Dixit or Imaginarium - which is better? Board game Dixit (Dixit) Dixit dixit

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Magic, fascinating, charming - these are the epithets I want to reward the board game "Dixit" with. Today I will review this board, one of the most beloved games in my collection.

To begin with, I will introduce you to general data. "Dixit" is designed for 6 people, the minimum acceptable number of players is 3, the average length of a game is 30 minutes. The author of the idea is Jean-Louse Roubira, the graphic designer is Marie Cardouat. Award - Speil des jahres 2010 - game of the year in 2010.

The composition of the game

A relatively small box comfortably fits a playing field, with marked points from 0 to 30, a large deck of cards (84 pieces), 6 multi-colored bunnies-chips and 6 sets of tokens with numbers from 1 to 6, painted in the corresponding colors, as bunnies.

Each player is assigned a color, he takes a bunny and a stack of tokens.

The number on the field is the points. As you can see from the photo, the game goes up to 30 points or when the deck of cards ends.

Each player takes tokens for himself, puts numbers down in front of him so that other players cannot know which token the player will play at the moment. Bunnies go to the starting position, to the number 0.

This is roughly how the bunnies jump over bumps with numbers during the game and bring their owner closer to victory:

- cards;

The most important part of Dixit is its cards. The cards in Dixit are a masterpiece! I rarely come across such soulful, thoughtful and deep things. The cards in Dixit are exactly the case. This is a case of a rare masterpiece of its creators. The artist Marie Cardouat is brilliant! In one deck of cards, she was able to express everything: joy and sadness, victory and defeat, depth and a thin layer of superficial perception. She is a psychologist and existentialist philosopher.

As I said earlier, the cards in Dixit are large, namely, 80x120 mm. This is a great size for a game like this - the images are large and comfortable to read. This size does not bother at all, but, on the contrary, brings in a lot of positive things, for example, the images on the maps are large and detailed, all the details are perfectly traced, you don't have to look hard to understand something.

Dixit is a cute and photogenic game. Look at this dragon, he is kind of evil, but at the same time - good. “Dixit” can be photographed indefinitely, you can tirelessly lay out beautiful cards, figurines of rabbits and player tokens in different compositions and take photos from different angles. Dixit is good!

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is extremely simple - during the game round guess the guessing card(he is the Narrator, he is the Leader - call it what you want, we use the first option).

Rules and course of the game

All players are dealt 6 cards. Guessing chooses any card from himself, speaks to it of the association that he has when viewing this card. Places face down in the center of the table. Attention! The association can be any: word, phrase, sound, gesture, facial expressions - here no one is limited in anything. Now it is the turn of the other players to choose a card on their hand so that it fits this association.

When all players place their cards in the center of the table on top of the first card of the Seer, the Seer takes this pile, carefully shuffles it and places it on the table, in a row, face up. Thus, in front of the players, their cards appear, which they chose from themselves under the Guesser's association.

It's time to make a choice, for this you need tokens with numbers. Everyone takes part in the voting, except for the Guessing One. Using the numbers on the tokens, each player will vote for the corresponding card on the table. To do this, first you need to agree on where the first card will be, keep counting relative to it and lay out tokens with numbers. Recommendation! During the round, while not all players have chosen a token with a number, place tokens strictly in front of you. This way you will not give a hint to other players if you put, for example, a token under a certain card. But no one forbids bluffing, for example, placing a token with the number 1 under the card number 3: lol:


I took the scoring into a separate item, because it is the scoring in "Dixit" that reveals the whole idea of ​​what is happening. Briefly by numbers:

1. All players guessed the hidden card - everyone, except the Mysterious One, gets 2 points.
2. None of the players guessed the hidden card - no one gets points.
3. In all other cases, both the Guessing and the guessers receive 3 points each.
4. If any of the guessers managed to confuse the opponent so that his card was chosen, he gets an additional point for each bet on his card, but the maximum is 3 points.

Now I will briefly talk about the concept of guessing cards, laying out my card for association, and voting at the end of the round.

1. It is necessary to guess so that the association is not very obvious, but also not slightly aloof. Otherwise, the Conjecture will not receive points (see paragraphs 1 and 2 above)
2. We must try to guess the guessing card (see above, item 3).
3. You should try to lay out the card as close as possible to the invented association (see paragraph 4 above).

The most productive and interesting round is obtained when the opinions of the guessers are scattered and the votes are spread across all the players' cards. In such rounds, it is especially interesting to discuss why this, and not otherwise, the players cast their votes. It is a great pleasure to understand how other people's thoughts work.

The bottom line of the idea of ​​the game: The guessing person should always think of optimally blurred associations - not too obvious and not too incomprehensible, and those who guess should put cards that are most suitable for the associations. This is the key to a fun and exciting game for all players. Checked!

After calculating the points, you need to move your bunnies to the corresponding numbers, take one card from the deck. After that, the next person in the circle becomes the guessing person and the round is repeated, but with other cards and other associations.

Impressions of the game "Dixit"

The game is awesome! This is one of my favorite games, it is definitely in my TOP-3. Gorgeous design, gorgeous idea give an unforgettable experience during the gameplay.

Dixit is definitely recommended to everyone who likes to play in large companies, so six of them are the best lineup for this game. Because everyone plays at the same time (lay out cards and vote), then there is no delay and waiting, therefore, the more people play, the better and more fun.

The game is suitable for everyone: for playing with children, for playing with friends, for playing for several generations at the table. My kindergarteners and grandparents can play well together, everyone has a lot of fun.

Dixit's super mega ability - he great for playing with newbies and strangers... If you are embarrassed by someone in the company and feel awkward in communicating with strangers, then "Dixit" will quickly melt the ice between you. You will play and feel warmth and lightness between yourself, like bosom friends. Checked 120%!

While playing with your friends and relatives, you will be surprised to notice that your loved ones are opening up for you from other, previously unknown to you, sides. It's great! "Dixit" brings together, liberates, pleases, impress, entertains and develops! This is a very good game, this is the best game. Having played at least once, you will forever become a fan of this game and will always play it.

More about figurines

Dice bunnies are made in such a way that they easily transform into other animals - beavers and squirrels.

Put the hare upside down - its ears will turn into a powerful tail and it will turn into a beaver.

Hello my dear readers! Ksenia, mother of two children, is with you.

Today's my review of the board game Dixit. Below I will briefly call it I.



Dixit is I. on the association. She is known in many countries and even received 15 international awards (“Game of the Year” awards in Germany, France, USA, Canada, Italy and other countries).

The extraordinary maps were drawn by the French artist Marie Cardua.


I. is sold in a large colorful box (20 * 20 cm) made of very dense quality cardboard.

I. is suitable for children from 8 years old, as well as for fun evenings with family and friends.

Its duration is about 30 minutes, the number of players is from 3 to 6.

Under the cover we see the playing field, rabbit figurines (tokens), tokens and cards.

In this I. there are 84 cards. Here are just a few of them. They are amazing :)).

The multi-colored rabbit chips are solidly made of wood, smooth and pleasant to the touch, the paint has not peeled off in 5 years.

Together with the chips, the players are given tokens of the corresponding color.

Rules is available in almost any language except Russian :).

Here are the rules in English.

How to play?

Players choose for themselves one rabbit and tokens of the same color (their number is equal to the number of players).

Let's say there are 3 players in total. Rabbits are placed at the Start of the playing field. I chose a blue rabbit for myself, and the rest of the players chose yellow and white.

Players are dealt face down to 6 cards (5 fit in the photo below).

Let's say I am the first driver (storyteller) who makes everyone an association with any of my cards.

The association can be expressed by a word, phrase, an excerpt from a song, gesture, facial expressions.

In the photo below are my cards.

I come up with an association with the card depicting toys in the store - "Sadness" and say this word out loud.

The rest of the players are looking for a card that matches this association in their hand.

The selected cards are then dealt face-down to the narrator. He mixes them together with his

And he puts them open on the table, while announcing their numbering (for example, from left to right from 1 to 3).

Important: during the opening of cards, everyone needs to keep their emotions under control so that other players do not guess where whose card is :).

Then all players (except the storyteller, of course) vote to try to find a storyteller card. To do this, tokens are placed face-down in the middle of the table.

In this layout, we see that the player with the yellow rabbit guessed my card, and with the white one - he was wrong (voted for the player's card with the yellow rabbit).

Now we are counting points for this round.

  1. If all players guessed the driver's card, then they get 2 points, and the driver gets zero, because too simple an association associated with this card was made.
  1. If none of the players guessed the driver's card, then they get 2 points again, and the narrator - nothing, because it turned out to be too difficult a riddle.
  1. In other cases, the driver gets 3 points for each player who voted for him (if there are more than 3 players), and the rest of the players get 3 points for guessing the storyteller's association. Also, players receive one point for each player who voted for his card.

The more players, the more interesting it is to play and the more points can be earned in one round for both the narrator and the rest of the participants.

After scoring, the rabbits move around the field in accordance with the number of points scored in that round.

After each round, the players take a sixth card from the deck.

The game ends when no cards remain in your hand.

The last storyteller has the hardest part, since the rest have no choice :))).

Where can you buy such a wonderful game?

I bought it from this store.

There are good cumulative discounts here (I already have 15%) and not expensive delivery at all, which is now a rarity among online stores.

Also here you can find the continuation and additions of Dixit.

Yes, this I. is a little expensive, but it is worth it, because it leaves behind an unforgettable experience!

After graduation from I. we discuss it for a long time and share our emotions with each other :).

By the way, in Russia there was an analogue of this I. - Imaginarium, the price tag for it is 2 times less.

Thank you for your attention!

Leave comments, advise more interesting games, we with children and in the company love to play!


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Fun fun for the whole family.

Helped us to adapt to the kindergarten quickly and painless.


We have one great board game. It is called "Dixit" ("Dixit")... We were presented with it by our relatives from Canada and it is very fond of all members of our large and friendly family.
When friends come to us, they also happily play it with us.
Once we took her with us to a picnic on the occasion of our wedding anniversary and it turned out that one of my sisters (she was there too) had additional cards for this game. We played great and laughed heartily! Recently we ourselves have bought a new additional series of cards, it became even more interesting to play.
This game develops well speech, imagination and a sense of humor, as well as the ability to analyze, intuition, quick wit.
A bit of history: The Dixit board game was created by Jean-Louis Rubier. Produced by Libellud. In 2010, the game won the prestigious German Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year) award. Interesting for its original illustrations of maps (the author of the pictures is Marie Cardua).
Some of our friends, after playing with us in Dixit, really wanted to buy such a game for themselves. Found an analogue called "Imaginarium".
Now I'll tell you how to actually play Dixit.
84 cards (format 80 x 120 mm)
tokens with voting numbers
score counter
6 wooden rabbit chips

Rules of the game:
The game is designed for 3-6 players, I recommend playing it for adults and children over 5 years old. The duration of one batch is approximately 30-40 minutes.
Each player chooses one rabbit for himself and receives tokens of the corresponding color with numbers for voting. That is, if someone took a pink rabbit, they also receive pink tokens. If 6 people are playing, then all 6 tokens are given to everyone. And if there are fewer players, then the extra tokens (with numbers 6, 5 ...) can be put aside, they will not be needed. So, how many players - so many tokens you get, starting from number 1 and up to the required number in ascending order. The points counter should be located in the middle so that it is convenient for all players to vote.
Then each player is given 6 cards, nobody should see other people's pictures. The rest of the cards are stacked face down and are gradually given out one to each player after each vote.
Players take turns. The player, whose turn it is to move, chooses any card that he likes and comes up with a name for it, with which he associates it. It can be one word, phrase, expression, or even a sound! He puts it face down and names his association. All other players find in their cards the most similar to this description and also put them face down. The cards are shuffled and revealed. They are laid out in an even row with a picture upward along the score counter (there are numbers from one edge from 1 to 6). No one says where his card is and the one who made the guess does not give any clues with eyes or words. All players, except for the one who guessed the name, vote with their tokens for the card number that, in their opinion, was put by the guesser. If it seems to you that the card that lies at number 1 is the same one that the guessing person put, then you put the token with number 1, and so on. Everyone should strive to guess where the hidden card is. We put the voting token so that it is not visible what number is on it, so that others cannot spy on it (with the number down).
When everyone has voted, the tokens are turned over and the guessing person says what his card was and who guessed it.
Next comes the scoring and moving the rabbits the corresponding number of steps forward.

Points scoring:
The player can earn points both in the role of the Storyteller (guessing), and in the role of guessing.
If everyone guesses the original card, then everyone except the Storyteller gets 2 points.
If no one guessed the original card, then everyone except the Storyteller gets 2 points.
In all other cases, both the Storyteller and the guessers receive 3 points.
If any of the guessers managed to confuse the opponent, so that his card was chosen, he receives an additional point for each bet on his card.

The game ends when the deck of cards ends. The player with the most points wins.

Adults probably understand this, but I advise children to explain that associations should not be too obvious, otherwise everyone will guess your card and you will not earn points. However, if the association turns out to be too complicated, then perhaps no one will be able to guess your picture, and then you will not get points either.

I wish you all pleasant associations! Play with your kids!

A short description for the game Dixit:

What is Dixit game? These are just a couple of hundred maps, they depict, of various kinds, illustrations and drawings. The pictures are so abstract that Picasso himself would have envied the imaginations of artists. And you look at them, and you do not understand what is drawn here, how it is connected with each other and what the author wanted to say by this. But, oddly enough, this is the whole point of the game Dixit: Come up with your own association for the selected picture.

But this is of course a superficial description of the game. That is, when they ask me: - "And Dixit, what kind of game is this?" I answer: "Yes, this is an association game." And everything seems to be explained. But let's delve a little deeper into the gameplay of the game, since before you is not just the game "Crocodile" or "Alias", everything is much more interesting.

For starters, the dry rules of the Dixit / Dixit game:

  1. Each player is dealt 6 cards. He looks at them and studies them, doesn't show them to anyone else.
  2. Each player takes turns (let's say clockwise).
  3. On his turn, the player chooses a card from his hand and comes up with an association (absolutely any) for it.
  4. The player places the chosen card face down on the table and pronounces (if these are words) his association. Remember, you can explain the association as you like, even with words, even with a pantomime, but you can generally remain silent and do nothing.
  5. The rest of the players rummage around in their fan of cards and choose one that is most suitable for the association of the leading player. And then lay them face down on the table.
  6. All the cards laid out on the table are shuffled and laid out one after the other with pictures upside down.
  7. All players, except the leader, must guess his card out of all, based on his association.

More about the rules of the game and scoring, welcome to the review for the game:

And now what it actually looks like:

The lead player must consider several factors when choosing a card and association to it. First, with whom he plays, what knowledge surrounds his opponents. Secondly, roughly imagine what cards can be found in the hands of neighbors. Thirdly, you yourself have not bad knowledge and imagination.

How does this manifest itself in the game? It's simple. Ideally, the leading player should choose a card and, most importantly, an association to it so that everyone guesses, except for one. Hard? In the first few hands, yes. And then understanding comes unexpectedly and the game starts to be many times more interesting.

All in your hands. Everything is in your imagination.

What awaits you in the PNP "Dixit / Dixit 2: Opening"

  1. Standard set of 84 cards, in PDF format. There is a marking for trimming.
  2. The rules of the game in two versions (choose whichever you like) in PDF format.
  3. Back for cards.

It is best to print on a color printer, since the illustrations are still in the foreground in the game.

Most importantly, remember that the material is provided as an introduction, throw it out as you play and run to buy it in the store. 😉

Dixit invites you to the land of associations and fantasies. The game attracts attention with incredibly colorful author's pictures, on which the most talented artists worked. Having fun with friends or with your family with relatives and children, you will forget what fatigue is. All thoughts will be aimed at confusing the opponent, but at the same time presenting an association that is understandable to other players. Dixit improves mood, trains the imagination and develops communication skills.

The rules of the game are simple - it is necessary to describe one of the drawing on hand by means of associations. But you need to do this wisely, because other players should put on the table such pictures that, in their opinion, are most suitable for the leader's association. If all the participants guess your riddle - you will not get points, if you complicate the explanation too much and no one will vote for the picture - you will not see victory points either. Show originality and a unique style of thinking, while using words or sentences, verses from a song, catchphrases, gestures or facial expressions - in general, anything that your fantasy tells you. The most creative player with the highest score wins.

There are at least three reasons why you should take a closer look at the game Dixit: unique decoration, simple but addictive mechanics and, of course, love and recognition around the world.


  • 84 cards;
  • playing field;
  • 6 wooden figurines of rabbits;
  • 36 voting tokens;
  • rules of the game.

Video for the board game Dixit Promotion!

Reviews for the board game Dixit Promotion!


At home there are all games from the Imaginarium series and all have already been played for 100 laps. They knew about the existence of Dixit and that it was one and the same, but since it was more expensive, they bypassed it. Well, since now there is no choice left, we came to our beloved Igrotime for Dixit. We were told that Dixit is a French original, and Imaginarium is a Russian analogue, so the price of Dixit is higher. Having opened the game at home, we were pleasantly surprised, the game just wraps itself in a fabulous atmosphere, we just fell in love with these illustrations. Definitely for a family with children, Dixit is much better suited than a maginarium. Now we start to collect a new collection)

Answer: Quite rightly, Dixit is great for playing with the family, while the Imaginarium is more suited for parties. By the way, here you can find bundles of add-ons with a discount!


I like games where fantasy works. And here she works 100%. Despite its intricacy, even children were imbued with it. By the way, playing with them is often even more interesting than with adults. And harder. Their imagination works differently, but this is even a plus) The game was bought based on reviews from the Internet, they did not regret it. Special thanks to the store.

Answer: We are glad that you liked the game! By the way, the mechanics of the game are quite popular, pay attention to similar games Imaginarium, Factum, Fancy. And then there is the game Mysterium, where this mechanic is woven into a detective story. And very soon there will be a new Empatio game, where, in addition to associations, emotions are very important! Oh yeah, be sure to check out 500 evil cards for an adult company and Nyashka for playing with children!