How does an onion grow? Reproduction of onion slime. Preparing the soil for planting onions

Decorative bows - Alliums, are very diverse and are able to decorate any garden with bright balls of their inflorescences. Unpretentious bulbous plants begin to bloom in late spring and “freeze” for a long time at the peak of beauty. And even after the end of flowering, during the ripening of seeds, the drying heads of decorative onions look very attractive.

Dutch onion ‘Purple Sensation’. © Jay Peg Content:

Description of decorative bow

Ornamental onions are close relatives of the common edible onion and garlic and are part of the onion subfamily ( Alliaceae) of the Amaryllis family ( Amaryllidaceae). If you rub the leaf, stem or bulb of any plant from this family, you will get an easily recognizable "onion" or "garlic" smell. In nature, there are several hundred species of onions that grow in the northern hemisphere.

Linear or belt-like leaves of onions are basal. Each onion flower is quite small in size, but the flowers are combined into an inflorescence, which gives the main decorative effect to the plant.

Balls of inflorescences of some ornamental onions can reach 30 cm in diameter, for example, Christopher's Bow ( Allium cristophii). Most ornamental onions bloom in May-June, but there are also autumn-flowering varieties. Flowering of some species can last quite a long time and even after it ends, the plant will not lose its attractive appearance. So, dried balls of inflorescences of Christoph's ornamental onion look no less charming in the autumn garden than bright purple ones in the spring.

Gigantic bow ‘Globemaster’. © amy

Features of growing ornamental onions

Location: Most of the onions are photophilous, so sunny areas and southern slopes with well-drained loose fertile soils are chosen for them. Better illumination determines the color intensity of flowers and leaves.

The soil: A soil solution reaction close to neutral is preferred. At a pH below 5, the soil must be limed.

Fertilizers: When preparing a site for planting onions, the soil is filled with rotted compost and a complete mineral fertilizer with microelements is applied, based on its fertility indicators. Like all bulbous plants, ornamental onions are very sensitive to a lack of potassium in the soil. An excellent potash fertilizer for them is wood ash.

Watering: Onions tolerate well both short-term drought and short-term waterlogging of the soil. Sufficient moisture supply is a necessary condition for the normal development of plants in the first half of the growing season, when the leaf apparatus and flowering shoots are formed. With a lack of moisture, leaf growth stops and resumes again when watering.

Onion stalk ‘Mount Everest’. © Pressebereich Dehner

Ornamental bow care

When growing ornamental species of the genus Allium in a temperate zone, it is best to dig up the bulbs annually after the seeds have ripened and the leaves have dried out and plant them again in the fall.

The fact is that ephemeroid onions and many xerophytic bulbous species originate from the middle zone of the mountains of Central Asia - a zone with hot, dry summers and winters with frequent thaws. At home, after the end of the growing season at the end of June, the bulbs of these species are in warm, dry soil until autumn. There is practically no rain during this period.

In central Russia, if the second half of summer turns out to be damp and cool, the bulbs left in the ground can be affected by diseases and rot. Therefore, it is better to dig them out, dry them well and store them at room temperature in a dry, ventilated room until autumn. In areas with favorable environmental conditions, the bulbs can not be dug out every year, but when thickened, the plants become smaller and bloom worse.

In autumn, bulbs are planted after a steady decrease in soil and air temperature, usually in the third decade of September. The optimum temperature for rooting bulbs is the soil temperature in the zone of root formation at the level of 10 °C. The depth of planting bulbs is determined on the basis that above its top point there is a layer of earth equal to three heights of the bulb itself. Accordingly, large bulbs are planted much deeper than small ones.

It is better to plant in a moistened furrow; on top of the planting, mulch with humus or peat, which should prevent the formation of a soil crust. In autumn, the growth of roots continues until the temperature of the soil in the zone of their occurrence drops to +2..+3 °С. Bulbs of some species - moth onions, Ostrovsky, pink, blue, blue-blue - can be planted in autumn and spring after storage in a cool, dry place. Small onions are best stored in peat or sawdust to prevent them from drying out.

Bulbous-rhizomatous species are grown in perennial culture and propagate by dividing the bushes. Plants are transplanted after 3-5 years, sometimes even after 7 years, but in this case, the plantings must be thinned out and self-seeding should not be allowed.

The optimal planting dates are early spring and late summer, with the expectation that the divisions are well rooted before frost.

Every spring, the site should be deeply loosened, cleaned of plant residues and snow mold. Plant care during the growing season is common - weeding, loosening and mulching the soil.

Plants are watered only with a clear lack of moisture, they are necessarily fed in the spring after the leaves grow back, as well as in the budding and bulb formation phase and at the end of summer with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to improve the overwintering of plants. For spring top dressing, complex mineral fertilizers (NPKMg) with microelements are used, selecting forms with a high nitrogen content in the nitrate form.

In summer, liquid top dressing is carried out with a solution of mineral fertilizers. When fertilizing in August, granular phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied in dry form. For the winter, plantings can be mulched with peat or humus.

Bow of Christoph. © plantify

Reproduction of decorative onions

Onions are propagated by seeds and vegetatively.

Seeds are sown in spring or autumn. Seedlings dive into well-lit ridges. There are two important things to keep in mind when seeding. Firstly, the seeds of many species, for example, xerophytic ephemeroids - giant onions, Aflatun, stalk, etc., germinate only during winter sowing, after exposure to the complex of conditions of the autumn-winter season on the seeds. It is not even always possible to replace it with the same shelf life of seeds in the refrigerator.

And secondly, when grown from seeds, many types of onions - anzury, wild garlic, etc. - bloom in the 3-8th year, only after the bulbs have reached a mass sufficient for reproductive development. The ephemeroid onion species with a short annual vegetation period have the longest juvenile stage.

Vegetative reproduction of bulbous species occurs during the branching (division) of the bulbs and the formation of baby bulbs developing on the bottom and stolons of the mother bulb. The degree of branching of the bulb and the ability to form children are species characteristics. Rhizome species, characterized by active branching of shoots, reproduce mainly by dividing the bush.

When growing plants from seeds, bushes can be divided from the third year of life. The delenki are sections of the rhizome with two or three intact shoots and well-developed roots. In all species, small onions - bulbs - can form on the inflorescences. Their formation can be stimulated artificially by cutting the buds and treating them with growth regulators. Bulbs can be used for planting. This is a valuable planting material that is younger in stages and free from phytopathogens.

Round bow. © Patrick Standish

Using a decorative bow in design

Decorative onions are used in group plantings, mixborders, undersized species - on rocky hills. Cut decorative bows decorate the interior for a long time, almost for 2 weeks, and dried plants can be used for dry bouquets. From the bows you can create a garden of continuous flowering.

Types and varieties of decorative onions

Decorative bow ‘Globemaster’- very good garden form. It begins to bloom in June, and often ends with the onset of autumn. Spherical inflorescences, having a diameter of up to 25 cm, consist of many star-shaped flowers. Peduncles appearing between shiny green leaves reach a height of 80 cm.

Ornamental Bow ‘Purple Sensation’- a well-known garden form of an ornamental onion of hybrid origin with dark purple flowers. Representatives of this variety are reproduced by seeds. Normally up to 70 cm high, with slightly ribbed stems, protruding leaves up to 4 cm wide and cup-shaped dark purple flowers.

Decorative bow ‘Mount Everest’- decorative onion with large white flowers and long arrows growing up to 120 cm. Beautifully shaped leaves remain green for a long time. Spherical umbrellas with a diameter of 15 cm consist of several dozen white star-shaped flowers. Cut inflorescences are used to make bouquets.

Round-headed bow ‘Hair’. © Patrick Standish

Decorative bow ‘Hair’- decorative bow with unique flowers and gray leaves. Widely used in landscape flower beds and for cutting. A plant with a pleasant aroma, easy to propagate, does not present difficulties in culture. Ideal for containers, mass planting, borders, and cutting. Blooms from late spring for 3 weeks.

Ornamental round-headed or ball-headed bow (Allium sphaerocephalon) is a very beautiful plant that can be planted in flower beds with other perennial herbs. It is also placed on lawns and lawns, as well as between or under fruit trees, as is often done in England. When planted in large groups, the ball-headed onion looks as impressive as possible.

Schubert bow. © Simone

Decorative bow Schubert (Allium schubertii) is so unusual that when you first see this plant, you will not immediately understand that it is an onion. Blooms in June. This plant is usually planted in the foreground of the rock garden, where it attracts attention with its originality. The bulbs are not frost-resistant, so they need shelter for the winter.

Unusual appearance, the possibility of early cutting of greens, the possibility of using daughter bulbs for food, suitability for winter forcing, minimal care, as well as the possibility of growing in one place up to 5–7 years, make multi-tiered onions one of the most interesting representatives of onions. Unfortunately, varieties of multi-tiered onions are few in number, and it is still rare to find it on personal plots, unlike the closest relative of the onion-batun. We hope that our article will help you decide and start growing this onion in your garden.

Bulbs are suitable for both food and plant propagation.

Origin and characteristics

Scientists believe that the bow is multi-tiered ( ) appeared as a result of natural hybridization of onions and batun, presumably in China, from where it was brought to Europe in the Middle Ages. It does not occur in the wild. For its exotic appearance, it is also called the Egyptian walking and horned. Less common is the name Canadian onion.

Outwardly, this species resembles a batun, although it has a different structure of the flower arrow, on which bulbs ripen instead of seeds. In terms of taste, the feather is closer to onions, especially when young. This plant is characterized by hollow fistulate leaves up to 2 cm in diameter. Before the appearance of air bulbs, the feathers of the tier retain a fairly delicate structure and can be used as food. Underground bulbs are small, but basal daughter bulbs are actively formed, eventually forming large nests that require division.

The second tier is even tastier than the first.

At the top of the arrow of this bow, 2-3 bulbs appear, reaching 3 cm in diameter. After the formation of the first air bulbs, the mother plant continues to grow a peduncle and new rows of air bulbs, however, with each successive tier, their size will decrease and the number will increase.

The high frost resistance of this species deserves special attention. It can be planted before winter and get onion greens the next year much earlier than when using other perennial species.

Reproduction features

It is impossible to get the seeds of this onion - the main method of reproduction is vegetative. Strongly overgrown nests can be dug out entirely and divided into several parts. If there is no need to plant the plant, it is possible to separate the daughter underground bulbs during the season and use them for food.

The air bulbs of this culture are collected for seeds and from them the cultivation of new plants is carried out. Of course, these vegetative organs cannot completely replace Nigella, but they still help to rejuvenate the plant.

Air bulbs must be collected immediately after the formation of root tubercles on the bottom, especially if these are seeds that will be planted only next year. It should be borne in mind that the bulbs do not have a dormant period and immediately begin to germinate. If time is lost, in order to collect high-quality planting material for a multi-tiered onion, you will have to wait for the formation of a new tier. Sprouted bulbs can be planted immediately in the ground. However, autumn planting is preferable, because winter cultivation allows you to get early greenery and you do not need to worry about creating conditions for storing planting material in winter.

Important! To get high-quality seeds, you should not cut the leaves for greens more than two or three times during the season.

Strongly overgrown nests are divided into parts

Condition Requirements

This bow requires minimal care, but the demands that the culture makes on the soil and planting site are quite high. The best option would be a well-warmed area, from which snow melts early and water does not linger.

The soil should be loose, fertile, normal acidity. Plants respond well to organic matter. It is better to plant a crop after legumes, cabbage, potatoes, beets, zucchini, cucumbers.

Growing technology

If the cultivation of multi-tiered onions is carried out in open ground, then planting material is planted in rows with row spacing of 25 cm and a distance between bulbs of 5–8 cm. This planting pattern is acceptable for underground bulbs and large bulbs. For small planting material, the distance between plants in a row can be reduced to 3–5 cm, followed by thinning. Care when growing from bulbs and underground bulbs is the same.

If you plan to grow perennial in one place without a transplant, it is better to increase the distance between plants to 20–30 cm. In this case, you can plant the bulbs thicker, but after the growth of the greens, remove them together with the bulbs for food use.

Advice! It is preferable to divide the planting material immediately before planting, because the undivided bulbs are stored much better.

When grown in a greenhouse and on a windowsill, to obtain fresh greens, bulbs or large bulbs are planted in boxes with nutrient soil close to each other and watered periodically. A fresh feather can be obtained after 3 weeks, even if the temperature does not exceed +10–12 °C. At the same time, bulbs for distillation do not have to be dug up in advance and stored. During winter thaws, it is quite possible to dig a bush directly from the garden.

The distance between plants is increased when perennial cultivation is planned.

Features of care

The necessary care for onions is to thin out plantings in a timely manner, loosen the soil between rows, fertilize, remove dried and damaged leaves. Multi-tiered onions are fed with liquid organic matter

Additional care will be required only during the formation of bulbs. To prevent flower stalks from breaking off, it is necessary to tie them to stakes or pull on supporting twine, especially for those plants from which you expect seeds.


This species has not yet become widespread. Not all existing varieties are included in the state register, but scientists are conducting breeding work to develop new forms.

The following varieties of multi-tiered onions are known:

  • Gribovsky-38;
  • Odessa winter 12;
  • Likova;
  • Memory;
  • Chelyabinsk.

This original culture will not cause trouble, and the beneficial properties of the plant compensate for all the cares of growing. The care that the plant needs is minimal, and the amount of the harvested crop can reach up to 16 kg per 1 m 2. In addition, the interesting appearance of the plant can make the horned onion a real highlight of the ornamental garden.

Propagation of bulbous crops

Reproduction of lilies - by dividing the nest of bulbs 1. The easiest way to propagate lilies is by dividing the nest of bulbs. Every year, young bulbs grow on the bottom of the bulb. After 3-4 years, a real nest is formed from them, consisting of 4-6 bulbs, crowding each other. In order for the lily to develop normally, they must be separated. Then plant each bulb, and preferably in a new place. It is better to do this in early September. But division and planting in the spring are allowed (before sprouts appear above the ground). In the first year, lilies planted after dividing the nest must be especially carefully looked after, not forgetting to water and feed. Then they will bloom in full force in the 3rd year.

How to propagate lilies with baby bulbs

2. Separation and planting of baby bulbs. These bulbs form on the underground part of the stem. In early September, they must be separated without digging out the mother bulb, and immediately planted to a depth of 4-5 cm. It is still too early for the children in the flower garden, so it is better to first plant it on a bed with light nutrient soil, and after a year or two relocate to a permanent place.

When propagated by baby bulbs, the lily blooms in the 3-4th year. Earlier flowering also occurs, but it is undesirable, since the plant has not yet gained strength. In this case, the buds are best removed.

1 - bulb with children;

2 - bulb after separation of the children;

3 - rooted bulbs

Method for obtaining lily bulbs from scales

3. Obtaining bulbs from scales. This is the fastest and most profitable way of reproduction. From one bulb, you can get up to 150 new ones, since many lilies are able to form bulbs even on part of the scale. The operation to separate the scales can be carried out throughout the year, but it is better either in early spring or during autumn digging-transplantation.

The bulb taken out of the ground must be washed and the scales should be very carefully separated. Separated scales should be washed, held for 15 minutes in a bright solution of potassium permanganate and slightly dried. When planting, it is necessary to deepen so that the scales are two-thirds of the height in the ground. In open ground, scales with onions formed on them are planted in May.

As already mentioned, you can separate the scales in the spring. Then they need to be immediately planted in open ground. When propagated by scales, lilies bloom in the 3rd year.

1 - separation of scales;

2 - bulb after separation of scales;

3 - bulbs formed on the scales

4. Lilies from stem bulbs. Most bulbous varieties are among Asian hybrids. The number and size of bulbs depend on the variety, agricultural technology, weather conditions, age, abundance of flowering. So, they will be larger in young plants or with removed buds. Good agricultural practices, high humidity contribute not only to an increase in the size of the air bulbs, but also to the formation of their roots right on the stem.

Collection of bulbs should be carried out after flowering, when they are easily separated.

1 - stem with buds;

2 - stem after their removal;

3 - rooted buds


They reproduce both by seeds and vegetatively. Seeds are sown before winter or in spring.

A number of bulbous crops are usually propagated only vegetatively using their vegetative organs: cuttings, bulbs, tubers, rhizomes.

After the formation of a well-developed root system, the plants are planted in a permanent place.

Tomato, potato, tarragon and lovage are propagated in this way. Propagation by root cuttings is used to breed horseradish. When harvesting horseradish, some root branches thinner than 1.5 cm, as well as short rhizomes 1.5-2 cm thick, can be planted in the soil and new plants can be obtained. If the root cuttings are 20-25 cm long, then they can be planted in a permanent place and they will give full-fledged food organs in the first year. From small root cuttings, vegetables cannot form in the first year, so they are planted in a nursery for growing. This makes it possible to obtain a full-fledged planting material for laying beds for the next year.

Reproduction by dividing rhizomes is a simple and convenient way of vegetative propagation, as it simultaneously contributes to the healing and rejuvenation of the mother plant. The rhizomes of perennial crops, such as rhubarb, asparagus, tarragon, lovage, are divided into parts so that each has at least 2 renewal buds, and planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction by bulbs. In sharp varieties of onions, as well as shallots, garlic, the bulbs form from 3-5 to 25 cloves, from which, after planting in a permanent place, independent plants grow. Perennial multi-tiered onions and arrowing forms of garlic form air bulbs (bulbs), planting which, you can get independent plants that can produce next year's harvest. Reproduction by tubers is practiced when growing potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke. The tuber is a modified underground stem, on which the eyes with buds are located. Under favorable conditions, above-ground stems and underground stolons grow from the eyes, where tubers are subsequently formed. Each tuber can form 5 to 15 new tubers. With a lack of planting material, they resort to dividing the tubers, cutting them across and planting the upper and lower lobes separately. If it is necessary to quickly multiply one or another variety, the tubers are germinated in the soil. The resulting sprouts are carefully broken off and planted first in a greenhouse, and then in a permanent place. This method allows you to get a large number of new plants from one tuber.

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Onions are one of the types of onions that are most common among gardeners. Plants of this species do not form underground bulbs, they are used as fresh herbs. The most popular are perennial bows, which can grow up to 10 years in one place.

Planting onions

It is best to start preparing the soil in the fall. The earth needs to be dug up, about 20 cm deep, and rotted manure or compost should be added. It is not recommended to apply fresh manure, this can cause diseases, because it may contain weed seeds that are not so easy to remove. In case of increased acidity of the soil, lime must be added to get a good harvest. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to introduce both manure and lime at the same time, because. the amount of nitrogen will decrease. Lime can be replaced with dolomite flour or wood ash.

With the advent of spring, you need to fertilize the soil with minerals, but not immediately, but in several passes, because. high salt concentration negatively affects the culture. Half of the mineral fertilizer should be applied when digging before planting, and the rest can be distributed over 2-3 top dressings during the growing season.

Planting material preparation

If the sevok is purchased, it is dried before planting. To do this, it must be scattered in a small layer in a warm room. If the sevok is grown on its own, it is heated so that the growth process begins. It is recommended to warm up in several visits: half a month at 20 ° C, and after that - about 10 hours at 30 ° C. Warming up the sevka is carried out in order to activate growth and to prevent the shooting of onions in the future. It is important to ensure that the sevok does not overheat, because. its growth will be greatly reduced.

If gradual heating does not work, right before planting, the seeds should be poured with hot water (45 ° C) for 15 minutes, then cooled with cold water. It is effective to treat after heating with "Zircon", "Humisol" or "Growth-1", which stimulate the growth of onions. The last thing to do before planting is to disinfect the seedlings with copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.


The landing time is greatly affected by weather conditions. If spring has come early, you need to plant sevok in third decade of April, and in the case of a protracted cold spring, wait until the soil warms up by 7-8 cm. If the soil temperature is below 12 ° C, you should not plant onions, because. he will go to the arrow. But it is also not advisable to be late with landing, especially in dry and warm spring, because. the feather will begin to develop first, and the root will lag behind in development. As a result, the greens will not be able to germinate normally, and the bulbs that have already formed will remain small. You need to plant sevok in the beds in rows, sorting them by size in advance. A small set (up to 1 cm) is planted at a distance of 4-5 cm, a set with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm - at a distance of 6-8 cm; large sets (2 cm) - by 8-10 cm.

Rows are recommended to be done at a distance of 20 cm, so that the processing is easier, as well as for good ventilation. Having placed the sowing in the ground, it must be compressed with earth and covered with mulch with a layer of about 3 cm. After 6-7 days, the first shoots most often appear.

Onion care

Onion care includes loosening the soil, regular watering, weeding, fertilizing, treatment against diseases and insects, and timely harvesting.


You need to loosen the soil even before germination, because. during this period, a dense crust of the earth may form. It is recommended to loosen frequently, in parallel getting rid of weeds. Loosening is necessary so that the roots of the plant constantly receive oxygen. It is especially important to carry out this procedure after wetting the soil. When the bulbs grow a little, you can shovel the ground away from them so that they can grow large and ripen faster.


Onions should be watered regularly, especially in the first half of the growing season. At this time, watering should be done a couple of times a week. If the days are rainy, watering can be reduced. The main thing is that the soil is not dry. In July, when the bulbs begin to ripen, watering should be reduced, and completely stopped a couple of weeks before harvesting. In the case of a hot and dry summer, the onions at this time should be watered occasionally so that the bulbs do not stagnate and do not fade.


It is impossible for onions to become overgrown with weeds, because. because of this, the humidity will increase, which will provoke fungal diseases. Moreover, if onions grow on unweeded beds, a thickened juicy neck is formed, which complicates the onion drying in the future and its storage.


You need to feed the onion several times. The first is carried out half a month after planting with slurry or bird droppings. You also need to feed the plant after three weeks. If minerals are used as top dressing, it is first recommended to add nitrogen, for example, ammonium nitrate. In this case, after three weeks, nitrogen must be applied with potash fertilizer.

Minerals are applied in a dry form, sprinkling beds with them before rain or artificial irrigation. Or dry minerals can be broken up in water and watered with such a solution.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Onion is a fungicidal plant, but despite this, it also gets sick and becomes insect food, so it is imperative to carry out preventive treatment against fungal diseases and insects.

For processing, you can independently prepare a solution from copper sulfate (1 tsp), liquid soap (1 tbsp) and water (10 l). The onion must be sprayed with a ready-made solution after its leaves grow 12-15 cm long. Also, for prevention, onions and soil can be dusted with wood ash or tobacco dust. After 20 days, the treatment is repeated.


So that in the future the onion can be stored for a long time, it must be collected in a timely manner. Harvesting of winter onions is usually carried out in July, and spring onions - at the end of summer. When the feather no longer grows, and the old greenery has already dried up and died, the bulb is pulled out and inspected. If the husk is dry, bright and tightly covers the bulb, you can harvest. If you are late with the collection of onions, they will continue to grow and release greens. It can be eaten, but it is not suitable for storage.

Onion heads should be carefully dug up and, in dry weather, laid out on a row so that they dry out. If the day is rainy, the bulbs are dried under cover. When they are completely dry, they must be carefully cleaned from the ground so as not to damage the husk. After the harvest, it is necessary to sort out, discard the rumpled, sick and those without husks. The selected onions need to cut off the tails up to 6 cm. If the tail is badly dry, the onion will not be stored for a long time. Then the onion must be transferred to a small box or box, and moved to a dry room, the temperature of which is from +5 to 20 ° C.

Propagation of onions

Onions are propagated by seed. In August, arrows with "balls" containing seeds are formed on the plants. When the arrow dries and the seeds turn black, they must be carefully poured for further storage. Seeds are used in order to get a set, which, a year after planting, forms a full-fledged bulb.

I have several types of perennial onions growing on my site, and of all in my family, it is the slime onion that is preferred. It has flat green leaves with blunt, rounded ends, similar to the leaves of daffodils. They are tender, juicy, with a weak garlic taste, retain high palatability throughout the summer, while other onions become coarser by the time of flowering.

The slime onion, or otherwise the drooping onion, got its name because when the leaves are cut, liquid droplets resembling tears are released. In addition, it has a drooping spherical inflorescence, covered with a thin sheath, like garlic, and at the beginning of flowering, the arrow straightens. Its flowers are pink or pink-purple.

The slug onion has a very well developed rhizome, which serves as a storage organ. Several bulbs are attached to it.

Slizun onion is a perennial plant, relatively unpretentious, tolerating frosts down to -35 degrees, as well as a short drought.

Propagated vegetatively and by seeds

Onion slime is easily propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. In the first year, two shoots with 4-5 leaves are formed on the plant, in the future their number is constantly increasing. For the 4-5th year, there are already up to 28-30 shoots on the bush. After 5-6 years, the plants grow old, the shoot-forming ability decreases. Plants need to be divided, planted or grown new from seeds.

The seeds of this onion are sown in the spring on a bed with fertile soil. Seedlings appear 20-30 days after sowing. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the top layer of soil from drying out, where the seeds are located. When the onion plants have 2-3 leaves, they are seated. In the second year, the distance between plants in a row should be at least 15-20 cm, as they grow strongly.

It is better to divide onion-slizun bushes in August-early September, so that the plants get stronger by winter. Therefore, the further north the garden is located, the earlier you need to start this work. Although I share it with my neighbors throughout the summer. When planting, cut the roots and leaves of the delenok. They take root well, provided timely watering, shading with non-woven material. The distance between rows during planting is 50 cm, between plants in a row is 20-30 cm.

Four cuts for the summer

Cut off the leaves of plants grown from seeds, begin in the third year. Usually the leaves are cut when they reach a length of 25-27 cm, but we also cut smaller ones in the spring. Cutting leaves increases the branching of plants and accelerates the aging process of plants. After 2-3 cuttings of leaves per season, flower arrows no longer form on it. After the first cut, the growing leaves have a reduced fiber content and increased water content in the tissues - the leaves become softer.

Depending on weather conditions, the region of cultivation and care, up to four cuts are made per summer.

They love top dressing

Proper care ensures successful overwintering, friendly regrowth of the feather. Small plants are afraid of weeds that can drown them out. Further care consists in watering, loosening the soil and weeding. In the spring, a garden bed with onions is put in order, the soil is loosened. During the period of leaf regrowth, complete mineral fertilizer is applied or fertilized with manure infusion (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20), which allows you to start cutting the leaves almost a week earlier.

At the end of summer, they are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Getting seeds

Different types of onions do not pollinate during flowering. Therefore, high-quality seeds can be obtained even if another type of onion blooms nearby. In contrast to growing onions on a feather, the testes are given a second top dressing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers before flowering. Choose healthy, well-developed plants from which the leaf is not cut even once during the season. The flowers in the inflorescence bloom at the same time, so the seeds ripen unfriendly.

It is important not to miss the cleaning period. Inflorescences are cut off when the baskets turn brown, single ones begin to open, and scatter them for ripening on a bed of burlap and paper. Seeds spilled out of ripe boxes on the litter are cleaned of impurities and dried. For own consumption, 3-4 inflorescences are enough.