New vegas how little we know. How little we know about our heroes, compatriots…. How Little We Know

As you walk into the New Vegas Strip, an NCR soldier will come up to you and ask you to meet with Ambassador Dennis Crocker at the NCR embassy (in general, this character will not appear until you enter Lucky 38 casino at least once). The embassy is located in the last section of the Strip (farthest from the north gate). The crocker is in the building to the left of where you will find yourself after entering the last section. Once inside, go to the door on the left, and then down the hallway until you find Crocker.

Crocker will ask you to persuade the Bombists to help the NCR. Follow the map to Nellis AFB and talk to Pearl to find out how to earn their support. Complete enough Bomber side quests to become respected in that faction. "Into the Sky!" Is the best quest to complete because it gives the most glory to the Bombers.

When you have earned the respect of the Bombers, return to Crocker and inform him that they have received the support of the Bombers. You will complete the quest and gain NCR's respect.

If your reputation in the NCR was bad before, then this quest will update it to neutral.


  • This quest does not depend on your reputation in the NCR, even if you are "Scornful" for them, then you can still go to the embassy and talk to Crocker.

Once you finish the Bombers quest, talk to Ambassador Dennis Crocker. Crocker will tell you about the Freeside crimes committed by the Kings gang. Dennis will offer you two ways to deal with the gang: negotiate with the Kings or kill Pacer, one of the gang leaders.

Consider both options for completing the quest:

Option 1 - Killing Pacer.

If you previously spoke with a beggar ghoul named Tlen, then he should have said that Peyser has heart problems, excessive drug use and Van Graffs, which can go into your hands for completing the quest (if you did not talk to Tlen, then, to open this option, you will need to steal Pacer's healing data from Julie Farkas in the Old Mormon Fort). These actions will give you several ways to kill Pacer:

  1. Add Psycho to him in Screw (requires 60 medicine)
  2. Get the Van Graff family involved.

Method: Note to Peyser from Jean-Baptiste Cutter

  1. First, check Pacer's stash for a screw (when you try to grab the screw, a hint appears that you must first blame Peyser's death), then return back to Ambassador Crocker.
  2. Then talk to Ralph at the Mick & Ralph Shop in Freeside. Ask him to forge a note from Jean-Baptiste Cutter, written to Peyser (he will fulfill your request, if only you have 50 Speeches, or you are a member of the Kings gang).
  3. Then go to Pacer's room (it is located on the third floor of the School of King's Doubles, the first door on the left) and put a forged note in the cache with a screw.
  4. When Peyser checks his stash, he will find this note and read it. After that, he will go to Silver Rush (the largest energy weapons store in Freeside) and kill himself.

This method will only work if you have killed everyone in Silver Rush earlier, before completing this quest. If this was not done before, then just follow Peyser after reading the fake note and kill him with laser or energy weapons.

Important: after killing Pacer, talk to the King before you tell Crocker about your successes.

Method: Win the Van Graff family's favor (by working as a security guard for them)

  1. Start the quest "Two Boots of Steam". It is given by Gloria Van Graff in the Silver Rush.
  2. Working as a security guard, Peyser will come up to you and start talking to you, set him up to fight you, using an aggressive remark in dialogue with him, such as "Is there anything to support your words?" This will make him very angry.
  3. Kill Pacer with the Van Graff Power Weapon.

These actions will not entail any hostility towards you from the Kings, and you will also successfully complete the quests "Royal Gambit" (since you killed Pacer with energy weapons, working for the Van Graffs) and "Two Boots of Steam" (since the murder of Pacer is not included in this quest, therefore, by killing him, you will not fail this quest).

However, after killing Pacer, you will no longer be able to complete the "Soldier Blues" quest.

Method: Woo the Van Graff Family (Place Energy Weapons)

  1. Wait for the night in Pacer's room or outside.
  2. Secretly go to his room and put a plasma grenade or mine in his pocket.
  3. Hide VERY quickly.

By doing this, you will kill Pacer and increase your Van Graff reputation, so you will still receive a reward from Dennis Crocker and the Kings will not suspect you.

Method: Add Psycho to the Pacer Screw (requires 60 Medicine and 1 Psycho)

To do this, go to Tlen and ask him about Pacer's drug problems, or look at the notes in Julie Farkas's office at Old Mormon Fort. Then follow these steps:

  1. Enter Pacer's room (first door on the left, third floor of the King's Twin School)
  2. Add Psycho to the Stash with Screw under the bed (roughly between 8am and 9pm). The cache looks like a pack of cigarettes, but it will only appear after talking to Tlen or after viewing the notes from Julie Farkas (see above).
  3. Peyser will die after checking the stash at night (the earliest time he can check his stash is around 10pm).

Method: Just Kill Pacer

You will fail the quest and lose a significant amount of Glory in Freeside, but you will still receive a reward (if you apologize, of course) and be able to move on to the next quest.

If you want to easily regain your reputation, just go to the Atomic Cowboy Casino in Freeside and talk to James Garrett there. In order to regain your former reputation, you will have to pay a large amount of caps.

Option 2 - Solve the problem with diplomacy

If you have not yet used the location of the King for your own purposes from the "Soldier's Blues" quest, then you can use it for the King to stop the violence in Freeside. However, if you have already used it, then the King will not stop the violence and you will have to return to Ambassador Crocker and tell him that the King did not agree to your request. Then the ambassador will offer two options: talk to Colonel Cassandra Moore at Hoover Dam, or talk to Colonel James Shue at Camp McCarran.

Method: Colonel Moore

Go to the Hoover Dam and talk to Cassandra Moore, she will tell you to ask the King to retreat, otherwise he will be killed, and will give you a squad of his fighters.

Whatever you say to the King, he will attack you anyway, and then the battle is inevitable.

And when you tell Crocker what happened, the mission will be considered a failure. However, if you order your soldiers to kill everyone themselves, then your reputation in Freeside will not decrease, but will remain the same, and you can take a unique suit from the King's corpse and get 300 caps from Crocker, if you apologize to him, then you can go to next task.

If before this task you did not have the cyberdog Rex in your companions, then after completing this option you will no longer be able to get it, because after a while the NCR soldiers will come and kill him.

Method: Colonel Shu

Head to Camp McCarran and talk to James Shue there. Tell him about the situation at Freeside. After listening to you, he will ask you to offer the NCR support to the King in exchange for an end to the violence, and will give you some soldiers.

When you come to the King. Offer him NCR support.

If you behave aggressively with him, then his gang will open fire and you will fail the task. However, if you order your soldiers to kill everyone themselves, then your reputation in Freeside will not decrease, but will remain the same, and you can take a unique suit from the King's corpse and get 300 caps from Crocker, if you apologize to him, then you can go to next task.

But if you are polite with the King, he will agree to your proposal, but then Peyser intervenes in the negotiations to prevent the deal from being made, and several members of the gang will start shooting at you. Kill Pacer and his defenders, and immediately go to Crocker.


For completing the quest, the player will receive 1300 experience points, 600 caps and an increase in the reputation of the NCR. Additionally you can get 200 caps, this requires 60 Barter.

You will not receive any reward if you simply killed Pacer.

After completing the first two NCR missions (Bombers and Royal Gambit), head to Hoover Dam and talk to Colonel Moore.

Great Khans

Colonel Moore will ask you to destroy the Great Khans. You can destroy them or refuse to destroy them and negotiate with them through diplomatic means.

  • Head to the Great Khans in Red Rock Canyon.
  • Go to the communal house, it is located on the top of the cliff on the right (this is the only non-tent type house, also the house will be marked in your Pip-Boy).
    • Option 1 - Destruction of the Khans
      The player can attack Papa Khan in the house. Other inhabitants of the house will attack you. To complete this option you need to kill at least 15 people from the Great Khans gang.
    • Option 2 - Complete the mission "Daddy"
      Talk to Papa Khan in the main house, then talk to Regis, who sits next to him. After talking with him, leave the building and go further from the building until Regis catches up with you and starts talking again. He will tell you that if you help break all ties between the Khans and Caesar, they will help the NCR in the battle. But before you start fulfilling his request, talk to Cassandra Moore, because this task includes the assassination of Pope Khan.
  • After you have either killed Papa or completed the Daddy quest, return to Moore and inform her that the deal with Hanami is complete. After the task, you will be offered two options for the following actions: go to the final battle or deal with all your affairs first (do not worry, the battle will not start without you). Further, she will direct you to General Oliver, if you chose to go to the battle, but if you decided not to go there, then complete the remaining side quests. Once the battle begins, you can no longer complete them. Be careful.


This part of the quest will lead you to the quest "How Little We Know".

Cassandra Moore will tell you about Omert and guide you to find out why this gang has been too quiet lately.


  • The secretary (Lisa O'Malley) in the NCR government will direct you to speak with the Administrator of the Gomorrah Casino in the main lobby of the building, and then with Kachino. After talking with him, the player must find information about Kachino in order to use it against him in the future.
  • Kachino's Journal can be stolen from his own pocket using Stealth Boy, or if you have a high level of Stealth skill.
    • Also, his journal can be taken from his writing desk in his private room (look in Gomorra's personal apartments). The key to his room can be obtained from the administrator by paying 300 caps. No money? Use strength as a persuasion (requires 8 Strength points). It is also possible to reduce the cost of the bribe to 200 caps (55 Barters required).
  • Once you got the magazine, head to blackmail Kachino with the data from his magazine. He will tell you about the situation in Omert and direct you to Troika or Klenden.


  • Talk to Troika and mention Kachino to him.
  • Convince Troika to help you deal with Omerta.
    • If the player has a large Speech skill, then he can lie to him in order to convince him to help you (this will lower your karma). Troika will say that he cannot help you because he has not paid off his debt to Big Sale. Using 45 Barter or 53 Speech, you can convince him to let go of the Three.
      Another option is to go to Big Sale's office and hack any terminal or safe there.
  • Troika will ultimately want to blow up Omerta's armory with pre-prepared explosives.
    • With the help of 70 Speech, Troika can be persuaded to destroy the warehouse himself, but he will be seized and interrogated, he will tell everything and in the end he will be killed.
      Otherwise, Troika will give the player an incendiary mixture and ask them to blow up the warehouse.
  • After you blew up the warehouse, return to Kachino and tell us about what happened.

Omerta bosses

  • The player will be informed that the Omerta Bosses in Gomorrah want to talk to him.
    • With 80 Red Speech, you can ask Kachino to settle issues with the bosses on his own.
    • Otherwise, you will have to go to a meeting with the bosses yourself. There you will have a small battle, where you will have to defend yourself and Kachino, having only a sawn-off shotgun with you.
      • Using Speech, you can persuade the bosses not to kill you.
      • You can also convince bosses to attack each other with lies using the same Speech.
  • Return to Colonel Moore once the problem is resolved.


  • After completing this task, you will lose the opportunity to complete the following tasks: "Beware of Caesar's wrath!" If you killed the leaders of Omerta during the quest "How Little We Know", then this can be avoided.
  • If you previously helped Omerta with their plans, then you will have to lie to Moore, saying that they had plans to attack New Reno.
  • If you killed Kachino, then it is impossible to complete this task with a positive outcome for your reputation on the Strip. There is a bug related to Nero's disappearance. These actions prevent the killing of the leaders of Omerta and therefore in order to complete this task you just need to help Big Sale. This will lead to a lower reputation on the Strip. You will also have to lie to Moore about your actions.
    • You can avoid the error with Nero disappearing by typing the following commands in the console: "SetObjectiveCompleted 00136166 30 1" and "SetObjectiveDisplayed 00136166 35 1".
  • If the player during the quest simply killed one of the leaders of Omerta, then the task "For the Republic, Part 2" will be completed and you will receive 275 experience points. Then you will need to return to Moore and lie about Omerta's plans (requires 70 Speech).
    Keep in mind, because of your actions, the members of the Omerta gang will be hostile to you, and also all workers in Gomorrah will not talk to you, but will simply run away. However, for killing Omerta's thugs, you will receive good karma, and for killing ordinary casino employees - bad karma.

Mister house

  • Colonel Moore will tell the player that she wants to remove Mr. House.
  • To do this, go to Lucky 38 and take the elevator to the penthouse.
  • Use the terminal to the left of House. This will open a secret door leading to the "heart" of Mr. House. To hack this terminal, you will need 75 Science or the Lucky 38 VIP card (you can find it at Henlon in Golf Camp or at the H&H Tools Factory), or by using a platinum chip). As soon as you hack the terminal, the securitrons will attack you. Your further actions will lead to the loss of the opportunity to complete the quest "The casino always wins".
  • Enter the opened room and activate the terminal near the elevator, this will give you access to the Control Center.
  • Activate the terminal in the control center and select "Print camera" in it to bring out the capsule with House's body. Next, talk to him.
  • Go back to the terminal and choose one of two options:
    1. Disinfect the capsule (this will disable House, but will not kill him)
    2. Disable the vital system (this will kill House)
  • Once you've made your decision, return to Colonel Moore at Hoover Dam. The player will receive 200 experience points and NCR reputation. (Securitrons will no longer attack you if you enter the penthouse).

Brotherhood of Steel

  • Head to the Hidden Valley Bunker in the Hidden Valley location.

Good reputation with the Brotherhood of Steel

  • If the player has previously had a relationship with the Brotherhood and completed the task "In the dark", then you can easily agree on an alliance of the Brotherhood of Steel with the NCR. Go to Elder McNamara and tell him that the NCR wants to destroy them. He will propose a truce with the NKR. Return to Colonel Moore and tell her that the Brotherhood is proposing a truce. This will allow you to complete this quest and begin "You Will Feel Coming."
  • It is possible that you will not be able to talk to McNamara (something like the Elder will not be able to talk to you now, as he is too busy). This is solved as follows: leave the bunker and wait for about 3 days. Then try talking to the elder again.
    • If this does not help, then use the command in the console "set000E327C.LockdownLifted to 1", this will resume the dialogue again.
  • If Hardin became an elder, then it will not be possible to get a positive result of the quest.
  • If you talk to the NCR near the Brotherhood bunker, Moore will get angry and you will get a bad reputation with the NCR for this task.

There was no connection with the Brotherhood of Steel

If you did not have any ties with the Brotherhood before this assignment, then you will have to persuade the NCR ranger not to approach the bunker or take Veronica with you as a companion.

If you wait until late at night near the bunker, then several paladins will come out to you. From them you can steal a card to enter the bunker (while the karma should not be reduced). Enter the bunker using the card. And the guard will talk to you. He will ask you to hand over weapons to them. If you do not surrender your weapon, then the Brotherhood will be hostile to you. However, if you use stealth combat before talking with the guard and also do not want to surrender your weapon, you can get deep into the bunker without damage to your health. Then head to level 2 and kill any scribe there and put on his clothes, then you can look like a scribe of the Brotherhood (this will make the reputation of the Brotherhood neutral). The player can kill everyone in the bunker to collect cards to activate the self-destruct of the bunker.

Please note that some high-ranking members of the Brotherhood, such as elders, will recognize you whether you are dressed as a scribe or not.

If Veronica is your companion, then the Brotherhood will not become hostile to you. Even if you are dressed as an NKR citizen.

If the player warns the Ranger about the Brotherhood, then entering the bunker, the player will be killed.
If your NCR reputation is small, then the ranger will not want to talk to you and you will have to kill him on behalf of Harland.

Find the key card

Once you have obtained the location of the Brotherhood, you can enter the bunker. As soon as you entered there. You will need to find 3 key cards in order to get the password for the self-destruct function of the bunker or you can use 100 Science to blow up the bunker. You will need to enter level 2 and there you will find Elder McMaran, Paladin Hardin (or Paladin Ramos, depending on your choice) and Scribe Lars Taggart. The easiest way to steal a key card from an elder is that he is sitting in his chair. Hardin can be found in one of the bunker's three bedrooms, where he will stand or sit at his computer. Steal the card from him. Next, return to level 1 and go forward to the left corridor and enter the Self-Destruct Room of the Bunker, where you can find Taggart. You will need a stealth boy to steal the key card from him. If you don't have a stealth fight, then you will have to wait until the girl in this room turns away or moves away.

If Cass is in your companions, then she will start talking to this girl, but you, in turn, can safely steal the card.

Bunker self-destruct activation

Once you've got all the key cards, head back to the room where you found Taggart and get the code in the key generator terminal (green terminal), next to the self-destruct terminal (blue terminal). Next, use the received code to activate the self-destruction of the bunker. After that, you will become an enemy of the Brotherhood. Be sure to steal the key from the elder's guard before destroying the bunker so that you can leave the bunker. If you do not steal the key, then you will have to break open the bunker door (requires 100 Hack). Now, turn on self-destruct and head to level 1.

As soon as you leave the bunker, it will explode, and it is possible that members of the Brotherhood will be waiting for you near the bunker before you return to Moore.

Alternative option: You can easily complete the quest if you just kill everyone inside the bunker. You can only kill the main members of the Brotherhood of Steel and the quest will still be considered completed.

Defense of President Kimball

Moore will ask you to speak with Ranger Grant about protecting Kimball during his visit to Hoover Dam. This will begin the quest "You will feel the approach". Return to Colonel Moore and tell her that you are ready to fight for the NCR.

Your actions are as follows:

  1. Climb into the pocket of a suspicious character who recently entered this location, and there you will see a fail-safe explosive device. Take it and give it to Grant. After that, Grant will say that his rangers will deal with him, but as soon as they approach him, he will kill one of the rangers, thereby causing panic. (if you talk to Grant, he can give you full access to the dam, but for this you must be the idol of the NCR. This access will allow you to go to the helipad and use your weapon in the dam territory). If you leave this suspicious person alone during Grant's speech, the Legion sniper will kill the ranger on the first tower [the first behind the president] and try to kill the president. Kill him and tell Grant on the radio about the attempt on the president's life. He will cancel the show. If the president is currently evacuated, then a member of the Legion, disguised as an engineer, will attack him. He must be killed before he reaches the president, as he can kill him with one blow.
  2. Climb to the helipad and wait for the arrival of the presidential rotorcraft. An engineer will appear and mine the rotorcraft. Interact with the rotorcraft and select "view" to find the bomb. Defuse the bomb, or take the detonator from the engineer's pocket. Run downstairs and report to Grant. He will interrupt the president's speech, miss and hit the ranger. Then the President will rush to the rotorcraft and fly away. This will complete the quest.
  3. Talk to the mysterious engineer and he will immediately become hostile. Kill him.
  4. If Rex is your companion, go to the roof. You will see a technician next to the door to the stairs. Talk to him and select the option related to Rex. Then invite him to go with you. The technician will become hostile and you can kill him without losing his reputation (or let the rangers kill him). Remove the emergency detonator from the body and return to Grant. The quest is complete. In addition, if you have the "Animal Friend (1)" perk, then you can take with you to help several NCR dogs located near the dam.

There will be three different assassination attempts:

  1. A sniper, dressed as an NCR Ranger, will appear on the watchtower behind the scaffolding set up for the speech.
  2. An engineer will plant a bomb on the presidential rotorcraft.
  3. A Legion soldier, dressed as an engineer, rushes to the president and tries to stab him.

If you want to fulfill the secondary goal of testing security, you need to find two things:

  • Bloodstain in the back room at the far end of the information center lobby (Perception 6 required).
    • Note: (Optional) Talk to Alison Valentine (she is on the upper level of the information center) she will tell you about the engineer, whose blood is in the office, but in principle this is not necessary
  • Recently performed unauthorized access to a computer terminal in the data center (science required 50). Grab the NCR Engineer Jumpsuit from the locker in the service room. Now you can tell Ranger Grant that you are ready. You can also talk to the NKR outside. He can provide you with a dog for safety checks if you have the Animal Friend ability, but will refuse you if you are accompanied by Rex.

If you received a quest from Yes-man or Mr. House, you will not be allowed on the roof of the Information Center, where the presidential rotorcraft will land, if you are not an idol in the NCR. You can also gain access if you disguise yourself as NKR (this is where the overalls of the NKR engineer from the office space come in handy) or with the help of 55 eloquence. If you manage to get to the roof and you have at least 50 explosive or repair skill, you can neutralize bomb. Wait for the moment when the rotorcraft lands and the President leaves him, then "activate" the rotorcraft, and you will receive a message suggesting to check it for the presence of a bomb. Another way to defuse the bomb is to search the pockets of the engineers until you find the person with the detonator. (The platform can be climbed by a ladder. If you stand next to Grant and look at the platform, the ladder on the left is confirmed on PC and PS3 for neutral clothing only.)

Whether you defused the bomb or not, you need to stop the killer at the watchtower. You will see how he drops the real guard from the tower and takes his place (this is a pretty noticeable scripted event that happens if you are not on this tower, when the killer appears there - in this case, he will immediately attack both you and the real sniper). Destroy the assassin. You can defuse the bomb and get to the tower in time, but this is not the most reliable method. The easiest way is to defuse the bomb and then run to the large anti-aircraft cannon (but do not climb the stage, otherwise everyone will become hostile to you). When you see a ranger falling from a tower, know that it's time to eliminate the killer using your favorite weapon. If you are a good enough sniper, you can destroy the assassin right from the structure on the roof of which the rotary wing sits. (Note) If Rex is your companion, he can identify a legionnaire in the engineering group. After you talk to an engineer (you can only talk to one of them), he will become hostile, after which you can eliminate him or let the Rangers do the job for you.

Another variant: after you deal with the sniper, clean out the pockets of the legionnaire disguised as an engineer and take the spare emergency detonator. Take it to Ranger Grant, which will trigger a scene in which the Rangers intercept the Legionnaire as the President flees.

The easiest way to deal with a sniper does not require any combat skills, and you do not need to leave the place where you need to deal with an engineer. Just climb the tower BEFORE accepting the quest and place the C-4 explosive in front of the table. She will lie there even when the quest begins. Defuse the bomb on the rotorcraft and look at the tower when the President starts making a speech. You will see how the killer kills the ranger and throws his body over the railing. Pull out the detonator and BOOM! You will see an explosion and the killer will be destroyed.

Another way to complete the mission is to go straight to the observation deck and talk to Ranger Grant. Climb to the helipad and wait for the arrival of the presidential rotorcraft. An engineer will appear and mine the rotorcraft. Interact with the rotorcraft and select "view" to find the bomb. Defuse the bomb or take the detonator from the engineer pocket. Run downstairs and report to Grant. He will interrupt the president's speech, miss and hit the ranger. Then the President will rush to the rotorcraft and fly away. This is the easiest way to get the NCR Ranger Combat Armor. (NOTE: If you want to climb onto the platform and remove the armor from the ranger's body before the presidential rotorcraft departs, you will have to use stealth combat, otherwise the rangers on the platform will become hostile.)

An alternative method of completing the quest is not to defuse the bomb - (this is necessary, for example, in the case when your appearance on the roof of the Information Center makes the NCR hostile, or if you do not have enough explosives or repairs) and wait at the top of the watchtower on which the killer should appear. Defeat the assassin when he emerges from the trapdoor in the corner, then use the radio station on the table to contact Grant. If you let him know about the attempted assassination, he will interrupt his speech and inspect the territory again, as a result of which the bomb will be found and defused. After you radioed to Grant, go back to the platform and watch the engineers, one of whom will rush to the President. Kill him when he does. The President is saved.

If Rex is your companion at the time of taking the quest, there is another alternative option. Talk to Ranger Grant and tell him that you need full access to the area. This will allow you to freely access the roof of the Information Center after passing one or two double doors leading out to the dam. After you find yourself outside, tell Grant that you finished the check and go to the roof. You will see a technician next to the door to the stairs. Talk to him and select the option related to Rex. Then invite him to go with you. The technician will become hostile and you can kill him without losing his reputation (or let the rangers kill him). Remove the emergency detonator from the body and return to Grant. The quest is complete.

The simplest alternative method takes advantage of the fact that engineers do not carry guns, and requires you to put on an engineer overalls from the technical room. First, steal the detonator from the fake engineer at the landing site. When the rotorcraft lands, grab your weapon and the rangers will become hostile to you. Remove the weapons and they will become non-aggressive again, and the presidential rotorcraft will fly away without dropping anyone, the quest is completed.


Explore the territory in search of evidence.

  • On the second floor of the Information Center, you can talk to Allison Valentine, who is looking for her engineer friend who is late for the President's speech. He left a blood stain in the office of the Information Center.
  • Investigate (Perception 6 required) the blood stain on the floor in the information center tracking room.
  • Hack the terminal in the Information Center and find the unauthorized access ID (Serge. Makovich)

If Boone is one of your companions when you climb the ramp outside the Center to Ranger Grant, he will say something about what position he would choose to shoot in the sniper's position. He will show you three points - the ridge of the hill to the left of the road, the tower behind the scaffolding and the roof of the Information Center. He will not be mistaken about the last two.

To get the most out of your hunter carbine or 12.7mm pistol and ranger armor / helmet, use the following instructions. First go up to the landing pad, steal the detonator and defuse the bomb. Then use your binoculars to watch the ranger get thrown off the sniper platform. As soon as this happened - tell Ranger Grant that you found a bomb on the Rotarywing, after which the ranger on the platform will get a bullet in the head. Use Stealthboy to steal the ranger's junk and head to the sniper tower. Climbing upstairs, you should find the newly deceased sniper of the legion, and also on the top (although it may fall down) of the side wall there will be the carbine of the first ranger.

  • Another way to talk to the right engineer - a spy - is to watch one of them applaud during the president's speech. The killer does not applaud Private Watkins' award.
  • If you find yourself on the landing pad of the rotorcraft before it lands, you can watch the engineer plant the bomb immediately after landing. The same engineer will later join the crowd listening to the speech (don't forget the sniper while watching him), making it obvious which engineer is the Legion's agent.
  • If you killed the sniper on the tower and reported on the radio, the option will be “Everything is fine here, thanks. And how are you?" This is a reference to a scene from Star Wars: A New Hope.
  • If you knock out the assassin's weapon with a shot (aiming in VATS), the NCR Rangers will shoot the assassin, but become hostile to you and will attack until the President flies away (this is a good chance to take the veteran's battle armor), the mission will NOT be failed, you will only first lose your reputation in the NCR, but later it will improve after the President survives.
  • If, as a result of your actions, the NCR sheep become hostile to you during the quest, it will fail, however, based on the dialogue with Mr. House, the murder will still be prevented, since the speech will undoubtedly be interrupted due to the noise you make.
  • The detonator assassin is the only engineer who utters the phrase "Do you mind?"
  • Option 1

    Find the sign that says "Brimstone". Ask around about Kachino, find him, talk (or he will find you).
    You need to get Kachino's diary, which describes all his deeds. The diary can be taken from the pocket of Kachino himself or from his room. Go to the entrance and ask the administrator girl about the key to Kachino's room. The key can be obtained using the "barter" skill (55) by paying 300 caps, or with the "strength" attribute (8). Having received the key, follow through the casino to the elevators and go up to the floor with numbers. Turn left twice from the elevators and you will find the desired room. Enter, go up the stairs, open the table in the corner where Kachino's diary is (taking Kachino's diary is fraught with loss of karma, as in the case of theft).
    Go down to Brimstone and talk to Kachino. He will give you 100 caps if you keep silent about Omerta's plans (with the "barter" skill 60 you can negotiate an advance). In addition, Kachino will give the keys to the Zoara Club and warn the thugs to let you there. You have three subjects to investigate: Troik, Clanden, and Big Sal.
    Find Troika, go down to the lowest level of the club. After exiting the elevator, enter the door on the left. Follow the corridor and look through all the doors until you find Troika in a room with a bunch of thugs (one of the "pleasure rooms" in the lower lobby).
    Talk to Troika, you need to free him from his contract with Big Sal. If you have high skills "eloquence" or "barter" (80), then you can persuade Sal to release the Troika from the contract. You can also intimidate Troika by transferring compromising evidence to the NKR (with the help of lies and the "eloquence" skill 80, but losing karma), in which case it is not necessary to release him from the contract. Also, if you have the "medicine" skill (30), you can lead Troika to the idea that the story is fabricated, and as a last option - rummage in the Big Sale's safe (Zoara club, second level, one of two rooms) in search of evidence ... After that, Troik will agree to help you and tell you about the weapon. You can let him destroy them (skill "eloquence" 70, -karma). Exit the casino to give Troika time to destroy the weapon (in this case Troika dies), or, using Molotov cocktails, do it yourself. To do this, you have to go down to the basement (there is an iron door at the express elevator). First, spread the mixture into all 4 boxes, and then click on the detonator, which is located near the entrance to the room (it will become active after placing the mixture). Don't forget to check out the two chests and get some weapons and ammo.
    You can also talk to Klenden (on the room floor). If he doesn't say anything, and you tell Kachino about it, he will offer to kill Clanden. According to him, this will derail the deal. For Clanden to speak, you need to steal the records of his crime from the safe. The safe is located behind the closet on the right wall from the entrance to the room. With the skill "barter" (50), you can bribe him for 200 caps. At the same time, he leaves the Strip and, accordingly, Omert. The quest will be completed.
    Return to Gomorrah and speak with Kachino at Brimstone. He will say that it's time to deal with Nero and Big Sal. You can agree to deal with the bosses and follow him to the Zohar club, or kill Nero and Big Sal yourself. If you do not want to participate in the murder, you can persuade him to do it yourself (skill "eloquence" 80).

    Much of the military biographies of our grandfathers, who, by the will of fate - outwardly remaining "civilian", but being in fact military - cannot be told up to now ...

    But the past triumphant celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory makes us take a chance and cite some facts from the life of a “civilian” participant in the Great Patriotic War, the creator of the Perm Television Center - Alexey Dmitrievich Dezortsev.

    Born on March 14, 1907 (in the Bashkir Sterlitamak), a young radio specialist, after graduating from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, is sent in 1938 to Rostov-on-Don to organize "Schools of Marine Apprenticeship" (now - Radiotechnical College). Where at the same time he actively contributed to the formation and work of the Rostov Radio Center.

    But soon the war broke out ...

    In 1941, Dezortsev was instructed to evacuate the employees and equipment of the RC to the city of Ordzhonikidze and establish work there to meet the needs of the Red Army, which was retreating at that time with heavy fighting.

    When the German Nazis approached, the hero of our story, by order of Moscow, was able to re-evacuate people and equipment in the shortest possible time to one of the most impassable gorges in Dagestan.

    And there Dezortsev - in the rain, snow, with the constant threat of landslides, in the most difficult mountain conditions, with more than half of the women on the staff! - not only installed a powerful (for those times) radio station, but also provided through it a secret connection between Moscow and Stalingrad and Tehran!


    At this very time, in the city named after Stalin on the Volga, the hardest battles with the Nazis were going on. A little later, in December 1943, in Iran, far from the USSR, the famous Tehran Conference of Allied Countries began, predetermining the post-war development of a world that had gotten rid of the Nazi plague.

    And this work of ensuring round-the-clock communication between the Kremlin and the troops and allies was shouldered by the thirty-six-year-old Alexei Dmitrievich (at that time, for the senior officials of the Red Army who were constantly at the radio station, it was simply "Lyosha").

    In 1944, after the liberation of Stavropol, Dezortsev - again on direct instructions from Moscow - restored and established the work stavropol radio centercarrying a special military-connected load.

    In 1945, he was transferred - already as a specialist who had proven himself well before the Supreme Command of the USSR - to Stalino (the current capital of the Donetsk People's Republic - the city of Donetsk) to recover after the expulsion of the occupiers regional radio center.

    1946 - the construction of the Radio Transmitting Center in Kislovodsk, Stavropol Territory, which provided radio and wire communication for the entire region mutilated by the Nazi aggressors.

    1950 - the restoration and establishment of the Radio Center in Stavropol, already well known to him from the war years ...

    And, finally, skipping certain, but no less significant stages of the professional path, the appointment in 1957 as the head of construction and installation Television Center (current RTPC) in the Ural city of Perm.

    Having received a charge of cheerfulness, that is, lead in our head, you wake up in the house of Doc (Doctor) Mitchell. The first thing you have to do is choose appearance your character.

    Having finished with this part, go to Vit-O-Matic and assign points to your favorite statistics. At the beginning of the game, Intelligence and Agility will be of great help.

    Now sit down on the couch and answer Doc Mitchell's questions, which will automatically assign ability points. Although it's best to reset everything and choose the following abilities: Speech, Small Weapons (Guns) and Repair (Repair). The ability to scratch with your tongue (Conversation) will allow you to complete the first few side quests, which is always good for character development. Small Weapons are practically a universal tool, without which there is simply nowhere, well, Repair will allow you to keep your uniform in working order, so you don't have to spend extra money on repairs or buying new items.

    Next comes the Character Traits. The Trigger Discipline can be a good choice in the early stages to improve accuracy. Good Natured increases abilities such as Barter, Medicine, Repair, Science, and Speaking, although it has a slightly negative effect on weapon skills. However, if you've chosen Small Weapon as your ability, this won't be much of a problem.

    Once you've created your character and gotten a Pip Boy, you're ready to go exploring the wasteland to find the red-eyed rat that shot you. If you have +25 Science, use the chemistry table to make some Stimpacks, and don't forget to search the house. The doctor will not be offended. Then we go out into the street.

    Getting to Know Goodsprings

    Doc Mitchell's house is located on a hill in the town of Goodsprings. The following places will be of interest to you: a nearby gas station, a red school building to the east, a saloon and a shop in the city center. You can first walk around the town to better remember where what is, then go to the saloon to meet Sunny Smiles.

    After meeting with Sunny, ask her about tips for survival - this will activate the shooting tutorial, which you can finish at any time if you get bored. Also, by agreeing to the tutorial, you will receive the Varmint Rifle (Varmint is a term in American English describing small-bore firearms or powerful air guns used to hunt small animals such as rats, sparrows, crows, etc.), which will be your faithful companion for the next five minutes. After shooting the bottles, Sunny invites you to practice on live Gecko targets hanging around water sources near the city. Follow Sunny and do what she tells you to.

    After clearing three places with Gekko, Sunny will offer you another small quest that teaches you the ability to prepare Healing Powder. To complete the quest, you will need to return to town to dig up a couple of Xander roots, which can be found by a dead tree trunk to the left of the entrance to an abandoned school in the southwest of Goodsprings. After that, we go to the cemetery, it is located in the northeast of the town, after shooting a couple of weak opponents, we search the tree at the far end of the cemetery on which the Broca Flower grows - the second ingredient of the Healing Powder. After collecting both items, we return to Sunny, who, together with her dog, settled south of the city (go towards the marker). After checking that you have all the ingredients, she will tell you how you can make Healing Powder. Click on the campfire site and select what you want to cook (Powder). So we completed the Bonfire on the Trail quest. In her last conversation with Sunny, she mentions Trudy, the owner of the saloon, with whom it would be useful to talk. We return to the saloon.

    Going to the saloon, you will see Trudy arguing with some gopnik, after he gets off, talk to Trudy about this dispute, and she will tell about Ringo - the convict who took refuge in the gas station building on the hill. She will also share some information regarding the people who shot you.

    Broken Radio

    Ask who shot you, and Trudy will say that her radio is broken. Offer to look at the radio and if you took the Repair ability (more than 20), then you will be able to repair it. As a reward, you will receive 50 caps, if your Barter skill is above 25, then she will add another 25 caps to your reward. You will also gain +25 XP and boost your fame in Goodsprings.

    We go up the hill to the gas station and talk to Ringo. You can talk to him about the Powder Gang or the Caravan (game) that he can teach you. This is a good way to earn more caps before you continue your journey.

    If you offer to help with the Gunpowder Gang, Ringo will tell you that first you need to find support from the city and the best place to start is Sunny Smiles.

    Part 2: Shootout in Ghost Town

    Gunfight in Ghost Town

    In principle, this quest can be completed without the help of the entire town, it is enough to talk to Sunny in the saloon, Doc Mitchell and, if Conversation (25+) allows, with Trudy, who will gather a couple more residents. After talking with the villagers, return to Ringo and inform him that everything is ready. After Sunny appears and reports that the bandits are approaching the city, leave the gas station and go to the saloon, which has already gathered several residents of Goodsprings.

    After a while, members of the Gunpowder Gang will also approach, with whom the shootout will begin. If you want, you can hide behind some cover and not barge in at all, or get out periodically to shoot a couple of times in V.A.T.S. In general, the fight will be short and it is likely that no one on your side will even die. Upon completion, we search the corpses and collect everything that we can carry, some can be sold right there in the store, some can be used in the future (the Armor of the Gunpowder Gang members should not be worn near civilians or NCR - they will shoot).

    They Went To The Other Side

    Before heading to your next destination, talk to Sunny (and other residents of the city) about what is and is happening around - this information will be needed if you want to complete other non-story quests in this area.

    Having dealt with matters, we go out onto the broken track and go south to Primm.

    About half the way, a guy named Barton Thorne will run up to you and tell you that his girlfriend was cornered by Gecko and she can't get out. If you agree to help the guy with his problem, head southwest to the fallen radio tower. Climbing the hill, several overgrown lizards will attack you at once. Having figured it out, climb further up the hill, where a dozen more Geckos will attack you. Having shot all the lizards, we carefully approach the place right on the edge of the hill, there are a couple of boxes, a chair and a refrigerator, but be careful! Traps with a lot of damage are spread around. Having collected all the useful trash, we go down the hill, Barton will run up to us and tell us how grateful he is that we have dealt with the mutated creatures, but he will also notice that he will have to kill you, he himself wanted to collect those things that you found in the boxes ... Having shot Barton, we take away a good 9mm pistol from him. We go down the hill and go further to Primm. Do not forget to take off the armor of the Gunpowder Gang, otherwise the NCR "sheep will start shooting."


    Once in the zone, fenced off by the soldiers of the NCR, we go to the tent in the south of the ruins, there is Lieutenant Hayes, who will explain the situation in Primm to you.

    (After leaving the tent, we go west to the town. To get inside, you will have to cross the bridge, be careful, it is mined.)

    Once inside, we cut out all the criminals wandering around the town, and only after we go into the buildings. First to the Wicca building and then to the Casino. In the first, we need to talk to Johnson Nash, who will tell you the details of what was in your package and other information. He will also say that more information about the guy in the plaid suit can be obtained from the Deputy Sheriff Beagle. The problem is that escaped criminals are holding him hostage at the Casino. We go there.

    The interior will be full of criminals with very good armor, weapons and ammunition. There should be no special problems, lure opponents one by one and from sneaking in V.A.T.S. we demolish their skulls. If you have a pumped-up lockpicking and have extra hairpins (such as a master key), you can simplify your work, break open the door in front of the house (not far from the entrance), enter the corridor and further into the kitchen, where the Beagle is being held hostage. There will be much less blood if you turn everything quietly, but you will also collect less things. You can also convince Beagle to help you kill the rest of the criminals. The shooter from the Beagle is not very good, and he dies without problems, it is easier to let go and clear the whole building yourself (useful trash in bulk).

    There is a Outlaw Leader in a large room with a flamethrower (or something), so don't try to openly attack him and his assistants. As I wrote above, it is easier to lure and kill one at a time.

    Having cleared the casino, we go to Vicky, where in the corner we talk with Beagle about where the man who shot me went. In addition to the new mark in the main quest, we will receive a side quest about finding a new sheriff for Primm (this does not apply to the main quest). Sell \u200b\u200ball non-critical junk, you need a lot of space!

    So now we need to get to Novak. We leave further along the highway to the southeast. At some point, you will pass through the town of Nipton, located just south of Primm. On the way, get ready to repel the attacks of the Gunpowder Gang, the Jackal Gang and shoot the legs of a couple of giant ants.

    Not far from Nipton, a girl with purple hair named Jacqueline will run up to you. Do not trust this bitch, she will shoot you in the back at the first opportunity.


    We go to Nipton from the town there is nothing left, let's say thanks to the psychos from the Caesar Legion. At the entrance you will meet Oliver Swanick who will tell you about some kind of lottery. After talking with him, we go to the store, on the left inside sits the lucky Boxscars, who took second place in the lottery, he will tell you more about what happened in Nipton.

    We go to the main building of the city, at which you will meet Vulpes Incult, one of the officers of Caesar's Legion. Legionnaires won't attack you if you don't shoot first, which is good. After finishing the conversation, we go to the mayor's office. Corpses of residents will be lying around and angry dogs will run around, killing dogs and searching around, you will find several useful items and a Shabby Key that gives access to things in the basement of the building.

    On the second floor of the mayor's office there will be several more dogs, and an anti-personnel mine will be installed on the corpse in one of the rooms, instead of immediately searching the bodies, save yourself.

    Having searched the floor, we rise even higher, to the mayor's office. In the office you will find a book that increases your "Science" skill, and a couple of magazines with a temporary effect on skills. There will also be a Laser Pistol, Energy Cells and other junk.

    Having finished with the mayor's office, you can search the rest of the houses, packed to capacity with all sorts of useful things, the main thing is to be ready to shoot as soon as you go inside, in one house there will be a robot Prototype Mystra Gatsi.

    When you are ready, we go further to Novak. The city is located northwest of Nipton, but to get there, you need to follow the road in the east of the town. On the way, a couple of opponents will attack you, be careful with the red traffic cone in the middle of the road - it is mined! Fun, huh? Here they are, the wild expanses of the post-apocalyptic Mojave Desert.


    Once in town, go to the Dino Dee-Lite Motel (large building). Talk to Jenny Mae Crawford here about the guy who shot you. She will tell you to talk to the residents of the town, perhaps they heard something. You just have to talk to the local psycho No-bakr Tunan, hanging around somewhere in the city.

    Then we go to the giant dinosaur statue, approach the entrance to the motel, open the mesh gates and go to the left side of the dinosaur - here is the entrance to the shop and the lookout located in the head of the dinosaur. After talking to Manny Vargas as a sniper in the head of a dinosaur, he will tell you that you must help him, and only after that he will tell you about where the people who attacked you went. Here we get an additional quest Come Fly With Me (Fly with me), the completion of which is necessary for further passage.

    Part 3: REPCONN

    In this part of the walkthrough, I will concentrate on the quest. Come fly with me (Fly With Me), which we need to complete in order for Manny Vargas in Novak to agree to talk about the Plaid Man.

    However, before embarking on this quest, I want to warn you that this is not a mandatory quest, information about Mister Checkered can be found in a much simpler and easier way - look in the terminal located on the first floor of the Novak motel in Manny's room. In my opinion, this is too easy a method, and besides, you will miss a magnificent sight if you decide to skip this quest (its completion can be postponed until better times).


    But let's get started. During a conversation with Manny, we learn that the REPCONN Test Site is located west of Novak. Naturally, the residents of Novak ransacked the factory to the bone, at least the places where they could get to the appearance of the goles, which, under the leadership of their charismatic leader Jason Bright, took over the factory. What does our character have to do with it? And despite the fact that Manny himself cannot deal with the problems at the factory, if he leaves his post, then the Caesar Legion may attack the town, which no one obviously wants.

    We will have to clear the factory of the ghouls while they are there, the residents cannot continue to loot the factory that the town is based on.

    We got the task, then we go to the marker that appeared on the map directly to the west of Novak. Along the way, you will first stumble upon some abandoned post and then on several ghouls who have run out of reels (creatures that look like people who have been skinned and given a weak acid to drink). Oh yes, you will also stumble upon the corpses of Nightkin (super mutant with grayish blue skin). The corpses will have almost nothing, but there will be boxes, crates and shelves around with such useful items as: Med-X, Jet, Stimpacks, Doctor's Bag and a bunch of ammunition like 5mm, Energy Cells, 5.56mm, .357 Magnum, Anti-personnel Mines ( collect, then you will need everything!) and so on. By the way, you can also find a Cowboy Repeater that uses 357 Magnum cartridges, a powerful piece that must not be missed.

    Proceeding further, you will find a giant factory building on the horizon. When you are at the rocket statue in front of the factory, you will be attacked by several Wild Ghouls, they just look scary, usually with the help of V.A.T.S. you can even kill creatures with a pistol. At the very entrance to the building, a couple of Wandering Ghouls will attack you, these guys have a little more lives and better armor, however, this problem can be solved with one or two accurate shots. Here you can find several more types of ammunition, but nothing special. We go into the building.

    Once inside, you will immediately enter the dialogue mode with the Ghoul on the speaker located on the nearest wall. He will not say anything specific, except that you need to get to a large corner room with a metal staircase, along which we need to climb. Before rushing to carry out the task of an incomprehensible dude with the voice of a drunkard, we explore the territory of the factory, the stairs in the corner room will not go anywhere.

    After you complete the dialogue, you will be attacked by a couple of Wild Goals. Having dealt with them, we visit the restrooms, yes, both male and female, do not worry, this is not a horror movie, and you will not be unexpectedly attacked by dumb Ugie Boogie monsters. Although in a bad horror it would have been (and in a good one, hello Dead Space fans!). In the toilets on the walls there are first aid cabinets with lockpicks, Stimpacks and one Super Stimpak (wow, let's heal ourselves to death).

    Having robbed the entire building, we go to the very room in the far left corner of the building (if you look from the entrance), which has a staircase. We rise and enter the door located in the corridor under the ceiling. On the other side you will meet a guy named Chris Haversam, and although they sound like a ghoul (we talked to him on the intercom), he is still an ordinary person, well, not really - he considers himself a ghoul.

    But you should not worry about him, the man, although not in harmony with his head, he will not cause harm. All the ghouls here are a kind of team or brotherhood (yeah, that's why they wear robes), rallied to survive in this cruel world. Normal ghouls won't talk to you, so just follow Chris, who will take you to their leader, Jason Bright.

    In a conversation with Jason, you learn that one morning, when the brotherhood went to the basement to pray to their ghoul god, they were attacked by demons, killed some ghouls and took over the basement. Everyone loves to take over this factory. An interesting detail turns out that although the demons are not visible, they can be noticed by a slight vibration of the air in those places where they are. I think everyone has already guessed that these demons were Nightkins with active Stealth Fights.

    Jason gives us a task: to clear the basement from the Nightkin demons. What we are going to do. We leave the hideout of the goles and go down to the basement, the door is located next to the large staircase. Once in the basement (save!), We decide what to do. We have two options: the first is not to immediately attack the Nightkin, but first to find one named Davison and persuade him to dump from the factory. And the second option is to kill all Nightkin. If you choose the first one, then, having found Davison, we will be friendly with him about his problems. It turns out the Knightkins came to the factory looking for the Stealth Boys, who are in a room (not far from Davis' room) guarded by an armed ghoul. If you agree to help with the problem, the Nightkin will leave the factory. At the end of the conversation, you will receive a key to the room where the Stealth Boys and Gole Harland are located, to the eyeballs surrounded by traps and traps. Unable to escape, Harland decided to barricade himself. Here again you need to make a choice: just kill the ghoul or help him check if his girlfriend is alive (her body is in another part of the basement in an impromptu prison; be careful with the Nightkin). Having dealt with this problem, we carefully bypass the traps that clog the room in which Harland was (save before moving on) and activate the terminal located at the wall opposite from the entrance. Digging into the computer, we learn that the Stealth Boys that Davison and co. Came for were taken to the factory by mistake, and the Nightkins wasted their time. Sorry for Harland if you killed him for this.

    Remember, though, we have a second solution to the Knightkin problem: cut them all. If you decide to take this step, be careful with Davis, this guy is tough as a rock, it was not for nothing that we brought antipersonnel mines, huh? Before opening the door to Davison's room, we put on mines, put them at a distance of a meter or two from each other in the center of the corridor (we put everything), open the door, exchange a few words with Davsion and run five meters from the last mine. It is possible that Davison will not die from such a greeting, but he definitely will not be able to run, even a couple can injure his legs. And a slow opponent is a dead opponent. So we dealt with the demons. If you like, you can still help Harland with his girlfriend.

    We return to the upper floors of the factory and report to Luminous Jason. By this time, you probably already think that everything, the problem has been solved, and these deadheads will still be dumped from the factory, but not everything is so simple! After chatting for a couple of minutes and receiving nothing in gratitude from Jason, we again go to the basement, Jason himself and all the other ghouls will go there. Follow the marker on your compass, you need to go into the room that is behind the one in which Davison was. There will be a small switch on the wall that will open the stairs, which is right there. We get down and go along the marker until we find ourselves in a room with a window overlooking the rocket launch pad.

    Chris "I-ghoul" and Jason Bright are already waiting for us in the room. It's amazing how fast they move, it must be Goul magic. It turns out that the gole brotherhood is about to embark on a journey to the Beyond on the very rockets that you can see in the window. However, surprisingly, they are missing a couple of essential items needed to ship the Isotope-239 Incendiary Element and the Thrust Control Module. Of course, we'll have to find both of these items, the Goals themselves are too busy preparing for launch. Well, how did you feel like a six?

    Well, okay, we take one of the tasks from Chris, go out to the surface through a hatch located in one of the branches of the tunnel, use Pip-Boy to quickly travel to Novak and from there on foot to the place marked with a marker. In the case of Isotope-239, you just need to loot the corpse lying on the road southeast of Novak, or buy souvenir rackets at the Novak dinomist.

    In the case of the Traction Unit, you'll have to bargain with Old Lady Gibson, who runs a shop north of Novak. The module can either be bought for 500 caps (with a sufficient level of eloquence / barter, you can bargain for a smaller amount, or shoot the grandmother and get the Module for free (you will have to shoot the dogs guarding the old woman), or you can persuade her to give the module for this if you have the "Wife-slayer" , it doesn't matter how you get the module, the main thing is that you will have it, and you can return to the factory to Chris (remember where the entrance to the tunnels is, you do not need to walk back and forth in the factory).

    When you bring both items, Chris will tell you to go to the launch control room. We go up to the part of the building where Jason and his team used to be, here we follow the marker to one of the doors, which leads to a room with a window with a launch system and a navigation system. If you have more than 55 Science, then you can play with the Navigation System, which will allow you to choose two options: optimize the flight path of the ships or change the coordinates so that the missiles collide together. You decide. This is how we got rid of the ghouls that took over REPCONN.

    We return to the Dinosaur statue, tell Manny about the success of the mission and ask the same question: Where did the Man in the Checkered Suit go? We get the answer.

    They went to the other side

    This part will be boring enough. We follow the marker to the server-east to the city of Boulder City. You can walk along the road, then a gang of bandits will attack you, they do not pose a particular danger, although you should still be careful. At some point, you will reach the ruins of Boulder City. The Radscorpions and their little comrades will crawl around; at the initial levels of the game, these guys can show you where the Radscorpions winter. Especially if you are still using 9mm.

    Once in the city, you will find that a group of NCR soldiers have surrounded a small group of Khans. The problem can be solved, as usual, in two ways: by blood or by talking. In the first case, the soldiers of the NKR will smear the Khans and the whole business. In the second case, you will need to go inside and talk to the head of the Khans group, the bandits will not attack you. If you have a pumped-up conversation, you can convince the Khans to release the hostages and later Lieutenant Monroe (the man who stands outside the barricade) that they should peacefully disperse without bloodshed.

    If you decide to fight, you can shoot the Khans from around the corner while they are occupied by the NCR, when you get into the building with the leader Jessup, quickly leave the counter (so as not to shoot at the metal box office) and use V.A.T.S.

    By the way, Jessup will have a note on his body that will unlock the Chairman Job Offer for you.

    Part 4: New Vegas

    In the last part, we stopped at completing the mission "They went that way" and getting a new one: "Ring-Ding-Ding". All subsequent parts will be short. Just point-by-point passage of quests.

    Ring-Ding-Ding! Part 1

    We go to the north gate of Freeside. Once inside, we hire a member of the Kings gang to protect you and go southwest to the blue gate leading, in fact, to Freeside.

    We go southwest straight to the gate with the glowing Welcome to the Strip sign. We talk with the robot guard. He will tell you that you need 2000 caps, science 80 or a passport to get inside. If you have anything from this list, go inside and read a part of the Casino always wins. If not, then we go to the building of the School of Kings, located behind you, next to the gate leading to Freeside.

    Once inside the building, turn left. Either you persuade, or you give money to Pacer so that he would allow you to talk to the King sitting in front of the stage.

    G.I. Blues

    We go to the northeast gate to Freeside and exit. We find Orris and hire him as a bodyguard. We follow him to the south gate; see how he behaves suspiciously.

    We return to the King and report what you saw. We repeat the process of hiring Orris, as we did last time, and follow the same southern question. When he asks you about the King, we kill him and four opponents; we return to the King and report what happened.

    We go northeast to the Old Mormon Fort and ask the wounded about what happened to them. We enter the tent on the right and talk to Roy and Wayne; we leave the fort.

    We go to the King and tell about what you learned from the wounded in the Fort. Continue to the marker in the northwest to the mission camp and ask about the NCR. You will be asked a few questions, the answers are: Tandy, Shady Sands and Two-Headed Bear. The missionary will tell you the password leading to the NCR food warehouse.

    We go to the northwest along the broken highway, soon you will see a red door which is guarded by two soldiers of the NCR. Tell them the password (hope - hope) and enter the destroyed store. We speak with Elizabeth behind the counter and return to the King. Pacer needs your help, go north, you will find Pacer at the old bus stop.

    We kill all the soldiers of the NCR, talk to Pacer and go to the King. If it is not near the stage, check the room on the 3rd floor of the school. Talk to him; he will say that you deserve one favor. Considering that you did this whole quest only to gain access to the Strip, ask him to help with the entrance.

    Ring-Ding-Ding! Part 2

    The king will tell you to go to Mick and Ralph's shop. We go to the east gate to Freeside, leading to Outer Vegas. Nearby you will see a sign that says Ralph "s (At Ralph's). We enter and talk to Ralph. We say that the King sent you; we receive a passport.

    We go to the north gate to the Strip, show the robot the passport and go inside. A robot will drive up to you in the Strip and say that Mr. House wants to meet you.

    The casino always wins. Part 1

    We go to the east to the robot Victor, standing in front of the entrance to Lucky 38. Chat with him and enter. We go forward to the elevator and tell Victor that you want to go up to the penthouse.

    In the penthouse, go down the stairs, go left, where you will see a giant monitor with the face of Mr. House on the display. He will tell you that Benny, the guy who shot you and took the platinum chip, is on the 13th floor of the Tops casino, you need to take the chip from him, for which you will receive 1000 caps (what are all the NPCs misers).

    Leaving, Victor will talk to you and say that you have access to the Presidential Room, casino and cocktail bar in Lucky 38.

    Ring-Ding-Ding! Part 3

    We go southwest through the gate and enter the Tops casino. After you give up the weapon, go right and meet Benny at the stairs, located at the game tables. Benny will say that he wants to talk privately in the presidential suite. Take the keys and go up to the room using the lift behind.

    Once in the room, search all the rooms and collect everything you can. Return to the elevator. Benny will explain that this is a trap. 4 guards will appear and attack you. Take the elevator and run out through the main entrance of the casino.

    Walk west to the Aces Theater. Here you need to find an elevator and go up to the 13th floor. Then you need to find the room where the robot is a Yes Man. Talk to him. He will say that Benny escaped through a secret elevator.

    Part 5: Mr. House's Six

    Here we have to make a choice - whether to work for Mr. House or for Caesar. Completing key quests for House will mean the failure of the quests for Caesar and vice versa. So decide in advance who you like best (or kill both and work for other factions).

    Wild Card: Ace in the Hole (Wild Card: Ace in the Sleeve)

    Talk to Yes Man about how to take control of New Vegas. Search Benny's room for clues as to where he might be headed.

    Wild Card: Ace in the Hole quest completed.

    Stand before Caesar

    When you leave the Summits, an already familiar person with a dog-hat Vulpes Incult will approach you. He introduces Caesar, who wants to meet you. Use the world map in Pip-Boy to get to Novak, and then head southeast towards Cottonwood Cove (Cottonwood Cove, Poplar Bay). Go to the dock and talk to Cursor Lucullus. Hop into the boat to talk to Caesar.

    Once at the camp, head north up the hill to Fort Front Drawbridge. Continue west to Caesar's Tent and enter. Talk to Caesar. He will give you the Platinum Chip and tell you to go to the bunker and destroy what is in it.

    Wild Card: You and Which Army?

    Walk west to the weather station. Go in and insert the chip into the console on the right. Go down the stairs to the bunker. Talk to Mr. House. He will say that his plan was for you to manually install the chip in the bunker. Go to the next corridor, kill the robot and enter the door behind him. Take the Plasma Rifle and head out and rooms.

    Go to the hall and open the door at the end. Kill the three robots inside and go to the next room. We deal with four more robots and go northwest to the next passage. We kill the robot and enter the room marked as System Room. Kill the three robots inside and activate the console on the right.

    Wild Card Quest: You and Which Army? completed

    Run out of the room, don't pay attention to the robots. Before leaving the bunker, talk to Mr. House. He will tell you to return to him. Exit and go to Caesar's Tent. He will say that the reward is deciding what to do with Benny. Talk to Benny.

    After Benny is dead, we return to Caesar. He will say that he wants you to go back to Lucky 38 and kill Mr. House. Pull out the Pip-Boy and head to the North Gate in the Strip (New Vegas). We enter the city, go to Lucky 38 and go up to the penthouse. Give the Platinum Chip House. You will be taken to the basement where the robots are.

    Casino Quest Always Wins Part 1 Completed.

    Ask Mr. House about the plans.

    Casino Quest Always Wins Part 2 is complete.

    Casino Always Wins Part 3

    Mr. House will tell you about plans for New Vegas and tell you to infiltrate or destroy the Bombers. We leave on the street and go to the North Gate in the Strip. We go northeast to the marker, located near the Nellis Air Force Base. After agreeing to a dispute with George, read his description of how to get to the main gate of the Bombers. Approaching the gate, they will start shooting at you from artillery. Carefully make your way to the gate during the ceasefire moments. After talking with the guard and Raquel, you will be taken to Pearl, who will drop a ton of problems of getting Bombers on you.


    We go outside and speak with Rekel. She will talk about the problem of giant spiders in the generator tunnels.

    Ant Misbehavin (Annoying Ants)

    We go to Loyal and ask about weapons against ants. We go to the north-northwest corner of the hangar. After talking with him, we get the Sonic Emitter. We go outside and turn east towards the generator. We open the door and kill the ants.

    We go left and then to the lower level, where you will find 2 switches. Turn off and go back up the stairs to the generator switch on the north wall of the stairs. Find the ant hill at the southern end of this level, place the Ultrasonic Wave source and activate it. Return to base, head south to Raquel and tell them the generators are working.

    Ant Misbehavin's quest completed.

    Sunshine boogie

    Go northwest to Loyal's house and talk to him. He wants you to find solar cell repair parts. We go east to the solar panels. If you have Repair 65+, you will not need to look for spare parts. If everything is bad with the repair, then search around in search of a spare. parts. Repair the solar panels and head back to Loyal with the news. During the day, he is in the Hangar. At night he will be at his house.

    Sunshine Boogie Quest Completed.

    Go to Pearl Barracks in the south and talk to her. Pearl will send you back to Loyal to discuss the future of the Demoman. Loyle talks about the Lady in the Water, a bomber that crashed in Lake Mead. Use Pip-Boy to get to Boulder City and head northeast to Lake Mead.

    Swim to the center of the lake towards the marker. Attach ballast under the wings of the bomber and sail to the northwest coast. Loyal's detonator will beep. Put it on as a weapon and activate it. Return to Nellis's Hangars and tell Loyle about the bomber. Go south to Pearl and report completed work.

    Volare quest! completed

    We return to New Vegas to Mr. House and say that the Bombers are on our side.

    Casino Quest Always Wins Part 3 is complete.

    Casino Always Wins Part 4

    Mr. House will tell you to deal with the Omertas gang. We go out into the street and go to Gomorrah opposite, talk to the girl at the entrance. She will tell you to find Kachino at the Brimstone Club (right there).

    How Little We Know

    Find the sign that says Brimstone (Brimstone). Ask around about Kachino. After finding him, talk. Time to get the key to Kachino's room. We go to the entrance and ask the girl about the key to Kachino's room. Having received the key, we go through the casino to the elevators and go up to the floor with numbers. Turn left twice from the elevators and you will find the room you want. We open and enter. Climb the stairs to his room and open the table in the corner, it contains the Kachino Journal. We go down to Brimstone and go talk to Kachino. He'll give you 100 caps if you keep quiet about Omertas's plans.

    Find Troika. We go down to the lowest level of the club, leaving the elevator, go past the gole and enter the door on the left. We go along the corridor and open all the doors until we find Troika in a room with a bunch of thugs. Talk to Troika, we need to free him from his contract with Big Sal. If Conversation or Barter is well pumped (80+), Sal can be persuaded to release Troika from the contract. Also, if Medicine is more than 35, you can say that the story is fabricated, and as a last option, rummage in Big Sale's safe in search of evidence. After that, Troika will agree to help you and tell you about the guns. We leave the casino to give time for Troika to destroy the weapon.

    Head back to Gamorra and speak with Kachino at Brimtsone. He will say that it's time to deal with Nero and Big Sal. Follow him to the conference room, where he will give you a cannon. Kill Nero and Big Sale.

    Quest As Little We Know Is Completed

    We return to Lucky 38 and tell House that the Omertas gang has been neutralized.

    Casino Quest Always Wins Part 4 Completed

    Mr. House wants you to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel.

    Remember, this walkthrough does not cover all of the quest options. If you see that you have the opportunity to complete the quest the way you like best, do it.

    Casino Always Wins Part 5

    Get out of New Vegas and go to the NCR Correctional Facility or, in human terms, to the prison. Head northeast towards Hidden Valley (or east of Goodsprings), which contains the Hidden Valley Bunker. We enter the bunker.

    Go down the stairs to the next room. Stand next to the locked door and, as soon as it opens, run in. The soldier of the Brotherhood will ask you to undress and give everything you have. Fulfill the request and go down the stairs to talk to Paladin Ramos. He will take you to the elders.

    Still in the Dark (Still in the Dark)

    Walk up to Elder McNamara and talk. He will ask you to deal with the NCR ranger, who stopped for a halt in one of the valley's bunkers. He also puts a special collar on you that will explode if you try to escape. Exit the bunker and head southeast to the bunker labeled PEACE at the entrance. If Ranger Dobson is still missing, hide behind the box and wait until 10 pm (game). When Dobson does appear, convince him to leave the bunker. After that, return to the brotherhood bunker and talk to Elder McNamara again. McNamara will remove the collar and ask to speak to him in the command room. Turn right and follow the Elder. When you arrive, talk to him again. He wants you to find the 3 missing groups of soldiers and take their holotapes.

    Exit the room. On the way out, the Head of the Paladins, Hardin, will stop you and ask if you can help each other. He wants you to bring the holotapes to him, not McNamara. Exit the bunker and head east to the nearest marker. Run into the radiation pit and grab the holotape and laser guns from the corpses. Exit through the northwest gate.

    Go to Nellis Base (move to Pip-Boy) and head south to the ruined houses. Find the corpse of a Brotherhood soldier and remove the holotape from it. Now we go to the REPCONN Headquarters (not the Test Site), located west of Lake Mead, and southeast of New Vegas (if necessary, I can add a picture in the comments). Enter the first floor of the Headquarters through the door on the east side. Talk to the Robot Guide and ask for a REPCONN tour. The last stop on the tour will be the solar system room. Open the door on the right side of the room and take the stairs to the console. Take the security key.

    Go to the entrance and open the door on the right. Go left and through the door to the second floor. Once on the second floor, move to the door on the left where you will find another security key. Continue to the hall and climb the stairs to the third floor. The guard robot will give you 30 seconds to leave if your luck is less than 7. The body of a Brotherhood soldier is located next to the entrance to the third floor. Take the holotape and exit the building.

    Return to Hidden Valley and speak with Elder McNamara. He will tell you to find the three Brotherhood Scouts. Exit the bunker and head southwest to the marker. When you go to the marker, an assassin can attack you, you can either wait for help from the NCR rangers, or you can deal with the problem yourself.

    Keep heading south until you find the Fellowship Scout. After talking with him, you will receive a report for McNamara. We go to Nipton. Caesar's legionnaires will attack you. Deal with them.

    Quest Cold, Cold Heart failed (Since we work for Mr. House, not the Legion)

    Walk north to the marker to find the scout. Take the report. Move to Novak and head northeast. Return to the Brotherhood Bunker and talk to McNamara. He will send you to speak to Senior Knight Lorenzo about the filtration system. On the way to the exit, find a place where there is no floor covering, get down. Go north until you find a room with beds. Talk to Lorenzo. He wants you to search 3 vaults for 3 pieces to repair the air purification system. Exit the bunker and head east to Vault 11. The entrance is on the western side of the hill.

    Go through the first level through the Clinic and turn left. Follow the corridors, turning left, until you reach the door leading to the living compartment. Here you need to find the room marked with Admin. Turn right towards the controller's room, go down the stairs and through the doors leading to the lower level of Vault 11. Before you reach the controller's room, turn right, walk forward and turn right again at the sign marked Utility. Walk until you find a hall filled with water. Swim to the first door on the right. In this room there will be a locker with a Differential Pressure Regulator. Exit Vault 11.

    Go to Vault 22. Repair the elevator and go to the 4th level in the Living Compartment. Jump down and open the door in the north corner marked Quarters. Open the first door on the left, deal with the attacking creatures, take the Key Card on the bookshelf. Take the elevator to level 3 Food Production. After exiting the elevator, go straight ahead and enter the first door in front of you. Use the terminal and open the door to the cave. Go through the tunnels right to the wooden door. Open it, go further down the tunnel and find the HEPA Cartridges in the cabinet in the far corner. Exit the shelter. Now head south / southeast to the East Entrance to the South Vegas Ruins. Come in.

    Continue south until you reach Vault 3. Activate the console on the right to open the door. Once inside, you will be stopped by a representative of the Fiend faction. If the Speech is high enough, it can be said that you have drugs, then it will let you in peace. Walk down the hallway and climb the stairs on the right to meet the boss.

    Walk down the hallway to the left and find the leader of the Motor-Runner and talk to him. If so, sell him pills / drugs. The Reverse Impulse Purifier is in the locker to the left of the leader's throne room. We take and dump from the shelter.

    We return to the Bunker of the Brotherhood and give the spare parts to Lorenzo. Talk to McNamara about the completed assignment. He will be so pleased that he will give you the keys to the Brotherhood of Steel house located in the northeast.

    The quest Still in the Dark has been completed.

    If you don't have 80+ Science, use Stealth Boy to rob McNamara, then Chief Paladin Hardin and then Chief Scribe Taggart, you need their keycards.

    In the room where Taggart is, activate the self-destruct mechanism and insert the stolen cards to generate a password. Then click on the red keyboard on the right and activate the self-destruct sequence. Run out of the bunker and enjoy the fireworks. Return to New Vegas to Mr. House and report on the successfully completed mission.

    Casino Quest Always Wins Part 5 is complete.

    Part 7: Party at Hoover Dam

    Casino Always Wins Part 6

    We need to protect President Keebella from an attempt on his life. We get the Pip-Boy and, if you haven't found Hoover Dam, we go to Boulder City (east of Vault 11) and head straight east. Here you need to find Ranger Grant and talk to him about the mission. After that, you will have to wait until the next day to talk to the ranger again. In a new conversation, Grant will talk about his plans for the day.

    The fastest way to complete this quest is to follow the ranger to the observation deck and tell Grant that you are ready. After the spinner lands, go to the stairs on the corner and wait until you see the engineer. If you do not have permission to access all parts of the dam, you will need 50 Speech Points to get past the guard at the stairs. When the engineer leaves, inspect the turntable, a bomb will be installed on it, for which you will need 50 points in the Repair or Explosive skills to de-mine. Alternatively, you can steal the detonator from the engineer. Return to Grant and tell about the bomb.

    Casino Quest Always Wins Part 6 completed / failed (Depending on your reputation with NCR).

    Casino Always Wins Part 7

    Mr. House wants you to sneak into the Control Room of the El Dorado Electrical Substation and install a special Redistribution Chip. If possible, use the Pip-Boy and immediately go to the substation, if the zone is not open yet, go to Vault 11 and head west.

    Approaching the station, open the door and enter, there is a terminal on the right, activate it. Deal with the NCR soldiers that have appeared. Go outside and kill the rest of the soldiers. Go to the North Gate in the Strip, here Emily Ortal will run up to you and ask you to install a bug in Mr. House's network.

    Moon Comes Out From Behind The Tower

    Enter Lucky 38 and go to the VIP area using the stairs to the left of the casino. Go behind the bar and activate the terminal. Go outside and tell Emily about the work done.

    The quest The Moon Comes Out from the Tower is completed

    Go to Penthouse Lucky 38 and talk to House. Here you have to decide whether to side with House at the Battle of Hoover Dam. If you have any unfulfilled tasks, do them, because there will be no way back. Agree to fight for Mr. House.

    Casino Quest Always Wins Part 7 Completed

    All or nothing

    You will be transferred to Hoover Dam. Walk down the road to the second tower and head inside. Enter the door on the right that says Hoover Dam Offices. Go straight along the corridor, turn right and then into the second door on the left. Take the Hoover Dam Safe Room Key and head right to the control room guarded by the Brotherhood.

    Deal with the guards, enter and activate the big computer. Exit to the left and keep on the left side of the corridor. Open the door with the key you got. At the platform, turn left and flip the switch for East Power Station. Turn back and enter the first door to the right (kitchen). Exit through the door leading to the Tower. Go to the Dam and turn southeast. Continue to the Gateway to the Legates' Camp.

    Walk east to the Camp. Follow the path northeast to find Legate Lanius. Kill him and go to the exit. When you leave the camp, a powerful explosion will occur. General Lee Oliver will appear and thank you. Say that you and Mr. House, robots will appear and surround the general. Give him the surrender papers, he will refuse. We kill the General and his people. Mr. House thanks you and talks about his plans for the future.

    Quest All or Nothing completed

    We watch the final video with the thoughts “I did it!”.

    Thanks to the site

    Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough - Introducing Goodsprings.
    Here you need to remember the places that are useful to you. Dr. Mitchell's house is on a hill. The shop and saloon are in the city center, close to a gas station and a school to the east. Remember where to find what, after which you can go to the saloon and talk to Sunny Smiles there. Talk to Sunny on the subject of survival, which will open up a shooting training mode that you can finish at any time. Agree to the tutorial and you will get a Varmint gun, with which it is good to shoot small animals such as rats, crows and the like. First, you will shoot at bottles, then Sunny will suggest moving on to training on live targets. For this, Gekkos are suitable, which can be found near the city, near water sources. Follow Sunny and follow her directions.
    Together with Sunny, you will find three Gecko habitats, after the destruction of which you will have a talk with Sunny. She will invite you to complete a task that will teach you how to make Healing Powder. To complete this quest, go back to the city, follow to the southwest, find an abandoned school there, to the left of its entrance you will see a dried tree trunk. You need to dig out the roots of the Xander plant growing on this tree. The second ingredient for Powder can be found in the graveyard in the northeast of the city. Go there, deal with the enemies there, they should not cause any special problems, find a tree at the far end of the cemetery and search it. Find Broca's Flower, this is the second ingredient. Now head back to Sunny with the marker, she will make sure you have the ingredients you need and tell you how to make the Powder. You need to click on the campfire site and select the preparation of Powder. Thus, we have completed the quest Bonfire on the Trail.
    Talk to Sunny again, she will say that it would be nice for you to talk to Trudy, the owner of the saloon. Go back to the saloon.
    In the saloon, you will see Trudy arguing with some man looking like a gopnik. After he leaves, ask Trudy about this dispute. She will tell you about the prisoner Ringo, who took refuge in the gas station building on the hill and will give some information about the people who shot the hero.

    Broken radio.
    After you ask Trudy about those who shot at you, she will say that her radio is broken. Offer your help, and if you have more than 20 repair skills, you can fix it. Thus, you will earn fame in the city, +25 to experience, get 50 caps, and if you have more than 25 Barter skill, she will add another 25.
    Now you can go to the gas station and talk to Ringo there about the Powder Gang or the game Caravan, with which you can earn more caps before moving on. In case you chose to help with the Gunpowder Gang, Ringo will say that you need to get the city's support. It's easier to start with Sunny Smiles.

    Shootout in the ghost town.
    In order to enlist the support of the city, it is not necessary to talk to everyone, it will be enough to talk to Sunny in the saloon, with Trudy if the conversation skill is over 25, and with Mitchell. After you talk to them, go back to Ringo and report that everything is ready. Soon Sunny will come with a message that the bandits are already on their way to the city. Go to the saloon, a small crowd has already gathered near it.
    The guys from the Gunpowder Gang will arrive pretty soon, they'll have to shoot. You may not participate in the battle at all, just hiding somewhere, or you can sometimes crawl out of cover to shoot a couple of times. After the end of a very simple battle, collect trophies from the bodies, including the armor of the Gunpowder Gang. It can be used if there are no civilians or members of the New California Republic nearby.

    Fallout New Vegas walkthrough - They went that way.
    Talk to the residents of the city about what is happening around, if you want to do non-plot quests. After you finish all the secondary ones, you can go along the broken track to the south, towards Primm.
    On the way, you will meet Barton Thorne, who says that his girlfriend is in trouble. Geckos won't let her go. To deal with this problem, go southwest to the fallen radio tower. As soon as you go up the hill, you will be greeted by several monsters. Having got rid of them, rise further, another group of Geckos will attack you. Having dealt with them, too, carefully, without touching the traps, we approach the edge of the hill, there are boxes, an armchair and a refrigerator. Collect trophies and head back. Burton will thank you for dealing with the monsters, but he will say that he himself wanted to collect trophies, so you will have to kill him. Take the 9mm pistol from his body and move on to Primm. If you are wearing the armor of the Gunpowder Gang, do not forget to take it off in time, otherwise you risk becoming a corpse.

    You will find yourself in the zone, which was fenced off by the NKR, go to the south and look for a tent there, in which Lieutenant Hayes is, talk to him. He will talk about what is happening in Primma. Exit the tent and head west. You will see a bridge that you need to cross to get to the town. Be careful, it is mined.
    Thieves roam the streets of the town, deal with them, then go into the Wicca building, talk to Johnson Nash here. He will tell you about your package and give some more information. He'll tell you that Deputy Beagle can tell you more about the "guy in the plaid suit." Only now he is being held hostage and is being held in the Casino. We'll have to visit this institution.
    Once in the building, you will see that it is flooded with criminals, well-equipped and armed. There are two possible behaviors here: you can destroy them by luring them out one by one in V.A.T.S mode, and if you have a burglary and have a master key available, you can hack the door near the entrance to the house and go to the kitchen. Beagle can be found there. In this case, there will be fewer trophies. You can try to persuade Beagle to help you clear the building, but there is little sense in this: he dies quickly, but does not shoot very well. Better to let him go and clear the building alone.
    When you reach a large room with the leader of criminals, do not climb inside at breakneck speed, it is also easier to lure enemies out one by one.
    After clearing the casino, return to Wicca. In the corner you will find the Beagle, who ask about the guy who shot you. You can also take from him the task of finding a new sheriff for Primm. This is not a story quest. Sell \u200b\u200beverything you don't need and you can move on.
    Our path lies in Novak. Follow the road southeast. You will have to go through the town of Nipton, there you will be attacked by members of the Gunpowder Gang and the Jackal Gang. Also meet huge ants. I do not advise you to trust the girl who will meet you near Nipton - Jacqueline. At the first opportunity, she will repay you with a bullet in the back.

    Fallout New Vegas walkthrough - Nipton.
    Thanks to the Legion of Caesar, little of the town of Nipton remains. Talk to Oliver Swanik at the entrance, he will tell you about the lottery. Now go left to the store, talk to Boxkars, who took second place in the lottery, from him you will learn about what happened in Nipton.
    At the main building of the city, you will see the officer of Caesar's Legion - Vulpes Incult. If you don't start shooting yourself, then the legionnaires will not attack first. After talking with him, go to the mayor's office. There you will have to deal with the dogs and search the surroundings. You will find a lot of useful and Shabby Key, with which you will gain access to things in the basement. Go up to the second floor, there will also be bad dogs. Do not rush to search the bodies right away, I recommend saving. Explosives will be installed on one of the bodies. After finishing on this floor, rise higher. You will be taken to the mayor's office. Here you can find a book that will increase your "Science" skill, magazines that temporarily increase your skills, and a few other useful things.
    You can inspect the rest of the houses in the town, you will find a lot of all sorts of nonsense, but be careful, get ready to shoot as soon as you enter the houses.
    As soon as you finish with the chores here, you can go to Novak. You need to go along the road in the east of Nipton. Enemies will attack you along the way. Also you will see a red cone on the road, it is mined. Be careful. Go to the marker to Novak.

    Fallout New Vegas walkthrough - Novak.
    In Novak, go to the large Dino Dee-Lite Motel building. You will find Jenny Mae Crawford there, talk to her about the same guy who shot you. She will advise you to talk to the residents, maybe someone knows something. In principle, it is enough to find the crazy No-bakr Tunan and talk to him. He wanders somewhere in the city.
    Then go to the huge dinosaur statue - to the entrance to the motel, then open the mesh gate and go left, to the left side of the dinosaur. Here you will find the entrance to the shop and the observation deck, which is located in the head of the dinosaur. In the lookout, talk to Manny Vargas, he will agree to tell you about the people who attacked you in exchange for your help. You will receive the quest "Let's fly with me", this quest is not required for the plot, information about the man in the suit can be found by looking at the terminal on the first floor of the Novak motel, in Manny's room. But still, I recommend completing this task, it is certainly more difficult than just looking into the terminal, but, believe me, it is much more interesting. You can first find out information from the terminal, and do the quest at will. Let's dwell on the task in more detail.

    Fallout New Vegas walkthrough - REPCONN
    Talk to Manny, he will tell you that there is a “REPCONN Test Site” to the west of Novak. Now the goles have settled in the factory under the leadership of Jason Bright, and they prevent the inhabitants of the town from quietly robbing the factory. Manny himself cannot leave his post to deal with them, since in this case an attack by Caesar's Legion is possible, which is completely undesirable to anyone. Therefore, it was you who had the honor to get rid of the unwanted inhabitants of the factory.
    Once you collect all the trophies, move on until you reach a huge factory building. In front of the factory, at the rocket statue, several Wild Goles will attack you, you can even kill them with a pistol using V.A.T.S. right at the entrance you will have to meet a couple more enemies - Wandering Goles. They are slightly more powerful equipped, and they have more lives, the main thing here is accurate shots. After looking around, you will find more ammunition, but nothing outstanding. Now you can go inside.
    Inside, a dialogue will immediately begin with a drone through the speaker on the wall. He will tell you that you have to get to the corner room, which contains a metal staircase. You need to climb this ladder. First, I advise you to explore the factory, the stairs are not going to run anywhere.
    Immediately after the end of the conversation, get ready to get rid of the two Wild Ghouls that will attack you. After you're done with them, look into the washrooms. There, in the lockers, you will find lockpicks, Stimpacks, and one Super Stimpak.
    Go through the building, search all rooms, carefully examine everything, collect what you can. Don't relax, the Goulas are still there. In the corridors you will see glowing heaps of ash, in them you will find many useful and not so much. After searching the entire building, go to the room with the stairs. She is in the far corner of the building. Climb the stairs and head through the door that is under the ceiling. There you will meet the same ghoul you spoke to when you entered the building - Chris Haversam. In fact, he is not a ghoul, but a person, but he prefers to consider himself a ghoul. He will take you to the leader - Jason Bright. Ordinary ghouls won't talk to you.
    The basement door is next to a large staircase. Get down there and immediately save. Here you have two options at your disposal: you can kill all the Nightkin, or you can find one of them, named Davison, and ask him to leave the factory. In this case, in the course of the conversation, you will learn that the Knightkins came here for the Stealth Boys, which are in a room not far from the room with Davison, and it is guarded by an armed Goal. After finishing the conversation, Davison will give you the key to the room with the Stealth Fights. In addition, Goal Harland is all surrounded by traps and traps, he secured himself in this way, since he could not escape. There are also two options here: you can just kill him, or you can agree to help him. He asks to check if his girlfriend is still alive. The corpse of his girlfriend can be found in another part of the basement, be careful with the Nightkin there. After fulfilling the request, save one more time and carefully begin to go through the room with traps, in which Nightkin was. After going to the end of the room, activate the terminal. From the information on the terminal, it will become clear that the Stealth Battles were delivered here by mistake. Accordingly, the Nightkins have nothing else to do here.
    If you chose the option of destroying all Nightkin, then anti-personnel mines will help you against Davison, if you picked up all the trophies, then you should have enough of them. Before opening the door to Davison, place mines in the corridor at a distance of a meter or two from each other. We talk with Davison, after which we run away from the last mine for five meters. The guy is tough, so such damage may not finish him off, but it will cripple him for sure. It remains only to finish off.
    Now we return upstairs to Jason, inform him about the successes. But instead of leaving the factory after that, he will again send you to the basement, and go there himself, along with the rest of the Goals. Here you need to get into the room behind the one where Davison was. A switch on the wall will open the stairs. Get down on it, and follow the marker to a room with a window overlooking the rocket launch pad.

    In the room you will see Chris, a ghoul, and Jason Bright. From the conversation, you will learn that the rockets you see are designed to travel to the Beyond. But the Goals are missing two important parts to ship: the Isotope-239 Incendiary Element and the Thrust Control Module. Naturally, you will have to look for them.
    Take the task from Chris and go out through the hatch upstairs. Remember the location of the hatch so you don't go through the tunnels every time. With the help of Pip Boy move to Novak, from there walk on foot to the marker. To get Isotope-239, you either need to buy souvenir rackets at a dinom store, or follow the road southeast of Novak and search the corpse. The Thrust Module can be obtained from Old Lady Gibson. Can be purchased for 500 caps, or less if skill is developed. You can just take it by force, for this you have to deal with her and her dogs. In general, the end justifies the means, the main thing is to get the module in one way or another. Now that you have the required components, head back to the factory.
    We go back to the dinosaur statue, to Manny. We ask him the same question of interest to us about a man in a suit.
    Let's continue the quest They went in that direction.
    Follow the marker northeast towards Boulder City. If you are walking along the road, then at some point the bandits will attack you. Not too scary, but be vigilant. Sooner or later you will reach the ruins of Boulder City. Nearby live Radscorpions with their retinue, at the initial level they are quite strong opponents.
    In the city you will find the following situation: NKRists surrounded a group of Khans. As usual, there will be a choice - either reprisal or persuasion. If you chose persuasion, you will have to go inside the encirclement and talk to the head of the Khans. With a normally pumped conversation, convince the Khans to release the hostages, and Lieutenant Monroe, who stands outside, convince that no one needs blood.
    If you want to choose reprisals, you can hide somewhere around the corner and shoot the Khans while they are busy with the NCR slaughter. Once in the building with the leader Jessup, exit and use the V.A.T.S.
    From the body of the leader, pick up a note that will give you access to a new quest - Chairman Job Offer. Whatever decision you make, in any case, the quest "They went that way" is over. Here you get a new task - Ring-Ding-Ding.

    Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough - Ring-Ding-Ding.

    Ring-Ding-Ding! Part one.
    G.I. Blues
    Exit through the northeastern Freeside Gate. Find Orris and hire him as security. Now go with him to the south gate and observe his strange behavior. Go to the King and tell him about Orris. Now go to Orris again, hire him again and again go to the south gate. Orris will ask you about the King, then kill him and four more opponents. Report everything that happened to the King.
    Next, head northeast to Old Mormon Fort. Ask the injured about what happened to them. Go to the right tent, talk to Roy and Wayne there. Exit the Fort and go to the King. Tell him about the casualties at the Fort. Go to the marker to the northwest, to the mission camp, and ask questions about the NCR there. In turn, you will also be asked questions, the answers to which are: Tandy, Shady Sands, Two-Headed Bear. After receiving answers, the missionary will give you the password for the NCR food warehouse. Walk northwest along the broken highway to a red door guarded by two NCR men. To get to the destroyed store, tell them the password - hope. Here you will have a talk with Elizabeth behind the counter, and then go to the King.
    Head north to find Pacer at the old bus stop. He needs your help. Get rid of the NCR soldiers, talk to Pacer and return to the King. If you do not find it in the same place, look on the third floor of the school in the room. In conversation, he will say that you deserve one favor with your actions. I think it would be more logical to ask him to help you with the entrance to the Strip.

    Ring-Ding-Ding! Part two.
    The King will send you to Mick and Ralph's shop. The store is located next to Freeside's East Gate leading to Outer Vegas. Go inside, talk to Ralph, tell him that the King sent you, get your passport. Now go to the north gate in the Strip, show the robot your passport and finally go inside. Then a robot will drive up to you and tell you that Mr. House wants to see you.

    The casino always wins. Part one.
    Head east, in front of the entrance to Lucky 38 you will see the robot Victor, talk to him and go inside. Go to the elevator and tell Victor that you want to go upstairs to the penthouse. There go down the stairs, turn left, you will see a huge monitor with a picture of Mr. House. From him you learn that the guy who shot you, Benny, is in the Tops casino on the 13th floor. Your task is to take the platinum chip from him, for which you will receive 1000 caps. At the exit, Victor will talk to you and inform you that you have access to the casino, the Presidential Room and the Lucky 38 cocktail bar.

    Ring-Ding-Ding! Part three.
    Go to the casino through the gate in the southwest. Surrender your weapons and go right. You will see Benny at the stairs at the gaming tables. He will say that he wants to talk in private, in the presidential suite. Take the keys and take the elevator upstairs behind you. Search everything in the room, collect everything you find. Go back to the elevator. Learn from Benny that this is a trap. There and then the guards will appear clearly not with good intentions. We go down the elevator and go outside through the main entrance to the Casino. Now west to the Theater of the Aces. Look for the elevator and go up to the 13th floor. Here look for the room where the Yes Man robot is. From a conversation with him, you learn that Benny escaped using a secret elevator.
    Next, you will have a choice of which side to take. This article will describe the passage of quests for Mr. House and Caesar. Options for working for other factions are possible. Choose and decide in advance, since completing tasks for one side will mean failing tasks for the other. And I want to note that this article does not describe all the options for passing this or that quest, the options may be different, if you notice this, complete the quest as you see fit. The beauty of Fallout: New Vegas is that the game was played in a variety of ways.

    Present yourself before Caesar.

    As soon as you leave the casino, an old acquaintance, Vulpez Inculta, will approach you. He will inform you that Caesar wants to meet you. Use Pip Boy to get to Novak, then head southeast to Cottonwood Cove. Go to the dock, talk to Cursor Lucullus there. Get into the boat. After arriving at the camp, head up the hill north to Fort Front Drawbridge. Then west to Caesar's tent. Come inside. After the conversation, Caesar will give you a platinum token and send you to the bunker to destroy its contents.

    Wild Card: You and Which Army?
    Go to the west weather station. Inside, insert the chip into the console on the right. Now go down the stairs to the bunker. Here Mr. House will tell you that his plan was for you to manually insert the chip into the console. In the next corridor, kill the robot at the door, and then go there. Take the Plasma Gun and exit.
    Now go to the hall and open the door at the end. In the room, kill the robots and move on. There are four more robots in the next room, get rid of them too and head northwest to the passage. Here, too, kill the robot and go into the room with the inscription System Room. After destroying more robots, activate the right console.
    Leave the room without touching the robots. Before leaving the bunker, talk to Mr. House, he will ask you to return to him. Now exit and go to Caesar. As a reward, he will ask you to decide what to do with Benny. Go to Benny and talk to him. After the reprisal against Benny, go to Caesar again, he will say that he wants you to kill Mr. House. Use Pip Boy to get into the Strip. In the city, head to Lucky 38 and go up to the penthouse. Then give the chip to Mr. House, after which you will be taken to the basement with robots. Talk to House about his plans.

    The casino always wins. Part three.
    It turns out that Mr. House has plans for New Vegas and he will give you the task of either destroying the Demolitions or infiltrating them. Walk towards the north gate to the Strip. Then head towards the marker to the northeast. Talk to George here, agree to a dispute, and then read his explanation of how you can get to the Demoman's main gate. As soon as you approach the gate, they will open fire on you. Wait until there is a temporary lull and at these moments slowly make your way to the gate. Then talk to Raquel and the guard, after which you will be taken to Pearl, who will tell you about the Demolition problems.
    Outside, Raquel will tell you about the giant spiders that have not rightfully settled in the generator tunnels.

    Ant Misbehavin '
    Talk to Loyal about weapons against the ants. Now go to the northwest corner of the hangar. Here you will receive an Ultrasonic Wave Emitter, then go outside and head east to the generator. After opening the door, kill the ants and turn left. Go down to the lower level, here you will find two switches. Turn them off and head back down the stairs. Find the generator switch on the north wall of the stairs. Now go to the southern part of this level, find an ant hill there, place an Ultrasonic Wave source there and activate it. Now you can go back to Raquel and report that the generators are working.
    Go to Layal at his house in the northwest and talk to him. He needs parts to repair solar panels.

    Fallout New Vegas - Sunshine Boogie Walkthrough
    Head east towards the solar panels. Search the area around to find spare parts for batteries if you don't have the repair skill. If the repair is more than 65, then you can do without spare parts. After repairing the batteries, return to Loyal and report the news. During the day you will find him in the Hangar, and at night at home.
    Now the Demolitions have taken your side, you need to report this to House. Now he will send you to deal with the Omertas gang.

    The casino always wins. Part four.
    Go outside and talk to the girl opposite Gomorrah. She suggests looking for Cachino at the Brimstone Club.

    How little we know.
    Look for a sign that says "Brimstone". Look for Kachino, ask others about him. Talk to him. To get the key to his room, go to the entrance and talk to the girl about the key there. Once you get the key, go to the elevator and go up to the rooms. Turn left twice and find a room. Open it and go inside. Go up the stairs, there is a table in the corner, open it, you will find Kachino's magazine. Return to Kachino. If you agree to remain silent about Omertas's plans, you will receive 100 caps from him.
    Now we need to find Troika. You need to go down to the lowest level, after exiting the elevator, walk past Gole and enter the left door. You will find yourself in a corridor with doors. Open everything in a row until you find the Troika in the room with thugs. Troika will ask you to release him from his contract with Big Sal. There are three options for action: with a pumped up conversation or barter, you can persuade Sal to cancel the contract. With pumped up medicine, we can say that the story is fake and, finally, you can simply search Sal's safe in search of evidence. As soon as you fulfill Troika's request, he will agree to help you and tell you about the weapon. Now we need to give him time to destroy the weapon. Now go back to Brimstone and talk to Kachino. He will report that the time of Big Sale and Nero is up and it's time to get rid of them. In the conference room, he will give you a weapon. Deal with Sal and Nero.
    Now we inform Mr. House in Lucky 38 that the Omertas gang no longer exists. Now he wants you to deal with the Brotherhood of Steel.

    The casino always wins. Part five.
    Go to NCR Prison. Head northeast to Hidden Valley for the Hidden Valley bunker. Come inside. Go downstairs and stand at the closed door. Wait until it opens, and then immediately run inside. Then the soldier will ask you to leave all your things here. Agree. Go down the stairs and at the bottom you will have a talk with the paladin Ramos. He will guide you to the elders.

    Still in the dark
    Talk to Elder McNamara. You will receive a task: get rid of the NCR ranger, who settled in one of the bunkers in the valley. In addition, you will receive a collar, "thanks" to which you will not be able to escape, it will explode if you try to escape. The bunker you need is located southeast of this place, go outside and go in this direction until you see a bunker with the inscription PEACE. Perhaps you will not find Dobson in place, in which case you will have to wait for him behind the box until ten in the evening. After waiting, you need to convince him to leave the territory. Return to Elder McNamara and report your success. He will relieve you of the collar and ask you to meet him in the command room.
    Follow him and talk again as soon as you get there. He will ask you to find three missing groups of soldiers and take their holographic records.
    Walk towards the exit. On the way, you will be stopped by the head of the paladins, Hardin, and will ask if you can be of use to each other. He needs the tapes you find to be with him, not with McNamara. Go outside and head east to the marker. In the radiation pit you will see corpses, grab the records and take away the laser guns. Go through the northwest gate.
    Use Pip Boy to travel to Nellis's base and head to the ruined houses in the south. Look for the body of another soldier, take the recording from the body. Next, you need to get to the REPCONN headquarters, it is located west of Lake Mead and southeast of New Vegas. Go through the eastern door to the first floor. Ask the guide robot to give you a tour of REPCONN. After reaching the last room (it will be the solar system room), open the door on the right and go up the stairs to the console. Pick up the key.
    Go to Elder McNamara in Hidden Valley and speak with him. The next assignment will be to find three Scouts of the Brotherhood. Head towards the next marker in the southwest. On the way, you will stumble upon a killer, either destroy him yourself, or wait for help from the NKR. Walk further south until you reach the scout. Talk to him and he will give you a report that you need to give McNamara. Now go to Nipton. Here you will have to get rid of Caesar's legionnaires who attacked you.
    By doing so, you have failed the "Cold, Cold Heart" quest.
    Then go to the next marker to the north. There you will find another scout. Take the report from him as well. Go to Novak and from there go northeast. Now return to the bunker to McNamara, he will ask you to talk to the Elder Knight Lorenzo about the filtration system.
    Go to the exit, carefully examining the floor on the way, when you see a piece of bare floor, go down there. Head north to reach a room with beds. Talk to Lorenzo there. He will ask you to search three shelters and find spare parts there to repair the air purification system. Vault number 11 is located to the east of the bunker, the entrance to it is on the west side of the hill. After passing through the first level, the clinic, turn left. Go further, all the time turning left until you find a door that leads to the living compartment. Enter and look for a room labeled Admin. Walk right towards the controller's room, go down the stairs, go through the doors to the lower level of the shelter. Before entering the controller's room, turn right, walk forward to the Utility sign, turn right again. Walk forward to the hall filled with water. We'll have to swim. Swim to the first door on the right. In the room there is a cabinet with a Differential Pressure Regulator. You can leave the shelter.
    Now go to Vault 22. The elevator is broken, fix it and go up to the living compartment to the fourth level. Jump down and open the door that says Quarters. Go to the first door on the left, prepare to fight. After destroying the attackers, take the Keycard from the bookshelf.
    Now take the lift to the third floor. exit the elevator and walk straight to the first door. Here use the terminal, open the door to the cave. Go through the tunnels to the wooden door, open it and go further until you find HEPA cartridges in the corner in the cabinet. Everybody is here.
    Then go southeast to the East entrance to the Ruins of South Vegas. Enter and continue south until you find shelter number three. To open the door, activate the console on the right. Inside, you will meet a representative of the Fiend faction, who can let you pass if you tell her that you have drugs. This can be done with a developed Conversation skill. Follow the corridor to the stairs on the right. Climb it. Here go left until you find the leader of the Motor-Runner. Talk to him, if there are drugs, sell him. Now go to the left of the leader's room. There, in a locker, you will find a Reverse Pulse Cleaner. Collect and exit the shelter. You can return to the bunker and give the spare parts to Lorenzo. Tell McNamaro about your successes, in gratitude he will give you the keys to the Brotherhood of Steel house, which is located in the northeast.
    You need to steal the key cards of McNamara, Chief Paladin Hardin and Chief Scribe Taggart. To do this, you need to have either a Science skill over 80 or Stealth Fight. In the room with Taggart, you need to activate the self-destruction mechanism; insert the stolen cards to confirm the password. Poke your mouse on the red keyboard and set the destruction sequence. It remains only to escape from the bunker and enjoy the spectacle. That's it, now go to New Vegas and please Mr. House.

    The casino always wins. Part six.
    Our task is to protect President Kibell from assassination attempt. Use Pip Boy to travel to Boulder City if you haven't discovered Hoover Dam. From Boulder City, head straight east. Look for Grant here and talk to him about your task. Now you have to wait a day, and the next day talk to the ranger again. He will tell you about your plans for the day.
    If you want to complete this quest in the fastest way - follow the ranger to the observation deck and inform Grant about your readiness. Wait for the turntable to land and follow the stairs at the corner. There you need to wait for the engineer to appear. Lack of permission to gain access to all parts of the dam will force you to be eloquent, 50 Speech points will help you to pass the guard standing by the stairs.
    Wait for the engineer to leave and go to the turntable. Looking at it, you will find a bomb. In order to defuse it, you need 50 points in Explosives or Repair. You can try to rummage in the pockets of the engineer and steal the detonator from him. After that, return to Grant and tell about the bomb found.

    The casino always wins. Part seven.
    House now needs you to install the Redistribution Chip in the Control Room of the El Dorado Electrical Substation. If you have already opened the substation, then use Pip Boy to move directly there, if not, go to Vault 11 and from there go west. Arriving at the place, go inside and activate the terminal on the right. The NCR soldiers will appear, get rid of them. Now destroy the rest outside the building.
    Go to the Strip towards the North Gate. Emily Ortal will approach you with a request to install a bug in House's network.

    The moon comes out from behind the tower.
    You need to go to Lucky 38. There you will find a staircase to the left of the casino. Go upstairs to the VIP zone. Activate the terminal behind the bar. Return to Emily and report success.
    Return to Mr. House and talk to him. Before deciding to side with House, finish all your business here, you can't go back. After you're done, agree to fight for the Hoover Dam.

    Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough - All or Nothing.
    You will be immediately transported to Hoover Tower. Go down to the second tower and go inside. Go through the door that says Hoover Dam Offices. Then go straight to the turn to the right, after the turn go into the second door on the left. Take the key to the safe room of the dam and go to the control room, to the right, it is guarded by members of the Brotherhood. After the destruction of the guard, go in and activate the big computer. Then go to the left and keep to the left all the time, as you reach the door, open it with the found key. Once on the platform, press the switch of the East Power Station on the left. Now go back and go to the kitchen. Exit through the door that leads to the Tower. Now to the Dam, turn southeast, and go to the gate of the Legates camp. Then east to Camp, northeast to find Legate Lanius. You need to kill him and get out of here.
    At the exit from the camp you will see an explosion, after which General Lee Oliver will appear and thank you. Tell the general that you are with House, robots will immediately surround him. He will give up your attempt to give him the surrender papers. We'll have to kill him and his assistants. Receive thanks to Mr. House and listen to his story about future plans.