Fallout 3 walkthrough 2. Tips for the walkthrough for beginners. Wasteland Survival Guide

Fallout 3 walkthrough - main plot

Urban landscapes after 2077 became a very eerie sight: devastation, moral decline, unsanitary conditions, complete absence of any flora and terrible mutant animals. In such a cruel world, being toasted by a fire ant is much easier than finding a bottle of pure water. In addition, the nuclear disaster revealed the true moral character of people - brutal murders, robbery and even cannibalism have become almost the norm. The only sites of intelligent civilization are the few cities and the remaining armored shelters.


The game starts from the moment the protagonist is born. In my father's monologue, we are given to choose the gender of the playable character. The choice is actually simple: a boy or a girl.
"You will have a great future!" - says the father. Next, we write your name. Then we will choose the appearance of the main character of the game Fallout 3.
Main positions when editing:


Immediately in the introductory video we are given to understand that the mother of the main character dies and he is left alone in the upbringing of his father.

First steps

The character turns one year old and he tries to move in space teaching the gamer how to control the main character of the game Fallout 3. The first task in the game will be to travel a short distance to his father who is located nearby. Then the father leaves and leaves the game character alone in the room. The task appears to proceed to the gate of the arena and then open them. Next, we approach the SPECIAL book lying on the floor, in which we add five more points to the characteristics of the hero at your discretion.
The SPECIAL contains and edits the following parameters:

2 perception
3. endurance
4 charisma
5 intelligence
6 agility
7 luck

After adding points to the selected parameters, a father appears in the room and explains to his son his favorite mother's quote from the Bible.

Growing up fast

We smoothly move nine years forward and find ourselves on the birthday of the main character of the game, who turns ten. At the time of the holiday, the Overseer gives the hero a special device PitBoy 3000, obliging the hero to take part in the work on the shelter in the future. During the birthday celebration, we will need to communicate with other characters, along the way, begging for gifts from them and even participating in a small skirmish with a local bully named Butch. At some point, the father comes up and asks to come to the reactor level to receive a specially prepared surprise. We follow to this place and find there the father's assistant named Jonas. After a while, the father comes and presents a surprise in the form of an air rifle, at the same time asking to hit several targets and then hit the radroach (a large radioactive cockroach).

The future is in the fog

The main character of the game turns sixteen and his father demands to pass a special KOZA exam. On the way to the classroom, we meet a company familiar from our birthday: Butch, Paul Hannon, Wally Mac, who pester the girl Amata, also familiar to us. We need to start a conversation with Wally, where in the dialogue we tell him that he plays the role of the Butch Six well in their gang. To which he takes offense and goes into the next room, at the same time dragging Paul Hannon along with him. Left alone, Butch does not stay long and also leaves the place. After talking with Amata, we get the first thanks and good karma.
Having passed to the class for passing the KOZA test, we sit in an empty seat and proceed to passing the exam with strange questions and strange answers to it. After answering ten questions, we are going to submit our results to teacher Bromch. During the dialogue, we find out that this test is complete nonsense and choose an answer with the possibility of falsifying the result. After that, a window for choosing the skills of the main character of Fallout 3 appears in front of us, in which we edit our first three skills.

Escape (three years later)

Amata wakes you up and warns you of the dangers associated with your father's sudden escape from vault # 101. The girl also suggests leaving the vault to avoid the Overseer's reprisals. To escape, we need to get the password to open the tunnel and the key to the main doors of the shelter. From Amata we get the key to the Caretaker's office (he is the girl's father) and a pistol with cartridges. After the dialogue, we examine the rooms and find a first-aid kit on the wall - from which we take everything that is there. Also, don't forget to grab the baseball bat from the table. It will still be useful to us in order to protect the cartridges.
We leave the room and follow the marker on the scale in the lower left corner of the monitor screen and head to the Caretaker's office. On the way we come across guards who are trying to stop you. We also observe the attack of the radroaches, which entered the shelter through the main exit when your father escaped. They attack anyone who is near them, thereby distracting security from you. In the general chaos, some residents also decide to leave the shelter, but the guards act brutally killing them with weapons.
Having made our way into the office, we meet the Overseer, the security officer and Amata. We have to engage in a fight with the officer, Amata runs away and we are left alone with the Overseer. In a dialogue with him, we convince him to give us the necessary password for the tunnel and the key for the main exit. Then we run out to the left and in the neighboring rooms we meet a seated and crying Amata. We agree to meet with her at the exit from the shelter. Next, we need to move to the Caretaker's office, where using the computer we open the tunnel leading to the exit. The office table rises and a passage opens up for us. In the room of the main exit from the shelter, we activate the gate opener with the key. At the opening of the exit, Amata appears and at the last moment refuses to flee from his native shelter # 101 and decides to stay with his father. At the end of the dialogue, the guards appear and we have no choice but to leave the facility. The law enforcement officers chase you only to the gate and are afraid to follow further and you can safely continue moving in the cave towards the exit from the shelter. When you move from this location, you will be offered at the last moment to edit the characteristics of the main character of the game Fallout 3. You will have access to:

Change name
- Change race / gender
- Change SPECIAL parameters
- Change prize skills

After finishing editing the character, we leave the cave and enjoy complete freedom and the external dilapidated view of the capital wastelands. In the future, we are offered to distribute 16 points of bonus skills, which were obtained during the transition to the second level of the game.


The ruins of Springfield are encountered on the way to the city. In the first mailbox that comes across, you will find grenades and drugs that you need to put in your pockets. Next, you need to shoot the Enclave scout droid, which is as terrible as the guards in 101. You can look at the Springvale Elementary School, where the Raiders are located, but it is better to sell out in the city first. At the entrance, the hungover bum Mika asks for clean water, which was given to me by a droid in Megaton in my house (the house will appear a little later). Since one can is not enough, Miki asks for more and more water. At the same time, your karma grows, so you can wash yourself after robberies and murders. Outside the gates of Megaton, the sheriff explains the rules of conduct to you. In addition, the city was built by idiots around a huge bomb. I propose to him to defuse the bomb, and he told me, "Unload the stranger, I'll pay you 100 rubles for that, just be careful, otherwise we'll all die." As in the real world, all these actions have a logical explanation. For this work, thanks to my language, I washed 400 coins. The bomb can be defused if you have an explosive skill of 30, and the reward - money and your own house - is a very necessary acquisition. Next, you find yourself at a water treatment plant, where an elderly master will ask you to close up leaks in the city water supply. To do this, you need repair skill 30. Two leaks are located along the main roads of the city and are easy to find, and the third is at the roof level of the Church of the Children of the Atom, a little to the west. The reward will be 110 experience, 200 caps and the ability to buy all the scrap metal. Saloon Moriarty is the main location in the plot. Here you can buy out information about your father for 100 caps, you can knock out debts (a house in Springvale), or you can just break open the door and the saloon computer and find out everything yourself. We are sent to look for the host of the local radio station Tridognite and herself.
In the saloon, a mafia-looking man offers to detonate a bomb, and with it all the inhabitants of the city. I took the detonator and put it in a locker at home, and saved the peasant from ridiculous thoughts. Moira Brown in the store will offer you interiors for the house and a long quest. For her book on Wasteland Survival, she needs a test subject. First you need to get food and medicine in the supermarket, where there are many raiders. But you did find a laser pistol, an assault rifle and a compass. To hack, you need science 25. Next comes a locked room on the first floor (where a raider with an assault rifle and a lot of ammunition is hiding in a back street) is a droid. It can be activated by hacking into the computer with the ID-card, and without which the droid will not make friends with you. The droid will deal with the raiders who return from the walk. Next, the task is "to find medicines." The first aid kit is located next to the wall. The reward will be some food and a water distiller from Moira. In 50 meters from the supermarket I met a boy who was running away from "them" in horror (the quest is called "they"). The boy asks to save dad from the ants (fire ants are like tanks with flamethrowers).
The guy gives a hint that their weak point is tendrils, but I only have the light weapon skill (30) and so I had to shoot in the head. For this I used an assault rifle. I found my dad already dead (probably fought with the ants for a long time), but on the other hand, I found a key to a nearby hut where a strange scientist had recently lived. The guy, having come to terms with the death of his dad, asks to destroy the ants that climb from the local metro. Well, what do you have to go to the subway. In the subway we find many evil insects and a scientist whose hut I just searched. The scientist admits that ants are his handiwork. He invented a mutagen that was designed to shrink the ants, but the opposite was true. We must exactly fulfill his request and kill 5 guards without hitting the womb, and then a reward awaits us: we are given +25 fire resistance and +1 to strength or perception forever. Then the scientist will ask you to attach the kid (but this is later).
Moira has the next task - to irradiate up to 200, or even better, up to 600 units. It's quite simple - you need to run to the puddle where the bomb lies and drink from it while listening to the sermon. Moira will completely cure the infection, and we have a new skill - thanks to strong radiation, the broken off body parts are regenerated.
Moira's third assignment for her first chapter of the book will be to walk through the minefield to see how it is. It is best to dig up a min. It is not difficult, but it goes far. On the way, you will meet a dump where the good dog-Dog-Dog lives. We go together with him. The dog knows how to find stashes and gnaws at all enemies. For this task, you will receive 4 grenades from Moira and a plan for making a racket that shoots various debris. For completing the first chapter of the book, you will receive 4 stimulants. If you are still not tired of being Moira's guinea pig, take on the second chapter of the opus. The first task will be to test the repellent (deterrent) on three or ten mole rats. They run in warm collectors, but 10 did not work out, since the raiders also perform the task (quest).
I managed to complete the task in the plot vault 112. The reward was drugs and repellent. The second task will be getting treatment, medicine and a protective suit from Moira. To do this, you will have to come to her wounded or crippled. Assignment Three - Installing a surveillance camera in the Anchorage Memorial Swamp Lair. The condition is not to kill the bogs. In the center of the main room is a clutch of eggs. Therefore, we jump very quickly, put cameras and leave. The gift will be 5 stealth battles. Everything is written in the second chapter. We need to get patrons and thanks and proceed to the third chapter.
Assignment # 1 - Learn the history of Rivet City. (not done yet).

Radio station

First you need to go to the radio station through the Friendship Heights metro station. When leaving the metro, we see the Brotherhood of Steel, which takes out the corpses of mutants. I got energy armor from the first corpse, but you need a special skill to wear it. 2k dexterity is not enough for a sniper. The battle seems to be over, but at the door of the station, a surprise awaits us in the form of a huge mutant hippo. The hippopotamus kicks the wreckage of cars and kills the paladins. Near the blocked entrance to the subway, we find a cannon - "fat man" at the dead paladin - on large enemies. It is better to take the gun in advance, and keep the dog away. We won and we are heroes. Everyone praises and respects us, but they do not take us into the fraternity. You can only talk to Tridognite.
Having shaken your head, Tridognite will say that he knows daddy, but you will get hints after the quest. You can of course try to persuade him (but I didn't succeed). Its conditions are as follows: you need to get to the Washington Museum, steal the antenna from the lunar rover in the Technical Museum and attach it to the top of the Washington Monument. In order to get there, you need to go from his office to the very bottom, go outside and be not below, but on the contrary high above the ground. We have to go downstairs and find a metro station. There are two options: enter through the entrance for workers - there is a computer with protection 25 (weak) or release a controller droid. First, the Protectron killed all the enemies, then noticed that I did not have a ticket (I sold it in Megaton) and started shooting at me. Surely few traveled without a ticket before the war.
We move further along the subway. On the way, there are several raiders and a bed for rest.
One squad of raiders is in the room with turrets, you can reinstall the program from the terminal (science 50), I could not. I left the dog in the rear, lured the raiders away from their guns and killed. He healed, and quickly rushed to the turrets.
At the exit from the metro (station museum) there are trenches with super mutants who are not armed with sticks. Since the entrance to the museum is close to the exit from the metro, the fat ones can be left alone.
Going inside the museum, we are faced with another problem with mutants. They have weakened significantly since the second part, and are very well tolerated by the "Chinese machine gun". Once on the first floor, in the atrium, you can learn about the museum's cache by reading the information in the computer (terminal on the wall, entry 001). To do this, you need to find hints, then enter the codes into the terminals and you will receive a password. You don't have to look for clues, but while loading, go through four options and find the one you need. To do this, we read the 001 entry again and try until the system accepts the code.
Then we pass through the "vault" and find ourselves in the western wing. To our left there are two terminals on the wall, we find in one of them the entry 002. The entry 003, respectively, is in the terminal at the tail of a large rocket. We need to choose a code and get a password. enter the security computer on the top floor of the west wing, and open the safe with the key. This key opens the safe in the planetarium. The safe contains an assault rifle and a grenade launcher. Was it worth the effort for this junk?
The path to the lunar rover lies through the planetarium. We take off the plate and run outside. In the atrium there is an exhibit - Fenka the Invisible, 3 pcs. We put it in our pocket. Then there is an easy transition through the metro to the monument, ascent by elevator. And again the Voice of America will sound over the wastelands. A grateful Tridognite will tell you that Daddy went to see Dr. Lee in Rivet City. It's time to visit Dr. Lee.
You can in the building of "Galactic News" ask the paladins, where the energy armor driving courses. But first you need to ask permission from the paladin Lyons, who is in the laboratory. Only this laboratory is located in the Citadel, which we cannot go to yet.

Rivet City

The most important thing is to get there, and the path is long and dangerous. I was getting along the eastern bank of the river (from warm sewers), on the way I nailed a gang of raiders and several squads of mutants. The city is located on an aircraft carrier with a falling off nose. You can get there by talking through the intercom.
Everything is quite simple here with the main storyline - Dr. Lee, who is in the medical laboratory, will tell you the whole truth without hiding. First, they were working with my dad on the "cleanliness" project, which fell apart, and I am personally to blame for this. Secondly, my father suddenly remembered a great goal and ran to fulfill it at the Jefferson Memorial. The memorial is located next to the ship, in the northwest. There, we shoot the yellow-skinned people and go to the gift shop, from which we find ourselves in the parent laboratory. There, unfortunately, we meet some enemies, but we find the diaries of our fugitive. It turns out that he now went to look for Vault 112, which is near Evergreen Mills, in order to find the creator of the GECK, Dr. Brown. We follow him.
We do other heroic deeds in Rivet City: in the laboratory of Dr. Lee, Dr. Zimmer asks us to find the disappeared android. The reward will be Hi-Tec gear. First you need to find Dr. Preston at the local clinic. He will give us a hint (he should be convinced or given 100 coins), but it will not help much. Further along the corridor there is the sister's number (that's what it is called), in which you need to break the lock, and find records in the room on the table and find out that someone Pinkerton was remaking the robotic man. Asking about him, we come to the conclusion that it is necessary to search on the fallen off bow of the ship, with a heavy lock. But getting closer to the Jefferson Memorial, we see that the plot bifurcates. A lady named Victoria Watts runs up to us and passionately convinces us not to look for an android, but to deceive the doctor, and presents the necessary evidence for this. (not finished).
We enter the Rivet City Benton Market, where a fashion merchant is asking for help in a political struggle. For this it is necessary to find incriminating material in Segrave Holmes' cabin. (not finished).

Vault 112

Our path passes Evergreen Mills. This place is just crammed with raiders who can be killed. Having entered the smelter, and after cleaning the bazaar, you can take a good "terrible shotgun" from the bartender. The house is inhabited by a pet - a hippopotamus - a super mutant. Having fiddled with him a little and sold good in Megaton, we head to the marker on the map. There is Casey's garage, which is the entrance to the hideout.
As soon as we got inside, I trusted the robot and obediently climbed into the box, where I found myself in a virtual paradise. Which later turned out to be hell. People there have been living in the "matrix" that Brown created for so long that they forgot about the existence of the real world. And the elderly senile himself tortures them, apparently out of boredom, playing with them in the virtual world created by him. You can try to get out if you fulfill the wishes of the doctor (aka Betty), but these desires are unpleasant - you need to offend a small child, destroy the family, etc. Only one resident, an old woman, is the only one who understands what is happening. She gives us advice to look for the key in an abandoned house. Upon entering the house, we will find four objects there - a radio, a jug, a gnome, a cinder block and a bottle. If you press incorrectly, objects begin to squeak about an error, and you have to start all over again. The terminal finally opened when pressed in the sequence of letters R-K-G-K-Sh-G-B. We must do a "good deed" and launch the "Chinese invasion" program, which will destroy all the unfortunate residents, and the doctor will live.
Brown's exit from the game is behind the door that appeared on the playground next to Betty. Hurray - meeting with the father! He will tell us that he was recently in the matrix in the form of a dog as a friend of Betty. Well, now, you need to quickly run back to Rivet City, in order to report the information we found about the doctor who was not only playing in the computer, and to resurrect the "Purity" project. You will not be able to move quickly - dad will not go without you, and will constantly linger where you left him. Therefore, you need to run together through the entire map and shoot back from enemies.

Water purifier and other problems

At the end of the conversation with Dr. Lee, we will be made an offer to take the scientists to the purifier. We must run outside, turn on the Pip-Boy and find ourselves instantly in place. I entered the gift shop and went outside, and all the scientists had already gathered here. Now I have to be an errand boy.
Dad will ask you to turn on the power to the pumps. To do this, you need to climb into the depths of the basement - the switch is on the wall. Then you need to go back to your father and immediately back to install the fuses. Then start the supercomputer. The door is located near the entrance to the basement. You get tips through the intercom on the wall. Next, you need to perform plumbing work, since the pipe is clogged and you have to get into the sewer to fix it. But by turning the valve, you call the enclave troops, which disembark and capture the memorial. We must run to save dad. Breaking through, shoot the enclave soldiers and collect laser cannons for sale. Dad will not be able to save because he decided to destroy himself and the guests, causing an overload of the reactor. Everyone burned down, except for me and a handful of scientists, whom we will now save. First you need to take out the purifier Li and the scientists from the building. The tunnel should lead us to the very citadel of the Brotherhood, but on the way we will fight with ghouls and the enclave, and besides that, we will cure Garzi from a heart attack, if we don’t regret 5 stimulants.
There we will talk to Lyons - the head of the order. He will give the go-ahead to wear armor (he teaches this skill to Gunny, who trains young people in the yard), and will send you to the scribe Rothschild, who lives in the laboratory, and has access to the Vault-Tek computer. By the way, the armor has weakened significantly since the time of the first and second levels: protection is somewhat higher than that of combat, taking into account the constantly broken state of both. Many thanks to Bethesda for the renovated mega-idea. The noise from her is terrible, and +2 to strength and -2 to agility just get in the way. The strength bonus is not enough to cover the weight of the armor itself (I only need strength to carry heavy loads), and agility - which is much more important - is reduced. From the data of the computer, we learn that GEKK was in vault 87. Next to the computer is the scribe Jameson, who is buying tokens from the slain Brothers. Then we return to Rothschild, who will show us the layout of the shelters, and say that it is impossible to get to 87 because of the very high radiation. But if you can't, but really need it, try to go underground.
The path leads through the Little Lamlight Caves. It’s easy to get there, but you won’t be able to enter, because the stubborn street child with a pistol does not open the gate for me, since I’m a "big guy". In this town, although it is much larger than Megaton, there are only children living, and everyone who turns 16 must leave it. They don't like adults there, and all my attempts at persuasion have failed. Therefore, you will have to save the kidnapped children, Squirrel and Sam, who were stolen by slavers from Paradise Falls.
You can get to this city as a slave or slave trader. If you want to try yourself in this profession, go for it. First, you will need to catch a couple of exclusive specimens, a list of which will be given to you at the entrance. Or you can pay 500 coins, go inside, and look for more acceptable ways to free the children. I didn’t listen to the local security and just interrupted everyone (although the guys would be cooler than mutants), after which I freed the slaves. Now it's time to go to Lemplight.
After that, the youngest mayor of the Wastelands let me in, and even agreed to open the gate to the Dread Pass. Although at the same time he kept saying how disgusted I was to him. Near the main entrance, Veluchka, a teenager who leaves the kindergarten, is celebrating his birthday. He asks you to take him to the "big city" (not finished).
The Gates of the Dire Passage are in the same location as the main entrance to the city, heading north. The "monsters" that meet there - super mutants - beasts, are killed at your hands, and the tunnel leads to the reactor room of the N87 shelter. Already in the very vault you will see a lot of meat, living and dead. The mutant Fox lives on the level of "experimental laboratories". He's been locked up all his life, and he promises to get the GEKK if you let him out. In the chamber where HECK is stored with strong radiation, we will not survive there, but he can. If you do this, other doors will open, which will release the results of the experiments to freedom and will have to be finished off. You can also pick up the GECK without his help. To do this, we go to the upper floor of the laboratory and break the computer (50), open the storage. There we find drugs against radiation and an improved anti-radiation suit. You don't even need to hack the terminal if you take a lot of drugs with you and swallow them on the go under strong radiation.

Audience with the President

Now GEKK is with us! It seems that victory is near - but suddenly the Enclave appears. In an unconscious state, they take me to the base, take all my equipment and put me in energy shackles. This is where my epic would end, because GEKK, the purifier and I are in the hands of the Enclave, but there are disagreements in the government. President Eden (Computer Official) wants to infect the purifier with a virus and kill all mutants. As a result, people will also die (although they are also a bit mutants), and then people from the Enclave will multiply and fill the Earth. Colonel Hall has outlined other plans - to become a monopolist in the supply of water and rule over all the wastelands. Therefore, the colonel will not be able to interrogate us, because the president will summon him, and after that he will release you and return all your equipment, and invite you to his office. The President will inform the soldiers that you are free on his orders. Although not for long, because the colonel will cancel his order and start a riot. So it's necessary to kill defenseless soldiers before it's too late. We approach and shoot off the head in VATS mode. Nobody was offended by me for such behavior, but I had to fight my way to the president. Nothing complicated though, and laser rifles are no good, and the "terrible" shotgun is just what you need.
On the second level in the western part lives Anna Holt - Dr. Lee's assistant. Now she works for the Enclave, and she wants me to get out. On the way, I managed to get a good energy weapon - a plasma rifle. To the north of Anna's room is the Hall's room. There is the president's emergency self-destruct code and a collectible bobblehead that increases the skill "energy weapon" by 10.
Having reached the President of Eden, we receive the task. He chose us as his instrument for purifying the world, and gives us a jar with the virus. His idea of \u200b\u200b"killing all mutants" is not bad in principle, but just in case I entered the self-destruct code, just in case. Eden confirmed the code and gave advice to leave the premises, which he did. Not far from the exit, soldiers are fighting robots. Raven Rock's worst enemy is its own greed: plasma rifles and gatling lasers don't fit in your pockets. There is no time counter, so it will explode when we get out. All Raven Rock exploded. Colonel Hall managed to escape on a vertibird, which means another showdown is ahead. It’s time for us to move to the citadel and explain to Lyons what it’s all about.

This is the end of the game

Anyone who has not yet breathed in the dust of the wasteland can take a break from the main storyline and live a little. After the plot is over, you cannot play, and there will be no one to finish the quests.
Citadel Lyons - dad has a dispute with his daughter - she wants to fight, but dad won't let her. You tell everything you know to the head of the order, and he decides to attack the purifier. There is everything that remains of the enclave, and this is not enough. And it was not possible for Lion's Pride to survive, but local technicians who like to read comics about transformers built a robot for them as assistants. This will be the answer to the enemy behemoths. It is also worth taking with you a completely whole energy armor. She resists damage 40, we need it.
And the battle began! At first, it's not entirely clear why I'm here? The robot, apparently, can enslave the world itself - enemies die, vertiberds fall like rain. The robot shoots nuclear charges from a "fat man" - a cannon at hippos and blue beams, which looks like a shock rifle from the 2nd part. Although, the robot has a drawback - it cannot get through the door of the cleaner. And we can, and the colonel too. The conversation with the colonel was short - he did not heed my persuasion and, naturally, got into a fight, and for this he received a plasma charge straight to the head. Two of his soldiers are slightly fatter and have gotling lasers, but they still can't survive. That's it, the Enclave is gone, the purifier is in our hands ... Only it will soon explode.
The intercom with the voice of Dr. Lee reports that as a result of the sabotage, the reactor is in an unstable state, and it must be started as soon as possible, or it will be like in Raven Rock. But in the cell, dad organized a radiation stove, and it's impossible to get out of there alive, but you have to go. There are only two of us - me and Lyons. Who should die is up to you.
Yes, however, for those who have forgotten - the code is 216. In any case, the game is over. The final cartoon will remind me of my and my father's exploits. If you have no save left before the start of the final battle, and the vastness of the wasteland attracts again, play again.

Quest walkthroughs are placed in spoilers, so that those who do not want to accidentally read in advance and find out something superfluous, would not spoil their pleasure from the game.

List of quests:

Following in His Footsteps

Upon leaving Vault 101, the story of the search for the hero's father, James, begins, who left there in an unknown direction. Your first step is to explore the nearby city of Megaton, a description of which, even with photographs, is available in Vault 101's terminal.

In Megaton, everyone you meet will tell you the owner of the saloon, Colin Moriarty, as the most informed resident. Moriarty does know a thing or two, but it’s not easy to knock something out of him. There are several ways to find out where dad went:

  • Talking to Moriarty for a topic about what his father always told about Colin (lies), and if your character's eloquence is high, then Colin can believe and tell the truth for free.

One way or another, you find out that Daddy has gone to the Galaxy News Radio. The most acceptable route to the radio station: follow the "Supermart" and cross the bridge over the Potomac to the Farragut West Metro Station, and then you have to make your way underground, through the abandoned tunnels. Look often at the map in the pip-boy. Via the Farragut West subway you will get to Tenleytown / Friendship Station, from where there is an exit to Chevy Chase North. There you will find a squad of Brotherhood of Steel soldiers under the command of Sarah Lyons in the ruins. She will lead her through hordes of super mutants forward to the radio station, and you can simply follow them in the distance and watch. Be careful, because at last a super mutant hippopotamus will appear on the scene near the radio station, brandishing a fire hydrant. The easiest way to shoot him is from the second floor of the ruins opposite. After that, you should remove the "Fatman" from the body of the deceased soldier.

Talk on the intercom with the knights of the Brotherhood inside, they will open the door to the building when they are sure that everything is safe around. Go up to the second floor to the DJ Tridognite (Three Dog), a conversation with him about where his father went from him will be reduced to the following options:

  • With a sufficiently high eloquence skill, you will be able to convince Tridognite that when you find Daddy, he can help the Light Side, while you skip the Radio Galactic News quest and immediately start the Pursuit.
  • If you are not convincing enough, Tridognite will ask you to get a plate from the Virgo II lunar rover from the Technical Museum for the radio station (Radio News of the Galaxy quest) in exchange for information about his father.

Notes: If you managed to convince Tridognite, talk to him again, he will offer in exchange for a plate of the Virgo II lunar rover information about the old ammunition depot in Hamilton's Hideaway and a key to it. The same key Tridognite will offer in the case when information about your father was obtained by you without his prompting.

This quest can be skipped in whole or in part - you can go directly to Tridognite without speaking to Moriarty, or you can find Project Cleanliness notes at the Jefferson Memorial, or chat with Dr. Lee in Rivet City, or by accident infiltrate Vault 112, where James is languishing in captivity.

If you do not go to Tridognite as it should be on the quest, and first talk about your father with Dr. Lee in Rivet City, then you will have to deal with all the super mutants and the hippo on the Chevy Chase alone, without the help of the Brotherhood of Steel, where there will also be no fallen soldier with "Fat Man".

Galaxy News Radio

Due to the fact that some brainless super mutant decided to shoot the shiny thing on the Washington Monument for fun, the Galaxy News radio became very hard to hear everywhere, and you get the task from DJ Tridognite to get a plate from the Virgo II lunar rover (Virgo II Dish ) from the Technical Museum for a certain fee (see above).

You can get from the radio station to the Technical Museum like this: exit the building through the emergency exit to Dupont Circle (this is only an exit, not an entrance), there you make your way through the Collapsed Car Tunnel to Dupont Station , from there you get to the Metro Central, where there are two exits to the Mall, the east of which leads directly to the doors of the museum. During this journey, you will meet raiders, wild ghouls and super mutants. Moreover, on the Mall and in the museum itself, the latter are teeming in abundance ...

Using the information terminals, you will learn that the Virgo II lunar rover is located in the western wing of the Technical Museum. By the way, in the atrium of the museum, you can notice some unusualness in the terminal opposite the entrance and start a hidden quest about finding the share of Jiggs' loot hidden by Prime (). At least here you can get through the showroom of the Vault-Tec refuge to the door to the west wing and break through the hall with the Delta IX rocket to the lunar rover with the desired saucer, and as much as possible, ransack the entire museum. Help will be three stealth battles that lie in different parts of the atrium - one below for the wreckage of the plane and two above.

The saucer removed from the lunar rover must be installed on the Washington Monument, which is also located on the Mall, but to the west. Numerous super mutants roam the Mall, but it is not necessary to kill them all - it is easier to quietly sneak to the monument guarded by the Brotherhood of Steel. To get inside, you must enter the password provided by Tridognite at the beginning of the quest in the security terminal. Then take the elevator to the very top, set the plate from the lunar rover and activate the Galactic News radio repeater. Now the radio is perfectly audible throughout the Wasteland, and Tridognite, upon your return, will issue the promised reward - if it was information about your father, he will say that dad went to Rivet City to visit Dr. Lee, and if about the old ammunition depot, he will name Hamilton's cache ( Hamilton "s Hideaway) and give the key to the locked grate.

Notes: You can come to the radio station on a tip from Colin Moriarty, but you can also start this quest without talking to him if you accidentally find the radio station building on Chevy Chase.

This quest can be skipped in whole or in part - you can immediately find Project Cleanliness notes in the Jefferson Memorial, or chat with Dr. Lee in Rivet City, or accidentally enter Vault 112, where James languishes in captivity.

If you receive information about your father after agreeing to carry out this assignment of Tridognite, but without his participation, then the DJ will still thank you - with the key to the ammunition depot.

Pursuit (Scientific Pursuits)

In addition to getting information from Tridognite about where James went, this quest can be started by talking to Dr. Madison Li in Rivet City or by looking for James' notes on Project Cleanliness at the Jefferson Memorial.

The easiest way to get to Rivet City is along the east bank of the Potomac, following from Dukov "s Place to the south, an aircraft carrier that has become a settlement you won't miss. In Rivet City, follow the signs to the Science Lab, where you are meet Dr. Lee (and don't forget to grab the Intellect bobblehead on the table.) She will tell you that James was here and tried to inspire her with the idea of \u200b\u200breviving their long-standing joint project "Purity", but got nothing and went to the old laboratory in the Jefferson Memorial. In addition, you can learn a lot from Dr. Lee about the character's parents and about Project Purity. There are also three holodisks in her room on the upper deck - Project Purity Journal: records 1, 3 and 5.

After eliminating the super mutants roaming around the memorial, go inside through the door to the Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop. Strictly according to the quest, you must visit the Rotunda and pick up from the additional filtering panel the holodisks left by James - personal notes on the "Purity" project: records 5, 8 and 10 (quest, you need to listen to it!). In the notes, we are talking about the development of Stanislaus Bron, GECKe (Generator of Edenic Forest Compact), a terraforming module capable of creating life from non-living. It turns out that the Pope went in search of possibly surviving Bron's materials in Vault 112, to which he was assigned. All that is known about this hideout is that it is located in a place called Evergreen Mills and is well disguised as a garage. A marker will be added to the map in Pipboy, so finding Smith Casey's Garage shouldn't be too much trouble.

In the basement of the Jefferson Memorial, you can find a few more holodiscs that further clarify the events and add atmosphere:

  • in the operating room where the character's mother passed away, Project Cleanliness entries 7 and 8 before James fleeing to Vault 101;
  • in the character's former parents room, personal notes on Project Cleanliness: the initial and notes 1, 2, and 3 made after James returned, as well as a recording of Catherine's voice (Happy Time).

In Casey Smith's garage, you need to deal with the radroach and mole rats, then open the entrance to the floor with the switch and go to the door to Vault 112, behind which the character, who is 202.3 years late, will be met by a robot brain, handed over the shelter's branded jumpsuit, asked to put it on and take the free Transquility chaise longue (Tranquility Lounger). After that, the quest will end and the adventures in virtual reality will begin.

Note: This quest can be skipped in whole or in part - you can find Project Cleanliness notes in the Jefferson Memorial prior to talking to Dr. Lee in Rivet City, or accidentally sneak into Vault 112, where James is languishing in captivity.

Tranquility Lane

In Vault 112, you will finally find Dad - sitting in one of the Tranquility's sun loungers, but, unfortunately, you will not be able to reach him, because he will always look at the monitor screen, on which there are flashing clean cozy houses, paths and so on. The situation is exactly the same with those sitting in other sun loungers. You can look at their condition on the terminals, you can even find Bron himself in the Overseer's room, but this will do little and you will still have to take a free deckchair, after which you will find yourself in virtual reality - on a quiet pre-war Tranquility Lane. All things will disappear, you will see yourself as a child of about ten years old, and instead of the usual Pip-Boy, an ordinary watch will appear on your hand, stopped at 2:55 ...

Locals will tell you that you should approach Betty, a girl peacefully watering flowers in a flowerbed in the center. Betty, on the other hand, will demand to be entertained for answering questions, which, however, is not necessary (see the alternative below).

Betty's first wish is that you bring Timmy Neusbaum to tears. How this can be achieved:

  • just beating Timmy with fists or a rolling pin found in the Rockwell house;
  • convincing Timmy that his parents are getting divorced because of him (eloquence!);
  • showing him the brochure of the military school that is on the table in their house, thereby he will be sure that his parents want to send him there and will sob;
  • killing one of Timmy's parents (or both) - he must run to the crime scene and cry (this is the most brutal option).

When Timmy cries, you will receive negative karma (as well as for everything that follows), and Betty will express a second wish - that you destroy the Rockwell marriage without killing any of them. She will also begin to talk in different voices, can admit that she is Stanislaus Braun, and even hint where dad is ... How you can break a happy Rockwell marriage:

  • tell Janet Rockwell that her husband is cheating on her, she will quite easily believe it (eloquence!);
  • listen to the chatter about the romance between Roger Rockwell and Martha Simpson, this will lead you to the idea of \u200b\u200bstealing Martha's lace underwear from her house and tossing it on Roger's table in the basement, after which all you have to do is ask Mrs. Rockwell to visit there;
  • read Janet's diary in the Rockwell's bedroom, it talks about Janet's dream to kill Martha Simpson with a rolling pin, then you need to take this rolling pin in the kitchen and beat Martha with it, and then lie to Roger that it was the work of his wife.

After that, Betty will become even more outspoken if you ask for an explanation, and desires the death of Mabel Henderson, and not trivial, but beautiful and spectacular. What can you imagine about the Henderson accident:

  • cheat with a chandelier chain hanging above the kitchen aisle, and it will collapse on Mabel's head when she passes under it;
  • push the roller skate lying on the stairs closer to its edge, as a result of which Mabel will surely fly off the stairs and break her neck;
  • dig in the gas stove and make a gas leak, and then ask Mabel to bake a cake - at the moment the oven is ignited, an explosion will occur and she will die;
  • find out about Mabel's distrust of her robot assistant, wait for her to come to her house, and change the parameters in the terminal in the kitchen as follows:
    • first "Start the protection program", thereby the front door to the house will be locked;
    • after that "Delete security check parameters", and the assistant robot will start attacking everyone in a row;
    • when the robot has dealt with its owner, select the "Enable security check options" option, then "Interrupt the security program" (to unlock the door), and you can go to Betty with a report.

Now the time has come to fulfill the last wish of the mischievous girl - you need to take a knife and mask in a doghouse near an abandoned house, turn into a Tiny Killer and deal with all the inhabitants of Tranquility Lane. After equipping the mask, everyone except Betty and the dog will become hostile, but no one dares to resist, you just have to run after everyone for a long time.

When it's over, Bron will thank you for the great fun and confirm that the dog Doc is indeed James, who watched your actions in horror all this time. Bron will then allow you both to leave the simulator.

If you don't want to be led by Betty-Bron, that is, another way out - emergency shutdown. Old Lady Dithers will certainly come up to you and tell you that she knows about the unnaturalness of what is happening and the presence of an emergency switch in an abandoned house, or you yourself will find this house.

Inside an abandoned house, you should activate the emergency terminal with the help of unusual objects that make various sounds when you touch them. By the way, these sounds should add up to a melody whistled by Betty, here is the correct sequence:

broken radio, glass jar, garden gnome, glass jar, cinder block, garden gnome, empty bottle

After that, the auxiliary command terminal of Vault 112 will appear, there you will read Bron's notes about the current and past incarnations of the simulator (Toucan Lagoon and the mountain chalet), get access to version control (by the way, James UNKNOWN has already achieved this ... briefly true) and program "Chinese invasion".

From General Chase's note on "China Invasion" and Bron's note on Fault Tolerance it follows that the program code has been changed (security protocols have been put in an inactive state), and when performing a simulated communist attack on the territory of the United States, all subjects in vault 112 will actually die if their virtual incarnations are killed. Thus, Bron wanted to be able to end both this simulator and his life. However, he miscalculated a little - after launching the first simulation, he learned that the secondary security equipment developed for the military and personnel of the Vault-Tec would prevent him from dying in the real world, even if his avatar was "fail-safe". All subjects will be killed, but he will remain alive. Of course, then he will be able to create all sorts of other avatars controlled by artificial intelligence programs, but what joy is it for him to torture machines? He will be left alone in Tranquility Lane, doomed to eternal boredom ...

If you want to punish Bron and get positive karma, then launch the "Chinese invasion" and go out into the street: there will be Chinese, shooting at everyone except Betty, you and the dog. Then you can listen to Bron's complaints, confirm that the dog is James, and leave the simulator. Bron claims that the virtual reality simulator has been working for 200 years and now his body can no longer cope with any physical activity, so there is no way out for him.

As soon as the Tranquility sun loungers open, grateful James will run up to you. He intended to find here holodisks, notes, or even Bron's experiments on GECK, but he did not expect to find him, alive, and even mad in addition, so he ended up on Tranquility Lane as a dog. Then he will announce that he is going to return to Rivet City to tell Dr. Lee about the GECK and still convince her to participate in the revival of Project Purity. You can accompany him to Rivet City or go about your business and show up at the meeting point later.

How to adjust karma:

  • to get negative karma, play by Betty's rules;
  • to get positive karma, start the "Chinese invasion" program;
  • if you gravitate towards neutrality, then first complete the tasks of Betty, and then start the program of the "Chinese invasion".

Notes: This quest can be started without talking to Dr. Lee in Rivet City or finding Project Cleanliness notes at the Jefferson Memorial if you accidentally enter Vault 112 before.

With a Science skill of 75+, you can open the door to the room with the weapon and password from the Overseer's room, and then go there to look at Bron meditating in the Tranquility chaise lounge. Nothing else can be done anyway ...

It is not worth attacking Betty-Bron on Tranility Lane - the character will inevitably die, just like on the Shivering Isles when attacking Sheogorath.

Living water (The Waters of Life)

In this quest you will take part in the resumption of work on the abandoned 19 years ago Project Purity for large-scale water purification.

After rescuing James from the quiet Tranquility Lane, he immediately decides to go to Rivet City to Madison Lee, you can accompany him (along the way you will find many interesting moments, like this - dad attacking yao-gai with a revolver ...) or come to the meeting at the scientific laboratory separately. On site, you will witness a historic negotiation between James and Dr. Lee, which will result in a decision to return to work on the project without delay. You will be asked to escort the scientists to the Jefferson Memorial or, again, you can come there separately. I will add that it is worth preparing for battles, as well as freeing up more space in your inventory.

If you choose an escort, you can watch James, Dr. Madison Li, Janice Kaplinski, Anna Holt and Garza move to the Jefferson Memorial. Near the entrance to the museum floor, James will ask you to clear the memorial building from the remaining super mutants before the scientists go inside. If you've done this before, during the Pursuit, James won't say anything like that. Further work days will begin for everyone.

The team of scientists occupies the museum floor and rotunda, joined by two more, who were somewhere on the road - Daniel Agincourt and Alex Dargon. The work begins and you also receive a task-request from your dad: to walk to the pumping station in the basement and turn on the pumps to pump out the water that flooded part of the complex, after which the scientists will be able to supply power to the supercomputer with the presumably valuable database in it. Go to the basement of the memorial, be guided there by the signs Flood control, the desired room with the pump station switch is to the left of the room with bunk beds. After turning on the pumps, James will ask you to return to him, to the control room in the rotunda, for the fuses.

Dad's next task: to replace the fuses that were short-circuited during flooding, after that the automatic doors should work and finally it will be possible to get to the supercomputer. The box is also in the basement, almost at the end of the western part of the level, follow the signs Fuse Access A1... After replacing the fuses, dad on the intercom will ask you to go up almost to the exit from the basement and open the automatic door, behind which there is just a supercomputer. Now be guided by the signs Mainframe... Open the door (now a green light should be on above it), and turn on the computer. The intercom on the left comes to life, Dad invites you to return to the control room, but immediately adds that first it would be worth clearing the blockage in the filter pipe. Now you need to go up to the museum floor and go for further instructions to the intercom near the manhole to the pumping station, where you will learn that you need to crawl inside and drain the pipe using manual control. However, having reached the desired valve along the pipe and turning it, you will witness the arrival of uninvited guests - the Enclave soldiers on vertiberds, while you will be forced to just stand and watch, because the entrance and exit are locked, and you will hear how daddy tell Madison to close some a door...

After a while, the sign above the exit will change to Unlocked and you can jump down the pipe to the basement of the memorial. There you will find and try on a new enemy - a soldier of the Enclave. By the way, this is your last time in the basement, so take whatever you like. In the rotunda, you will see the following scene: James, Janice Kaplinski, Col. Augustus Autumn from Enclave, and a couple of other soldiers stand behind a closed emergency bulkhead in the control room, while Dr. Lee is outside at the console. The Colonel demands that James turn in all materials on the project and assist the scientists of the Enclave. James refuses, stating that the purifier does not work and has never worked, and in general, the Enclave has no power over a private project. In response, Autumn kills Janice, after which James pretends to agree and arranges to overload the reactor. Everyone in the control room behind the bulkhead is doomed to die ... but the colonel manages to inject himself, judging by the subsequent events, the Enclave analogue of rad-X ... James orders you to flee with his last strength and dies .. ...

Dr. Lee says, stunned, that the only way to leave the memorial to the Citadel is through the Taft Tunnel, just like 19 years ago. Then she escapes to the museum floor to the hatch in the tunnel. There you will see all the surviving scientists from the team, with the exception of Anna Holt (remember this). Dr. Lee insists that everyone, led by you, move forward through the tunnels in order to avoid detection by the Enclave. Daniel Egincourt can be given some kind of pistol, but his help will be questionable. Enclave ambushes and wild ghouls await you in the tunnels, so you better leave the scientists behind for a while and scout what lies ahead. The loot here will turn out to be good - Tesla armor and plasma / laser rifles, and in some places also Chinese weapons and uniforms. Note that the automatic gate behind the first ambush of the Enclave, controlled from a very hard-to-use terminal, can be opened by Dr. Lee. At the beginning of the second part of the tunnels, Garza will have a heart attack. You will have to stop at the request of Dr. Lee and somehow sort out the situation:

  • give five stimulants to relieve Garza's condition so that he can reach the Citadel;
  • persuading Dr. Lee to give Garza three bottles of buffout, for lack of anything else;
  • convince Dr. Lee to leave Garza;
  • convince Garza himself that he is too much of a burden for everyone;
  • kill Garza.

If you don't want to kill or abandon the poor fellow, but there are no medicines available, you can try to look for them in the first-aid kits on the walls of the tunnels. After that, there should be another cunning ambush of the Enclave, when soldiers suddenly start shooting you in the back from a dais. At the end of the tunnels, you will see the Brotherhood of Steel checkpoint - a soldier with a flamethrower and a turret, however, as soon as you pass the soldier, a crowd of wild ghouls will rush into the scientists from behind, falling out of the impasse behind the difficultly locked door on the left (and, even if you go there in advance and destroy everyone, all the same, new ones come from somewhere ...). Now it remains to get to the Citadel.

Paladin Bael at the gate flatly refuses to let the civilians in and Dr. Lee desperately yells into the intercom for Lyons to open the door immediately. The door, oddly enough, immediately opens. Elder Owyn Lyons personally meets the surviving scientists at the gate, inquires about the events and, upon learning that James has found a way to launch the purifier, promises to help. Scientists are heading to the Citadel laboratory, and you need to talk to Scribe Rothschild (the only one from the Brotherhood whom Dr. Lee trusts) about the Vault-Tech database.

Note: Here's my personal opinion on the plot twists. It is quite understandable that James still persuaded Madison Lee to resume work on the project because of her long-standing and secret love for him, and it is clear that sooner or later someone would have attacked the unguarded memorial, whether the Enclave, whether it was super mutants, it is unclear why the scientists did not think about it, and the death of James is arranged in a strange way. How could an enclave colonel, who arrived with the aim of seizing the purifier, allow himself to be closed with the soldiers, and even at the same time with two hostages, behind an armored bulkhead ?! Like, I wasn’t afraid, they’re so happy ... I don’t know, it all looks unconvincing, but in the dialogues there are several variations on the theme of "James' self-sacrifice." Probably, in the end it was decided to drive the player into the pipe, and the way in which the alignment of forces in the rotunda, which he saw later, developed, would be left unknown.

By the way, if you run very fast, then you may well have time to run into the control room while lifting the bulkhead, but there you will heroically die along with your dad :)

Picking up the Trail

Scribe Rothchild usually stays in the Citadel's laboratory, when he meets he will say about the terminal with information about the Vault-Tec hideouts in the A ring of the Citadel, or you can do without talking to Rothschild by finding this terminal yourself. Of all there is, be sure to read about the equipment of Vault 87 (Vault 87).

After you find out about the presence of GEKK in the 87th hideout, go back to Rothschild, so that he indicated its location on the map (the location of the shelters also becomes known at the Vault-Tek headquarters when you complete the Song of Agatha quest). The scribe will also mention the inaccessibility of this shelter due to excessive radioactivity in the area and will suggest trying to get into it through the Lamplight Caverns.

At Little Lamplight, you will be stopped by the overly arrogant Mayor MacCready. You can convince him to open the gates with the help of the Eternal Child perk or simply by persuading the kid (eloquence!), And if it does not work out, then in order to earn the trust of the mayor, you will have to walk to Paradise Falls and rescue Sammy, Squirrel and Penny from there (quest Salvation from paradise).

When the problem of infiltrating the Lamplight is somehow resolved, all you have to do is choose the path to Vault 87:

  • fight your way through the tangled and stuffed with super mutants Murder Pass, for this you need to ask McCready to open the entrance to it (in the backyard of Little Lamplight, this door is guarded by the Princess);
  • ask the mayor about other ways, then you will hear about the unopening door and Joseph, then you should find Joseph in the Great Hall and ask him to turn on the power of the computer, from which the children have lost the password, then you will only have to crack it (Science 50) and go directly to the reactor chamber of Vault 87.

It is worth noting that both paths will lead you to the same reactor chamber, however, the first is fraught with great difficulties to break through hordes of super mutants. When you find yourself in the 87th shelter, you will need to find the GECK there ...

Note: The developers did not envisage entering Vault 87 through the front door at all, which, of course, is a significant mistake in light of further events.

Bug: A glitch with the Princess stuck in a closed gate leading to the Murderous Passage is possible, if this happens, go out to the Great Hall for a while, and if this does not help, then you will have to enter the shelter by an alternative route.

Rescue from Paradise

Quest options: If you fail to persuade Mayor MacCready to let you through the caves of Little Lamplight into Vault 87 just like that, he will demand that you prove your reliability in practice and save three children from the clutches of slavers - Sammy ( Sammy), Squirrel and Penny. If you manage to impress the mayor (with the help of eloquence or the Eternal Child perk), then you will not hear from him about this trinity that ended up in Paradise Falls. In this case, you can take the quest directly in the lair of the slave traders, but again, you need to be able to get there (Just business).

If you have access to Paradise Falls, then when you first enter there (even before appearing in Little Lamplight), you will see Sammy asking for help at the gate, you can also inquire about the possibility of acquiring slaves from the local villain, Undertaker Jones (Eulogy Jones) ...

Jones will offer three children - Sammy and Penny for 500 caps, and Squirrel for 1000, as a very smart boy. You can persuade him to drop the price from 2000 to 1200 caps (eloquence!).

Purchase: If you choose the path of deal with the Undertaker, then after the caps are handed over to him, the children will be waiting for you at the exit from Paradise Falls. Approach them and talk to Sammy. With difficulty, he will believe that you are saving them. Then you need to leave the settlement and talk to Sammy again, the quest will close, and the kids will rush through the wasteland to Little Lamplight.

Saving children: If you do not want to waste covers, then the heroic path remains. In Paradise Falls, you should go to the slave pen and talk to Sammy and Squirrel through the bars. They will say that they can escape through the drainage hatch in the toilet, but for them to be able to get there, you will have to help them get rid of the slave collars. Removing the collars will suit Squirrel with the terminal he repaired, you just need to somehow connect him to the secure network: either by hacking the main terminal in the Undertaker's den (science required 50), or by repairing the cable box near the bar (repair required 40). After solving this issue, Squirrel will say that it is still necessary to distract the guard of Forty for the duration of the escape. How can I do that:

  • kill him or put a grenade in his pocket (dangerous);
  • shoot him with a hypnotron and turn the rest of the gang against him;
  • incite Crimson from the Undertaker's retinue to seduce the Magpie;
  • to open the eyes of the Fortieth to the fact that he is not appreciated enough by the Undertaker, as a result of which he will go to Jones for a showdown.

Saving Penny: After eliminating the guard, Sammy and Squirrel run away, saying that Penny will not leave here while her adult friend Rory Maclaren is in the punishment cell (this is Pulowski's hideout nearby). Here you can:

  • persuade Sammy and Squirrel to quit Penny (eloquence !, and an increase in negative karma);
  • convince Penny to run without Rory (75% chance of luck with 100 speaking skill);
  • find the key to the punishment cell and rescue Rory from there.

Saving Rory: Penny says that the key to the punishment cell lies on the table on the first floor of the Undertaker's den, and the Sorokovnik has another duplicate ... Opening the punishment cell, you will see that Rory is not really a child and will not crawl through the drain pipe, which means that pull him out through the front door. However, it is not necessary to take Rory out of Paradise Falls, it is enough to free him from the punishment cell, return to Penny, and announce to her that he is saved. How can you get Rory out of the city (choose night time for the operation, as many slavers sleep at this time):

  • it is possible to save Rory without turning the entire local gang into hostility, if he fights alone - for which you first need to steal ammunition from all slavers and collect all melee weapons around, and then slip Rory with a combat shotgun or flamethrower, then he will have a chance for success;
  • order Rory to follow you and free the other slaves in the corral, if you're lucky, then you and Rory will run to the gate, while the rest will take on the fire;
  • immediately after opening the punishment cell, tell Rory to get out on his own, when he runs to the exit, you just need to have time to press the "T" button before getting involved in a fight, and wait a few hours for him to peacefully leave Paradise Falls (by the way, and other people captured during the quest Just business can also leave the city intact in this way);
  • kill all slavers.

If Rory is saved, then later he can be seen in Moriarty's saloon (in a collar!), However, he will not have any new dialogues. Having solved the situation with Rory in one way or another, go to the kids who are waiting for you at the exit from the drainage hatch outside Paradise Falls, where after talking with Sammy the quest will end (+ 900 XP and positive karma).

Note: If you finish the quest before attempting to withdraw Rory from Paradise Falls, then his salvation will become impossible, because he will start talking nonsense and will not leave the place.

Finding the Garden of Eden

After penetrating one way or another into the reactor chamber of Vault 87 (see the previous quest), you should break into the living quarters, and then into the experimental laboratories in order to find G.E.K.K. (G.E.C.K., Compact Edenic Tabernacle Generator).

In the corridors of the laboratories, you will certainly hear the request of a competent super mutant named Fawkes - to go to the intercom on the wall of his cell and talk to him. Fox will explain his education by the fact that he had access to the main computer of the vault with a database for a long time, he knows about the GECK available here and even promises to help get it in exchange for his release. This proposal makes sense, since there is a very high level of radiation at the storage place of the suitcase ...

To get Fox out of the cell, turn right down the corridor and walk to the service area with the fire console, there you can either hack the fire console TO terminal, which opens the test chambers selectively (Science 50, Fox's camera 05), or activate the fire console (Fire Control Console ) to open all chambers with all hostile inhabitants. There is an option to kill Fox by picking up the password to the terminal on the wall (Science 75), but you should not do this, since later he can become a good partner for the goodie.

Having made a decision about the fate of Fox, turn left from his camera, somewhere there, in the depths of the intricate passages, the GECK is waiting for you. You can get the suitcase in one of three ways:

  • on your own: in this case, you will have to take rad-X and / or put on an anti-radiation suit (by the way, there is one improved specimen, ID 0009b8ec in the locked storage room of the shelter);
  • free Fox, who will help you in battle and take out the GECK;
  • if you have Charon with you, you can entrust the removal to him.

It is especially worth noting that with self-removal of the GECK, it will be possible to "Use the GECK", but this will lead to the death of the character. As soon as the suitcase is in your hands, Fox will say that he will find you later and stay, but on your way back you will stumble upon an enclave ambush led by Col. Augustus Autumn (surprised?). The explosion of a grenade (of a type never seen before) will render the character incapacitated and the Colonel will take possession of the GECK ...

All partners at the same time, as it were, leave and go to their previous places, you will have to recruit them again after the quest (the things given to them will be with them after re-hiring).

You will wake up on the third level of Raven Rock, where you can't just get there. Colonel Autumn wants to know the purifier code, you have several options. If you choose the correct code among them (2-1-6), then after checking it, the colonel will shoot the character for being unnecessary... When choosing the wrong answer or refusing to answer, the colonel will of course get angry, but he will not have time to do anything, because President Eden will urgently call him on the intercom ...

Notes: If you decide to free Fox, you can arrange an exchange of things with him, he has a unique Fawkes "Super Sledge", it weighs less than usual, and does more damage.

After returning to the Citadel, Elder Lyons can be told that Super Mutants are climbing out of Vault 87 (for good karma).

When you receive the GECK, you should unload the extra things in the closets nearby and return for them later - after all, you will only be able to visit Raven Rock once, and that is unwillingly, and you will probably want to take out a lot of things from there.

The American Dream

3rd level of Raven Rock. When Colonel Autumn leaves your cell at the behest of the President of Eden, you will finally be able to move and can collect your belongings from the locker by the door. What is all this for? It turns out that the president wants to see you at his place and quickly ...

Turning left at the exit from the cell, you will stumble upon a hostile officer who can be convinced (eloquence) that you are only going to the president according to his orders, in case of failure you will have to take part in a shootout. Turning to the right will avoid this conversation. Soon, the president will announce to the entire level that you are a guest here and you should be treated with respect. However, as soon as you get close to either of the two exits to the 2nd level, Colonel Autumn will publicly cancel the presidential order. Yes, like that, but you dreamed that you would leave here peacefully?

By the way, in the cell next door on the same 3rd level you can see Nathan Vargas from Megaton, a former ardent supporter of the Enclave (if Megaton was not blown up on the quest The power of the atom). There are no dialogues with him, you cannot save him, and later, when Manya tells you about the missing Nathan, you cannot talk to her about this either, because no replicas.

2nd level of Raven Rock. In one of the rooms of Sector 2B Level 2, you can find Anna Holt, captured by the Enclave at the Jefferson Memorial during the quest. Living water (The Waters of Life)... She openly admits that she betrayed the James case by telling her enemies about Project Purity, and will justify herself by saying that the Enclave with its technology is centuries ahead of anything Dr. Lee could achieve. If you decide to kill her, you will get negative karma, but nothing, you can hit her well, and then blow up the enclave base :) Also try not to go past Colonel Autumn's room in sector 2C, where there is a bobblehead "Power Weapon" (this is the only way to get it) and a "ZAX Destruct Sequence" entry in the chest by the bed.

Meeting with the President of Eden. Once in the Raven Rock control room and climb to the very top of the winding staircase, you will learn one of the state secrets - President Eden is actually not a human being, but a computer from the ZAX series, which was launched several years before the war. ...

ZAX AI will tell you about his plan to change the Wasteland for the better with the help of a man-made evolution virus (V.R.E. or FEV) and will offer you to help him eliminate all kinds of mutations by running the purifier at the Jefferson Memorial and placing a test tube with a new strain of the virus in his control panel FEV. Since the purifier created by James and Dr. Lee is able to provide clean water to the entire Metropolitan Wasteland, the virus will spread with water everywhere and quickly destroy all mutants, including the majority of the human population (along the way, you can find out that Colonel Autumn considered this plan too radical and for this reason disagreements arose between the President and the Colonel). Regarding the future fate of the president, you can do something or not (although your choice will not affect the plot in any way, and keep in mind that in any case, Eden will not allow you to leave without a test tube with the FEV virus):

  • with developed eloquence, you can convince Eden that he is crazy and make him self-destruct and blow up the base (this is quite difficult, with 100 eloquence and 10 charisma, the success rate is 90%);
  • with a rocking skill in science, you can chatter the president to a logical error that cannot be solved by a computer and also make him self-destruct and blow up the base;
  • use the destruction code ZAX (if you found the entry in Colonel Autumn's room), the result will be the same;
  • leave the president and leave, while the base will not explode, and Eden will push his patriotic speeches during the next quest.

Escape from Raven Rock. Moving towards the exit from the base on the 1st level, you will observe the shootings of the Enclave soldiers and robots, you can collect useful things in the chests and tamp them into your inventory (there is a gatling laser near the exit from the base). Outside the gate, you will meet the super mutant Fox (of course, if you helped him earlier in Vault 87) and you can take him as a partner if you have positive karma. Then it will remain to admire the spectacular explosion of the base (you will not return there anyway) and the successful escape of several rotorcraft (on board one of them is Colonel Autumn, and the rotorcraft in the same way leave the base, even if it is not blown up).

Return to the Citadel. Then you should return to the Citadel, where you will go straight to a meeting with Elders Lyons, Rothschild, Sarah Lyons and Lion Pride on the upcoming attack by the Brotherhood of Steel on the Jefferson Memorial taken by the Enclave. As soon as Lyons hears about the GEKK Enclave soldier in the hands, he will immediately agree to immediate drastic measures. By choosing the appropriate replicas, you can give Lyons or not give the test tube with the FEV virus. In the end, Sarah will say that you deserve the title of honorary soldier of the Lion Pride (you can refuse) and will offer a choice of power armor or reconnaissance armor (you can not take it). Now all that remains is to get ready for business ...

Note: This is your last chance to partner with High Paladin Cross (Star Paladin Cross, needs positive karma).

Vital Phoenix (Vespa)

Take it away! (Take it Back!)

Attack on the Jefferson Memorial. To start the attack, you need to declare your readiness to Sarah Lyons. After this giant robot "Liberty Prime" (Liberty Prime), created before the war to liberate the city of Anchorage in Alaska from the Chinese communists, which was repaired tirelessly by scribe Rothschild and Dr. Lee, will be pulled out of the Citadel by crane. Once outside, Liberty Prime will stomp to the bridge over the Potomac, killing everything in its path to the memorial, with Lion Pride and your hero following him. The resistance will not be weak - the Enclave's rotorcraft and soldiers are everywhere, who are provided with artillery support, but the robot will break through all obstacles, including the Enclave's energy shields (you will have to deal only with the infantry and try not to suffer from car explosions). Some of the paladins of the Brotherhood of Steel are mortal, and therefore may die on the way.

Last meeting with the colonel. Inside the memorial, through the door to the Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop, a giant robot cannot get through, so you and Sarah will go further. In the Rotunda, you will stumble upon Colonel Autumn (again!), There are two possible scenarios:

  • you persuade the colonel to leave in all four directions, either by saying that neither Raven Rock nor the President of Eden is anymore, or by asking why he serves the machine (this is quite difficult);
  • you will finally shoot Colonel Autumn and take his signature laser pistol as a souvenir (in the original its damage is 70, after installing the Broken Steel DLC it becomes much less, 17).

Having resolved the situation in one way or another and going up the stairs to the control room, you will hear Dr. Lee's excited voice over the intercom: "The pressure builds up in the tanks. It must be relieved immediately, otherwise the whole complex could explode. You need to turn on the purifier to relieve the pressure. Do you understand me? You must turn it on NOW." Now is the time to make a decision - which one of you will enter the chamber with lethal radiation levels and turn on the purifier ...

In the original, the game ends at this point. due to the imminent death of the character, however, after installing the Broken Steel DLC, you will have the opportunity to continue the game and even send your partners, resistant to radiation, to the control room. The difference will only be in the shown final videos, depending on the completed quests and the actions of the character you played - evil / neutral / good and using / not using a test tube with the FEV virus.

Option 1: Sacrifice yourself or Sarah Lyons. The main thing here is to remember the correct code for activating the cleaner, this is 2-1-6 (Mom's favorite quote from the Bible, Revelation 21: 6), and have time to enter it before the explosion of the purifier (+1000 karma). If you grant this honor to Sarah, then she will die (BS) and you will do without an increase in karma.

Option 2: Ask to turn on the purifier of the radiation-resistant partner. Without the Broken Steel DLC, all partners, as one, will flatly refuse to do this. After installing BS, Fox (Fawkes), Sergeant RL-3 (Sergeant RL-3) and Charon (Charon) can agree to commit a heroic act.

Option 3: Do nothing. You can just not enter the chamber, after a while the purifier will explode, Game Over.

Continuation of a story. With the Broken Steel DLC installed, you will wake up two weeks later in the Citadel clinic. Elder Lyons will explain that you and Sarah were brought here unconscious, and Sarah has not yet regained consciousness (or she will die, if it was she who launched the purifier earlier). Lyons will also talk about everything that happened and here the first add-on quest, Death From Above, begins.

I express my gratitude for the help provided in the preparation of this quest comrade. Vital Phoenix (Vespa)

Project Impurity

A record about the possibility of water poisoning of the "Purity" project appears in Pip-boy during the quest Take it away! (Take it Back!)when approaching the Jefferson Memorial. You just need to decide whether or not to place the Modified FEV vial given to you by President Eden in the Extra Filtration Panel in the purifier's control room (if you handed it over to Elder Lyons before, there is nothing to decide).

The use of the virus will result in the extinction of all creatures affected by mutations, incl. most of the population of the Capital Wasteland. Only the purest representatives of humanity will not suffer - the people of the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel. You can place the test tube on the panel before entering the chamber (if you decided to turn on the purifier personally) or during the intercom talks between Dr. Lee and Sarah (if you preferred to look at the activation from the outside), this action will lower your karma by 1000.

Using a FEV vial will have far-reaching consequences if the Broken Steel DLC is installed. Pure water (Aqua Pura), which is poured into barrels and delivered throughout the Wasteland by representatives of the Brotherhood of Steel, will be infected with a virus that kills mutants, and your character is still not a pure person, as President Eden believed, and this water will initially have a negative impact on SPECIAL attributes, and if used twice (or more) will kill your character ...

- these are special figurines that, when found, give a bonus to the parameters or skills of the main character. The number of bobbleheads in the game is equal to the number of skills ( 13 skills) and system parameters S.P.E.C.I.A.L. ( 7 parameters).

During the passage of the storyline of the game Fallout 3, you can find 20 bobbleheads, they are located in various places Capital Wasteland... When the main character takes a bobblehead, this action may be accompanied by a decrease in karma, or by the aggression of local residents, because not all bobbleheads are freely available, some are located in closed houses or safes, opening which you can get a minus to karma. Found dolls can be stored either in the inventory, or they can be beautifully displayed on special stand for these figurines, stands are available in the house of the protagonist.

The location of bobbleheads in Fallout 3

As already written above, bobbleheads can either increase a certain skill, or one of the parameters of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, let's begin to reveal the secret of finding bobbleheads from those that are responsible for the skills of the protagonist.

Skill-increasing bobbleheads:

  1. Bobblehead "Heavy Weapon" - increases the skill of using heavy weapons by 10 points, in order to find this statuette, you need to get to the basement located in the headquarters of the command of the fort "Constantine";
  2. Bobblehead "Light weapon" - increases the skill of using light weapons by 10 points. In order to find this statuette, you need to get to the National Guard Base, being inside, you must first go through the training room and offices, go up to the third floor and there switch the lever that is responsible for the door to the weapons warehouse. After that, we go to this warehouse, which is located in the basement and there we take a doll on one of the shelves;
  3. Bobblehead "Cold steel" - increases the skill of using melee weapons by 10 points. It is located in the Dynevich building location, this building used to house a mining company and the complex itself is simply huge, this location contains the building itself, the Dynevich ruins and poisoned dungeons, to find the figurine you need to go to the dungeons, there in the room next to the exit from complex and the baby doll will lie;
  4. Bobblehead "Energooruzhie" - increases the skill of using energy weapons by 10 points. This bobblehead is located at the base of the Raven Rock Enclave, in order to take it, you need to get into the bedroom of Colonel Autumn himself. You must definitely take this statuette during your first visit, there will be no way back to the base;
  5. Bobblehead "Without weapons" - increases the "unarmed" skill by 10 points. In order to find this statuette, you need to get into the hidden underground settlement of Rokopolis, this settlement is not marked with a marker on the map and to get there you need to go to the west from the location of Casey Smith's garage and in the north direction from Herdersheid, the entrance is easy to spot by the flags different colors. Inside the settlement we find the body of Argyll and carefully examine the space behind it, there will be a puppet "Without weapons";
  6. Bobblehead "Barter" - increases the skill "barter" by 10 points. Located in the Evergreen Mills location. To find him, go to the market, there, focusing on the trader Smile Jack (he should be on your left) we go to the very corner to the workbench, behind him is the bobblehead;
  7. Bobblehead "Eloquence" - increases the skill "eloquence" by 10 points. In order to take possession of this statuette, you need to get into the Undertaker Jones' den, it is located in Paradise Falls. In the den itself, the bobblehead is located behind the terminal;
  8. Bobblehead "Medicine" - increases the skill "medicine" by 10 points. This bobblehead can be taken at the very beginning of the game, because it is located in Vault 101, on the table of the protagonist's father in the clinic;
  9. Bobblehead "Science" - increases the skill "science" by 10 points. In order to find this statuette, you need to go to Vault 106 and find a room there, which is located to the east of the rest, in it you will find a puppet "Science" on the table;
  10. Bobblehead "Explosive" - increases the skill "explosive" by 10 points. We find the WKML broadcasting station, behind it, among the stones, the entrance to the sealed cistern is hidden, it is in it that you can find the statuette;
  11. Bobblehead "Repair" - increases the skill "repair" by 10 points. It is located in the small village of Arefu. While in this settlement, you need to break into the house of Evan King, for this the hacking skill must be at least 50 points, in the house there is a statuette on the table. For hacking, the main character will lose karma;
  12. Bobblehead "Hacking" - increases this skill by 10 points. You can find the figurine on the 2nd floor in the ruins of Bethesda (east office);
  13. Bobblehead "Stealth" - increases the skill of the same name by 10 points. You can find him in the Yao Gai Tunnel.

Bobbleheads increasing the parameters of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L .:

  1. Bobblehead "Power" - in order to get this statuette, you need to get into the house of Lucas Simms in Megaton. The bobblehead is in the bedroom;
  2. Bobblehead "Perception" - can be found in Dave's Museum, which is located in a location called "Dave's Republic". Located on the right side of the room;
  3. Bobblehead "Endurance" - in order to find this statuette, you will have to do the impossible, namely to get into the shelter of the claws of death. The bobblehead is located under the body of the brahmin;
  4. Bobblehead "Charisma" - located in a room with a large number of beds, which in turn is located in Vault 108;
  5. Bobblehead "Intellect" - can be found in the laboratory of the scientists in


The return of the legend has come true. The world of the apocalypse is ready to be explored. Let's get down to the most exciting part - writing an article walkthrough Fallout 3. I warn you - the passage will not be quick.

You control your hero from birth. First, the standard choice of the initial characteristics of the hero. When you find yourself in the nursery, find there a book on the floor in it, select skills. On your birthday, hang out until you are invited to the reactor level. Tasks and all information can be viewed in the pit battle (TAB), there is also a map and pumping. At the reactor you will be given a pneumatic gun and after the murder of a radroach you will wake up at the age of 16. Take the test, then you can fix it. 3 years later. Your father escaped from the shelter and you also need to shed slowly until the caretakers find you. Amata will give you a 10 gauge pistol. You can see the location on the map.

Go to the door marked on the map, then to the second floor, Amanta's father has the key to the caretaker's office or in the chest of drawers opposite the office.

In the office, open the secret tunnel, go along it to the exit door from the shelter. Open it and you are free. In the shelter, you can stock up on equipment if you climb well.

Go to the nearest town - Magatonna. There, in the bar, talk to Moriarty about his father. The door to the bar is closed, you can break it with a hairpin. Moriarty will ask for 100 caps or get the debt out of Silver in Sprinvale, she is not far from Vault 101. You can get 300 caps from her. Moriarty will say that you can ask about the father on the "Voice of the Galaxy" radio. Going there right away is suicide. Go to the Crater Shop to Moira Brown and help her with her survival guide. Go to the supermarket, there you need to get food and medicine. The key to the pharmacy is in a drawer on the counter.

There are several armed raiders in the supermarket. You can shoot as before in different parts of the body, for this press "V", the number of shots or blows depends on the action points, they are shown in the lower right (AP). You can also defuse a bomb in the city center for 100 credits and housing. To do this, go to the sheriff.

In the supermarket, the raiders should have an assault rifle, this is a more serious weapon, there are also 5.56 caliber cartridges there. To move between locations, just click on them on the map. Now I think you're ready to go to the radio station. Raiders with flamethrowers and super mutants with miniguns walk in its vicinity. It would not be bad to kill them and take away their weapons. To get into the radio building itself, you must first go through the metro.

On the other side you will meet with the brotherhood of steel, go with them to storm. A hippopotamus will run out near the building, you can kill him by taking a fat man from a murdered one from the Brotherhood of Steel. Or you can shoot him in the leg with an assault rifle (V). Now go to the Galactic News building and ask about Tridognite's father. He certainly won't tell you anything if

only your eloquence is not developed. You will need to hit the road to the museum for a plate mounted on the lunar rover. Go to the Chevy Chase subway, the collapsed car tunnel, the Dupont station and to the Museum station from it rise to the surface.

Museum near the station. Get to the lunar rover at the museum and walk towards the Washington Monument. There are many super mutants in the museum. Monument "Washington" high, you can see it right away, go to it and set a plate on top and return to Tridognite. He will tell you that your father was going to go to Rivet City, to get to him you need to walk along the river bed, while you go there you can collect radiation in the river for Moira's experiments. After you go to her with radiation, you will regenerate damage.

And the next task she will give is to go to the ghost town, it is mined and you need to get to its center. In the meantime, we go to Rivet City to see Dr. Lee. She's in the science lab, go into the left door and go up to the 1st floor. She will tell you what they did with their father.

Head to Vault 112, put on your jumpsuit, and get into the VR device. In an abandoned house, you need to activate the control panel, for this, click on the objects in the hall in the following sequence: receiver, jug, gnome, jug, cinder block, gnome, bottle.

The terminal will open, there you can activate the "Chinese invasion", and then talk to Betty and she will release you or you can carry out Betty's tasks. After leaving virtual reality, talk to your father. I went straight with him to Rivet City.

He will talk to Lee in the lab and go to the Jefferson Museum, where Project Purity is based, follow him. Clear the museum building so that scientists can enter it. Escort your father to the Memorial Rotunda and turn on the pumps. Install the fuses your father gives you and turn on the computer. Then go, clear the blockage in the pipe, while you are fiddling with it, the Enclave will attack the control center, hoping to take over the installation, but Jimmy will kill them along with him. Grab Dr. Lee and fight your way through the secret tunnel to the Fellowship Citadel. To continue the "Purity" project, you need a GEKK device, Rothschild will help you find it, he is in the laboratory and will send you to Ring A to rummage in the computer. You will find GECK in Vault 87, return to Rothschild and he will point him on the map. Before going to the shelter, learn how to use power armor, for this you need to ask permission.

You can't just enter Vault 87, there is deadly radiation at the entrance. But you can find the entrance in the Lamplight Caves. The entrance to the caves south of Vault 87, under the hill on which there is a water tower. The entrance to the hideout is located outside Little Lampite Children's Town. At the entrance you will be greeted by an evil little boy, I passed through him using the "Eternal Child" skill, he gives unique replicas in dialogues with children. If you do not have this skill, then you will have to please the boy in other ways. You can also get a laser rifle for free in the big hall if you have the Eternal Child skill.

Talk to the mayor to open the door to the murderous passage. Go to the reactor compartment, from there to the living quarters. Go upstairs to the "Experimental Laboratories" follow the right corridor to the end, there will be a computer behind the right door, hack it and you will release the super mutant Fox. He will escort you to GECK and bring him from a place with deadly radiation.

When you exit you will be caught by soldiers from the Enclave, they will torture you in every possible way, demanding a code. You cannot tell the code, otherwise you will be killed. The President of the Enclave will let you go and tell you to go to his office, but while you go, the colonel will cancel his decision. Climb to the second level, at the end of the corridor that leads to the stairs to the hall, on the left you will find the "Energo doll". Go up to the hall there is the entrance to the Control Room.

Lots of weapons, ammunition, and medicine are scattered throughout the premises, usually covered with power armor that is disabled from the terminals. Upon reaching the president, you learn that the Enclave is controlled by a crazy computer. Take a test tube with a virus and get out of here. Just before the exit you will find a Tesla laser. And after leaving the building, you will see Fox, he came to save you, now you can take him with you. It can carry a whole bunch of things, and it helps a lot with its Tesla laser. Move to the Citadel and talk to Lyons in the laboratory, she will give you new power armor. Tell Lyons when you're ready to go grab Project Clean. Robot Price will cover you, he will take you to the Memorial, and there you yourself will have to make your way to the control room. This is the final scene, you must decide how to deal with the virus and who will sacrifice his life to save the installation. To start the installation "Clean" enter the code 216.

Fallout 3 quest description

The first quests worth going through is to talk to Moriarty. Moriarty will ask for 100 caps or get the debt out of Silver in Sprinvale, she is not far from Vault 101. You can get 300 caps from her. You can also defuse a bomb in the city center for 100 credits and housing. To do this, go to the sheriff.

Blood ties

At Moriarty's salon, Lucy will ask you to deliver a letter to her family in Arefu. When you get there, it turns out that her parents were killed and her brother was kidnapped by the Family - a group of bandits. There is a bobblehead on the table in Sheriff Arefu's house. The entrance to the Semyu shelter at the Seneca station is in the northeast of Arefu, you can buy an ultra-propeller from Google if you have sugar bombs.

Entering the room with Google, Ian West Lucy's brother is sitting in the room, to access it you need a password, if you have developed eloquence or the ability to "arbitrate" or "murderer" then you will get this password without any problems. Give the letter to West. After talking with West Vance, the Leader of the Family will give you a Shish Kebab, a schematic of a weapon that can be assembled using a workbench.

Wasteland Survival Guide

Go to the Crater Shop to Moira Brown and help her with her survival guide.

Go to the supermarket, there you need to get food and medicine. The key to the pharmacy is in a drawer on the counter.

There are several armed raiders in the supermarket. The next section of the book is radioactive contamination. Stand in a radioactive place, for example
in the river or whatever is faster, drink from the toilet :) and return to Moira. The third section is anti-personnel mines. Go to the minefield and return to Moira.

There is a lawn mower behind the Gibson house, from there you can take out the blade, you need it for the Shish Kebab. And in houses, if you climb over the ovens, you can find a fuse. Additionally, you can bring her an anti-personnel mine
to do this, you need to go to the mine and quickly click on it so that it does not have time to explode. There are ruins of a house next to the playground, which must be reached. Arkansas sits on it with a sniper rifle and house keys. The houses have a couple of books to read and some ammo.

The next chapter of the book is devoted to animals. Moira will give you a recipient, go with him to the city sewers, they are next to Dukov's dwelling. Collect as many cat rats as possible, preferably 7, and try out the recipe. First you need to disable the turret system in the terminal and kill the raiders, otherwise they will kill all the cat rats.

The next section is about swamps, you need to set an observer to them in the lair. Their lair is at the Anorig Memorial. There is a tunnel in the administrative premises, follow there and find a masonry of bogs there, you can install an observer in it. In this case, you cannot kill a single bog. There you can quickly exit through the underwater passage or immediately enter through it. Outside, it is in the river south of the memorial entrance. There is a safe in the memorial (also in the administrative premises); if you hack the terminal, you can take a 44 caliber magnum with an optical sight.

Downstairs in the "service entrance" there is a storage room there for some chemicals and a hiding place club located in one of the refrigerators. The cache contains 260 caps and a recipe for Swamp Pie.

Now you need to take damage less than 50% of your life, and this is where chapter 2 of the book ends. The third chapter begins with a quest to learn the history of Rivet City from the locals.

Vera Witherly on the upper deck will tell you a little, and after asking Seagrave Holmes in the market, you will complete an additional task. Rivet City's arsenal has a "Racket" weapon scheme. And on the deck where the planes are, but on the other side, you can find a gas tank from a motorcycle, there is still a ball, a baseball glove and a bat lying nearby.

Present to your attention fallout 3 walkthrough, a great sequel from the creators of Oblivion. An interesting plot, the right atmosphere, a big world - everything is in this game. To complete the game, you will need more than 40 hours of real time. In this fallout 3 walkthrough, which was written according to a localized version from 1C, we describe only the main storyline, additional tasks will be in another article, if readers want it. The world of Fallout is waiting for you, we start the passage, let's go!

fallout 3 walkthrough - start
The beginning of the game is already starting to be a little captivating in anticipation of a wonderful gameplay - they show the moment of the birth of the main character. We are given the opportunity to choose the gender. A genetic scan is carried out, during which we can choose the appearance of our character.

In the same introductory video, we learn that the mother, whose face was never seen, dies and the character becomes half-orphan. Our upbringing rests with the father.

First steps
We are one year old, and we are starting to move a little. We approach the father, who is standing nearby, after which he leaves us in the arena. We get out from there and come to the Special book lying on the floor, in which we can distribute points to increase the characteristics: strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility, luck. We are given only 5 points, so we will need to choose what we like.

Growing up fast
Fast forward nine years and find ourselves celebrating our tenth anniversary. The local caretaker, the father of a close friend of Amanda's, hands the wrist computer a pip-boy. We walk, talk with all the guests, receive gifts, get into a fight. Then the father will say about the surprise. We leave for the lower level, where we will be handed an air rifle, which is only suitable for shooting at crows. We go through a little combat training, shooting at targets and finishing off a defenseless radroach.

Then we are already thrown at sixteen years old. While young people at this age have to drink beer and smoke in the corners for the whole time, our dad makes them go and take some kind of GOAT, like the local exam. We are in no hurry to leave the room, we will privatize a small figure of a man from the parent's table - this is a bonus that will give us 10 units of the Medicine skill. After that, we head towards the examination classes. On the way, we help our friend Amanda out of the mess. Butch's gang sticks to her - a local hooligan. As I recall, it was he who we hit in the face at the celebration of the decade. You can repeat it to disagree.

After that we go to the teacher. It is not necessary to take the test, you can immediately agree on the rigging of the results. If you are interested, you can watch and listen to what idiotic questions they will ask us. Three main skills can be changed.

Time rushes forward again and passes three years. A girlfriend comes running and reports that his beloved daddy has left the shelter. Local cops banged his friend and are now moving over my soul. Because I started playing as a female, then the thought arose, what do they want from an attractive nineteen-year-old girl ?! She frightens us by the fact that I have no time, and we have to give dyru until the skin is ripped off. But we don't really listen to her. You can give free rein to your kleptomania and collect everything that comes to hand. We look into the cabinets, tables, examine all the corpses. You should not be afraid of the guards, you can send everyone to the next world with an ordinary bat, which was picked up at the beginning of the journey. We also have a barrel fitted by a caring girlfriend. We move on the compass and look for the caretaker, who is guarded by only one guard. We send the guard to meet with distant ancestors, but the caretaker should not be touched, because Amanda will be mortally offended. Using the method of persuasion, we take away the key and password from him and set off towards the officers' chambers and the local supercomputer. There we open the entrance to the basement. You can run around the neighborhood, collect stimulants and ammo.

We move towards the exit from the shelter. Let's open the entrance and you can get out into the fresh air. If you wish, you can wait for two local blockheads to come running to stop us. But outside the gate they are afraid to poke their nose.

We go beyond the shelter and OH, MIRACLE - you can change skills, perform an operation to instantly change gender.

fallout 3 full walkthrough
After leaving the shelter, we find ourselves on a broken road. You can immediately jerk directly over the cliffs to the city of Megaton. But I would suggest taking a look at Springfield, which is to the east. We follow to the left and follow the road. Near the town we will see a mailbox. Someone dug grenades and a few other useful things there. We take this stuff - maybe it will come in handy.

The flying Enclave scout droid looms ahead. Let's practice aiming on it. From the fourth or fifth shot, he will be smashed all over the district to minor honor. Having celebrated our victory, we move along the signs in the direction of Megaton. A homeless-looking man named Mickey is hanging out at the gate. Apparently, the day before, he noted something strongly and now he is tormented by dry wood. He asks us for clean water. But we do not have one yet and therefore we go further into the city.

At the entrance we are met by a local tycoon - Sheriff Lucas Simms. He explains to us how to behave in the city. At the same time, he will offer an adventure - the city that the clever guys guessed to build near the dropped bomb. So she must be neutralized. But we can only do it if we have an explosive skill of 30. We also learn some information about our father.

Next, we move to the main place around which the storyline will revolve - Moriarty's salon. It is located on the upper level of the city in the south. The owner will ask for 100 caps for information. Yes - we give it back, no - we agree to do some work for him. Will need to knock out a favor in a house in Springfield. In the same salon, a man looking like some kind of mafioso invites me to smash everything to hell. We agree and take the detonator from him, which we will keep until better times. We run around the city, collect various tasks, maybe extra experience and money will not interfere.

Having gone to Springfield and knocking out a debt of 300 caps, through persistent persuasion, we return to Megaton to Moriarty. He will inform us that the father headed towards the location of the Galactic News radio station.

fallout 3 walkthrough
Radio station
We move towards the location of the radio station, guided by the compass. The radio station can be accessed via the Friendship Heights metro station.

All the same, guided by the magic arrow, we find the exit from the metro. There we will meet the members of the Brotherhood of Steel. I'll have to help them defeat the mutants. Following them, we come to the entrance of the radio station.

A super mutant hippopotamus will rush back and forth in the square, which we can defeat with the help of members of the brotherhood.

After defeating the monster, go inside the radio station and look for a man named Tridognite. Talking to him, we are trying to find out where our father has gone. More words and less action - apparently this is the Tridognite principle. He will still say that he knows Dad, but he will not say anything for free and will need to complete the task.

We will need to get the antenna from the lunar rover, which is located in the Technical Museum in downtown Washington. To get there we should take the metro to the station "Technical Museum".

We are looking for the ill-fated plate of the moon rover in the museum, making our way through hordes of mutants. When we manage to get this miracle device, we will need to go to the Washington Monument, where the Galactic News relay is located on the roof. We'll use the antenna to fix it and run it at full power.

We return to the building of the radio studio and inform Tridognite about the deed. In gratitude, he will inform us that Daddy has moved to a certain Dr. Lee in Rivet City. The best way to get there is along the river bank. The path is long and dangerous. On the way, we will meet mercenaries and monsters.

River City is located on a large aircraft carrier. You can get there by talking to the informer. A ladder will move out of the ship. Dr. Li is in the laboratory. She will tell us that she came to her and tried to convince her to revive a certain project "Purity", which they worked together on many years ago. Apparently his attempt failed and he went to the Jefferson memorial area. Father's laboratory is located there.

The memorial is located west of River City. Finding a laboratory is not difficult. In it we will find the records of the father and from them we learn that he now went to vault 112.

Along the way, you can clear Evergreen Mills from a horde of raiders and a super mutant hippopotamus sitting in the corral.

The entrance to Vault 112 is in Casey's garage. Having entered there, we will meet a robot, which will persistently ask us to change our costume to 112 overalls and climb into the free module. We are naive and gullible, so we will follow the instructions of the robot and climb into the module. This will turn out to be a trap - we will find ourselves in virtual reality, where the old man Brown is in charge, hiding under the guise of a sweet girl Betty.

Fallout 3 Gameplay Walkthrough

There are two ways to get out of there. Fulfill all of Brown's demands or bypass him, and open a terminal in an abandoned house and launch the Chinese Invasion plan. The terminal is activated as follows, by activating items: radio, jug, gnome, pitcher, cinder block, gnome, bottle. After launching the terminal and the plan to destroy virtual reality, the door will open behind the girl Betty. Having woken up in the laboratory, we will finally meet with the father. He's been stuck as a dog on a playground lately.

We have a long journey back to River City with our father. You cannot quickly move around the map. Therefore, we do a good deed - we run after our father and shoot monsters and raiders along the way.

Returning to River City and talking with Dr. Lee, we will receive an offer to accompany the scientists to the laboratory to the purifier. We go out into the street, and if there is no desire to follow the scientists, we will use our pip-boy and move to the memorial. Having entered and exited from there, we find that all members of the scientific team are already waiting for us.

If the building was not cleared of mutants in the last visit, then you will have to do this, otherwise no one will go inside. After a successful sweep, we move after a group of scientists led by my father.

Now we have to be an errand girl. First we will be sent to start the pump, then we will have to go back to my father and get the fuses from him, which are necessary to start the mains and activate the supercomputer. The place where you need to put the fuses is located near the pump that we started. Having done this noble deed, we go to start the computer. It is located near the basement exit. After that we will be sent to clean the clogged pipe. In the process of cleaning, we will notice the landing of soldiers of the enclave, obviously not like people. Therefore, we rush to save our beloved daddy, destroying soldiers along the way.

Father will sacrifice himself to save the rest and our goal will be to save the remaining scientists. We will get out through an abandoned tunnel, making our way through the enclave soldiers and mutants. The tunnel will lead to the citadel of the Brotherhood. Inside, we need to talk to the head of the order - Lyons. He will give permission to study, and from Gunny we can learn the skill of wearing armor.

Further our path lies to the scribe Rothschild. He will give us access to the Vault-Tech computer. In it we learn about the shelter 87. We return to the scribe and learn from him about this shelter. He will show us on the map where it is and how to get there.

You can't just get into the shelter. We'll have to make our way through the Little Lamplight caves. There is a settlement of children who do not tolerate adults, calling them "dyldy". Therefore, we cannot get through them and we get the task to save two guys who fell into the clutches of slavers.

Slave traders settled near Paradise Falls. There are several ways to save the guys - to become a slave, a slave trader, or to shoot child tormentors. A more third option suited me. After freeing the boys, we return to the caves. The mayor will let us into his territory. We ask him to give us access to shelter 87. After a short conversation, he agrees and leads us to the exit from the town. We get to the entrance to the shelter.

Both outside and inside, a horde of mutants awaits us. The HECK we need is at the highest level. To get it, we need to release the mutant Fox, who will escort us to the place and carry the GEKK out of a chamber full of deadly radiation.

Victory ripped from death by teeth! But ... As always, a good hero is not allowed to celebrate his victory. The Enclave appears, we are jammed and cleaned to the last thread, shackling us into energy shackles.

In the enemy's den, we will be freed by President Eden, who will turn out to be a computer. We will move in his direction to get a task from him - the insane machine wants to destroy mutants and people. I must do this by throwing a dangerous virus into the purifier. Just in case, we agree, but we persuade the machine to self-destruct. As soon as we leave their lair, an explosion will occur. On the street we will meet our old friend - mutant Fox, who will gladly agree to join us.

We leave back to the citadel of the Brotherhood, where the people are already gathering in a heap to attack the purifier. They have a fighting robot that will crush everyone in its path. After conversations in the citadel, we go after the robot together with the daughter of Lyons and Fox, slowly examining the surroundings. Having reached the Jefferson memorial, we go inside and head to the purifier. The colonel is hanging out there, whom we kill without talking.

Next, we choose the fate of the folk heroine and enter the purifier, activating it. Then we die.

The final videos follow, scrolling all our exploits. Congratulations on completing Fallout 3!

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