Tops from garlic what to do from it. Folk remedies for garden and garden pests. Cherry plum juice

For gardeners and gardeners, with the advent of summer, there comes an active time for pest control. Against the background of effective pesticides, folk remedies are no less in demand, including garlic infusion from aphids and other harmful inhabitants that spoil the crop.

What is attractive garlic for gardeners

Garlic, onions and a number of other plants contain phytoncides - antimicrobial substances that help prevent the appearance and spread of pests such as aphids and spider mites that are dangerous for plants on the foliage. In addition, the active esters of garlic and onions repel other creatures harmful to the crop. The toxic substance that activates the action of garlic is dallyl sulfite. Garlic is a natural insecticide that is especially helpful against leaf-eating insects, mites and ants. The most common types against which the action of garlic helps are:

  • cabbage caterpillar;
  • apple codling moth;
  • snails;
  • slime;
  • thrips;
  • peach glass.

In addition, garlic esters help protect the plant from fungi and bacteria.

An infusion of garlic from pests is prepared in different concentrations for different types of harmful organisms. So the aphid is able to damage fruit trees and shrubs, settling on their foliage, from which it draws juices, disrupting the viability of the plant. Various manipulations are carried out with solutions - plants are watered, foliage is processed, and an infusion of garlic is used for spraying. It is especially important, when using infusions of garlic from pests, not to harm the plant itself, so you should follow the instructions and recipes.

An infusion of garlic is prepared from all the components of this plant - leaves, arrows and even husks. To enhance the toxic effect on garden enemies, other active plant species are added to the garlic infusion.

  1. You can protect plants not only by irrigating with garlic infusion: If you plant garlic next to currant bushes, you can thus protect it from tick damage.
  2. Experienced gardeners, before planting strawberries, tomatoes or potatoes in the area, plant garlic in the area a year before.
  3. Rose bushes will be protected from powdery mildew damage by garlic planted nearby.
  4. An infusion of garlic against field mice also helps. Planted in different places of the garden or garden, it thus protects the plants from unwanted guests.
  5. Almost everything grows in the garden and vegetable garden that can be watered with infusion of garlic. The most vulnerable and needy species include tomatoes, spinach, radishes, cabbages, cucumbers and other species. So that vegetables and fruits do not lose their ecological purity, processing and watering with garlic infusion is what you need.

Plants should also be watered with infusion of garlic to strengthen their immunity. This property is also known in the use of the plant by humans.

Despite the effectiveness of garlic characteristics for horticultural crops, the treatment of indoor plants with infusion of garlic is categorically contraindicated. It should also be taken into account that the garlic infusion for plants will lose its strength if it rains on the field.

Processing plants with garlic infusion is a process that requires accuracy and the correct dosage. Here, as in the treatment of diseases in humans, the main thing is not to harm.

Spray Recipes

For each type of pest, there is a special recipe for how to prepare an infusion of garlic.

To get rid of cabbage moths, earwigs, aphids, horned caterpillars, professional gardeners use the following garlic spray for spraying, which is prepared in the following way:

  1. A large number of garlic cloves are well crushed and poured with vegetable oil. Let the mixture sit for 1 day.
  2. Strained infusion in the amount of 2 tsp. mix with 500 ml of water, add 0.5 tsp. liquid soap. Mix.
  3. Strain again.
  4. Plants are also sprayed with this solution in order to prevent the appearance of brown rot, the appearance of spots on the leaves, and fungal diseases.

There is another way to make an infusion of garlic for spraying. To prepare it, garlic should be passed through a meat grinder and water should be added in a 1: 1 ratio. In a warm, dark room, the mixture should be infused for 7-10 days. Plants are sprayed with the finished solution at the rate of 50 - 70 ml per 10 l bucket of water. In order for the solution to be well fixed on the surface of the foliage, you can add a little laundry soap or washing powder to it.

To get rid of carrot flies, cucumber aphids will help infusion of garlic leaves:

  1. Fill half a bucket of green leaves to the top with water.
  2. Leave in the sun to stand for 2 days.
  3. It is advisable to carry out the processing not in the sunny time of the day.

To avoid bacteriosis between cucumber rows, it is also recommended to plant onions and garlic. They help to prevent this disease and watering according to the above recipe an infusion of garlic arrows between the rows.

Spray tomatoes with an infusion of garlic prepared according to the following recipe to get rid of phytophthora. This spray garlic infusion should be used 4-5 times per season:

  1. Pass 200 g of garlic through a meat grinder, insist for several days in 1 liter of water.
  2. For 10 liters of water, add ready-made infusion and 30 g of laundry soap (shavings).
  3. A spray solution is also used for cutworm caterpillars.

There is another way to prepare a garlic infusion for spraying from the husks and leaves of the plant. For this:

  1. The dry components of the plant are poured with a bucket of warm water at the rate of 150 g of raw materials per 10 liters of water.
  2. The finished composition is filtered and fruit and berry plants are sprayed for 7 days.

The peel of garlic is also effective, the infusion of which is used against spider mites, scoops, aphids:

  1. 500 g of garlic peel are passed through a meat grinder, 5 liters of water are poured.
  2. Strain the composition and pour the squeezes again with water. Do this several times to get 10 liters of the composition.
  3. After the last stage of straining, the infusion is processed
  4. plants.

Infusions of garlic for flowers

Garlic infusion from pests is also used for watering flowers that decorate a personal plot. Gladioli protect against Fusarium by planting 1 row of garlic between 2 rows of flowers, as well as watering and spraying with garlic infusion.

If it is not possible to protect the flowers by simply planting garlic, you can spray the plants with an infusion of garlic prepared from 300 g of a crushed plant and 5 liters of water. Infusion filtered after 2 days of exposure, based on 10 liters of water 1 half-liter jar, is used for watering flowers. It is strictly forbidden to carry out watering and spraying in sunny hot weather.

There is another way to insist on garlic for watering flowers:

  1. Chopped 600 g of garlic pour a bucket of hot water.
  2. Boil covered over low heat for 3 hours.
  3. Strain the broth, dilute it by half again with water.
  4. Ready broth should be infused for at least a day.
  5. Water the soil at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 sq.m.

An infusion of onions and garlic is used against pests that destroy the plant not only from above, but also in the soil:

  1. 50 g of onion peel and 50 g of tobacco dust are boiled in 2.5 liters of water for 2 hours.
  2. The broth is infused for an hour and 50 g of finished garlic slurry is added.
  3. Dilute the finished composition in 5 liters of water.
  4. Use against aphids and plants already infected with other diseases. Flowers can be watered.

Other Ways to Use Garlic for Plots

Before planting annual flowers in the ground in spring, it is recommended to treat selected planting sites with ready-made garlic infusion. do this the day before landing.

In addition to the fact that you can water plants with infusion of garlic, you can secure them in a simpler way - lay arrows, leaves and garlic bolls near them, as well as carry out protective strapping.

An infusion of garlic arrows, prepared according to the standard method at the rate of 500 g of arrows per 5 liters of water, is used to water trees when ants appear near them. Arrows are also used in another way, which is no less effective than making garlic infusion. It consists in the fact that flagella are made of them, with which they tie the trunk at a height of 30 cm from the ground. The smell of garlic will scare away the ants, and they will not attack the trees.

In addition, another way is known how to prepare an infusion of garlic for watering and irrigation. It implies a way to make a concentrated garlic infusion for long lasting plants:

  1. Grind the garlic bulbs into gruel, put it in a glass dark container and pour water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. Leave in a cool room for 11 days.
  3. Ready infusion strain and store in a dark glass container, using garlic infusion from aphids and other pests, diluting 2 ml of infusion in 10 liters of water.

They also spray with an infusion of garlic in the form of a soap-oil concentrate, which is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Peel 5-6 cloves of garlic, push them through a press, add 10 ml of vegetable oil and 5 ml of liquid soap.
  2. Garlic insist in water for 3 days, filter, add the rest of the ingredients.
  3. For convenience, the contents are poured into a spray bottle and used as directed. The optimal proportion for 2 liters of water is 60 ml of concentrate.

An infusion of onion and garlic is prepared separately. To do this, slurry of garlic is added to 2 liters of water and at the same time onion peel is poured into 2 liters of water. Everything stands for 3 days, then the solutions are mixed. Apply compositions prepared from diluted infusions (500 ml) in a bucket of water. An infusion of aphids from garlic and onions, prepared in this way, will help not only prevent its occurrence, but also cure the plant already infected with it.

Despite the effectiveness, the prepared infusion on the leaves of garlic or its other components is not a drug that will have an instant effect. Like any folk remedy, choosing what to water with infusion of garlic, the owners of personal plots should be patient, since the process of treating and preventing plants is designed for at least weeks, or even months.

In any case, knowing how to make an infusion of garlic for spraying or watering plants, you can be sure that thanks to this remedy, garden trees and shrubs, as well as flower plants, will not die from harmful insects and diseases.

This way of storing garlic, which is described, allows it to remain fresh and juicy until spring - as if it had just been dug out of the ground.

We rub the cloth bag from the inside with wet table salt or soak it in a saturated saline solution. After drying, put the garlic in it and, without tying it, put it in the pantry.

Salt has a detrimental effect on pests that overwinter in the bulbs, and also prevents fungi and putrefactive bacteria from multiplying. In addition, salt absorbs excess moisture from the air.

That's the whole secret!

I think this way you can not only store garlic, for sure, other preparations too.

mold on garlic

If, 2-3 months after laying the garlic for storage, we suddenly notice that depressed light yellow spots have appeared on the juicy tissue of the cloves, what should we do? ..

And some cloves, it happens, can be seen that they have softened and become covered with a light green mold. The disease quickly spreads to the inner teeth, they darken, wrinkle, begin to crumble, and a green-blue mass of spores spill out from under the dry scales. Garlic turns to dust, and its bulbs seem empty.

This is how it manifests green moldy rot of garlic (penicillosis). Fungal disease progresses at high humidity and elevated air temperature.

Damaged and frostbitten bulbs are the first to suffer, so check your supplies often!

I think that if garlic is stored in the way described above, then such a disease should not appear.

If anyone else knows the intricacies of storing garlic, so as not to spoil - write!

Storage of garlic - general information

There are many different ways to store garlic.

In late autumn, pack the heads in plastic bags, tie them up, wrap them in several layers of newspaper and bury them in the area. When cold weather sets in, cover this place with tomato tops. True, it will be possible to use such garlic only in the spring, when the snow melts and the heads can be dug out, but it will be fresh and tasty.

Pour a layer of salt into an ordinary parcel box with holes in the walls, lay a row of heads, which is also covered with salt on top. Then again put a row of heads, and pour salt again - and so on to the very top of the box. Garlic in such conditions will remain juicy until spring.

If you store garlic in a kitchen where the temperature is 18-25°C, in no case do not pack it in plastic bags: the heads suffocate, rot and rot in them. At room temperature, it is best to store garlic in bags made of dense fabric, sprinkled with dry onion peel. It is well preserved in dry sifted wood ash or dry sawdust.

I welcome all homemade people, as well as summer residents, gardeners and gardeners.

Winter is about to come, which means there are only a few days left to shelter various heat-loving garden crops in order to properly prepare them for wintering.

I must say that last winter turned out to be abnormally long for us, because it came almost in mid-October, and ended almost at the end of April. And just perhaps because of such a long winter, rodents caused very great damage to our (and not only our) garden.

At many gardeners, rodents gnawed plants sheltered for the winter. At the same time, both stems and roots, as well as the bulbs of some plants, were affected. In my case, for example, rodents ate several vines, causing decent damage to the entire vineyard so that this year we practically lost the grape harvest.

Moreover, even the spruce spruce branches that covered the grape bushes did not save. Therefore, this year, I decided to try a new method of protecting sheltered plants and, in particular, grapes from rodents. The fact is that I heard somewhere that rodents really do not like the smell of garlic. Moreover, they are scared away not only by the bulbs, but also by the stems, which also have a characteristic garlic smell.

Therefore, in the summer, I did not, as usual, throw out the garlic tops left in the shed after drying the bulbs on the compost, but decided to try using it as a shelter. Moreover, the harvest of garlic this year was quite good, and quite a lot of tops remained from it.

To cover the bush, I used a combination of dried garlic stalks, as well as spruce branches, since spruce branches are very good at holding snow.

So, first we need to prepare the grape bush for shelter by filling the base of the bush with two or three buckets of earth or humus.

You also need to carefully bend long vines to the ground and securely pin them to the ground with hooks that can be cut from branches left over from pruning the garden or simply bend them from strong wire.

Here are our vines already pinned to the ground.

By the way, I will not describe these stages of shelter in detail, since I have already talked about this in the article "".

And with the rest of the stems, we cover the bush from all sides, including the base of the bush and the vines on top.

It is possible, of course, not so tightly to cover the grape bush with garlic tops, but most importantly, you need to do it evenly so that the garlic stalks surround the bush from all sides.

Although, in principle, if there is a lot of garlic tops, then you can put a thicker bush on it, because in this case, it will play the role of additional shelter.

After we have securely covered the grape bush with garlic tops, we can proceed to cover it with spruce branches. The spruce branches will serve as additional protection against rodents, as well as the top layer of shelter.

Therefore, we cover our bush with spruce branches in such a way that the bases of the branches (thick parts) are on top, and the tips of the branches are adjacent to the ground. In this case, the shelter in shape should resemble a kind of hut.

In addition, we lay the spruce branches in layers: first we lay one layer in a circle around the entire bush, then the second, third, etc. As a rule, three or four layers of spruce branches are enough.

Here I laid out one layer of spruce branches.

And then a few more layers.

Thus, our grape bush is securely covered.

By the way, on top of the spruce branches, you can additionally put branches from garden trees or shrubs left after pruning the garden. These branches will help to further hold the snow over the bush.

For example, in addition to the branches, I even put a few stems from Jerusalem artichoke on top of the spruce branches.

Thus, a fairly reliable shelter for the winter turned out over my grape bush. Of course, I can’t say for sure that the rodents will not touch my vine at all now (finally this will be seen in the spring), but I think that thanks to the garlic stalks, the likelihood of this will increase significantly.

In addition, as I noted above, garlic tops will serve as an additional shelter that protects the bush from frost, and possibly from diseases or pests, which most likely will not risk wintering in the ground on which garlic stalks lie.

Well, that's about all! Good luck to everyone in preparing the garden for winter!

Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, gardener with 24 years of experience, process engineer

© When using site materials (quotes, tables, images), the source must be indicated.

Garlic is the oldest spice on earth. It has been grown on the territory of our country for more than 10 centuries. The ancient Slavs called it "combed onion", apparently because of the special structure of the flat leaves.

They have always used it as a fertilizer for garlic, which he loves very much. And only after the appearance in the 19th century, this vegetable began to be fed with agrochemicals. The obtained positive results allowed agronomists to recommend tuks for fertilizing this crop.

When growing garlic, private gardeners and small farmers most often use an integrated approach to its top dressing. They bring manure and compost in the fall, or a year before planting garlic in the garden, phosphorus is also usually used in September-October. And here and top dressing is carried out throughout the season, stopping their application approximately three weeks before the collection of finished products.

When cultivating this spicy plant, crop rotation must be observed. Usually it is planted after gourds,. But - not the best predecessor for garlic. They belong to the same family, and suffer from the same diseases (furaziosis, bacterial rot, black mold). By the way, they also have common pests (stem nematode, root mite, onion moth).

How to prepare the soil for garlic?

More often beds for planting garlic are prepared in the fall, which makes it possible to make all the necessary fertilizers for garlic in advance. Usually, work is carried out in September - October, when the predecessor plants are harvested and uprooted, but the earth has not yet had time to be thoroughly overgrown with ubiquitous weeds. During digging, humus is introduced into the soil - about 5 kg per 1 sq. M., And, about 20 g per 1 sq. M. Before winter, potassium chloride can also be added in small quantities (about 15 g per 1 sq. M.) But this is not necessary. In any case, potash fertilizers will have to be produced next year.

You can also use the following fertilizer application scheme in the garden for garlic (per 1 sq. M.):

  • Manure or compost (well rotted) - 4-5 kg;
  • Superphosphate double granular - 35 g;
  • Potassium salt - 25 g.

How to plant garlic?

Winter varieties are usually planted in autumn, because in spring this gives them at least a couple of weeks of head start to extend the growing season during a favorable period. The plant also benefits from the fact that seedlings appear at the very moment when there is a lot of moisture in the ground. It helps the plant to actively develop.

Before winter, you can plant any planting material of winter varieties of garlic. The following categories are recommended:
  1. Large teeth - they give the largest heads.
  2. Single teeth - a little smaller, about 4 g, but also give a good quality crop.
  3. Air bulbs are seeds that are planted to grow small-sized garlic. A year later, it is used to update planting material.

For the middle lane, it is necessary to choose zoned varieties of winter garlic, such as: "Nadezhny", "Gribovsky", "Ryazhsky", "Jubilee Gribovsky", "Flight". These varieties are adapted to winter temperature fluctuations, resistant to freezing, and give good spring germination rates.

In the central and northwestern regions of Russia landing is usually carried out at the end of September. These terms allow the tooth to take root, but, at the same time, it does not have time to germinate. Planting garlic can be done both on a separate bed, and as a compacting crop in strawberries, which it protects from pests.

By the way, garlic itself from pests can protect the disinfection of planting material. To do this:

1 tsp copper sulphate is diluted in 1 liter of hot water and infused for about 30 minutes. Also, for this disinfection, you can apply, which will not only serve as protection against diseases and pests, but also nourish the planting material with useful substances.

Cloves and seeds are planted in rows in loose soil, with a well-compacted top layer. Between the teeth, observing the cultivation technology, leave a distance of 7 cm, between rows - 25 cm. But the “air” is planted much denser. But in this case, it is imperative to observe the row, otherwise there is a great risk of pulling out the young sprouts of the main crop along with the weeds.

The correct planting depth is two tooth heights. If planted deeper, the sprout may not break through the layer of earth, and if it is shallower, the roots will push the plant to the surface. Seeds are buried in the soil, a maximum of 1 cm. It is advisable to mulch the bed after planting. For this purpose, use dry or sawdust. In winter, you can carry out additional warming by throwing more snow on the bed.

Spring varieties are planted both before winter and in spring. For the middle lane, the following varieties are recommended: Flavor, Rostovsky, Sterlitomaksky, Novosibirsk, Broad-leaved. Before planting, the teeth must be soaked in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). This will protect them from infection with various diseases, and scare away such a pest as a nematode. Spring garlic does not shoot, which greatly facilitates the care of plantings. It can be planted in rows, 4-5 rows in one, leaving row spacings of 15-20 cm. This allows you to economically use the land and fertilizers for garlic.

Shooting garlic

An additional care procedure, without which good results cannot be obtained, is the removal of arrows that appear from the middle of the stem as soon as the plant gains strength. Garlic has a powerful reproductive instinct, and all the forces, juices and vitamins begin to leave the underground part for the above ground, nourishing the future seeds. Therefore, the moment must not be missed. Arrows must be mercilessly removed, otherwise you can be left without a crop. There are several factors in which they may appear ahead of time:

  • Cold and wet weather. The plant strives to form seed pods faster.
  • excess nitrogen in the soil. Therefore, and must be used in moderation when applied under garlic.
  • Lack of moisture. Such conditions give rise to an acceleration of the shooting process. The plant, feeling a lack of nutrients, directs all its forces to the formation of an arrow.

Top dressing of garlic

Many gardeners do not feed garlic much, believing that it will grow anyway. Actually, this is a wrong belief. Even for a small top dressing, this plant responds with a noticeable increase in useful mass. So what garlic fertilizer should you use?

After winter, fertilize, respectively, winter garlic. It can be drink diluted slurry, which is diluted 1:10. If the leaves of the plant are light, you can additionally carry out potassium top dressing. To do this, use wood ash, which is sprinkled with soil before watering.

In summer, garlic actively grows and forms a commodity head. At this time, he needs large amounts of nutrients. At the end of June, mineral fertilizers are applied under garlic:

Take 10 g and the same amount of potassium chloride. Dilute in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution irrigates the soil under the plants in the evening, before the main watering.

There are many schemes for feeding spring and winter garlic. Here's another one. It was used on their plots (with good results), by many summer residents of the middle lane, as well as the Urals and Siberia:

  1. The first time they make top dressing for garlic (winter) two weeks after germination. Under the spring - after the appearance of three or four leaves. Use - 1 tbsp. for 10 liters of water.
  2. The second time - 12 days after the first feeding. Contribute - 2 for 10 l.
  3. The third is at the end of June. For this top dressing, an extract is made from superphosphate, (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). Application rates - 3-4 liters per square meter.

When to harvest garlic?

Very often, impatient gardeners dig up this plant when its heads have not yet reached their optimal mass. But it was possible to get a much better harvest. So how do you know when to harvest garlic?

  • In open ground, this plant begins to be dug up only after the stem and leaves turn yellow. If they are still green, then there is a lot of nitrogen in the biomass, which helps to increase the volume of the head. Worth waiting a couple of weeks.
  • You can refer to the arrows. On all plants, plantations break them off, but on a few they are left. When the seeds are ripe and the seed sac bursts, you can start digging.
  • Calculate the required amount of time from the moment the garlic is planted. This method is suitable for beginner gardeners. It is also used when growing garlic in a greenhouse, in autumn - winter. It is necessary to be guided by the reference information attached to the planting material.

The use of haulm and arrows

Growing garlic is a very profitable business. After all, all its parts can be used - and tops, and heads, and arrows. The aerial part of this culture can be used in a number of ways. Here are the most common uses:

  1. Arrows of garlic are used to prepare various dishes. For example, they can be fried with meat, they taste like asparagus beans. They are also salted, getting a delicious snack, which is popularly called "ramson".
  2. The knot and the point of the arrow accumulate the largest amount of fungicides, which have a detrimental effect on pests of many plants. After crushing these parts of garlic, they are poured with boiling water, and sprayed with a cooled solution,. A strong smell creates unbearable living conditions for ants that leave their anthills arranged in the beds.
  3. Plants that do not have common pests with it are covered with well-dried garlic tops.

Growing garlic in the garden, gardeners provide themselves not only with delicious snacks and seasonings. This plant helps to strengthen the immune system (especially in winter), and fight various diseases. It kills microbes and putrefactive bacteria, has diuretic and choleretic properties, increases appetite, and strengthens blood vessels. And it is very tasty, and is widely used in cooking. No wonder that even the famous ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras glorified this plant, calling it "the king of all spices."

Video: garlic growing workshops