Hanging cradle for a crib. Rating of the best bassinets and cradles for newborns. Some of the tools will be useful


History of the cradle

We can say with confidence that the history of the cradle began with the birth of the first people, the Forefathers of humanity. Mothers could not always rock their child in their arms; they had to maintain the hearth, cook food, and run the household. And then caring fathers built a semblance of mother’s hands for their child, so that the child would also sway sweetly in sleep and in warmth.

Cradles in different places were made in different ways and from a wide variety of materials: wood (dugout, plank cradles), willow rods, rattan, leather, bark, ropes (cradles-hammocks). In Africa and Latin America, women carry babies on their backs, either in specially made cradles, or in specially tied scarves. In modern conditions, this method of carrying children is called “kangaroo”.

Among some peoples of the North Caucasus, the crib was made of wood and strictly according to the size of the born child. With the age of the child, the size of the crib increased, but it always had volume for a tightly swaddled baby, which sometimes served as poor “help” for children predisposed to certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, for children with congenital hip dislocation).

Both on other continents and in Russia, family life has evolved over centuries, and each locality had its own traditions in nurturing babies. Even our modern crib was called differently by different peoples: zybka, cradle, rocking chair, bayukolka, kolyska, cradle, zibka, etc.

The birth of a northern peasant woman was most often attended by a midwife. A man - an obstetrician, from the point of view of the peoples of the Russian North - is an absurdity, a contradiction of common sense, just like, for example, a woman is a farrier. The child was washed either in a bathhouse or in a hot stove, placing rye straw under him. Then the child was swaddled tightly and only after all this was brought to the mother’s breast and placed in a shaky position. “Why is the child roaring, but no one is bothering him?” - that's what they said in the North.

A light unsteady body (body), woven from pine shingles, was suspended on bird cherry handles from the fireplace and had a footrest for swinging. The ochep is a flexible pole attached to the ceiling matrix. On a good clearing, the swell fluctuated quite strongly, sometimes a fathom from the floor. Perhaps such swinging from the very day of birth, followed by swinging on a swing, developed a special hardening: sailors and people from peasant backgrounds were very rarely susceptible to seasickness.

In royal cradles, beds and feather beds were stuffed with swan's down. Hay, straw, and rags were placed on the bottom as bedding; a pillow with hay and straw was also placed under the head. To protect against mosquitoes, flies and light, a canopy was hung on the cradle.

Among the majority of the peoples of the European part of Russia and Siberia, the cradle was hung not only for reasons of convenience. They believed that a child raised above the floor was under the protection of heavenly powers. It was also believed that in a state of elation, a child grows better.

In general, the cradle was given great importance in the life of the family, because the cradle not only has practical benefits, lulling the child; a well-made, beautiful and pleasing cradle is intended to please the mother herself, so that, looking at the decorated cradle, she will be even more filled with love for her child and inspired to care for and raise her child.

Moreover, in all nations the cradle also carried mystical meaning.

Thus, the peoples of Siberia have preserved many legends dedicated to the cradle: according to the beliefs of the Khanty, a mythological ancestor lowered the first man from the sky in a patterned cradle on a golden chain. The image of the cradle embodies the power of the Mother Goddesses, who endlessly revive all living things. The cradle on the golden chain remains a thread connecting the legendary Ancestor with living people. Every wooden or birch bark flap, even the most simple in appearance, is its likeness. Each lullaby ritual echoes the myth of the first birth. Each baby repeats the path of its ancestor, looking out at the world for the first time from a swinging cradle suspended from a pole.

For about a year, the baby’s “home” is a cradle, or rather two - one for the day and one for the night. In the first he sees light, in the second he sees darkness; in the first he plays more, in the second he sleeps.

Before the appearance of teeth and the naming of a child, infant flesh is an object of desire for all kinds of evil spirits. The spirits of the forest, water, and the underworld strive to capture her. Without a cradle, a child is defenseless. It should not be placed on the bare floor or ground, otherwise lower spirits will immediately penetrate into it.

A baby can be protected by a dog and a fire burning in the hearth. And yet, dangers await him everywhere, especially outside the house and near the threshold. The only way to take the cradle out of the house and bring it in is with the back (head) forward. You should not pass the cradle with the baby over the threshold or leave it in an empty house. It is all the more dangerous to leave a child alone on the street, otherwise the spirits of the Lower World may replace him by slipping their baby into the cradle.

If possible, the shaky thing was ordered from a real master cradle maker, who created the thing not only with skill, but also with love and prayer. In poorer families, fathers and grandfathers made the hanging crib themselves, maybe not with such skill, but with love.

According to legend, if a husband wanted a lot of children in the family, he would go as deep into the forest as possible and there he would look for a tree worthy of becoming a tree for his daughters and sons.

Meanwhile, the expectant mother was preparing the canopy for unsteadiness: she not only selected beautiful fabric, but also made decorations - embroidery, appliqué, lace. At worst, if the family is really poor or the mother is tired of repeatedly making curtains, they could simply put on their grandmother’s sundress. There must be a canopy! This is not just a barrier from light and flies. This is also an obstacle for evil spirits.

Each family had its own lucky cradle, which was passed down from generation to generation: as soon as the baby grew up, he gave way to the newborn.

The shaky frame, made of durable wood, could last 200 years. The year of birth of the child was written on it; such inscriptions can be found on up to six or more museum exhibits.

Proof of the wisdom of our Ancestors

The stay of a child in the infant period in a suspended swinging cradle carries within it a certain culture of humanization, unconscious to us, in accordance with the nature of the child, developed over millennia. And, paradoxically, science not only did not study this method of culture, but, like much else that was in folk educational pedagogy, simply rejected it. But the truth here literally lies on the surface.

It is known: the 9-month period of intrauterine development of a child in biological (genetic) time is much longer than the entire subsequent life. It is during these 9 months that a ready-made little person is formed from 2 cells. And this entire stage of development takes place in a liquid environment. An environment that supports the child’s development process in virtually zero gravity. Now imagine: from zero gravity, a child suddenly finds himself in an environment of enormous gravitational pressure, incl. “heavy” (due to pressure drops) gravitational rhythms.

That is why a baby emerging from the mother’s womb is characterized by generalized tension spread throughout the body, muscle stiffness and convulsive movements. And it will only be removed when body rhythms are attuned, incl. voluntary-willed with earthly (gravitational) rhythms. But such attunement requires a long period of time and human assistance.

The suspended cradle transforms the vector of static gravitational pressure into an oscillatory-wave gravitational rhythm. During the rocking process, the baby rhythmically experiences peculiar moments of weightlessness (when the cradle reaches its maximum height and, as it were, “freezes” for a moment) and moments of exposure to the highest gravitational forces (when the cradle passes through the lowest point to the ground). Consequently, with the help of a suspended swinging cradle, the vector of the unidirectional gravitational press “unfolds” into a life-giving gravitational wave adapted to earthly conditions.

Moreover, it turned out that all human life is a hierarchy of mutually subordinate, mutually synchronized (in terms of frequency) algorithms: from extremely high genetic rhythms to extremely low - meaningful voluntary actions. A hanging cradle is a special technology that is absolutely necessary for the gradual effective non-traumatic entry and adaptation of a child to the gravitational environment of the earth, incl. to launch the gravitational rhythms of life.

In the 80s of the twentieth century, under our leadership, on the basis of the Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the following experiment was carried out (N. F. Kazachkova). One group of mothers raised their babies in a hanging cradle, the other in a regular crib. It was found that babies from the first group slept better, cried less, and sucked better at their mother's breast. The gravitational-muscular tension squeezing the body began to relax faster and muscle cramps decreased. Their eye nystagmus was noticeably less pronounced. As a result, their eyes began to fix objects faster, i.e. a meaningful look began to appear in them faster.

On average, 2-3 months earlier they began to hum and speak their first articulate words. These children had less stiffness and fear. 1.5 - 2 months earlier, children began to stand on their feet and walk on the ground. With the development of purposeful manual actions, they showed less muscle stiffness (convulsions).

The formality of the internal gravitational rhythm is the formalization of not only internal vegetative rhythms, but also the spiritual stance, the formalization of their resistance to various unfavorable environmental factors.

The positive influence of the hanging cradle affected almost all subsequent stages of ontogenesis. For example, subsequently such children had less internal tension when writing. As a result, they leaned less over the notebook when writing. In addition, they had better handwriting, drawing and even an ear for music! Their speech was freer and more meaningful. These children had less fear. At a higher level, these children had neuropsychic resistance to stress.

Therefore, the disappearance of hanging cradles from the educational arsenal led to a deterioration in the development of children’s bodily coordination abilities and various voluntary motor functions, incl. verbal and manual. It led to a decrease in the functionality of basic life support systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal tract, excretion, etc.).

In broad terms, this led to a decrease in bodily-functional and spiritual-mental potential at the level of an entire nation. All this allowed us to take a fresh look at the greatness of folk educational cultures, incl. on the special developmental role of Russian swings.

Master class “Making a shaky cradle - the miracle of our Ancestors”

What do you need:

  • Wooden blocks 2x3cm: 2 bars 80cm each, 2 bars 56cm each
  • Metal corners 4pcs
  • Self-tapping screws 2cm long
  • 4 carbines
  • Rope approximately 7m
  • Door spring 1 piece
  • Calico fabric for hammock cover 2.5m x 2m
  • Fabric for a soft cover for a frame 3m x 0.5m
  • Sintepon 3m x 0.5m
  • Canopy fabric (preferably natural) 4m
  • Zipper 60cm
  • Ceiling mounts - half rings (IKEA) 2 pcs
  • Choppers and self-tapping screws for mounting in the ceiling, 8 pcs.

We make cradle parts

Make a frame 60x80cm from wooden blocks. Secure the corners with metal corners.

Cover it with padding polyester fabric to make the frame softer. I made a cover for the frame with Velcro so that it could be removed - this is more difficult. We've been using it for 4 months now - it hasn't gotten dirty, we still have the hammock cover on top. Therefore, I recommend simply covering the frame with a soft cover.

Sew a calico bag for a hammock. Cut with a large allowance to create a hammock.

Mark the location of the holes for the ropes. Sew squares of two layers of fabric at the corners. Zigzg stitch the holes and cut them out.

Sews like a pillowcase. With a cape to cover the zipper, which is sewn in last.

Sew a canopy for the cradle. It’s better to make it out of 4 panels (on each side) so that you can raise or lower any one. Decorate if you want with lace, etc. I haven't sewn the canopy yet. I simply throw the fabric on the light side.

Sew a cover for the spring (it is covered in oil and gets dirty). Put it on the spring. Insert a rope with loops at the ends inside so that it serves as insurance if the spring breaks.

We fix it to the ceiling:

It is better to hang a cradle above the bed.

We mark the place on the ceiling where the half rings will be attached.

If desired, you can attach it not to one attachment point, but to 2 or 4, but the more attachment points, the more rigid the structure, the less freedom of motion sickness.

Using a hammer drill, we drill holes in the ceiling.

We hammer the chops.

In anticipation of the birth of a baby, many parents specially prepare and arrange a children's room. Choosing a hanging cradle for a newborn must be done with special care.

Familiarize yourself with the various options in advance and ask fellow moms for advice. Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of products for every taste.

In all this diversity, you can simply get confused. To prevent this from happening, choose your cradle responsibly.

Main types of baby cradles

A special cradle for the baby is placed in a suspended state so that it can be easily rocked.

Classic woven version made of 100% cotton and wicker twigs

This design can be of several types:

  • The classic version of the cradle is usually made of natural wood using weaving techniques. Also, such a cradle can be decorated with forged elements. Two cross arches securely hold the cradle, but at the same time do not interfere with rocking.
  • Swing cradle. This product really resembles an ordinary swing, because the sleeping place for the baby is fixed on two supports.
  • . To rock your baby comfortably, you don’t need to make any effort; just press one button. Additionally, such designs can have various accessories - lighting, musical accompaniment, the ability to change the tempo and direction of rocking of the cradle.
  • -swing. Mobile and compact. The best assistant for a young mother.

Each mother will be able to find the most suitable option that will match the interior of the room, taste preferences and financial capabilities.

If the area of ​​the children's room is small, it is better to give preference to a hanging cradle-swing. At the end of the support there are special wheels that ensure ease of movement of the structure.

Elegant swing cradle

What to look for when choosing

There are a few important things to consider before purchasing:

  1. To choose a truly high-quality and safe cradle, you need to carefully study the mechanism of the product. Pay special attention to the reliability and strength of the main fastenings, because the safety of the newborn will depend on them. All fasteners must be made of metal, but in no case plastic or wood.
  2. The cradle is designed to quickly rock a small child. This product usually has standard sizes. However, if you want your baby to be comfortable while resting, choose a product with the maximum width of the cradle. Then the child will be able to easily roll over during sleep.
  3. Additional functionality. Some products can be equipped with a basket for small items, a folding changing table and other additions. When buying a cradle, you must take into account one rule - the more additional accessories the product contains, the higher its cost.
  4. The material from which the cradle is made must be natural and environmentally friendly. This product will retain its attractive appearance for a long time and will not cause allegra in a newborn.

All small removable parts of the hanging cradle must be securely hidden from the baby. It is recommended to choose a product that has not been treated with varnish or paint.

When choosing a wooden suspended structure, ensure the increased reliability of the fastenings

The most useful accessories

Anyone can purchase a ready-made cradle with a full set of all kinds of accessories. However, some young parents want to save money and buy only a cradle, without any additions.

In this case, you will need to purchase the necessary accessories separately:

  • for a cradle - this is the most important accessory. The baby's comfortable sleep depends on its quality. Choose a product of the appropriate size; to do this, you need to measure the cradle in advance. Experts recommend giving preference to mattresses made from coconut coir.
  • Bed linen made from natural material – cotton is best. It should also be the right size.
  • A special cover for the cradle creates a comfortable atmosphere for the newborn and protects from bright light.
  • The lock prevents the cradle from swinging too much.
  • Rubberized wheels for support are necessary for silent movement of the cradle around the apartment. It is these parts that most often break, so it is recommended to pay special attention to the quality of the material from which they are made.

A felt crib is suitable for winter as it retains heat well

Jetem Dream bassinets are bestsellers

The company producing cradles for newborns, Jetem Dream, occupies a leading position in the market. The thing is that the main models of such designs are distinguished by high quality, safety and a huge number of positive reviews from young parents.

Jetem Dream cradles are made from natural materials, have an attractive appearance and are additionally equipped with an electronic mechanism that sets the cradle in motion. All fabric covers, a hood and other components of the cradle can be easily removed and cleaned of dirt.

Bassinet beds are intended exclusively for newborns. When the baby reaches the age of 4-5 months, he will begin to move and pull himself up very actively, thereby risking falling out of the cradle.

Jetem Dream – without ceiling mount

Advantages and disadvantages

Hanging cribs without any doubt have many advantages compared to conventional cribs:

  • The cradle has a small but enclosed space. The baby feels as comfortable as possible in it, just like in his mother’s tummy.
  • If the baby cries, just put him in the cradle and rock him a little. You will be very surprised to notice that your baby will calm down almost instantly.
  • Some models of cradles are equipped with special supports on wheels. This is a very convenient addition, because a sleeping baby can be easily transported to another room without any noise.
  • As a rule, modern hanging cradles have music and lighting. Some of the most expensive products are equipped with an additional electronic mechanism that can automatically respond to the baby's movement or loud crying.
  • A cradle is always very beautiful and original. Such a product can become an indispensable part of the interior of a child’s room, complementing it qualitatively.

If you decide to purchase an expensive cradle, be sure to keep in mind that such a design will not last long for your baby. When the baby reaches the age of 8-9 months, he will have to give up the cradle. The thing is that the baby will begin to move actively, rocking the cradle, and this can lead to injury.

Ergonomic hammock for newborns

Hanging cradle for crib

Some hanging cribs can be securely fixed directly into the baby's crib. This product is fixed on special belts with clips that are attached to the frame.

Sleeping in such a cradle will be comfortable, because the baby will feel safe, and the smooth rocking will pacify him even more. After the child grows a little, the cradle can be easily removed and only a crib can be used.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of crib models to suit every taste, which have a very useful addition - a hanging cradle. It is very convenient and profitable; you don’t need to think about what is best to choose.

Gigi Lele crib basket from Pali

How to make a wicker cradle with your own hands

Every mother can try to make a beautiful and creative wicker cradle on her own, putting a piece of her love into it. It's quite simple if you use the advice of experienced needlewomen.

Wicker product with a piece of mother's soul

Such a homemade cradle, among other things, will help you significantly reduce the cost of arranging a children's room.

If you plan to move the cradle to different rooms, you need to make several ceiling holders in advance.

Various techniques can be used to create this type of structure. If you are fond of the macrame technique, you can easily weave a beautiful and original hanging cradle for a newborn.

Let us briefly consider the main stages of creating a cradle:

  1. You will need plastic and copper pipes of different diameters. We place the copper product inside the plastic one and bend it on the knee so that it becomes a ring. All connections must be carefully secured.
  2. We take thick cords of any color that you like best and begin to weave a cradle. To do this, we use a simple Chinese knot, which is quite common in the macrame technique.
  3. We create the top ring for the cradle, which must be slightly larger than the base. The technique is the same as in the first stage.
  4. We fix the weaving on the upper ring. We braid the bottom of the cradle with a Chinese knot.
  5. This wicker cradle for newborns is usually suspended from the ceiling. To secure it securely, you can use dowels and ceiling holders.

Product made using macrame weaving technique

Do not forget that the child should feel cozy and comfortable in a wicker cradle. To do this, be sure to place a mattress with a firm base at the bottom of the cradle. This product will prevent the bottom of the cradle from sagging.


This video will tell you how to make a baby hanging cradle with your own hands.

Overall, a hanging crib is a great option, especially for fussy babies. It will give young parents more free time, so you shouldn’t skimp on purchasing it.

In the first months of life, newborn babies sleep 18-20 hours a day; a high-quality and comfortable place to sleep is a necessary item for the harmonious development of babies. The modern furniture industry provides a huge range of sleeping places for the little ones; along with traditional cribs, a hanging cradle for newborns is presented on the children's goods market.

Features and advantages of a hanging cradle

Experts say that a hanging cradle helps a little person adapt to new living conditions; gentle rocking calms the baby and evokes associations associated with the period of being in the mother’s tummy. This reduces the stress caused by the abrupt transition from intrauterine life to the real world.

The advantages of a hanging sleeping bed include mobility, light weight and compact dimensions. The piece of furniture will look harmonious both in the interior of a large room and in a small room.

A hanging cradle for a baby is a basket suspended from the ceiling or support using special devices. The main purpose of the piece of furniture is to rock the baby. The hanging cradle is used as a baby's place to sleep from birth to 6 months.

How a hanging cradle works - rules for choosing

When purchasing any product for children, the safety of the product remains a key criterion. Environmentally friendly, certified materials must be used in the production of furniture for children. The baby's cradle should not contain sharp corners, all small removable parts and fasteners should be securely hidden.

Models of hanging cribs may differ in shape, method of attachment above the floor, and the presence or absence of additional functionality. Before choosing a hanging bed for a baby, you should pay attention to the height of the sides. The height of the sides of the baby bed should not be less than 30 cm, otherwise there is a danger of the baby falling while sleeping.

The main structural elements of a cradle for a newborn are the frame and the berth. When choosing a hanging cradle, you should pay attention to the build quality and materials.

Hanging cradle frame - materials and varieties

The frame of a hanging cradle can be solid wicker or a wooden or metal frame covered in a soft fabric or knitted cover. To hang the berth on the cradle frame, special fastenings for belts are provided.

Wicker frames are made from rattan stems, willow vines or raffia leaves. Key advantages of wicker hanging cradles:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • strength;
  • ease;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Metal frames are made of high-strength steel. The product is characterized by high strength and long service life. Wooden frames are popular due to the naturalness and strength of the material.

The fabric body of a hanging cradle is most often made from 100% cotton and linen. The advantages of fabric models are that they are easy to care for, the fabric is easy to clean, and if necessary, the cover can be removed from the frame and washed.

Another type of hanging sleeping bed is knitted models. To make the body, use cotton thread, adding 2% elastane threads is allowed. The main advantage of knitted bassinets is their original and attractive design, however, these models are quite difficult to care for.

Mounting options for hanging cradle

There are two main types of hanging cradles on the market:

  • classic models;
  • swing cradles.

The main difference is the method of securing the berth above the floor. A classic cradle is most often a wicker box that is hung on a special hook attached to the ceiling. Cradles-swings provide a floor mounting option. The design is based on two support posts made of wood or metal. Metal fasteners are considered more reliable.

The elements for hanging the sleeping bed are belts, cables or strong ropes attached to the corners of the frame. The mechanism for fastening the suspension oscillator includes:

  • extension spring;
  • carabiner holder;
  • connecting ring for hanging elements;
  • a strap connecting the spring and the hook.

Sleeping area

The bed structure includes a solid wooden hard bottom. In most cases, a mattress is included in the package. The standard size of a cradle bed is from 40 to 50 centimeters in width and 70-100 centimeters in length.

On a note! When choosing a sleeping bed, pay attention to the bottom of the cradle and the internal filling of the cradle. The bottom of the cradle should be flat, the inside of the bed should be covered with soft upholstery.

The history of the hanging cradle-cradle

The prototype of the modern hanging sleeping bed is the wobbly beds used by our ancient ancestors. There are many beliefs and legends associated with the baby cradle. Residents of Siberia and European Russia believed that a child lying in a cradle raised above the floor was under special protection from higher powers. Our ancestors considered the hanging cradle to be a stimulator for the development and growth of the baby. In the mythology of the peoples of Siberia, the first inhabitant of our planet was lowered from heaven to earth in a patterned cradle suspended on a golden chain.

Today we will try to figure out whether a newborn (or his parents) needs a hanging cradle, or, as it is also called, a cradle. In ancient times, almost all babies of the first year of life slept and stayed awake in such cradles, but now they are not so often found in homes. Despite the fact that they are regaining popularity, not all young parents decide to purchase baby hanging cradles for their child, although they look at them with interest in stores. Let's see how the main models of bassinets differ from each other, and also ask what parents who have already bought similar accessories for their babies think about them.

Wisdom of Generations

Why is a hanging cradle so interesting? What's special about it and why should it be used when caring for a newborn baby? Small cradles attached to the ceiling or a wooden stick holder were a reliable refuge for children from birth. They felt comfortable and safe in them. The houses of our ancestors were very different from the modern homes of people, and they also had completely different standards of hygiene. This was especially true for village huts and poor urban estates. Often families were large, and there was simply not enough space for everyone in the house, so several people slept in one bed. Naturally, the newborn had to have his own place. This became the hanging cradle.

A separate sleeping place of this format is good for several reasons:

  • the child is safe in the cradle, because it will not turn over by itself or due to the carelessness of older children;
  • Caring for the cradle is very simple - its base can simply be wiped with a damp cloth, and the textile elements can be washed;
  • while in the cradle, the child experiences approximately the same sensations as in the mother’s tummy - high sides make the space small and enclosed, slightly darkened, and smooth rocking calms the baby;
  • As a rule, children who are placed not in a traditional crib, but in a cradle, sleep longer and more soundly, thus they rest more and develop better.

An additional advantage that hanging cradles for newborns have is that the mother needs to rock her baby less in her arms.

What types of hanging cradles are there?

First of all, the materials from which the cradle itself is made differ. In our country, children's cradles were woven from willow twigs or carved from wood. The wicker cradle is light and affordable, so any family could afford it. Actually, most often such a hanging cradle was made with one’s own hands.

A wooden cradle is most often also handmade. Experienced craftsmen decorate such products with beautiful carvings and ornaments. Our ancestors applied not just arbitrary patterns to the cradle, but runes and various esoteric symbols that were supposed to protect the child during sleep.

There are also a variety of textile options for quilts, made in the form of hammocks or woven from ropes using the macrame technique. There are also more practical cradles made of fabric - with a rigid base, a comfortable mattress and high sides, as well as additional accessories. Actually, these are the cradles that are most popular among buyers.

Ceiling suspension

The hanging cradle is attached directly to the ceiling on one large hook. The ropes are first fixed at the corners of the cradle, and then converge into a cable, which is tied to the ceiling mount. When installing a structure, it is important to correctly calculate the load on the hook. If it is too weak or not driven deep enough, the cradle may break off. Newborns gain weight very quickly - in the first half of the year, almost 700-800 g per month, and this must be taken into account. The big advantage of hanging cradles is that they do not take up precious square meters on the floor. This is very important for those people who have small apartments. In addition, such cribs for newborns look very beautiful.

Bassinet on a stand

No matter how attractive the idea of ​​saving space by hanging a cradle from the ceiling may seem, it is not always possible to bring it to life. Modern houses are not built according to the same canons as they were a hundred years ago, and the currently fashionable stretch and suspended ceilings simply cannot withstand such a load. In addition, you will not need a hanging cradle for very long - a maximum of one year.

As an alternative, you can use a more practical crib for newborns. For example, a cradle like the one in the previous photo. The stand for a hanging cradle can be made in the form of a tripod, an arc or supports, like a children's swing.

Two in one

When discussing this topic, we cannot fail to mention cradles that are hung directly into the crib. They are also different. The simplest ones are stretch hammocks, but there are also cradles that have a hard bottom and sides. Extended straps allow you to rock the sleeping place a little, but with a small amplitude. Such inserts allow the child not to “get lost” in a bed that is still too big for him, and to feel protected and comfortable.

What should you pay attention to when making a choice?

The main thing is that the cradle is safe. Before parents place their baby in it, they should double check that the cables and holder are securely fastened. No less attention should be paid to the integrity of the cradle, as well as to the availability of any removable parts and elements within the child’s access - everything must be firmly fixed. Such children's accessories are usually made from natural materials - wood or textiles, but it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of painting of individual elements of the cradle, because manufacturers often try to save money and deceive buyers on such trifles.

Parents' experience: owner reviews

Surely readers will be curious to know how buyers respond to hanging cradles. Those who have already used them claim that this is a very useful acquisition. In a hanging cradle, a child sleeps much more soundly than in a simple crib. If it is located right next to the parent's bed, then the child does not even need to get up every time he wakes up at night. It is enough to gently rock the cradle, and the baby will soon fall asleep again.

The choice of shaky must be approached carefully. You should not buy models that are too closed and have excessively high sides - after all, they complicate the process of laying the child down, and air does not get well into the bed. Also, according to parents' reviews, it is good if the cradle has external pockets for various small items and special grooves for installing an arch with educational toys.

The first cradles appeared in ancient Rus', they were made from vines and willow twigs. A little later they began to hang it from the ceiling or from a special cross beam in the hut. This was done in order to protect the newborn from drafts. A curtain was put on the hanging crib, which protected the child from mosquitoes and flies. Icons were always placed inside the cradle to protect the newborn from troubles and adversity.

Hanging cribs have many advantages, such as:

  • the crib has a small enclosed space and the newborn feels as comfortable and comfortable in it as in the mother’s belly;
  • if the baby cries, just put him in the cradle and rock him a little;
  • Now modern bassinets have music and lighting, and some more expensive models are equipped with a sensor that automatically responds to the baby’s crying and movements;
  • hanging crib is very beautiful and original, it will perfectly decorate the interior of a children's room.

Models of hanging cribs differ in the frame, the method of attaching the cradle, as well as the presence of additional functionality.

Particular attention should be paid to the height of the sides of the bed; it should be at least 30 cm, no matter what the baby falls out of.

Also The build quality is important, as well as the materials from which the cradle is made. The main components of a hanging cradle for newborns are: frame, fastening and sleeping place.

Types of frame

The frame of a hanging cradle can be solid wicker or look like a wooden or metal frame wrapped in a fabric or knitted cover.

Crib frames can be divided:

Mounting options

Now the store offers two types of hanging cribs: classic models and swing cradles. The main difference is that the cradle is mounted above the ceiling. The classic model looks like a wicker basket suspended from a hook on the ceiling.

Swing cradles have a floor mounting option. The main structure consists of support beams made of wood or metal. Metal construction is more durable.

The elements for hanging the cradle are belts, cables or strong ropes, which are attached to the corners of the crib frame. The mechanism for fastening the hanging product includes:

  • extension spring;
  • a belt that connects the spring and the hook;
  • carabiner holder;
  • connecting ring for hanging elements.

5 best children's bed models


The design has been tested for centuries and is perfect for newborns. This cradle is handmade from natural wicker.

The cradle is very durable and reliable, can withstand weight up to 50 kg. The materials from which the crib is made are environmentally friendly, have no foreign smell, and are also well ventilated.

Such qualities of the material contribute to healthy sleep for the baby.

Main characteristics:

  1. use for newborns from 0 to 6-8 months;
  2. weight - 2.5 kg;
  3. size: length - 85 cm, width - 50 cm, height - 35 cm;
  4. bed size: 75*37 cm;
  5. frame manufacturing materials – peeled willow rod, natural willow vine, odorless aqua varnish;
  6. fastening material – steel.


  • attractive appearance;
  • The kit includes: 4 carabiners, jute cord for hanging, removable handles for carrying, anchor hooks for attaching to the ceiling;
  • comfortable carrying handles;
  • the product is easy to care for (you can simply wipe it with a cloth or vacuum it; if it is heavily soiled, wash it with soapy water);
  • If necessary, it is possible to order a larger cradle.

Minuses: No deficiencies found.

Price 7000-9000 rub.

Pali Prestige

As long as the crib is large, a hanging cradle will come to the rescue. Pali Prestige has a hard bottom, which contributes to the proper development of the baby's spine.

The finish of the cradle is safe for the baby's skin. It also has a special plastic arc that holds children's cotton toys.

Main characteristics:

  1. weight - 5 kg;
  2. size: length - 68 cm, width - 45 cm, height - 20 cm;
  3. frame materials: natural cotton, plastic, polyester;
  4. fastening material – special strong belts.


  • attractive appearance;
  • belts included;
  • attach an arc for toys (included);
  • hard bottom;
  • easy to remove and wash.

The downside is that if the hanging carrycot is used as a carrier, the handles are not balanced.

Price 8000-9000 rub.


Produced in Russia. Ideal for newborn baby. Smooth movements when rocking and the small size of the cradle contribute to healthy sleep for the baby. Thanks to the hanging mounting system, parents can rock the baby in three “planes” (left-right, forward-backward, up-down).

The cradle's straps are adjustable, allowing you to hang it at different heights. It is recommended to use until the newborn begins to roll over onto his stomach.

Main characteristics:

  1. use for newborns from 0 to 4-6 months;
  2. weight - 6 kg;
  3. size: length - 83 cm, width - 50 cm, height - 35 cm;
  4. frame materials: durable steel;
  5. 100% cotton cover, wooden base and soft mattress;
  6. fastening material – special strong belts, carabiner.


  • attractive appearance;
  • straps and carabiner included;
  • can be used as a carrier;
  • hard bottom;
  • adjustable straps;
  • convenient side pocket;
  • easy to remove and wash.

The disadvantage is that the spring is purchased separately.

Price 8000-9000 rub.


An improved model of the Russian shaky. The cradle is a deep cradle, with 2 positions of the side walls. This allows you to use it longer than a standard hanging cradle. The first position is for babies up to 6 months, the height of the sides is 30 cm. The second position is for babies from 6 months with the height of the sides 40 cm. What is this for?

It is inconvenient to place a newborn over the high side into the box, so while he is still small and does not know how to sit, for convenience you can use a side of 30 cm. When the baby gets older, it is possible to increase it by 10 cm for the peace of mind of the parents.

Main characteristics:

  1. Use for newborns from 0 to 1 year.
  2. Weight - 6 kg.
  3. Size: length - 80 cm, width - 40 cm, height - 40 cm.
  4. Frame materials: wood (beech) and linen.
  5. 100% cotton mattress cover with zipper.
  6. Holofiber mattress 8 cm thick.
  7. Fastening material – special strong cotton tapes, carabiner. The length is suitable for ceilings up to 3 meters.


  • straps and carabiners included;
  • There are 2 additional springs included;
  • possibility of installing a spring for smooth swinging;
  • hard plywood bottom;
  • adjustable straps;
  • 2 levels of side wall position;
  • easy to remove and wash.

The downside is that it cannot be used as a carrier; there are no side handles.

Price 6000-7000 rub.


Beautiful, elegant hanging cradle.

The cradle does not need to be suspended from the ceiling or on a support; it comes with a support, as well as a box underneath for storing things. It looks very attractive and takes up little space.

Main characteristics:

  1. use for newborns from 0 to 6 months;
  2. weight - 10 kg;
  3. size: length - 180 cm, width - 96 cm, height - 96 cm;
  4. frame materials – willow vine;
  5. 100% cotton inside;
  6. fastening material – special ropes, carabiner.


  • ropes and carabiner included;
  • The kit also includes: a side with a canopy, a mattress, a mattress cover, a blanket, a pillow, a pillowcase, wheel covers;
  • there is a laundry basket;
  • there are wheels;
  • hard bottom;
  • single design;
  • Possibility to transport around the house on wheels.

The disadvantages include the high price, as well as the small amplitude of rocking of the cradle.

Price 28,000-29,000 rub.

DIY cradle for baby

You can not only buy a hanging cradle, but also make it yourself. In order to make a hanging bed you will need simple materials that can be bought in specialized stores.

You will need:

  • wood glue;
  • dowels;
  • corners;
  • anchors with reinforced washers;
  • 2 carabiners: one with thread, the other with a latch;
  • spring;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • strong belt tape 25 mm wide;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • hammer drill

In order to make the cradle itself you will need wood, plywood or timber. You can use the base from a stroller as a ready-made hanging crib; to do this, simply attach it to the straps and hang it from the ceiling. A plywood cradle needs to be lined with foam rubber on the inside, and decorated on the outside with fabric that fits and attracts.

For correct marking and production of blanks, it is necessary to draw a plan indicating the dimensions of the structure.

  1. Using a jigsaw, you need to cut out the blanks and begin to assemble the base of the cradle.
  2. First, assemble the bottom by gluing the timber to the individual panels of the cradle using wood glue, then secure the timber with self-tapping screws.
  3. Attach the side panels (walls).
  4. When the base is ready, it is necessary to cover it using foam rubber, batting or other material. The foam strips are attached using self-tapping screws, a furniture stapler or universal glue.
  5. Next, the handles are made. To do this you will need a belt. Handles need to be cut out of it, depending on the height of the ceiling. In order for the handles to match the color of the device, they need to be covered with the fabric chosen for decoration.
  6. The belt tape is attached to the bottom using a stapler or self-tapping screws.
  7. Using a hammer drill, a hole is made in the ceiling and fasteners from angles, anchors and carabiners are installed.
  8. A spring is installed, and the system itself is suspended from it. There is a safety rope running inside the spring.
  9. And the final stage is the aesthetic design of the cradle. The image of the design will be complemented by a canopy, toys, a beautiful pillow and a blanket.

Drawing of the hanging cradle frame.