What does the chestnut tree symbolize? Magic of Plants. Chestnut. Growing and caring for chestnuts

I read Meira’s post, came to the conclusion that this is not enough for all the power of the chestnut, and decided to write it myself)))
Legend about the chestnut: Cupid, the god of love, sent his arrows mainly at night. The night is dark, often he made a mistake, and the arrow hit the wrong heart, breaking it and making it suffer from hopeless love. But Cupid was a good god, he himself suffered from his mistakes, so he asked his mother Venus to help him. And then Venus scattered beautiful shiny seeds across the earth. From them grew large trees, which in the spring straightened their finger-like leaves, in which they held candelabra-candlesticks, illuminating the May nights, helping Cupid hit the target, evoking reciprocal love.
Foreign medicine today offers more than 10 heart medications based on chestnut - here you have Cupid’s healing arrow for a broken heart.
Chestnut is an energetically very strong tree. He does not interfere with the inner world, dramatically influencing the biofield. Chestnut, as it were, mends holes from invisible blows of fate and removes various vampiric bindings, helping to restore the broken connection with the Cosmos.
The tree is extremely controversial; you need to be extremely careful with it. Thanks to the white candles of its colors, it has become an emblem of light, purification, goodness and marriage. It also symbolizes calm strength and self-confidence. Dark forces are also confident in themselves, and they are not lacking in calm. All this, of course, does not mean that chestnut is only bad, no. Using chestnut wood, its leaves or nuts as protective amulets is quite suitable. An amulet made from chestnut will be quite effective against the same evil spirits of the lower and middle echelons, the negative moods of others, or an area that causes unpleasant sensations. Again, people “born” under the sign of chestnut (Druid horoscope) and using chestnut amulets can get the opposite effect, a large influx of positive energy and use it constantly.

According to the Druid horoscope, the time of the chestnut falls like that of other trees - 2 times a year, from May 15 to 24 and from November 12 to 21. (I found on some sites that February and November... well, guys, you need to be careful and use your head, which February???) The active time for working with chestnut is from 1 to 5 o'clock. The tree sleeps from 7 to 8 o'clock in the morning.
Contact with this tree is tantamount to communication with wild waters. The pure and strong flow of its energy will wash away your ailments, but do not expect energy replenishment from it. This tree is busy with itself. He's kind of selfish. But the problem here is not selfishness, but the negative energy of this tree. As with anything, there are negative and positive traits, but chestnut is one of the negative ones, just like willow, poplar, aspen... It is more suitable to use chestnut as a healer, and to draw out negative energy, various negatives, both in humans and and indoors, say at home. True, I would not recommend keeping chestnuts in the house all the time. It takes not only negative energy, but does not “refuse” positive energy either. Peeled chestnut fruits are the simplest amulet for protection against evil forces and the evil eye. Put 2-3 chestnuts in your pocket and carry them with you. Chestnut, as we said, is “selfish” and amulets made from it are just as “selfish”; they love frequent touch and need nourishment. When you need to take care of yourself and your health, such an amulet will help you put aside worries about others for a while. They say that a chestnut placed in a pocket during the waxing moon brings health. It is useful to “trample” with your bare feet on the peeled fruits. If you need a certain amount of healthy egoism, which is so necessary to stop attacks of painful soul-searching and dissatisfaction with yourself, the chestnut is for you))) In addition, the chestnut is a big fan of surprises. And communicating with him, even if you don’t expect to receive anything, can bring you good luck, some pleasant incident, a lucky coincidence in life.
Cleansing the house: collect 8 chestnuts and place them directly in the peel in different corners of the house, preferably in the morning, after 10 days, collect the fruits, peel and take them back to the tree, burn the peels.
To cleanse the room of negative influences, on Monday morning (from 9 to 11 o'clock) take eight chestnuts with prickly shells and place them around the house. After 10 days (Thursday), collect the chestnuts and take them to the forest (park). Just leave the chestnuts on the ground and burn the peels on the fire.
Horse chestnut buds can help you if you suffer from an inability to learn from past experiences and your own mistakes. Helps with complete despair, when you think you can't do more. Can help you feel a sense of optimism and peace.
It helps to realize that most often anxiety is unnecessary and completely undesirable. Clears the mind filled with unwanted and intrusive thoughts that distract from the present. Helps clear your mind and keep thoughts under control, liberates the psyche, awakens imagination and intuition.
Chat with a chestnut tree if you have finally decided to take care of yourself and pay attention to your health - it will help you put aside worries about others for a while. After all, if you completely push yourself, it won’t make it any easier for those around you; taking care of yourself is not an empty whim. Even if you are a convinced altruist and are ready to sacrifice your life for the good of others, if you are healthy and in a good mood, you will bring significantly more benefit to those around you.
The main benefit of this tree is not even in itself. The fruits ripening on it are what should interest you. Chestnuts, peeled from their prickly green shells, have an unusually strong absorbent effect. They best help women with breast diseases. For prevention, it is recommended to constantly put a chestnut or two in your pockets; even last year's or even older ones will do - as long as their shell is not wrinkled and dry. Usually one such nut is “enough” for two to three years. In addition, we know of numerous evidence of the good effects of chestnuts for mastopathy, mastitis, and milk stagnation during breastfeeding. They use chestnuts simply - putting them in a bra, or gently massaging painful lumps by rolling the chestnut over the skin. Just avoid rough pressure; movements should be very gentle. Remember! There is no reliable evidence of the healing effect of chestnuts against breast cancer.
Chestnut fruits are carried in the pocket for articular rheumatism, kneading 2-3 chestnuts at leisure. They tie a bandage of chestnuts to the painful area, sleep on chestnuts for radiculitis (even wrinkled old chestnuts willingly give up their healing power). Beads are made from chestnuts, soaked for a day or two in iodine water from the top shell of a walnut. After this, they not only become soft for threading with a gypsy needle on a rough thread or copper wire, but also change their brown color to black. Such beads on the neck (in two threads) help the thyroid gland and the heart to work without disturbances, since they lie on the venous vessels at the turn of the veins that are directed to the heart. Damage to the venous system leads to irritability, headaches, heart pain, and bad mood, and chestnut beads are a preventive measure for the above ailments.
If you sit on chestnuts for a short time, especially for creative and intellectual workers, inspiration appears and work becomes more productive, since chestnuts give their energy to your tailbone, or the first chakra. Energy is generated there and the reserves of our body are concentrated, and chestnuts only feed them.
and here is what I found about chestnutsEvolution of the Soul))): a reference about how the chestnut is connected with money and how to attract it with its help!

Chestnut flowers and fruits are very often used in magic. Their magical properties make it possible to prepare drinks, amulets and amulets from their plant parts of the tree. Chestnut has natural energy and, in turn, attracts love and joy, happiness and luck in business to a person. By constantly wearing an amulet made from fruits or flowers, good luck always accompanies a person.

Magic properties

The horse chestnut tree is considered radiant; it can warm, nourish with solar energy, give warmth and strength, remove pain, and ward off energy vampires. Hugs with them will help overcome fatigue and related ailments. The amazingly strong energy of this tree promotes prosperity, prosperity and good luck. According to the Druid horoscope, chestnut is considered the patron saint of people born in February (15 to 24) and November (12 to 21). They say that chestnut people have observation, insight, and courage. They combine realism and a dreamy disposition and have excellent organizational skills.

In the Christian tradition, chestnut is associated with chastity, believing that this plant can help believers fight temptations.

How to use?

This plant is very popular among people suffering from varicose veins.

With the help of chestnut, all kinds of congestive processes are treated, especially varicose veins, as it has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. But few people know that the absorbent effect of chestnut is incredibly useful in case of breast diseases. A light massage with nuts is recommended for stagnation of milk in nursing mothers, mastitis and mastopathy. It is also recommended to carry several fruits in your pocket to prevent rheumatism, arthritis, chills and dizziness, and bad mood. The main thing is that they are without cracks and the skin is smooth.

For magical purposes, the most valuable are the ripened fruits, which have previously been removed from the top prickly shell. They can be used in completely different ways:

  • To cleanse the room of negativity. To do this, lay out 8 chestnuts (necessarily in the peel) in the corners of the house, and after 10 days they are collected, the peels are burned, and the nuts are taken back to the tree.
  • An amulet for one's own protection. Chestnuts themselves are quite selfish, and they have the same effect on their owner. This property can come in handy if altruism goes off scale and a person forgets about his own interests and desires.
  • Spells for health, against any illness, for blood diseases. For such a ritual, choose a tree you like, hug it and cast a spell - ask for protection, health, success.
  • Conspiracy for pain. They choose a nut, threaten the sore spot and say: “As soon as you appear, you’ll choke on the nut!”

When spring awakens, the goddess of flowers descends to Earth. He puts things in order, plants new flowers, looks to see if any flowers are sick or if they need help. But the Earth is big, and the goddess does not have time to cope with everything. Therefore, people themselves try to care for flowers, develop new varieties, and decorate their gardens and window sills with bright, delicate flowers.
In one fabulous small country, where kind, beautiful people lived, they were expecting a spring visit from the goddess of flowers. They cleaned the squares of their towns, painted the houses and, of course, organized an exhibition of flowers along the road along which the goddess was supposed to walk. There was so much to see here: bouquets, wreaths, entire paintings lined with flowers. Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and many other flowers were a delight to the eyes with bright spots.
In that fairy-tale country lived a tribe of little gnomes. They were very hard-working and cheerful people, but very, very small. And the elders of this tribe gathered to discuss the question of how they could surprise the goddess. After all, in their gardens, the smallest and most inconspicuous (from the height of an ordinary person) flowers grew according to their height. Someone suggested collecting the most beautiful flowers, like tiny orchids, into bouquets. This proposal was immediately rejected, noticing that they had very short legs and a large bouquet, such that the goddess would notice it, simply would not work. And who will be able to hold it in their hands? They thought for a long time until one of the wisest made a proposal that was approved by all those present. He suggested sticking these small flowers to the white rods that one of the plants produced, and then attaching them to the trees that grow along the sides of the road.
The whole community immediately began painstaking work: someone cut and brought rods, someone collected flowers from all the gardens, brought them to the large palace hall, where women and children collected them into pyramids. How big should these pyramids be to be visible from afar? After consulting, we decided to let them be “like pants.” They worked in harmony, even the children, whom their mothers insistently sent to bed, remained near the work tables. Even little Koshta, who learned to speak only six months ago, glued flowers with honey and constantly repeated: “Like pants, like pants,” especially in those moments when he wanted to make a smaller pyramid. And yet the pyramids turned out to be of different sizes.
On the morning of the goddess’s arrival, the work was completely completed, trees stood along the road, and on them pyramids of many magnificent flowers shone with magnificent candles reflecting the sunlight.
The delighted goddess stopped in surprise; she had not known such splendor before. "How does is called?" - she asked. Everyone looked at each other embarrassedly; while they were working, they didn’t even think about the need to come up with some kind of name. And then little Koshta, who had not yet known either fear or embarrassment before the gods, by inertia said: “Like pants.” But because while he was saying this, someone was trying to pull him back, he stuttered slightly and it came out “ka. trousers".
And the goddess in her beautiful sublimity, not knowing such a word, was completely satisfied with the answer. She waved her hand, as she always did over the flowers that people came up with, and walked away, repeating: “Chestnuts, chestnuts. Incredibly beautiful!"
Source: http://parnasse.ru/prose/small/thumbnails/legenda-o-kashtane.html
Direct contact with a chestnut tree is like a fast-flowing river. The pure and strong flow of energy that “flows” through the chestnut will easily wash away ailments, but you will not be able to recharge from the chestnut with energy. This tree is quite busy with itself. Of all the trees growing in the middle zone, the chestnut is the sunniest tree, directed towards the sky and warmth.
Energetically, the chestnut is an egoist; you cannot get support from it. Unless you need a certain amount of healthy egoism, which is so necessary to stop the attacks of painful soul-searching and dissatisfaction with yourself. In addition, chestnut is a big fan of surprises. And communicating with him, even if you don’t expect to receive anything, can bring you good luck, some pleasant incident, a lucky coincidence in life.
Chat with a chestnut tree if you have finally decided to take care of yourself and pay attention to your health - it will help you put aside worries about others for a while. After all, if you completely push yourself, it won’t make it any easier for those around you; taking care of yourself is not an empty whim. Even if you are a convinced altruist and are ready to sacrifice your life for the good of others, if you are healthy and in a good mood, you will bring significantly more benefit to those around you.
Horse chestnut buds can help you if you suffer from an inability to learn from past experiences and your own mistakes. Helps with complete despair, when you think you can't do more. Can help you feel a sense of optimism and peace.
It helps to realize that most often anxiety is unnecessary and completely undesirable. Clears the mind filled with unwanted and intrusive thoughts that distract from the present. Helps clear your mind and keep thoughts under control, liberates the psyche, awakens imagination and intuition
Magical use: chestnuts are used in love magic - let your lover or beloved eat the chestnut. Ritual use: The chestnut fruit, which is in the shell, is surrounded by thorns, but they do not harm it. For this reason it became a symbol of chastity, for this virtue overcomes all temptations of the flesh, symbolized by thorns.
The energy of the chestnut is strong and impulsive. However, with prolonged contact, hallucinations may occur.
Chestnut's active time is from 1 to 5 o'clock. He sleeps from 7 to 8 o'clock.
Carry chestnuts with you to get rid of rheumatism, arthritis, chills, pain in the sides, and dizziness. Wrap the chestnut in a banknote, put it in your purse and carry it with you to attract money and good luck.
Chestnut has been known in folk medicine since ancient times. Literally all parts of the chestnut are priceless: seeds, branch bark, flowers, juice, leaves, fruits. The medicinal properties of the tree are due to the combination of active substances in it - saponin, escin, flavonoids, fatty oil, vitamin P, as well as tannins and pectin substances. These substances have vasoconstrictor, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties. They also help strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins, reduce blood clotting, prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, and lead to the resorption of formed blood clots.
In folk medicine, chestnut is used to treat thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and remove radionuclides and salts from the body. Tinctures from chestnut fruits treat hypertension, hemorrhoids, adenoma and prostatitis, and increase potency. Chestnuts also help with inflammation of the joints and muscles, radiculitis, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, diseases of the intestines and respiratory tract, radiation sickness, chronic sinusitis and rhinitis. Chestnut preparations have sedative properties and are therefore very effective in treating hysteria or hypochondria. Chestnut also cures mastopathy and other female diseases.
Horse chestnut, due to the tannins and tannins it contains, strengthens hair follicles, thereby protecting hair from loss. The vitamins, fatty oils and saponins contained in the plant give hair shine and a healthy appearance. Shampoos based on horse chestnut have excellent cleaning properties, but they do not irritate or dry the scalp. It is impossible not to mention that horse chestnut compensates for the lack of moisture both in the hair shaft and in the hair follicle itself. Horse chestnut perfectly saturates the hair with all the necessary nutrients, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, which increases in volume, becomes thicker and stronger. Hair products with horse chestnut (shampoos, conditioners, masks) give hair strength, elasticity, beauty, elasticity, care and shine. Hair is easy to comb and style.
The main value of horse chestnut is substances such as escin, saponins, flavonoids and carotenoids, for the extraction of which horse chestnut seeds are crushed to a powdery state and filled with a 60 percent aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1:7. After 1.5 days, the resulting extract settles and is carefully filtered. The output should be a green oily mass that can be added to various cosmetics. Such a natural product will rejuvenate and moisturize the skin, for which it is enough to apply a napkin moistened with the extract to problem areas of the skin for 10 - 15 minutes every day. Benefits of horse chestnut extract in cosmetology: 1. Stimulating the production of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands, which are hormones that inhibit the activity of enzymes that have a destructive effect on tissue. 2. Reducing the number of pores in the capillary walls. In addition, the use of horse chestnut extract reduces the diameter of capillaries, thereby preventing the formation of spider veins. 3. Regulation of the flow of tissue fluid, which is directed from the capillaries directly into the vessels, which significantly reduces its content in the tissues. 4. Inhibition of the activity of fungal infections, as well as many other bacteria that lead to the development of skin inflammation. 5. Strengthening microcirculation in the skin, which not only tones the skin, but also helps get rid of the “orange peel”, which is a companion to cellulite. 6. Stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, thereby strengthening hair follicles and preventing hair loss. 7. Absorb harmful UV rays. 8. Normalization of blood circulation. 9. Increased muscle tone. 10. Reducing blood viscosity, which prevents the development of stasis in the capillaries. 11. Resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that we are talking about the so-called horse chestnut, which grows in our middle zone. The southern chestnut, with its tasty nuts, is not as energetically beneficial.

Direct contact with a chestnut tree is like a fast-flowing river. The pure and strong flow of energy that “flows” through the chestnut will easily wash away ailments, but you will not be able to recharge from the chestnut with energy. This tree is quite busy with itself. Of all the trees growing in the middle zone, the chestnut is the sunniest tree, directed towards the sky and warmth.

The main benefit of this tree is not even in itself. The fruits ripening on it are what should interest you. Chestnuts, peeled from their prickly green shells, have an unusually strong absorbent effect. They best help women with breast diseases. For prevention, it is recommended to constantly put a chestnut or two in your pockets; even last year's or even older ones will do - as long as their shell is not wrinkled and dry. Usually one such nut is “enough” for two to three years. In addition, we know of numerous evidence of the good effects of chestnuts for mastopathy, mastitis, and milk stagnation during breastfeeding. They use chestnuts simply - putting them in a bra, or gently massaging painful lumps by rolling the chestnut over the skin. Just avoid rough pressure; movements should be very gentle. Attention! We do not have any reliable evidence of the healing effect of chestnuts against breast cancer.

The medicinal properties of chestnut are also used in the treatment of stagnation of venous blood; this is the basis for the action of numerous medications, especially against varicose veins and against hemorrhoids.

Energetically, the chestnut is an egoist; you cannot get support from it. Unless you need a certain amount of healthy egoism, which is so necessary to stop the attacks of painful soul-searching and dissatisfaction with yourself. In addition, chestnut is a big fan of surprises. And communicating with him, even if you don’t expect to receive anything, can bring you good luck, some pleasant incident, a lucky coincidence in life.

Chat with a chestnut tree if you have finally decided to take care of yourself and pay attention to your health - it will help you put aside worries about others for a while. After all, if you completely push yourself, it won’t make it any easier for those around you; taking care of yourself is not an empty whim. Even if you are a convinced altruist and are ready to sacrifice your life for the good of others, if you are healthy and in a good mood, you will bring significantly more benefit to those around you.

Many herbs and trees are used medicinally. Now these are not just folk remedies, but officially recognized medicines. Due to the healing properties of plants, since ancient times they were attributed magical properties and used as a talisman. Chestnut is one of them.

It belongs to the beech family. Loves warm temperate climates and shady mountain slopes. In Russia, only horse chestnut grows, which is not edible. Food grades are grown in Asia, Europe and North America. In France, a holiday is dedicated to him.

The largest representative is the chestnut of hundreds of horses, 2-4 thousand years old. The circumference of the giant's trunk is 57 meters.

The plant is planted in gardens and parks due to its fast growth, beautiful foliage and unusual flowers. In autumn, in such alleys there is a danger of getting hit by a thorny fruit.

Chestnut fruits are made into flour, used in confectionery, baked, boiled and fried as an independent dish. This is the main, but not the only use on the farm. Its wood is similar to oak. It is used in furniture production. The texture, although reminiscent of oak, is light and porous. Chestnut boards are used to make barrels for infusing wines, cognac, and whiskey. The high tannin content makes the bark a good tanning agent. Therefore, nuts are not eaten raw.

All parts of the plant are medicinal. In folk medicine there are recipes for the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • treatment and prevention of thrombosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • haemorrhoids.

The remedy is a decoction and infusion. You can find factory-made preparations for the treatment of heart disease based on chestnut.

The Legend of the Chestnut

The god of love, Cupid, went about his business at night, striking the hearts of people with arrows. But it's easy to miss in the dark, which is why many have suffered from unrequited love and broken hearts. Cupid himself was worried about the failures and suffering of people. He turned to Venus for help (according to other sources, Aphrodite). To help God, Venus scattered shiny seeds shaped like a heart across the earth. Beautiful trees grew from them. They opened the palm leaves in which they held the candles. Their light illuminated the earth in the spring and helped Cupid do good deeds, creating loving couples.

This beautiful legend explains a lot: the shape of fruits, leaves, flowers and why in the spring you so want to fall in love, and the plant is surrounded by an aura of romance.

Now the plant symbolizes light, love, marriage and goodness, strength and self-confidence.

Use in magic

The plant has strong energy. Thanks to this, it can heal a biofield disturbed by life’s troubles, destroy attachments and attachments, and restore connection with the Universe. In terms of energy, it has a particularly strong effect on people born from May 15 to 24 and from November 12 to 21. According to the Druid calendar, this time belongs to the chestnut sign.

Experienced magicians advise using the plant carefully - it is not one of the positive trees. Some properties:

  • a remedy against evil spirits, the evil eye and damage;
  • gives physical strength, heals, but does not provide energy replenishment;
  • has negative energy, like willow or aspen. He feeds on it. It is also used to cleanse the home of negativity. The plant is not used for this purpose for a long time - after the bad energy, the positive energy will begin to be consumed;
  • This plant is selfish. He will generously give this to his owner. It won't hurt many people. If the period has come when you need to take care of your health or relax, stop delving into yourself and increase your self-esteem, then you can safely use the chestnut talisman;
  • he gives good luck. It comes in the form of an unexpected surprise, coincidence or chance;
  • relieves anxiety. With the help of the talisman, heavy obsessive thoughts will go away, intuition will appear, the psyche will become liberated;
  • It will help creative individuals find inspiration. To do this you need to sit on it.

Use as a talisman

The easiest way to use it is to carry one peeled nut in your pocket. This will eliminate the negative impact of others.

Chestnuts can be used to cleanse a room. To do this, unpeeled chestnut fruits need to be placed in different corners. After 10 days they are collected, cleaned and taken to the tree. The peels are burned and the nuts are left on the ground.

You can make a necklace from nuts. To do this, they are soaked in a solution of walnut peels so that the fruits become soft and the skin darkens. They are then strung on a thread and worn around the neck. This is a talisman for curing thyroid diseases.

To attract good luck, you will need to collect 42 nuts and put them in one container or place them throughout the apartment on cabinets and tables.

With the help of a bag of chestnuts you can improve relationships with others. To do this, 23 nuts are collected and tied into a leather or suede bag with green ties. After eight years, another nut is added.

The chestnut loves to be touched, so the amulet should often be picked up, fingered, stroked and talked to. The fruits must be collected with one's own hands. They are valid for no more than two years, after which the amulet needs to be changed.

It’s easy to make keychains or figurines from nuts that will become a personal talisman. Wood makes excellent boxes, candlesticks, and pencil holders.

When choosing a talisman, you need to listen to your intuition. If she tells you to turn to the chestnut, then you should do so, without fear of negative influence. Such a talisman will heal, give self-confidence, protect from evil and attract good luck.