weight loss mistakes. The most common mistakes of losing weight I will drink a lot of water

It is quite possible to get slender forms in a few weeks, if you approach the process correctly. But, trying to get rid of extra pounds, girls often make mistakes when losing weight, which do not allow them to quickly achieve the desired result.

Women often go to extremes and, trying to lose weight, commit typical mistakes when losing weight, for example, they completely refuse food. Looking good and not harming your health is not an easy task. Consider the main mistakes in losing weight and their consequences.

Unreasonable fasting is one of the main mistakes when losing weight. Many women completely refuse food or severely limit their calorie intake, which greatly affects the general condition.

Hunger is a stress for the body, which, defending itself, deposits nutrients “in reserve”. You need to eat often, given the calories of dishes, and portions should be small. Trying to fast often leads to breakdowns, which backfires. In this case, the weight does not just come back, but there is a chance to gain extra pounds.

Errors in the preparation of the diet

There are several basic mistakes in the preparation of the diet and food intake. These include the following:

  1. Ignorance of your calorie intake and an incorrectly composed diet will not give positive results when losing weight. It is necessary to make accurate calculations for the normal functioning of the body. If you eat only one apple a day or a bunch of lettuce leaves, metabolism and immune responses will fail.
  2. It is wrong when losing weight to switch to a diet consisting only of vegetables and fruits. It should be remembered that berries and fruits are very high in calories. The opinion that they can have dinner without a threat to the figure is erroneous. They have a lot of carbohydrates that should be consumed only in the morning. You should not combine simple carbohydrates with foods containing fats. The same basic weight loss mistakes are made with fruit juices. It is impossible to satisfy their hunger, but the consumption of sugar contained in them will exceed the norm. The disadvantage of a vegetable diet is a problem with stools due to the high amount of fiber. Protein foods must be present in the diet.
  3. When losing weight, you should avoid eating fruits with a high glycemic index, such as bananas and grapes. It is better to give preference to oranges or kiwi, which have fewer calories.
  4. There are many different mono-diets with the complete exclusion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With the help of such nutrition, you can lose weight, but you need to understand due to what it will be. With a diet, the body lacks not only vitamins, but also trace elements, as well as other nutrients. Their deficiency will create problems with nails, hair, skin and lead to malfunctions in the body. In girls, the menstrual cycle may change or menstruation may completely disappear. The menu for weight loss should be varied.
  5. There is a misconception that the amount of water must be drastically reduced and then extra pounds will go faster. Weight will indeed begin to change, but this will happen due to dehydration. It is necessary to drink water, it is important both for health and for weight loss. Start the day with a glass of water and keep drinking until the evening. Normally, you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid. With normal or low acidity of the stomach, you can squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. Usual clean water when losing weight, in no case should it be replaced with sweet carbonated drinks containing extra calories.
  6. Drastically reducing calories for quick weight loss is not recommended. Calorie content and serving size must be reduced gradually so as not to create a stressful situation for the body.
  7. Detox Programs Don't Contribute to Loss excess weight. The cleansing properties of such programs are too exaggerated.
  8. It is not rational to bet only on fat-free foods, since there is no relationship between fat in foods and in the body. Many of them are superior in calories to products with natural fat, which gives a feeling of satiety to the body. Eating such food, the feeling of hunger remains.

Errors in mode

The mode of eating is very important, irregular breakfasts, lunches or dinners are one of the main mistakes when losing weight. Not following the diet, you can easily gain extra calories. Especially if you constantly arrange snacks. You should eat regularly 5 times a day and in small portions. It is advisable to do this at approximately the same time.

Avoiding breakfast in the morning is unacceptable, as it is one of the main meals. In the morning, all body functions are launched, so breakfast should become a habit.

The ban on eating when losing weight after 6 pm is not true. Everyone has different schedules and bedtimes. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime and the emphasis should be on protein foods. It is recommended to eat a vegetable salad or cottage cheese. You can choose from meat chicken breast without skin. It is better to eat at home, because in a restaurant or cafe it is difficult to calculate the calorie content and take into account the amount of fat used to prepare the dish.

Those who pay great attention to harmony should take care of sufficient and proper sleep. It is a proven fact that a sleepy person consumes an average of 40% more calories, because the satiety signal arrives in the brain late. You need to sleep at least 7 hours and try to go to bed at about the same time.

Psychological errors

The psychological setting for weight loss and self-control is very important. The most common mistakes are:

  1. Lack of a specific goal and plan. To achieve concrete results, it is better to make a plan that should be followed. Planning should include the composition of the menu, portion sizes, a calorie counting table, the place and time of physical activity, and sleep time.
  2. It is necessary to take a healthy approach to solving the issue of losing weight and set realistic goals. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to lose 50 kg in a week.
  3. You should not severely limit yourself or set strict prohibitions. They will inevitably lead to breakdowns and feelings of guilt that it is not possible to achieve the goal. Such emotions worsen not only the physical condition, but also the emotional one.

Neglect of physical activity

It is necessary to pay attention to physical activity, because spending free time on the couch and a passive lifestyle are the main mistakes of losing weight. Activity should be daily. It can be swimming, running or just walking. With sports, weight loss will be faster. If the workload does not allow you to visit a sports club, then you should refuse the elevator and travel by public transport. Hiking will help you burn extra calories.

Regular physical activity helps to accelerate metabolic processes, normalize weight, strengthen muscles and keep skin tone. Sports activities reduce stress levels, and in the morning they burn 20% more fat in the body. If it is not possible to go to the stadium, then you can do morning exercises at home.

Using only weight loss products

Don't rely on weight loss alone. There are no miracle pills. Regardless of the manufacturer's form, they can be divided into 5 types:

  1. The basis of all laxative teas is ordinary senna, so you should not overpay for an overpriced drink. It is impossible to use them for weight loss for a long time, since the herb causes a loss of potassium, which affects the functioning of the heart.
  2. Psychostimulant drugs affect the nervous system because they usually contain caffeine, garcinia cambogia or guarana in their composition. The disadvantages of these substances are addiction and exhaustion. nervous system, which greatly affects the female body, girls often fall into a depressive state.
  3. To stimulate peristalsis, microcrystalline cellulose is used, which can destroy the intestinal walls. Over time, lazy bowel syndrome will occur, and it will cease to function normally.
  4. Fat burners help digest food, but there is no scientific evidence that they tend to burn fat.
  5. Diuretics disrupt the body's water-salt balance.

The appearance of excess weight in girls always has a reason. It could be sedentary image life, malnutrition or hormonal failure in the body. The approach to solving this problem should be complex. You should not count on a miracle, you need to take care of yourself and try to avoid the mistakes of losing weight.

Losing weight, or losing weight, is not only a fashion trend that is followed to achieve the perfect figure. It is also necessary to bring the form in order for health reasons.

The catch is that many go on a diet incorrectly and making weight loss mistakes, regardless of whether they are losing weight under the supervision of a nutritionist, trainer or at home. The result is disappointing: there is no expected effect, disappointment, depression sets in, and even health problems worsen.

What misconceptions prevent us from losing extra pounds? We reveal all the secrets and offer you to get acquainted with the five most common mistakes when losing weight, because of which we cannot achieve the desired goal.

Top 5 weight loss mistakes

Mistake 1: Wrong approach to the process of losing weight

Often people want to lose weight without setting themselves a specific goal or plan of action. They are looking for the “best diet” (and preferably the “miracle diet”), buying supplements, medicines and weight loss products of unknown origin. Some of these drugs, by the way, can be deadly.

Thus, the problem boils down to the following - we want to quickly lose extra pounds without changing our lifestyle and attitude to nutrition in general. Agree, the very wording “going on a diet” already implies some kind of abnormal, unnatural state, which causes psychological consequences in the form of emotional stress, remorse and social isolation.

"I'm not going out to dinner with my friends." And why? Because there is something to eat.

Or: "I'll go with them, but I'll starve all day before that so I don't feel guilty later."

The stress starts. Stress stimulates the secretion of cortisol, which in turn significantly slows down weight loss. Excess cortisol deregulates hormonal balance, increasing the desire to snack and cravings for sweets.

Think carefully: what do you want to achieve, and how will you get there (albeit not so fast)? Because the absence of an action plan is a 90% chance that the result will be unsatisfactory. A change in lifestyle and nutrition should not have a temporary basis - such a basis will only provide a short-term effect.

Mistake 2: Ignorance about the physiology of the body and the basics of metabolism

Not always the difficulties with losing weight are reduced only to proper nutrition. There are pathologies such as hypothyroidism, immunological diseases, insulin resistance or leptin resistance that should be ruled out before starting to lose weight. It is enough to do basic blood tests and take samples for hormone levels.

A sharp reduction in the amount of food consumed, the rejection of carbohydrates and fats is also a mistake. A large calorie deficit worsens the hormonal balance and slows down the metabolism. This is especially noticeable in people who often lose weight (for example, seasonally).

Repeated cycles of excessive calorie deficit result in inhibition (i.e. suppression) of the body's ability to burn fat. And subsequent diets become less and less effective.

The body takes on the “energy debt” caused by hunger and tries to replenish it at every opportunity, saving adipose tissue in case of a new critical lack of energy. It is called yo-yo effect: we lose kilograms, but at the end of the diet they return doubly.

Mistake 3: Incorrect diet and fluid intake

What and in what quantities we consume is of great importance for the functioning of the body and maintaining a healthy weight. Effective and “painless” weight loss for the body is based on a balanced diet.

In other words, the body must receive all the necessary nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Eliminating the sources of any of the above components is a big mistake.

Do not completely abandon fats - the main energy resources that ensure the functioning of the nervous system and, in particular, the brain. The same is true for protein sources - this nutrient is extremely important for maintaining muscle mass. The frequency of meals and how they are prepared are just as important.

“But how then to lose weight if nothing needs to be excluded from the diet?” - you ask. Not giving up does not mean leaving everything unchanged. The following principles outline the approach to nutrition that you want to accustom yourself to.

The basic principles of nutrition for weight loss:

  • Prepare meals with fresh produce.
  • Avoid processed foods, junk food, and highly processed foods.
  • It is forbidden to skip breakfast. Morning meal is the main one. It critically affects the synthesis of hormones that regulate all physiological processes.
  • Do not allow too long intervals between meals - this will only increase hunger and the tendency to snack.
  • Keep your body hydrated. The lack of water causes its retention in the tissues and the appearance of edema. Drink at least 2 liters per day, especially if you are physically active.

Mistake 4: Lack of calorie control

Going on a diet, we make the mistake of neglecting another question: how much energy does the body need? If this moment is not taken into account, then our bold plans for the next months may be crossed out. And all because we did not take care of the gradual reduction in the number of calories consumed.

Let's say you have lost weight to the desired mark and want to stop. How to stop the process so that the kilograms do not return immediately? You can’t return to “normal” food - a slow metabolism “can’t cope” with excess energy, and a yo-yo effect will occur.

Therefore, even after stopping the diet, you still have to keep track of the calorie content of food. Energy value tables or will help you with this, and carefully reading the labels in stores when buying products.

Mistake 5: Lack of physical activity

A balanced diet with a slight calorie deficit is about 70% successful in weight loss. The remaining 30% is physical activity. Sports help not only burn fat, but also maintain normal muscle mass.

People practicing in the gym or at home often focus on giving up intense workouts with a load. Unfortunately, this is a mistake. It has already been proven that strength training burns a lot more calories. On the other hand, too frequent and prolonged exercise can also negatively affect the process of losing weight, as they increase the release of cortisol. So in this matter, find the "golden mean".

Do you dream of an attractive figure? Adhere to the principles of healthy, gradual weight loss and be sure to analyze your previous weight loss mistakes. Your key to success is a change in eating habits, a renewed lifestyle, as well as patience and determination. Be successful and beautiful!

The consequences of improper weight loss can be very different. Doctors warn us about systemic health problems, trainers warn about slow metabolism, and cosmetologists make money on skin tightening after weight loss. In psychiatry, several mental disorders have been described associated with the desire to lose weight and the wrong approach to this process. “Wrong” is considered a rapid sharp weight loss with the help of an unhealthy mono-diet, starvation, physical overload, or “self-appointed” medicines. The main criterion for “incorrectness” is objective harm to health and the absence of good habits “at the exit”. What is to be feared?

The consequences of improper weight loss with mono-diets

Most nutritionists adhere to the rule: only one mono-diet for 8 months, regardless of what the body weight and BMI are “at the entrance” to the diet. It has been proven that the human immune system is seriously affected even from a weekly diet on one product. The recovery process can take six months or longer. At this time, colds literally “attack” the body, and the risk of getting a complication is very high.

Mono-diets also help to slow down metabolism, which is expressed in a simple effect - at the end of them, a person begins to gain weight, adhering to his standard diet, and does not lose weight, following the recommendations for a healthy diet. To “achieve” this, however, is quite difficult - you need to “serve” at least 1 month in total. But even after weekly diets, the metabolic rate is restored for at least 30 days, during which the “way out” should be observed - a low-calorie diet with a low content of salt and sugar.

Hunger strikes, as well as regular skipping of meals, “hit” the gastrointestinal tract. It is possible to acquire gastritis, colitis and other diseases, systematically refusing food. Only replacing food with hot strong coffee or tea is more dangerous. Drinks increase the secretion of gastric juice, which leads to heartburn and gastritis several times faster.

Starvation worsens appearance and the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, especially if combined with the usual "urban" lifestyle. The tone of the skin of the body then has to be restored by special procedures for quite a long time. Correctly losing weight with fasting is possible only in a medical hospital, and reduced physical activity.

Improper fasting without entry and exit provokes constipation and intestinal obstruction, especially if a person, after a long period of refusal to eat, attacks heavy food.

Both fasting and mono-diets provoke physical degradation - the inability to perform even the simplest physical exercises without significant stress. Very often, after a diet, physical education is stopped simply because of a lack of strength, which leads to a weakening of the cardiovascular, skeletal and muscular systems of a person.

“Wrong” is considered too fast, and never ending weight loss. In the first case, the human psyche does not have time to adapt to a new body image, as a result, a person does not receive any benefits from a new lifestyle and very quickly returns to his old habits, gradually gaining weight.

The second point is much more dangerous. Sometimes losing weight just can not stop in time. The unrealistic images of beauty promoted by the media are very conducive to the appearance of the "eternally thin" syndrome and related eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating. Usually a person with such deviations cannot stop on his own, and continues to “lose weight”, ignoring others. life goals and classes. As a result, the loss of the usual social circle, work and complete social disorientation is possible.

If you suspect any consequence of active and not too healthy weight loss, you should immediately contact a specialist. Self-medication in this matter can be dangerous.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Despite this, the problem of competent and effective weight loss remains relevant. Why? Almost 50% of those who lose weight make mistakes that somehow prevent them from achieving the desired result. Experts identify the 10 most common mistakes losing weight.

1. Eating immediately after a workout.

Many girls mistakenly believe that after losing calories after a workout, you can have a snack. This is one of the most common weight loss mistakes! Experts in the field of nutrition, as well as sports trainers, have come to the conclusion that eating should be 1 hour before training and at least 2 hours after it. If the appetite after exercise is too strong, you can drink a glass of water or fat-free yogurt.

2. Constant weighing.

Constant close surveillance of the arrow of the scales does not allow you to adequately assess your own weight, attractiveness and sexuality. She focuses on losing weight. Meanwhile, a well-chosen diet and systematic cardio and physical activity - these are minus those extra pounds and almost the same amount of muscle mass gain. Therefore, the result in kilograms may not impress, and the beauty of the body and the attractive relief of the contours will be noticeable to everyone!

3. Not enough water.

Water is the source of life, beauty and health. Water slows down the aging process, improves digestion, helps to remove toxins and waste from the body. With sufficient consumption of pure non-carbonated water, the daily rate of which is up to 2.5 liters per day, the skin becomes clean, supple, and the process of losing weight is accelerated. Most nutritionists agree that when a person is hungry, you just need to drink a glass of water. Important: you need to drink only water (tea, carbonated drinks and soups are NOT included in the calculation).

4. Opinion that smoking allows you to lose weight faster.

Nicotine disrupts the metabolism in the body, negatively affects the elasticity and color of the skin. Smoking does not reduce appetite, does not affect the process of losing weight in any way, and even makes a person more lethargic and lazy, and therefore less active.

5. Reception pharmacological preparations and drinks for weight loss.

How do diet pills work? They block the desire to eat only at the moment of their intake, as if deceiving the body. As soon as a person stops taking the pills, the appetite returns again and even increases. Regular medication - do not eat effective method lose extra pounds. The main thing - do no harm!

6. Long breaks between meals.

All nutritionists unanimously insist that food should be taken in small portions, each of which can fit in a glass. You should eat at least 5-6 times a day: breakfast, second breakfast (lunch), lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. In between meals, you can have a snack (an apple, a glass of kefir, a cucumber). Long breaks between meals disrupt the digestion process, increase the risk of overeating, especially in the afternoon, and ultimately cause the opposite effect.

7. Frequent consumption of yogurt as a dietary food.

1 jar of yogurt contains up to 4 pieces (teaspoons) of sugar. Sugar provokes the release of insulin and, as a result, increases appetite. Therefore, after eating 1 jar of yogurt, in the next half hour you will feel hungry. Yogurt is a delicacy. It should be consumed no more than 2 times a week, as a dessert, replacing the usual sweets: a bun, chocolate, etc.

8. The desire to quickly lose weight.

The process of losing weight requires time and patience, systematic exercise, well-chosen diet. Therefore, proper weight loss cannot be fast! In addition, a sharp weight loss (up to 10 or more kilograms per month) will inevitably lead to sagging skin. The skin simply will not have time to adapt to your new weight, it will become flabby and sagging. Only surgery can correct this condition. Therefore, you should lose weight evenly (up to 5 kilograms in 3-4 months), and then just maintain a comfortable weight for yourself.

9. Breakdown while dieting.

A common cause of failure for women who want to lose weight is failure to follow a diet. A common cause of a breakdown is, for example, some kind of event: delicious food, alcohol, which must be completely excluded from the diet of losing weight, hearty desserts. Full compliance with the diet, the amount of food in one serving will gradually enter the usual diet, and you will feel full from the usual portion.

10. Strict diet without exercise.

The most common mistake of losing weight is to follow a diet without exercise. Result: dramatic weight loss, sagging flabby skin and no sexual forms! In addition, extreme diets slow down the metabolic process. The less food enters the body, the more the metabolic process slows down, the weight returns again. Conclusion: effective weight loss is a set of measures that includes proper nutrition + a program of specially designed exercises and cardio workouts for muscle tone and appetizing feminine forms.

To achieve the best result, it is important to maintain peace of mind and balance, because a woman often experiences hunger and "seizes" it against the background of stress. Lack of sleep can also lead to failed weight loss. After all, during sleep, the body does not require food. In addition, healthy sound sleep contributes to the full functioning of the whole organism, and lack of sleep produces a large amount of the stress hormone - cortisol. Stress again provokes food intake and again it is not possible to achieve the desired result. Only strict adherence to all recommendations will allow you to achieve the desired result - to lose weight and keep it after the process of losing weight. Are you doing everything right to lose weight?

Sometimes, in the pursuit of harmony, we decide on desperate deeds - we starve, “sit down” on juices or drink dubious pills. What is the risk?

Margarita Sukhankina, singer, soloist of the Mirage group:

- I confess: I have tried many diets. But today she completely abandoned them. My experience has shown that any hunger strike or fasting days is a huge stress for the body. And it can bring a lot of problems with it. And the lost weight then returns sooner or later - you won’t starve forever, will you?

Personally, I managed to try, probably, all existing methods of losing weight. The result was only health problems. I was convinced from my own experience that during a diet, we first of all lose not fat, but important trace elements. Potassium, magnesium, calcium and other useful minerals are rapidly excreted from the body along with the liquid. We see that the numbers on the scales are decreasing quite quickly, and we rejoice - the process has begun! But this is the wrong weight loss, which is dangerous to health.

After the strict diets that I was sitting on, I had to seriously recover every time. I drank special vitamins, ate certain foods and, as a result, followed another “diet after diet”. In the end, I got tired of it. And I put an absolute taboo on all "unloading".

Today, I believe that the only way to get leaner is to burn more calories than you consume. Yes, it is difficult, but the result of this work remains with you for a long time. No "magic" means, and even more so products that burn fat, have not yet been invented. So I no longer waste my time, money and most importantly my health on dubious diets or supplements.

Anna Grachevskaya, TV presenter:

- All my conscious life I have been in a state of "accordion": either I lose weight, or I get better. I sat on a variety of different diets, which I usually found on the Internet or learned from my girlfriends. Some were more effective, others less so. There were also breakdowns. And a few times it even came to serious problems with health.

So, one day I was on the verge of anorexia. The body at one point refused to take food. I became painfully thin. To recover, it took the intervention of doctors. I was prescribed a specific diet that I followed for several months. Fortunately, the treatment helped, and gradually I began to put on weight.

Then everything returned to normal. But I did not calm down: again I lost weight, then gained weight. And at the beginning of this year, constant diets led to the fact that my metabolism was disturbed. The weight didn't come off even if I didn't eat anything.

Again I had to turn to nutritionists. With their help, I achieved the desired results in two months. And without any hunger strikes, only thanks to proper nutrition and sports. It became a science for me. Now I know for sure that in no case can you lose weight on your own, according to recipes from the Internet. If you really want to get a beautiful figure, you need to turn to professionals. Then the extra pounds will go away, and health will not suffer.

Elena Samodanova, multiple world champion in ballroom dancing, judge of the television project "Dancing with the Stars":

“When we are teenagers, we sometimes do strange things. We are dissatisfied with ourselves, although we look great. But we realize that we have done stupid things only after a long time.

I have been dancing since childhood. I always wanted to be the best and look my best. For a long time I was very skinny. But at some point, the figure began to take shape, and I ceased to be an angular teenager. And then I decided that I urgently need to go on a diet.

She approached the matter with all teenage maximalism: she practically stopped eating and began to play sports even more. In addition to daily dance classes, she began to run daily and go to the gym. Of course, I lost a lot of weight. But I felt, to put it mildly, not very well. It got to the point that there was no strength left for training. But there were competitions ahead.

On one “beautiful” day, I almost fainted from hunger right in class. So my coach found out how I torture myself and my body. Of course, he swore very strongly - and rightly so! Now I am grateful to him for the fact that he was able to find the words and convince me to stop.

Since then I have never been hungry. I understand well that this is a direct way to undermine health. For many years I have been eating healthy and leading an active lifestyle. And quite happy with its shape.

Irina Jovovich, model, actress, TV presenter of the World Fashion Channel:

- I think every woman, at least once in her life, tried to lose weight and resorted to some kind of diet. And many also took weight loss supplements. Well, how to resist the active advertising of cocktails, pills and teas that promise easy harmony without any effort on your part?

Here I am no exception. About ten or fifteen years ago, the weight loss products of a well-known American company were very actively and even aggressively promoted throughout the country. The temptation to lose weight without difficulty was huge, and I succumbed. The funny thing is that at that time I did not have any excess weight. Just by nature I am the owner of an athletic physique. And I wanted my legs to become thinner, “model”.

I bought myself a whole package of weight loss products. At first glance, the path to the desired forms seemed very simple. For breakfast, it was supposed to drink pills and a strawberry smoothie. For lunch, you can eat whatever you want. And for dinner, pills from different jars and a portion of a cocktail were again waiting for me. As I remember now, there were two types to choose from: strawberry and banana.

The effect turned out to be very bright, but not at all the way I dreamed. I ended up in the hospital with a gastrointestinal disease. Then I realized: of course, if you eat once a day, and the rest of the time you eat pills, you will definitely lose weight. But as a "bonus" you will definitely ruin your health. But you could easily lose weight on normal healthy food, without harm to the body.

The second unsuccessful experience of active weight loss happened much later. And again I became a victim of advertising - I bought the famous drug for rapid weight loss. This time I had a serious reason for this.

At that moment I was working as a model. There was an important fashion show ahead. Two outfits were made for me. They were ready two months before the show, and one was even sutured. But shortly before the show, I managed to get better. But my exits were one of the key moments of the fashion show. So I had to urgently get into shape in order to easily fit into a dress and overalls.

I took the drug for only three days. Everything worked out: she lost weight, the outfits fit perfectly. But soon she gained weight again - as much as five kilograms more than she had lost. Hence the conclusion: for easy weight loss, you always have to pay with side effects.

Today I am sure that in order to lose weight safely and, most importantly, for a long time, only two things are needed. The first is a healthy, balanced three meals a day. And the second is sport in all its manifestations. For one, swimming is suitable, for the other - Gym, for the third - long walks in the fresh air. Dancing, yoga, biking, rollerblading - there are a lot of options. You just need to find your favorite sport, and then you will be happy to slim down.