Fallout 4 is the maximum level of the hero in the game. Fast pumping - we get a lot of experience. Cheats for Armor

Built in such a way that the development of your character is completely tied to the level. In turn, the levels depend on the amount of experience gained (XP). They are given to the player for killing enemies, opening castles, exploring the game world, improving weapons and armor, completing missions and all other actions. However, there is a way to get more XP in the same time. Which one? Find out in this article.

At the beginning of the game, select the "Savant" perk

The "Fools are Lucky" perk (Idiot Savant), called "Savant" in Russian localization, has a chance to bring 3-5 times more (depending on the level of the perk) experience for any action and the lower the level of intelligence, the greater the chance of this event ...

We have given an incomplete list of actions for which experience points are given above. It turns out that if you have level 5 charisma, you may well receive an additional free boost to XP for any of these actions. What is important to consider here. Firstly, you will have to save before each completion of the quest, so that chance is on your side, and the completion of story or secondary missions always brings triple the number of points. Locking locks or killing enemies does not bring as much experience as completing quests, remember that.

Secondly, the chance of an amplifier falling out depends on the level of intelligence and you will have to sacrifice it for the time being. That is, you will have to forget about the possibility of modifying weapons, about such vital perks as Gun Nut, Hacker and Science. Some companions can compensate for this deficiency, for example, Nick Valentine is an excellent hacker of security systems.

Thirdly, you will not be able to use points for the levels obtained, because towards the end of the game it will be difficult to play without a powerful brain. We'll have to think about whether your character really needs a new perk or an extra point in Strength or Charisma, since sometime in the future you will have to invest 10-20 points in the intelligence tree. Why? Because a character cannot be an idiot all his life.

Milk XP for side quests while dwelling on them

IN Fallout 4 has a bunch of side quests that don't end when completed and can be completed an infinite number of times. For example, these are agricultural tasks, as well as quests from Haylen and Rhys from the Brotherhood of Steel.

It doesn't matter who gives you the quest, for example, Haylen and Rhys will send you to the same place to scout the situation or kill enemies. They have fairly simple tasks and each time you will receive experience for completing them. The situation is similar with quests from Preston Garvey and some other characters.

So here's our advice - put off your current affairs for a couple of hours, choose repeating quests, complete them one by one, get 3-5 times more experience, and milk until you get bored or until you get enough levels.

Pump intelligence closer to the end of the game

It's not entirely obvious, but the smarter your character is, the more XP points he will receive. Due to his intelligence, he will be assigned a special coefficient for each open level in the branch, which will increase the amount of XP received as a percentage of the standard.

Therefore, towards the end of the game, it makes sense to pump all the available points into this branch (at least five), especially if you are tired of pretending to be a fool and jerking off quick save - quick load.

As a result, the more "brains" you have, the more experience you will get, and at the end of the game this is especially important, since at high levels you get more standard experience, and with the coefficient of "intelligence" the amount of XP will be more noticeable.

Farm repeatable quests again

This may not sound very convincing, but at the end of the game, you can't get away from completing tasks of the same type. Only this time you will need to join the Brotherhood of Steel and complete about half of the storyline (you need to deal with Kellogg). In this case, you will be invited to their flying base to enroll in active members of this community. There you will be introduced to other members of the Brotherhood.

Find Overseer Quinlan on the main deck of the ship. Agree to help him complete the Learning Curve. Completing this quest will give you 300 to 400 experience points, depending on which perks you use and what your IQ bonus is.

You also need to complete this task in a special way. You will need the maximum long-range and maximum powerful sniper rifle, with an excellent aim, and the task is simple - you will need to kill one of the members of the Brotherhood of Steel.

One accurate headshot is required of you, but you will have to make it from the maximum distance (this also affects the experience gained) and not get caught by the character himself.

As soon as he or she is flat on the ground, return to Overseer Quinlan, turn in the problem, accept congratulations and ... take it again. As a result, by constantly completing this mission, you can earn several additional levels in an hour, even if you are at a high level.

IN Fallout 4 thousands of systems and software conditions. When playing on a PC, they can be easily bypassed by entering certain commands into the console. If you want to customize the game more deeply, or use the "magic" to add a few new things to your inventory, here the necessary commands for the Fallout 4 console.

How do I enter Fallout 4 commands?

To enter commands, you must open the console screen. This is easily done by pressing the (~) key located under the Esc key, to the left of the number 1.

The commands are not case sensitive, so don't worry about Caps Lock. There are many commands like<@>... When typing them, do not enter arrows (<>) and a dog (@). Instead of ID, write the name of the desired item, instead of the dog, write the required amount.

Fallout 4 PC Cheats and Console Commands

God 'mode"
Enables “God Mode”, making you immortal. Enter the command again to deactivate.

Spirit Mode
Disables collision detection, you will walk through walls.

Setting the Player Level
If you do not want to raise the level of the character yourself, enter this command and set the required level.
Example: player.setlevel 30

Setting Skill Level
player.modav <@>
Sets the number of points S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Example: player.modav strength 10
strength perception endurance charisma intelligence agility luck

Show all Markers
tmm 1
Marks all locations on the Pip-Boy map.

Opening a Door or Terminal
Opens the selected door or terminal.

Add Item to Inventory
player.additem <@>
Adds a specific item in the required amount to the backpack. For example, to add 200 bottle caps, enter: player.additem 0000000F 200

Craft Item or NPC nearby
Creates an NPC or specified item near you.

Disable AI
Turns off artificial intelligence on NPCs, making them dumber than Gen 1 synthetes.

Disable Combat AI
Disables combat AI, making enemies unable to attack.

Disable AI Detection
Disables the ability to be detected by NPCs, stealing and stealthy movement becomes easier.

Kill them all
Kills everyone in the immediate vicinity, except comrades and vital characters.

Kill by ID
Kills a creature or character by the entered ID.

Resurrect by ID
Resurrects a creature or character by the entered ID.

Free Camera
Enables or disables free flight of the camera.

Pauses the game
Useful in combination with tfc and tm for making good screenshots. Re-entering restores the game.

Disable / Enable Interface.
Removes / Recovers the entire interface, ideal for a high-quality screenshot

3rd person camera
tfc 1 -
additionally. pauses animation

Complete All Main Quests
Completes the quests in the main storyline. Naturally, the plot will be spoiled.

Jump Height
setgs fjumpheightmin<@>
Sets the jump height. The higher the value (@), the higher the jump. Jumping too high can kill on landing. Combine with “God mode”.

Running Speed
player.setav speedmult<@>
The multiplier that determines the running speed. Set it high and transform into Sonic. You can accidentally run into a life-threatening place. Use with care (or turn on “God mode”)

Increase Size
Makes you or your goal huge.

Time Speed
set timescale to<@>
Setting the speed of the passage of time. The default setting is 16. Real time is 1.

Set game time
set gamehour to<@>

Show current time

Each Item in a Box
coc qasmoke
The team teleports to a room full of boxes, each box contains all game items separately.

Fallout 4 item codes on PC

  • 0000000F - Covers
  • 00023736 - Stimpak
  • 00023742 - Radeway
  • 00075FE4 - Power Armor Core
  • 0004835F - Nuka-Cola Quantum
  • 0000000A - Lock Pick
  • 00GB0MB - Gingerbread
  • 001BF732 - Oil
  • 00023742 - Antiradin
  • 0004D1F2 - Electrical tape
  • 00069086 - Nuclear material
  • 00069085 - Glass
  • 00024057 - Rad X
  • 00023736 - Stimulant
  • 000AEC64 - Leather
  • 000AEC62 - Gold
  • 000AEC66 - Silver
  • 0006907E - Gears
  • 000366C5 - Screw
  • 00033778 - Buffut
  • 00069082 - Spring
  • 000AEC60 - Cork
  • 000366C0 - Purified water
  • 001BF72E - Glue
  • 0006907A - Aluminum
  • 0006907C - Copper
  • 0006907B - Posting
  • 00059B1E - Turpentine
  • 001BF72D - Acid
  • 00069081 - Bolt
  • 0006907D - Crystal
  • 0006554A - Miracle glue
  • 000AEC61 - Fiberglass
  • 00069087 - Fiber optic
  • 00069071 - Plastic
  • 000AEC5E - Ceramics
  • 000AEC63 - Lead
  • 000AEC5С - Absest

Fallout 4 weapon cheats

  • 0001F669 - Minigun
  • 000BD56F - Fat Man
  • 000E6B2E - Mini Bomb
  • 0018ABE2 - Cryo Cell
  • 00171B2B - Cryogun
  • 000D8576 - Deathclaw Glove
  • 00183FCD - Ax of Gnonaka
  • 00174F8F - Institute Lighthouse
  • 000E9A43 - 2076 World Series Baseball Bat
  • 000FE268 - Nailgun
  • 000E942B - Junk Jet
  • 000FA2FB - Shish Kebab
  • 000DC8E7 - Silenced pistol
  • 000FD11B - Volley
  • 000E98E5 - Hallucinogenic Gas Grenade
  • 00065DEC - Radio Beacon
  • 00069088 - Super hammer
  • 000C1897 - Nuclear battery
  • 0010E689 - Mini-core
  • 0001f66c - Ammo for Minigun
  • 00171B2B - Cryolator
  • 000DC8E7 - Silent Pistol Savior
  • xx 036c24 - The person who solves the problems (xx is the serial number of your Nuka-World DLC, for example 06)

Fallout 4 ammo cheats

  • 000DF279 - Gamma Gun Ammo
  • 0001DBB7 - Plasma Charge
  • 0001F66B - 308 caliber cartridges
  • 0001F278 - 5.56 caliber cartridges
  • xx 037897 - 7.62 caliber ammo (xx is the serial number of your Nuka-World DLC, for example 06)
  • 0001F66A - 45 caliber cartridges
  • 0004CE87 - 38 caliber cartridges
  • 0009221C - 44 caliber cartridges
  • 00245D6A - 10mm rounds
  • 0001F66C - 5mm rounds
  • 00245D68 - Shotgun Ammo
  • 000FD11C - Cannonball
  • 001025AA - Alien Blaster Ammo
  • 000CAC78 - Flamethrower Fuel
  • 000DF279 - Gamma cartridges
  • 000FE269 - Railway nail
  • 0001DBB7 - Plasma cartridges
  • 0018ABDF - 2mm electromagnetic cartridges
  • 000CABA3 - Rocket

Cheats for Armor

player.additem <@>
Example: player.additem 00140C3D 1 - adds one left arm of T-60 armor to the backpack

T-60 X-01 Raider Power Armor T-45 T-51
Left hand 00140C3D00154AC300140S5200154ABD00140C4C
Right hand 00140C4500154AC400140S5300154ABE00140C4D
Helmet 00140C4A00154AC500140S5400154ABF00140C4E
Right leg 00140C3F00154AC700140S5500154AC000140C4F
Left leg 00140C4900154AC600140С5600154AC100140C50
Part of the chest 00140S4200154AC800140С5700154AC200140C51

Cheats for Perks

Example: player.addperk 00065e43 - will add the 5th level of the Iron Fist perk


Iron Fist: 0001dafe0001daff0001db0000065e4200065e43
Big Leagues: 0004a0b5000e36fc000e36fd000e36fe00065e05
Gunsmith / Armorer: 0004b2540004b2550004b256001797ea
Blacksmith / Blacksmith: 0004b2530004b26a000264d8
Heavy Gunner: 0004a0d60004a0d70004a0d800065e2a00065e2b
Strong Back: 0004b24e00065e5b00065e5c001d2489
Steady Aim: 001d2487001d2488
Bastard! / Basher: 00065df900065dfa00065dfb00065dfc
Tree Man / Rooted: 001d247f001d2480001d2482
Locomotive / Pain Train: 0004d89b00065e3c00065e3d


Pickpocket: 0004d88a000e3702000e3703001d248f
Rifle Expert / Rifleman: 0004a0b60004a0b70004a0b80006fa2000065e52
Observation / Awareness: 000d2287
Cracker / Locksmith: 000523ff00052400 00052401 001d246a
Demolition Expert: 0004c9230004c9240004c92500065e13
Night Person: 0004c93b001d2495
Reflector: 000ca99d000ca99e000ca99f00065e4b00065e4c
Sniper: 0004c92a0004c92b0004c92c
Through Shots / Penetrator: 00024aff001d2477
Concentrated Fire: 0004d890001d2459001d245a


Toughness: 0004a0ab0004a0ae0004a0af00065e5d00065e5e
Lead Belly: 0004a0b900024b0000024b01
Fountain of Life / Lifegiver: 0004a0cf001d2465001d2467
Clean Life / Chem Resistant: 0004a0d500065e0c
Aqua Boy / Aquaboy: 000e36f9001d248d
Lead Pants / Rad Resistant: 001d2479001d247a001d247b
Adamantium Skeleton: 0004c92d00024afd00024afe
Cannibal: 0004b259001d1a62001d1a63
Ghoul / Ghoulish: 0004d89e00065e2200065e23
Solar Battery / Solar Powered: 0004d8a7001d2484001d2485


Cap Collector: 001d2456000d75e2001d2457
Lady Killer: 00019aa300065e3300065e34
Black Widow: 0004a0d400065e3100065e32
Lone Wanderer: 001d246b001d246d001d246e
Attack Dog: 0004b26d001d244d001d244e
Animal Friend: 0001e67f0004a0d9001d2450
Local Leader: 0004d88d001d2468
Party Girl: 0004d888001d2475001d2476
Party Boy: 0004d887001d2473001d2474
Natural Leader / Inspirational: 001d2461001d2462001d2463
Wasteland Whisperer: 001d248a001d248b001d248c
Intimidation / Intimidation: 001d02b5001d02b6001d02b7


V.A.N.S .: 000207d1
Medic / Medic: 0004c9260006fa1c0006fa1d00065e35
Gun Nut: 0004a0da0004a0db0004a0dc0016578e
Hacker: 00052403 00052404 00052405 001d245d
Scrapper / Scrapper: 00065e65001d2483
The science! / Science !: 000264d9000264da000264db0016578f
Chemist: 000e36ff000e3700000e3701001d2458
Robotics Expert: 0004d88900065e64001acf96
Nuclear Physicist: 001d246f001d2470001d2471
Botanical Frenzy! / Nerd Rage !: 0004d88600065e3700065e38


Duelist / Gunslinger: 0004a09f0004a0a90004a0aa0006fa1e00065e24
Commando / Commando: 0004a0c50004a0c60004a0c70006fa2400065e0d
Scout / Sneak: 0004c935000b9882000b9883000b9884000b9881
Sandman / Mister Sandman: 0004b258001d2490001d2491
Zhivchik (women) Action Girl: 0004d87200065df6
Zhivchik (male) / Action Boy: 0004d86900065df5
Moving Target: 0004ddee001d2492001e0791
Ninja / Ninja: 0004d8a6000e3704000e3705
Sleight of hand / Quick Hands: 000221fc001d2478
Blitz / Blitz: 001d2451001d2452
Gan-kata / Gun Fu: 0004d881001d244f001d245c


Treasure Hunter / Fortune Finder: 0004c942001acf98001acf9900215cd4
Freeloader / Scrounger: 0004a0b0001acf9a001acf9b001eb99c
Bloody Mess: 0004a0bb001d2453001d2454001f418e
Mysterious Stranger: 0004c929001d2493001d2494
Savant / Idiot Savant: 001d245e001d245f001d2460
Critical Damage / Better Criticals: 0004d87a00065e0300065e04
Bank of critical attacks / Critical Banker: 0004c91f0004c9200004c921
Death on takeoff / Grim Reaper's Sprint: 0004d8a200065e3e00065e3f
Four Leaf Clover: 0004d89500065e2000065e21001d245b
Ricochet: 001d247c001d247d001d247e

Cheats for Bobbleheads (figurines)

Unarmed Bobblehead - 00178b64
Strength Bobblehead - 00178b63
Speech Bobblehead - 00178b62
Sneak Bobblehead - 00178b61
Small guns Bobblehead - 00178b60
Science Bobblehead - 00178b5f
Repair Bobblehead - 00178b5e
Perception Bobblehead - 00178b5d
Melee Bobblehead - 00178b5c
Medicine Bobblehead - 00178b5b
Luck Bobblehead - 00178b5a
Lock Picking Bobblehead - 00178b59
Intelligence Bobblehead - 00178b58
Explosive Bobblehead - 00178b57
Energy Weapons Bobblehead - 00178b56
Endurance Bobblehead - 00178b55
Charisma Bobblehead - 00178b54
Big Guns Bobblehead - 00178b53
Barter Bobblehead - 00178b52
Agility Bobblehead - 00178b51

Cheats for Books

Astoundingly awesome tales Grognak The barbarian Guns and Bullets Hot rodder
Live & love Massachusets Surgical Magazine Tales of junktown jerky vender Tesla Science
Total Hack Tumblers Today U.S. Covert Operations Manual Wasteland Survival Guide
Taboo tatoos Robco fun Picket fences Unstoppables

Cheats for items from Fallout 4: Far Harbor

Instead of ## we try to substitute 01, 02, 03 ... It depends on the number of installed add-ons.


## 054072 - Bear Trap
## 0540f7 - Bleeding Bear Trap
## 010b81 - Harpoon Gun
## 02c8b0 - Lever Action Rifle
## 02c8b0 - Meat Hook
## 009582 - Pole Hook
## 025fc4 - Radium Rifle


## 022601 - Atom's Bulwark
## 04b9b3 - The Captain's Hat
## 05159b - The Dapper Gent
## 0391e8 - High Confessor’s Helm
## 0391e6 - High Confessor’s Robes
## 046027 - Hunter's Long Coat
## 04e698 - Hunter's Pelt Outfit
## 0247c5 - Inquisitor's Cowl
## 009e5b - Marine Armor
## 03a556 - Marine Wetsuit
## 04262b - Pirate Hat
## 00914c - Wool Fisherman's Cap

Skyrim and Fallout 4 are built on the same engine, so Skyrim teams work in Fallout 4.

Publication date: 19.11.2015 11:56:38

In a huge number of perks that beckon to themselves with each level increase. But how do you get those desired levels to happen as often as possible? This small guide contains some tips on how to make your hero leveling faster in Fallout 4. Moreover, in this part there is no level limit - it is quite possible to pump absolutely all perks and increase all SPECIAL characteristics to level 10.

As you know, experience is awarded for almost all actions - killing enemies, picking locks, discovering new locations, crafting, as well as completing tasks. In order to get the most out of these actions, you can use some tricks. And do not forget - even if you have already found a workaround, but you can pick the door lock, do it, because experience is never superfluous!

Learn the Savant perk as early as possible

Perk "Savant" allows you to get three or even five times more experience for each action. To open it, you need luck, pumped up to level 5. The perk is triggered randomly, so whether you receive a bonus or not depends only on the will of the lady of luck. In connection with this feature, it is especially important to ensure that the perk works on gaining large portions of experience. To do this, be sure to save before turning in the quest - if the perk did not work, reboot and turn it in again. Repeat until the perk works. It should be noted separately that the chance of triggering a perk directly depends on the current level of intelligence - the lower it is, the higher the chance. Here's an example of when pretending to be stupid is a very good option. So if you like, you can start the game with 1 intelligence point.

What else is worth doing is to collect a supply of pumping points, so that later you can quickly pump out intelligence when you decide to go to the second stage of pumping. You can't be stupid for the whole game, can you?

The dark side of this approach in the early stages of the game is the inability to pump interesting skills, such as cracking console passwords and science. But with hacking, for example, you can solve the problem with the help of a partner - Valentine can hack terminals for you.

Farming side quests

There is a whole bunch of quests that are repeated many times. You need to join the Brotherhood of Steel as early as possible (you need to complete the quest of Paladin Dance in the Cambridge police station) and start completing quests to clear locations and search for artifacts. Each completion gives experience gained from killing enemies and picking locks in the zone, as well as a bonus for completing the quest itself. You can also complete Preston's tasks. In combination with the Savant perk or a high level of intelligence, it is quite possible to get several additional levels in a short time.

It is very important to have high intelligence from the middle of the game

Although it may not be noticeable from the very beginning, the intelligence parameter directly affects the amount of experience gained for each action. And as much as you would not want to take "this cool perk" early, it will be more profitable to pump your intellect to a high level first, and then, when you get much more experience, to pump the necessary perks.

If you use a trick with the Savant perk and low intelligence, be sure to pump your intelligence to the maximum in one fell swoop. So you can go from frequent bonuses from a perk to a consistently high bonus for a high level of intelligence.

Farming in the later stages of the passage

At a certain stage of the game, after joining the Brotherhood of Steel, the paladin Dance will offer you to go with him and meet other members of the Brotherhood. After that, Proctor Quinlan will give a quest where you need to protect a specific target. The quest has an interesting feature, using which you can get a lot of experience very quickly. Here's what to do:

  • Equip a weapon with a good optical sight.
  • You will be asked to protect an important person. It's a pity, but you have to kill her. Many times in a row.
  • As soon as the quest begins - find the most distant point from the patrolman near the door. If he notices what you are about to do, he will quickly kill you.
  • Crouch down to lower your chance of being spotted or use stealth combat. Kill the target to be protected with an accurate headshot. The target will be at the bottom of the Boston airport.
  • When the goal of the quest changes - go to Proctor Quinlan and tell them that the goal is dead.
  • The reward for failing the quest will be from 300 to 400 experience, depending on your intelligence level. The quest can be taken for repeated execution and the task can be failed an unlimited number of times.

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Want to quickly and easily get level 50 in Fallout 4? Do you want to unlock all possible perks? Then this become is just what you need. It is noteworthy that the use of this method is most effective on the console versions of the game.

You will need:

  • Fences magazines that give access to the Statue building
  • Large amount of copper (at least 25,000)

Please note that when you install a statue, you get 32 \u200b\u200bexperience points (the intelligence value must be equal to 10). To install the statue, you will need 10 copper, and therefore you need a large amount of this resource. Just imagine how much experience you can get with a lot of Fences and copper magazines.

Zabory magazines

You must have obtained a specific issue of this magazine, which is located at Sogas Ironworks. On the way you will meet a gang of Forged raiders, so get ready for battle. Kill all of its members, including the boss named Slag. The journal is located near the red chest. There is also a fiery sword "Shish-kebab" and a bobblehead "Explosions" nearby.

How to get large amounts of copper

To obtain copper, do the following:

  1. Visit Arturo Rodriguez's Diamond City shop and buy copper there
  2. Place a chest near the workbench, into which you put all the items from the "Trash" section (you do not need to transfer copper).
  3. While in the workbench menu, click "Save All", then instantly click "Take All". You cannot press both buttons at the same time.

Copper needs to be replenished. Increase the copper in this way until you have collected the amount you need.


With a large amount of copper, you can safely start creating statues. Install statues as far as possible (in this case, a strip should appear in the corner at the top). Destroy one statue and then quickly place a new one. Thus, creating each statue will give you 32 experience. Imagine how much experience you can get in just an hour of such actions.

Do you like the guide? We invite you to familiarize yourself with other interesting tips for Fallout 4:

Bethesda Softworks will provide gamers with an updated character development system that will give even greater freedom to choose how to create different hero builds ..

« As before, by earning experience the character will gain a level. And for each level, players will be awarded one perk point", - the representative began Bethesda Game Studios .

« But now these perks have their own level system. This means that if you play for a very long time, in theory you can develop every perk to the maximum, getting fabulous buffs. And also to collect a whole bunch of terrible diseases from sitting around the game. A total of 275 levels will appear in the game».

Perhaps there are only a few fans among the fans who dare to set a goal for themselves to swing all perks to the maximum level. Be that as it may, the new system will increase interest in replaying the game, because by developing different skills and perks, the style of gameplay will be very different. Together with a developed system of crafting and building your own bases, the game will offer hundreds and hundreds of hours of gameplay.