Roof for a garage made of expanded clay concrete blocks. How to build a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands. Step by step construction of a garage

In this article we will tell you how to build a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands. Why exactly from expanded clay concrete?

Firstly, this material is environmentally friendly and, under the influence of a wide temperature range, does not emit fumes harmful to human health.

Secondly: it has a high masonry speed and has a high rate of heat, hydro and sound insulation.

And thirdly: it is light weight, resistant to rotting and corrosion.

To build a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands. First you need to sketch out the project of your garage, namely: the occupied area, height, gate opening, etc., then proceed according to this project. I advise you to immediately decide on the roof and the presence or absence of a viewing hole or cellar.

You will need: reinforcement, a hammer, a shovel, a level, an adhesive mortar for masonry (sand, cement, crushed stone), blocks, a hacksaw, formwork boards, a perforator with a kneading nozzle and a container for preparing the mortar.
It will take you about 2-2.5 months to build a garage, as you work.

The number of blocks directly depends on the design of your garage and the overall dimensions of the blocks that you will use. For example, let's take an area of ​​4:6 meters and blocks of 0.2 x 0.3 x 0.6 m.

We calculate the volume of one block by multiplying all three values ​​\u200b\u200band get 0.036 m / cu.

Next, we calculate the area, for this we multiply our wall perimeter by the height, because basically the height is about 2.4 meters, we get: 2.4 x 20 \u003d 48m2

And now, in order to adjust the values ​​\u200b\u200bto one measure of value, that is, the volumetric component of your garage, we multiply the area by the width of the block, and equal to the width of the future wall: 48 x 0.2 \u003d 9.6 m / cu. And now our 9.6 / 0.036 and we get 266 blocks. I note that this calculation formula is not ideal, because depending on the type of roof and the size of the opening under the gate, this value will change. That is, according to the same formula, it will be necessary to calculate the volume of the gate opening and subtract the number of resulting blocks, and in the case of a roof, add it or in the case of installing a pitched roof, the number will be the same.

To avoid such voluminous calculations, you can use the online calculator on construction sites, but again, the calculation will be approximate.

First you need to clear the site necessary for further comfortable construction.

After you have prepared the site by digging a trench according to your project, the depth of the trench will come from 10 cm for each layer of the pillow and, accordingly, the foundation. We lay a plastic film at the bottom of the dug trench, then we fill in the rubble and sand in layers. You can start with large gravel, then fine screening and sand on top. Then we fill the resulting pillow with water, so all the components will take on a monolithic base and become a strong support for the foundation. After the pillow has completely dried, we fill it with concrete and wait until it completely rises, only after that we carry out further work.

Do not forget that a well-filled foundation is the key to the durability of the entire garage structure.

In order for you not to have problems in the future with washing away the foundation and the viewing hole or cellar, you need to think about the construction of the drainage system at the construction stage. There are several types of them, but we will describe in detail only the ring and wall systems. So, the wall drainage system - drainage pipes are laid along the entire contour of the foundation with a slope to the main pipe, which drains water into the collector well. The sole of the foundation should be above the pipes. A clay castle 50-100 cm wide is laid to the foundation, followed by waterproof soil, and drainage pipes are laid on it; the ring drainage system is arranged according to the wall technology, but 2-3 m from the foundation along its entire contour. It is installed if the foundation blind area has already been erected. Such drainage around the garage is applicable only if the building stands alone.

You can implement everything at once.

Firstly, having basic skills in car repair, you can easily service and repair your car yourself.

Secondly, for seasonal storage of products in the house, space will be freed up for more necessary things.

Both for the viewing hole and for the cellar, the construction technologies are similar, but in the case of the cellar, the depth of the pit is smaller and the formwork is simpler.

So, for the device of the pit, first we dig a pit. The width of the pit is taken 20 cm narrower than the wheelbase of your car and varies between 75-80 cm. The depth is taken from the calculation plus 15-20 cm to your height, for the convenience of performing work. Plus, we take, as in the case of a foundation of 30-40 cm, on a pillow and concrete, do not forget to lay a plastic film on the bottom of the pit and continue using the technology described earlier.

The next step will be the construction of the formwork around the pit. We install spacers, arrange a reinforcing mesh (you can take a chain-link) and fill the ready-made formwork with concrete. Along the upper edge of the pit, a frame can be welded from a metal corner, thus making the edges more durable. We carry out subsequent work after the concrete has completely solidified.

Before starting work on pouring the floor, it is necessary to compact the soil well and install the formwork. Filling the floors in your garage is done in the same way as in the case of the foundation (film, cushion of crushed stone and sand). It is better to lay a reinforcing mesh before pouring the floors, this makes it possible to avoid the appearance of cracks during operation. As before, we are waiting for the complete solidification of concrete before starting the next work. To achieve a monolithic connection of your pit and/or cellar to the floor surface, it is best to tie their reinforcing meshes together and align the formwork to the same level. After installing all the formwork, we begin to pour the pits from the walls and smoothly proceed to pouring the floor. Thus, we will evenly distribute the load on the floor and walls of the inspection pit.

To create a solid foundation for the walls, around the entire perimeter of the foundation, you need to lay reinforcement and pour concrete, and after that we begin to lay out the blocks.

In principle, laying blocks is no different from laying bricks, but due to the larger size, the speed of laying blocks increases significantly.

When erecting walls, the main thing is not to forget to shift each row by half the block and apply the mortar in time, so the load on the walls will be distributed evenly. When shifting, you will need halves of the blocks, for this an ordinary grinder with an appropriate disk is suitable. Outside, the walls can be sheathed with any material or decorated with special plaster, since there are a lot of variations. Well, it's up to whoever likes it more.

There are many types of roofing from flat to pitched and multi-pitched, in case you have built a two-story garage. The easiest to install is a flat roof.

We build a wooden frame with a slight slope so that during precipitation the water on the roof does not stagnate and the roof lasts as long as possible. We cover the frame itself with a special antiseptic in order to avoid excessive rotting of the boards. We lay roofing material on top, which serves for heat and waterproofing, and on it the roof that you have chosen for yourself.

Choice and quality in roofing work is also a fundamental factor in ensuring the longevity of your garage.

An important stage of construction, on which depends how well your garage will protect your property from external factors, and also largely affects the durability of the garage structure. As with roofing, there are many options for insulating materials. There are three main types of insulation: the first is bitumen-based, relatively cheap and quite reliable; the second - polymeric membranes, will be quite good in terms of price and quality; and the third - penetrating, when applied, it penetrates into hard-to-reach cracks and isolates well from moisture, noise and cold, but will hit the wallet.

Three-layer flooring will be optimal here: the first layer is thermal insulation (all kinds of foam plastics, isopins, etc.), it is also in many ways soundproofing; the second layer is a vapor barrier (there are a lot of options); and the third layer - finishing material (GVL, drywall, etc.)

At this stage of construction, you will be guided by the size of your wallet rather than other components of this aspect.

There are three main types of gate design options: the first and most budgetary is a swing-type design, these gates can be made by yourself if you have a welding machine and skills in this matter, and of materials, of course. A plus is the simplicity and durability of this type; the second type - with a retractable mechanism, this type is already difficult to make by yourself and will cost a pretty penny; Well, the third type is the most expensive, you won’t be able to make it yourself, but it’s quite easy to install.

So we came to the final stage of construction - interior decoration. This is everyone's business, whether you need it or not, but it's worth mentioning. As always, there are plenty of options for every taste and budget. So, four ways of finishing can be distinguished: the first is lining the walls with clapboard, the most economical way in terms of finances; the second - plastic panels, we will focus on them, because they will be attractive both in price and in appearance, but environmental friendliness is lame; the third is ceramic tiles, the most expensive finishing method; well, and the fourth is the plastering of the walls, there are also a lot of options both in colors and in a variety of types of plaster.

So, to summarize: expanded clay concrete blocks are an ideal material for building a garage, and if you have basic building skills and this article, you can easily build your garage. And all other related work and what materials to produce them will depend on the purposes for which you will use your garage, and, of course, the amount of investment that you can spend. Good luck building!

You bought a car, but you have nowhere to put it? Many people are so passionate about buying a vehicle that they think about building a garage as the last thing. And you don’t want to leave it in the courtyard of a multi-storey or private house, and it’s not safe either. The car can be stolen, scratched, broken glass. And the atmospheric effect is not very beneficial effect on the body. That's why you need to buy or build a garage. If everything is simple and clear with the purchase, then special attention should be paid to construction. The main question asked by those who want to build a garage is what to build it from. There are many options, but in this article we will look at building a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks.

What is expanded clay concrete? What are its pros and cons? What you need to know to build a garage from these blocks? You will learn all this from this material.

Overview of expanded clay concrete blocks

You will be surprised, but building a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks will cost you much cheaper and faster than a brick garage. Moreover, the design will be lighter, more durable and warmer. It's all about the characteristics of expanded clay concrete. In addition to cement, such blocks contain expanded clay, which is known for its thermal insulation properties. It is porous and can absorb and store a lot of liquid. What is the advantage of this material for building a garage?

  1. It has a low cost. If we compare it with a brick, then the cost of 1 m 3 of a brick wall will be much higher. It will take a lot of brick and mortar to it. Even some types of foam blocks will cost more. For a small price you get a great garage.
  2. Light weight. The blocks are light, so the whole structure will not be heavy. You can save on the device foundation. Yes, and work with the material is much easier.
  3. Frost resistance. The material is not afraid of the processes of freezing and thawing.
  4. He has high resistance to fire.
  5. Will not rot or rust.
  6. The built garage will have good thermal and sound insulation.
  7. Easy to work with blocks no less important point.

That is why many builders prefer expanded clay block. And it's perfect for a garage. And the fact that you can also save money on hiring specialists by doing everything yourself also speaks in favor of this material. Let's look at the technology of building a garage from expanded clay blocks from scratch.

Stage number 1 - planning

At first, everything comes down to mental work, on paper. You must have a plan or drawing that details the dimensions of the garage, the type of foundation, the dimensions of the foundation, the type of roof, and the calculation of the necessary materials. It's stupid to start building without a plan. It's like walking in an unfamiliar city without a map. You may not get there. Everything is the same with the garage: if you do not have a guideline in construction, then success is not guaranteed.

You must make a garage that will fit not only the car, but also parts, tools and other things. Often in garages they make a workplace where you can spend time repairing a car. The room should not hamper your movements, and you do not need to perform serious maneuvers to enter and exit from it. In addition, choose the type of foundation, schematically depict it and calculate the amount of concrete. Such a plan will help you build a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands quickly and correctly.

Stage number 2 - site preparation

When everything is ready on paper, you can bring your plans to life. First of all, take care of the area where the garage will be located. It needs to be prepared. First, remove everything that will interfere with you. Stumps, bushes, debris, tall grass or trees - all this will only get in your way. They can be removed both manually and with the help of special equipment.

It is desirable that the site be leveled. Strong drops will only get in the way. Fill in deep holes, and smooth out large bumps. After these manipulations, you can get to work.

Stage number 3 - foundation device

The foundation must be built according to the plan. Since expanded clay concrete is a lightweight material, a strip foundation of medium depth will do for a small garage. You can build a strip foundation with your own hands. Let's look at the instructions in detail:

Advice! It is better to make the pour at a time, without waiting for the concrete to dry. Then it will be much stronger.

Stage number 4 - masonry walls

It takes about 3-4 weeks for the concrete foundation to dry. After that, you can start laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks. The process is not difficult, but requires attention.

To protect the walls from moisture, several layers of waterproofing must be laid on the foundation. Use ruberoid. It's cheap and does the job perfectly. Next, start laying. Unlike bricks, you can build walls in one block. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Set up corner blocks on both sides. They should be set perfectly under the level, as they will play the role of guides.
  2. Between the blocks, stretch the fishing line, which should touch their tops. It is on it that you will lay out the rest of the blocks.
  3. For fixing, use cement mortar, and for fitting, use a rubber mallet.
  4. Lay out the first row of blocks along the line.
  5. When the perimeter is ready, start the same procedure: install the corner blocks, pull the fishing line and lay out the second row. Only here you need to do this with dressing, so that the design is strong.

Note! Each stage of the construction of walls must be checked for evenness. It is very important that the garage is in the correct shape and does not collapse. In work, use the level and plumb.

When erecting a box, form window openings and a place under the gate. When the walls have reached the desired level, you can proceed to the next stage of work. Only before this, a reinforced belt should be made, since an additional load from the roof will be placed on the upper part of the walls.

Stage number 5 - roof construction

Again, first you need to make high-quality waterproofing. To do this, lay roofing material on a box of expanded clay concrete blocks. A Mauerlat is installed on top of the roofing material - a special board that will evenly distribute the load of the roof on all walls. And also the Mauerlat will connect the garage roof frame with the walls, creating a one-piece structure. Therefore, it must be securely attached to the expanded clay concrete wall.

Now you can assemble the roof frame. Most often, a gable, single-pitched or flat roof is chosen for a garage. They are simple to implement and quite practical. The device will require rafters, which will be the backbone of the roof. A crate is stuffed on them. Roofing material for the roof of the garage is mounted on top of the crate. We recommend that you use corrugated board, shingles, slate or seam roofing for this purpose. If you already have money, then ideally make a garage roof from metal tiles.

Every year more and more new, economical and easy-to-use materials are replacing the usual, often bulky and expensive. Similar changes have also affected construction technologies. For example, the traditional classic brick gradually began to replace expanded clay concrete blocks. Only the countries of Europe and the USA account for up to 40% of the use of expanded clay concrete blocks. And this preference is absolutely natural, since Europeans primarily appreciate the environmental friendliness of materials, which distinguishes these blocks. Of course, the advantages of a brick garage are also obvious, but the cost of brick buildings is quite considerable. How to build a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks?

Expanded clay is an excellent wall material. It is inexpensive and at the same time has excellent thermal performance.

Advantages of expanded clay concrete

The use of expanded clay concrete blocks can be considered a rational option in the construction of various structures. In no way inferior in quality to a brick, these blocks even surpass it in many nuances.

And this is not just a cheap replacement for a more valuable material, but a modern product of technical progress with improved qualities and at the same time low cost.

Moreover, the use of blocks not only significantly reduces the cost of construction, but also significantly reduces its time. For example, it will be erected in a relatively short time and will be endowed with two important requirements of any building - reliability and durability.

Manufacturing technology

Expanded clay blocks are able to "breathe", so that normal humidity is always maintained in the garage.

Expanded clay blocks are made by vibrocompression using heat-wet processing. Their main components are cement, sand, expanded clay and water.

Expanded clay is obtained in the process of firing foamed fusible clay at high temperatures (1250 degrees). The result is a porous material in the form of oval granules or sand. The predecessor of expanded clay concrete blocks are cinder blocks, in the manufacture of which slag was used instead of expanded clay. But due to the fact that the cinder block did not meet stringent environmental requirements, it was discontinued.

A garage made of expanded clay concrete blocks will cost you less than a garage made of other materials, and its construction will take an order of magnitude less time.

Due to the use of fine-grained expanded clay with a diameter of 5-10 mm in the production of modern expanded clay concrete blocks, the final product is light and very durable. Such blocks have increased resistance to chemical attack, greater moisture resistance compared to cement concrete, they do not rot, do not smoke when ignited, and they also perfectly cope with the negative effects of caustic alkalis, soft water, sulfate solutions and many other aggressive environments. Thanks to such a universal characteristic of the material, even an expanded clay concrete garage that is not plastered for the winter will not dry out or be damaged by sudden changes in temperature. When facing the garage, you can use sheathing, plaster and apply special panels.

Expanded clay blocks have the ability to pass steam through the pores, due to which indoor humidity can be regulated. The thermal conductivity and nailability of structures made of this material differ significantly from concrete and brick in their improved characteristics. The absence of fractional filler in the composition of the blocks lightens the weight of the entire structure, which helps to reduce the pressure on the foundation, and the special structure of the blocks improves the soundproofing properties of the structure.

Types of blocks

The traditional cement-sand foundation is poured from a mixture of cement, sand, crushed stone, water and a plasticizer.

  • heat-insulating (with a density of 300-600 kg / m3) have found application in the construction of multilayer structures as a heater;
  • constructive (with a density of 1400-1800 kg / m3) are used in the construction of load-bearing structures;
  • structural and heat-insulating (with a density of 750-1200 kg / m3) are used in the construction of walls.

For the construction of walls, the best option is a material density of 800-1200 kg / cubic meter, since a lower density causes increased fragility, and a higher one reduces the heat and sound insulation properties of the structure.

There are two groups of expanded clay concrete blocks: lightweight - with a density of 800-1200 kg / m3, which are endowed with a granular surface, and universal - with a density of 950-1200 kg / m3, which have a smooth surface.

The foundation of expanded clay concrete blocks can be a good alternative to the foundation of cement, and it will cost less.

It is better to build a garage using universal blocks, which are quite simple to finish due to the smooth surface and have a low cost. The strength grades of such blocks vary from M25 to M100. The construction of small buildings is usually carried out in blocks below the M50 grade. Expanded clay concrete blocks are also distinguished by frost resistance, which varies from F15 to F100, of which F35, F25 and F15 are not considered environmentally friendly and are endowed with reduced frost resistance due to the addition of chemicals to concrete.

The most common sizes of garages are buildings of 3 x 6 m. But this issue should be considered individually, depending on the parameters of the car. At the same time, in addition to space for the car, it is necessary to provide an area for opening doors, for placing racks, rags or furniture, as well as storing other items. You should not forget about the additional protection of the thermal insulation coat, which will also take up part of the space.

Cost may vary by region. Here it is worth considering the brands of building materials, the size and density of the blocks. There are a large number of different materials from different brands on sale, so each buyer will be able to choose the material at an affordable price.

Building a garage

So, we are building a garage. In order to calculate the required amount of materials, in addition to the main area, the number of windows, the width and the device of the gate are also taken into account. If we take the calculations for the construction of a garage with dimensions, for example, 4 x 7 x 3 m, then the foundation will require:

Scheme of a fragment of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks. To align the blocks, a serpentine level or level is used.

  • water - 1.6 cubic meters / m;
  • crushed stone - 8.7 tons;
  • cement - 3.2 tons;
  • sand - 5.4 tons;
  • plasticizer C3 - 0.8 l.

The number of blocks is calculated based on the size of their standard version of 39 x 19 x 19.

For laying walls you need:

  • expanded clay concrete blocks - 776 pcs.;
  • water - 0.2 cubic meters;
  • cement - M400 0.2 t;
  • sand - 0.7 cubic meters / m.

First, a trench up to 30 cm wide breaks out along the perimeter of the proposed building and a film is laid along the even walls. Then the bottom of the trench is covered with a sand and gravel cushion and filled with water. The height of each layer is up to 10 cm. Ultimately, the concrete mixture is poured and the construction process stops until it dries completely.

We build the garage floor according to the same scheme, since it must be reliable and durable in order to withstand the weight of the car. To do this, the soil is first rammed, covered with a film, a pillow of sand and gravel is poured on top. To increase strength, a reinforcing network is mounted, which is poured with sand-cement mortar with the addition of crushed stone.

It is not necessary to finish the walls of expanded clay concrete blocks, but if there is such a desire, then the walls should first be aligned with the lighthouses.

The foundation is ready, now we are building the walls. identical to bricklaying technology. A reinforced mesh with a cement-sand mixture is laid on the finished foundation along the width of the wall. The network in this case will prevent the solution from flowing outside the block. Then a block is installed, and a solution is applied at the junction with another block. When laying the next row, the blocks are installed with an offset of half for uniform pressure of the mass of the wall.

Usually performed using specialized equipment, for example, a grinder. Holes under the windows are reinforced with wooden boards. In order to insulate the walls of the garage, expanded clay concrete blocks are covered from the outside with a cement coat and foam from the inside. For natural ventilation, a small hole is made in the back wall.

We build the roof according to a pre-designed project, within which, first, load-bearing beams are installed along the walls, then a frame on which boards are laid, and roofing felt on top to prevent water from entering.

A garage made of expanded clay concrete blocks can be finished in the same style as the house.

Based on the dimensions of the garage 4 x 7 x 3 m, you will need:

  • roof area 28.14 sq / m Mauerlat, timber 2 pcs. - 150 x 150 x 7000 mm;
  • roofing material / film for waterproofing - 33.8 sq / m;
  • sheathing solid, board 40 pcs. 20 x 200 x 3500 mm - 0.56 cubic meters / m;
  • rafters, timber 100 x 50 x 2010 mm - 0.21 cubic meters / m (i.e. 21 pieces);
  • crate sparse, timber 20 pcs. 50 x 50 x 3500 mm - 0.16 cubic meters.

If we consider the process of warming the garage room more scrupulously, then the best option for warming is a flooring of three layers, of which the first layer is fiberglass or foam, the second is polyethylene that protects against moisture, and the third is a finishing material, for example, drywall.

The construction of the garage at the last stage includes the plastering process. After its completion, the final touch is applied - a detailed finish. Here the most daring creative ideas and individual preferences can already be realized.

If the services of specialists are planned during the construction process, then this will entail additional costs, which should be included in the list of expenses.

A concrete block garage is a budget option for building a detached garage building. Compared to bricks, foam concrete and wooden beams, the expanded clay concrete block garage has an attractive cost and high performance.

Blocks are made from a mixture of cement, fine gravel, sand and expanded clay, which determine their properties, we list them:

  • The content of concrete determines the high strength of the material. They can be used for buildings whose walls are under heavy load.
  • The porous structure of expanded clay provides the presence of cavities, due to which the material has thermal insulation qualities.
  • The composition of the blocks includes only natural materials. Do not contain harmful impurities. Therefore, expanded clay concrete belongs to the category of environmentally friendly building materials.
  • The material is inert in all conditions.
  • Expanded clay blocks are a stone of artificial origin. Therefore, it is resistant to mold, dampness, decay, insects and small rodents. Does not change its structure and properties in conditions of high humidity, heat, low temperatures.
  • Despite the lightness, the blocks have significant dimensions, so the construction of walls takes little time.
  • Economic material. Due to the presence of voids, the contact area between the blocks is minimal. Therefore, a small amount of binding solution is required. The block wall can be sheathed with any sheet or wet finishing material.

Tools and building materials for building a garage

To build a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks, in addition to the blocks themselves, you will need ingredients for a binder solution - cement, crushed stone, sand, steel mesh and reinforcement, roofing material, building materials for the construction of formwork.

A set of construction tools: a shovel, a tape measure, a level, a welding machine, a puncher, a screwdriver, a hammer, a hacksaw, a grinder, a concrete mixer, a ladder and goats.

Project development

The size of the building is determined based on the number of cars. The standard garage height is 3 m. For one car, a usable area of ​​3x6 m is sufficient. For two, it is recommended to increase the width to 5.5 m or more. If you plan to place racks on the walls, then another 50 cm is added to the length and width.

The garage plan must include indications of the following elements:

  • foundation, its type and material of manufacture;
  • window openings;
  • gates, doors;
  • floor slabs;
  • roofing structure, its type and material of manufacture;
  • ventilation system.

On the basis of the project, an estimate of the cost of construction materials and work, a construction plan is drawn up.

Site preparation

  1. It is better to choose a place for a garage on a hill to avoid flooding with melt water or during heavy rains.
  2. Before starting construction on the selected site, a set of preparatory measures is carried out.
  3. On the site, according to the plan, we mark out a rectangle with the specified parameters. We check the correctness of the markup by measuring diagonally.
  4. We remove the top layer of soil, 20 cm. We clean the area from stones, tree roots and other elements that violate the integrity and evenness of the surface.
  5. In order to prevent flooding, we equip the drainage system.

Water protection

You can deal with the penetration of water into the garage by concreting and waterproofing the base. But this is not always effective. Water can also flow along the surface of the concrete floor. In order to prevent such a development of the event, it is recommended to equip a drainage system in the garage. There are several ways:

  1. Drainage is superficial. Suitable for stand-alone building. Around the building, at a distance of 1.5-3 m from the walls, we dig a trench up to 1 m deep. We fill the bottom with sand and lay a layer of geotextile. This will keep the trench from collapsing if the water flow is too strong. Plastic or metal pipes with holes, docked together, laid on the bottom of the trench. We fall asleep with earth and tamp. Water enters the pipe through holes. To prevent flooding, it is recommended to wrap the pipes with geotextile.
  2. Drainage with storage tank. Suitable for rooms located in an area with frequent flooding. Dig a hole at the base of the garage. We install a barrel in it, preferably made of plastic, in order to exclude the appearance of rust. From above we fall asleep a layer of expanded clay and cover with a geotextile fabric. The finished floor can be made from moisture-resistant plywood or boards. A pump with a float switch is installed in the barrel, which turns on as a critical water level accumulates and discharges it into the sewer.
  3. Downhole outlet. Instead of a barrel in the floor, we dig a hole 2 m deep. A casing pipe with drilled holes for the passage of water is installed in it. The pipe is filled with crushed stone and gravel. Through the pipe, water is discharged into the deep layers of the soil.

The foundation of the garage of expanded clay blocks

Immediately make a reservation that expanded clay concrete blocks are not suitable for building a foundation. Due to the lightness of the wall material, no solid foundation is required. The foundation can be tape or block. Depth - not less than 0.5 m. The construction of a block foundation takes less time. The monolithic foundation is poured from concrete, which can take about a month to dry completely. Unlike it, the block foundation does not need exposure.

They are made using vibrocompression technology from concrete with the addition of special additives that give the finished material valuable performance qualities: resistance to temperature fluctuations and aggressive substances. Cement mortar is used as a binder. It is recommended to reinforce the joints with fittings with a diameter of 14 mm.

The procedure for arranging a strip foundation made of concrete

  1. We dig a pit. We level the bottom, carefully tamp.
  2. We fall asleep in layers: 20 cm of gravel, 20 cm of sand.
  3. We install formwork. We fix it firmly, otherwise the structure will move under the pressure of concrete.
  4. We mount the frame from reinforcement with a cross section of 12 mm. We fix it in such a way that it does not touch the bottom of the pit and the formwork. Also, the frame should not go beyond the height of the formwork.
  5. We pour concrete. To achieve maximum solidity, the supply of concrete must be constant.
  6. The foundation is left for 3 weeks until completely dry. To prevent cracking of the upper part, the surface is periodically moistened with water and covered with a wet cloth.

Clay block garage walls

Before starting the laying of blocks, the horizontalness of the foundation is checked. If differences in height are detected, the defects are corrected with the help of cement mortar.

The order of operation of the wall device

  • The foundation must be protected from water. To do this, a layer of tar is laid on top, then roofing material is laid.

  • First, the blocks are placed without mortar. The corners between the walls are laid out. The correctness of the calculations is checked using a cord and a level. Only after making amendments, if any, does the capital laying begin.
  • Lay out the first two rows. Important! The second row and all subsequent ones are shifted horizontally by half a block relative to the previous one.
  • To prevent the walls from cracking, the masonry is reinforced with a steel reinforcing mesh. It is laid after each even row of expanded clay concrete blocks.
  • Reinforced concrete lintels are mounted at the installation sites of windows and doors. A significant difference in height is leveled with a solution of expanded clay concrete.

  • To avoid lateral displacement of the wall during shrinkage of the building along the upper edge, a strapping is made of steel products.
  • On top of the wall we cover with a layer of waterproofing: traditional tar and roofing material.
  • It is recommended to use non-combustible materials resistant to chemically active substances for the interior wall cladding of the garage room. For example, drywall, plaster, ceramic tiles.
  • For wall insulation, a three-layer protection against cold is recommended, consisting of foam plastic (can be replaced with fiberglass), polyethylene (protects against moisture) and facing material, for example, drywall.
  • A simple option for finishing external walls is facade plaster. An alternative option is steel or plastic siding.

Ceiling and garage roof

For the ceiling, a massive beam or reinforced concrete slabs are suitable. The roof can be both pitched with a classic truss system, and flat.

In the latter case, the surface is filled with tar and covered with a layer of roofing material.

The simplest and most cost-effective options for pitched roofs are single and gable. A feature of a shed roof is the presence of one slope, based on opposite external walls of a building of different heights. The slope is directed in one direction.

Gable roofs have two slopes. The lower parts of the rafters rest on opposite outer walls of the building. Upper - fixed on the skate. By changing the height of the ridge, you can change the angle of inclination of the slopes based on the type of roofing material, domestic use and climatic conditions. Roof slopes can be symmetrical or have different lengths and angles. The end sides of the roof are closed with gables - when the side partitions of the roof are a continuation of the outer walls of the building, or with tongs - partitions made of boards. In the under-roof space, you can organize an attic. Any roofing material can be used for finishing.

An approximate calculation of the cost of building a garage from expanded clay blocks

An example of calculating the cost of a garage made of expanded clay concrete blocks measuring 4x7x3 m.

The standard block size is 39x19x19 cm.

Several factors influence the final cost of construction.

  • Construction region: the cost of building materials and services in different regions can vary significantly.
  • Brand of building materials: among the goods of the same brand, as a rule, there are segments of different price categories: economy, standard, premium.
  • The cost of construction services also depends on the region. In addition, the price of the contractor is influenced by its authority in the market. A contractor with a lot of experience and a name that has proven itself in the market, the cost can be much higher.

The advantages of expanded clay determine its choice as a material for the construction of residential, commercial and technical buildings. For the construction of a garage, you can use one of two types of foundations from the same building materials. The use of foamed baked clay filler in combination with sand and cement gives the product the specified parameters of thermal conductivity, resistance to external influences, and sound insulation. Expanded clay products effectively serve in low-rise buildings. Consider the construction of a cinder block garage sequentially.

What to consider in the project

The process of digging a trench under the foundation

The strength and functionality of the future garage is determined by the following initial conditions:

  • Foundation base. The properties of the soil supporting the structure will affect the stability of the support, the waterproofing device, and the amount of materials. With a fertile layer thickness of 10-40 cm, a depth of 0.5 meters is selected (add 20 cm to the pillow) until a dense layer of clay or other parent rocks is reached below the washout level.
  • Size. Depending on the size of the machine, the height and width of the room is selected. The useful area minimally takes into account the space of 1.5 m to the left of the car, 1 m to the right, up to 3 m behind. The height of the walls and the type of roof affect the calculated bearing capacity of the initial lower level.
  • Communications. The strength of the structure is observed provided that openings are made for the passage of pipelines and networks simultaneously with the laying of wall material. Punching holes in a well-established monolith leads to the appearance of cracks and damage to the insulation. Large foundation blocks of expanded clay concrete are made with technological cutouts.
  • Compatibility. An attached-type garage made of expanded clay concrete blocks needs to be tied to an existing building. The foundation for the cinder block garage must bear its own load, without negatively affecting the main building. Option - the intention to build an auxiliary building in the complex with a garage in the future. A decision is required on the binding of the future design.

The use of expanded clay concrete inlaid elements in the structure solves the problems in each of these points. When building a foundation, this is chemical resistance in soil with different environments (acidic, alkaline), the ability to maintain strength on swellable soils, as well as the ability to maintain the geometry of vertical and parallel lines. When independently solving the problem “How to calculate the foundation for a garage?” are guided by SNiP 2.02.01-83, approved in 2011. The supplier (manufacturer) of the expanded clay concrete block can indicate in the service design and construction work, a turnkey package. Openings of the desired size and laying in the desired configuration are easily performed during laying.

Step by step construction

The beginning of construction gives the marking of the site. Lines of loose material are erased, washed out by rain and do not always ensure the parallelism of the trenches. The normalized deviation is 15 mm per 10 m of length. Tow lines and pegs do not depend on the terrain and clearly represent the future layout of the premises. It is imperative to check the diagonals. Watch the video for more details on laying out the foundation.

For the construction of a garage, you can use one of two types of foundation: piles and tape (both made of expanded clay concrete blocks). A solid support (slab on piles) starts above ground level for light construction options - wooden, panel, sandwich panel. In both versions, the lower support element is:

  • Concrete base for blocks.
  • Pillow blocks on compacted sand with crushed stone.

Under the tape option, you should dig a trench 30-40 cm wide. When choosing a depth, it is necessary to take into account the level of freezing, the indicator of which can be found in the reference book for your area. It is useful to evenly remove the clay to reduce the consumption of crushed stone and sand, which will lie on the clay in layers of 10-25 cm.

To compact the bulk material, it is necessary to fill the trench twice with water. With an uneven surface level, the first row of masonry is made with ledges, the upper part of which should be located horizontally. To protect against the vertical rise of moisture along the masonry, the trench is covered with roofing material.

Concrete is poured onto the formed base or pillow blocks are laid. For stability and weight distribution of the entire building, the foundation is made wider than the walls (no more than 0.40 m). Claydite concrete castings for structural support (cushion) are produced based on the requirements of pressure distribution on the support area. In cross section they form a trapezium. Depending on the design strength and thermal conductivity, expanded clay concrete products are produced hollow and solid. The size 190×190×390 allows for quick installation, manual transfer, confident keeping of the horizon of the stacked layers, as well as obtaining a technological opening of the required size (the depth varies as needed).

For the solidity of the structure, strip foundations are reinforced. The cinder block is fastened with steel brackets with a cross section of 6 mm. A steel wire mesh is laid into the concrete.

For the climatic zone of the building, it is important to choose the plasticizers that it is desirable to add to the bonding solution. For water resistance of the outer surface under the soil level, sealant, mastic, film-forming coatings are used. From the leakage of moisture from above, the blind area is poured. The wall and foundation are cut with roofing material.