How to sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands: diagrams, different techniques, step by step instructions. Patchwork quilt: creation technology, selection of optimal fabric and design recommendations (110 photos) Sew a bedspread from various shreds

Bright, beautiful, catchy products, assembled from different pieces of fabric, create warmth, homeliness. The patchwork technique, known since the time of our grandmothers, opens up a wide scope for imagination, allows you to improve your creative skills. Patchwork things will decorate the house, will appeal to loved ones, especially children.

How to sew a patchwork quilt

Making things from pieces of fabric is an exciting experience. Sewing a patchwork quilt does not require significant material costs. Fabric pieces can be bought in special patchwork kits. The second option is to use fabric leftovers or unnecessary things stored in the closet idle. So the worn-out clothes will find a new life, will serve as a reminder of pleasant events from the past.

For a patchwork blanket, you need at least 6 different colors of material. Using different tones, patterns and structures, you can create things of different designs - soft, delicate and warm, or, conversely, bright and crazy. Elements, gathered in a certain order, look spectacular, give a three-dimensional texture. Ideas and workshops make patchwork an accessible type of needlework

What fabric to choose for a patchwork blanket with your own hands

A do-it-yourself patchwork quilt is made from pieces of material that are the same in thickness and texture. The choice of color depends on the style of the interior, the shades of the walls and furniture. A contrasting combination of different fabrics looks better if the main canvas has a neutral, discreet tone. Moderate variegation with a combination of materials pleases the eye. Before sewing a patchwork blanket, you need to lay out the blanks on the main fabric, move away and evaluate the combination. A realistic view from the side in good light makes it clear how successful the combination of color and pattern is.

Which filler is best

The product consists of three layers - elegant top, insulation and bottom lining. By removing the filler, you can get a bedspread. As a warm layer, as a rule, a synthetic winterizer is used. One of the advantages of the material is the absence of shrinkage after contact with water. This means that the filler does not require soaking before use, while maintaining its original size and good appearance. The disadvantage of the material is that it is synthetic. This property is undesirable if the thing is intended for a child. A patchwork baby blanket should be as natural as possible.

An alternative to synthetic winterizer is fillers made from natural materials:

  • Cotton insulation is similar to light batting, not fastened with threads. The filler has a milky white color, thickness 2-3 mm, does not crumble. It is important to note that cotton can shrink by 5% after washing. Before work, the material must be soaked, gently squeezed with a towel and dried.
  • The second alternative to synthetics is wool filler, which consists of 100% natural fibers. Lightweight insulation has excellent thermal insulation, it is successfully used in needlework.

Schemes for patchwork

Elements that are connected by hand into a common patchwork composition can have a different shape: rectangles, stripes, rhombuses, triangles. Details are cut out of cardboard or paper. A patchwork quilt with your own hands is easiest to sew from large squares. Such a simple drawing will be appreciated by beginner craftswomen. More complex patterns for patchwork do not have to be invented by yourself. They can be purchased together with a needlework kit in a specialized department, seen in a magazine or on websites.

How to quilt a patchwork quilt on a typewriter

The connection of the layers of the blanket prevents the product from deforming during use, washing and cleaning. A neat stitch serves as an ornament, helps to hide the defects formed during sewing. There are two types of joining layers - machine and manual. The first way saves time. In addition, modern machines have good capabilities for performing the desired line. A blanket quilted with your own hands is softer.

The quilt stitch is done after the hem is sewn on. First you need to fix the layers. The blanket is located inside out and is swept with hands from the center to the edges. Preparing the product for stitching is a crucial stage. Machine stitching on a badly quilted blanket can leave behind "bubbles" and ruffles that cannot be repaired. Pre-basting and stitching are performed from the center to the edge to avoid overlapping fabrics.

Sewing a patchwork quilt

In order for the manufacturing process of the product to take place in an organized manner, a workspace is required, for example, a table where patches can be laid out. To assemble a patchwork quilt with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • threads in tone or contrast;
  • sample;
  • fabric or old things;
  • insulation;
  • lining;
  • inlay matching in color;
  • needle;
  • pins;
  • chalk or soap;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure;
  • sewing machine;
  • iron.

Denim patchwork

It is easy to make an original item from scraps cut out of used denim items. A strong cotton sheet can be used as a lining. The upper fabric needs to be prepared for work - washed, ironed, removing thick seams and dilapidated areas. A denim patchwork blanket is made like this:

  1. Cut out the shapes according to the template, taking into account the allowances.
  2. Sew the patches: first - 2, then - stripes.
  3. Connect the elements.
  4. Pull out the heater.
  5. Cut out the lining.
  6. Sweep layers.
  7. Stitch the product.
  8. Finish the edges with a border.
  9. Decorate the item to your liking using beads, sequins or braid.

For a newborn

The thing intended for the child is made of natural materials. A children's patchwork quilt is assembled from squares depicting flowers, animals, favorite characters from fairy tales and cartoons. The plot picture, designed in the form of an application, looks beautiful. A product for a newborn's crib should create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Do-it-yourself patchwork baby blankets are made like this:

  1. Cut out the details of the applique, which will be located in the middle.
  2. Prepare the required number of rectangles to decorate the perimeter of the blanket 82x103 cm.
  3. Fold a warm pad and the middle - a fabric measuring 60x75 cm.
  4. Fix the layers, lay parallel lines.
  5. Sew 4 strips of rectangles for the perimeter.
  6. Iron the assembled sections.
  7. Stitch the strips to the center piece.
  8. Cut out the lining a little more than the top to form the border by hem.
  9. Cut out a small diamond.
  10. Attach the appliqué with pins to the cut piece.
  11. Stitch the elements on a typewriter in a zigzag pattern.
  12. Sew a rhombus with an appliqué to the middle of the product.

Patchwork- a type of needlework that was formed due to the need to use it somewhere shreds remaining after pattern and sewing. And if in the old days these were primitive crafts for domestic use, today the technique of patchwork or patchwork turned into a real art that even people can practice unfamiliar with sewing- creating a patchwork quilt or craft is very simple.

Patchwork equipment

patchwork has become so common that in the sale of many needlework stores you can see and purchase special set for patchwork, including all the necessary tools. But for those who are not constantly going to engage in such needlework and do not want to spend money on purchasing such a set, tools that can be find houses absolutely free.


To create a patchwork masterpiece you will need:

  • scissors or roller blade
  • needles
  • threads
  • pencil
  • pins
  • centimeter
  • paper
  • sewing machine (if there is a large amount of sewing)


Besides, materials needed, which can also be purchased at the store or search at home. To create a beautiful multi-colored crafts, you will need variegated pieces fabrics and lining - all this can be cut from unusable old clothes, bedding, scarves, curtains and other unused at home of things.

Quilt sewing techniques for beginners. Easy ways to sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands

There is a large number various styles and techniques creating a patchwork quilt. They differ not only the specifics of the creation, but also by the superiority of a certain textures and colors. Consider the simplest patchwork techniques for beginner craftswomen.


Traditional technique

English or traditional patchwork is considered the most simple and suitable for beginners. His peculiarity lies in the fact that flaps are used for sewing various sizes and shapes, which are simply sewn together in an arbitrary order or forming a certain ornament.

Blanket in traditional technique
Pieces of various sizes
Pillows in English technique
Traditional technique with ornament

Using this technique, you can sew various household appliances such as potholders, napkins, throws and blankets. The simplicity of the English patchwork also lies in the fact that, as a rule, only the front side is sewn from the flaps, and backside is a single piece of fabric.

Blanket with a pattern

Square or chess technique

Square technique

This technique involves sewing a quilt from patches sewn into squares of the same size. Making such a blanket will not be difficult, but hand-stitching the parts will require a lot of time, so to save effort, it is better to use sewing machine.

Blanket in chess technique
small squares
Chess technique using squares of arbitrary sizes

Technique "Watercolor"

Blanket sewn from squares, as in the previous case, but a feature of the technique is a special approach to the selection colors and color combinations. As a rule, fabric scraps are selected from light to dark shades, from cold colors to hot ones, etc. Attention is also paid to the texture of the fabric - the flaps should be in harmony with each other.


Technique "Strip to strip"

To create a product in this technique, fabrics of various colors and textures cut into strips various lengths and widths. Combining them with each other in various patterns, they sew intricate pillowcases and blankets, tablecloths and interior items. Products may also contain geometric figures(most often it is a square in the center), but stripes dominate, which are the basis of the composition.

The technique of stripes with the creation of a square pattern

Technique "Triangles"

Quilt made from various triangular patches, looks colorful and decorative due to the fact that with the help of these geometric shapes you can create various drawings and patterns. The technique is quite simple and suitable for beginners, and the principle of creating a quilt is to sew the sides isosceles triangles.

small triangles
Large hand stitches
intricate pattern

crazy patchwork

The technique for making such a blanket is chaotic connection patches of various sizes, textures and colors. Connecting with each other, they do not form any pattern or pattern, but are placed in random order. The highlight of such a blanket will be variegation and unusualness.

crazy patchwork
The similarity of the drawing in this technique
Crazy patchwork blanket

Knitted patchwork

Unlike previous techniques, this patchwork is created without stitching flaps. Firstly, not pieces of fabric are used, but knitted scraps different colors, but made from the same type of thread. Second, these patches contact, rather than sewn, which allows you to create an original knitted blanket in the style of a patchwork.

colorful squares
Crocheted patchwork
Knitted patchwork blanket

A knitted patchwork is not suitable for all needlewomen, since to create such a blanket you need to be familiar with knitting firsthand both knitting and crochet.

Japanese patchwork

The technique consists in sewing products from patches of various geometric shapes. They can be connected to each other randomly or in a certain application, and the colors must be natural shades.

Japanese technique

How to sew a patchwork quilt?

Whatever technique for sewing a blanket you choose, you need to prepare for what lies ahead for you. painstaking work, but its result will more than pay off all the efforts spent. Before starting work, you need to consider what tools will be needed and what fabrics, if necessary, purchase the missing material.

Tools and materials

If you do not want to sew by hand, you can use sewing machine- the stitches will be more accurate, and the seam line will be even. Also used in many techniques iron for ironing seams, and instead of scissors, they use roller blade, which will make the job much easier.

Stencils for patchwork

Patchwork double-sided quilt

Beautiful and unusual blanket in the technique of crazy patchwork can be created even by a person who hears about patchwork for the first time. Ease of manufacture lies in the absence of any ornament and pattern- nevertheless, the blanket will turn out to be very unusual and will delight the eye with bright colors.

finished blanket

First you need to prepare tools and materials that will be needed in the process of creating a blanket:

  • 6 pieces of fabric (110 * 140 cm each), the same amount will be needed on the second side of the blanket
  • synthetic winterizer (170*220 cm)
  • thread, needles, pins
  • sewing machine
  • roller blade or scissors
  • lining
  • ruler
  • chalk or pencil

The fabric for the duvet should be suitable in texture and color, shreds should be in good harmony with each other. Before you start sewing, the fabric is better wash and iron so that later it does not sit in the finished product.

Work begins with a pattern and cutting of fabric. To create a blanket, you need to cut out from each cut 6 squares with parameters 45x45 cm. We lay out the resulting cuts balls, alternating in the same sequence all the available squares.


With roller cutter and ruler arbitrarily cut all the squares along one line. If you are using scissors, then measure out ruler cut line and tag with chalk or pencil, and then cut it out.


One of the cut pieces put under the bottom stacks in such a way that there are two fragments on top: the first and second colors.

Squares need to be cut

After that, by squares sew fragments using a sewing machine. Iron the resulting squares with an iron and fold in the order that the squares were after cutting.

Sew Fragments
Another cut and shift
Fragment squares
All fabric types should appear in the square

One of the cut fragments is again shifted to the bottom, after which, as for the first time, it is repeated stitching and ironing.

Repetition of actions

Cutting, shifting and further actions are repeated 7-10 times in order to maximize the colors in the squares mixed up. To make this happen faster, you can shift the fragments two or three squares at once down, then these steps will have to be repeated less times.

Cutting edges

After out of one-color squares multi-colored patchwork cuts will be made before you have a task trim them so that all their sides are equal 32 cm. Then you can proceed directly to the "assembly" of the blanket, or rather, its tailoring.

With the help of a machine connect the squares into one canvas by sewing them together and iron the seams. In exactly the same sequence, create second side blankets, after which you can sew the product into a single whole. To do this, successively stitched in layers the first layer, synthetic winterizer and the second layer.

Patchwork: baby blanket for a girl

In the style of patchwork, you can create a cute blanket for girl, choosing cuts of fabric of pink shades and a synthetic winterizer as a material. Perfect for this any technique patchwork, but the simplest, which even beginners can perfectly handle, will be the technique chess patchwork.

Pink patchwork quilt

For an interesting checkerboard pattern, fabrics are enough two shades, but by applying more shades of pink, your product will be more advantageous. Cutting out the squares the same size and connecting them together, placing the colors in a checkerboard pattern, you can quickly and effortlessly sew an original blanket for a child. In order for the seams not to stick out, it is necessary iron them gently.

Blanket made of large squares

The manufactured part of the blanket is necessary attach to synthetic winterizer, and on the reverse side it is better to use solid cut pink fabric of the right size: the wrong side will not harm the product in any way, but, on the contrary, will give it a decorative effect. Also contribute decorative trim front side, which can be decorated with homemade flowers or bows.

Chess technique

Patchwork: a blanket for a boy

To create a warm and beautiful blanket for a boy, it is preferable to choose fabrics blue and blue shades, but they can be multi-colored, variegated and have various patterns. For a patchwork style product you will need:

  • several types of fabric combined in texture to create squares
  • piece of fabric for the wrong side of the blanket
  • padding polyester
  • sewing accessories (needles, threads, sewing machine)
  • ruler
  • scissors

Baby blanket

Work sequence:

  1. Before you start creating a baby blanket, the fabric must be wash and iron(so the finished blanket will not settle after washing)
    2. After that, you can measure and cut squares of different colors 27x27 cm. In total such squares need to be created 24
    3. Lay out the wrong side of the fabric on a flat surface, which should be a few centimeters larger than the front side and attach a synthetic winterizer to it
    5. Lay on the resulting workpiece along the edge, lined up squares and pin them with pins to the workpiece
    6. Attach the squares to the workpiece along the bottom and side lines squares, without affecting their upper side, which is again pinned with pins
    7. Along the lines, a little tucking the squares to hide their edges, sew all the squares to the workpiece
    8. The protruding edges of the blanket can be trimmed and sew on on the sides are small strips of fabric that will hide errors and irregularities

The art of patchwork originated in the last century, when our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, in order to save money on new materials, used old fabric cuts left over from the manufacture of other products to create beautiful blankets, blankets and other interesting details of interior decor and interior decoration of their own hands. modest houses and apartments.

Now patchwork technique(it is also called patchwork) is becoming popular again. It does not require special costs and seamstress skills. After all, any beginner can do simple work using the patchwork technique. It is also a good way to get rid of excess old rags and scraps of fabrics stored at home, usually in excess, and completely idle. If you don’t have too much of such goodness, it doesn’t matter. One has only to pay a small visit to your beloved grandmother or ask your mother, and you will be provided with materials for patchwork in full. Thus, technology is not only economical, but also very useful in the household.

But in addition to its practicality, it is worth noting that products made from multicolored, bright patches of fabric, fit perfectly into many modern interiors and look very unusual and original, adding an interesting twist to gray and monotonous city apartments. They will help to create comfort in any private house, whether it is an exquisite cottage or a small house in a distant village. It will look interesting in a cute interior of a children's room. Also make a great gift handmade which is doubly nice. Even a child can perform such work, with basic sewing skills, and present such an interesting children's gift, having greatly pleased the hero of the occasion.

Using this technique, you can create various bedspreads, blankets, pillows, children's soft toys, decorative panels, even whole paintings, kitchen potholders, even bags and wardrobe items from scraps of fabric. Perhaps the simplest here are bedspreads and patchwork quilts. And since it is better to learn any needlework from the smallest, this article provides step-by-step instructions on how to sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands, which will suit even a novice master.

patchwork ideas

How to sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands

Tools and materials

Do-it-yourself patchwork quilt: schemes

As a rule, canvases in the technique of patchwork are made according to certain schemes, there are many of them. Here, for example, is one of them. It is simple, but it looks quite interesting and at the same time simple, well suited to the bright interior of the nursery.

It is necessary to give a little explanation to this scheme.

Capital Latin letters here indicate the “type” of the fabric, that is, its certain color, which will repeat from element to element. That is, the parts painted in the same color on the diagram and marked with the same letters must be cut from the same fabric. Of course, this condition does not have to be fulfilled unquestioningly, it can be better to swap some details for a more holistic composition and combination of colors.

It is important to consider the principle of color selection. Nearby colors will look good either very similar, related to the same shade, or, on the contrary, contrasting, such as green and red, yellow and blue. In addition to color combinations, it is important to consider the ornament on the fabrics used. You should not combine several patches side by side with a large heavy ornament. It is better to let there be more solid colors or colors with light stains.

The number of centimeters indicated in the diagram is the width of the part, the height of each of them is the same - 22 cm. Moreover, all dimensions are indicated taking into account allowances, which are approximately 1.5–2 cm on each side.

patchwork technology

Patchwork quilt: master class

This masterclass describes sequencing for the manufacture of bedspreads according to simple schemes, such as ours. For more unusual variations containing irregular shapes and polygons, a slightly different technique is used. Also, in addition to the traditional method described here, other varieties of patchwork are known, for example, the double-sided technique.

If everything is done carefully and soundly, it should turn out very beautiful, as in the photographs below. Well, if not everything worked out the first time, then don’t be discouraged, because it’s sure to work out the next, you just need practice.

After doing several works in patchwork technique, you will develop a skill, and soon you will be able to create a wide variety of products - not only blankets and pillows both according to patterns and without their help, but also create patterns for patchwork on your own. In addition, it will be possible to experiment with fabrics, you can use, for example, jeans or knitwear. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of master classes on a wide variety of products that can be sewn from shreds of fabric. Try more complex schemes if you feel that already mastered the right technique patchwork as a novice master.

The process of making a patchwork quilt

Remember we wrote about hygge style? How did you not read? Be sure to read and feel this lifestyle and philosophy of the organization of the Scandinavian interior. The philosophy is very simple: coziness, comfort, nothing superfluous, nothing that could annoy, distract or tire.

Patchwork bedspread in the interior

A maximum of soft and comfortable things, a lot of textiles, a home, natural materials. The house is calm and safe, friends gather here, it’s not boring to be here yourself, spinning in your favorite handmade blanket and plunging into dreams. By the way, about handmade and bedspread. We offer to bring this luxurious picture to life and create a patchwork patchwork quilt with your own hands.

What materials are needed for a patchwork bedspread

Well, let's start by defining the concept of patchwork. This is such a technique that allows you to sew a whole bedspread, or rug, or even a bag, clothes, stole from many different small patches. Such products are not only warm, which means practical, but very stylish and authentic, which means they can decorate the interior. We will sew a blanket. What we need:

  • remnants of various tissues (it is desirable that they be of approximately the same quality, or at least the same thickness);
  • ruler, pencil;
  • scissors;
  • fleece;
  • fabric for the wrong side (you can use denim);
  • thread, needle or sewing machine;
  • for a more complex option, you need a circuit.

Technique for creating bedspreads from flaps

For starters, you can try to sew DIY patchwork blanket from squares. Then you can not think about the scheme and it will be easier to sew the bedspread.

From the scraps you need to cut out many identical squares - use a pencil and a ruler so as not to be mistaken in size.

If you have a sewing machine, the process will go much faster. Sew the squares in rows, and then stitch the rows themselves. When the canvas is ready, it must be ironed on the inside to straighten the seams.

Patchwork bedspread pattern

Then you need to measure the product in order to cut the appropriate fabric from the fleece. Now lay the cover over the fleece with the right side facing up.

The next step is to cut the canvas out of denim or any other fabric - this will be the inside of the blanket. Next, place the denim right side up on top of the pile of fleece and bedspread.

Your pile can be basted a little, and then stitched. Leave a hole in one of the corners so that the cover can be turned inside out. If you did everything right, then you will have denim on one side, on the other - the front side of the patchwork blanket, and inside - fleece. The hole must be sewn up with hidden seams and iron the finished product again.

Patchwork quilt pattern

If you want to increase the size of the blanket, then at the assembly stage, plain strips of fabric can be laid between the squares. So you have a patchwork patchwork quilt ready.

Video instruction for beginners:

Do-it-yourself patchwork blanket: use patterns

A more complex scheme will require you to have a precise cut and a diamond eye. To get started, examine your stock of flaps: what material is a lot, what is less, and what is generally in short supply. Then you can come up with a diagram yourself by drawing it on a piece of paper with paints or pencils, or take ready-made templates.

Remember that it is most convenient to sew the patches together in blocks, and already sew these blocks together. Remember to leave seam allowances, otherwise you will end up with a product that is half as large as you expect.

Scandinavian motifs

Patchwork style: bedspread in different techniques

More precisely, the execution technique remains the same, but the products will differ from each other in appearance.