Philadelphia beat Pittsburgh to close the streak gap. "Philadelphia" beat "Pittsburgh" and closed the gap in the Fallout 4 series blues diamond city walkthrough

  1. Convince Henry Cook
  2. Help Paul Pembroke convince Henry Cook
  3. Talk to Henry Cook
  4. Or kill Henry Cook
  5. Report progress to Paul Pembroke
  6. Search Henry Cook's body and read the note found
  7. Ambush a drug dealer
  8. Interrogate Trish
  9. Or kill Trish
  10. Search Trish's body and read her note.
  11. Divide the loot
  12. Get access to Marowski's laboratory

Explorable locations:

  • The fens
  • Diamond city
  • Colonial Taphouse
  • South boston
  • Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant
  • Financial District
  • Goodneighbor
  • Hotel Rexford

After entering the Colonial Taphouse in Diamond City, you will witness a skirmish between Pembroke and his wife, followed by a fight between Paul and Henry (the bartender). Paul will run away, so you can talk to either Darcy (his wife) or Henry. But as soon as you leave the institution, he will ask you to intimidate Henry. Agree to help him.

(with low to medium skill in dialogue, you can ask for an increase in the reward for your work, but in this case you will do it alone).

In case you will be working alone, go up to the bar and talk to Henry about the fight that happened. Henry will tell you not to pry into other people's business. If your Dialogue skill is up to medium, you can settle the matter without going into combat. Otherwise, choose the dialogue option: your turn. The bartender will attack you.

Option 2: you go to the bar with Paul, who will start insulting Henry. You can cheer him up or calm him down. If everything ends amicably, Henry will talk about his involvement in the drug business.

If you do take part in a fight, kill Henry and search his pockets for a note hinting at Henry's connection with Nelson Latimer, mowing like a gangster.

Head north, reach the river, and head towards Back Street Apparel, where Nelson's lab is located. If you have companions, Nelson will not like it, and he will unleash a firefight. Talk to the only survivor - Trish.

You can either agree to leave her alive, and then she will tell you about where to find the laboratory, or kill her - then you need to find a note, or promise to let her go - she will also give you a password to enter the laboratory.

Trish will try to run away anyway - you can kill her, or you can let her go.

If Henry still follows you, at this point he will decide to leave the city, declaring his unwillingness to glow in the laboratory.

If Paul is still alive, he will offer you to share the found drugs. He will start asking for a larger share - you can pay him 500 caps, or kill him and take everything for yourself.

Continue to the southeast part of the city and you will find a factory inhabited by ghouls. Instead of entering the building, make your way to the roof and deal with the zombies. You will find a terminal that can be hacked (level - master), use a password from Trish, or by shooting targets in a specific order - you can find out about it by reading Trish's note.

Once in the laboratory, you will stumble upon the workers of Marovski - kill them and take the drugs.

Now you have to kill Marovski or Paul, and then take the reward from Malcolm Latimer.

At the end of the main quest line, you will have the opportunity to go through the further line in two ways:

Path of Latimer: About a day after you kill Nelson Latimer, his father Malcolm will contact you. His henchmen will try to annoy you the next time you visit Diamond City. Ignore his guys if you don't want the whole town to turn against you. Get to Malcolm and talk to him.

He will offer you to kill Marowski, or Paul (if you blame him for everything), or end the dialogue and Latimer will set his bodyguards on you. The last option is to anger Malcolm and you will either have to pay him or kill him.

Marovski's Way: Talk to Marovski, pay him 2000 or 1000 caps.

If you keep Nelson or Trish alive, 24 hours later you will be given a request to meet Marowski at the Hotel Rexford in Goodneighbor. You can go there, or get another warning that the gang boss wants to meet you.

Ignore his request and then bandits will periodically attack you.

Meet with Marovski and if you fail to convince him, you will have to pay him 2000 caps.

If you don't want to pay, you can ask him to wait a week. After 7 days, he will resume attacks until you pay.

You can show him the photo of the robbery, obtained in the quest Darcy situation, and then you will take on a new task - Marowski's Mercenary.

Colette's Way: Did Henry die for any reason while you were on this quest? His daughter Colette will arrive at the Dugout Inn about a week later. She will try to find out about the fate of her father.

You can tell her that you killed Henry and then kill her. 2) tell her that Henry is dead or missing, but you don't know for sure - depending on your ability to choose answers, you can solve the problem peacefully. 3) tell her that you do not know anything - she will either suspect you (but will not attack), or she will decide that you are telling the truth, but it remains to find out the details.

While Colette wanders around the city, Paul will start to worry about her. You can calm him down, you can agree to let Paul go after he kills Colette, or you can kill Colette yourself.

In the first case, you will meet Colette again a week later. If you split the drugs with Paul in a 70/30 ratio, he will try to convince the girl that you killed her father. In the event that during the first meeting with her, you have not convinced her of your innocence, she will again pester you with questions. Here you can:

  1. Fight her without going into details
  2. Tell her the truth and drive her out of town
  3. Tell the truth (if you didn't kill him) - she will leave town
  4. Say that Paul is the killer and she will leave town wondering which of you is really to blame.

After some time, she will return and engage in battle with you. But if you convince her that Paul is to blame, you will soon find out that he was killed.

Darcy's Way: Darcy was caught up in this situation for a reason. Three days after the completion of the main quest line, if you were not rude with her and you are lucky enough to chat with her, she will try to ask you about what happened.

You can:

  1. Tell her the truth
  2. Give an evasive answer - she will stop talking
  3. Agree to help her find out what happened to Henry and Paul
  4. To say that you know nothing.

If Paul disappears from Diamond City, you can either interrogate Henry, or stumble upon his body in the city and tell Darcy that he is dead.

A week later, if you helped her, she will find a photo of the robbery, which serves as evidence against Markowski, Henry and Malcolm Latimer.

You can now talk to Marowski, Henry and Latimer. After you kill Henry and Latimer, you will need to talk to Marovski.

Depending on who is still alive by that time, you can:

  1. Talk to Marowski at Hotel Rexford. You can sell him a photo or use it for blackmail. Marowski will offer to kill two other participants in the trouble.
  2. Talk to Latimer or Henry and they will offer you to pay for the photo - go back to Darcy and give her some of the covers.

Many players fallout 4 Blues Diamond City walkthrough takes a lot of time despite being a small side quest. The thing is that this task is associated with various intrigues between the inhabitants, and its implementation will entail certain consequences. In one case, these consequences can be positive for the player, and in another case, negative (depending on the style of the quest). Alternatively, you may not interfere with local intrigues at all and maintain the trust of the city's residents, but at the same time not receive any bonuses.

The Diamond City Blues in Fallout 4 begins with the player accidentally (or deliberately) overhearing a conversation between a husband and wife, who are clearly arguing about something with each other. As it turns out later, the wife is cheating on her husband with a certain Henry Cook. You can talk to Paul and Darcy (husband and wife). As a result of this dialogue, Paul will ask you to move away to talk to him in private. Further in the conversation, Paul will ask you to kill or intimidate Henry Cook, for a small reward, so that he gets behind Darcy. Paul will also volunteer to go to the showdown with you. If you want to keep Henry Cook alive and not lose your reputation in the eyes of the people of Diamond City, tell Paul to wait while you settle the conflict yourself.

Look for Cook at your local bar. If you have a charisma skill, then you can either intimidate him, or ask him to leave Paul's wife (Henry will listen to you). If you are not very charismatic, then the only way out is to kill Cook.

Provided that you saved Kuku's life, the quest can continue further. Henry will inform you that he needs to "talk" with a bandit named Nelson Latimer, but Cook cannot go without an escort. You can agree for the bonus in the form of caps or refuse the task by completing the task on this. Cook will take you to Nelson and his men. Ultimately, the conversation will end with a shootout, in which only a certain Trish will survive from Nelson's gang. The survivor will tell you the location of the laboratory and the password from the terminal. Then you can either kill her or let her go.

As a result, you will have to go to the Chetyrehlistnik plant in Boston and pick up some information from the terminal. However, a large concentration of wild ghouls live inside the plant, and there are also Marovski mercenaries who will need to be killed.

Consequences of choice

The further attitude towards you in Daimon City will directly depend on what options you choose during the quest.

  • By killing Cook, you turn his daughter Colleta against you. His daughter will only appear if you kill her father. You can also kill Colleta, tell her you don't know anything about her father, or blame Paul on all the blame (in which case Colleta kills Paul).
  • Also, if Paul dies during the quest, then his wife Darcy will try to find out from you what happened. You can tell her the truth, after which she will try to kill you, or blame everything on Cook, or say nothing at all. If you put all the blame on Cook, then Darcy will do nothing to him.

Fallout 4 Blues Diamond City Mission: Complete Guide to Walkthrough Video Quest.
This guide will guide you through a rather convoluted side quest. You will learn about all sorts of options for the development of events and the ending of the task.

Tango threesome

Go to Diamond City and go upstairs. Follow the Colonial Taphouse. Inside you will hear an argument between a husband (Paul Pembroke) and wife (Darcy Pembroke). Paul will also fight Henry Cook, the bartender. Talk to Darcy and Henry. Go outside and chat with Paul. He will ask you to scare Henry. You can either agree to help him or refuse.

If you agree to help, Cook will kill Paul before you come. It is best to go alone. Convince Paul of this and get up yourself. Talk to Cook. You can win the fight or use your charisma and resolve the issue peacefully.

If the conversation ends peacefully, Cook will tell you about the deal in which he was involved. If you kill Cook, you can search his body and still find out about the deal.


The deal was struck with a mobster named Nelson Latimer. You must go to his hideout. Walk north to the river west of Back Street Apparel. Here you will find Nelson and his people. Whatever you do, the meeting will end in a gunfight. Speak with the lone survivor of the massacre who is Nelson's supplier Trish. You can either keep her alive, or you can promise, but then still kill.

In any case, you can get information about the location of the laboratory. As a rule, it is best to arrange to go there with Trish, since she has a password for the laboratory terminal. If Cook went with you, he will kill Trish when she tries to escape. So get ready for this. You will hear about Marowski.

If Paul is still involved in all this, then he will want you to share the loot with him. A high level of charisma will allow you to split 70 percent by 30 percent in your favor. Unfortunately, without killing Paul, it is impossible to take all the covers for yourself. If Paul is still in quarantine, but you talked to Cook alone and Paul was never present with you, then you can inform him about Cook's fate and say goodbye, leaving all the booty for yourself.

Regardless, you will need to travel to Boston to find the Four-Leaf Fish Factory. There will be a huge cluster of ghouls here, so be on your guard. Instead of going to the factory grounds, go up the top path and climb onto the roof. There is a terminal on the wall in which you need to enter the password received from Trish. Use it to get inside the lab. You will encounter Marovski's people who need to be killed.

After the quest. Latimer's position

In the end, you can kill either Marowski or Paul, or complete the quest. You need to wait 24 hours after you kill Nelson. Then his father Malcolm will become aware of what happened. Talk to him - a man in sunglasses near the very first location. There will be several options in the conversation.

You can blame Marowski for the death of your son, after which you will be tasked with killing the bandit.

You can blame Paul Pembroke for the death of your son (if he is still alive) and agree to kill him.

If the conversation ends in nothing, then Latimer will send thugs who will have to kill you. This option can lead to the entire Diamond City turning away from you, so be careful.

End the conversation with Malcolm, after which you can kill or let him go. It is best to end the negotiations diplomatically and go to Marovski, thereby keeping the peace in Diamond City.

After the quest. Collette's position

If Henry Cook was killed during the quest, then his daughter Collette will appear in Dogout. This will happen about a week after the completion of the task. You can chat with her. And again, there will be several options for dialogue.

Confess to killing Cook (if you did), then resolve the issue diplomatically or kill her too.

Tell her that Cook is dead or disappeared. She will either agree with this story, or suspect you, or even try to kill you.

Tell her you don't know anything. He will either believe you or suspect you, but he will still not fight.
If Paul Pembroke is alive, then he will talk to you in the event that Collette does not leave. You can calm him down and agree that Paul can leave and you kill Collette, or you can let Paul do it himself.

If you let Collette live one more week, you can meet her again in the same place.

If you shared with Paul during the attack on the laboratory, he will accuse you of killing Cook in a conversation with Collette. If she had a suspicion about you, she will start a fight.

Here you can either kill her, or confess everything. If Paul blames you, you can do the same towards him. After that, she will leave the city. If she leaves the city, suspecting you of murder, then in the future you may face her again.

If she leaves, suspecting Paul, you can later learn from Darcy that her husband was killed.

After the quest. Darcy's position

At the end of three days after the quest, you can meet Darcy in the Diamond City Market. She will try to find out what happened. You can tell her the truth, shy away from answering, or show negative emotions, or agree to help her find out what happened to Cook and Paul. Of course, you can simply say that you don't know anything.

If you know what happened to Paul, you can blame Cook. You can also find Paul's body in town and tell Darcy about it.
If you were helpful to her, then after one week she will give you something. You can talk to Marowski, Cook or Latimer about the resulting photo. Either you can kill Latimer and Cook, or talk to Marowski.

It depends on your choice who will survive.

After the quest. Marowski's position

If you let Trish or Nelson leave, Marowski will contact you in 24 hours. He wants you to meet him at the Rexford Hotel in Goodneighbor. You can ignore his request, but as a result of this, the Marovski bandits will constantly chase you.

Meet with Marowski as he asks for it. He will require you to pay 2000 caps for the damage caused. You can convince him that the fee should be reduced to 1000 caps. After which you can either pay the compensation, or ask for a week to collect this money, or show Marowski a photograph that you may have received from Darcy.

“Pittsburgh” missed a chance without nerves to complete the first-round streak with Philadelphia, offensively losing on their own ice in the fifth match.

After a brilliant trip to visit the Flyers, everything seemed to be decided with intrigue in the confrontation - having given one home game, the Penguins simply destroyed their counterparts on their ice with a total score of 10: 1 and confidently took the lead in the series 3-1.

Based on this result, many assumed that the confrontation would never return to Philadelphia.

- they say, Sidney Crosby and company will easily complete what they have begun with their fans and calmly begin to prepare for the second round, where they will have to fight either Washington or Columbus. However, the "pilots" unexpectedly spoiled the general forecasts.

An important factor in the final success was the return to the ice of Sean Couturier, the Flyers' top scorer in this Stanley Cup - in the previous game, the all-star Canadian defensive striker of the season was absent due to injury.

The starting activity of the guests was also important: it was the "pilots" who acted as the first number during the opening period and were rewarded with a goal in the end.

He distinguished himself, easily "stitching" after the confusion outside his gates.

The wards were simply obliged to double the score already at the start of the second twenty minutes: the hosts, running forward, missed an inherently eerie counterattack, but neither, who performed an impromptu bullet, nor even finished off from a couple of meters into an empty net, took advantage of the failure of the counterpart, for that were soon punished by the "penguins" themselves.

It took Pittsburgh just over four minutes to become the leader of the match:

first, by some miracle, he pushed the puck into the near corner of the goal in, at first glance, a completely "herbivorous" situation for the goalkeeper, and then, at the end of his team's sweeping attack, he sent a projectile into the target between the goalkeeper's legs.

At the same time, the rivals still left for the break with full parity: feeling the very obvious closeness of the end of the season, the guests turned on the "fifth gear", having distinguished themselves already in the minority. The goal for two was set by the Finns Valtteri Filppula and Jori Lehterja, who took advantage of the excessive relaxation of their opponents when defending their possessions.

As a result, an equal score remained until the end of the third period - Pittsburgh was several times close to another puck, creating a lot, but she stubbornly did not want to hit the target, while the pilots, being on the edge of the abyss, concentrated on defense.

That, however, did not prevent them from winning in regular time. The already mentioned Couturier became the hero, in a seemingly harmless attack for the "penguins" who hit the gate with a throw from the blue line with an obvious ricochet from the defender.

The final pile of ice did not bring the hosts any dividends: in an attempt to save the match, they not only failed to score, but also missed the fourth, allowing the puck to be safely sent into an empty net.

Thus, the Penguins made it much more difficult for themselves to reach the next round - the sixth game of the series will take place in Philadelphia, where the Flyers will hardly allow Crosby and their partners another easy walk, while the seventh match is primordially a specific action in which everything is possible; including the unexpected victory of the underdog.

At the end of the reporting meeting, Sidney himself noted that his team had been swinging for a long time in the fifth match.

“We got a disturbing feeling in the second period. In the first one it was not. We swayed for a while, but we succeeded in the second period. Unfortunately, we missed that goal of Filppula in the end ”,

Crosby complained.

Guest mentor Haxtall, in a conversation with reporters, paid tribute to the Couturier, who saved the series for his team.

“Just being in the cage, he gives a huge impetus to all of us - just because of his great importance for the club. And as a result, it is just a little easier for us to carry out our duties next to him, ”the mentor expressed his opinion.

Nashville Predators - Colorado Avalanche - 1: 2

Nashville and Colorado were in a similar situation on the eve of the fifth match of the series - the expected victory of the hosts would lead them to the second round, while the guests would then go on a premature vacation.

However, even here the underdog managed to show character and return the confrontation home: having conceded in the 51st minute, Avalanche ran with all their might to save the season and not only transferred the game to overtime, but also ended it in their favor even in regulation time, scoring the decisive goal 88 seconds before the siren.

Winnipeg Jets - Minnesota Wild - 5: 0

In another match of the day, Winnipeg left no chances for Minnesota on their ice, scoring five unanswered goals, and made their way to the next round of the playoffs, where they will play either with Colorado or Nashville. For the Jets, getting into the Stanley Cup quarterfinals was historic - something like that had never happened to the team before.

You can get acquainted with other news, materials and statistics on the page, as well as in the groups of the sports department in social networks

While visiting the Diamond City Blues in Fallout 4, you may stumble upon a place called the Colonial Bar. At the first visit, you will expect a small scene in which the husband will accuse his wife of drunkenness and treason. After a fight between him and the bartender, it will be possible to get this task.

How to get the?

Leave the bar after Paul and talk about what happened. If he has already left, then you can find the character in the market area. He will tell you that he suspects his wife in connection with the bartender and will offer 80 caps for intimidation.


We return to the bar with Paul or without him (you can persuade him not to go) and talk to the bartender Henry. Here you have two options if the unfortunate hubby still went with you:

  • Don't let him shoot Henry;
  • Let the bartender kill.

In the first case, we receive a promise that he will no longer whip after Darcy and then propose a deal - we will need to make a deal with the guys from along with a certain Nelson and rip it off, taking everything for himself.

If you killed Henry, then we are looking for a note on his body related to the next stage of the quest.

Here you can offer your nervous companion Paul to make money or go to the meeting place yourself. When you are on the spot, you should not get too close to the bandits - it is better to shoot from a distance, since it will not work out with them in any case.

When this is over, you will find an injured Trish, who will ask for mercy for information on the location of Marowski's laboratory. Chatting with a wounded gangster, eliciting security information and a password.

If you saved Trish's life and Henry was there, then he attacks her and may die, and if he survives, he will still leave, since he cannot return to Diamond City because of Marovski.

50:50 - you take 500 caps and half of the preparations (they will give you another 4500 on sale). Also, under this option, Paul will become the new owner of the bar and sell drugs in it;

70:30 - this option requires an easy test of eloquence, but it is already more pleasant, since you will take all the drugs and 500 caps. Paul will demand his 500, but they can not be given immediately, but a little later, or never given at all;

Take all - in this case, you take everything, but you can run into a bug in the quest, thanks to which Paul can still pick up all the drugs himself.

Now we go to the laboratory, bypass the lasers or enter the password, if you know it, and deactivate the protection. Inside you will find various supplies and more than five ghouls in protective suits.

Useful information

  • You can rob the boxes with the help of Psina even before talking about the carve-up, through the search for objects dialog;
  • By adopting the screw, you can easily enclose more than 3 boxes while Paul collects preparations from one;
  • If Henry does not kill Trish, then later Marowski himself will come to you and demand to return 2000 caps for the goods, since she told him everything;