Board game flat world ankh morpork. Board game "Discworld: Ankh-Morpork. What's in the set

Have you ever been to Ankh Morpork, Discworld's greatest city? Take comfort, you finally have such an opportunity! You can visit the most fashionable clubs and main city attractions, visit the Invisible University, stroll along the streets, alleys and back streets. You can even walk around the Shadows - but remember, in this case, do not count on the funeral at the city expense. All in all, welcome to Ankh-Morpork!

Terry pratchett
The Compleat Ankh-Morpork
Genre: reference book, fantasy
Original output: 2012
Translator: V. Sergeeva
Publisher:"E", 2016
Series: Terry Pratchett
128 pages, 3000 copies
Similar to:
encyclopedia “The World of Ice and Fire. The Official History of Westeros and Game of Thrones "
encyclopedia "World of the Witcher"

A variety of reference books on fantasy worlds are countless. They are also published in Russian, in the last couple of years - quite regularly. Basically, these guides are divided into three categories. The first is serious, detailed and carefully structured encyclopedias with an emphasis on information content. The second - colorful, richly illustrated and effective editions, more reminiscent of artbooks. Finally, the third category is playbooks. This is exactly the guide to Ankh Morpork.

While composing it, Discworld demiurge Terry Pratchett seemed to introduce his readers to real travelers who first visited Ankh-Morpork. So the book is structured in exactly the same way as a travel guide, for example, to London or Paris. The reader will learn about currency exchange offices, medical assistance, law enforcement, get acquainted with local legislation, the urban transport system, infrastructure, and further down the list. Everything is detailed and informative - even now, order a visa and a ticket to Ankh-Morpork!

Of course, Pratchett would not be himself if the guide turned out to be a simple listing of dry facts. The text is full of ironic jokes and allusions typical for the author, so the reader will not be bored. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to read the book from the beginning - after all, this is not a novel, there is no plot intrigue here. You open it on any page and enjoy - some parody advertisements are worth something! .. Of course, the book is designed for Discworld fans, for whom all these colorful names and terms warm the soul. However, neophytes usually do not buy such reference books.

Naturally, there are illustrations here as well. Although it seems that they are still lacking. Perhaps a few colored frames would be helpful. But what can you do, they are not in the original. And the Russian edition almost completely corresponds to the original - with one very significant exception (but read about this in the sidebar).

Outcome: Very nice fan edition, good present for all Discworld fans. If not for one "but", it would be just gorgeous ...

Where is this street, where is this house?

Alas, the Russian edition lacks the map of the city, which is in the original. Therefore, references to the map abundantly scattered throughout the text (for example, "Royal Museum of Art. Upper Broadway (H3)") are completely useless. The Eksmo publishing house promises to rectify the situation. For those who have already bought the guidebook, the map will be published electronically. It is also planned to release an additional edition of the book, already with a card. But all the same, such bloopers, and even taking into account the considerable cost of the publication, are absolutely unacceptable - and they spoil the impression of an excellent book.

Terry Pratchett's flat world, I think, needs no introduction. In our, spherical world, many people know and love him. It is not surprising that your favorite characters very soon migrated from book pages to television screens and games. Both computer and desktop. Moreover, at least three board games based on Discworld have been released to date, and next fall another one dedicated to witches is expected to be released.

Today we will be looking at Discworld: Ankh-Morpork, developed by Martin Wallace and intended for two to four players.

Ankh-Morpork is a major trading city and the largest magic center on the drive. Once upon a time, the city was ruled by kings, but that was a long time ago. Now power in the city belongs to the patrician Lord Vetinari, who at some point did not know where he disappeared and a fierce struggle ensued for the place of the ruler.

In general, conquering Ankh-Morpork is not a tricky business. Throughout the history of the city, hordes of enemies more than once approached its gates, which residents happily opened to the conquerors. In the guide to Ankh-Morpork, there is even a special section for barbarians. However, very soon, the victors went home on their own. On foot and with empty pockets. Well, not counting the cheap trinkets for tourists, which they spent all their money on. The remaining invaders turned into another national minority.

When one of the many rulers decided to fight the rats that flooded the city, assigning a bounty for rat heads, the inhabitants, instead of chasing rodents around the city, organized rat farms. Do you feel which town you will have to fight for?

To be at the head of all this chaos, you need to be a truly extraordinary person. Therefore, applicants for the patrician place gathered the most selected. And each of them has their own plan, which can lead them to the goal, if the competitors do not turn out to be more agile.

Three lords open the list of applicants: Strongmen, de Slovv and Rust. They are trying to achieve their goal by taking control of several urban areas. Well ... Let's wish them good luck in this difficult endeavor.

The main requirement for a potential patrician is the ability to live at least five minutes after taking office. Dragon - King of Arms has all the makings for this, since he has lived for more than five centuries. Well, he's just a vampire. And that the Dragon - that is his name.

To win, he needs to achieve chaos. In principle, there is enough of this good in Ankh-Morpork without it, he just needs to direct it into a destructive channel, disrupting order (or its semblance) in at least eight districts. Simply put, you need to have trouble tokens in these areas.

Troll Chrysoprase is a well-known urban usurer. He is especially known for tearing off a limb of their choice to late payment debtors. To win, he needs to make a fortune of fifty dollars.

Another challenger is Lord Vetinari. A bit unexpected, but surely this sly guy started this whole vanishing booth for a reason.

To familiarize players with Vetinari's business skills, there is one simple example. When Vetinari, by the will of fate, was thrown into his own dungeon with rats, snakes and scorpions, he arranged the conclusion of an alliance between scorpions and rats to kill the snakes, and then set the rats on the scorpions. When only the rats were left, Vetinari convinced them to carry him food and break the news. And with all this, he had the key to the dungeon. Such is he an entertainer. So it is possible that he just decided to take himself a little vacation.

Commander Vimes leads the Night Guard. Actually, he is not eager for power, but if none of the contenders can take the reins of government into their own hands, then he will have to rule in the city.

Naturally, no one likes to drag chestnuts out of the fire with their bare hands, so candidates use characters from the Discworld book cycle for their own purposes. At the same time, for the game, the author selected the brightest characters that appear in the most popular works, some of which have been successfully filmed.

The board game "Discworld: Ankh-Morpork" is produced in Germany by the well-known company Kosmos. Russian localization is published by Zvezda. Moreover, all components of the game are produced in the same Germany.

The game kit comes in a beautifully designed box with the Great A'Tuin depicted on the lid. This is the name of the turtle, on the shell of which there are four elephants, on whose backs the Disc of the Discworld is held. On the back of the box, as is the case in most cases, there is a brief description of the game, as well as pictures of its components.

Opening the box, we extract from it beautifully designed illustrated rules, four player's memos, a cardboard form with coins, a playing field, two decks of cards, a volumetric bag with wooden chips and a dice with twelve sides.

First, let's separate the coins from the shape. There are two types of coins in the game: small gray (silver) one dollar coins and large yellow (gold) five dollar coins. The felling is excellent. Coins are easily detachable from molds. At the same time, no burrs or other defects remain on them.

All components are now ready to play. You can start.

We spread the field on the table and the bustling Ankh-Morpork, divided in half by the Ankh River, spreads out in front of us. This is the dirtiest river on the disc. If on the outskirts of the city it still has some fluidity, then at the exit on its waters you can easily walk. It happened that in hot weather the river caught fire. Although, along with this, there is an opinion that the Ankh is the cleanest river, since the water that has passed through so many kidneys cannot physically be dirty.

The city map is divided into twelve districts, in the back streets of which history will be made. At the same time, all the nooks and crannies are carefully drawn, including the buildings that fill them.

Now let's dig into the bag of chips. There are several types of tokens in the game: servants and buildings of four colors, trolls, demons and trouble tokens.

By the way, despite the impeccable quality of other components, there is a defect among the chips. For example, some of the tokens are unevenly colored, and one servant is missing half a head at all. However, it is completely painted. That is, the defective figurine got into the coloring, and then into the box with the game, and at no stage was it rejected.

The cards in the game are also divided into several types.

Character cards are dealt to players at the beginning of the game face-down, so you don't know which of your opponents is playing whom. Moreover, it is not known which of the characters is involved in the game and which returned to the box after the distribution. So you will need to try to figure out the strategy of the opponents' game, what is their goal, so as not to let them reach it before you can cope with yours. But do not forget that rivals are watching you just as closely, so do not act too bluntly so that you are not revealed ahead of time.

District cards contain the name of the district, its number, the value of real estate in it and a description of its properties. You receive such a card after building a building in this area. It will give you the right to enjoy the advantages of the area, which can be very different, from the banal profit on each turn to the placement of servants or trouble tokens on the field.

Random event cards are activated when you play special game cards. Before the game, they are mixed, so even the player who triggers the event is not aware of what is hiding the Pandora's box, in which he is going to stick his nose.

Meanwhile, events happen differently. This is the invasion of demons or trolls, and natural disasters, such as floods or earthquakes, and the influence of the human factor in the form of riots or a series of mysterious murders, and even the attack of a fire-breathing dragon.

If events are tied to some areas, then these areas are determined by throwing a dice, so even the most destructive and sad incident can benefit you if it only affects your opponents. So, in spite of the potential danger, chances are played out by the players quite willingly.

And finally, we got to the game cards with the help of which the gameplay moves. These cards represent the various Discworld characters as well as some of its organizations. These cards are also divided into two types and differ in the color of the frame. Two decks of different colors are shuffled separately and then stacked one on top of the other. This is a regulatory mechanism that prevents individual cards from coming into play ahead of time.

For example, at the bottom of the deck there are most of the cards that allow you to build buildings, for the construction of which at the beginning of the game the players simply do not have enough funds. It also contains almost all random events that, if played on a half-empty field, would also be wasted.

At the top of the game card are icons of actions that the player can perform by playing it. In this case, you yourself decide which of these actions to perform and which to ignore. The only exceptions to this rule are random events, which are played without fail.

Depending on the card, you can put servants on the field, remove trouble tokens from the field, kill competitors' servants, build buildings, receive money from the bank, and also perform some special actions that are separately indicated at the bottom of some cards right under their name.

A player can play only one card at a time, but some of them allow you to play another one, so in a certain scenario you can play at least the whole hand at once.

In addition, there are cards in the game that are played on the opponent's turn. For example, if one of the players tries to kill your servant, you can stop him with one of these cards.

In the center of the card there is an image of the character it denotes or a sign of the corresponding organization. Some maps just show a building though.

Some board gamers are worried about how the game will play among players who are not familiar with Pratchett's work. In fact, no one has an advantage. The game is played with equal success by those who have read the books of the series, and who have watched their film adaptations, and have never heard of the Discworld before. But Discworld connoisseurs will get a separate pleasure from the visual acquaintance with their favorite characters.

By the way, the properties of character cards directly depend on their personality.

For example, a Shnobby Shnobs card will allow you to shoot three bucks from one of your opponents and play the next card. For those who are "not in the subject", everything is simple here: you have received money in the meantime and you continue to play. The acquaintances with Shnobs know that he is a master of pulling everything that is bad and that lies well, to shift so that it is worse. Sometimes the last thing that happened to see soldiers dying on the battlefield was Shnobs approaching them with wire cutters and a bag. Therefore, the properties assigned to his card revive in memory the most vivid episodes with his participation.

Or take, for example, the Librarian of the Unseen University, who, as a result of a magical cataclysm, turned into an orangutan and remained so forever. Not that he couldn't be disenchanted. It was just that he himself was strongly opposed. Up to causing physical harm to well-wishers who would not have enough intelligence to keep their good intentions to themselves.

First, the Librarian found that few would dare to contradict a primate whose strength far exceeds his own. Secondly, the four limbs are easier to manage with the library. Therefore, with the help of the Librarian, you can take four additional cards from the deck.

In this way, players gradually take control of the districts, earn money and breed trouble.

Trouble arises, for example, when another servant comes to a prosperous area where there are already some servants. However, they reproduce in other ways.

Trouble tokens are strategically important. In the areas where they lie, you cannot build buildings, but only there you can kill the servants of rivals. However, some assassins easily kill servants, even in quiet areas.

In addition, if more than seven of these tokens appear on the board during riots, the game will end prematurely. In this case, the winner will be determined by the points earned, which are credited for the number of servants and the accumulated funds, including the value of the property.

If by the end of the game no one has reached their goal, and Vimes does not participate in the game, the winner is determined in exactly the same way.

Now, with regard to impressions. Discworld: Ankh-Morpork is one of the most beloved board games of our company. At the same time, no one else has read the books in the series, except me. This is again about the players who are "out of the box."

In principle, it is possible to play this game together, but this is absolutely “without fish”. Since there is only one opponent, then if the card does not go to him, he simply cannot oppose you with anything. Well, or you tell him. Once my wife and I played in such a way that I cleaned out almost the entire bank. At the same time, she had quite a lot of cards that allowed her to build real estate and make a profit, but she did not have the money for this. In general, the balance in this variation of the game is very unstable.

The three of us can already play at full strength. All the possibilities of the game are fully revealed. In a four-player game, the only difference is that it becomes more difficult to control what is happening. Even if the only thing left to win is to wait for your move, the chance of losing everything by this moment is very great.

However, this is not at all frustrating, since the beauty of the game is in this Ankh-Morpork mess.

By the way, if you would like to get acquainted with the characters, but are not ready to hastily read four dozen books, you can watch the film adaptations. At the moment, as far as I know, six books have been filmed: "Fatal Music", "Santa Hryakus" and "Honoring". These films will introduce you to many of the game's characters.

Do you know everything about Mother Vetrovosk? Are you firmly convinced that Death is masculine and can be expressed in caps? Do you just love bold and biting fantasy games? Then we sit down at the table, get a closed character of our Character and his Purpose, and go to Discworld - to fight, weave intrigues and win.

Welcome to Ankh-Morpork

Ready to try on Death's black hoodie and braid? How about a walk in Lord Vetinari's Elongated Office? Step on the pebbles of the pavement near the Patched Drum with Commander Vimes? Then we open the box - and we find ourselves in the "Discworld"!

  • Instead of ordinary players, differing only in the color of chips, beloved characters enter the battle for supremacy on the streets of the magical city;
  • Everyone has his own goal and his own conditions of victory and therefore hides his personality from opponents, so that the true motives of actions remain mysterious, like the darkest gateway in the Shadows;
  • There are a lot of insider jokes in "Discworld", but they are inserted in such a way that the Pratchett fan will spread with pleasure, and the neophyte can play on calmly, enjoying the game just like a game.

The main thing is to remember that a person's status is determined by the strength of his enemies.

Who will oppose the Evil created in the name of Peace and Happiness?

Players place servant tokens on the Ankh-Morpork board, construct buildings and play cards - to begin with, there are five of them on their hand. It is the card that determines the fate of the world - for example, it requires you to remove your servant from the event area or gives you the opportunity to defend yourself from evil for a certain fee ... well, some kind of evil, of which there is a lot. However, interacting with trolls and demons, passionately deceiving other players. and raking in the bank, you have a chance not only to enjoy high-quality and variable game mechanics, but also to meet the talking dog Gaspod, Corporal Shnobby Shnobbes and even Devil's Dumb Johnson in the person of his creations. Don't these names tell you anything? Yes, you, brother, for the first time in Discworld ... and how we envy you! You have so much ahead of you.

How Discworld works:

  • The playing field is the Ankh-Morpork card;
  • Servant tokens;
  • Building tokens;
  • Demon, troll tokens;
  • Trouble Tokens
  • 12-sided cube;
  • Game Coins - Real Silver and Gold ACN-Morpork Dollars!
  • Character Cards: Lord Vetinari, Lord Strong, Hrazopraz and others.
  • Random event cards;
  • Urban area cards;
  • Two types of playing cards;
  • Memo for players.

The winner will be presented with an e-book. I already have a great "reader", but I decided to give it a try. FREEBY FUCK !!!
Well, and along the way I duplicate the review in my LJ, suddenly someone will be interested.

Terry Pratchett's books have long been classics of humorous fantasy. Created by an English writer, Discworld is loved by millions of readers. Discworld is an unusual place. The sun is small here, much smaller than the earth. And the sunlight is very slow. This world is really flat, the earth rests on the shell of a huge turtle swimming in endless space.

The series includes dozens of books written about a wide variety of characters. Powerful and not so powerful. The protagonist of Pratchett's book can become like a young orphan raised by gnomes; so is death itself. Rather, Death itself; for Death in the Flat World is male.
There is a wonderful city in the wonderful world - Ankh-Morpork. One of a kind. The largest city in the Discworld. Ankh-Morpork is inhabited by hundreds of thousands of sentient beings who flock to the city from all over the Discworld. The events of most of the books either take place entirely in Ankh-Morpork, or are indirectly related to the city. The heroes of the books live in the city, work in it, visit it, but more often than not they simply curse the city.
Ankh-Morpork is not only the largest city on earth, at the same time, it is the largest dump in the Discworld. Ankh-Morpork is built on Ankh-Morpork. Residents are building new houses on the ruins of the old city, which is built on the ruins of the old city, which was built ... well, I see! There are real catacombs underground, which are a chaotic collection of abandoned buildings. The Ankh River flows through the city, in which it is difficult to drown, because water is not all that Ankh consists of. An object usually dropped into the river (for example, a corpse) with a disgusting smacking sound begins to slowly sink to the bottom. In the event of a massive fire, the townspeople open the floodgates and then the "substance" from the river floods the entire city. This is how they fight fire in Ankh-Morpork. For a long time, the city did not have its own fire brigade, because in Ankh-Morpork only piece-rate payment is recognized. Firefighters were paid only to put out the fire, and in order to get good money for their work, they had to first set something on fire.
I think many have already understood the cultural traditions of Ankh-Moporka. The hospitable city opens wide its doors to any conquerors! The invaders enter the city and find themselves surrounded by a crowd of merchants. Then the soldiers can only sell their weapons, buy themselves booze, get drunk to death, wake up in a ditch in the morning naked and robbed, and then go look for work, becoming assimilated citizens of Ankh-Morpork.
The townspeople hate their city. Gnomes, trolls and other creatures who come to work hate him even more. The city is a drain on strength. The city creates unbearable living conditions. But everyone rushes to Ankh-Morpork, for this is a city of opportunity. The city where money lives. City of perspectives. Ankh-Morpork knows how to make money from literally everything. Dirty Harry made a fortune by digging through the waste of citizens. Gnolls, trolls and humans now work for him. Dirty Harry is a respected businessman, he is a major supplier of "fertilizer" to the surrounding fields. The ruler of Ankh-Morpork himself was present at the wedding of his daughter.
Ankh-Morpork was once ruled by kings, but the last monarch was publicly executed in one of the city's squares. Since then, residents have been able to grieve "about the good old days when Ankh-Morpork had a king." Many believe that a young boy named Carrot is the rightful heir to the throne. However, Carrot is possibly the only selfless soul in town. He is not interested in power, and he is completely satisfied with his service in the city guard.
After the overthrow of the monarchy, the institution of "patricianism" was founded in the city. Simply put, instead of the king, the patrician began to rule the city. Alas, the power over such a huge number of people turned each new patrician into a cruel tyrant, worse than the most insane king of the past. However, the last ruler of Ankh-Morpork was lucky. The current patrician, Havelock Vetinari, is respected by the people. People say so: “ He is, of course, a terrible tyrant, but before it was much, much worse! ". Vetinari is a member of a noble family, he received an excellent liberal arts education in the Assassins Guild. The patrician has a sharp analytical mind and is great at working with people.

« L Vetinari's hordes represented stability, and part of his genius was the discovery that people needed stability more than anything else. "(@" Legs of clay "T. Pratchett)

Havelock was the first ruler of the city who decided not to rebuild the system for himself, but to adapt the existing mechanisms to serve the city. First of all, he offered to legalize all Guilds (assassins, thieves, seamstresses, alchemists, etc.). The guild leaders quickly came to appreciate the official status. Instead of old and smoky cellars, the leaders of thieves and murderers were able to move into luxurious mansions. After a while, Vetinari demanded that the thieves fight "unlicensed" theft. At first, the big bosses were indignant, but Vetinari kindly reminded them that now the patrician not only knows them all by sight, but is also notified: in which hairdressers their wives are getting their hair cut, and in which private schools their children study. As a result, the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation were agreed upon. From that moment on, all "workers" of the industry began to be obliged to show victims their guild badge, and to steal strictly within the limits of the acquired license. Insolent "criminals" caught in illegal robbery, the Thieves Guild began to independently catch and "hang" on the roof of their administrative building. Not to say that the citizens liked the new order. However, the city became stable. And stability has led to an even greater flow of money and labor.
Another rule of the patrician: “ The main wealth of Ankh-Morpork is its people". Disguised as a dictator, the ruler rarely resorts to direct repression. He usually prefers to gently nudge people to do what the city needs.
But the main politician of Ankh-Morpork looks too reasonable for a person. The thought runs through Pratchett's books like a red thread: “ Do not fight against human vices. Give people freedom and learn to channel the energy of their flaws in the right direction". The example of Ankh-Morpork shows how this can work. However, at the top of the system is Vetinari - a man without vices. The patrician doesn't seem to be interested in money. He is moderate in food. Sleeps a little. Doesn't go crazy for women, gambling and alcohol. The patrician is always calm, not prone to outbursts of rage and spontaneous decisions. That is, at the top of the vicious system is practically a superman who is not influenced by the city. But Havelock Vetinari is a fictional character. The question is, where to get this in real life?
Every day more and more intelligent creatures arrive in Ankh-Morpork: trolls, gnomes, vampires, deaths, etc. They are changing the city, bringing their ideas, customs and culture to it. However, Ankh-Morpork also changes them. The gnomes have changed the most, some of them even began to recognize the fact that there are women among the gnomes. And some (oh! Horror) even began to dress and behave like women. Unsurprisingly, many consider Ankh-Morpork to be the center of sin and godlessness, but this is not the case. The city has a huge number of churches and temples of almost all deities. Experienced priests, with the help of strong clubs, have become quite adept at theological disputes.
In addition, it is in Ankh-Morpork that the Invisible University is located - the largest scientific institution of magic in the entire Discworld. The wizards of the Unseen University are so wise and powerful that they even defended the right not to pay taxes to the city in disputes with Vetinari.

“The wizards believed that, as ministers of the highest truth, they should not obey the secular laws of the city. And the patrician said that this is so, but they, damn it, have to pay taxes, like all other city dwellers. Then the wizards hinted that as followers of the light of wisdom, they are not at all obliged to remain faithful to mortal man. And the patrician said that this is also correct, but they are obliged to pay a city tax of two hundred dollars per head per year, and pay it quarterly. In response, the wizards pointed out that the University is located on a fairy land and, accordingly, is not subject to taxes, and in addition, it is impossible to tax knowledge. But the patrician argued that it was very possible. And the tax is two hundred dollars per head. Well, if the problem is in the head, it can be easily eliminated by simple truncation. Wizards said that in the entire civilized world, wizards are not taxed. The patrician insisted that civilization is a relative concept, and even the most civilized person can be pissed off ...
In the end, the parties came to an agreement that the wizards, of course, should not pay taxes, but they will nevertheless make donations to the city treasury in the amount of, say, two hundred dollars per head - all on a purely voluntary basis, no offense, you - to me , I - for you, the money will be used exclusively for peaceful and environmentally sound purposes. " ( @ "Grim Reaper" T. Pratchett).

Ankh-Morpork is not only a city, but also a state. A state that does not have its own army, because the city prefers not to fight, but to buy. At first it seems like the city doesn't care about the rest of Discworld. However, this is not the case, Ankh-Morpork secretly intervenes in the politics of Uberwald, Klutch and other countries.
Naturally, the city's geopolitical successes arouse envy and a desire to imitate. However, Ankh-Morpork has not only achieved the title of the largest wealthy and promising city, it actively wants to keep this title. In the book "Monster Platoon" or "Infantry Ballad", the Duke of Malice decided to turn his country into a "second Ankh-Morpork", for this he started a war with Borogravia, having secured the official support of the city-state. But this support turned out to be very specific. The Duke really wanted to turn his possessions into a "second Ankh-Morpork", but he did not think: " And Ankh-Morpork himself needs it? ". As a result, the good ally did not allow the complete defeat of the already actually defeated Borogravia, and the duke's authority in Uberwald lowered it below the plinth. Ally!
Ankh-Morpork is an unusual and interesting city. A unique city. There are many attractions in it, for example: the temple of the crocodile god Offler, the patrician palace, the Invisible University and, of course, the smell of old man Ron. If you want to get to know the city better, then read the works of Pratchett. Ankh-Morpork appears in most of the books, and the series “Guard” is actually dedicated to him.
Books from the Guardian Cycle:
1. Guardians! Guardians!
2. To arms! To arms!
3. Clay feet
4. Patriot
5. The fifth elephant
6. Truth
7. Night watch
8. Infantry ballad.

The phrase “flat world” (more precisely, “Discworld”) makes all fans of Terry Pratchett's books to smirk with understanding and look for free space on the shelf for the box with the game.

The master of the pen has inspired not only the filmmakers to adapt individual books, but also the creators of the tabletop for Discworld: Ankh-Morpork, a game that immerses in the atmosphere of the most famous city in his universe.

Description of the game

Do you recognize? :) Great Atuin, elephants and Disc, all as in the books of Pratchett

The Discworld: Ankh-Morpork board game refers to the Discworld fantasy series. A kind of humor of books, vivid characters, unforgettable adventures are transferred to the playing field, allowing fans to enjoy many Easter eggs, and to those who first join the Pratchett universe - just have fun.

The plot begins with Lord Vetinari, ruler of Ankh-Morpork, disappearing. Nobody knows where he went and who will now take the helm. The struggle for power begins ...

There are seven characters in the game, including Vetinari himself, and each of them has their own secret goals that cannot be told to the rest. The victory and the main prize goes to the one who is the first to achieve them.

Players will have to face demons, dragons, Death and other troubles. Fantasy? Fantastic, but so addicting!

What's in the set?

Game chips

In the box you will find:

Rules and course of the game

Discworld rests on three elephants and a large turtle, and Discworld as a game rests on a simple scheme of placing chips and following what is written on the cards.

Discworld rests on three elephants and a large turtle

Preparing to play

Participants choose their own color and divide the tokens of servants and buildings by it. Each of the Shadow, Sister Dolly, and Sewer Areas dispatches one servant. Plus, they also put on a token of troubles - they are not personal, but general.

Players are given $ 10 each. The rest of the money forms the bank. All other chips are left next to the field.

Character cards are dealt blindly. Players must not divulge their identity and goals. Extra cards put in the box are also not worth looking through.

Three shuffled decks are placed next to the board: random events and game cards. In this case, cards with a green edge are placed on top of the "brown" ones with the whole pack. Players are given five cards.

The stack of city area cards is placed face up - everyone should see them. All players ("Ankh-Morpork" - a game for two or four people) take a memo card so as not to forget or confuse anything during the game. The order of the move is determined by the roll of the die.

If there are only two players, then Chrysoprase must be removed from the characters, and Hubert and Cosmo Luxury must be removed from the playing cards.
Character cards

Game progress

On his turn, the participant plays any card from his hand. Indications on the cards may result in more than one being played, or more than five. At the end of the turn, cards need to be drawn to five, but if there are more of them, the excess is not discarded.

The game goes on either until one player wins, or until the deck runs out. Important: each character has its own victory conditions, and they must be met.
Playing field

Playing cards

In the "header" of most cards there is a list of actions that the player can perform. They are made strictly in the specified order, but everything, except for the Random Event, can be simply skipped. The played card is discarded.
Game cards


  • Place a servant. The servant token is placed either in the area of ​​the city where the player's servant is already present, or in the neighboring one. The number of servants in each area is not limited. When the tokens run out, you can rearrange the existing ones, but keep in mind that as soon as there is more than one servant (any, not just yours) in somewhere, a trouble token will automatically come there. Fortunately, there can only be one per district, but now it cannot be worth anything. To get rid of him, it is necessary to remove one servant from the territory.
  • Construct a building. Where there is a player's servant and no trouble token and nothing has been built yet, the participant is allowed to place a building token. But it is not enough just to put it - you need to pay to the treasury the price indicated on the site. The player now takes a district card and keeps it open. The maximum number of buildings per character is six. When all of them are built, you can move one of them to another area by handing over the card back and taking a new one. Why do you need to build up areas? Well, at least in order to receive bonuses from them once a turn. Areas:
    • Shadows- place a token of troubles in this or a neighboring area, if there is at least one of the servants there;
    • Sisters Dolly and the Gloomwell- place a servant token here or in a nearby area for 3 Ankmorpor dollars;
    • Waste area- in exchange for the discarded card, take $ 2 from the bank;
    • Sleepy Hills and the Long Wall- get 1 dollar from the bank;
    • Hippo Stadium and Dragon Landing- get 2 dollars;
    • Island of the Gods- redeem and remove one trouble token from the city map for $ 2;
    • Small gods- for $ 3, cancel any random event that affects the player's servants, the price for each servant;
    • Seven sleeping- get 3 dollars;
    • In real estate- take a card from the game deck and discard one of your own instead.

Area maps
  • Kill. Remove one alien servant, demon, or troll from any area with a trouble token. Together with the victim, the token will also disappear.
  • Remove trouble token. An action that allows you to get rid of the dirty token without unnecessary movements.
  • Take money. In the bank. The amount has been written.
  • Scroll. He calls for the fulfillment of what is written at the bottom of the card.
  • Play another card. It is not considered cheating to play several cards in a row with this action.
  • Interrupt. A raised palm can save the player from many troubles. Cards with such a symbol can be played at any time, most often on someone else's turn. And even on your turn, such a card can be presented in addition to the active one, without interrupting the action. But if they remembered about her late, after the nastiness had already taken place, then the train left.
  • A random event. The player must draw a card from the appropriate deck, and its effect will work. Each event happens only once. If as a result of it you lose a building, then the district card will have to be returned to the reserve. The area of ​​the incident is determined by the die roll.

Action Cards
  • The Dragon. The area will be burned out by its flame, everything that stood there is removed from there.
    Flood. Double throw. If the fallen areas are bordered by the river, they become flooded. Players evacuate one of their servants to the nearest area, but not to the same victim. The rest does not move.
  • Fire. If there is a building, it burns and is removed. The die is rolled again. If a neighboring area falls out and there is also a building there, the fire destroys it too, until a plot falls out not in the neighborhood and without buildings.
  • Fog. The top five cards are discarded from the deck.
  • Riots. The game ends if there are eight (or more) trouble tokens on the board. But "Commander Vimes", if present in the game, suppresses riots, and they do not work.
  • Explosion. Destroys all buildings on the lot.
  • Mysterious murders. They remove any servant from the dropped out area, yes, their own too. Then the dice are thrown by all the players in turn and removed from the field one more servant each, if they were not lucky enough to stand "in the area".
  • Demons from the Underground Dimensions. The die is rolled four times and a demon token is placed on each area that falls. If the same one dropped out again, it means that there will be more than one demon. Area cards with demons become inactive, and now you cannot build anything here, you cannot take control of lands. Points for these sections are also not awarded in the final scoring. You can remove or move demons in the same way as servants.
  • Collapse. Participants pay $ 2 for each of their buildings on the field, or lose it.
    Bloody Dumb Johnson. The card of the area dropped on the dice loses its properties, but continues to be taken into account in the final calculation of points. And one servant will have to be removed from there.
  • Trolls. The die is thrown three times, and one troll comes to the dropped areas. And if there was already someone standing there, then also a chip of trouble. From the point of view of the mechanics of the game, trolls are considered to be no man's servants.
  • Earthquake. The die is rolled twice, and all buildings are removed from the dropped areas.

Final game

Playing field

The game ends in three cases:

For each character, the conditions for winning in Discworld: Ankh-Morpork are different, so the milestones of the players will have different game strategies. Conditions must be met at the start of the turn.

Lord Whitnari, the ruler of the most famous of the Discworld cities, it is necessary to have servants practically throughout the city: when playing with two - in eleven districts, three - in ten, four - in nine.

Lord Selachi, Lord Rust and Lord de Slovves should not just put the servants in certain areas, but take these areas under control. The area is considered taken under control if there are more of your chips than the ones of the other players (each specific) and than the trolls. For example, two servants and one building against two servants and two trolls. Also, there should be no demons in the area. But the trouble token does not interfere in any way. When playing for two, you need to control seven districts, for three - five, for four - four.

Dragon King of Arms, Ancient Vampire, wins if there are eight Trouble tokens on the board. The city has fallen into chaos and again needs a powerful king.

Chrysoprase, gangster troll, has to make a small fortune of $ 50. This amount includes both cash and the cost of all buildings. But bank loans are deducted from it.

Commander Vimes the leader of the city guard will put the victory in his pocket if no conditions are met at the end of the deck.
Commander Vimes, Leader of the City Guard

If the deck is over, and no one is playing for Vimes, then they begin to count the earned points. One servant on the card equals five points, every dollar in your pocket equals one point, and each building equals its value in dollars given during construction.

Those who have "Ankh-Morpork Bank" or "Mr. Bent" cards in their hands must pay the indicated amount or lose fifteen points. If there is a tie on points, then the winner is the one with the most expensive property.
Game cards

Who will like it?

Of course, the game does not represent all the heroes of the world of the Disc, such as, for example, the first tourist of Twoflower, and Cohen the Barbarian, but in the deck you can find many familiar faces - the wizard Rincewind, the orangutan librarian, and even Death and his granddaughter Susan. These and other characters not included in the review are found in a series of books about Discworld (The Color of Magic, Mad Star, Sentinel! Sentinels! "And about forty more volumes).

The game will certainly become one of the fan favorites of Terry Pratchett's works for the opportunity to meet his characters again. And also for a non-standard approach, varied strategy from party to party and an indispensable sense of humor. Playing field "Ankh-Morpork"


There are no additional decks for "Ankh-Morpork", but for those who do not want to part with its atmosphere, a separate board game "Discworld: Witches" has been created. An adventure game for young witches from Lancre, who need to solve many witch and human problems in practice.