" goes earlier than "A"), he goes first. Further - clockwise.

A special dictionary "" or "Scrabble", which lists the valid words, will also come in handy. A regular spelling dictionary will do as well. You cannot use it when composing tokens - only when checking in controversial cases.

Participants put the stands for the knuckles in front of them, in turn, without looking, take 7 knuckles from the bag (pulled back when the draw is drawn) and place them on the stand.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible. To do this, you need not only to make up words, but also to place them on the field with maximum benefit in order to earn more. Each of the players tries to put their tiles on the bonus cells, and the next player tries to take advantage of opponents' mistakes or new opportunities.

Mutual assistance and the game "Scrabble" ("Scrabble") are not compatible, unless it is a training game. The player can only see his chips and operate only with them.

The time for amateur play is not limited.

As a result, every word on the playing field should be readable, not get gibberish, otherwise you will not have "Scrabble", but "scramble" (from the English "dump"). It should be possible to form words for a crossword puzzle using a grid made up of letters laid out by the players.

"Scrabble" - game rules and strategy

The classic "Scrabble" is a board game with tough conditions. The "Scrabble" rules imply not only the compilation of words from letters - it is supposed to do it in a strictly defined way.

In Scrabble, rules restrict the choice of allowed words. The foreign vocabulary used should be recorded in the Russian spelling in the dictionary, and not rely on pronunciation and transcription. So, you can make up "pen" or "cafe" if you play "Scrabble" in English, but if you have it not "english", but "Russian", then you will have to write a translation - "pen" and "coffee", not peng and cafe.

The basic strategy of the game is to compose not only long, but the most valuable words - from rare letters and falling on the bonus fields. And, if possible, cut off the enemy's access to profitable moves.

In the "scrabble travel deluxe" road version, the rules coincide with the original completely. The board game from Mattel, Scrabble Junior, has one fundamental difference, which is mentioned above.

What is bingo in scrabble? This entertainment is similar to "Russian Lotto", but instead of numbers, there are words, and instead of numbers, letters are drawn from the bag.

How to play Scrabble

Participate from 2 to 4 people. They write interconnected words on the board with chips, like a crossword puzzle.

When laying out, important conditions must be observed:

  • The letters should be located strictly horizontally or vertically, intersecting with those already laid out;
  • It is allowed to build up one word so that a new full-fledged one is obtained ("forest" - "forester"). But one cannot add letters to the middle of a word and end up with nonsense ("hand" + "lach" = not "kalach", but "rukalach");
  • You cannot move the already lying chips in order, for example, to turn a "hand" into a "pen";
  • You can spread two words in one fell swoop, if a good neighborhood allows. One will be read from top to bottom, the second from left to right;
  • It is allowed to make a "bridge" between parallel rows, completing the required word;
  • "Dummy" replaces any letter and remains on the field. Its cost is zero.

Almost all of these rules do not apply to Scrub. Unexpected turns "(" Scrabble Twists Turns ").

The game ends when all the chips are used up or the participants can no longer make a single move.

Explanations for controversial cases

All knuckles touching in a straight line must form one word. You cannot write "porridge" if after the second "a" there is a "p" from the perpendicular "hat" - otherwise "porridge" will come out;

it is permissible to repeat one word twice;

unlike "Scrabble", "Scrabble" allows the use of plural forms of nouns and other parts of speech;

letters can be built up on both sides of the word ("house" - "adjoining");

bonus cells are triggered only on the turn when a chip is placed on them;

if the player managed to form a few words in a move, then he gets points for each one according to the basic rules;

the dictionary is needed only for checking - it is dishonest to look for words in it on your own move.


In Scrabble, the mechanics are based on randomness, knowledge and resourcefulness of the participants. Technically, it can be described as laying out words from randomly dropped elements.

Every word counts

Each new word can radically affect the score if it fits well on the board. Therefore, be careful every move.

A little tip: you can make up a few short words in a single move. Even if they are cheap on their own, but all the chips will be spent on them, you will receive bonus points.

Preparing to play

Before the start of the game in Scrabble prepare a sheet of paper and a pen. Put down the playing field, decide who will go first, and collect the starting 7 tiles (they are picked up after each move).


The system by which points are scored seems confusing, but only at first glance.

Each knuckle with a letter indicates its "price" - how many points will bring its use. Depending on the frequency of the use of the letter in the language, this meaning changes:

  • A, B, E, I, H, O, P, C, T - 1 point;
  • D, K, L, M, P, U - 2 points;
  • B, D, E, L, Z - 3 points;
  • Y, Y - 4 points;
  • W, W, X, C, H - 5 points;
  • W, E - 8 points;
  • Ф, Щ, б - 10 points.

When the letters do not fall on the colored cells, their "price" is simply added up. For example, the short "pike" is 10 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 15 points. And the long "cow" - 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7 points.

If a chip hits a light blue square, then the number of points of the letter is multiplied by two, if on a dark blue one - by three. In the "pike", "u" falls on the dark blue cage - 10 * 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 35 points.

If the word covers the light red field, then not the number of points of the letter is multiplied, but the sum for the whole word is multiplied by two. The dark red field is three. "Pike" - (10 + 2 + 2 + 1) * 3 = 45

Will the word hit several colored cells at the same time? First, we multiply the value of the letters, then we add everything up, then we multiply the whole amount.

Those who were able to use up all seven of their tiles in one go receive an additional 50 points.

Up to 200 points can be earned in one successful move.

After the final, the cost of all the letters that remain in his hands is deducted from the total account of the participant. And if he spent all the chips, then the sum of the opponents' penalties is added to him.

Seed exchange

There is a bad move in which not a single smallest word can be put together. In this case, the "scrabble" rules allow you to skip a move and exchange any number of dice blindly.

Pass and skip

The participant may not lay out anything and not change the tiles, but simply say "pass". He gets zero points and moves on to the next one. When all the players in turn say “pass” twice, the game ends - because it cannot continue with the ghost players.

Composing the first word

The compilation of the first word from which the board game begins is entrusted to the player who wins the toss. The main condition: at least two letters used and the intersection of the central cell with an asterisk. Sometimes the rule is complicated: the first word must be at least five letters or two syllables.

It's amazing that this addictive game was invented during the Great Depression, when thousands of people were left without a livelihood. However, the unemployed architect Alfred Butts did not lose hope of creating something worthwhile and fired up the idea of ​​coming up with his own game.

An entertaining board game for children and adults

As a scientist, he began to research board games and saw: the main thing in which word games are inferior to gambling is that they do not count. Alfred decided to fix it. Then he exclaimed: "I will have my own game, with glasses and words!" and began to come up with rules.

Butts did a great job and in his creation combined dependence on chance and ingenuity, used anagrams and crosswords. He determined the number of letters in the set, having studied more than one issue of newspapers, isolating the most common and less used ones. Based on the results of this survey, he rated each of them in a different number of points.

Then Alfred sat down to come up with the rules and settled on this option: the players, along the way, lay out a word out of their letters so that it “passes” through the one already laid out on the field and brings more points. There are different bonuses (doubling / tripling points for a letter / word) depending on where the player puts the word on the field, as well as for using all of his letters at once.

A ray of light in the dark kingdom

Invented in difficult years, it was designed to distract people from the hopelessness of the situation and draw their imagination a calm morning on a sunny terrace. The game will entertain two or four people of any age who are disposed to a measured game. Indeed, when playing Scrabble and pulls slowly to talk with a friend about life and love, leaning back in a rocking chair and sipping lemonade on a hot day. We think Alfred spent more than one summer like that :)

The game has the character of a duel: you need to use bonus cells before your opponent. You will need imagination and the ability to create anagrams (collecting real-life words from the original set of letters), but this may not be enough to win.

For example, if you get the letters c, x, h, w, b, e and e, and your opponent has a more or less balanced set, all your erudition will be powerless ... But no, there is the word "shop". As you can see, this game teaches you not to give up, but to search a little in the palaces of the mind :)

Educational game for the whole family

Since Alfred Butts was a thrifty and thoughtful man, he decided that in his idea he would not need to buy anything other than the game itself. The set includes four letter holders, a thick cardboard box, square letter chips and a bag for them. All components are of pleasant quality and appearance. Russian counterparts and Erudite in this they are slightly inferior to him, but, on the other hand, cost less.

When you're ready to go, take with you Scrabble Travel... There is a field with convenient cells, so the words will not crumble. And if you like to arrange fireworks from letters, then Scrabble wants to see you to repeatedly transform into bright green entertainment :)