How to return a credit product and get rid of payments? Classification of credit products Credit product

Most stores that sell high-value goods offer customers on-site loans. You can buy goods on credit in stores of household appliances, furniture, expensive clothes, communication elephants and many others.

For buyers, this seems to be a convenient service, he can conclude a loan agreement right on the spot and pick up the desired product by paying the first installment to the cashier of the store. Yes, this is convenient, but you should be extremely vigilant. In this area, you can often meet with deception, both on the part of a bank representative and on the part of store sellers.

We read the commodity statement

Selling goods on credit always begins with the fact that the sales assistant helps the buyer to decide on the goods, pick up related accessories and additional services. After that, the seller draws up a statement and gives it to the bank employee. The extract indicates the entire list of goods and services that a citizen buys.

Often sellers personally give this document to the bank representatives, which should alert you. The buyer must see the statement on which the loan application will be formed. Sometimes you can find a lot of interesting things there.

The seller is interested in selling as much as possible, especially in terms of additional services. These are additional services, product insurance and the like. Buyers often give up on this, but the seller needs to sell as many additional services as possible, so he can simply include them in the statement by default.

The buyer may not understand that the amount of his loan has been increased, this statement is not included in the borrower's set of documents after loans are issued. In stores, in this way, statements and goods for which a shortage in the store is detected can be included in the statements. So sellers write them off to those who want to buy goods on credit, and buyers do not know about it.

Do you need insurance?

The bank's representative is interested in the fact that most of the loan agreements were concluded with the use of insurance. We are talking about life insurance of the borrower, his legal capacity, there is also insurance against job loss.

If a bank employee concludes, for example, 95% or more contracts with insurance, he will receive a premium. That is why the borrower is faced with the fact that they are strongly advised to use this additional service.

Most often, buyers are not even asked whether they need insurance or not, the manager simply draws up a loan with its availability by default. And this makes the loan much more expensive, the insurance premium can be 10-20% of the loan amount, or even higher.

If you do not want to receive the contract with the insurance included in it, even at the beginning of the registration, tell the bank representative about it. If you find an application for insurance after registration, then it will be possible to refuse it only by canceling the loan agreement. That is, you will have to refuse an already approved loan.

Pseudo installments

It would be wrong to say that stores are deceiving customers by offering them installments. This may indeed be true. Such promotions are a joint offer of banks and shops, usually they are held on pre-holiday days or during a sales recession.

But there are also fake installments. If you saw an offer for an installment plan and want to get a loan for the purchase of goods, do not be too lazy to compare prices with other stores. Fortunately, now almost everyone has phones with Internet access, you can just go online and see prices on the same Yandex Market.

A fake installment plan is an overstatement of the cents of a product with the subsequent announcement of an installment plan. According to the loan agreement, you will not overpay, but in fact the goods will cost you more than in the neighboring store.

Fake gifts from the bank

After applying for a loan, a bank representative with a solemn air can give you some kind of gift. This is often some kind of financial service. For example, protecting keys or documents. If this is a key, then you are given a key fob with an inscription like "Call this number and return for a reward." The finder calls, receives a bonus, and the owner of the keys receives them back safe and sound.

It seems like yes, a convenient service, but in most cases it is not a gift at all, the cost of this service is included by a bank representative in the loan amount. You will find confirmation of this in the loan agreement by comparing the amount spent on the loan and the cost of the goods. Thus, you can slip various additional services that you pay in fact, but you do not need them at all.

You were approved, but only for a long time

A loan for the purchase of goods is not cheap, but it is also small in terms of the amount issued, so the borrower is trying to arrange it for the shortest possible time. But it is beneficial for the bank to conclude an agreement for as long as possible in order to receive more interest from the borrower.

The bank representative also receives bonuses for loans issued for a long term, hence the buyers often lie that the loan is approved, but only for a long term. For example, you wanted to take it only for 6 months, but they tell you that you approved it for 24.

Refuse categorically from such an offer if you do not want to overpay and then run around with early repayment. If the bank representative is also categorical, just apply to another bank. Fortunately, shops usually have 2-3 banks and more.

A loan can be issued to a state, a municipal authority, a commercial enterprise or an individual, provided that the interests of the lender and the borrower coincide. A prerequisite is the provision of guarantees for the return of borrowed funds upon the expiration of the loan term.

What is lending, what is it like

Lending is understood as a system of relations between the parties, it implies the provision by one party (lender) to the other (borrower) of a certain amount of funds, which must be returned within a specified period. Banks, microfinance organizations, pawnshops, and individuals can act as creditors. As borrowers - government agencies, individuals and legal entities. When completing some transactions, guarantors or co-borrowers may additionally be involved, who bear subsidiary and joint liability for debt repayment, respectively.

Depending on the external manifestation, form and organization of credit relations, there are established types of loans.

By their purpose

  • agricultural;
  • consumer;
  • industrial;
  • trade;
  • investment;
  • mortgage.

By providing

  • unsecured;
  • with security.

By type of repayment

  • redeemable in one payment;
  • repayable in installments.

By types of interest rates

  • floating rate;
  • with a fixed rate.

Each program has its own characteristics, it is accompanied by a different degree of risk, so the lending conditions differ not only depending on the lender, but also the type of loan.

Popular credits

The lending market is formed based on the needs of borrowers. Today, there are several lending options that are most often used by borrowers.

Microloans of MFOs

Microfinance institutions provide quick and convenient loans. The main reason for their popularity is accessibility. Money can be received according to a simplified scheme without income statement, collateral and guarantors. Many MFIs offer an online credit card service that allows you to apply and receive money from the comfort of your home. Such loans have significant drawbacks - a high interest rate, which reaches 1-2% per day and a short loan term, which rarely exceeds 30 days.

Bank loans

Banks offer a wide range of loan programs, which allows you to get the right amount for any purpose. The conditions for granting loans are among the most favorable. The interest rate ranges from 11-23% per annum, depending on the chosen program.

In addition to traditional loans, banks issue credit cards. Its holder can use it at his own discretion (make purchases, withdraw money in cash, keep his own funds). As long as the credit limit is not used, the borrower does not have obligations, which allows using the credit card as a reserve.

There are special programs for buying an apartment, car, or land plot. The interest rate on them is 3-5% lower than that of consumer loans, and the loan term can be up to 30 years (for mortgages).

The disadvantages of bank loans include a complex registration procedure and high requirements for the borrower, which often becomes the reason for refusal.

Lombard lending

Pawnshops lend exclusively against the security of liquid property. This can be home appliances, computer equipment, antiques, jewelry, and even vehicles. Credit history, the borrower's income does not affect the decision to issue a loan. The assessment of the pledged item is carried out by the pawnshop employees, after which the maximum amount available for issuance is announced (40-70% of the assessed value). The registration procedure takes from 15 minutes to 3-4 hours. The disadvantage of such lending is a high interest rate (4-7% per month), and the term is usually no more than a month. It should be noted that there is a high risk of loss of collateral in the event of a breach of obligations by the borrower.

Lending is one of the factors determining the development of the economy. It is a source of investment for enterprises and stimulates production by increasing the purchasing power of the population. The state acts as a regulator, implementing a monetary policy aimed at increasing the availability of lending and reducing its cost.

The purchase of certain equipment, goods for subsequent sale are important areas of companies' activities to increase the level of profits. Large entrepreneurs and small businesses openly strive to purchase more products for subsequent sale at different prices. But a large purchase without financial assistance from lenders is not always possible. Therefore, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs often turn to banks that issue a loan for the purchase of goods. This financing option should not be confused with a commodity loan. The latter is provided directly to the sales organization where the client wants to purchase something.

Features of financing for the purchase of goods

To receive funds for the purchase of certain products, legal entities must fill out an application form at the selected bank and provide a list of approved documents. Only organizations that have been on the market for at least twelve months can count on approval. To consider the application, it will be necessary to present to the credit commission not only the constituent documents and their copies, but also evidence of good indicators of the liquidity of the existing business. Data on tangible assets, financial and reporting documentation - all this will be required to obtain a loan for the purchase of goods.

The borrower's age cannot be less than twenty-five years. Verified and solvent guarantors may also be required. Banking companies mistrust young representatives of small businesses who do not have enough experience in operating in the modern market. Loan officers may refuse to issue a loan if they consider the accounting records of the company to be inconsistent with their perceptions of reliability.

A targeted loan for the purchase of goods is a one-time procedure, as a result of which funds are transferred to the bank account of a legal entity. Repayment is carried out at the end of each settlement month in equal or differentiated payments, depending on the agreement with the lender.

In some cities, there are special committees that provide grants to young entrepreneurs under the state support program. There are also regional microfinance funds that offer soft loans to small businesses with less than one year of experience.

What do banks offer?

And other financial companies are developing their proposals for the issuance of loans for the purchase of goods. For example, Rosgosstrakh Bank issues funds in the amount of up to three million rubles for three years at 15.7 percent per annum. But the interest rate can vary depending on the amount and individual characteristics of the transaction, on the solvency of the borrower. The interest rates are lower. They start at 12.5% ​​per annum, provided that potential clients attract one or two trustworthy guarantors.

VTB-24 offers three options at once:

  • Investment.
  • Target.
  • Revolving loan.

The approximate range of interest rates in the specified company is from 10.9 to 11.2% per year. With excellent solvency indicators, entrepreneurs can claim up to one hundred thousand dollars without providing collateral and surety. The final decision of the financial institution is usually made within two weeks. But checking a potential client's business can take up to several months.

The number of refusals for business loans is approximately forty percent of the total number of completed transactions. If the borrowing company has shown strong profit margins over the past twelve months, the lender's attitude may be more loyal. The presence of collateral and guarantors will speed up the process of obtaining a loan and affect its final decision.

But recently, banking companies have been trying to be loyal to entrepreneurs and offer interesting loan programs on optimal terms. For example, Sberbank has various financing programs that provide for the replenishment of clients' working stocks at 12-14% per annum. To open a credit line in the specified organization, you need to provide documents on annual income in the amount of 400 million rubles. If small businesses and entrepreneurs meet these requirements, they can count on preferential terms and an annual percentage of 10.7%.

When choosing a banking institution for obtaining a loan for the purchase of goods, it is necessary to take into account the basic requirements of companies for potential customers.

It is nowhere easier to buy household appliances or any other expensive thing on credit. Now, as it happens, I wanted a TV set for 50 thousand with a salary of 20 thousand - no problem, take it in a store on credit. I came to the same M-Video, chose any model I liked, and go ahead and apply for a special credit department. There, several credit consultants sit at once to choose from, take brochures with credit offers and start choosing the best one for yourself.

What goods can be bought on credit directly in the store? Yes, almost any that cost over 3-5 thousand rubles. But the most TOP products are, of course, household appliances, phones, computers, furniture. Stores sell goods on credit not only directly on the trading floor, but also via the Internet.

In this article, we will try to give as much useful information as possible regarding the issuance of commodity loans (loans issued directly in the store itself), they are also called express loans. The word express was not taken by chance, it rather succinctly describes the mechanics of obtaining such loans, that is, quickly.

How to buy goods on credit in the store itself

Consider the technology of buying goods on credit directly in the store. Let's consider this using the example of the M-Video chain of stores already mentioned above. How to buy home appliances and electronics on credit? The technology is no different in other stores, but in this network, due to the huge flow of customers, the sale of goods on credit has been perfected to the smallest detail - everything has been done so that the client is busy only with the choice of goods. A short diagram is shown above. In detail, the process goes like this:

  1. Product selection ... Tell the consultant that you want to buy this product on credit. You will be issued a special receipt, with which you need to go to the credit department. Often on price tags in such networks, the amount of monthly payments is signed, showing how affordable this product is. Do not flatter yourself, you have yet to find out the exact amount of the overpayment.
  2. Bank selection ... To do this, you can read the leaflets of banks, or ask the consultants about the conditions. At this stage, you need to find out the full cost of the purchase, including interest, as well as the amount of monthly payments.
  3. Credit application ... To do this, provide documents, most often only a passport, but for fidelity, you can provide a 2-NDFL certificate and a copy of the employment tax. What else will the store ask you? The employer's phone number to be contacted while waiting for the application. The consultant will also ask a number of other questions - about marital status, working hours and others. While waiting, the bank's security service will check the borrower for employment by contacting the employer using the contact numbers and examine the credit history. So, you shouldn't think that waiting is connected with simply driving data into the program.
  4. Loan processing and conclusion of a loan agreement ... The decision to issue a loan takes 10-30 minutes. The consultant will inform you of the solution, and a notification will be sent to the phone number. Next, you study the standard contract and sign. You get one of its copies in your hands, and with it a schedule of monthly payments.
  5. You receive the goods ... At the checkout, you pay the initial payment and then go to receive the goods.

Note that small shops do not have a dedicated credit department. Most often, they are sent to one of the major stores or directly to the bank. A case from life: a loan for the purchase of a sheepskin coat in a fur store was issued in one of the branches of the DNS chain of household appliances and electronics stores.

How to arrange a purchase of goods on credit through an online store (without leaving your home)

Also, we will show the diagram using the M-video as an example. The technology is not much different from the offline method, except that the main events will unfold on the Internet and in your hallway when the courier arrives with the documents. It is worth preparing for an online loan in advance - you will need copies of the passport page with a photo and registration.

How to make a purchase of goods on credit via the Internet?

  1. Also, choose a product on the site ... And choose the option of purchasing "Credit Online" (it is called differently on other sites). In different stores there are various restrictions on the purchase of goods, for example, in the same M-Video, this is the minimum price of a product of 3 thousand rubles, a restriction on the number of purchased goods.
  2. Fill out the online form ... Here you will need to choose a bank loan program and, if desired, calculate your payments. Enter your passport details and other information into the form. The employer's numbers specified in the questionnaire, as well as when applying for a loan in the store itself, will be checked.
  3. Send an application by clicking the "Send" button and wait a few minutes. In M-Video and other large networks, there is a special timer that shows how many minutes are left before the application is considered. (What will not be done for the sake of conveyor lending). After a while, you will receive a notification on the computer screen about the decision on the loan.
  4. We are waiting for a courier with a contract and goods ... After a positive decision on the loan, a store employee will contact you to clarify the address and delivery time. At the agreed time, a courier arrives with the goods, and with a loan agreement. You study it, sign it, take one copy for yourself along with the prepared payment schedule, give the courier an initial payment, and receive the goods as with regular courier delivery.

An important point: If delivery is paid, then it is not included in the cost of the loan, it must be paid separately.

Alternative to commodity loans

To save time, merchandise credits are the best fit for the desired purchase. However, only on such commodity loans, the light did not come together like a wedge. There are also other options for buying goods on credit.

Cash loan at the bank... The same credit, only in a different package. First you need to take a loan from a bank, and then calmly buy the necessary thing in the store.


  • lower interest rate. Conditions for consumer loans in cash are more transparent and profitable than commodity loans in stores. This applies not only to the interest rate, but also to the amount and maximum term of the loan.
  • the absence of a third party in the transaction, as in the case of a commodity loan. This saves you headaches in case of returning goods to the store.


  • it takes longer. If there is an opportunity to wait an extra week, then perhaps it is worth trying to take a cash loan.
  • a more complicated procedure for obtaining such a loan. These are inquiries, filling out questionnaires and waiting.

Payment by credit card


  • cheaper. If you meet the grace period, then you can not pay interest at all. And if you have Alfa-Bank or, then you can not pay any interest at all for 100 or 120 days, respectively.
  • ease of purchase. Once issued, a credit card allows you to quickly make any purchases in stores.
  • there is also no third participant in the transaction.


  • high interest if you do not meet the grace period. The grace period for most credit cards is 50-55 days, and this is subject to the correct purchase date. If the debt is not repaid during the grace period, then the interest rate will be comparable to the rate on a commodity loan.
  • here it is necessary to correctly guess the date of purchase so that the grace period is maximum. It may turn out that the grace period will be only 15-20 days.
  • limited amount. Many credit cards have a set limit of 50 thousand. This can become an obstacle to the purchase of goods above this amount, because you have to go to the bank, increase the credit limit.

By the way, installment cards are being actively promoted on the market. They offer the purchase of goods on credit, in which interest is paid by the STORE, and not, as usually happens, by the cardholder. There are three installment cards in Russia now - , and .

Which is better - to get a loan directly in the store or get cash at the bank or pay with a credit card, everyone decides for himself. We only describe the technology and those pitfalls that may be encountered on the way.

Let's talk about installments

It can also be considered an alternative in some cases, but, in fact, large stores do not provide it. Here, there is a strong influence of marketing tools, which write that the product is subject to an installment plan, but in fact there is a purchase on credit.

Credit or installment plan - which is better

What is better - to take the goods in the store on credit or in installments? In general, there is no such thing as "Installment plan" , this is such a common term describing the process of dividing payment for goods by time. A loan is also, in fact, an installment plan.

In everyday life, it is believed that an installment plan in a store is a purchase and sale agreement between the buyer and the store itself with the possibility of paying for the goods in parts without unnecessary intermediaries. In this scheme, there is no bank with all the ensuing circumstances.

The advantages of a classic installment plan in comparison with a commodity loan are obvious:

  • minimum interest, and sometimes no interest at all. If banks are guided by the key rate of the Central Bank, then the stores set their own rate, and sometimes they simply do not, considering only the sale of goods as a priority.
  • the absence of a third party - a bank, simplifies the process of communication between the parties to the transaction. This also makes it easier to return the goods.
  • ease of registration of an installment plan. Provided that the store provides exactly the installment plan, and not a veiled commodity loan, then the registration process is easier. In this case, for example, they do not look at the credit history.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • the rarity of the proposals. It is much easier for stores not to bother with a self-issued loan, but to shift it onto the shoulders of the bank. Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is a commodity loan that is offered, but packed so much by marketers that a simple buyer cannot tell the difference.

In continuation of this "minus", why is it not profitable for shops to give installments. This is a delay in working capital. In the case of store loans, the bank transfers funds for the goods to the store, and the store calmly disposes of this money for the purchase of a new batch of goods, as if the buyer paid them through the cashier. When a store independently provides a classic installment plan, it deprives itself of a significant part of its working capital.

  • time constraints. The installment plan is extremely rare for more than a year. Therefore, if a store supposedly offers an installment plan for more than 12 months, you are offered a loan.

If you still managed to buy the product in installments, then we recommend that you pay attention to one significant point:

An installment agreement (aka a sale and purchase agreement with deferred payments) is drawn up by the store itself according to its own, CONVENIENT for him, terms and conditions. The same bank loan agreement, after all, is standard, and the activities of banks are carefully regulated by the Central Bank of Russia. In an installment agreement, it is necessary to clarify exactly how the relationship will be regulated in the event of repair and return of goods. It is also worth finding out if such a document contains "special conditions" or obligations that may cause you unnecessary expenses and problems in the future.

How did the shops “catch up” with the banks and offer loans under the guise of installments?

Marketing tricks know no boundaries. One of the examples when a loan is offered as an installment plan is the use of advertising slogans such as "Interest-free installment plan" or simply " Installment 0/0/24 " .

Therefore, if during the registration of a supposedly installment plan it turns out that an additional commission, insurance will be taken, a long payment period is offered, or even a banal offer to "arrange an installment plan through a bank" - then you yourself have to guess what the store offers.

How else do they lure clients to apply for a loan? For example, the scheme "Discount when buying on credit" , its essence is as follows: the store offers a discount to the buyer just comparable to the overpaid interest. The bank earns its interest, the store sells the product, and the client buys the thing “as it were” cheaper.

Another option, more tricky - the product is above average, and the inscription hangs "Interest-free installment plan" or "Interest-free loan" ... These same percentages, which seem to be absent, have already been taken into account in the overpriced goods. So, do not think that the bank will be left with an empty pocket.

That's all, we will be glad to receive your comments. In the next article we will write how to return a product purchased on credit.

It is no secret that providing goods on credit or in installments increases sales. Especially in the context of a decrease in purchasing power, due to high inflation and a decrease in the value of the national currency, which lead to higher prices for goods.

To get the most out of such a tool as issuing a loan directly at the point of sale (POS-lending), the C-Point service, developed and maintained by the credit broker "Credit Department", helps.

The high efficiency of this solution is due to the fact that:

  • An application for a loan or an installment plan is sent simultaneously to all partner banks (more than ten), which increases the likelihood of obtaining a loan and provides an opportunity to choose a loan offer that is more convenient / beneficial for the client.
  • All processes are fully automated, which makes the process of obtaining a loan fast and easy. As a result, the likelihood increases that the customer will take advantage of the store's offer, and the store will be able to serve everyone.
  • The whole process from filling out the questionnaire to completing the paperwork for the selected loan option takes less than 30 minutes on average.

How it works in a retail store

When concluding a service contract with the C-Point service, the store chooses the method of filing an application for a loan or an installment plan: with a store employee filling out a short questionnaire or a full one (in the future, you can change your choice).

In the case of filling out a full questionnaire, a store employee using a loan calculator calculates standard conditions in accordance with the characteristics of the planned purchase and the wishes of the client, completes the application and sends it to partner banks. Within 5-10 minutes. replies are received from banks, the client chooses the most suitable option for him, the seller prints out the documents corresponding to the selected option, and the client signs them.

In the case of filling out a short questionnaire, the store employee fills in only a few fields: the client's full name, his phone number, passport data. After that, the application goes to the call center, the operator of which immediately calls the client back to agree on the basic conditions and complete the application. Then, already from the call center operator, the application is sent to partner banks. Further, the store employee is again involved in the process, who, based on the received responses from the banks, helps the client choose the best option for him. Further actions are similar - documents are printed and signed.

If the organization has an internal need to distribute the flow of customers, then this can be implemented in C-Point by setting up a loan portfolio.

Other settings are also possible for the individual requirements of the partner. You can set up the composition of partner banks, a set of loan products, automatic calculation of credit conditions, additional services (for example, SMS-informing), cross-selling of additional products and services (for example, insurance services or gift cards), etc.

Information and technical support, as well as the call center of the C-Point service, work around the clock.

Partner banks of the Credit Department, broker and software / service developer C-Point:

The service can be used at any outlet or network, regardless of its size. Among the retailers and service providers who already use the software of the Credit Department:

Connection to the service includes: employee training, assignment of personal access, test login. All this takes on average no more than 2 hours.

E- commerce

A similar service has been implemented for online stores - Credit Line. It is implemented using a module installed on the website of an online store and allowing you to make a purchase on credit / by installments. In this case, the calculation of the basic conditions of the loan is carried out by the client of the online store using the built-in loan calculator.

At the beginning of cooperation, it is also necessary to choose a mode of operation with filling out a short or full questionnaire on the website of the online store. In the case of a short questionnaire, the form on the site contains fields only for contact information (name, phone number, e-mail), and further processing of the application is carried out by the call center operator, who contacts the client within 2-5 minutes. after submitting the completed form.

In the case of a full questionnaire, the client will need to fill out the full form on the website of the online store right away. The call center operator, before sending the application to the banks, calls the client back to confirm it.

The loan application, as in the case of a retail store, is sent immediately to all partner banks. Due to the possibility of close integration of the Credit Line service with the CRM of the online store, its employees can track the current status of the loan application and reserve goods from the moment of registration of the application, ship goods immediately as soon as the application is assigned the status "Credit documents signed", and also track intermediate stages.

The general scheme of interaction in this case is shown schematically below.

The documents for signing are delivered to the client by a special service of the Credit Line service. The delivery process takes some time. But the client can be given the opportunity to receive the goods even before signing the paper documents. To do this, you can also connect the PayLate service, in which the money for the approved loan is transferred to the online store even before the client signs paper documents (after the client accepts the service offer electronically). In this case, in addition to filling out a questionnaire, the client is required to send a scanned copy of the passport and go through the video identification procedure.

Services C-Point (for retail) and Credit Line (for online stores) - created and maintained by the credit broker "Credit Department", the annual volume of issued loans is 40 billion rubles.