Fallout 4 how to attract residents. Miscellaneous. List of settlers to hire and their locations

Building in Fallout 4 is a new feature that makes gameplay more varied and interesting. The settlements that appeared in the fourth part of Fallout, which can be rebuilt on their own, have finally expanded the genre of the game, turning it into a real sandbox with Tower Defense elements. In addition to pumping the protagonist, players can improve their own locations, improving their security and the level of happiness of the inhabitants.

This building guide is designed to collect in one place the most popular settlement questions in Fallout 4.

Why is it necessary to build houses and what settlements give inFallout 4?

Settlements in Fallout 4 are just a new feature of the game that you can use to make the gameplay more interesting, or pass by. It is not at all necessary to rebuild all settlements in the game. Moreover, you can not build any settlement at all, and also ignore all tasks to protect them. Settlement building is geared towards Fallout4 players who are interested in crafting.

Settlements in Fallout 4 provide a lot of covers that appear in the workbench every day if at least one store is installed in the location. Having installed water treatment plants on the base, you can earn covers on the sale of water. It is especially convenient to sell water if you build several shops in the settlement, where you can “push” unnecessary trash and resources, which will save you from having to run between locations. The more settlers at the base, the higher your profit will be.

How many settlers can there be in a settlementFallout 4?

The maximum number of settlers is calculated according to the formula Charisma + 10. Moreover, if your Charisma is reduced due to drug abuse or hunger, their maximum number will also be reduced, and new people will not appear on unpopulated bases.

You can also move settlers to the desired location until there are the required number of them.

The number of radars does not affect the number of settlers - it is enough to place only one radar in each location.

How to increase happiness in a settlement?

Provide the base with everything you need - water, food, protection, beds located in enclosed spaces. Also, happiness is increased by stores, especially those selling medicine and food. Listen to the settlers' remarks, and they will tell you what exactly they are missing. Also, your location in the location adds happiness.

How to combine all settlements with each other?

For resources and trash to become available in different settlements, the Local Leader perk (Charisma 6) is required. It is also then necessary to lay supply lines between locations. Moreover, the trash will be common in all locations, and water and food - exclusively in those adjacent to the supply line. The base in Diamond City does not merge with other settlements.

How to remove the construction limit?

1. Go to the workshop, press the tilde key to open the console, click on the workbench and enter two commands in sequence

setav 349 3675555555.00

setav 34B 3675555555.00

2. Bring a lot of weapons to the settlement, place them from your inventory on the floor (key R), and then in construction mode, disassemble it by pressing the V key. Repeat if necessary.

3. Throw all weapons out of inventory (R key), then move them to the workbench (Tab key). Then take the weapon from the workshop and repeat the action as many times as you need.

How to remove "non-removable" buildings

Open the console by pressing the tilde key, then click on the object and type Disable.

The best place to base inFallout 4: the largest construction locations

The first location of Senchuari has a fairly large territory, albeit with a small height. The settlement is slightly spoiled by old dilapidated houses that cannot be removed. The Senchuari is attacked by enemies of the minimum level, so you shouldn't worry too much about protecting this location. Water treatment facilities can be placed in a nearby river.

The castle (issued by the minutemans on the quest) has a large territory, but many players do not like the fact that there is no way to completely seal the gaps in the fortress wall. To gain access to it, you need to kill the swamp queen. In the fortress itself, there are fairly wide corridors where shops and power generators can be placed, as well as rooms where beds for people can be installed.

Island Spectacle Island (given by the quest "Subways"). 83 iron roofs-sheets in length and 52 in width, 7 sheets-walls in height. It is necessary to clear the area from the bogs, connect the energy, and then kill the bog queen that pops out of the water near the abandoned boat.

Starlight Restaurant. The location, although inferior in size to those mentioned above, is distinguished by a flat area. The centrally located radiation source can be removed in Build Mode.

Where to get resources for construction?

Disassemble trash, buy consignments of cargo (steel, concrete, wood, copper, etc.), disassemble weapons and armor. Particularly useful is the Brawler perk (requires Intelligence 5), which allows you to obtain aluminum, copper and nuclear material when disassembling weapons.

Why do you need a garbage collection station?

The settler assigned to the station will bring 2 units of trash to the workshop every day. Works only when the protagonist is not in the settlement. The maximum amount of trash is calculated using the formula 100 units + 5 x number of settlers. So if you have 10 people in the village, after 150 units of trash appear in the workshop, it will stop accumulating.

What is worth growing in a settlement?

Toshka and mutafruits are needed to craft the glue needed to create weapons. Therefore, it is imperative to plant at least 5-7 bushes of each type.

How do you know that a settlement has been attacked?

You will receive a message and a corresponding entry in the list of quests in the "Miscellaneous" section will appear in Pip-boy.

What is broken when attacking settlements?

The attackers destroy turrets, reactors, water treatment plants, and shops. They cannot destroy walls, houses, fences and furniture.

Where do enemies spawn?

In Fallout 4, enemies do not appear in settlements, but next to them ("fall" from above), after which they run to the location through gaps in the walls. If there are many important buildings in the location, surround the base with a fence. It is also useful to build concrete walls around the generators.

How to increase the level of attacking enemies?

In Fallout 4, the level of enemies does not depend on the defense of the settlement, but on the level of the player. The more you pump, the more powerful enemies you will need to repel. The strongest attacks take place in the south of the map.

How can you be guaranteed to avoid attacks?

Attacks are carried out only on locations with settlers. If you do not build a lighthouse in the settlement, they will not be attacked, no matter how many water treatment plants you put there.

How to provoke an attack?

This is only possible with console commands.

Disable AI and combat AI (tai and tcai commands). Go outside the perimeter of the settlement and create the required number of enemies (command player.placeatme NPC code number). Go back to your village and turn on the AI \u200b\u200band combat AI again (tai and tcai commands)

How do I put power armor on a settler?

Just leave power armor with a nuclear block inside the location and when attacking enemies, one of the settlers will put it on himself. The problem is that he can take it off anywhere, including in a place where the enemy can easily put on armor during the next attack.

If you do not want the settlers to wear your armor, always remove the nuclear unit from it.

How do I dress a settler?

Approach the settler and contact him (key E), offer to exchange things (item "Let's exchange equipment" or "Exchange" on the left in the dialogue). After opening the inventory, place the necessary armor and weapons there. Move the cursor over the desired item and press T, after which the clothes will appear on the settler.

Are the settlers dying?

All settlers are immortal, and when faced with a stronger enemy, they simply fall to the ground and wait for the end of the battle.

Do settlers need patrons?

The settlers have infinite ammunition. It is enough to give them 1-2 rounds for each type of weapon. For the Fat Man, one mini-nuclear charge must be placed in the settler's inventory.

Why do you need a siren?

The siren turns on when an attack on a settlement, after which all friendly NPCs passing nearby, including supplies and detachments of minutemans, run to help you. Even if the Minutemen die immediately, you can use their weapons and armor (sell or disassemble), so their appearance will also be useful.

Also, during the activation of the siren, all residents gather around it, which will protect them from the friendly fire of the turrets.

Why do we need sentry posts?

Place a guard with a rocket launcher or "Fat Man" on the level of 2-3 floors, and he will bring you much more benefit than all the turrets combined. If you have one guard and several outposts, he will regularly move between them.

The water and food in the workshop ceased to be added ...

Just take from it all the purified water and other resources available there. The "Help" section should be empty.

Why are brahmins needed?

Allows the accumulation of fertilizers necessary for the creation of certain preparations (fertilizer + plastic \u003d screw).

Settlers in Fallout 4 are characters who roam the Commonwealth in search of a better life and a place to settle and be happy. As the settlements controlled by the protagonist grow, more and more settlers join them, thereby expanding the settlements, but you need to be careful, the more settlers, the more needs they have and if they are not provided, then an outflow of residents is possible, or even the exit of the settlement from the control of the protagonist.

For convenience, use summary:

General information about the settlers in Fallout 4

Usually the settlers are nameless, but the main character has the opportunity to recruit various residents of the Commonwealth into their settlements, for example, traders Ron Staples, Jolly Larry or Dock Anderson (you can read about this in the article: "Fallout 4 traders"). All settlers in Fallout 4 participate in the life of the settlement, work in the fields, go on guard, work in shops, while recruited settlers bring more "protection" or "food" than regular settlers, in addition to this, only recruited settlers can be assigned to some types of work ...

Requirements for new settlers in Fallout 4

Each settler must be provided with a minimum set consisting of: bed, 1 point of water, 1 point of food, 1 point of protection. If these conditions are met, then the level of happiness will increase, if not, then fall accordingly, while the settlement may get out of the control of the protagonist. These are the features of settlement management in Fallout 4.

Be careful, the level of happiness corresponding to 10-20 points is considered critical, so do not let it fall to such a "bottom".

What is the level of happiness?

The level of happiness of a settlement is a kind of status, the level of prosperity of a settlement, the higher the happiness, the better the settlement is. An important fact is that the level of happiness does not change instantly, for example, if your house in which the settlers' beds are located burns down, the level of happiness does not drop instantly, you will have time to correct the mistake.

It is interesting: there is an opinion on the network that decor increases the level of happiness, but as practice has shown, this is not the case, more precisely, ordinary "decorators" have little effect on the level of happiness, but if you really increase the comfort of the settlers, for example, replacing the sleeping places with more comfortable ones, then the level happiness will rise.

When the standard of living of the settlers rises, you should not forget about their protection, the steeper your settlement, the sooner raiders will raid, you should always remember this!

Here are some ways to really increase happiness in your settlement:

  • Visit him more often, in general, try to increase the level of your presence in the settlement, this will inspire them;
  • Open shops in the settlement;
  • Bring animals to your settlements;
  • Open a hairdresser in your settlement;
  • Install exercise equipment in the settlement.

With the help of these simple methods, you can still raise the level of happiness of your settlers.

Shops and animals in settlements

If you open a store in a settlement, the level of happiness in this settlement will increase, here is an approximate change in the level of happiness from the type and level of the store:

  • Shop: "Medicines":
    • small shop - 10;
    • average store - 20;
    • large store - 30;
  • Shop "Food and Drinks":
    • small shop - 15;
    • average store - 20;
    • large store - 40;
  • Shop "Armor and Weapons":
    • small shop - 8;
    • average store - 10;
    • large store - 10;
  • The presence of a merchant in the settlement - from 10 to 15;

It is important: be sure to assign settlers to the stores, someone must work there, otherwise the increase in happiness will be zero.

The animals that the main character can bring to the settlement increase not only the level of happiness, but also the level of protection, which is very important. The following are the levels of happiness and protection from different animals that are available for recruitment in the vastness of the Commonwealth:

  • Domestic cat:
    • happiness - 10;
    • protection - 0;
  • Gorilla:
    • happiness - 20;
    • protection - 10;
  • Landfill dog:
    • happiness - 10;
    • protection - 5.
  • Residents of your settlements can have weapons and armor, this can be done through an exchange, while if a settler sees a gun in battle that is better than him, he can change his own for a new one;
  • During an attack on a settlement, its inhabitants can use power armor, but they cannot put it in place after the end of the attack;
  • Some types of weapons are not familiar to the settlers and they cannot use them, an example is the injection carbine;
  • The main character can kill his settlers, though this will not lead to anything good.

This is all the information that we were able to collect from various sources.

We bring to your attention a modification for Fallout 4, which disables the limit on the number of people in your settlement. As you know, players are often faced with a situation where the standard number of settlers is not enough for them, and to correct this situation, the master modders made a decision, or rather even 3 of its options.

After downloading the file, you can find 3 archives inside it, with the numbers 50, 100 and 500. It is these numbers that indicate how many mod people can increase the number of inhabitants + your charisma.


The easiest way is to install the mod via or install it according to the instructions:
1. In the folder "My Documents / My Games / Fallout 4" we find the file "Fallout4Prefs.ini", you need to edit it - in "" add "bEnableFileSelection \u003d 1" (without quotes)
2. After we go to "C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Fallout4" and open the file "plugins.txt" with notepad, then add the line "NAME.esp" after "Fallout4.esm" (without quotes) , save and close.
3. Go to the properties of the "plugins.txt" file and mark "read only".
4. Add the selected "esp" file to the "Data" folder, which is in the root of the game / Fallout 4 /

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter.

Read about the correct construction of settlements in Fallout 4. Learn to manage their inhabitants, resources and develop your own cities in the destroyed territories.

Settlers in Fallout 4

Fallout 4, like other versions, isn't just about grueling battles. You can also choose the path of creation, developing your own peaceful infrastructure in the endless expanses of the game world. In Fallout 4, the maximum number of settlers living there happily depends on how much the town being built will be provided with everything necessary for life. It is happiness that is the measure of the success of a settlement.
To create comfortable living conditions, the village must be provided with important resources.

The main resources of the settlement.

To understand what determines the happiness of settlers in Fallout 4, you need to consider the main factors of happiness in human life. First of all, these are physiological needs.

Sleep is one of the most important components of human performance. That is why it is necessary first of all to provide the settlers with good sleeping places. Use the "Beds" item in the "Workshop" menu and set the required number of beds. Life is impossible without water, provide the inhabitants of the settlement with it in sufficient volume with the help of a water pump. Remember to connect the water pump to a power source. And of course, settler food also plays a key role in Fallout 4. It is necessary to breed forage crops, having previously collected them for cultivation. Having chosen a place for landing, you must use the appropriate menu "Workshop". The task of Fallout 4, how to feed the settlers, as we can see, is not easy, but with the right planning, it can be solved.

Settlement development

The village's resources need to be constantly replenished, so you need to know how to make the settlers work in Fallout 4. First, select an unoccupied resident and approach him. Press the [E] key on the keyboard, then go to the object on which we want to use the selected character, and by pressing the [E] key again, assign the settler to work in Fallout 4.

In addition to sending them to work, you can learn how to assign tasks to a settler in Fallout 4 to complete a wide variety of missions, for example, guarding objects or obtaining important resources, in particular water. For the effective development of the city, you need to carefully monitor its inhabitants, so that they are not only provided with everything they need, but also hang around idle. It is important to find unemployed settlers for fallout 4 and decide on their purpose.
Fallout 4 has a specific settler limit. Its value is calculated by the sum of the player's Charisma, to which is added 10. This is not always convenient, since it prevents the development of the settlement when this limit is reached. There is a special mod to overcome these limits. After installing it, the question of how to remove the limit on settlers in Fallout 4 is removed.

When building several settlements, the task inevitably arises, as in Fallout 4, when it is necessary to relocate settlers to places where there are not enough human resources. To do this, use the [R] key and indicate the location to move. In order to gather the settlers in the right place at a certain time in Fallout 4, a bell is installed there. This is very convenient for village management and job assignment.

Read about the correct construction of settlements in Fallout 4. Learn to manage their inhabitants, resources and develop your own cities in the destroyed territories.

Settlers in Fallout 4

Fallout 4, like other versions, isn't just about grueling battles. You can also choose the path of creation, developing your own peaceful infrastructure in the endless expanses of the game world. In Fallout 4, the maximum number of settlers living there happily depends on how much the town being built will be provided with everything necessary for life. It is happiness that is the measure of the success of a settlement.
To create comfortable living conditions, the village must be provided with important resources.

The main resources of the settlement.

To understand what determines the happiness of settlers in Fallout 4, you need to consider the main factors of happiness in human life. First of all, these are physiological needs.

Sleep is one of the most important components of human performance. That is why it is necessary first of all to provide the settlers with good sleeping places. Use the "Beds" item in the "Workshop" menu and set the required number of beds. Life is impossible without water, provide the inhabitants of the settlement with it in sufficient volume with the help of a water pump. Remember to connect the water pump to a power source. And of course, settler food also plays a key role in Fallout 4. It is necessary to breed forage crops, having previously collected them for cultivation. Having chosen a place for landing, you must use the appropriate menu "Workshop". The task of Fallout 4, how to feed the settlers, as we can see, is not easy, but with the right planning, it can be solved.

Settlement development

The village's resources need to be constantly replenished, so you need to know how to make the settlers work in Fallout 4. First, select an unoccupied resident and approach him. Press the [E] key on the keyboard, then go to the object on which we want to use the selected character, and by pressing the [E] key again, assign the settler to work in Fallout 4.

In addition to sending them to work, you can learn how to assign tasks to a settler in Fallout 4 to complete a wide variety of missions, for example, guarding objects or obtaining important resources, in particular water. For the effective development of the city, you need to carefully monitor its inhabitants, so that they are not only provided with everything they need, but also hang around idle. It is important to find unemployed settlers for fallout 4 and decide on their purpose.
Fallout 4 has a specific settler limit. Its value is calculated by the sum of the player's Charisma, to which is added 10. This is not always convenient, since it prevents the development of the settlement when this limit is reached. There is a special mod to overcome these limits. After installing it, the question of how to remove the limit on settlers in Fallout 4 is removed.

When building several settlements, the task inevitably arises, as in Fallout 4, when it is necessary to relocate settlers to places where there are not enough human resources. To do this, use the [R] key and indicate the location to move. In order to gather the settlers in the right place at a certain time in Fallout 4, a bell is installed there. This is very convenient for village management and job assignment.