How beautiful to serve red fish sandwiches. Sandwiches with red fish: recipes with photos. Holiday sandwiches with salmon and cream cheese

Another holiday is a great occasion to gather all your friends and loved ones at one festive table. The best decoration of such a table will be small snacks, which not every housewife will cook on a typical day.

Red fish sandwiches are just such snacks. There are a huge number of variations of this appetizer: sandwiches with curd cheese and red fish, and with avocado, and even with tomatoes and olives. In short, sandwiches with salmon, trout or salmon can combine a wide variety of fillings, and various ingredients, such as cream cheese or butter, can be used as a base. One thing is for sure - these elegant and simple snacks, by their very appearance, create the right mood and a sense of celebration for all the guests present.

Taste Info Buffet snacks


  • lightly salted red fish - 90 gr;
  • cream cheese - 4 tablespoons;
  • white or black bread;
  • seaweed salad for decoration.

How to make sandwiches for a festive table with red fish

To make these sandwiches, you need a salted red fish. For this, trout or salmon are best suited.You can buy already salted fish in the store, or you can salt it yourself at home. This will make your fish tastier, and the savings will be significant. There are many recipes for salting fish. The easiest option is to sprinkle the pieces of red fish with salt, add a chopped sprig of dill. After that, cover the fish with foil or cling film and refrigerate for a day. Such lightly salted fish is stored for 3-4 days in a cool place. If you have too many of such a lightly salted snack, then you can simply put it in a bag for storage in the freezer.

Use a sharp knife to cut the fish into thin slices.

For these sandwiches, use white or black bread, which is cut into slices no thicker than 1.5 cm. Then carefully cut the crusts around the entire perimeter of the slice.

Dry the bread in a hot skillet lightly greased with vegetable oil, or use a toaster.

Red fish goes very well with cream cheese, so use it to make your snack. It is not forbidden to prepare such cheese on your own, but to save time it is better to buy a ready-made one.

Start shaping sandwiches. Apply 1 tsp on dried bread. cream cheese, put a piece of fish on top.

Garnish the sandwiches with a little seaweed salad.

Serve immediately, while the bread is still moist and crunchy. Bon Appetit!

Sandwiches with curd cheese and red fish


  • Lightly salted red fish - 150 gr;
  • Bread - 6 slices
  • Curd cheese - 100 gr;
  • Capers for decoration.


  1. Cut the bread into portioned slices no more than 1.5 cm thick. It is best to use a baguette, it will look more aesthetically pleasing and will not require additional processing of the slices. If you are using a regular loaf of bread, then cut off all the crusts from the slice and give it a neat square shape. If desired, dry the bread in a hot skillet or toaster until a little crisp.
  2. Spread curd cheese on each piece of bread. Choose a simple cheese, or with the addition of herbs. Other additives will not work well with fish.
  3. Cut the red fish (trout or salmon) into thin strips. Place gently on top of the curd cheese. Garnish ready-made sandwiches with capers and sprinkle with a little black pepper.

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Simple Butter, Red Fish, and Radish Sandwiches


  • Lightly salted red fish - 120 gr;
  • Radish - 3 pcs;
  • Butter - 5 tablespoons;
  • Rye bread;
  • Red caviar, a sprig of dill for decoration.


  1. Spread butter in a thin layer on the sliced ​​rye bread.
  2. Cut the red fish into several portions and carefully place on top of the butter, taking only one half of the bread.
  3. Wash the radishes, pat dry with paper towels and cut into very thin slices. The thinner the slicing is, the more beautiful the sandwiches will be in the end. Place the circles overlapping each other on the second half of the bread.
  4. To make simple fish and radish sandwiches more effective, garnish with a few eggs and finely chopped dill. Serve immediately before the fish and caviar are dry.

Avocado and red fish sandwiches


  • Curd cheese - 5 tbsp;
  • Avocado - 1 pc;
  • Tomato - 1 pc;
  • Red onion - 1 pc;
  • Bread.


  1. Use your favorite red fish like salmon or salmon for this snack. Pink salmon and chum salmon are also good for sandwiches. Buy ready-made lightly salted fish, or salt it yourself. Cut it into small, thin pieces.
  2. Cut the tomato into circles of the same thickness, the onion into rings. If instead of red onions you only have onions, then you must first marinate them to get rid of too harsh taste and smell. Pour 3 tablespoons of the chopped onion rings over. vinegar and add a few tablespoons of sugar to the marinade and leave for 15 minutes. If you use apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar instead of regular vinegar, the onion will be even more flavorful.
  3. Peel the avocados and pits, mash in a bowl with a fork until they become a paste.
  4. Spread the curd cheese in a thin layer on a slice of bread, top with a little avocado paste. Then arrange the tomato slices in a single layer and the onion rings. Top the sandwich with pieces of red fish. Sprinkle with black pepper and serve.

Another design option for sandwiches with avocado and red fish is that the avocado is not ground into a paste, but cut into thin slices and in this form is placed on bread. Tomatoes can be completely excluded from the recipe, and the onions can be laid on top of the fish pieces. You can also use black peppercorns for decoration.

Sandwiches with red fish and cream cheese


  • Lightly salted red fish (salmon, trout, salmon, chum salmon, etc.) - 200 gr;
  • Black bread;
  • Cream cheese - 150 gr;
  • Fresh herbs for decoration.


  • Cut out round pieces from Borodino bread. This will allow you to beautifully serve sandwiches on the festive table. Toast them lightly in a hot skillet with a little oil or in a toaster for a mouth-watering crunch.
  • Spread a thin layer of cream cheese mixed with chopped herbs on each slice of bread. Do this carefully so as not to spoil the loaf.
  • Cut the lightly salted fish into strips and roll in the shape of a rose. Place the resulting rose on top of the sandwich and garnish with sprigs of fresh herbs. Sandwiches with red fish and cream cheese are ready. Serve immediately until all the ingredients look good.

Sandwiches with red fish and lemon


  • Red salted fish - 90 gr;
  • Processed cheese - 80 gr;
  • Bread;
  • Lemon;
  • Greenery for decoration.


  1. Salt your favorite red fish in advance or purchase a ready-made one in the store. Cut it into thin slices.
  2. Make toast with white or black bread. It is best to use a baguette, as it looks more advantageous when served on the festive table.
  3. Spread melted cheese on the baguette slices and place the fish slices on top. It should be noted that the use of processed cheese with any additives is unacceptable, since they will not combine with lightly salted fish and spoil the taste of the snack.
  4. Garnish with half a mug of very thinly sliced ​​lemon and fresh herbs. Serve the red fish and lemon sandwiches right away, before the fish and lemon have blown up.

Sandwiches with red fish and caviar


  • Red salted fish - 100 gr;
  • Gray bread;
  • Cream cheese - 50 gr;
  • Cucumber - 1 pc;
  • Black caviar - 2 tablespoons


  1. Cut the gray bread into small slices and carefully remove all the crusts from them. For these mini sandwiches, you should only have small pieces of crumb left.
  2. Spread a small amount of cream cheese on each slice of bread. It is important to use high-quality cheese so that with its taste it only emphasizes the rest of the ingredients, and does not interrupt them. In this regard, ricotta and philadelphia cheeses are best suited.
  3. Slice the red fish thinly into oblong strips so they can be rolled up nicely on the bread.
  4. Put half a cucumber circle on the bread, then a fish. Garnish the red fish sandwiches with a little black caviar and serve.

In addition to fish, shrimp can be used in such snack sandwiches. To prepare such a snack, you need to coat the edges of fried bread with melted or curd cheese, and then roll them in very finely chopped greens. This will allow you to design sandwiches in a very beautiful and original way. Then place the salad of crab sticks, mayonnaise and herbs on the bread. Top with unpeeled shrimp, a small slice of red caviar and a sprig of dill. If you are worried that the shrimp will not stand upright and at the most inopportune moment will fall from the top of your culinary creation, then simply secure it with a skewer. Such sandwiches are worthy of serving at any buffet table, especially on the New Year's festive table, when every hostess wants to surprise her guests with unusual dishes and snacks.

Sandwiches with red fish, black bread and tomatoes


  • Red salted fish - 120 gr;
  • Tomato - 1 pc;
  • Cream cheese - 4 tablespoons;
  • Black bread.


  1. Thinly slice brown bread, cut off the crusts and dry in a skillet or toaster. It is necessary to achieve a very crispy outside, but soft inside the base of future sandwiches.
  2. Cut lightly salted fish into thin strips, tomatoes into halves. If you wish, you can replace lightly salted fish with red smoked fish, this will make the taste of sandwiches more intense. Try to make all the slices the same size so that the appetizer is aesthetically pleasing when served.
  3. Spread cream cheese over the croutons. Place the tomato on top, then the fish pieces. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve immediately.

Sandwiches with red fish, mozzarella and olives


  • Red fish - 130 gr;
  • Mozzarella balls - 1 pack;
  • White loaf;
  • Olives - 5 pcs;
  • Fresh herbs for decoration.


  1. Dry the sliced ​​loaf in a skillet or toaster. Optionally, brush each piece with a thin layer of butter.
  2. Red fish in sandwiches is combined not only with cottage cheese or cream cheese, but also with soft types of cheese such as mozzarella. Cut the mozzarella balls in half and place on the bread.
  3. Cut red fish of any kind into thin strips and lay on top of the mozzarella, roll up in soft rolls.
  4. Garnish with chopped olives, herbs and black pepper. Instead of olives, you can use pitted green olives, also cut into thin rings.
Sandwiches with cucumber and red fish


  • Red fish - 150 gr;
  • Cream or curd cheese - 100 gr;
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs;
  • White or black bread;
  • Green onions for decoration.


  1. Prepare all the ingredients for assembling the sandwich. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into very thin slices, the red salted fish into strips.
  2. Brush the slices of bread with cream or curd cheese. If desired, the bread can be pre-fried in a pan until crisp, but this is not necessary, since the crunch will be present in this sandwich thanks to the fresh cucumbers.
  3. Arrange the cucumber slices randomly on top of the cheese. Another option for such a snack involves the use of pickled cucumbers, they must also be cut lengthwise and laid out on the bread in one layer.
  4. Lay strips of red fish on top of the cucumber, sprinkle them with chopped green onions on top. The sandwich turns out to be quite elegant, but you can additionally decorate it with ground black pepper or halves of lemon slices, which will give a pleasant sourness to the finished dish. It is important to remember that if you are making pickled cucumber sandwiches, then the use of lemon should be avoided so as not to spoil the taste of the snack.
  • Fresh herbs are often used to decorate red fish sandwiches. Do not limit yourself to commonly available dill and parsley, you can very favorably emphasize the appearance of the snack with the help of small leaves of mint or thyme, as shown in the photo below. Rosemary is ideal for decorating dishes on the New Year's table.
  • Don't make oversized sandwiches. Small snacks will be more appreciated as they look neater. For this, it is better to use a baguette instead of ordinary bread.

  • You can decorate sandwiches with very small pieces of canned fish. For example, pink salmon or sprats. The main thing is to add them just a little, so as not to interrupt the main note of the taste of slightly salted red fish.

  • Cherry tomato halves are great for garnishing red fish appetizers. The main thing is to lay them on the same surface with the fish so that the red color contrasts beautifully with the white cheese mass. Using the same principle of emphasis, you can lay out halves of quail eggs on top of the fish.
  • As for the sandwich mass, which is spread on bread, then your imagination can roam. In addition to the previously sounded cream cheese and butter, you can use a mixture of unsweetened cottage cheese and avocado. Beat the ingredients in a blender until smooth and add a little salt. Instead of avocado, you can use ripe kiwi, then an appetizer with such a paste will acquire a very unusual spicy taste. Also, an original taste can be achieved if butter and curd cheese are beaten in equal proportions.

  • Red fish sandwiches can be made hot. To do this, you need to place a snack with a minimum amount of ingredients in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 7-8 minutes. This time will be enough for the thin slices of fish to cook. An ordinary tartar can serve as a sauce for such a hot appetizer, which you pour over the dish after baking.
  • You can make Japanese sushi-style sandwiches. To do this, cut the bread into small rectangular pieces so that later you can almost completely cover it with a fish.

Red fish sandwiches are a simple snack that, in addition to their great taste, has great benefits. After all, the main ingredient of the dish contains omega-3 acids, which normalize the work of blood vessels and the heart, remove cholesterol from the body, and also increase efficiency in general. Therefore, it is important to know how to make a red fish sandwich in order to get the most of your snack and enjoyment.

The basis of a classic sandwich is bread. According to its variety, it differs into several varieties. Since we are talking today about sandwiches with red fish, the type of bread here can be different from white classic to black whole grain. Of course, it already depends on the choice of the culinary specialist.

We remember that the filling is taken as the basis of any sandwich. Agree, a piece of fish cannot lie on an ordinary piece of bread, which is absolutely not smeared with anything. Yes, and here the choice is very diverse, from classic butter to the endlessness of your imagination. It can be a mixture of cream cheese, and mayonnaise, and an original sauce.

Delicious sandwich with salmon and curd cheese


  • 3 small buns
  • 3 lettuce leaves
  • 50 - 100 gr salmon
  • 6 cucumber slices
  • 50 gr of curd cheese
  • greens to taste


  1. Cut the bun in half and lightly dry in a heated pan on one side. You can also use the oven for drying. Especially if the number of blanks exceeds the size of the pan.
  2. Put curd cheese on the dried buns, and spread over the entire surface. If for some reason it was not possible to purchase cottage cheese, you can replace it with soft cottage cheese. It is better that it be bland and slightly salted.
  3. Rinse the lettuce leaves. Pat dry with paper towels. Then put them on curd cheese and press lightly against it.
  4. Probably everyone knows that lettuce leaves are rich in vitamins, and it should be consumed in food as often as possible. And in combination with fish and cheese, it is not only healthy, but also delicious!
  5. Peel the salmon with a knife. Then try to cut it into very thin pieces. The thinner the better. They can simply be laid out on a bun, not one plate at a time, but more. This will make the sandwich look much more interesting. Put the cut pieces on a lettuce leaf and press lightly. Any red fish can be used instead of salmon.
  6. Rinse one small cucumber and cut into thin slices. Place on top of the salmon and sprinkle with chopped herbs on top. Greens can be anything. It all depends on your taste. It can be parsley or dill, green onions. However, if you prefer to make a sandwich without greens, then you do not need to add.
  7. Close the bottom of the bun with the other half. The sandwiches are ready and can be laid out on a nice dish or flat plate. The same sandwiches can be made in smaller sizes, where crackers can be used instead of buns. Or, using the cookie cutter to cut out various shapes in the form of an asterisk or a heart, and arrange them.

Sandwiches with red fish and cream cheese


  • salmon - 250 - 300 gr
  • cream cheese - 150 gr
  • sour cream - 100 gr (instead of cream cheese)
  • Greek yogurt - 100 gr (instead of cream cheese)
  • loaf
  • greens to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying (butter can be used)


  1. Such a sandwich turns out to be very beautiful in design, although it is very simple to prepare.
  2. Cut the loaf into thin pieces.
  3. Heat vegetable oil or butter in a frying pan and fry the slices on both sides.
  4. Put on a layer of paper towels so that all the oil is glass. You also need to allow the pieces to cool.
  5. In the meantime, prepare the cream cheese. And also peel and cut the salmon.
  6. Put some cheese on the cooled pieces of loaf and arrange the sliced ​​pieces of red fish nicely.
  7. Now it only remains to decorate the sandwiches and serve such beauty on the festive table.

Delicious recipe with salmon and red caviar

Today we will prepare festive sandwiches with salmon and red caviar. The combination of these two ingredients will make our sandwiches very tasty. And in combination with cream cheese, they will not only be tasty, but also tender. As part of such a sandwich, you can use not only salmon. But it is still advisable to use salmon fish. Agree that if you cook it from herring and caviar, the first will not only spoil the taste of the dish, but also reduce the quality.


  • 2 slices of black bread
  • 50 gr cream cheese
  • 100 - 120 gr salted salmon
  • 2 tablespoons red caviar
  • 1 lemon
  • greens to taste


  1. Peel the fish. Cut into long thin slices. And then divide them into two halves.
  2. Rinse the greens thoroughly and dry, then chop finely. Mix it with cream cheese and mix thoroughly.
  3. Rinse the lemon, dry and cut. First, into rings, and then cut each ring into four more parts.
  4. Cut the pieces of black bread into 4 pieces so that 4 identical squares come out.
  5. Spread the cream cheese and dill mixture on the bread.
  6. Arrange the sliced ​​salmon so that they completely cover the surface of the cream cheese.
  7. Coat the salmon again with a mixture of cream cheese and dill, and repeat the layer. We arrange the fish slices so that the edges do not hang over the edges, but correspond to the size of the bread.
  8. Spread lemon slices on top of the fish, pressing lightly.
  9. Put the red caviar on top of everything with a small spoon. It is not necessary to press, but on the contrary to give airiness.
  10. You can decorate the top of the sandwich with a sprig of dill. And you can lay them out on a large flat dish, which in the future will show off on our festive table.

Original sandwich with salmon and avocado

Sometimes you want something new and unlike anything else. And then the idea comes to combine two amazing ingredients in one dish. This version of the sandwich is just a godsend for connoisseurs of culinary masterpieces. I suggest you enjoy a simple but delicious sandwich with salmon and avocado. I will not talk about the beneficial properties of avocados, probably everyone has heard a lot about them. Better to start cooking right away.


  • salmon - 200 gr
  • baguette - 1 piece
  • radish - 1 bunch or 150 gr
  • ripe avocado - 1 pc
  • cream cheese - 50 gr
  • parmesan - 50 gr
  • arugula - 30 gr
  • olive oil - 50 gr
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste


  1. First, cut the baguette into halves, and then divide each half into two parts again. Dry slightly in the oven. Dried bread tastes much better in any sandwich.
  2. We wash and peel the avocado. We release it from the bone. When buying this exotic fruit in the store, pay attention to its appearance.
  3. It should be absolutely green, without any black depressions, soft and fresh. Cut the peeled avocado into pieces and beat with a blender.
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste, and cream cheese to the whipped puree. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. We wash the radishes and clean them of excess tails. Cut into thin slices.
  6. Wash the arugula finely and mix with radish, lightly seasoning with olive oil.
  7. Cover the dried baguette with a mixture of avocado and cream cheese.
  8. On top of the mixture of avocado and cream cheese, put randomly chopped salmon, on top of it we put a salad of radish and arugula. Sprinkle everything with grated Parmesan.
  9. The sandwich turns out to be beautiful, tasty and very tender. Avocado puree gives it an original taste. And thanks to him, all the ingredients adhere perfectly to the surface of the baguette.

Delicious and beautiful sandwiches

What a variety there is in the preparation of sandwiches. You can combine fish with anything, there are a lot of examples. It can be laid out in a tartlet, or simply on a slice of black bread. There are a lot of options, the main thing is not to forget to fantasize. Let's dream a little together and we. I propose to make a simple sandwich, but it will not be a very simple ladybug to decorate it. In this version, we will combine both vegetables and fish, and also add canned olives and herbs for decoration.


  • baguette - 1 piece
  • cherry tomatoes - 150-200 gr
  • boneless olives - 70 gr
  • salmon - 100 - 150 gr
  • butter - 70 gr


  1. Cut the baguette into small pieces. Dry them in the oven. Cool the pieces and coat with butter.
  2. Cut the salmon into thin slices and place them on oiled baguette pieces.
  3. Rinse the cherry tomatoes, cut in half, place on top of the salmon and garnish with olives. Pre-cutting them into small pieces.
  4. Decorate the finished sandwich with herbs, after rinsing and drying it.
  5. It's so simple and beautiful to prepare a delicious appetizer dish for a festive table. Here's another simple option.

Sandwich with red fish and kiwi

An original combination of fish and kiwi. I suggest you try it, you will not remain indifferent. Combination of exotic fruit with sea fish.


  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • Peking lettuce leaves - 100 gr
  • smoked salmon - 70 gr
  • loaf - 1 pc (you can use black bread)
  • greens and olives for decoration


  1. Cut the loaf into pieces. You can use the cookie cutters to give the piece a more original shape. Dry the pieces in a pan.
  2. Cut the Peking lettuce leaves into slices so that their size approximately corresponds to the size of a piece of loaf.
  3. Rinse the kiwi, peel and cut into round pieces first, and then cut them into two more rugs.
  4. If necessary, peel the fish and cut into small pieces.
  5. Put a cabbage leaf on each piece of loaf, then put fish and kiwi slices on it.
  6. The finished sandwich can be decorated with sprigs of dill or parsley. And also put olives or olives.
  7. A simple and delicious sandwich is ready. On the table, it will look bright and colorful, and will certainly not leave your guests indifferent.
  8. But the following recipe may not be classified as sandwiches, but it is so delicious that it is simply impossible to ignore it.

Sandwiches for the holiday with fish

To make the sandwiches for the holiday beautiful, use the bread cutter. Before preparing the sandwiches, the oil should reach room tesperatrura so that it is evenly mixed with fish and herbs and applied to the bread. I advise you to make two such sandwiches for each so that your guests can enjoy this delicacy! Good luck and bon appetit!


  • Loaf of white bread - 1 Piece
  • Butter - 200 Grams
  • Red caviar - 140 Grams
  • Smoked pink salmon - 50 Grams
  • Smoked Trout - 100 Grams
  • Greens - To taste

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread into slices.
  2. Cut diamonds out of the bread.
  3. Cut the pink salmon finely and mix with 50 g of butter.
  4. Spread the pink salmon butter on the bread.
  5. Then spread the slices of bread with butter (50 g) mixed with dill and place on the bread with pink salmon.
  6. Coat the sides of the resulting sandwich with oil and spread with caviar.
  7. Make a rose out of the trout and place it on the bread with caviar.

Trout sandwiches classic recipe

I think you will like these trout sandwiches, because you just can't help but like them. The combination of tender salted fish, sour cream and spicy capers makes the taste of trout sandwiches very original. You, of course, do not need to salt the fish yourself, you can buy ready-made light-salted trout, the choice is now huge. But when I salt the fish myself, I can make a whole bunch of sandwiches, because it's several times cheaper! And I am completely calm about the quality of the fish! This fish can also be used to make soup. Good luck and bon appetit!


  • Fish fillet - 1 Kilogram (salting)
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons (salting)
  • Sugar - 2 Tbsp. spoons (salting)
  • Black pepper - 1 Tbsp. spoon (salting)
  • A bunch of dill - 1 Piece (salting)
  • Baguette - 1 Piece
  • Sour cream - 100 Grams
  • Capers - 30 Grams

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare fish fillets, release its bones.
  2. Mix salt, sugar, pepper and half of the mixture, put in a mold.
  3. Put the dill on the mixture.
  4. Put the fish fillets into the mold and cover with the remaining mixture and dill on top. Cover with plastic wrap and leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
  5. Rinse off excess salt and dill from the finished fillet with water.
  6. Cut the finished fish into thin slices
  7. Place the fish on a platter. You can serve it simply by slicing it or making sandwiches.
  8. To make sandwiches, take sour cream, capers and dill.
  9. Place fish, sour cream, capers and dill on toasted pieces of bread.

Salmon Burgers with Rosemary


  • fillet of salmon, peeled and boneless - 120 Grams
  • dry bread crumbs - 1 Glass
  • chopped onion - 1/2 Cup
  • Dijon mustard - 1/2 Art. spoons
  • horseradish - 2 Teaspoons
  • egg - 2 Pieces
  • chopped fresh rosemary - 1 Tbsp. a spoon
  • salt - 1/2 Teaspoon
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1/2 Teaspoon
  • olive oil - 2 Tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the salmon by cutting into strips and cutting the strips across. Grind the fish until it turns into minced meat. Remember to remove the remaining bones.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the minced salmon with bread crumbs, red onions, Dijon mustard, horseradish and eggs. Season with rosemary, salt and pepper. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Preheat an outdoor grill over medium heat.
  4. Shape the salmon into 8 hamburger patties. Lightly coat each cutlet with olive oil.
  5. Place the salmon patties on the grill, and cook for 4 or 5 minutes on each side.

Canapes with red fish and feta cheese


  • 240 g feta cheese,
  • dill sprigs
  • olives,
  • lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the baguette into thin slices. Toast them lightly, if desired. If you took a loaf, cut circles out of it with a glass.
  2. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into rings, cheese - into slices, salmon - into thin slices. Put the tomatoes on the bread, on them - feta cheese, and on top - the fish plates folded in half.
  3. Place an olive and a slice of cucumber (folded into an accordion) on each skewer and pierce the canapes with such "pyramids". Decorate the sandwiches with dill sprigs.

Butterbeard with red fish and cucumber


  • a roll or any other bread;
  • fish packing - 200 g;
  • curd cheese (classic taste is best without additives) - 150 g;
  • a couple of medium cucumbers;
  • a bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut out the blanks of the desired shape from the roll. Dry them in a toaster if desired;
  2. Chop washed and dried dill, add it to soft curd cheese;
  3. Spread toasts with the prepared mixture;
  4. Cut the washed and dried cucumbers into long strips, preferably very thin. For each sandwich, put a slice of cucumber, folded in half;
  5. Cut the fish into long strips, from which to roll roses;
  6. Decorate with dill.

Red fish sandwiches

Before the arrival of guests, each hostess thinks about what would be tasty and interesting to treat her friends. You can prepare new interesting snacks and surprise guests, but already proven and very tasty sandwiches with red fish are always considered a win-win option. Snack sandwiches with fish always look bright and appetizing, immediately give the feast a festive look, and are prepared as quickly and simply as possible. There are actually quite a few options for serving these sandwiches.


  • 1 baguette of white or rye bread (loaf can be used),
  • 300 g lightly salted red fish,
  • 2-3 hard small tomatoes,
  • dill sprigs

Cooking method:

  • Cut the red fish into thin slices.
  • Cut fresh cucumber into half rings, cut lemon rings into 4 parts.
  • Cut the fresh baguette into portions.
  • Brush each slice of bread with soft butter or melted cheese.
  • Put a piece of fish on the baguette, put lemon and cucumber on opposite sides of the sandwich.
  • Decorate the sandwiches with a sprig of fresh herbs.

Sandwiches with red fish "Ladybugs"


  • 5 small tomatoes,
  • 200 g of red fish
  • 200 g butter
  • a jar of pitted olives,
  • a bunch of parsley
  • sliced ​​loaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the fish from bones and skins, cut into thin slices. Divide each slice of bread into two parts, brush with butter and place a slice of fish on top.
  2. Cut the tomatoes and olives in half lengthwise. Make cuts in each half of the tomato to form the wings of a ladybug. Read more:
  3. From the halves of olives, make a head for each cow, and specks from finely chopped pieces of olives. Place the ladybirds on top of the red fish. Decorate the sandwiches with parsley leaves.

The basics of colorful design

In order for such an appetizer to become a decoration and a highlight of any table, you need to think about how to serve them beautifully. Various design variations are possible:

  • The classic option is to add a lemon wedge;
  • Olives or capers will add piquancy to the taste;
  • All kinds of berries and fruits (both fresh and canned) will create an exquisite look. Red currants are well suited, grapes are the most popular among fruits, pears and apples are also combined with red fish, perfectly complements the taste of avocado. The berries look interesting if you roll them in powdered sugar;
  • Vegetable slices will make the sandwiches appetizing. First of all, these are tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes. Various shapes are well cut out of them;
  • It is also interesting to imagine the main ingredient, for example, rolling a rose from a fish slice;
  • A win-win would be decoration with sprigs of fresh greenery. The most common options for this are parsley or dill. Basil or rosemary are suitable for gourmets;
  • The most suitable way to serve a red fish appetizer is to place it on a platter with lettuce leaves.
  • Canapes. To prepare a bread base for this type of snack, you need to cut small squares or circles of the same size from the bread, lay the rest of the components, pierce everything with a skewer. It is convenient to use a baguette to make canapes;
  • Classic sandwiches. For their preparation, both a loaf and any other types of bread are used. For a regular table, simple slicing is fine. For a festive feast, it is worth turning on imagination. The bread base can be shaped like stars, squares, rhombuses, triangles.

From personal experience, I know that small sandwiches with red fish disappear from the plates in the first place. And it is not surprising - this is an excellent snack (for the first, for the second ... and so on, a glass), at the same time, a spectacular decoration of the festive table. A good lifesaver wand when guests suddenly appear.

You can take any red fish for sandwiches, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon are perfect. By the way, you can salt it yourself, I recently introduced you to the recipes, follow the link and read. Choose the right recipe and don't overpay in the store - it will turn out much better, I have no doubt.

How to make red fish sandwiches

First of all, bread and loaf. It can just be sliced ​​but damn boring. Do not be lazy and cut out the figures: Christmas trees, stars, rhombuses, squares).

First fry the slices or brush with butter.

Well, then decorate. First of all, greens are perfect - dill, parsley, lettuce, basil and rosemary. Next, fresh tomatoes, radishes and cucumbers - cut interesting figures from them, and from boiled carrots - balls, cubes and spirals.
What else is put on a fish sandwich? Olives, olives, necessarily lemon, avocado, pickled fruits are a win-win option. Cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese. And much more!

Recipes for sandwiches with red fish on the festive table

Recipe number 1. With caviar.

You will need: Bread, red fish, fresh cucumber, red caviar, butter, green onions.

  • Preparation:
    Spread butter on the bread, place thinly sliced ​​fish on top and place the red caviar in a heap. Use thin cucumber rings and onion feathers to decorate.

Recipe number 2... With butter cream.

Take: Black bread, any fish, cream cheese, sour cream, herbs if desired, but dill, black pepper and salt.

  • Preparation: Lightly fry the bread or dry it in a toaster. Make buttercream: mix sour cream with cream cheese, finely chopped herbs, pepper and salt a little. Spread the cream on the bread, top with the fish slices and garnish with a sprig of dill.

Recipe number 3... Hot with cheese.
You will need: White bread, salmon, mayonnaise, hard cheese.
We do:

  • Brush the bread with mayonnaise, put the fish on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Send to the oven and watch the cheese - if melted, then the sandwich is ready.

Recipe number 4. With feta cheese.
We take: Bread, red fish, tomatoes, feta cheese, fresh cucumber, olives, lemon, dill.

How to make a fish sandwich:

  • Put alternately chopped lemon, feta cheese, a strip of red fish on the bread. Using a skewer, attach an olive tree and a cucumber mug sail to it. A sprig of dill will not interfere - decorate the fish with it.

Recipe number 5. With avocado.
Take: White bread, avocado, red fish, lemon, lettuce, olives, any greens you want, salt.


  • First, prepare the avocado paste: remove the pit, chop the pulp with a fork, sprinkle with lemon lightly, salt and mix well. Dry the bread a little in a toaster, spread with avocado paste, put the salad on top and attach the fish. Use a skewer to secure the lemon and olive, and decorate with dill.

Recipe number 6.
You will need: Bread, fish, lemon, vegetable and butter, green olives, herbs as you wish.

  • First, grind the salmon in a blender, add a little vegetable oil and sprinkle with lemon. It will turn out to be something like a pate. Spread the bread with butter or fry on it. Spread over the bread slices and garnish with herbs and olives.

Recipe number 7. With radish.
Buy: Black bread, radish, salmon, cottage cheese, black pepper, dill, cucumbers, green onions and salt.

How to make a sandwich:

  1. Make curd paste first. Toss curd (use soft) with chopped herbs, salt and pepper. Fry the bread, then spread with a layer of curd paste, fish on top, then slices of radish and cucumber. Garnish with green onions and dill.

Recipe number 8... With tomatoes.
Take: Bread, red fish, butter, tomato, lettuce, herbs.

  • Lightly fry the bread in butter (or simply spread on the bread). Now put the lettuce, a circle of tomato, fish first and decorate with herbs of your choice.

Recipe number 9. Sandwich cake. A recipe for those who are not lazy and have the opportunity to fuss in the kitchen longer before the holiday.

You will need: Bread for toast, fish, processed cheese, boiled shrimp, red caviar, mayonnaise.
Making a sandwich cake:

  1. First, let's prepare something: mix the melted cheese with red caviar and mayonnaise (read about the preparation on the blog by clicking on the link, but you can take the purchased one). We have got a kind of cake cream.
  2. Divide the resulting mass into two unequal parts. Add finely chopped boiled shrimp to 1/3 of the cream, and chopped red fish to the rest. Do not cut the fish too finely.
  3. Line a baking sheet or wide dish with a sheet of parchment. Arrange the bread tightly so that there are no gaps. Put half of the fish cream on top in an even layer, cover with a layer of bread. The next layer is shrimp cream. Next, a layer of bread and the remaining cream with fish.
  4. It turned out to be a cake, but it's too early to treat yourself to them. Put it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, the bread will be soaked in cream during this time. Then decorate with herbs and you can taste.

I congratulate you on all the upcoming holidays, I wish you and your family health and prosperity.

I found a video with an interesting appetizer of red fish and lavash.

Good afternoon friends!

Sandwiches with red fish are the most popular delicacy appetizer for any celebration, New Year, birthday,! And thanks to the endless human imagination, the opportunity to cook simple and delicious recipes with salmon is endless ...

For today, let's put aside the simple options that we prepare in our daily life. Hot sandwiches baked in the oven for breakfast or on the road with hot and cold smoked chum. And we will prepare original snacks with an incredibly tasty delicacy (it can be: salmon, trout, pink salmon, salmon, chum salmon, sterlet, stellate sturgeon ...) lightly salted or moderately salted.

And in conclusion, we will think over the design, how to decorate in an original way and beautifully serve.

How to make red fish sandwiches - a classic recipe

In general, all butters are prepared simply and quickly, and with salmon it is also awesomely delicious!

Classic sandwiches are always welcome, both on weekdays and at any celebration. Let's decide what we need to prepare them?

First you need to decide what kind of bread to take as a basis. Then how to spread it and what to put on it?

Let's start with bread. The most common classics are made from French baguette, interesting from Armenian lavash, delicious on whole grain black bread. And you can cook it without bread - on crackers, loaves or in tartlets, you get wonderful little snacks for one "bite". The choice of the base depends only on your preferences.

Cut the bread into slices of various shapes: round, square, oval, diamond-shaped, star-shaped, triangular ... Cut into 1-1.5 cm thick and fry in a toaster or in a dry grill pan.

The bread should not be sliced ​​beforehand. It will dry out and not taste so good.

A delicious spread will add thickness and density. It can be based on butter, cottage cheese, cheese, cheese-garlic-mayonnaise, mushroom, egg-onion, with avocado pulp, from feta cheese ... with the addition of walnuts, chopped dill, mustard with grains, tomato sauce to the butter. In general, for every taste and color.

Now we take fish, any of the salmon family will do. This is a delicious classic product that in tsarist times adorned only tsarist tables and was considered exclusively food of the gods.

Fine salted fillet, we buy in the supermarket, or we make it ourselves. Remove the finished fillet from the skin and cut into pieces obliquely (50-60 g each), at the rate of one, and if small, then 2 pieces per bread. You can also make an original snack with finely chopped or minced fish.

Sandwiches cannot be stored for a long time, so we cook them no earlier than 30-40 minutes before serving.

The most delicious and beautiful sandwiches on the festive table

Sandwich appetizers are prepared quickly and easily, they diversify the menu, allow you to serve the table deliciously and beautifully. And when it comes to preparing them for a festive table, we turn on our imagination and think about how to decorate and beautifully serve for any celebration and His Majesty the New Year, so that the guests will be delighted.

We select the ingredients for a delicious combination. We make buters of various shapes and sizes. We cook in pita bread, on crackers, crispbread, black bread, baguette, buns ...

Small canapes and tartins look luxurious on the table. They attract attention with their miniature size and bright layers. Snacks in tartlets will not be overlooked either.

And for decoration we use thin slices of lemon and lime, roses from fish and oil, cucumber slices, chicken and quail eggs, olives, olives, capers, pieces of fruits and berries, various greens, lettuce. In general, everything that you have in the refrigerator.

So, let's get down to making simple and delicious recipes for festive red fish sandwiches.

Salmon and cottage cheese sandwich recipe, fast and delicious!

We make snacks small, they should whet the appetite and leave room for the rest of the dishes.

In this recipe, we use an excellent base for spreading on bread - curd cheese. Its creamy taste and pasty texture make it look like a delicate curd.


  • whole grain black bread
  • cottage cheese
  • lightly salted salmon fillet
  • fresh herbs for decoration


  1. Dry the bread in a toaster, then cut it into round pieces.
  2. Mix finely chopped dill with curd cheese and spread on bread.
  3. We twist thin strips of fish fillets in the form of a rose, put them in cheese. Decorate with dill sprigs.
  4. The sandwich is ready! Let's try. Mmm ... .. delicious! Amazing taste of cheese plus a real fishy taste and a pronounced aroma of herbs. Very appetizing!

Delicious recipe with red fish and cream cheese

Want to delight your guests? Make salted pink salmon roses on a crunchy cream cheese cracker.

According to this recipe, we use the delicate Philadelphia cheese, it has a wonderful creamy taste and is great here. It is not always possible to buy it in the store, besides, the cost is quite high, so it is better to take care of the purchase in advance. As a last resort, replace it with any pasty cheese of your preference.

To prepare 7 servings, we need:

  • 7 crackers
  • 350 g salted pink salmon
  • 100 g cheese
  • parsley for garnish

Put cheese in a bowl, add finely chopped parsley and mix well. We put everything in a culinary bag with a nozzle.

Roll roses from thin slices of pink salmon.

We arrange them on a cracker, squeeze out cream cheese in a circle and decorate with parsley leaves.

A chic holiday snack is ready in minutes. Very nice and tasty!

A simple recipe for cooking with cucumber and red fish

Snacks with tender salmon, a refreshing light cucumber and a pleasant smell of dill are of excellent taste and are the first to be swept off the table!

We will need:

  • bread - 6 pieces
  • slightly salted salmon - 300 g
  • cucumber
  • cheese - 100 g
  • fresh dill for decoration


We take bread of any kind, I have white sliced ​​bread. Using the form, cut out the circles and fry in a pan without oil on both sides for a short time. Do not overdry!

Grease the toasted slices of bread with cheese. Roll a long thin cucumber straw into rings and put it on the cheese. We put a salmon rose in the center. Decorate with delicate, delicate, green dill leaves.

Check out other design ideas below, with salmon and cucumber.

Sandwich "Ladybug" with fish fillets and tomatoes

Sandwiches and snacks with these decorations are very attractive for children, they are also great for buffets and buffets.


  • baguette or sliced ​​loaf
  • 200 g pink salmon
  • 80 g butter
  • 5 tomatoes
  • olives
  • parsley


  • Cut the fillet of salted pink salmon obliquely into slices of 50-60 grams.
  • Spread the sliced ​​loaf pieces with butter, put a piece of pink salmon on top.
  • Take dense tomatoes and cut them in half. Then cut each half in half again, but not completely, so that the wings of a ladybug are obtained.
  • We make the head of a ladybug from half an olive.
  • Finely chopped pieces of olives will serve as specks for it.
  • We put God's creatures on the fish fillet and decorate with parsley leaves.

Festive sandwiches with salmon and red caviar

Today we will prepare snacks with salmon and caviar. When paired with butter fish, shrimp, and cream cheese, they are delicious.

For this recipe we need:

  • 550-600 g lightly salted salmon
  • 200 g caviar
  • 200 g oily fish
  • 10 shrimp
  • 300 g cream cheese
  • tartlets by number of guests
  • lettuce leaves for decoration

calculation of products for 11 servings


  1. Cut the salmon fillet into thin strips, fold several strips into one large rose. And from separate strips we make 11 more small roses.
  2. If you want to enrich the taste, add finely chopped fresh pineapple or avocado, eggs, and leftover fish fillets to the cream cheese. Fill the prepared lean tartlets with this mixture. We decorate one edge with a small lettuce leaf with a salmon rose. We put it on a plate in the form of a large flower.
  3. We close the center with oily fish triangles and a large salmon rose. Fill the gaps with caviar.
  4. Boil defrosted shrimps in salted water for 3 minutes. Cool and without peeling the shell, spread between the tartlets. The appetizer is ready, it always delights the guests.

Two more design options.

Simple appetizer with salmon and butter

This is a classic recipe for a delicious and mouth-watering dish that is always present on the table. To turn it into a festive one, it is enough to come up with a decoration.


  • 200 g lightly salted trout
  • 100 g butter
  • lettuce leaves
  • green pea
  • onion


  1. Cut black bread and trout fillets into small equal slices.
  2. Optionally, you can add extra flavor to the butter by adding chopped parsley and a clove of garlic. We spread each piece of bread.
  3. Put the fish on top and decorate. Disassembled onion slices will serve as a sail for us, fix them with a toothpick and decorate with green peas.

Sandwich with red fish and avocado - a recipe for a festive table

We prepare delicious and hearty sandwiches with salmon and avocado (smoked salmon), decorate with arugula, radish and cheese.

It takes a couple of minutes to prepare an incredibly satisfying sandwich, and the amazing combination of the taste of delicate avocado with red fish makes it delicious.

How beautiful to decorate and serve fish sandwiches?

I offer you several ideas for a beautiful design (collected on the Internet) for a hearty snack for a buffet table and New Year's table.

We decorate sandwiches with those products that are included in their composition, as well as softened butter or curd cheese, herbs, vegetables, fruits, olives, eggs, citrus fruits, granular red caviar ... We select the products so that they match according to taste and color.

These are such simple and delicious recipes. I would be glad if I could help you in choosing sandwiches for the festive table.

For a festive table, as an appetizing snack, they often make holiday sandwiches with sprats, with caviar, with red fish. Sandwich recipes may be very different, but one rule must be respected - insofar as festive sandwiches then they should be cook gently and beautifully designed.

Sandwiches for the festive table differ from everyday, more expensive products (delicacies).

We offer you a selection of the best sandwiches for the festive table... Simple recipes for holiday sandwiches will not take much of your time and will delight your guests.

Classic red caviar sandwiches

To make sandwiches with red caviar you will need:

  • 140 g - red caviar;
  • 60 g - butter;
  • 1 PC. - baguette.

Red caviar is one of the most popular ingredients for making holiday sandwiches. The classic red sandwich is a slice of bread combined with butter and red caviar.

Sandwiches with caviar and salmon

To make sandwiches with red caviar and salmon, you will need:

  • bread - 300-400 g
  • butter - 200 g
  • salted salmon fillet - 200 g
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • red caviar - to taste

We offer a recipe for simple sandwiches with red caviar and salted salmon. These sandwiches look very bright and beautiful and will come in handy both on holidays and for everyone day for table decoration.

Ham, mushroom and cheese sandwiches

Hot sandwiches with ham, mushrooms and cheese are a very satisfying and tasty dish that does not include complicated ingredients.


  • French baguette or loaf;
  • Ham;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • Champignon mushrooms;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.

How to make holiday ham, mushroom and cheese sandwiches

Sandwiches with red fish and avocado

Another type of sandwiches for a festive table that will not leave you indifferent.

Red fish sandwiches are very simple and quick to prepare. Therefore, it is not worth preparing them in advance, it is better before serving.


  • Black bread;
  • Fillet of red fish;
  • Ripe avocado;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Green lettuce leaves;
  • Lemon;
  • Greenery for decoration;
  • Salt.


Wash the greens and lay them out on a paper towel to dry.

Cut the black bread into thin slices. At your discretion, in a triangle or square.

Wash the avocado, clean it, get rid of the pits, chop the flesh itself very, very finely or crush it with a fork. Then mix with mayonnaise. Add salt to taste. Apply the avocado paste to the slices of bread.

We buy the fish already cut into slices or we ourselves thinly cut with a sharp knife. Roll the red fish slices into a roll and place on the avocado paste.

Wash the lemon, wipe dry, cut into slices.

Garnish ready-made sandwiches with red fish with dill and serve on lettuce leaves with lemon.

To make sandwiches with trout, we need:

  • loaf,
  • 7 slices of salted trout,
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • lemon,
  • butter
  • for decorating parsley and red currant berries.

Preparation sandwiches with trout:

Cut 7 even pieces from the loaf and spread them with butter. Cut the cucumber obliquely into long slices. We twist pieces of trout into a roll, and pierce with skewers, sticking over the cucumber. Put slices of lemon and red currant on the side. When serving trout sandwiches on the festive table, they can be laid out on lettuce leaves and garnished with parsley or dill.

Sandwiches with cottage cheese and smoked salmon


  • Rye bread;
  • The curd is soft, not sour;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Smoked salmon;
  • Red onion;
  • Green onion;
  • Salt, freshly ground black pepper;
  • Dill for decoration.

To make sandwiches with lightly salted salmon and olives, we need:

  • 9 pieces of baguette
  • 9 olives
  • 9 oblong salmon slices
  • Butter
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Grape
  • Parsley

Preparation sandwiches with salmon and olives:

Cut the French baguette into thin slices and spread butter on them, wrap the salmon fillet in a tube. Take a skewer, prick an olive on it, a fish tube and insert it into a piece of baguette. Put a piece of lettuce and a small sprig of parsley on the side of the sandwich. Cut the grapes in half and decorate the sandwiches. Such beautiful sandwiches can be served for a festive table.

Snack sandwiches with red fish and cucumber

A festive table cannot do without snack sandwiches, and such a recipe with red fish and fresh cucumber on a creamy pillow will appeal to everyone. It is very simple and quick to prepare, but it will look very festive and appetizing on the table among other equally delicious dishes.


  • French baguette or loaf
  • Lightly salted salmon
  • Cream cheese
  • Dill, parsley and onion
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Dill greens, a few twigs for decoration
  • Salt, pepper - as desired and to taste

Sandwiches with sprats and quail eggs

To make sandwiches with sprats and quail eggs, you need :

  • 160 g - sprats in oil
  • 6 slices of white bread
  • 2 pcs - tomatoes
  • 100 g - gherkins (small cucumbers)
  • 3 pcs - quail eggs
  • 3 tbsp. l. - olive oil
  • salt, pepper - to taste

How to make festive sprats and egg sandwiches -

Festive sandwiches with egg and cucumber sprats

To make sandwiches with sprats and vegetables, you need :

  • French baguette - 1pc.
  • Sprats in a bank - 1 bank
  • Pickled cucumbers - 1 jar (small cucumbers)
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs - 7 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Dill herbs for decoration

To make sandwiches with sprats and avocados, you need :

  • 4 slices of bread
  • 1 PC. - avocado
  • 1 pc - lemon (for juice and zest)
  • 1 clove - garlic
  • 1 can of sprats
  • 1 tbsp. spoon - wine vinegar
  • 1-2 tomatoes (cut into slices)
  • parsley

Sprat sandwiches- one of the most common recipes for sandwiches for a festive table. These sandwiches are very quick and delicious.

To make sandwiches we need:

  • White bread,
  • can of sprat,
  • two tomatoes,
  • mayonnaise
  • 2 boiled eggs.

Preparation sandwiches:

In a skillet, fry slices of bread on both sides until golden brown. Spread the finished bread with a thin layer of mayonnaise. We spread the sprats on the bread. Put eggs cut into thin circles on top. Then the tomatoes. festive sandwiches with sprats and eggs can be dill or parsley.

To make sandwiches with herring, egg and capers, we need:

  • Black bread, sliced
  • 200 gr. - herring fillet
  • 2 pcs. - lightly salted cucumber
  • 3 pcs. - boiled chicken egg
  • 1 tbsp - apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp - vegetable oil
  • 50 gr. - capers
  • 10 pieces. - cherry tomatoes
  • 1 bunch - fresh herbs (dill)
  • Ground black pepper

The main advantage of these sandwiches for the festive table is not only light and very pleasant taste, but also speed and ease of preparation.

Sandwiches with beef, arugula and pickled peppers

Sandwiches with juicy, tender and tasty beef and pickled bell peppers are a great find for a festive table. Sandwiches are easy to prepare, there is only one difficulty, you need to bake in advance (but not overdo it with the degree of roasting) a piece of beef tenderloin in the oven, and then cut it thinly and use it for sandwiches.


  • Baguette, loaf or bread;
  • Sandwich butter;
  • Roast beef, such as roast beef
  • Pickled red peppers;
  • Arugula;
  • French mustard beans.


Cut the pickled peppers into strips.

Cut the bread into small slices and then apply a thin layer of sandwich butter. Place a few arugula leaves on each slice of bread.

Cut the beef into thin slices, roll each slice decoratively and place on bread with butter and arugula.

Put strips of pepper on the meat and more. Garnish with rocket salad and French mustard.

Beef sandwiches are ready, serve.

To make sandwiches, we need:

  • one french loaf,
  • a pack of crab sticks 200 grams,
  • butter, mayonnaise,
  • two tomatoes,
  • parsley or dill for decoration.

Preparation sandwiches:

Cut the loaf into thin slices, spread with butter, cut the crab sticks into thin pieces and fan them beautifully. We spread a piece of tomato next to it. We decorate each sandwich with mayonnaise and herbs.

Salami and Olive Sandwiches

An ideal appetizer for a festive table. Easy and quick to prepare, just what you need in the pre-holiday bustle. Salami and olive sandwiches look very elegant and appetizing. Be sure to take note of this recipe for sandwiches and surprise your guests with such a simple, but quite worthy snack.


  • Baguette, loaf or bread of your choice;
  • Cream cheese;
  • Salami;
  • Sweet red pepper;
  • Olives;
  • Parsley greens.


To make sandwiches with salami and olives, you need to prepare all the ingredients first.

Cut the bread or loaf into thin pieces.

Wash the greens and spread them on a paper towel.

Wash the pepper, remove the seeds and cut into small random slices.

Drain the marinade from the pickled olives or remove from the marinade and also spread on a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Next, they need to be cut into rings.

Cut the salami into even, thin slices.

Now let's start assembling delicious sandwiches.

Apply a thin layer of cream cheese to each slice of bread.

Roll a slice of salami into a "rose" or whatever happens, but to make it beautiful and appetizing. We spread three to four salami roses on a layer of cheese, spread cream cheese in the form of a small ball on each rose with a teaspoon. And now we decorate with olives rings, herbs, pepper slices as in the photo.

Put the ready-made festive sandwiches with salami and olives on a beautiful dish and serve.

To make sandwiches with crab sticks and kiwi, we need:

  • 8 slices of French loaf
  • Butter
  • 8 pieces of hard cheese
  • 1 kiwi
  • Crab sticks
  • Greenery for decoration
  • Mayonnaise

Cut the French loaf into pieces and grease with butter. Put the pieces of cheese on top. Cut the crab sticks into thin slices and put them on a sandwich. Peel and cut the kiwi into circles. We make a small incision on each circle and put it on a sandwich. We decorate the sandwiches with mayonnaise and parsley. Our delicious appetizer is ready!

Festive cod liver sandwiches

To make cod liver sandwiches, we need:

  • 6 slices of bread (baguette, loaf)
  • 1 can - cod liver (canned)
  • 2 pcs. - chicken eggs (or quail)
  • 1 PC. - onions

Cod liver snack sandwiches - delicious, beautiful looking and very quick to cook in time.

Sprat and egg sandwiches

To make sandwiches with sprat and egg, we need:

  • 6 slices rye bread
  • 2 pcs. - steep boiled chicken egg (you can use
    and quail) -
  • 350 gr. - lightly salted sprat
  • 30 gr. - butter
  • 1 bunch - onion

How to cook sandwiches with sprat for a festive or buffet table with step by step photos you can

Festive Salmon Sandwiches

To make salmon sandwiches, we need:

  • Fillet of salted salmon
  • Round slices of black bread for garnish
  • Butter
  • Dill and parsley
  • Chicken egg
  • Salad mayonnaise
  • Red currant berries for decoration

Preparation sandwiches:

Thinly cut the black bread into thin pieces and squeeze the circles with the help of a cookie cutter. Finely chop the dill. Hard-boiled egg. Spread the slices of bread with butter. Grease the sides with mayonnaise and sprinkle with dill. We twist the strips of lightly salted salmon into a roll and put them on a sandwich. ... Cut the egg into small pieces and lay the salmon on one side. On the other side we put red currant berries and parsley.

Tuna and quail egg sandwich

To make sandwiches with tuna and quail eggs, we need:

  • Rye bread - 4 slices
  • Quail egg - 4 pieces
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 6 pcs.
  • Tuna from a can in its own juice - 200 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Dill a few twigs for decoration

This sandwich looks very appetizing and beautiful! Make our recipe for a tuna and quail egg sandwich.

To prepare sandwiches "Ladybugs" we need:

  • Baguette
  • Smoked balyk
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Olives
  • Butter
  • Mayonnaise
  • lettuce, parsley for decoration

Thinly cut the baguette into pieces and spread with butter. Cut the smoked balyk into thin slices. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and make an incision, slightly push the edges apart to make the wings. Cut the olives into four pieces. Now that everything is sliced ​​and prepared, we begin to collect our sandwich "ladybug"... Put a leaf of lettuce on a slice of loaf smeared with butter. We put smoked balyk on the salad. And now we start decorating our ladybugs. On a piece of balyk we put a half of a tomato, from a quarter of an olive we make a head. Now we make eyes from mayonnaise, and from small pieces of olives - specks on the back. We spread beautiful holiday sandwiches on a dish and decorate with parsley. Our delicious sandwiches "ladybugs" ready.

Sandwiches with herring and mustard oil

Ingredients for herring sandwiches:

  • 4 slices of dark bread
  • 2 tbsp oils
  • 1 tsp mustard (French granular)
  • 1-2 cucumbers
  • 1-2 fillets of herring
  • Dill
  • freshly ground pepper

Herring and cucumber black bread is one of the most delicious combinations. And, probably, the most traditional ones.