Social norms are diverse in time and space. Social norms. System of social norms

Municipal autonomous educational institution of the Perevozsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region "Ichalkovskaya secondary school" presentation on social studies Types of social norms (questions of the USE codifier) ​​Ganyushin ME, history teacher of the highest qualification category p. Ichalki

Signs of social norms These are general rules for members of society. They do not have a specific addressee and operate continuously in time. Aimed at regulating public relations. They arise in connection with the volitional, conscious activity of people. They arise in the process of historical development. Their content corresponds to the type of culture and the nature of the social organization of society. They do not depend on the will and desires of people, that is, they are objective. They occupy a certain position in social regulation. They act as a measure of socially significant behavior Social norm is a rule of behavior established in society that regulates relations between people, social life

Established or sanctioned by the state Legal Regulates the relationship of people from the standpoint of good and evil Moral Consolidates patterns of ideas about the beautiful and ugly Aesthetic Established as a result of repeated repetition over the decades Customs Contained in various sacred books or established by the church Religious Established by various organizations for their employees Corporate

Functions of social norms Regulate the general course of socialization. They integrate the personality into the social environment. Serve as models, standards of appropriate behavior. Determine the boundaries of acceptable behavior of people in relation to the specific conditions of their life. Control deviant behavior. Ways of regulating people's behavior by social norms. Permission. Indicating behaviors that are desirable but not required. Prescription. An indication of the required action. Ban. An indication of actions that should not be taken.

1. Write down the word that is missing in the table. TYPES OF STANDARDS Norms of law Generally binding, exist in writing, created by the state ... .. They arise spontaneously in the process of practical activities of people, sanctions are established by society, the basic concepts of "good" and "evil" Social norms of morality

2. A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception of two, represent social norms 1) externalities; 2) customs; 3) traditions; 4) laws; 5) international treaties; 6) social attitudes Choose the correct judgments about social norms and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Social norms are diverse in time and space. 2) Social norms always prohibit or restrict something in human action. 3) Traditions and customs are social norms. 4) Social norms are an element of social control. 5) Changes in social norms lead to social upheavals. 134

4. Find a position that is generalized for all other positions in the series below. Write down this word (phrase). Traditions; customs; social norms; moral norms; the laws. Social norms 5. Choose the correct judgments about moral norms and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Moral norms, in contrast to legal social norms, are always presented in writing. 2) Moral norms are provided by public opinion. 3) Moral norms are passed from generation to generation. 4) Moral norms contribute to the socialization of the younger generation. 5) Moral norms are developed and presented by the state. 234

6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic feature of the norm and its type. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF NORMS A) are established by the state 1) morality B) are a set of rules approved by society 2) law C) appear long before the emergence of the state D) are generally binding E) the basic concepts are the concepts of good and evil 21121

7. Choose the correct judgments about social norms and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Social norms reflect the values ​​of society. 2) Unlike customs, legal norms are recorded in written sources. 3) The procedure for the application of legal norms does not differ from the procedure for the application of moral norms. 4) The rules of conduct based on the ideas of society or individual social groups about good and evil, bad and good, just and unjust, are called moral norms. 5) Moral norms are provided (protected) by the power of the state. 124

8. “In any society, the actions of people are regulated and ordered by certain rules. These rules are _______ (A). They provide ________ (B) to society and also contribute to the control of _______ (C). These rules are learned by the individual in the process of ______ (D), which occurs both spontaneously and purposefully and is carried out by the social environment, family, _______ (D). This process is different for different people and is not always successful. Social control supports society as a whole. The means and methods of social control are called ______ (E) ". 1) requirement 6) school 2) social norm 7) natural environment 3) development 8) socialization 4) stability 9) deviant behavior 5) sanction

Part What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social norm"? Drawing on your knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about any type of social norm, and one sentence revealing the functions of social norms. 1) the meaning of the concept, for example: "A social norm is a rule of behavior established in society that regulates relations between people, social life"; 2) one sentence containing information about any type of social norms: "Compliance with moral rules is ensured by the authority of the collective consciousness, their violation is condemned in society"; 3) one sentence revealing the functions of social norms: "Social norms regulate the general course of socialization, integrate the individual into the social environment."

10. There are various social norms in society, including traditions, ceremonies, corporate norms (business habits). Illustrate each of the types of social norms named in the assignment with a specific example (first indicate the type of norm, and then the example). ( for example, the procedure for concluding a contract in a firm; negotiating between entrepreneurs)

11. Name any three types of social norms and illustrate each of them with an example. 1) Three types of social norms are named, for example: - moral norms - legal norms - traditions and customs 2) Each of the norms is illustrated by an example: - respect for elders, care for minors, honesty in relations with others as manifestations of moral norms - examples of normative legal acts: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation (the law "On Education in the Russian Federation", laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) - examples of traditions and customs: the holiday of the "last bell" at school, the tradition of "farewell to winter"

12. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social norms and their functions." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs. One of the options for the disclosure of this topic: 1. Social norms as a regulator of social relations. 2. Signs of social norms: a) arise in the process of historical development b) represent a certain standard (sample) of behavior c) are objective d) are designed for repeated repetition e) are built in a certain hierarchy 3. Types of social norms: a) taboo, customs, traditions b) moral norms c) religious norms d) corporate norms e) legal norms 4. Functions of social norms: a) cultural and historical b) social control c) educational d) regulatory e) stabilizing

Internet resources Literature 1) Unified State Exam Social Studies. Typical test tasks / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, E.L. Rutkovskaya. - M .: Publishing house "Exam",) Unified state examination. Social Studies. A set of materials for preparing students. Tutorial. / O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskova. - Moscow: Intellect Center,) Social Studies: Unified State Exam-textbook / P.A. Baranov, S.V. Shevchenko / Ed. P.A. Baranova. - M .: AST: Astrel, jpg - image "social norms" png - image "prescriptions of behavior"

municipal autonomous educational institution
Perevozsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region
"Ichalkovskaya secondary school"
social science presentation
Types of social norms
(questions of the USE codifier)
Ganyushin M.E.,
teacher of history
the highest
with. Ichalki

USE 2016
Social Studies. Codifier of USE questions.

3.8. Types of social norms

Social norm - established in society
the rule of conduct governing the relationship between
people, social life
Signs of social norms
Are general rules
for members of society.
Do not have a specific addressee
and act continuously in time.
Aimed at regulation
public relations.
Arise in connection with strong-willed,
conscious activities of people.
They arise in the process of historical development.
Their content corresponds to the type of culture and nature
social organization of society.
They do not depend on the will and desires of people, that is, they are objective.
They occupy a certain position in social regulation.
Acting as a measure of socially significant behavior

Installed or authorized
the state
Regulate the relationship of people with
positions of good and evil
Fix samples
ideas of beauty and
Established as a result
multiple repetitions on
for decades
Contained in various
sacred books or
established by the church
Installed by various
organizations for their

Functions of social norms
They regulate the general course of socialization.
They integrate the personality into the social environment.
Serve as samples, standards of the corresponding
Determine the boundaries of acceptable behavior of people
with regard to specific
the conditions of their life.
Control deviating
Methods for regulating behavior
people by social norms
Permission. Pointing to options
behaviors that are desirable but not required.
Prescription. An indication of the required action.
Ban. Indication of actions that should not be followed

1. Write down the word that is missing in the table.
Social norms
Norms of law
Generally binding character,
exist in written
form created by the state
Arise spontaneously in the process
practical activities
people, sanctions are established
society, basic concepts
"good and evil"

2. A number of terms are listed below. All of them, for
two exceptions are social
1) external effects; 2) customs; 3) traditions;
4) laws; 5) international treaties; 6) social
3. Make the right judgments about social norms and

1) Social norms vary over time and
2) Social norms always prohibit or
limit anything in human actions.
3) Traditions and customs are social norms.
4) Social norms are an element
social control.
5) Changing social norms leads to social

4. Find a position that is generalizing
for all other positions presented below
row. Write down this word (phrase).
Traditions; customs; social norms; moral norms;
the laws.
Social norms
5. Choose the correct judgments about moral standards and write down
the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Moral norms, in contrast to legal social norms,
always submitted in writing.
2) Moral norms are provided by public opinion.
3) Moral norms are passed from generation to generation.
4) Moral norms contribute to the socialization of the growing up
5) Moral norms are developed and presented
the state.


6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic
norms and its type.
A) are established by the state 1) morality
B) are
2) right
set of approved
society of rules
C) appear long before
emergence of the state
D) have compulsory
D) basic concepts
are the concepts of good and evil


7. Choose correct judgments about social norms and
write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Social norms reflect value
representation of society.
2) Unlike customs, legal regulations
recorded in written sources.
3) The procedure for the application of legal norms does not differ
from the order of application of moral norms.
4) Rules of conduct based on perceptions
society or individual social groups about good and
evil, bad and good, fair and
unfair, called moral standards.
5) Morality is enforced (protected)
by the power of the state.


8. “In any society, the actions of people are regulated and
are ordered using certain rules.
These rules are _______ (A). They
provide ________ (B) society, and
contribute to the control of _______ (B). These rules
acquired by a person in the process of ______ (D), which
occurs both spontaneously and purposefully and
carried out by the social environment, family,
_______ (D). This process takes place in different people
different and not always successful. Social
control maintains society as a whole. Funds and
social control techniques are called ______ (E). "
1) requirement
2) social norm
3) development
4) stability
5) sanction
6) school
7) natural environment
8) socialization
9) deviant behavior


Part 2.
9. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social
norm"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, compose
two sentences: one sentence containing information about
any type of social norm, and one sentence,
revealing the functions of social norms.
1) the meaning of the concept, for example: “Social norm is an established
in society, the rule of conduct governing the relationship between
people, social life ";
2) one sentence containing information about any type
social norms: "Compliance with moral rules
provided by the authority of the collective consciousness, their
violation meets condemnation in society ”;
3) one sentence revealing the functions of social norms:
“Social norms regulate the general course of socialization,
integrate the personality into the social environment ”.


10. In society, there are various social
norms, including traditions, ceremonies,
corporate norms (business habits).
Each of the types of social
illustrate norms with a concrete example
(specify the type of rate first, followed by an example).
1) Traditions (for example, Moscow graduates
celebrate the holiday of the last bell every year,
coming to Sparrow Hills; students on January 25
celebrate Tatiana's day)
2) Ceremonies (for example, inauguration
President of the Russian Federation, tea ceremony in China and Japan)
3) Corporate regulations (e.g. procedure
conclusion of a contract with a firm; holding
negotiations between entrepreneurs)


11. Name any three types of social
norms and illustrate each of them with an example.
1) Three types of social norms are named, for example:
- moral norms
- rule of law
- traditions and customs
2) Each of the norms is illustrated with an example:
- respect for elders, care for the younger, honesty in
relationships with others as manifestations
moral standards
- examples of regulations: Constitution
RF, federal legislation (the law "On
education in the Russian Federation ", laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation)
- examples of traditions and customs: the holiday of the “last
bell "at school, the tradition of" farewell to winter "


12. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Social
norms and their functions ”. Make a plan according to which you
will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points,
of which two or more are detailed in subclauses.
One of the options for disclosing this topic:
1. Social norms as a regulator of social relations.
2. Signs of social norms:
a) arise in the process of historical development
b) represent a certain standard (pattern) of behavior
c) are objective
d) designed for multiple repetitions
e) line up in a certain hierarchy
3. Types of social norms:
a) taboos, customs, traditions
b) moral standards
c) religious norms
d) corporate norms
e) legal regulations
4. Functions of social norms:
a) cultural and historical
b) social control
c) educational
d) regulatory
e) stabilizing


1) Unified State Exam 2016. Social Studies. Typical test tasks / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, E.L.
Rutkovskaya. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2016.
2) Unified state examination. Social Studies. Complex of materials for
training students. Tutorial. / O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskova. - Moscow:
Intellect Center, 2016.
3) Social Studies: Unified State Exam-textbook / P.A. Baranov, S.V. Shevchenko / Ed. P.A.
Baranova. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2014.
Internet resources - image "social norms" image "prescriptions of behavior"

Slide 1

municipal autonomous educational institution of the Perevozsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region "Ichalkovskaya secondary school" presentation on social studies Types of social norms (questions of the USE codifier) ​​Ganyushin ME, history teacher of the highest qualification category p. Ichalki

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Signs of social norms These are general rules for members of society. They do not have a specific addressee and operate continuously in time. Aimed at regulating public relations. They arise in connection with the volitional, conscious activity of people. They arise in the process of historical development. Their content corresponds to the type of culture and the nature of the social organization of society. They do not depend on the will and desires of people, that is, they are objective. They occupy a certain position in social regulation. They act as a measure of socially significant behavior Social norm is a rule of behavior established in society that regulates relations between people, social life

Slide 5

Slide 6

Functions of social norms Regulate the general course of socialization. They integrate the personality into the social environment. Serve as models, standards of appropriate behavior. Determine the boundaries of acceptable behavior of people in relation to the specific conditions of their life. Control deviant behavior. Ways of regulating people's behavior by social norms. Permission. Indicating behaviors that are desirable but not required. Prescription. An indication of the required action. Ban. An indication of actions that should not be taken.

Slide 7

1. Write down the word that is missing in the table. Social norms of morality TYPES OF NORMS SIGNS Norms of law Generally binding, exist in writing, created by the state ... .. They arise spontaneously in the process of people's practical activities, sanctions are established by society, the basic concepts of "good" and "evil"

Slide 8

2. A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception of two, represent social norms 1) externalities; 2) customs; 3) traditions; 4) laws; 5) international treaties; 6) social attitudes. 16 3. Choose the correct judgments about social norms and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Social norms are diverse in time and space. 2) Social norms always prohibit or restrict something in human action. 3) Traditions and customs are social norms. 4) Social norms are an element of social control. 5) Changes in social norms lead to social upheavals. 134

Slide 9

4. Find a position that is generalized for all other positions in the series below. Write down this word (phrase). Traditions; customs; social norms; moral norms; the laws. Social norms 5. Choose the correct judgments about moral norms and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Moral norms, in contrast to legal social norms, are always presented in writing. 2) Moral norms are provided by public opinion. 3) Moral norms are passed from generation to generation. 4) Moral norms contribute to the socialization of the younger generation. 5) Moral norms are developed and presented by the state. 234

Slide 10

6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic feature of the norm and its type. 21121 CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF THE VIDYNORM A) are established by the state 1) morality B) represent a set of rules approved by society 2) law C) appear long before the emergence of the state D) have a generally binding character E) the basic concepts are the concepts of approval and evil

Slide 11

7. Choose the correct judgments about social norms and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Social norms reflect the values ​​of society. 2) Unlike customs, legal norms are recorded in written sources. 3) The procedure for the application of legal norms does not differ from the procedure for the application of moral norms. 4) Rules of conduct based on the ideas of society or individual social groups about good and evil, bad and good, just and unjust, are called moral norms. 5) Moral norms are provided (protected) by the power of the state. 124

Slide 12

8. “In any society, the actions of people are regulated and ordered by certain rules. These rules are _______ (A). They provide ________ (B) to society and also contribute to the control of _______ (C). These rules are learned by the individual in the process of ______ (D), which occurs both spontaneously and purposefully and is carried out by the social environment, family, _______ (D). This process is different for different people and is not always successful. Social control supports society as a whole. The means and methods of social control are called ______ (E) ". 1) requirement 6) school 2) social norm 7) natural environment 3) development 8) socialization 4) stability 9) deviant behavior 5) sanction 249865

Slide 13

Part 2. 9. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social norm"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about any type of social norms, and one sentence, revealing the functions of social norms. 1) the meaning of the concept, for example: "A social norm is a rule of behavior established in society that regulates relations between people, social life"; 2) one sentence containing information about any type of social norms: "Compliance with moral rules is ensured by the authority of the collective consciousness, their violation is condemned in society"; 3) one sentence revealing the functions of social norms: "Social norms regulate the general course of socialization, integrate the individual into the social environment."

Slide 14

10. There are various social norms in society, including traditions, ceremonies, corporate norms (business habits). Illustrate each of the types of social norms named in the assignment with a specific example (first indicate the type of norm, and then the example). ( for example, the procedure for concluding a contract in a firm; negotiating between entrepreneurs)

Slide 15

11. Name any three types of social norms and illustrate each of them with an example. 1) Three types of social norms are named, for example: - moral norms - legal norms - traditions and customs 2) Each of the norms is illustrated by an example: - respect for elders, care for minors, honesty in relations with others as manifestations of moral norms - examples of normative legal acts: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation (the law "On Education in the Russian Federation", laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) - examples of traditions and customs: the holiday of the "last bell" at school, the tradition of "farewell to winter"

Slide 16

12. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social norms and their functions." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs. One of the options for the disclosure of this topic: 1. Social norms as a regulator of social relations. 2. Signs of social norms: a) arise in the process of historical development b) represent a certain standard (sample) of behavior c) are objective d) are designed for repeated repetition e) are built in a certain hierarchy 3. Types of social norms: a) taboo, customs, traditions b) moral norms c) religious norms d) corporate norms e) legal norms 4. Functions of social norms: a) cultural and historical b) social control c) educational d) regulatory e) stabilizing

Slide 17

Internet resources Literature 1) USE 2016. Social studies. Typical test tasks / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, E.L. Rutkovskaya. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2016. 2) Unified state exam. Social Studies. A set of materials for preparing students. Tutorial. / O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskova. - Moscow: Intellect Center, 2016.3) Social Studies: Unified State Exam-textbook / P.A. Baranov, S.V. Shevchenko / Ed. P.A. Baranova. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2014. - image "social norms" - image of "prescriptions of behavior"

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), a number or a sequence of numbers. Write your answers in the answer boxes in tech

work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of

numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, without spaces. commas and other additional characters. Every sim

ox write in a separate box in accordance with those given in

sample form.

1. Write down the word that is missing in the table.



Cash, knowledge, construction

the equipment used

in the production of goods and services

Used in the production process

goods and services are physical and

mental abilities of people

2. Find a position that is generalized for

all other positions in the row below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) spiritual culture; 2) spiritual values; 3) for scientific research; 4) moral standards; 5) religions

new views; 6) moral actions.

Answer: D

3. A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception

The two represent social norms.

1) external effects; 2) customs; 3) traditions; 4) laws, 5) international treaties, 6) social services

Find two terms, ((falling out "from the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

4. Choose correct judgments about human activities and

write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Human activity has a creative and pre

educational nature.

2) Human activity is entirely determined by the mustache

catching reflexes.

3) Unlike animal behavior, activities

human being focused on satisfying needs

notions in effect at a given time.

4) Human activity is caused by social ~ 1mi


5) Human activity is strong-willed and conscious.

5. Establish a correspondence between signs and forms of cognition: to each position given in the first

the first column.



reflection of the world in bad

feminine images


C) expression

and explain

essence of phenomena

focus on satisfying



a person in a beautiful

validity of semi-


reliability of conclusions

6. The arms race has influenced the exacerbation of environmental

sky and economic situation in the world. Select from the list below the global problems that are directly reflected in this causal

investigative communication. Write down the numbers under which

they are indicated.

1) threat of a new world war

2) ecological crisis and its consequences

3) lagging behind the developing countries of the third world ~

from developed countries

4) demographic situation on the planet

5) alcoholism and drug addiction

6) international terrorism

7. Choose the correct judgments about the subjects of banking

activities and write down the numbers under which they

1) Commercial banks can be engaged in manufacturing

vom of material values.

2) The central bank can accept deposits and

issue loans.

3) The central bank can establish certain financial standards that all credit institutions must comply with.

4) Commercial banks can trade and

property insurance.

5) Commercial banks can handle loans

by enterprises, the state and the population.

8. Establish a correspondence between government measures

economic regulation and its methods: how

For each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

A) the state provides

economic impact

its monetary poly

B) the state helps

commodity producers,

introducing customs



legal methods


C) the state has established

rules of economy

behavior for

manufacturing firms

D) the state will help

promotes the development of

leadership, increasing

or decreasing the size

E) the state has established

the conditions of the key

economic activities

dialects, order

company registration

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the appropriate letters.

9. Financial advisor explains to his client

differences between preferred shares and ordinary shares

veins. What are the rights granted by the privilege

bathroom stocks, should the consultant highlight? Take the correct positions and write down the numbers, under

by which they are indicated.

1) These shares give the right to participate in the management


2) These shares give the right to receive a fixed

th dividend.

3) Amount of dividend on these shares and liquidation

naya value is determined in hard cash

amount or percentage of par value

preferred shares.

4) These shares give the priority right to receive

part of the property of a company in the event of its bankruptcy

5) The source of dividend payments for privileged

These shares are the net profit of the joint stock company for the current year.

4) Social norms are an element of social


5) Changing social norms leads to social


12. “For what purposes do you (your family) save or would you if you had the opportunity? The answers to this question were received in

during a survey conducted by VTsIOM in 2014. It seems

Each interviewee could choose no more than three answers from

the number offered. Key survey results

are given in the diagram (in%).

for the purchase of land, cottages) ---

for the purchase of equipment and other expensive things

in case of job loss

to buy a car

for education

on vacation, entertainment, travel

for treatment

just in case, in reserve

for the purchase of an apartment, house

for a rainy day"

What conclusions can be drawn based on the data presented? Choose the correct positions and write down

the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The respondents prefer to save money in the first

queue for (<Черный день .

2) More than a quarter of the respondents tend to save up a day

gui to buy an apartment or house.

3) Paying for education is an incentive for saving

money for a quarter of the respondents.

4) There are more people who want to save money for land or a summer residence than for expensive things.

5) There are more supporters of saving money for recreation and entertainment than those who prefer to collect

money for treatment.

13. Choose the correct judgments about the characteristics of a democrat

political regime and write down the numbers

under which they are indicated.

1) Under a democratic regime, glasnost is

the principle of organization and activity of the state

the military apparatus.

2) Under a democratic regime, power is divided into legislative, executive, and judicial.

3) Under a democratic regime, the activities of opposition parties are prohibited.

4) Unlike other types of political regimes,

under a democratic regime there is a right

authorities to levy taxes and fees.

5) Under a democratic regime, unlike poly

other types of regimes, there is a right

authorities on the legal use of force.

14. Establish a correspondence between functions and implementation

by the authorities that influence them: to

for each item given in the first column, select

the corresponding position from the second column.







B) implementation of management

niya federal property

RF government


appointment to office

and relief from debts


on human rights

D) the implementation of measures to ensure the rights and

freedoms of citizens

E) implementation of measures to protect public order, fight against


Write down the selected numbers in the table under the appropriate letters.

15. In Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic decree

but that the task of the state is to eliminate pre

obstacles that actually limit freedom

and equality of citizens, hinder the full development of human

a venerable personality.

What conclusions does this constitutional provision allow to draw? Write down the numbers under which

these findings are indicated.

1) The Republic has proclaimed the values ​​of a democratic

sky social state.

2) The republic is distinguished by stable social


3) The republic is a welfare state

with high living standards.

4) The republic is a modern state with

developed legislation.

5) The republic proclaimed the sovereignty of the people.

6) The Republic recognizes a person, his rights and freedoms

the highest value.

16.Article 14 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation declares the Russian Fair

Deration by a secular state. It means that

1) human and civil rights and freedoms are recognized

2) equal protection of property is established

combat uniforms (public, private, municipal)

3) no state religion

4) no creed is obligatory

or preferred

5) a multi-party system is legalized in the country

6) recognized and ensured the sovereignty of the people

17. Establish a correspondence between features and organ

legal forms of entrepreneurial activity: for each position given in the first

column, select the appropriate position from the WTO

the first column.



A) indivisibility of property


va enterprises, not

possibility of his


definitions n0


deposits, shares,

B) voluntariness

for joint

noah economic


C) consolidation of property

military shares

co-founders D) economic management

(operational management) of property


E) personal labor participation of the creators before

acceptance in his act


Write down the selected numbers in the table under the appropriate

in the same letters.

18. Citizen A. has his own firm. What is the fact

you allow us to conclude that the organizational

but the legal form of this company is a joint stock company

state? Write down the numbers under which these facts are

1) the company has in its economic jurisdiction about

owned property

2) the company is an industrial enterprise

3) the firm has the right to conclude a civil

legal contracts with legal and physical

by my faces

4) the firm conducts an open subscription to the securities it issues

5) the company conducts free sale of manufactured

her securities on the terms established for

6) individuals and legal entities buying

the company's securities are eligible for

part of her income

19. Read the text below, each position

which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) There are more than 200 rivers and 600 reservoirs within Moscow. (B) The state of many of them left

nothing to be desired. (B) Within the city, small re

ki are mostly taken in pipes. (D) Nevertheless, through

stormwater runoffs are discharged into waste of modern industries. (E) Providing people with clean water is one of the ways to solve an ecological problem, which requires joining the efforts of the whole society.

Determine which positions of the text have

1) factual character

2) nature of value judgments

3) hara.Rter of theoretical statements

Record in the table under the letter denoting polo

zhenie, a figure that expresses his character.

on its viability, efficiency, labor

property. Growth and maturation rates are influenced by

howl, sports, educational), labor and social

behavior, presence or absence of stressors, chapters

Answers to tasks 1–20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the fields to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.


Write down the word that is missing in the table.


In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing to all the other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

1) spiritual culture; 2) spiritual values; 3) scientific research; 4) moral standards; 5) religious views; 6) moral actions.


A number of terms are listed below. All but two represent social norms.

1) external effects; 2) customs; 3) traditions; 4) laws; 5) international treaties; 6) social attitudes.

Find two terms that "fall out" from the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer.


Choose the correct judgments about human activities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Human activity has a constructive and transformative character.

2. Human activity is entirely determined by conditioned reflexes.

3. Unlike the behavior of animals, human activity is focused on meeting the needs acting at a given moment in time.

4. Human activity is caused by social needs.

5. Human activity is strong-willed and conscious.


Establish a correspondence between signs and forms of cognition.


Galina is 16 years old. Find in the given list its traits (qualities) that are social in nature. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Galina has blonde hair and brown eyes.

2. Galina is kind and responsive.

3. Galina is an outwardly attractive girl.

4. Galina's height is below average.

5. Galina is an honest person.

6. Galina is friends with many of her classmates.


Choose the correct judgments about the subjects of banking and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Commercial banks can be engaged in the production of wealth.

2. The central bank can accept deposits and issue loans.

3. The Central Bank may establish certain financial standards that all credit organizations must comply with.

4. Commercial banks can trade and insure property.

5. Commercial banks can be engaged in lending to enterprises, the state and the population.


Establish a correspondence between the necessary conditions for the functioning of economic systems and their types


Firm "Aqua-market" specializes in the sale of drinking water and related products. Select from the list below examples of Aqua-Market's fixed costs.

1.payment for electricity

2. piecework wages of workers

3.payment of interest on a loan payments costs

6.material costs



Choose the correct judgments about social norms and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Social norms are diverse in time and space.

2. Social norms always prohibit or restrict something in human action.

3. Social norms include traditions and customs.

4. Social norms are an element of social control.

5. Changes in social norms lead to social upheavals.


In sociological studies conducted in country Z in 2005 and 2015, respondents had to choose from the offered the statement that most accurately reflects their attitude to modern life. The results obtained (in% of the number of respondents) were entered in the table.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. In 2015, the share of respondents using new opportunities to achieve a better life increased

2. The share of those who cannot in any way adapt to the prevailing conditions has decreased in 10 years.

3. Both in 2005 and in 2015, more than a third of the respondents got used to the fact that they had to give up their usual way of life.

4. About a quarter of the respondents believe that nothing has changed for them in recent years.

5. Equal shares of respondents in 2015 noted that they got used to the fact that they had to give up their usual way of life, and cannot adapt to their current life in any way.


Choose the correct judgments about the characteristics of a democratic political regime and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Under a democratic regime, glasnost is the principle of the organization and activity of the state apparatus.

2. Under a democratic regime, power is divided into legislative, executive and judicial.

3. Under a democratic regime, the activities of opposition parties are prohibited.

4. Unlike political regimes of other types, under a democratic regime there is a right of the authorities to collect taxes and fees.

5. Under a democratic regime, in contrast to political regimes of other types, there is a right of power to the legal use of force.


Establish a correspondence between the questions and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation


In State Z, legislative power is exercised by parliament, and a popularly elected head of state forms the government and heads the executive branch. Citizens have the full range of rights and freedoms, the institutions of civil society are developed. State Z includes the territories of subjects that have the right to adopt their own constitution. Parliament has a bicameral structure. Find the characteristics of the Z shape in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1.constitutional monarchy

2.presidential republic

3.the federal state

4.democratic state

5.absolute monarchy

6. unitary state


Article 14 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation declares the Russian Federation a secular state. It means that

1.recognized the rights and freedoms of man and citizen

2.Equal protection of property of any form (state, private, municipal) is established

3.there is no state religion

4.No creed is considered obligatory or preferred

5.the country has legalized a multi-party system

6.recognized and ensured the sovereignty of the people


Choose the correct judgments about the system of Russian law and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Branches of substantive law, in contrast to branches of procedural law, establish the procedure for the application of legal norms.

2. Criminal law regulates social relations associated with the commission of criminal acts, the imposition of punishment and the application of other measures of a criminal-legal nature.

3. Administrative law regulates property and related personal non-property relations.

4. Civil law is classified as private law.

5. Legal institution - a set of rules governing a certain segment (side) of homogeneous social relations.


Establish a correspondence between examples and grounds for termination of an employment contract in the Russian Federation

A) The Attestation Commission confirmed that Mark G. does not have a sufficient level of qualifications for the position held.1) the initiative of the employer
B) Victor P. repeatedly failed to fulfill his labor duties without good reason, had several disciplinary sanctions.2) employee initiative
C) 24-year-old Roman V. was sent to military service by conscription.3) circumstances beyond the control of the parties
D) Irina A. got married and is moving to another city.
E) Upon the expiration of the term of the employment contract, Peter M. was not elected to the position he previously held as head of the Department of Philosophy.


Choose the correct judgments about family law and write down the numbers under which they appear.

1. A family is an association, as a rule, of persons living together, bound by mutual rights and obligations arising from marriage, consanguinity, adoption or any other form of placing children in a family.

2. Family members - married husband and wife, parents and children, adoptive parents and adopted children, stepmothers and stepfathers, stepdaughters and stepsons, etc. - are the objects of family legal relations.

3. One of the conditions for marriage in accordance with the family code of the Russian Federation is reaching the age of 16.

4. Registration of marriage occurs, as a rule, one month after the filing of an application with the registry office by the groom and the bride.

5. Marriage contract - an agreement between the persons entering into marriage, or an agreement between the spouses, which determines the personal rights and obligations of the spouses in marriage and (or) in the event of its dissolution.

Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.


Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select the words you want to insert instead of spaces from the list provided.

“Character traits, special abilities and the level of general giftedness affect one or another direction of the development of vital activity _____ (A) and its viability, efficiency, and ability to work. The rate of growth and maturation is influenced by the lifestyle, ways of _____ (B) (play, sports, study), labor and social behavior, the presence or absence of stress, the most important of which are _____ (C), etc. All these factors matter as the moments of the formation of the ______ (D) subject. The concept of "responsibility" is the most important internal _____ (D) of his activities. A sense of responsibility, duty is manifested in the conscious readiness of a person to follow the established ______ (E), to evaluate their actions in terms of their consequences for others. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:



3.conflict situations

4.interpersonal relationships





Part 2.

First write down the task number (28, 29, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Write down the answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Some believe that because thinking is a complex process, learning it goes beyond our technical capabilities and our understanding. This argument is slightly true and slightly false. It is difficult not to admit that many features of our thinking remain a mystery, but it is also true that the achievements of psychology have given us a wonderful arsenal of methods and models that can reveal some facts related to thinking. Thinking is involved in problem solving and concept formation.

Concept formation (or concept assimilation) refers to the ability to clarify the properties inherent in a certain class of objects or ideas. The concept can be defined as a set of certain essential features and rules linking these features. Signs mean some characteristics of objects related to other objects. Mobility, for example, is a sign of a car, but other objects - trains, birds - also have mobility. A person determines how significant a given feature is for this object, based on certain criteria. Traits can be distinguished both quantitatively and qualitatively. Thus, mobility is a qualitative trait that can be quantified. For example, a car of this brand has this feature to a greater extent than cars of other brands.

Concept formation is one of the most important human cognitive functions. In most sciences, during the period of their formation, the formation of concepts plays a decisive role in the organization of data. The arrangement of elements in chemistry, the development of a phylogenetic classification in biology, the classification of types of memory in biology are all examples of the formation of concepts that contribute to a better understanding of the subject.

If we imagine the myriad different objects and events that we encounter in everyday life, then the task of acquiring concepts may be too difficult, and yet this amazing task is relatively easy to accomplish. It may well be that the comprehension of the world is possible only through the development of cognitive structures that link seemingly scattered objects and events into a single concept. Thus, the study of concept formation is not isolated from the main stream of everyday life, but is right at the center of it.

The terms "thought" and "thinking" refer to the general process of considering a question in the mind; logic is the science of thinking that studies its laws. Two people may think the same thing, but their conclusions, obtained through thinking, may be different; one will be "logical" and the other "illogical."

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The answer may contain the following provisions:

1) the formation of concepts is the most important cognitive function of a person;

2) the formation of concepts plays a decisive role in the formation of sciences;

3) comprehension of the world is possible only through the connection of objects into a single concept.

The elements of the answer can be given in other, similar in meaning, formulations

How are thinking and logic related? Why can the conclusions of reflections, given the same subject matter or the same topic, differ from person to person?

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A correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the answer to the first question is given: logic studies the laws of thinking;

2) the answer to the second question is given: one person can reason in accordance with these laws, and another ignore them.

The author notes that the concept is defined through a set of essential features. Based on social science knowledge, indicate one essential feature of any three concepts related to different spheres of society.

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The answer may contain the following concepts with indication of essential features:

1) market economy - free pricing;

2) the state - the presence of sovereignty:

3) social control - the use of sanctions.

Other examples may be given

There is a point of view according to which abstract inferences are not able to lead to correct conclusions without the inclusion of direct observation, sensory data. Give two arguments in support of this position and one argument against it.

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The response may include the following arguments:

1) In support of the above thesis:

Sensory data is a necessary source of our knowledge,

Real reality, perceived at the stage of sensory cognition, is richer than any models and schemes that rational cognition creates for its comprehension;

2) Against the above thesis: there are areas of knowledge, for example, mathematics, built on the rigor of theoretical reasoning.

Other options may be given.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social role"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the role system, and the second sentence containing information about role conflict.

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The correct answer should contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: a social role is a model of behavior set by the status of a person. (A different, similar definition can be given).

2) one sentence with information about the role system: “Personally significant and secondary roles are distinguished in the system of human roles”. (Any other proposal containing information on the system of social roles can be drawn up)

2) support for those who, due to objective reasons, cannot fully work: sick, disabled, children, elderly people, students, etc. disability ");

3) the allocation of the necessary funds for the social needs of the entire population of the country (adoption of programs aimed at the development of education, health care, transport);

4) development of pensions, insurance, health care, etc. (the law on the indexation of pensions).

Other functions may be named and other examples given.

“A tax on hats will raise the price of hats, a tax on shoes will raise the price of shoes. Otherwise, such a tax would eventually be paid by the manufacturer: his profit would fall in comparison with the general rate and he would leave his industry, "wrote the English economist D. Ricardo. What kind of taxes does this statement refer to? Explain your answer and indicate who is the collector and who is the payer of this tax.

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One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1. Activity as a way of life for a person and society.

2. Structure of activity:

a) subject;

b) an object;

d) motives;

e) actions;

f) the result.

3. Activities:

a) labor;

b) cognitive;

c) aesthetic, etc.

4. Thinking as a process of cognitive activity.

5. Thinking is the basis of rational knowledge.

6. Types of thinking:

a) verbal-logical;

b) visual-figurative;

c) visual and effective.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible.

By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only ONE of the statements below (29.1-29.5).

Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When presenting your thoughts on the problem raised (the designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained in studying the course of social studies, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience. (Give at least two examples from various sources for factual reasoning.)

29.1. Philosophy"Culture is, first of all, a natural phenomenon, if only because its creator - man - a biological creature." (P.S. Gurevich)

29.2. Economy“The importance of non-productive assets is growing today. Ideas, people, group work, communication, enthusiasm and finally knowledge. " (A.M. Webber)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology"A person can find himself, come to the knowledge of his individuality exclusively through an intermediary - social life." (E. Cassirer)

29.4. Political science"To make power stronger, you need to limit it." (L. Berne)

29.5. Jurisprudence"Times change, and laws change with them." (Latin legal dictum)