How to calculate with a Sberbank credit card. Calculations of payments on a credit card of the Savings Bank with examples. Youth Visa Classic and MasterCard Standart

Credit cards have long been the most demanded banking product among customers. It is mainly used to pay for goods and services, because it is not profitable to withdraw cash on it, and some keep it as a spare wallet so as not to borrow money until paycheck. But in any case, the borrowed funds are subject to return, and then we will consider how to calculate a payment on a Sberbank credit card, the amount of debt and the amount of interest.

How to pay by card during the grace period

Banks provide their users with a unique chance to use borrowed money and not pay interest on the loan. For each credit card from Sberbank, the grace period is 50 days, that is, this is exactly the period when interest on the amount spent is not charged. Unfortunately, not all cardholders yet fully understand how to use this opportunity.

The grace period, as already mentioned, is 50 days, it begins to operate after receiving a credit card. During the first 30 days, you can pay for purchases with a credit card, but not withdraw cash, because the grace period is not valid for this operation. In the next 20 days, you must repay the debt in full, then you will not be charged interest.

Please note, before paying the loan, be sure to specify the exact amount of the debt, otherwise the interest will be credited to the balance of the debt.

What is the minimum or mandatory payment

Now let's look at what a mandatory payment on a Sberbank credit card is - this is the minimum amount that must be paid on time. In Sberbank, the minimum credit card payment is 5% of the amount spent. For example, if 10,000 rubles were spent, then the minimum payment is 500 rubles plus interest.

Grace period for a Sberbank card. How to calculate?

But, please note that this is only the minimum amount to be returned, interest is also added to it, the borrower can pay more, this difference will go to pay the principal debt, which in the future will save on interest. The client does not need to worry, because he only needs to call the hotline, go to his personal account on the Sberbank website, or come to any bank branch to find out what is the minimum payment on a Sberbank credit card and when to pay.

How to calculate the minimum payment

  • card limit - 100,000 rubles;
  • interest rate - 36% per year;
  • the amount spent - 20,000 rubles;

We calculate the minimum payment:

  • 20,000 × 0.05 (5%) = 1,000 rubles - this is the amount of the principal debt;
  • 20,000 × (0.36 ÷ 12 (months)) = 600 rubles - this is the interest on the loan (the rate is indicated per year, respectively, it is divided by 12 to get the interest for one month).

In total, the minimum monthly payment is 1600 rubles.

Information on the date and amount of the minimum payment in the personal account on the Sberbank Online website

This calculation clearly shows that it is extremely unprofitable to pay off your credit card debt in monthly payments. Though with the next month, interest will be calculated on the balance of the debt, that is, for 19 thousand rubles.

So, it is beneficial to use a credit card when it is possible to return the funds spent on time, although in practice there are only a few such borrowers. Basically, users pay only the amount that the bank indicates in the notification, and the debt repayment itself is delayed for a long time.

Not everyone thinks about how interest is calculated on a Sberbank credit card. Someone rarely resorts to a loan, others make a calculation without unnecessary questions, and still others simply control the number of days of the grace period in order to avoid the accrual of penalties. At the same time, the accrual procedure itself may seem complicated for many ordinary people - the calculations are influenced by the availability of days of free use, the interest rate on the "credit card" and other features of its use.

Rates and conditions for using credit cards of Sberbank

The bank offers different conditions for different users. Interest on the card will be different not only depending on the borrower himself, but also on the chosen tariff. Almost all cards have a grace (grace) period, and for some "credit cards" you need to pay for an annual service.

Name Bid Grace period Service Limit Options and bonuses
MasterCard Bonus from 23.9% up to 50 days 0 p. - first year for everyone, for approved clients all the time up to 600 tr.
MasterCard or Visa Classic from 23.9 to 27.9% up to 50 days from 0 to 750 rubles up to 600 tr. Instant registration, free SMS-informing, bonuses "Thank you"
Sberbank Gold from 23.9 to 27.9% up to 50 days from 0 to 3000 rubles up to 600 tr 10% for payments in cafes and restaurants, 0.5% for other payments
MasterCard Black Premium from 21.9% up to 50 days 4900 rubles up to 3 million rubles Increased number of "Thank you" bonuses, 10% when paying for a taxi and at gas stations, 5% - cafes and restaurants, 1.5% when shopping in supermarkets
Visa Aeroflot Classic from 23.9 to 27.9% up to 50 days 900 rubles up to 300 tr Bonuses "Thank you", 500 miles upon activation, 1 mile for spending 60 rubles / $ 1.
Visa Aeroflot Gold from 23.9 to 27.9% up to 50 days 3500 rubles up to 300 tr Bonuses "Thank you", 1000 miles upon activation, 1.5 miles for spending 60 rubles / $ 1.
Visa Aeroflot Premium from 21.9% up to 50 days 12,000 rubles from 300 thousand rubles to 3 million Bonuses "Thank you", 1000 miles upon activation, 2 miles for spending 60 rubles / $ 1.
Visa "Give life" from 23.9 to 27.9% up to 50 days from 0 to 900 rubles up to 600 tr Bonuses "Thank you", 0.3% on purchases to the "Give Life" fund, 50% of the cost of 1 year of service when paid.

These are just standard conditions, in most cases everything is considered individually. At the same time, the minimum rates for credit cards are indicated for persons with a pre-approved loan. Often these are salary clients of Sberbank or those who have already issued a loan and paid it off. There are certain requirements for new clients - age from 21, official income, at least one year of experience over the last 5 years with 6 months in the last job.

These requirements are typical not only for obtaining a card from Sberbank, but also for a car loan or mortgage. Moreover, a number of additional conditions are put forward for mortgage borrowers. At the same time, a regular bank loan is more favorable in terms of interest rates, but it does not have a payment grace period of 50 days or more.

Grace period and its features

If the grace period is used and the debt is fully repaid for a certain number of days, no interest will be charged. In order to correctly calculate the interest on the card, it is worth remembering the nuances of this process. When we are talking about 50 days of grace period, then the countdown date does not mean the fact of the onset of debt. Loan incentives start from the reporting date, not from the day you purchase something using your card.

Conventionally, you can divide the interest-free repayment into 2 stages:

  1. The reporting stage is 30 days.
  2. Debt repayment stage - 20 days.

This is where the confusion comes from when trying to calculate percentages. To do this correctly, you need to know the exact start date of the reporting phase. If the card is activated on the 8th, then the reporting stage will start from 9th and last for 30 days, with the exception of February. There are no more than 29 days this month, which automatically shortens the reporting period. After the completion of the stage of generating the report, a grace period of 20 days will begin. These are general rules for preferential lending that apply to all Sberbank cards.

It is important not to forget that for most Sberbank credit cards there is a restriction on the use of the grace period when withdrawing cash. There is also a taboo on online payments for online casino services. In these cases, interest is calculated from the first day of spending.

In order to take full advantage of the possibilities of the grace interval, it is worthwhile to correctly determine the end of the reporting stage. After its expiration, the cardholder has 20 days to pay off the debt without additional commissions. If the reporting stage began at 10, and the purchase was made on 15, then 30 days must be determined not from the date of purchase, but from the 10th. For those who are confused in the calculations or just want to make them easier, there is a special grace period calculator on the Sberbank website.

Service fees and cash withdrawals

When using "credit cards" of any bank, it is worthwhile to specify in advance information on various commissions. Many financial institutions practice withdrawing a certain amount when cashing out funds, and also often oblige to pay an annual service. This can lead to confusion when calculating credit card interest.

It must be remembered that even an unused, but activated credit card obliges the owner to pay for an annual service if available. This can lead to the formation of debt at the moment when the amount indicated for the service is debited from the account.

It is worth paying off this debt in a timely manner or simply canceling the card by contacting a bank branch. Otherwise, penalties are possible. Also, when calculating percentages, errors are likely due to forgotten commissions.

It is about withdrawing cash and using ATMs from third-party banks. Almost all plastic cards imply a certain commission when cashing out funds through an operator or ATM. Its size depends on the terms of the loan agreement, while it concerns only Sberbank ATMs. The use of ATMs of other financial institutions imposes on the withdrawer one more additional commission, i.e. in addition to paying for cash withdrawals, you will need to spend money for the services of a third-party bank.

Refunds and penalties

Debt repayment implies the timely calculation of the parts of the loan and the accrued fines. If it was not possible to pay off the debt during the grace period, then in the next reporting stage it is necessary to make the minimum payment to the card account. Its size is specified in the contract - often it is 5-8% of the amount owed. In this case, the calculation of the exact amount of the loan is based on the amount of funds remaining outstanding during the grace days.

Late payment or insufficient payment for the minimum payment may result in a fine. The amount of penalties is also regulated by the clauses of the loan agreement. Those who have been using a credit card of a bank for a long time know that there are 3 types of financial punishment for late payment:

  1. Specific amount in rubles.
  2. Increasing the interest rate for the period of delay.
  3. Combined method with a rate increase and a one-time penalty.

In the event of a delay in debt, it is difficult to independently determine how the increased interest is charged. It is important to know that with the subsequent deposit of funds, the money will first be written off for penalties and fines, then on accrued interest, and only the remainder will go to pay off the main debt. Therefore, in case of late payments, it is better to get advice from the bank in order to prevent a new delay in the next reporting period due to incorrect calculations.

Accrual of interest on Sberbank cards

It is impossible to correctly calculate your own debt if you do not know how interest is calculated on a loan. You can use the information services of Sberbank and find out the total amount of debt, but sometimes you need to make a calculation yourself. Without knowing the interest rate and other nuances of using a credit card, it is impossible to make correct calculations. You also need to know the rules for calculating commissions practiced by the bank itself.

Accrual rules

If it was not possible to fully repay the debt during the grace period, then you should familiarize yourself with the agreement in detail and remember the basic rules for calculating interest on the card. This will minimize unnecessary costs.

There are several of these rules:

  1. In case of delays, the interest rate may be increased.
  2. During the grace period, no interest is charged on the loan.
  3. The basis is the annual rate specified in the loan agreement.
  4. Fines are accrued daily from the day the debt arises.
  5. After the end of the grace period, penalties are charged on the balance of the loan.
  6. Cash transactions and payment for online casino services imply payment of interest from the first day of the loan.

All users of Sberbank credit cards should remember that making a minimum payment is not a profitable way to pay off debt. The write-off of funds for the principal debt will be small, increasing the loan term, which will allow the bank to charge a commission longer.

Independent calculation of interest on debt

The rules for determining the amount of interest require knowing the dates of the reporting interval and purchases, the amount spent, the rate on the plastic card and whether there is a grace period. At first glance, the calculation scheme is simple:

  • the interest rate is divided into 365 days;
  • the result is multiplied by the number of days in arrears;
  • the calculated interest must be multiplied by the loan amount.

Such a calculation will be simple only if the necessary data are known. When using a grace period, it is also necessary to preliminarily determine the day of its end in order to correctly find out the amount of interest accrued on the outstanding amount. In the case of cash withdrawal, when calculating, it is necessary to take into account the commission for withdrawing money - it, among other costs, must be paid before the main debt.

Everything is calculated automatically in the bank, but you can check the amounts yourself. If the data is not all known, then you need to go to your online bank account or personally visit the office to get the necessary information from employees.

Examples of accrued interest with and without a grace period

The amount of overpayments depends on the thoughtful use of the "credit card". Control over the grace period and timely deposit of funds implies an interest-free loan with non-cash payment. For example, consider a non-cash purchase and withdrawal of funds.

The date of the credit card report generation is the 1st day of the month. The beginning of the reporting interval starts from the 2nd. This will allow you to pay the debt without interest by the 20th day of the next month. If you spend 7 thousand on March 5, and 12 more 4, then the total amount of debt will be 11 thousand rubles. In this case, the grace period will not be 50 days, but 47 for the first purchase and 40 for the second. If you deposit 11 thousand on the card by April 20, then interest will not be charged.

Withdrawing cash of any number will immediately lead to the accrual of commissions and will require the following calculations:

  1. Cashing out - 3%, but at least 190/390 rubles.
  2. The total amount owed.
  3. Annual interest divided by 365 and multiplied by the days of debt.

Removal of 10 tons. with a minimum of 190 rubles for cashing out, it will cost 3% from 300 rubles. The rate is 23.9%, and the borrowed funds will be used for 20 days. To fully repay the debt, you will need to pay 10,430.95 - of which 300 rubles. for withdrawing money, 10,000 p. principal and 130.95 p. interest for use.

Credit cards are a profitable tool with a competent approach. They are convenient as a constant financial assistant at hand. If you use this monetary instrument correctly, then the interest will be either minimal, or the loan will cost you no interest at all.

The credit card is very popular, but many people understand that it is a rather expensive product to maintain in comparison with ordinary consumer loans. This is because the credit limit on the card is renewable, and the borrower only needs to make the minimum payment on a monthly basis. As a result, the payment may take several years. Consider how to calculate a payment on a Sberbank credit card yourself and using a credit calculator.

In order to make a payment on a credit card, you need to know its basic parameters for calculations.

Platinum Aeroflot Visa Signature

The limit is 3,000,000 rubles.

Annual rate - 21.9

Service per year - 12,000 rubles.

Visa Gold and MKard

The limit is 600,000 rubles.

Annual rate - 25.9

Service per year - 0

% for cashing out - 3% (390 rubles min.)

Instant Visa Classic and MKard Momentum

The limit is 120,000 rubles.

Annual rate - 25.9

Service per year - 0

% for cashing out - 3% (390 rubles min.)

Classic Visa Aeroflot

The limit is 600,000 rubles.

Annual rate - 25.9-33.9

Service per year - 900

% for cashing out - 3% (390 rubles min.)

Classic Visa and MKard standard

The limit is 600,000 rubles.

Annual rate - 25.9-33.9

Service per year - 0-750

% for cashing out - 3% (390 rubles min.)

Give life a classic

The limit is 600,000 rubles.

Annual rate - 25.9-33.9

Service per year - 0-900

% for cashing out - 3% (390 rubles min.)

Give a golden life

The limit is 600,000 rubles.

Annual rate - 25.9-33.9

Service per year - 0-3500

% for cashing out - 3% (390 rubles min.)


The limit is 200,000 rubles.

Annual rate - 33.9

Service per year - 750

% for cashing out - 3% (390 rubles min.)

Golden Aeroflot

The limit is 600,000 rubles.

Annual rate - 25.9-33.9

Service per year - 3,500

% for cashing out - 3% (390 rubles min.)

Platinum Visa Signature and MKard Word Black

The limit is 3,000,000 rubles.

Annual rate - from 21.9

Service per year - 4,900

% for cashing out - 3% (390 rubles min.)

All cards have a grace period where no credit card interest is charged for using the limit. It ranges from 1 to 50 days. The only condition is that you only make non-cash transactions. The grace period does not apply to cash withdrawals, according to the terms of lending.

The commission for withdrawing from someone else's ATM increases to 4%, with min. the amount of commission in 390 rubles.

Services such as credit card, life and health insurance can become additional costs. For such programs, the commission can be charged monthly for the amount owed, or annually.

The cards are valid for 3 years, but they are not tied to the loan term. If it is less than the validity period of the card, the loan agreement can always be renewed. In the opposite situation, a re-release is carried out.

The limit for each client is set individually within the stated limits. Its size depends on the ability to pay, credit history and other parameters.

There are also individual conditions for interest.

It should be borne in mind that interest is charged on overdue debt at a rate of 36% (for some products it may be lower).

How to make a calculation

Each borrower is sent a monthly statement with information on all transactions performed, and the amount of the mandatory payment, indicating the date of its payment. If you have not yet received a credit card, but want to know the full cost as a percentage, such a calculation will be approximate, since it is impossible to predict in advance what transactions and how often will be performed. Annual interest is calculated only on the actually used limit, which is the basis for calculations. The less you spend, the less you pay.

Loan calculator

To establish the full cost of the loan and get an approximate schedule, it is better to use a credit card calculator, for example, from Sberbank and calculate. To do this, you need to enter the initial parameters:

  • Limit amount. Enter the desired indicator for preliminary calculation, or set by the loan agreement if you have already become a borrower.
  • Credit term. According to the principle indicated above.
  • Annual percentage.
  • Commissions. In our case, this is the commission for cashing out. To get a graph based on the maximum possible costs, enter this indicator. In fact, with a non-cash service, the costs will be lower.
  • Annual maintenance affects the full cost of the loan, but not on the schedule, since it is debited once a year in total. To account for the full cost, it can be calculated.
  • Insurance (if available).

All banks and on different sites have their own settlement tools, you can use any.

To clarify the monthly payment, it is better to use a credit card calculator, Sberbank provides it on its website. And note that each bank has its own method of calculation, so the credit card calculator of different banks may give different results for the same amount of debt.

Count it yourself

It is always useful to calculate a payment on a Sberbank credit card yourself, at least in order to be able to read confusing statements and control all charges. Monthly payments consist of the following charges:

  • the minimum percentage of the used limit of Sberbank credit cards established by the tariffs - 5% and not less than 150 rubles;
  • annual interest accrued on the used overdraft (principal debt) based on the tariff plan;
  • commission for withdrawing cash for each amount withdrawn - 3% at your own ATM and 4% at someone else's, but not less than 390 rubles;
  • we take into account the annual service if the deadline for its payment has approached;
  • fines and penalties for delay, if it arose in the previous reporting period;
  • additional services (at tariffs).

When there is no grace period

If cash withdrawals were issued, or the grace period was exceeded, interest is calculated from the first transaction carried out, and not from the date of its end, as some believe. Example:

During the reporting period (30/31 days) 10,000 were withdrawn in cash from an ATM of Sberbank and 15,000 rubles were spent non-cash. Cash withdrawal fee amounted to 390 rubles. There are no additional paid services on the card, there are no delays or fines. There is no annual service. How do I calculate the minimum payment?

  • The spent limit for the reporting period 25,000 rubles. 5% of this amount will be 1,250 rubles.
  • The rate is 25.9%. To calculate the interest, you need to calculate how many days you used the overdraft from the day of the transaction to the end date of the billing period. Suppose you have withdrawn the total amount of cash immediately 20 days before the end of the billing period. 15,000 spent later, 5 days before the end. It turns out that within 15 days the debt was 10,000 rubles, and over the next 5 days - 25,000 rubles 10,000 * 25.9% / 366 (days in a year) * 15 = 106.44 rubles. accrued in 15 days 25,000 * 25.9% / 366 * 5 = 88.46 rubles. accrued in 5 days
  • Cash withdrawal fee 390 rubles.
  • The monthly payment is RUB 1,834.90 (1,250 + 106.44 + 88.46 + 390)

Taking into account the grace period

If you have fulfilled the condition and spent all 25,000 non-cash, you need to replenish this amount before the end of the grace period. Interest is not charged, there are no commissions for bank transfer. How much they took - so much returned (excluding additional services and annual maintenance).

It will be interesting for you

A Sberbank credit card is a very useful thing, especially for those who use it constantly and make a loan payment on time. And many people using the card are wondering how to make a payment on a Sberbank credit card and the amount of the monthly payment. Here you need to know that there is an interest-free period for Sberbank loan products, during which interest is not charged.

However, do not forget that the interest depends on such factors as: you paid for purchases and services with "plastic" or withdrawn money in cash. The accrued interest directly depends on these factors. Let's take a closer look at how payment is made on a card with a credit limit from Sberbank.

How to calculate the interest on the "plastic" of Sberbank

The grace period is valid only for non-cash payments and is 50 calendar days. If during this time the amount spent was refunded, then no interest will be charged.

If not, then a percentage is charged, maximum 24%. Interest on a credit card is calculated as follows: the annual interest rate is multiplied by the amount of debt for the reporting period, divided by the number of days in a year, and then it must be multiplied by the number of days of using the credit funds. For example, if you spent 10,000, then:

  • (10,000 * 24%) / 365 * 30 = 197.26. This is a monthly fee for using a credit card.

Sberbank branch

As mentioned above, for a non-cash settlement with a financial instrument, interest is not charged, but cash withdrawal is a paid service and is 3% of the amount withdrawn. For example, if you spent 10,000 rubles, then you will have to pay 10,300 rubles already. It may also be the case that you repaid the loan during the grace period, but took out cash several times during this time. In this case, the calculation will be made in this way - 0% for the full repayment of the loan and 24% for cash withdrawals. For late monthly payments on the card, the percentage will be 36-38%.

Calculation of the minimum payment on the card

The calculation of the minimum payment on a Sberbank card is made as follows: 5% of the debt (but not less than 150 rubles) +% for using credit "plastic" (calculated above).

(10,000 * 5%) + 197.26 = 697.26 rubles.

Credit card debt

Some credit card holders think that this is just additional cash and there will be no need to give it back. However, the bank is not your friend or acquaintance, and it will not forgive you the debt, and sooner or later you will still have to make the payment.

For each day of delay, interest will be charged to the account at a higher rate and the amount that will need to be paid may increase significantly.

Therefore, each holder of such "plastic" must know how to pay off the resulting debt on a Sberbank credit card.

Sberbank gold debit card

The best way not to be in debtors is to make a monthly payment and control the expense of funds on the card. To do this, you need to use the following rules:

  • Top up your card account on time.
  • It is reasonable to spend the money remaining on "plastic".
  • Check your card balance regularly.
  • Try to pay for services and goods directly with the card and pay off borrowed funds during an interest-free period.
  • Withdraw cash as little as possible.

If, nevertheless, it happened that there was a debt on the card, then in no case try to throw it out or break it. This will not solve your problems with the bank in any way, and may even aggravate them. It is possible to return borrowed funds to Sberbank's "plastic". This requires:

  • Stop using your credit card.
  • Make at least the minimum payment on the card, and, if possible, pay the maximum.
  • If you have a salary card, you can write off funds on the loan from it. This will help you prevent the formation of debt altogether.

In order to eliminate credit card debt, you must first find out the amount of debt. This can be done using a self-service terminal by contacting one of the Sberbank branches, using Sberbank Online or through a mobile bank. After the amount of the debt is clear, you need to calculate the minimum loan payment and start depositing funds into the account.

What is the effective interest rate

The effective interest rate is the percentage of the overpayment for the use of the loan, or in other words, the total cost of the loan.

This includes the loan announced by the bank and related payments, such as:

  • Credit card issuance fee.
  • Insurance.
  • Card service cost.
  • Cash withdrawal and deposit fees, etc.

Classic debit card of Sberbank

The bank does not know in advance how much the cardholder will withdraw and how much time he needs to pay off the debt. Therefore, the UCI is calculated as follows: we assume that the borrower has used the entire amount at once, and the payment schedule consists of the same parts. In this case, the effective interest rate is higher than the actual one. In reality, everything happens differently: a settlement tool is mainly used when there is a little lack of money, for example,. In this case, the resulting debt will be repaid in the near future.

This is especially true if there is a grace period. And if, for example, the limit on the card is 30,000 rubles, and the issue of the card is 650 rubles, then we get only 3.2%. This is subject to the absence of a mobile bank and insurance, as well as cash withdrawals.

When to pay

Most often, in order to calculate the minimum payment on a card, a bank calculator is used, but you can do it yourself (as described above). The following factors affect your monthly credit card payment:

  • Availability of a grace period.
  • What transactions were performed on the card.
  • Connected services.
  • Debt amount.
  • The presence of delays.

First of all, you need to know the duration of the interest-free grace period.

Sberbank youth debit card

You can find out from the agreement concluded with the bank or at the nearest branch of Sberbank.

How and where can I pay off interest on a Sberbank credit card

You can pay interest on the account in the following ways:

  • This can be done through the cashier at any branch of Sberbank.
  • A self-service terminal can be used.
  • And you can make a transfer from a salary card to a credit card.
  • Remittance.
  • Using online wallets.

And, if you suddenly have questions about the expense of funds or the amount of interest accrued, then you can always contact the managers in one of the branches of Sberbank for explanatory information and obtaining a history of transactions. You can also use Internet services, through a mobile bank or by calling the hotline.

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Banking organizations are actively offering to issue credit cards. Companies are developing various bonuses for customers in the form of discounts, cashback, grace period, miles accrual and much more. This is due to the fact that credit cards have a revolving credit limit, and when the plastic expires, a new card comes automatically.

Thus, the bank gets a long-term relationship with the borrower. But in this article we will tell you how to use the card and not pay interest, consider the intricacies of the grace period and the formation of a mandatory payment, and for example, take the product of Sberbank "Credit card Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard".

Conditions on the Sberbank card

To begin with, let's consider the general conditions offered for this card. At the moment, the promotion is valid until December 31, 2017, under the terms of which a free annual service is provided. The standard commission for using the card is 750 rubles. The credit limit does not exceed 600,000 rubles and is formed on an individual basis.

There is a grace period of up to 50 days. Cashback on the card reaches 10%. "Thank you" from Sberbank is one of the best customer reward services operating in Russia. The company also has a highly functional personal account. The product is quite attractive on the credit card market and is in demand among consumers.

Classic credit card

License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 1481

Limit: RUB 300,000

Rate: 27.9%

Grace period: 50 days

Cashback: 0.5%

An example of a job description and calculation

To make it easier to navigate in banking terminology, we will consider a specific example for making calculations. So, the credit card is activated on September 1st. This means that from this moment begins settlement period... This is the period when all cash flows on the card are taken into account, including transactions for payment and receipt of funds. The billing period is valid for a month from September 1 to September 30.

From October 1 to October 20 starts billing period... This is the deadline for the client to pay the minimum payment. On November 1, an account statement is generated, which indicates the amount of the total debt on the card, as well as the minimum payment and the term for its payment.

The client's credit limit is 60,000 rubles. In this case, 2 purchases were made:

  • September 20 for 20,000 rubles;
  • September 25 for 30,000 rubles.

Minimum payment calculation

You must pay interest for using credit funds. The bank includes the interest on the card in the amount of the obligatory payment. They are charged for the actual use of credit money in the billing period. Each banking organization applies a single formula for calculating compound interest:

Pr = SD * PrS * FD / DG

Pr - the amount of accrued interest;
SD - the amount of the principal debt;
PrS - interest rate;
FD is the actual use of money in days;
DG - days of the year.

Let's calculate the interest on the loan agreement for September:

Pr = 20,000 * 0.25 * 5/365 = 68.5 rubles.

20,000 is the amount for which the customer made a purchase on September 20;
0.25 - coefficient equal to the interest rate of 25%;
5 - the actual number of days of using credit funds in the period from September 20 to September 25;
365 days a year.

Pr = 50,000 * 0.25 * 5/365 = 171.2 rubles.

50,000 - arrears after the second purchase made on September 25;
0.25 - interest rate;
5 - the actual number of days in the period from September 25 to September 30;
365 - days a year.

Total = 68.5 + 171.2 = 239.7 rubles.

This is interest that will be included in the mandatory payment, which must be paid before November 20, provided that the funds are not returned in full during the grace period.

In addition to interest, the minimum payment is formed based on the amount of the principal debt at the end of the billing period. The debt to the bank as of September 30 was:

20,000 + 30,000 = 50,000 rubles.

The minimum payment includes 6% of the amount owed:

50,000 * 0.06 = 3,000 rubles.

Thus, the formula for calculating the mandatory payment is:

OB = SD * 6% + Pr

ABOUT - mandatory payment;
SD - the amount of the principal debt at the end of the billing period;
0.06 - coefficient equal to 6% of the principal amount;
Pr - interest on the loan agreement.

This amount will be formed on October 1. In any case, the minimum payment must be made between October 1 and October 20. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to the fact that the bank will charge a fine for overdue debt, as well as transfer the information to the credit bureau.

It is worth noting that the mandatory payment may include a service fee, a cash withdrawal fee, fines and penalties. But in our case, such charges are not provided.

After making all purchases, the client has an available balance of 10,000 rubles.

Balance = 60,000 - 50,000 = 10,000 rubles.

60,000 is the credit limit. 50,000 - spending in September.

Account statement: 01.10.2017
date Replenishment, p. Consumption, r. Available limit, p. Debt, p.
01.09.2017 60 000 0
20.09.2017 20 000 40 000 20 000
25.09.2017 30 000 10 000 50 000
31.09.2017 10 000 50 000
Debt information
The amount for the implementation of the grace period until October 20: 50 000
Mandatory payment amount before October 20: 3 000

How to use the grace period?

The second important section is the grace period. The term when you can deposit all the money and not pay interest. The main nuance is that the grace period does not apply to cash withdrawal transactions. If the client withdraws cash through an ATM or cashier, then the interest for the actual use of the money will have to be paid in any case. This applies to our Sberbank credit card. There are credit cards for which a grace period is also valid in case of money withdrawal.

Grace period - a set of billing and billing periods. It reaches 50 days. In this case, the grace period is from September 1 to October 20. The later the purchase is made in the billing period, the shorter the grace period becomes.

To use bank money without interest, you must return the entire amount of the debt at the time of the grace period. If 50,000 rubles are credited to the account before October 20, then you will not have to pay interest.

  1. 20,000 - the first purchase on September 20.
  2. 30,000 - purchase on September 25th.

50,000 rubles are credited to the account from September 1 to October 20, no interest is charged on a credit card!

If you do not meet the grace period

Consider the second situation in which a bank client paid the minimum payment, but did not meet the grace period. The conditions remain the same. At the same time, 3,000 were credited to the account on October 10. The credit card situation will be as follows:

50 000 — 3 000 = 47 000

50,000 - debt to the bank after September purchases;
3,000 - payment on the loan on October 10.

The client has money and wants to pay off the entire debt. On October 25, 47,000 rubles are credited to the account. Thus, the credit limit is fully restored, the borrower again has 60,000 rubles available on a credit card.

Remaining debt = 47,000 - 47,000 = 0

47,000 - debt to the bank on October 10 after payment of 3,000 rubles;
47,000 - the amount deposited on October 25.

But since the amount was credited to the account after the end of the grace period, that is, after October 20, November 1 in the account statement, interest for September: 239.7 rubles.

So the principle is:

  1. Purchases were made in September.
  2. The amount was not returned in full until October 20.
  3. On November 1, an account statement is generated with interest for September and the amount of debt as of October 31.
  4. The indicated mandatory payment must be made by November 20.

How to restore the grace period

To renew the grace period, you do not need to write additional applications. This service is automatic and permanent. It is valid for the entire term under the loan agreement. The main requirement is that it is necessary to deposit funds on time. Each new month begins a new grace period from the 1st day of the settlement month to the 20th day of the payment period.

Let's continue with an example. On October 27, a purchase is made for 5,000 rubles. Card balance on October 27:

60,000 - 5,000 = 55,000 rubles.

60,000 - the amount of the restored credit limit;
5,000 - bought on October 27.
55,000 - balance as of October 27th.

55,000 - 239.7 = 54,760.3 rubles.

55,000 - balance on the card as of October 31st.

54 760.3 - balance as of October 31.

We continue the life cycle of the card

On November 1, an account statement with a mandatory payment and a cash flow statement for October is generated:

Total debt amount:

60,000 - 54,760.3 = 5,239.7 p.

60,000 - credit limit.
54 760.3 - balance as of November 1.
5,239.7 is the total debt as of November 1.

OB = 5 239.7 * 0.06 + 239.7 = 554.1 p.

5,239.7 - total debt as of November 1.
0.06 - coefficient.
239.7 - interest for September.

Account statement: 01.11.2017
date Replenishment, p. Consumption, r. Available limit, p. Debt, p.
01.10.2017 10 000 50 000
10.10.2017 3 000 13 000 47 000
25.10.2017 47 000 60 000 0
27.10.2017 5 000 55 000 5 000
31.10.2017 239,7 54 760,3 5 239,7
31.10.2017 54 760,3 5 239,7
Debt information
The amount for the implementation of the grace period until November 20: 5 239,7

On November 10, the card account receives an amount of 1,000 rubles, which is sufficient to pay off the minimum payment, but less than the principal amount. At this stage, the debt balance will be:

5,239.7 - 1,000 = 4,239.7 p.

The entire amount was not replenished before November 20, respectively, on December 1, an account statement will be generated:

PR = 5,000 * 0.25 * 4/365 = 13.7 rubles.

5,000 - bought on October 27.
0.25 - tariff rate coefficient;
4 - days from 27 to 31 October.
13.7 - percent for October.

On November 30, 2017, interest for October will be debited from the account, since the amount of debt was not returned until November 20. Balance status as of 30.11.2017:

4,239.7 + 13.7 = 4,253.4 p.

4,239.7 - debt before interest write-off.
13.7 - percent for October.
4,253.4 - total debt as of 30.11.2017

OB = 4 239.7 * 0.06 + 13.7 = 268.1 p.

Account statement: 01.12.2017
date Replenishment, p. Consumption, r. Available limit, p. Debt, p.
01.11.2017 54 760,3 5 239,7
10.11.2017 1 000 55 760,3 4 239,7
30.11.2017 13,7 55 746,6 4 253,4
30.11.2017 55 746,6 4 253,4
Debt information
The amount for the implementation of the grace period until December 20: 4 253,4
Mandatory payment amount before November 20: 268,1

Thus, by making an amount that exceeds the mandatory payment, the borrower reduces the debt, which leads to a decrease in the minimum payment. After all, the minimum payment on December 20 will be formed from the debt on November 30.

In any case, the client can check transactions and accruals of interest in the personal account. In a banking company, the calculation of interest and payments takes place in an automated mode, errors are virtually excluded. The whole process is carried out by software, which is of course controlled by competent specialists. To avoid counting interest on a credit card, you just need to follow the rule - to deposit money during the grace period.