Footcloths: educational program from the amateur estimata. How to wind footcloths correctly: ways Modern practice of using footcloths

To properly wrap footcloths around the foot, you first need to choose the appropriate size and tear off the flap. It does not need to be sewn or overcast - otherwise these seams and seals will lead to painful discomfort.

The size of the footcloth implies sufficient length to wrap the foot with it twice. The standard is 35/90 cm, which is relevant for the legs of any adult man.

The wrapping of footcloths is done in such steps.

  • The canvas is straightened with an even flap on the hang or on the floor.
  • The left foot is placed on the left edge, the right foot on the right.
  • The indentation is approximately 20 cm - it should be enough to cover the top of the foot.
  • The foot is placed not parallel to the edge, but slightly at an angle - with the fingers deeper inward, with the heel closer outward, so that the front corner remains larger.
  • The front short edge at the outer arch of the foot, taking it by the corner, is thrown slightly obliquely over the fingers, completely covering them.
  • The remaining tail is tucked under the arch of the foot, pulling the canvas.
  • At the inside of the foot, the rest of the flap is lifted up and pulled tight.
  • From the front side, the fabric is wrapped over the foot and wound obliquely under the fingers, smoothing out the folds - this is how the sock is formed.
  • With one hand holding the back short corner taut, with the other hand wrap the rest of the flap obliquely around the foot so that the canvas comes out in the area of ​​​​the arch of the foot and completely wraps the heel.
  • The wound layer is carefully straightened, and the remainder is pulled up at the back.
  • The rest in the hands is twisted, changing its ends in the hands - this will fix the winding on the heel.
  • The free stretched part of the flap is rotated around the lower leg, allowing a minimum of folds along the foot.

It remains to pull the tip tighter, tuck it into the winding on the inside of the lower leg - and the footcloth is ready.

What can footcloths be made from

Any flap made of natural fibers will do. In winter, it should be a warm bike or a wool mixture, in summer - cotton, army linen, linen cambric, chintz, even an ordinary sheet. The main thing is that the foot remains dry and warm, regardless of the weather and season.

Mixed, artificial threads and synthetics are not suitable as footcloths - they do not absorb sweat, do not lend themselves well to boiling or chlorination, and when worn, they can shed, staining the feet, if the fabric was originally colored.

Our army, like many countries, until recently had summer and winter variations of this accessory, until it switched to an army boot with socks. But where boots are still used due to climatic conditions, footcloths are still held in high esteem.


No wonder this invention, despite the 21st century, is still held in high esteem - they have a lot of advantages compared to the highest quality socks.

  • Under boots, socks wear out rather quickly, and footcloths withstand friction on the rough parts of the boot, so they do not wear out so quickly.
  • Wet footcloths in expanded form are easy to dry - it does not take as much time as drying socks.
  • They are easier to wash for the team - no need to sort in pairs after.
  • They can be boiled and treated with bleach.
  • In case of getting wet, only the outer layer is saturated with moisture - it can be rewound on the go, thus avoiding colds and hypothermia of the feet.
  • If any place of the flap is rubbed to the hole, the footcloth is similarly rewound - now friction injuries are not terrible.
  • With a long forced march, well-wound flaps will not slip, but the gum of the socks does not always stand up.
  • In cold weather, a double layer of warm fabric will better protect your feet from the cold, and in summer it will absorb sweat faster, leaving your feet dry.

There are also significant inconveniences - winding it up takes time and skills, and when you take off your shoes, the foot will remain bare, because it will not work to leave it on your foot as a sock.

A footcloth is a piece of fabric for wrapping legs, underwear, a rectangular (about 35 cm by 90 cm) piece of warm and durable fabric that was used in the old days instead of a sock. Footcloths were worn with bast shoes or boots. Currently, footcloths are widely used in the Russian army. According to the decree of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the use of footcloths will be discontinued in the near future.

In order for the footcloth not to unwind when walking and running, it must be wound in a special way (tightly) around the leg. This should be done from the toe of the foot and certainly “out”, and not “in”, so that when walking it does not get off and rub the leg. The foot in the footcloth is practically wrapped in two layers of fabric, which retains heat better, and if it gets into the water for a short time, only the outer layer of the footcloth gets wet.

Footcloths are of two types: summer and winter. Summer footcloths are usually made of cloth or cotton (depending on the manufacturer), winter footcloths are made of baize or fabric with a composition of 50% cotton and 50% wool.

The fabric is not overcast at the edges and is not sewn from separate pieces so that the seams and scars do not rub the leg.

A footcloth is in some cases better than a sock (especially in harsh conditions).

Footcloths for officers and footcloths for soldiers

Advantages of a footcloth
+ it dries faster
+ it is easier to make it from improvised pieces of matter than to sew a sock;
+ it wears out less than the sock (since you can swap more worn areas with less worn ones);
+ allows you to fit larger shoes tightly on your foot.
+ when wearing boots, a footcloth helps to maintain the health of the skin of the foot.

The disadvantages of footcloths
- it is much more difficult to put on than a sock;
- its size exceeds the size of socks;
- Carelessly put on footcloths can lead to scuffs, and with prolonged use - to serious skin irritation.

How to wind footcloths correctly
Before winding footcloths, it is necessary to carefully examine the general condition of the legs and those parts of the foot that may be worn.

Feet should be washed with cold water and dried. Toenails should be trimmed, but not too short, but only along the front edge and sides. Nails cut too short can grow into the flesh of the fingers and interfere, causing severe pain.

If your feet sweat a lot, wash them regularly with cold water and soap at every opportunity. Over time, this problem will disappear. The pores on the legs from cold water are narrowed, and hygiene does not allow the pores to become clogged with any dirt.

When wrapping the legs with footcloths, prevent the formation of folds and scars. When putting on shoes, it is especially good to wrap footcloths so that they fit the legs without coarse folds, like stockings.

In the summer, when wearing shoes for one pair of footcloths, it is necessary to put an insole into the boot (boot).

Wrapping feet with footcloths
a - wrapping the left leg, b - wrapping the right leg

Left leg wrap
The wrapping of the left leg is performed similarly to the right one with a corresponding change of hands and the ends of the footcloth.

Right leg wrap
The footcloth is spread on some flat, clean surface or, when wrapping on weight, it is smoothly straightened and stretched by hand.

When wrapping the right leg, the foot is placed on the footcloth cloth closer to its right edge, retreating from this edge by about 20 cm, and so that the ends of the fingers do not slightly reach the front edge of the footcloth (reception 1).

They grab the front utop of the short end of the footcloth with their right hand and wrap the foot with this end from above, straightening the folds; the very corner is slipped under the sole from the inside and held in this position with the help of the free long end of the footcloth, pulled with the other hand (reception 2).

Having carefully straightened the folds on the instep of the foot, as well as on the sole (for which they pull the edge of the footcloth behind the heel), with the long end of the footcloth, in a full turn, wrap (while changing hands) the rear of the foot, sole and heel (reception 3).

The free end of the footcloth, mainly its front edge, is pulled up along the lower leg (reception 4).

Then they wrap the lower part of the lower leg with the back of the footcloth, covering the front edge of the footcloth; at the same time, the heel is tightly wrapped around the back and inside with the help of a fold on the inside of the lower leg (reception 5).

Probably, many of us have heard the word "footcloth" in conversations. Few people know what it is and why it is needed. And if you ask a person about how to wind footcloths, he is unlikely to give a reliable answer. That is why let's figure out what kind of "strange" object it is and what its purpose is.

What is a footcloth?

A footcloth is a small piece of fabric made of durable and warm material. The item belongs to the category of underwear, used for wrapping legs. The functional characteristics of footcloths are the same as those of a sock, so they can be safely worn with shoes of any kind.

Pictures from the past: the appearance of footcloths and its purpose

The first footcloth appeared in the distant past, during the existence of the ancient Roman Empire. Its use was especially relevant during the period of hostilities. Not a single army could do without this element of military uniforms. A properly wound piece of high-quality fabric saved from the weather, protected the soldier's legs from injury, excessive sweating in the hot season. The knowledge of the Romans on how to wind footcloths was passed down from generation to generation, as a result of which the art of wrapping legs spread throughout the world and has come down to our times.

The inhabitants of Russia also knew about the properties of footcloths. "Homemade sock" became popular during the reign of Peter I. The desire of the king to always and in everything comply with European standards led to a slight modernization of the country and the army. Changes came after the ruler's trip to Holland, where the handicraft has long been used.

Years later, the king, again guided by the example of developed countries, tried to abolish the wearing of footcloths and introduce stockings into fashion. This idea is known as a bad experience in the world of clothing, and it was soon abandoned. Hosiery socks were not practical and did not have the properties for which the footcloth was valued by representatives of the Russian army.

Since then, the footcloth has become an integral part of military attire and the subject of ridicule in folk anecdotes, a source of inspiration for writers and poets. We can say with confidence that famous literary works taught many people how to wind footcloths so that they last for a long time.

Modern practice of using footcloths

The science of how to wind a footcloth was also mastered in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Our soldier could be distinguished from the rest of the military by the presence of a piece of rectangular fabric in his boots.

Until 2007, a footcloth was a necessary and one of the important elements of army equipment in Ukraine. The country has abandoned the use of boots and a foot sock due to changes in military uniform standards set by NATO.

In 2014, the army nevertheless passed the stage of modernization - ordinary socks and berets replaced footcloths and boots.

How to wind footcloths?

The procedure for wrapping legs with a cloth, it would seem, is simple. You take a footcloth, wind it around your foot - and that's it, you're done! But not everything is as simple as it seems in reality. A violation in the sequence of wrapping the leg can lead to unwinding of the footcloth, and as a result of this - the occurrence of skin problems. How to wind footcloths correctly? The first thing to remember is that you should start winding from the foot and out, in two layers. A footcloth worn in this way will not stray when walking, rub your leg. The double thickness of the "sock" will protect the legs from getting wet and in severe frosts.

It should be noted that before winding the fabric, the legs must be thoroughly washed with cold water, wiped dry, and the nails trimmed (not too short).

We will provide more detailed information on how to wind footcloths. The instructions below will help a beginner in the "tailoring business" to cope with wrapping legs.

  1. We spread the fabric on a relatively flat surface, put our foot obliquely near the right edge of the product.
  2. We wrap the foot with a corner, wrap it under the sole.
  3. We wrap the long end of the fabric around the foot, move uphill, correcting the formed folds.
  4. Having completely wrapped the lower part of the leg, we stretch the remaining fabric to the lower leg and wrap it around. Ready!

Footcloths: how to wind (ways for the lazy and hardworking)

The first method of winding fabric is designed for lazy people and consists in following the sequence of the following actions:

  • we put the unfolded fabric on the bell of the bootleg;
  • we press with our toes and put the leg together with the product inside.

That's all!

As practice shows, a leg wrapped in this way does not rub when walking, and a footcloth lasts for several hours. A not very effective, but rather quick method of wrapping footcloths is popular in situations where you don’t want to fiddle with the fabric for a long time due to lack of time.

The second way is for hardworking and neat individuals in everything, who are not indifferent to how to wind footcloths. The method of its implementation was described above, in the "instructions for the beginner".

The optimal size of footcloths

Before winding footcloths, you should pay attention to the size of the fabric. The optimal parameters of rectangular footcloths are 35 and 90 cm. The smaller product does not completely wrap the leg, it often falls apart.

The main advantages of footcloths

A person who wears a foot sock instead of a regular product will highlight the following advantages:

  • Durability. Footcloths are rarely torn, they last much longer than simple socks.
  • Does not retain moisture, dries very quickly.
  • Allows you to put shoes of any size on your foot, hides the discrepancy between the length of the foot and shoes.
  • Ease of manufacture. A "footcloth sock" can be made from improvised materials in a matter of minutes.
  • Maintains healthy skin and feet.
  • Footcloths can reduce sweating of the feet.
  • Protects feet from hypothermia, rubbing with hard shoes.

Footcloths have their drawbacks, but despite this, this adaptation of mankind to uncomfortable shoes is a salvation for tired legs. Everyone should master the art of winding footcloths. Would it come in handy? It is better to know and not use foot wrapping skills than not to know and be in a situation where it is needed.

A footcloth is most often a rectangular piece of fabric for wrapping a leg, an outdated analogue of socks for boots, bast shoes, and onuche.
For different seasons, it is possible to use different footcloths: in winter - flannelette or woolen, and in summer - cotton or cloth.

Sizes of footcloths

Some people believe that the size of footcloths is 35x90 centimeters. But it's not. In different years, there were different state standards for the manufacture of footcloths.

In 1978, summer footcloths made of harsh bleaching twill, article 4820, 4821.4827, were made according to TU 17-65-9010-78. The density of the fabric under such technical conditions was not less than 254-6/210-6, the tensile strength was not less than 39-4/88-8. The size of one half-pair is 35x90 cm.

In 1983, changes took place: for example, factories made summer footcloths according to TU 17 of the RSFSR 6.7739-83, according to which the size of the finished pair was 50x75 centimeters.

In 1990, the width of footcloths decreased by 15 centimeters: from 50 to 35 centimeters, and the quality of the fabric deteriorated. For example, if you read TU 17-19-76-96-90 for winter cloth footcloths from cloth cloth art. 6947, 6940, 6902,6903, it turns out that their composition will be different: 87% wool, 13% capron. The density of the fabric is not less than 94-3 / 93-5, the tensile strength is not less than 35-4 / 31-3, and the size of one half-pair is 35x75 centimeters.

Today, on some sites you can find ads for the sale of footcloths, which indicate other sizes. As a rule, the authors propose to make their own footcloths in the size you need, cutting them into two parts.
Footcloths made in the USSR are in particular demand, since the fabric from which they are made differs in quality - the method of weaving the threads was then different, allowing the production of denser material.

Advantages of footcloths

  • They are easy to wash as you don't have to match pairs and sizes as you would with socks.
  • They dry quickly
  • Boiling and other types of washing can be applied to them.
  • Footcloths are less prone to wear
  • If the footcloth gets wet, you can use its dry edge.
  • Footcloths, if necessary, are easy to make yourself. Any piece of fabric of the appropriate size will work for her.
  • Footcloths retain heat well.

The disadvantages of footcloths

  • Compared to a sock, putting on a footcloth is much more difficult.
  • The dressing process is much longer. According to the rules established in the Soviet Army, soldiers were required to learn how to wind footcloths in twenty seconds.
  • Careless winding can lead to abrasions and serious irritation of the skin of the legs. To avoid this, you need to know how to wind footcloths correctly.
  • It is impossible to wear outside the shoes as a sock, the footcloths are unwound and the foot remains bare;

Before winding footcloths, it is necessary to spread the matter on a clean and even surface. This condition is for those who have no experience in winding footcloths. Who knows how to perform this procedure on weight, must straighten and stretch the matter in his hands.

There are several ways to wind footcloths. Below is the one used by the Soviet and later Russian army.

wrapping left leg it is made similarly to the right one with a corresponding change of hands and the ends of a footcloth.

Here, just in case, both ways in one picture.

What nuances should be considered when winding footcloths

  • Footcloths should be wound tightly. Otherwise, the appearance of painful blisters is guaranteed. Often in the army, in order to avoid heavy physical exercises, footcloths were deliberately wound loose by some soldiers.
  • If the winding is done inside, it is possible to knock down the footcloth when walking. Therefore, the winding procedure must be performed starting from the toe out.
  • If the footcloth on the leg is fixed correctly, then it will better retain heat and will not let moisture through. If the feet are very wet, it is recommended to use the dry end of the footcloth, which is wrapped around the foot. After a while, the wet side of the fabric will dry and it can also be used. Thus, when the feet get wet, it is not necessary to change the footcloths.
  • Footcloths are not recommended to be sewn or overcast. The presence of unnecessary details on the fabric can lead to rubbing and irritation of the skin of the legs.
  • If the footcloth on the foot is worn out, it can be used by wrapping the foot with the other side.
  • During winding, it is recommended to ensure that rough folds, creases and scars do not form, since when walking they can rub the legs strongly.
  • If footcloths are used in the summer, it is necessary that for each pair there is an insole. If the shoes are too big, footcloths can slip. They will stay in place if the fabric fits snugly against the tarpaulin boot. This can be achieved by choosing a larger piece of matter under the footcloth.

Footcloths in the German army of the 40s (Finnish-German version of winding footcloths in a boot)

During the Great Patriotic War, footcloths became an integral part of the uniforms of Soviet soldiers. And although today there are often statements on the forums that the footcloth is a purely Russian invention, and the Germans walked in woolen socks, this is not true. The Germans wore footcloths, woolen or flannel. Moreover, if you look at the list of uniforms of German soldiers, it turns out that along with suspenders (hosenträger), sports T-shirts with stripes (Wehrmacht eagle or police eagle, sporthemd), black satin shorts (unterhose), statutory socks (strumpfen) and other uniforms, footcloths (fußlappen) are in 13th place.

The main distinguishing feature of German footcloths was that they had the shape of a square (40 x 40 cm), in contrast to the rectangular Russian footcloth.

The Germans even issued a special form-instruction: "How to wear footcloths", which stated that the footcloth should not have any seams, they should be made of woolen or cotton flannel.

Footcloths were, by the way, very popular among the German infantrymen, who called the footcloths "rag foot", "Indian foot".

This form was used to instruct recruits in the ability to make the correct wrapping of the foot. If done incorrectly, it can lead to “general discomfort or pinching of the foot,” the instructions say. Many say that windings were most often used by old soldiers who went through the first world war. But the young soldiers used them the same way. Although some of them lacked patience.

HOW TO WEAR AND WIND FOOTWELLS CORRECTLY A footcloth is a piece of fabric for wrapping legs, underwear, a rectangular (about 35 cm by 90 cm) piece of warm and durable fabric that was used in the old days instead of a sock. Footcloths were worn with bast shoes or boots. Currently, footcloths are widely used in the Russian army. In order for the footcloth not to unwind when walking and running, it must be wound in a special way (tightly) around the leg. This should be done from the toe of the foot and certainly “out”, and not “in”, so that when walking it does not get off and rub the leg. The foot in the footcloth is practically wrapped in two layers of fabric, which retains heat better, and if it gets into the water for a short time, only the outer layer of the footcloth gets wet. Footcloths are of two types: summer and winter. Summer footcloths are usually made of cloth or cotton (depending on the manufacturer), winter footcloths are made of baize or fabric with a composition of 50% cotton and 50% wool. The fabric is not overcast at the edges and is not sewn from separate pieces so that the seams and scars do not rub the leg. A footcloth is in some cases better than a sock (especially in harsh conditions). Footcloth advantages: + it dries faster; + it is easier to make it from improvised pieces of matter than to sew a sock; + it wears out less than the sock (since you can swap more worn areas with less worn ones); + allows you to fit larger shoes tightly on your foot. + when wearing boots, a footcloth helps to maintain the health of the skin of the foot. Disadvantages of a footcloth: - it is much more difficult to put on than a sock; - its size exceeds the size of socks; - Carelessly put on footcloths can lead to scuffs, and with prolonged use - to serious skin irritation. HOW TO CORRECTLY WIND FOOTWEARS. Before winding footcloths, it is necessary to carefully examine the general condition of the legs and those parts of the foot that may be worn. Feet should be washed with cold water and dried. Toenails should be trimmed, but not too short, but only along the front edge and sides. Nails cut too short can grow into the flesh of the fingers and interfere, causing severe pain. If your feet sweat a lot, wash them regularly with cold water and soap at every opportunity. Over time, this problem will disappear. The pores on the legs from cold water are narrowed, and hygiene does not allow the pores to become clogged with any dirt. When wrapping the legs with footcloths, prevent the formation of folds and scars. When putting on shoes, it is especially good to wrap footcloths so that they fit the legs without coarse folds, like stockings. In the summer, when wearing shoes for one pair of footcloths, it is necessary to put an insole into the boot (boot). HOW TO WIND FOOTWELLS. Wrap left leg. The wrapping of the left leg is performed similarly to the right one with a corresponding change of hands and the ends of the footcloth. Wrap right leg. The footcloth is spread on some flat, clean surface or, when wrapping on weight, it is smoothly straightened and stretched by hand. When wrapping the right leg, the foot is placed on the footcloth cloth closer to its right edge, retreating from this edge by about 20 cm, and so that the ends of the fingers do not slightly reach the front edge of the footcloth (reception 1). They grab the front utop of the short end of the footcloth with their right hand and wrap the foot with this end from above, straightening the folds; the very corner is slipped under the sole from the inside and held in this position with the help of the free long end of the footcloth, pulled with the other hand (reception 2). Having carefully straightened the folds on the instep of the foot, as well as on the sole (for which they pull the edge of the footcloth behind the heel), with the long end of the footcloth, in a full turn, wrap (while changing hands) the rear of the foot, sole and heel (reception 3). The free end of the footcloth, mainly its front edge, is pulled up along the lower leg (reception 4). Then they wrap the lower part of the lower leg with the back of the footcloth, covering the front edge of the footcloth; at the same time, the heel is tightly wrapped around the back and inside with the help of a fold on the inside of the lower leg (reception 5). The advantages of footcloths made of fleece: + fleece dries well and quickly, removes moisture and sweat from the feet, as a result of which the latter are more comfortable than in socks. Footcloths, even after two days of intensive walking, do not “smell” like socks. Legs look fresher after footcloths than from socks - there are no traces of scuffs, irritations, wetting from sweat. + fleece forgives insufficient experience in wrapping footcloths - slight creases and creasing are practically not felt. + on a walker, if necessary, you can rewind the footcloth to the other side and your feet will be dry. The wet side on the lower leg dries quickly. + footcloth made of fleece quite well occupies the free volume of the boot, so that the leg sits like a glove. Also, due to the property of fleece, the footcloth does not have the effect of "self-unwinding". + fleece is relatively cheap (about 100 rubles per linear meter) and it’s not a problem to make a couple of sets of party shirts and carry them with you on a hike. - With sufficiently loose shoes (for example, rubber boots), footcloths are still unwound. This problem can be solved by wearing a thin fixing sock over the footcloth. Stick to the "statutory" dimensions (35x90 cm). Footcloths wider than 30-35 centimeters will be inconvenient to wind, and shorter than 90 centimeters - they will only reach the ankle, and you won’t fix it normally. When making footcloths from fleece, keep in mind that the fleece fabric is elastic and stretches well in one direction (this is good for tighter fitting of the leg when winding), but it does not stretch well in the other direction. Cut footcloths so that stretching is along it, and not across. Footcloths from any new fabric (in particular, from twill) must first be washed. Firstly, the fabric will become softer, and secondly, who knows where this fabric was previously stored. Rub your leg - you can bring an infection. In winter, in the cold, it is advisable to keep a spare pair of footcloths, as well as other linen, in your bosom. Then by rewinding you will get an already warmed-up thing, and not a piece of fabric hardened in the cold from the back pocket of a backpack.