Feng Shui harmony. Harmony in Chinese: The Basics of Feng Shui. What moments in the arrangement of an apartment should be avoided

To understand the impact on us of the environment, it is necessary to know the fundamental principle at work in the Universe. The ancient Chinese established that the universe consists of two complementary qualities: Yin and Jan. And also that there are three categories in which these two entities constantly reside - this is Heaven, Earth and Man. For generations, ancient philosophers have explored methods of managing these interrelated concepts, as well as methods of influencing them to improve personal life, luck and destiny. Feng Shui was formed through this long and deep study.

Complementary opposites

Everything in the Universe consists of two opposite, complementary principles: Yin and Yang. Yin represents the passive side of nature, and Yang represents the active side. Yin and Yang cannot exist independently of each other. They personify two primary qualities that are present in all living things. Nothing can be one hundred percent Yin or Yang - all things contain a relative amount of these energies, which is reflected in the symbol of the interaction of these two energies - Tai Chi. This concept is an important key to understanding Feng Shui.

The white side represents Yang and the black side represents Yin. Each of the qualities contains the color of its opposite, which indicates that within all things there is a seed for potential change to the opposite.

Yin is characterized by passivity, receptivity, silence, darkness and spirituality. In contrast, Yang is characterized by activity, firmness, imagination, loudness and brightness. Neither principle is better than the other; they are both equally necessary for the existence of life in the universe. In other words, Yin and Yang represent the world of duality. Nothing can be absolutely perfect or pure, just as nothing can be absolutely vicious or incapable of purification.

In accordance with the principles of feng shui, these two principles should be in perfect harmony with each other. Places with a severely disturbed balance between Yin and Yang are unfavorable or generally unsuitable for human habitation. The Yang-dominated zone can lead to a loss of peace and harmony. For example, a bedroom overlooking a noisy street can deprive you of much-needed quality rest. But an area with too Yin quality, such as an office with windows overlooking a dark and narrow alley, can make you feel too relaxed and sleepy, thereby depriving you of energy and reducing productivity. that is excessively Yin, that is, hidden and dark, will not be able to sufficiently attract money or energy.

Various activities, events and even emotions can be described in terms of feng shui. For example, funerals tend to be Yin in nature: silence, moderation, and depression. And the Carnival held in Brazil personifies the Yang energy: activity, color, noise and abundance. Due to innate characteristics, people have a different Yin / Yang balance. If you are dominated by Yang, then your emotional state is characterized by irritation or irascibility. But if you are more Yin, you can be withdrawn and depressed. To achieve harmony and enhance certain qualities, you should plan your living environment in accordance with the principles of feng shui.

How to use the principle of duality in your home

From the point of view of the harmonious interaction of these two essences, a good one must be balanced, for this, when planning a house, the factors of Yin and Yang are taken into account, and a balance between them is observed in the arrangement.

Yin Energy Factors- this is the north side, the mountain, the rise, silence, dark and muted colors, a refrigerator, distant rooms in the house, a bedroom, a bed, screens, a recreation room, a toilet.

Yang energy factors- this is the south side, water, a slide, a noisy road, crossroads, loud music, light and bright colors, heating and lighting devices, fresh flowers, an entrance hall, an office, a gym - everything related to vigorous activity.

In addition, you should also take into account the purpose of the room or room, and already based on this, if necessary, shift the balance in one direction or another. For example, in the bedroom, it will be appropriate to use dim colors and midtones in the design, low furniture, screens, dim light - all this will contribute to a favorable sleep, which refers to Yin energy. And for vigorous activity, which is necessary in a study or living room, it is better to use the Yang energy factors - bright lighting, light and colorful colors in the design, tall furniture, bright interior elements.

Are you fatally unlucky? Have you ever wondered if the reason could be an unwashed stove or an open toilet lid? Feng Shui offers an original way ...

Step one - get a pet

In order for the house to have positive energy flows, get a pet. Feng Shui favors the turtle. In China, a small pond is arranged for them, in which there is a stone on which the turtle can crawl out. In our conditions, any container about 30 cm in diameter is quite suitable. The water should be changed three times a week, and the turtle should be fed with fish. It is believed that the armored ones bring stability to the house. However, it will do ... a frog. They are believed to protect against danger and trouble. For those who prefer warm-blooded pets, the tiger can be offered. The tiger, on the one hand, symbolizes protection, on the other hand, the feminine principle. So it is quite logical for women to have a little tiger, in the form of a cat, which will protect their well-being. By the way, in Egypt, the cat was considered the goddess guarding the hearth and the woman's family happiness. The Chinese did not have anything about dogs, but I suppose, and they are unlikely to harm the home harmony. So the choice is yours.

Step two - pay attention to the front door and hallway

The theater starts from the coat rack, and the apartment starts from the door. The Chinese believe that an entrance door located at the top of a staircase or at its top is a bad sign. The staircase, of course, cannot be moved, but the situation can still be corrected. It is recommended to hang a medium-sized mirror above the door to reflect negative energy.

This same technique will help if you are unlucky and the doors in the apartment are located opposite each other. It is recommended to hang coins or bells on the inner handle of the front door, since they are believed to attract money into the house. For these purposes, the Chinese use coins with holes, tying them with a red cord.

The entrance to the dwelling must be well lit. If the hallway is too dark, use richer colors, brighten the lighting and hang paintings or photographs on the walls in rectangular and oval frames.

In addition, any hallway should be kept clean and not only before receiving guests, but constantly. Otherwise, you will be haunted by feelings of apathy and fatigue.

For the door mat, choose a color that matches the direction of the entrance door.
Some feng shui experts advise putting three gold coins under the rug for good luck. I think that copper is quite suitable, since color rather than texture matters.

Ideally, when a person enters a home, their gaze should be directed towards the living room, dining room or common room, rather than the rooms of individual family members. The latter, over time, can lead to disunity among family members. To fix the situation, place impressive, interesting objects in the hallway that distract attention from the interior rooms. Keep doors to bedrooms, kitchen and bathrooms closed.

Step three - get to the bathroom and toilet

One of the main requirements for a bathroom is cleanliness and order, it goes well with ordinary Russian habits. Otherwise, "the Chinese have their own quirks." The furnishings in it should be as simple as possible. Hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom door, if it is located in the southern part of the apartment, and choose blue or blue shades for the walls. If this color does not suit you, then hang a picture of a fish or waves.

If the toilet is in the bathroom, wall off with a partition. The toilet lid must always be closed. Otherwise, the welfare will constantly go away. If possible, place a plant in the toilet.

A mop, rag and the like should be kept in a secluded place out of the reach of the eyes, otherwise the inhabitants of this dwelling will have no luck. This is especially true for the kitchen. Failure to comply with this principle leads to the fact that the owners cannot get out of the need.

Step four - pay attention to the room in which you eat

Sometimes the dining room and living room are combined in one room. In this case, the area where food is taken must be isolated from the living room. This can be achieved with a wooden trellis lined with climbing plants, a mirror, and paintings or photographs. A bookcase, bookcase or other similar piece of furniture can also serve as a “dividing line”. Combined with a warm color scheme (possibly different from the living room color scheme).

A person usually feels better when eating in a room with a high ceiling. In "Khrushchev" with ceilings of 2 m 40 cm, you cannot cut a hole to the neighbors, so you need to increase the height visually. To do this, you can use wall lights with upward light. Too bright lighting is not conducive to coziness and relaxation, so use continuously variable switches or lower wattage bulbs - at least for everyday meals.

Mirrors, a favorite element of feng shui, are also recommended in the dining room, as they not only enhance natural light and create the illusion of more space, but also double the number of dishes on the table, making every meal twice as impressive.

While ideally the chairs should be against the walls, in practice this is not always possible, so use the advice that is real for our small kitchens. Do not place the table in front of the front door, there should be chairs even number, and sit your dear guest facing the entrance, not directly opposite.

A meal facing the toilet is detrimental not only to appetite, but also to the health and well-being of family members. If the dining table is adjacent to the toilet wall, this guarantees health problems.

The dining table, located between doors at opposite ends of the room, is also under attack. Well-being will quickly “float away” from such a house. In such a situation, you need to hang a musical pendant or a bell at the door.

The color of the tablecloth can be chosen in accordance with the area of ​​the room where the dining table is located: blue in the north, green in the east, and so on. If you always wear a white tablecloth, try colored napkin rings. Heat insulating pads should match the shape of the table: if you have a round table, use round pads, get oval ones for the corresponding table.

Do not eat from cracked or chipped dishes. This bodes well. During meals, use glasses, filling them with a clear liquid, then they will act as individual crystals, stimulating energy flows. What is nice, it is not necessary to use expensive crystal, even cut glass will do.

Step five - work on the living room

The living room not only serves as a gathering place for family members, where they watch TV or just relax together, but also serves as a center for communication when friends and acquaintances come to visit. The living room should be cozy and welcoming, warm and well-lit, but not too bright or noisy.
If there is an alcove in the living room, the energy can become stagnant. Hang a mirror on a raised wall to create a sense of depth, and dispel energy with plants and wall lights.

It is good to install a TV in the corner, this will be a zone of wealth. Chairs and a sofa should be placed with their backs against the walls.

Don't keep books on open bookshelves. Over time, this will lead to the appearance of diseases, ailments, and a bad mood. As a last resort, keeping the spines of the books flush with the edge of the shelf will reduce the harmful effects. Wooden shelves are not recommended to be placed in the southwest, northeast and in the center of the apartment. Glass, do not place in the northern part of the apartment. The least harmful are plastic shelves.

Hang family photos on your living room wall. They must be attended by all family members living in the house, and be sure to good mood... It will bring good luck.

The center of the room is considered a good luck zone. Place a chandelier over it.

Step six - the secret of the bedroom

Take a nice vase. Fill it with semi-precious stones or crystal, or put jewelry in it. Hide it in a closet (but not opposite the bedroom door) or dresser and do not show it to anyone. These actions promise financial well-being.

Step seven - a few words about the corridor

If the hallway is long, hang mirrors on the walls to create a wavy effect. A lot can also be done with wall decorations, dim lights, and hanging vines if space permits.

You can improve the promotion of the flow of energy in the apartment with the help of devices: "wind chime", bells, "water noise". The ticking clock on the wall also creates a good soundscape in the house.

Try growing an orange tree in your apartment. Orange is a symbol of prosperity. Place it in an unfavorable part of the apartment (geopathogenic zone) to make this place less dangerous for you. A lemon tree can be used for the same purpose. Different colors should dominate in different corners of the apartment and room.

Curtains are supposed to improve the feng shui of the home. Before choosing curtains for certain windows at home, find out which side of the world these windows are directed to, and then use the table to find out which color will be the best.

Organize a symbolic representation of the primary elements in your apartment. To attract money to the house, take care of the representation of water, as water is a symbol of wealth. It can be represented by a small aquarium, black or dark blue. Water is also symbolized by mirrors, glass, images of fish, waterfalls and sea landscapes.

The tree symbolizes growth, creativity and nutrition. It can be represented by any flowers, plants, green. It is good if the flowers are located in the east or southeast. Wood also symbolizes wooden objects; images of trees and plants.

Fire symbols (candles and light bulbs) in a home environment raise the level of activity.

Traditionally associated with the earth are yellow and tan colors.
Its symbols are ceramic products... Their use will give you practicality.

The colors of the metal are white, gold and silver. The main forms for expressing metal are the circle and the crescent, as well as any metal objects, especially coins. Having these items in your home encourages entrepreneurship and versatility.

None of the primary elements should be excessively represented. This will lead to negative consequences.

With regard to feng shui, the bedroom is a unique place. There a person spends a third of his life, experiences the most vivid emotions, decides the most important family issues. This is a space of intimacy, which is shared with a partner, as well as a place of being alone with oneself. In many respects, the relationship of family members, health, and love depend on the atmosphere in the bedroom.

For this reason, feng shui housing begins with the interior decoration of the bedroom, subsequently organizing it in the rest of the rooms.

Impact of the cardinal points

The rules of Chinese teaching convince that the arrangement of the bedroom will help improve intimate relationships rooms in the northern zone of the dwelling. With a stable relationship with a partner, you can prefer his western territory for a bedroom. Creating it in the northeastern zone can provoke nightmares.

So that young, active people can easily build a career, a private room is decorated in the eastern space. Romantics living their own hobbies, not worried about the meteoric rise in business, can choose the western side. People who are passionate will feel good in the bedroom on the south side of the building.

The southwest zone is not chosen at all. There is no need to equip a bedroom in a basement room. It is good if such a room is not created above the rest of the premises.

Installing the bed

A significant effect on the flow of Qi energy movement creates the arrangement of furniture. Therefore, it is extremely important to place it correctly. The dominant piece of furniture in a bedroom in Feng Shui is the bed. In the interior setting, she is assigned the main role, and adherence to the practice of feng shui will make harmony, serenity, calmness the main in the room.

Bed installation rules:

  • It is better to purchase a wooden bed, always on legs, so that the bed does not become waterlogged, which leads to poor health.
  • It is forbidden to have a bed in the northern zone. Elderly people prefer sleeping on the west side, young people on the east.
  • The bed cannot yet be placed with its feet towards the entrance.
  • It is necessary to make the bed so that the sun's rays do not fall directly on the face.
  • Only one mirror is allowed in the bedroom, which must not be placed at the foot of the bed.
  • No objects should hang over the bed, otherwise health will suffer.
  • The bed should be without a gap in the middle, and not created as a result of the movement of two beds, otherwise this will entail alienation of partners.
  • It is forbidden to put a bed near a large window, as this will cause overexcitement.

Warehousing under the bed of unnecessary, old items, things also provokes disturbing sleep. Feng Shui philosophy determines that old things should not be kept in the house. It is imperative to get rid of them. It is important that the walls of the bedroom are light. Simple Feng Shui rules will help change the bedroom so that it will be happy and abundant in the family.

Bedroom harmony: basic rules

To transform a bedroom to create love, harmony, you must first carefully examine the space. Perhaps you will find that the wallpaper has faded, the curtains are old, and therefore need to be changed or washed for a long time. Make cosmetic repairs, change fabrics. Don't ignore the chandelier. Since it saturates the room with light, soft and enchanting, it must be clean.

Bedside tables, the height of which should not exceed the horizon of the bed, can only contain the things you need. Discard electronic appliances in the room. The energy of such objects is too active, it is capable of disrupting the atmosphere of peace.

Exclude everything that is a symbol of water (decorative waterfalls, aquariums, etc.). Remove pointed blinds by replacing with soft fabric curtains. Sharpened edges cause ailments. Climbing pots should not be placed in the room. In general, there should be few flowers, since their abundance will lead to the collection of favorable energy flows.

Regularly carry out wet cleaning, airing the bedroom. Try to have the hostess do the cleaning - this will exclude the influx of foreign or negative energy. Lightly fumigate the space with oils.

Fill your bedroom with symbolic feng shui items. Hang the dream catcher so that there are no bad dreams. Red candles, figurines of angels will look like a place in the room of lovers. On the windows, the curtains should be light to let in a lot of light. However, at night, the frame should remain behind blackout curtains.

If you are tired of loneliness, then you can use the energy of the earth. Set up a tall floor lamp in the corner of the southwest area. Use the light in the evenings until the desired happens. This method should be resorted to when the desire is sincere.

The arrangement of the bedroom according to Feng Shui guarantees the establishment of harmony for the speedy improvement of human destiny. Thus, if you follow the centuries-old Chinese laws of arranging a room, then positive energy, harmony, love will always be present in it.

Watch a video online in good quality about the importance of following the rules of Feng Shui philosophy when rearranging your bedroom.

Everything that happens inside the house excites many people more than what happens outside the home. At home we take a break from worldly worries and people, at home we relax and recuperate. They say that even walls at home help.

The tenants of the apartment are quite capable of organizing harmony, they are able to create a favorable atmosphere of qi, which will harmoniously flow from one room to another. The mood, health and well-being of the family depend on this. Believe it or not!

What should be followed to harmonize Feng Shui in an apartment?

Features of the location of the front door - harmonious flow of energy:

Radiant chi energy enters your apartment through the front door. She must have free access to the light source. Your living area must be spacious and “welcoming”, conducive to relaxation.

In no case should you allow your front door to have an exit to the window or to the largest room. All chi energy will flow out through the window.

In this case, you need to cover the window with a screen or curtains, or you can install blinds.

According to feng shui, the front door should open to the inside of the apartment. Feng Shui at home loves space and freedom. Favorable qi energy runs into a dead end if the door has an exit directly to a wall or corridor. A large and beautiful mirror will easily fix this nuisance.

What moments in the arrangement of the apartment should be avoided?

The location of the toilet opposite the front door creates a negative flow of qi energy. If it is not possible to move it, then keep the toilet door closed at all times.

Outside the door, you can hang a mirror that will smooth out the negative flow.

Ideally, each door in your apartment should have no more than three windows. Favorable qi energy must be directed in such a sinuous flow that it passes through the entire room.

Try to avoid direct Qi movement, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the overall energy of your apartment.

Hang extra mirrors or bells for extra vector of energy movement.

Maintain order and cleanliness

Disorder in the apartment slows down and limits the qi energy. Make sure that all things are neatly folded and that the interior items are carefully arranged. Do not allow a large accumulation of objects in one place: on tables, on the floor, on furniture.

Auspicious chi energy should spread over every square meter of your cozy apartment.

Fresh air in your rooms

Air out rooms that you rarely visit or visit from time to time. In rooms with low light penetration or lighting, create conditions for adequate lighting.

For example, if the side is not sunny, and the windows are framed by curtains made of heavy textiles of complex drapery, replace the curtains, hang light tulle, silk or organza, or with a soft light lambrequin.

Less corners

Proportional rooms distribute all qi energy around the entire perimeter. Avoid corners in the middle of the room. If you can't avoid angularity, place a potted plant or a large mirror. This also applies to the angles in terms of your furniture.

The fewer there are, the more favorable the energy will be in your apartment. Prefer to buy furniture with soft shapes, smooth transitions and lines for the future.

Your bedroom is "sweet" night dreams and a complete resting place

The feng shui of the bedroom has a special place and meaning, as we spend a significant amount of time in it. It is the observance of the rules of feng shui in the bedroom that special attention is paid to.

It is very important to understand that the atmosphere in the bedroom creates comfort, coziness and a sea of ​​favorable energy. Choose the room farthest from the front door. The optimal shape of the bedroom is a square or rectangle.

Triangular, round or L-shaped shapes should be avoided. Perfect and auspicious chi is created in rectangular or square bedrooms.

The location of the bed in the bedroom - where does it belong?

Harmonious feng shui in the bedroom is strongly influenced by the location of the bed. Do not put it directly in front of the window. This option disturbs the calm. From this situation, a solution can be found, if during sleep the windows are closed with a curtain, favorable qi energy will certainly be preserved.

But, the ideal position is the location of the head of the bed against a blank wall.

You should also not put it in the corner of your room.

Try to choose a location for your bedroom with ample light during the day. It is important to understand that qi energy will not fall into too dark places, it loves light. You should also not organize an excess of things, furniture, interior items.

Even if you adore houseplants, do not force all your space with them. One or two indoor flowers will not be a hindrance. Choose calm tones of the room, do not overdo it with saturation.

Feng shui bedrooms- this is a special place in which a person receives a lot of beneficial qi.

By following the small recommendations for feng shui apartments, you will significantly increase your energy and improve your emotional state. Your home will become a real vessel of harmony and well-being, which will not spill every time due to ignorance of the rules of feng shui.

How do you feel about feng shui? Do you follow the laws of feng shui in your home?

In modern times, one can hardly meet a person who has not heard about Feng Shui. Society treats this art differently, and perceives the art of Feng Shui in a variety of ways. Often people do not pay attention to the arrangement of things, they think that these are little things that do not affect life in any way, but in fact it is these shortcomings that add up to life as a whole, and if you take them more carefully, it is possible to improve the quality of life and existence on this earth.

Feng shui art

The art of Feng Shui will help in this. The origin of this art took place in China in antiquity, about several thousand years ago.

It continues to develop at the present time. The art and teachings of Feng Shui have been handed down for generations, thus retaining the original ideas and characteristics. Feng Shui is an art that teaches a person to harmonize and interact with the environment - to have energy for the benefit of himself and those around him. Even taking into account the fact that this art does not run counter to traditions and religions, it has something similar to the fields of science, there are moments that cannot be explained from the point of view of logic.

Two energies: Yang and Yin

Most importantly in Feng Shui, the concept of "Qi" is considered - it is a force that is present in every living organism. Nature, and all living things, can create an energy field that can be either positive or negative. The task of a person is to create more positive energy, in this case, every day a person will feel a surge of strength and prosperity. Qi is of several types - human, celestial, natural, domestic, and social. All of these Qi affect people's lives every day. If people are powerless over the heavenly, natural and social Qi, then over human and domestic energy, with the help of rebuilding oneself, a person can create a favorable atmosphere - this is what this kind of art teaches.

But the most important forces that affect the whole universe are Yang and Yin. These opposites complement each other and create harmony for everything. Yang and Yin are two energies that interact and collide in Tao. Yang is a positive energy of light when Yin is at night. Taoism is the basis of Feng Shui teachings.

We invite Happiness

Feng Shui says that for a favorable living and creating good energy, it is important, and how the house itself is located. It is best to build a house on a hill, with a facade to the south, and block the rear with a high fence. And also the parts of the house should not be of the same height, the east side is always higher than the west, so the house will be located ideally. As a rule, the house should help and assist in order for a person to achieve harmony and improve in his life.

That is why you need to follow the rules recommended by Feng Shui experts. You also need to minimize the negative impact. To do this, you should try to get rid of sharp corners in the house to the maximum, as they attract negative energy. And also it is impossible for mirrors to reflect the corners in the house, since they should only duplicate those things that have positive energy.

And also the color in the rooms plays an important role. Yellow has a calming effect on a person, and neutralizes bad energy. The same abilities have shades of green. In order for health, happiness, security and wealth to reign in the house, you need to get a bouquet of dried plants, various decorative figures of animals, leather goods, natural furs, pillows in bright colors with various patterns. It is imperative to get rid of broken dishes, old slippers, reeds, climbing plants, as these things create bad energy that provokes quarrels, illness, depression, and unhappiness.

Another advice from the Feng Shui art scholars is to always keep the house perfectly clean, wipe all surfaces from dust, stock up on talismans that also have a beneficial effect on the house and maintain balance. Such simple rules will help you achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you, and will also contribute to attracting only good things, including health and wealth.