Which group includes Rusfinance Bank. The history of the emergence of a commercial bank (OOO Rusfinance Bank). Rusfinance Bank - reviews with a negative connotation

Click the button next to the bank description to view the text on the source site.

Rusfinance Bank is one of the market leaders offering the most comprehensive range of consumer lending services. It is part of the Rusfinance group and operates in the following areas: car loans; lending at points of sale; issue of credit cards.

On the territory of Russia, the Rusfinance group is represented in 68 regions - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.

Rusfinance Group belongs to the Societe Generale Group, one of the largest financial groups in the euro area.

Rusfinance Bank is a large commercial bank in Russia. The headquarters is in Samara. Currently part of the Societe Generale group. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the bank has 17 additional offices. According to Finance magazine, the bank's operating assets in January 2008 amounted to 45,922 million rubles, and according to this indicator, the bank ranks 50th among Russian banks, and first among Samara banks. According to RBC.Rating, in 2007 Rusfinance Bank ranks second among the leading banks in the Russian car loan market.

Until 2006, the bank belonged to the Samara financial and industrial group "SOK" and was called "Promek-Bank", the main specialization of the bank was consumer lending (car loans and credit cards). In 2005, the bank was acquired by Rusfinance, a subsidiary of the French group Societe Generale. After completion of the transaction in 2006, the bank's name was changed to Rusfinance Bank.

The main business areas of the bank are:
– Car loans
- Customer credit
- Credit cards

The Bank issues and acquires cards of Visa and MasterCard payment systems

Customer reviews about Rusfinance Bank



If you want to take part in the promotion, in no case do not deposit any additional amounts!!! My story: chose a sofa, approved a loan, calculated the amount! But ... somehow by chance they said that early repayment of the loan is not possible ... But there are the first 30 days, when no matter how much you deposit, the entire amount will be credited, and this is not considered EARLY REPAYMENT ... (very competently summed up to this conversation). They just "forgot" to say that if you pay ahead of schedule (that this is still an early payment, they found out much later), then the last payment that goes to you under the promotion decreases. those. if you pay the entire amount of the last payment in the first 30 days, or leave at least 100 rubles, then these 100 rubles will participate in this promotion. Oh yes, all this is spelled out in the individual conditions of clause 7.1, which for some reason "forgot" to give it to me (and I don't have it), and in clause 4.2.2 of the Agreement on Participation in the "Last Payment as a Gift" Program. They speak very timely and beautifully about the impossibility of early repayment without losses, and immediately write about the first 30 days, when the deposit of any amount will be counted as repayment, and will not be considered early repayment. The bank's website says that early repayment is only upon application ... But I did not write an application, and no one told me that the first payment in a larger amount than in the schedule would be counted as early repayment. And you, realizing that this is the only chance to deposit a little more, deposit the entire amount that is. Those. everything is unfortunately rehearsed, and you fall into this banking trap!!! Probably, if it were not for the payment in the first 30 days of a larger amount than in the schedule, I would have had to face something else. I really hope that there will be fewer and fewer unscrupulous banks, and people working there will be ashamed to withhold information, or tell lies to customers. The boomerang is such an interesting thing - no matter how you throw it, it still comes back.


The dumbest bank, they are looking for dumber themselves and it will be extremely difficult for them to do this.

Don't even waste your time on these scum, it's a total scam.


Good afternoon, I am writing to everyone who uses the services of Rusfinance Bank. Close your loans urgently and never take loans there. They cheat a lot. They may not say much. And they can do so that you will still have to stay. Please do not use the services of this bank.

Yura Rogozhnikov

Hello, I am writing to everyone who uses the services Hello, I am writing to everyone who uses the services of Rusfinance Bank! They took a loan there, they imposed insurance on us in the same way as in any commercial banks, while they said that in case of refusal of insurance, the money that was paid for it will be returned to you, you only need to write an application! We arrived after 4 months, wanted to pay off the entire amount and return the money for insurance, wrote a statement. As a result, no one passed our application anywhere, but simply said at the bank that the insurance was denied, they are SCAM, this insurance does not give anything, they simply impose on people so that we pay our money into their pocket, they beat everything very cool. Do not use this bank unless you want to lose your money. THEIR ACTIVITIES ARE BASED ON FRAUD. but! They took a loan there, they imposed insurance on us in the same way as in any commercial banks, while they said that in case of refusal of insurance, the money that was paid for it will be returned to you, you only need to write an application! We arrived after 4 months, wanted to pay off the entire amount and return the money for insurance, wrote a statement. As a result, no one passed our application anywhere, but simply said at the bank that the insurance was denied, they are SCAM, this insurance does not give anything, they simply impose on people so that we pay our money into their pocket, they beat everything very cool. Do not use this bank unless you want to lose your money. THEIR ACTIVITIES ARE BASED ON FRAUD.

Irina antonova

In 2014, I was offered to take a cash loan in the amount of 150,000 from Rusfinas Bank. Until April 2015 I paid on time, then I was left without a job, I began to look, I found a part-time job, but the truth was that payments began to come in installments and were delayed for a week. They began to call me from the bank and threaten , I began to record conversations and warned that I would contact the police, after that the threatening calls stopped. I tried to explain why this situation arose and asked to reschedule the payment date in order to get rid of delays, to which the bank replied that it was at its discretion. In short, TERRIBLE TREATMENT OF PEOPLE, WORK FOR THEMSELVES AND NOT FOR THE CLIENT!!! SHAME ON SUCH A BANK AND ITS EMPLOYEES!!! that tomorrow you will be unemployed?

We never cease to be surprised by the boorish attitude towards our own customers! These idiotic phone calls of absolutely incompetent, illiterate employees lead to the completely opposite result, i.e. there is no desire to pay and fulfill obligations, there is only one desire to send to hell.
There is no elementary information as in normal banks (MKB, VTB, Avangard) SMS-message before such and such a date, please repay such and such an amount, after paying SMS with the balance of the loan - everything is clear, clear and understandable! Now, as for the payment of the loan, several terminals around the city no longer work, and the employees who call and talk the same nonsense say that the terminal worked, and you are all lying :) because you don’t want to pay and there are a lot of opportunities to make a payment differently! In short, close and let's goodbye! Guys, run away from this "bank", don't get involved!
P.S.: I appeal to the management of the bank: chase incompetent employees who call every day, the effect is absolutely negative. In order for a person to pay at the time, he must be competently and politely informed, and not humiliated and talk like a fool when will you pay?, when will you pay?, when will you pay?, you don’t want to pay, you don’t want to pay, you don’t want to pay.

It is better to use the freed up money as a result of a competent reduction to finalize the mobile application, install more terminals and establish normal SMS informing!


I applied for a loan on 12/31/15, after 26 days I fully paid off, the amount indicated by the bank employee on January 26. It turned out the money arrived on January 27th. Because of one day, I still owed 872 rubles. I can recommend as the worst bank.


I took a loan to buy a car, returned it ahead of schedule and wrote an application for a refund of the rest of the insurance. I waited a month until the insurance company, incidentally related to the bank, would transfer the money. The money was credited to the account, but as it turned out, they can only be withdrawn in Samara, and I myself am from Chelyabinsk. I wrote an application at the branch of the Chelyabinsk bank to transfer money to the Chelyabinsk account, 10 days passed, and the application of the type did not arrive in Samara. Not only does the bank use my money for this time, but I also pay for the transfer. In general, this is not a bank, but a knator of horns and hooves. Where has it been seen that there is no cash desk in the bank. I do not recommend this bank to anyone.


To buy a car, the Major dealership offered to send an application for a loan to three banks, one of them turned out to be RusFinance Bank. First of all, the time of employees' calls is puzzling: 20.30 Moscow time, isn't it too late? People should have personal time for rest and other things, and not to resolve issues with employees who do not know how to communicate politely.

Further, why was my spouse asked questions over the phone about my income and my property if, when submitting an application, we were not asked for a package of documents for me, but only for the person for whom the loan is being issued? We were ready to provide a full package of documents on the day of visiting the salon. Why do employees ask incorrect questions about where we get the money for the down payment? I don't know who I'm talking to on the phone, but I have to provide a full statement of the cash in MY possession? Maybe also give the key to the apartment immediately to the bank employees for simplicity and provide an apparatus for counting?

We don’t even owe anything to anyone yet, and we have already been bombarded with incomprehensible questions that are asked in such a tone, as if we were slaves on a plantation who did not fulfill the plan. Is this a new customer acquisition scheme? After my husband refused by phone to apply for a loan at RusFinance Bank, he received an SMS stating that due to his incorrect behavior he was included in the list of unwanted clients in this bank!

Fine! Due to the incorrect behavior of RusFinance Bank employees, this bank becomes undesirable on our list. We are not yet clients, but the mood is spoiled, and we don’t want to become a client, so that later we would have the same attitude when we owe money to the bank. And then, we live in a free country, and we have every right not to take a loan if something does not suit us, and if the bank, due to the client’s refusal, includes him in the list of undesirables, then this only proves once again that the bank is not solid, and it is not worth contacting him.

Larisa Shulga

In December 2014, I took an installment plan on the door for half a year from this bank. When making the installment plan, they gave an agreement and a payment schedule. For 5 months there was a fixed amount, for 6 months - the balance of the debt. I paid off the entire debt in 6 months, the last payment, as expected, was in June. In January 2016, they call and say that I am a debtor!!! As it turned out, because I paid more amounts than in the payment schedule, my installment turned into a CREDIT for 16 months. You see, their program doesn’t think so. And now I owe about another 20,000 thousand rubles. It’s not written in my contract, I didn’t sign for it. Since if I was warned about this and it would be written in the contract, I would not show initiative and pay payments in installments as indicated. I ask everyone to find out and report on the decision made.


So. This bank had a car loan. Auto loan paid off. Also, an amount of 270,000 thousand was transferred from the insurance company to this account. we live in Ufa. as it turned out to pick up money in Ufa is not possible because there is no cash desk. There is a cash desk in Samara BUT in order to somehow pick up the money you need to: write an application for transferring money (your own with a commission to any third-party bank) at the bank's office in Ufa, then with this application go to the post office of Russia and send it yourself !!! (why it is impossible to send the original in the office in Ufa is not clear) to the office in Samara. Further, the letter seems to come and the money should be transferred within 3 days. We sent a letter with an application on 12/18/15, by registered mail with notification, and since 12/21/15 it has been in the bank. Today 12/24/15 The bank does not have a hotline to call for free from the phone. But there is a call from the Internet, which works only from a full-fledged laptop, you can’t call from an iPhone. When calling the bank, the employees cannot clearly answer when they transfer the money, they say that the letter is PROBABLY! in the office, and as soon as it enters the accounting department, it will be considered. When corresponding with the bank, they answer with standard phrases with specific deadlines about 3 days, but the deadlines have already been missed, they don’t say anything about it. they may not find such a sum! and that the withdrawal of YOUR money through the cashier is carried out with a commission of 10%. but not more than 2000 r! Pick up YOURS! money without commissions from this bank is not possible!!! We will never have business with this bank again. And we do not recommend!

Aleksey Ivanov

Came with a mortgage car. I bought a Nissan (at an average market price through a thrift store), drove it for 3 years - no problems. Title without marks, original. The car was registered with the traffic police without any problems. Then a letter arrives - it turns out that by a court decision I have to return the car, since the previous owner owes the bank another 300K rubles. A slight shock, since I did not receive any letters that the trial would take place (and there were already 3 of them, as they told me !!!). My wife is constantly at home, as there were no postmen on maternity leave either. The result is a court decision and immediately before the fact that in the shortest possible time he must provide the bailiffs with a car and a TCP. He immediately sat down at the Internet - read the law - a wilderness !!! YOU take the side of the office sometimes, but individuals in the courts of general record keeping go through the woods, even if they are legal buyers (in 99.99% banks are selected) !!! A loophole in the law that plays into the hands of scammers and banks. This commission is no longer there - it has changed its sign, another legal entity. It remains to look for a debtor, or sell for parts, but for now hide. And so he did - for a while he drove a friend into an empty garage until I found a way out. I contacted the debtor through social networks. The man turned out to be decent, although he had already left for the United States for permanent residence. Persuaded him to contact the bank and continue payments. In the meantime, he filed an appeal with the Moscow Regional Court that he was not properly notified. At the first meeting, my defense was based on the fact that, under the terms of the agreement, the pledgee had to return the title immediately after registration with the traffic police (within 5 days). But he did not return it at all and kept it for more than 2 years !!! And the bank did not scratch why the TCP under the contract is not returned !!! In general, the court did not recognize me as a bona fide purchaser, nor the account contract invalid !!! Such is their court practice! In general, the term was restored and I began to ride again. Further, about the bank - hearings began in November - representatives of the bank did not appear at 2 scheduled meetings, although they were notified by me. Of course, they didn’t give me printouts of the account either - the debtor sent me only by e-mail. But I called the bank and they told me that the balance was insignificant and already in early December I thought that at the last meeting they would remove all encumbrances from the car. In mid-December, a representative of the bank appeared at the meeting, and oh horror - I find out that the last payment was in October !!! The result of the court is to leave the decision unchanged until the balance of the debt is paid. I call the debtor - he sends me checks that there was a payment for November and he already paid part of it for December! !! I contact the manager - Alexander Kochetov. He confirms that yes, the payment for November was!!! So what the hell, I say, on December 15 you provided data that did not include the November payment???!!! My opinion is they are scammers!!! The court, due to the insignificance of the balance, could remove the restrictions, especially since it is written in the loan agreement that the pledged property can be returned to the pledgor if the debt is more than 5% of the market value!!! This is a small but very unpleasant fraud on the part of the bank. Alexander on the phone explained this by the mistake of the one who prepared the documents! But this mistake influenced the decision of the court!!! Can you sue them for fraud? As a result, the debtor paid almost everything, the bank promises to start preparing documents for the removal of restrictions and will send them to the bailiffs. But then again we will need to go to the bailiffs, take a determination from them, then again to the court to remove the arrest. In general, again a lot of time! My verdict - hear Rusfinancebank - run away from him!!! PS And yes - according to the VIN, my car is still not pledged to them, although on many sites they allegedly cooperate on pledged cars and you, like, can see if it is pledged or not! So this is all bullshit!!! Yes, there are some cars there - but not all of them!!!


They call home about some debt. The loan was never taken. When asked what it is, the employee screams and is rude into the phone. Then they called from the collection agency about, again, non-existent debt. That is, there are 2 options: either someone took a loan and gave our phone number (which means that the bank issues loans to anyone), or scammers work in the bank.


Employees of a certain collection agency Vostok-Finance, appearing to be authorized by the bank, demand a return of 10,000 for a loan that they did not take! Never took loans for any needs there! They threaten! They call around the clock. They are required to give the passport number and other personal data. Take action or go to the police!!!


I want to say about the bank RUSFINANS. the bank is very bad, the service is disgusting. The payment schedule on the site is very confusing, the interest for overdue payment is calculated with increased interest, although the delay is charged with a fixed interest rate. if there is a delay in payment, then the bank immediately sends all your data to the credit bureau and you will already be denied in other banks even if you have a delay of 100 rubles and the bank assures you that they do not send your data to the CBI. I pay off a loan and suffer. DO NOT TAKE A LOAN FROM RUSFINANCE BANK


After reading the reviews, they called the operator back and refused to come to the bank to submit documents. To which the cameraman Natalya Kalinina spoke rudely in raised tones. Then she sent an SMS with the content: we are closing your application, you are not a reliable borrower. Re-applying is not possible. The relevant information has been entered into the credit bureaus. I am shocked by what criteria we are not reliable borrowers? Don't even apply there.


When asked when the money would be on hand (because the money was needed the next day), they said the next day. Made a loan, signed the documents. They didn’t let me read it in detail, they said that the end of the working day and she had to leave, you can read it at home. When I got home, my mother showed me the contract. I was shocked!!! The contract specifies an interest rate of 36 percent. We ran to the bank, and it was closed there. They started calling hotline, got through, only about 12 hours. They said on the phone that the contract had been signed and interest and insurance had to be paid. Hoty also did not say anything about insurance and did not voice its amount. On 10/21/2015, from 7 o'clock they began to call all the phones they found to refuse the loan until the money was transferred. In response, the money was transferred, you can immediately pay off interest and insurance. Checked the account - no money. We call again - the money will only be in 5 days, as soon as the money arrives, you can pay off everything that was charged. Here we are going to go to the bank to see a deceitful employee. I'll write down what they say. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS BANK.


I bought furniture in the so-called installment plan, a loan was issued at Rusfinance Bank with the last payment as a gift. I paid everything on time, in one month the operator mistakenly transferred not 6191 rubles, but 6190 rubles, then the ruble was charged additionally and now they demand another payment from me for the 11th month, I paid off the entire loan. I wish that the license of this bank was taken away, and I also want to speak on television and tell the whole country - people do not deal with this bank !!! I agree with Alexander, this is not an action but a pyramid !!! Prosecutor's office - pay attention to this bank!


I have an auto loan. The maturity date is the 26th of each month. It so happened that I was able to deposit money only on October 6, taking into account the debt. Today is already the 15th day, there is still no SMS about the repayment. Can't access the site! I'm sick of the calls!


I took a loan for equipment, in principle, everything was fine. They wrote, called, offered to take a cash loan, I thought for a long time and decided. I arrived at the bank branches and waited for a specialist for 45 minutes, then I sat waiting for her to draw up an application, and she said something indistinctly about payments and overpayments. In the end, they refused, the amount was not large, it would be quite understandable. Now the question is what for to write, call to offer great deals, waste my time and employees if you refuse one fig. Literally before going I was looking for the address of the branch and came across these reviews I could not believe my eyes. Now I understand God took))) all the best. I'll save up than go to the banks)))


Central Bank, pay attention to Rusfinance Bank! I’ve been trying to send a complaint to the official website for two hours, they don’t accept it! I wasn’t the only one deceived with the last payment as a gift, or rather, they were misled in advance. and everyone finds their own reason to take away this very gift. Isn’t it time for the competent authorities to pay attention to them!? Moreover, they call and call a scammer, and who are you to give people a definition? others, and they answer either the Petrovs, or the Sidorovs, and now the fighters. Ready to join the collective complaint!


I paid everything according to the schedule in Svyaznoy. I made the 10th payment in July 2015, and they give me the 11th. Then they called and offered another loan, a letter was sent. And in September 2015, they informed me that I had an overdue loan and I needed to make 11 payments. Wrote a complaint. They called and said that I overpaid, so I was not entitled to a gift. She explained that it was not written anywhere. They call and say that the bank does not give me a gift, pay 11 payments. I answer them I will pay through the court. I was told you will go to Samara with a lawsuit! Ruin your credit history. As usual, people are being scammed! Now you have to fight them and write to all authorities!


I agree that it is necessary to read small letters, as some smart people write here. However, I want to believe people. Why should there be a bank in which words disagree with pieces of paper? Which, apparently, specifically makes managers lie? For my 105 questions, I received 106 answers that turned out to be lies from the first to the last word.

I am preparing documents for the prosecutor's office. I invite all victims to join.


I bought a plastic window in installments through Rus Finance Bank:
1. this is not an installment plan, but a loan, interest is prescribed in the contract, paid additional services are imposed, such as informing by phone about payments for 700 rubles, that is, deception begins already at the stage of making a purchase.
2. it is impossible to make a payment without an additional commission, that is, the payment amounts will be larger.
3. the ability to repay the loan ahead of schedule is a FICTION, even if you made a payment earlier, they will not write it off, the guys violate their own conditions without a twinge of conscience.
4.even if you pay on time or even earlier, as well as the agreed amounts, expect calls about DELAY AND NON-PAYMENT, so girls stock up on Corvalol, and boys - a punching bag to relieve stress. That is, you are, a priori, an UNDISCIPLINED DEBTOR, and at least jump out of your pants).
5. It is not clear how government regulatory bodies are SO loyal. Absolutely incomprehensible.
6. A few years ago I took out a loan for $ 3,500 in another bank - I paid it off without problems ahead of time, overpaid an amount less than the amount of inflation, then bought a dishwasher in installments, paid only the amount of the goods, no interest, went to the store itself and paid monthly, everything is fine, there was a loan of 14,000 rubles.)) Draw your own conclusions. I have never seen a worse bank in my 38 years.

@ lazy @ me

Collectors work at the bank, they introduce themselves as inspectors for civil and criminal cases. They can call you at any time of the day or night, and even on a day off (Sunday). they will open a criminal case. They call and hang up, or an answering machine with an iron tone - "Urgently call 84956645377 to avoid ...!!! to work. And one of these so-called "criminal inspectors" called and warned my colleague that a dangerous criminal and fraudster was working in the team, i.e. this is me. And all this happens with regular, monthly payments, just for some - For some reason, the specialists of this bank do not see the funds received, for this reason I went to the bank more than once to prove that the payment was made, showed SMS messages from the bank about the crediting of funds to even after that, the "specialists" of the bank found the incoming payment. Well, before that, of course, calls with threats, insults and humiliation. Based on the above, my friends, draw conclusions for yourself. My advice to you is stay away from this bank with its exorbitant interest rates.

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Rusfinance Bank - reviews about it on the Web

In the market of credit services in Russia, Rusfinance Bank has quite clearly established itself, and we tried to comprehend and analyze reviews of its activities.

Rusfinance Bank - we will leave the reviews for now, let's turn to the history of this bank

This credit institution, one might say, has a completely dizzying fate. Initially formed as a small peripheral PROMEK-Bank as part of the SOK financial and industrial group (Samara), this organization was acquired in 2005 by Rusfinance, which is part of the largest European financial holding Societe Generale Gruop (France). The bank changed its name to Rusfinance Bank. The sole owner of the bank is ROSBANK (a member of the Societe Generale Group).

The most active bank develops the following areas of its activities:

  • Car loans (the bank was the leader in sales of data loan products in 2011 in Russia);
  • Customer credit;
  • Operations with credit cards(acquiring and issuance of VISA and MasterCard).

The headquarters of this credit institution remained at the same place - in Samara.

Rusfinance Bank - reviews on the Internet - a general trend

Negative reviews about the work of Rusfinance Bank sharply prevail on the Web, however, in fairness, it should be noted that there are also positive assessments of its activities. When analyzing opinions posted on the Internet, one should also take into account the so-called human factor: a satisfied client takes the correct work of the bank for granted and rarely finds it hard to register on any forum and leave his positive feedback. Whereas an annoyed consumer will find time for all these manipulations and will certainly express his complaints about the work of the bank as a whole or its individual employees.

Rusfinance Bank - reviews with a plus sign

TO positive aspects activities of Rusfinance Bank, the reviews of its customers refer to attractive lending conditions available interest rates on loans, interesting car loan programs.

Rusfinance Bank - reviews with a negative connotation

Among the negative reviews about the work of Rusfinance Bank, the following complaints can be especially often read:

  • Excessively aggressive work with debtors, which goes beyond the legal field, but also beyond the limits of morality and morality;
  • The imposition of additional services (in particular, insurance) that do not always meet the interests of the Borrowers;
  • Extreme bureaucratization of the processes accompanying lending (issuing certificates, crediting payments, restructuring loans, etc.);
  • The inconvenience of Clients in terms of the location of offices, ATMs, payment terminals and branches of Rusfinance Bank, as well as the discomfort from the duration of making important decisions that require approval from the central office of the institution located in Samara.

Rusfinance Bank - reviews are reviews, but it is important to make your own opinion

Despite the abundance of negative assessments of the activities of this credit institution, you should not refuse its services. It should be understood that a large part of his dissatisfied clients, voluntarily or unwittingly, became hostages of their own inattention or carelessness, without carefully studying the terms of the contract and relying completely on the verbal assurances of the bank's employees. And, as you know, to err is human. Therefore, you should not deprive yourself of the opportunity to take a car loan on favorable terms offered by Rusfinance Bank, and the reviews should only tell you exactly at what points you should be more careful and accurate.

On the exchange


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Year of foundation Former names

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Russia 22x20px Russia, Samara

Key Figures

Sergey Ozerov (Chairman of the Board)

Authorized capital

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▼ 22.748 billion rubles (September 1, 2012)


▲ 106.408 billion rubles (August 1, 2012)

Net profit Number of employees main society Control society

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Associated companies

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about the bank

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Website Closing year

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K: Banks founded in 1992

Rusfinance Bank is a large commercial bank in Russia. The headquarters is in Samara. LLC "Rusfinance Bank" is a wholly owned subsidiary of JSCB "Rosbank".

According to the official website, Rusfinance Bank specializes in issuing consumer loans through a network of 18,000 partners (retail chains and car dealers) and its own representative offices in 63 regions of Russia, and also provides remote loans (through a contact center). Rusfinance Bank serves about 2 million clients with more than 7,000 employees.



The main business areas of the bank are:

  • Car loans

The Bank actively cooperates with the largest domestic and foreign automakers operating in Russia: AvtoVAZ, AUDI, Citroen, Fiat, Ford, GAZ, Hyundai, Peugeot, Porsche, Skoda, SsangYong, Volkswagen, UAZ

  • Credit cards (Currently Rusfinance Bank LLC does not provide the service of issuing credit cards)

The Bank issues and acquires cards of Visa and MasterCard payment systems

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An excerpt characterizing Rusfinance Bank

When the guests had already begun to go home, the “seeing” boy suddenly began to cry ... When I asked him what had happened, he pouted and said offendedly:
- And where is the girl? .. And the bowl? And no butterflies...
Mom only smiled tightly in response, and quickly took away her second son, who did not want to say goodbye to us, and went home ...
I was very upset and very happy at the same time! .. This was the first time I met another baby who had a similar gift ... And I promised myself not to calm down until I could convince this "unfair" and unhappy mother how her baby was a truly great miracle ... He, like each of us, should have had the right to free choice, and his mother had no right to take it away from him ... At least until he himself will begin to understand something.
I looked up and saw my dad, who was leaning on the door frame, and all this time he was watching me with great interest. Dad came up and, affectionately hugging me by the shoulders, quietly said:
- Come on, let's go, you will tell me why you fought so hotly here ...
And then I felt very light and calm in my soul. Finally, he will know everything, and I will never have to hide anything from him again! He was my best friend, who, unfortunately, did not even know half the truth about what my life really was ... It was not fair and it was unfair ... And I only now realized how strange everything was this is the time to hide my “second” life from dad just because it seemed to mom that dad would not understand ... I should have given him such a chance even earlier and now I was very glad that I could do it at least now ...
Sitting comfortably on his favorite sofa, we talked for a very long time ... And how much I was delighted and surprised that, as I told him about my incredible adventures, my father's face brightened more and more! .. I I realized that my whole “incredible” story not only does not scare him, but, on the contrary, for some reason makes him very happy ...
“I always knew that you would be special with me, Svetlenkaya ...” when I finished, dad said very seriously. - I am proud of you. Can I help you with something?
I was so shocked by what had happened that for no reason, I burst into tears uncontrollably ... Dad cradled me in his arms like a small child, quietly whispering something, and I, from happiness that he understood me, did not I heard, only I understood that all my hated "secrets" were already behind, and now everything will definitely be fine ...
I wrote about this birthday because it left in my soul a deep trace of something very important and very kind, without which my story about myself would certainly be incomplete ...
The next day, everything seemed normal and everyday again, as if that incredibly happy birthday didn’t happen yesterday ...
The usual school and household chores almost completely loaded the hours allotted for the day, and what was left - as always, was my favorite time, and I tried to use it very "economically" in order to learn as much useful information as possible, and as much as possible "unusual" in to find yourself and in everything around you ...