It all starts with the teacher's arguments. The problem of the teacher's influence on the student. The problem of teacher-student relationship arguments

Reason and guide you on the right path ?! The teacher is also, in his own way, a hero, on whom the future of the country depends. The problem of the teacher's influence on the student, the arguments of which will be presented in the article, will show how much the teacher's work is capable of changing people's lives.

In a distant village

Speaking about such a concept as the problem of the teacher's influence on the student, the arguments that it will be well described can be found in the works of literature. For example, in the story "The First Teacher" Chingiz Aitmatov tells about a man who, having no education and having difficulty reading syllables, decides to go against the system and creates a school in the village. One of his students was a girl named Altynai. After the death of her parents, she lived with relatives from whom it was rare to hear a kind word that would be addressed to her. From her teacher, she first learned what kindness is. Later, a former student said that he did the impossible - he opened the whole world in front of children who had not seen anything in life. Thanks to this person, Altynai was able to study at a boarding school, enter the university and become a doctor of philosophical sciences.

All for the good of the children

In this example, the problem of the influence of the teacher on the student is indicated quite accurately. Literary arguments often emphasize that teachers change children's lives for the better. Contrary to the rules, they are allowed to play for money so that the child has something to live on (Valentin Rasputin "French Lessons"). They sacrifice their lives for the sake of their students (Vasily Bykov "Obelisk"). In simple words, praises instill confidence in their strengths, which opens up a great future for the students (AI Kuprin "Taper").

It is not easy to consider such an issue as the problem of the influence of the teacher on the students. Arguments on this issue always look like two sides of a coin. On the one hand, the teacher gives knowledge and opens the door to a bright future, but on the other hand, he can bring up negative character traits in the student.

Recall at least Pushkin's lines from Eugene Onegin, which tells about the protagonist's French teacher. He was not particularly strict, he gave only superficial knowledge so that the child did not bother much, took the boy for a walk in the garden and from time to time said what was good and what was bad. As a result, he taught to treat life carelessly and consumerist, take everything from the world, but not strain to find your place in life.

You can find many examples in novels and books, but stories are just as likely to be heard from real life.

Life stories

In reality, especially today, teachers, in particular strict ones, are often hated and criticized by children rather than listening to their advice. Of course, examples of teachers who are dismissive of their responsibilities can be cited. But still, good teachers are in the majority.

So, the problem of the teacher's influence on the student. Arguments from life can be represented by a story once told by Viktor Astafiev. In one of his publications, he wrote about his Russian language teacher, Ignat Dmitrievich Rozhdestvensky.

Viktor Astafiev recalls how the teacher introduced them to a tour of the Russian language, telling funny and memorable stories. But he was very strict in everything related to assessments. Victor says that the first time a teacher praised him for an essay, he had a desire to create and write even better. The praise from such a strict to graded person meant a lot to the students. If someone, instead of the usual, teacher's "Minor" heard "Well done!", It said that he really did his best and all his efforts were not in vain.

Relationship problem

When the problem of the influence of the teacher on the student is considered, arguments can tell a lot. However, they do not always reflect the difficulties of the relationship. It is often possible to face a situation when some teachers are forgotten immediately after leaving school, while others are remembered all their lives. It all depends on the teacher's dedication to his work. If he loves his subject, tells not only the meager school curriculum, but also many other interesting facts from real life, encourages students and tries to convey his knowledge to everyone, regardless of personal preferences and prejudices, then the students will respect him, and the lessons will remember for a long time.

But in a situation where a teacher is a profession, and not a vocation and passion, then the students will neglect his lessons. And the mentor himself will become for them just another faceless shadow of the school past.

The problem of the teacher's influence on the student, the arguments of which are presented in the publication, will be relevant at any time. After all, a teacher is one who, by the hand, introduces a new person into the world where he is to live. And it depends only on his influence and upbringing what this new person will subsequently turn out to be: he will become the next Onegin or will turn into an outstanding scientist. It all depends on the teacher's work.

13 books about teachers. About the role a teacher or mentor plays in a person's life, about a difficult profession, heroism and a true vocation.

L. Sashar "I don't believe in monsters"

There is such a person in almost every class. As they say, inveterate. He sits on the last desk. He never does lessons. In all subjects he has deuces, and when he is ashamed, he only grins. Teachers have long given up on him, classmates shy away from him. He lies on business and without business, often contradicting himself.
Now he gets into a fight, then he extorts money from someone, then he threatens the girls, then he pushes the kids. It is clear that everyone hates him. But does anyone know how he himself feels? It turns out there is a way to find out for sure. Which? Make friends with him. Is there really a person who is ready to be friends with such a monster?

A.P. Platonov "Sandy teacher"

Who said that one in the field is not a warrior? Warrior! And what a! The author has already said a lot about human inflexibility in his other books. This story was another strong pile, skillfully installed to support the views, thoughts and philosophy of Platonov.
The plot is based on fragments of the biography of Maria Kashintseva, who became the prototype of the main character. A feature film "Aina" was shot based on the work.

A.S. Makarenko "Pedagogical Poem"

The widely known and most significant work of the Soviet teacher and writer A.S. Makarenko. It tells about the re-education of juvenile offenders in a children's labor colony, the creator and leader of which was the author in the 1920s. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers.

V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

One of the best stories by the famous Russian writer Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin, which has become a classic of Russian literature.
The year is 1948. Difficult post-war times, devastation, famine. Children had to grow up early, take on adult responsibilities. The hero of the story, an eleven-year-old boy, torn from home, faces poverty, starving. He single-handedly fights for his existence, not accepting alms and help from others.
Thanks to the young French teacher Lydia Mikhailovna, the boy discovers a new world for himself, where people can trust each other, support and help, share grief and joy, and get rid of loneliness. French lessons turn out to be lessons of kindness and mercy.

B. Kaufman "Up the stairs leading down"

The heroine of the book, a young teacher Sylvia Barrett, comes to school hoping to interest students in her subject - English literature, but quickly discovers that the students are mostly indifferent, most colleagues are completely indifferent to the life of the school, and the very course of this life obeys meaningless bureaucratic norms. Gradually, however, she realizes that it is here that the opportunity opens up before her to really influence the minds and hearts of students. The novel is given dynamism by the form chosen by the writer: it consists almost entirely of notes, documents, school essays, letters.
The book is based on real events from the life of the writer.

Ch.Aitmatov "The first teacher"

The well-known story of the people's writer of Kyrgyzstan about the Komsomol member of the twenties, who organized the first school in a remote Kyrgyz village. This little story is about a big man. About the Teacher with a capital letter, even if it may sound trite.
The theme that the wise writer and philosopher Ch.T. Aitmatov, - the education of children growing up in remote ailas, or rather, its absence. In the hero Duishen, the author creates the ideal image of a people's teacher (or a teacher from the people) - kind, selfless, honest. It is not hard to imagine what the schools in Kyrgyzstan were like at the beginning of the 20th century. The common people were completely illiterate. The first attempts to teach children the elementary skills of writing and counting often failed even at the stage of collecting children for school, because parents did not understand why their child needed to study. Therefore, the exploits of all the Duishens - the first teachers of Kyrgyz children - are real, unthinkable.
Is it a joke to teach children whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers were illiterate up to the seventh generation?
In addition, I would like to note other topics raised by the author in this short story - the topic of first love, the topic of a small Motherland, the topic of respect for people who selflessly defended our country from the fascist infection ... Chingiz Torekulovech Aitmatov, as always with his characteristic writing talent, he coped with his task perfectly.

Rabbit Gaze by Kenjiro Haitani

Haitani has written several books for children, among them The Look of a Rabbit, a novel that has received recognition far beyond the borders of Japan. The heroine of the novel is a young teacher, Fumi Kotani, who has to find a common language with the junior schoolchildren of an ordinary school in an industrial district. Among them, the most troublesome is the orphan Tetsuzo - a silent and unfriendly one who can easily crush frogs and is not interested in anything but flies. And the title of the book does not indicate the presence of a rabbit in it at all, but an old Japanese proverb: "You do not need to be a Buddha to look into the eyes of a rabbit and see the world through his eyes."

Vardges Petrosyan "The Last Teacher"

Most of the heroes of the story "The Last Teacher" (1979) are tenth graders of one of the Yerevan schools. Despite their age, they are much older than the characters in previous stories. The new generation of Petrosyan's heroes looks at life more intently and more practically, and most importantly, it has learned to fight for its love, for friends, for its beliefs.
Pupils of the tenth "B" grade are outraged by the disdainful attitude towards them by some teachers. Indeed, the headmaster sees in each of them only something “arithmetic mean”, and the mathematics teacher declares in the teachers' room: “Not a generation, but an equation with ten unknowns ... However, I solved it for myself a long time ago. The answer is zero. Zero!" Naturally, the teachers of literature Mamyan, respecting human individuality, win the sympathy of the children. and in his conflict with the administration, they stand together in his defense, and this helps him in his righteous struggle.

Literature teacher Mamyan played a significant role in the formation of their characters. The appearance of this important character in Petrosyan's work is very significant. It is with his help that the writer proceeds to a really deep elaboration of the problem of communication and the continuity of generations.

His new hero, first of all, sincerely loves his students. He knows that they want to see not only a teacher in him, but first of all a person. Its main task is not to give them a certain amount of information, but to teach them to think, feel, and act independently. Mamyan believes in his students. Behind the ostentatious shell of their insolence, he guesses the confusion of the soul and the thirst for independence. He understands that the failed striptease attempt made by Marie Melikyan in the chemistry room of the school is actually explained not by promiscuity, but by the tragedy of a girl whose father abandoned his family. Now she "takes revenge for her mother to all men," including her loving classmate Vahan, trying to appear worse than she is. Let us remember that already at Ani's Pharmacy Arthur guessed about the hidden spring of such actions: “It suddenly occurs to me that we are not that vulgar at all, but rather are trying to seem vulgar”.

The ability to penetrate into the depths of the consciousness of his younger friends, the willingness to act in their defense in practice, in a very specific situation, ensured Mamyan a moral victory over the class that indifferently met him.

Creating a portrait of modern Don Quixote - let us mention this name in its basic, humanistic sound - Petrosyan set himself a difficult goal. The image of Mamyan is in many ways a successful attempt to combine in one character rich imagination and efficiency, breadth of thinking and depth of special knowledge, civic courage and tenderness for people. Thanks to these qualities, Mamyan manages to overcome the barrier of alienation, which often exists between insufficiently thoughtful and humane teachers and their pupils. The problem of "fathers and children" for him, in fact, is not, he sometimes seems younger than his students.

The influence of the teacher on the fate of the student is the most important problem that is often raised by the authors of texts to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. For each of its aspects, we have selected arguments from the literature. They can be downloaded in the form of a table, the link is at the end of the collection.

  1. The teacher often influences the future life of his students. The role of the teacher is on par with the importance of parental care and the impact of the environment. A striking example can be found in the story "The First Teacher" by Ch. Aitmatov... The main character, himself reading by syllables, without special knowledge, is trying to turn the old barn into a school. In severe winters, he helps children cross icy rivers and tries to give them knowledge in every possible way. Once he saves the orphan Altynai from rape and her aunt's desire to forcefully marry the girl. The hero, overcoming obstacles, sends her to study in the city, thereby saving her life. In the future, Altynai will become a doctor of sciences and, when constructing a new school, will call her after his first teacher, Dyushein.
  2. The teachers who helped us in childhood are remembered for a long time. So it is for V.G. Rasputin his wise teacher played a vital role in the author's life. He devotes his autobiographical story to her. "French lessons"... The main character, having learned that with the help of gambling, one of her students is trying to earn a living, does not punish the boy. On the contrary, she tries to talk to him and help. Secretly, she sends the boy a package with food and even with the help of a little trick gives him money so as not to hurt his pride. Of course, having learned about her methods of upbringing, namely about gambling with a student, the director fires the teacher, but she still does not leave the hero in trouble, helping him to get a decent education.

Negative influence

  1. We are accustomed from childhood that a teacher is a noble profession. However, do not forget about human nature, which can manifest itself negatively anywhere. The difference in attitudes towards students among different people in the work is well shown. DI. Fonvizina "Minor"... Three teachers are trying to teach the main character in different sciences: Tsiferkin, Kuteikin and Vralman. Soon realizing that the hero is very stupid, lazy and hopeless in his studies, they stop trying and only pretend that they are teaching the boy. The teachers themselves are also poorly educated, but the education of her son is not particularly important to the mother of Mitrofan. When Starodum denounces dishonest teachers, only Tsiferkin refuses to take money for training. After all, he was never able to transfer his knowledge to the student.
  2. Children quickly and easily adopt behavior, moral principles from their teachers. Unfortunately, such upbringing is not always positive. Let's remember the main character of the same name novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin". Talking about the upbringing of a young man, the author mentions that his teacher was a Frenchman who treated everything "jokingly". He tried to present the material to him in an easy manner, did not particularly strain, did not force him to work. Onegin was never severely punished, did not talk about morality, but only took him to stroll through the summer gardens. As a result, we see a superficial man who is used to enjoying life in an easy way and does not care about others.

Feat of the teacher

  1. A teacher is not only a mentor, for many he is a hero, ready to do much for the sake of his students. In the story "Obelisk" by V. Bykov Morozov does not abandon his students with the onset of war, he continues to teach. When five of his guys are captured by the Nazis, he agrees to come after them, realizing that he is going to his death. He realized that if he refused, then the enemies could use this situation for evil. And Morozov sacrifices himself for the good of his school and country. Even if he cannot save the children, he will at least encourage and support them in this test.
  2. The desire to convey to others the foundations of a correct, noble life can already be considered a feat. In the novel by Chingiz Aitmatov "Plakha" the main character Avdiy gets a job at a newspaper. On one of the editorial assignments, he is sent to investigate a drug trafficking case. On the way, he meets Petrukha and Lyonka - two ragamuffins with a dark past who went to get marijuana. Obadiah, based on his past training at the seminary, tries to instruct the children on the true path, he encourages them to live by the rules, to turn to God. However, all the nobility of the hero does not save him, because of the righteous speeches he finds his death. And yet, his attempt shook the worldview of these people, because for the first time in their life someone tried to pull them out of the abyss of moral decline.
  3. The role of the teacher

    1. In F. Iskander's story "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules" the author talks about the teacher's unusual approach to teaching. He never punished children, but only joked with them. One of the students was so afraid of becoming a laughingstock because of unfulfilled homework that he turns out a whole "scam" with vaccinations. Despite all his efforts, he is still called to the board, where he cannot cope with the task. The teacher calls this whole situation the thirteenth feat of Hercules, committed out of cowardice. Only years later, the main character realizes that the teacher wanted to show them that they should not be afraid to be funny.

Trusova Elena Viktorovna 2017 MOU Lipitskaya secondary school

  1. about the problem of the teacher's influence on students; about the problem of the existence of real teachers; teacher personality assessment
Sergei Lvov's essay "To Be or to Appear" tells about the first day of teaching German at a higher educational institution. The young teacher-translator was able to captivate the students with the subject, because he was fluent in the material and had a strong desire to convey knowledge in an accessible way to the cadets listening to him and the students drafted into the army. The famous historian V. Klyuchevsky drew attention to the fact that being a good teacher is not easy. He wrote: "You need to love what you teach, and love those to whom you teach."

  1. about the problem of the role of loved ones in comprehending real art.
V. Korolenko's book "The Blind Musician" tells about a blind boy. He was fascinated by Joachim's playing the pipe and learned to play it himself. A little later, Peter's mother helps him understand the beauty of musical pieces played on the piano. Thanks to the efforts of loved ones, Petrus becomes a famous musician. B.M.Bim-Bad's article "The Art of Comprehending Art" says that each of the art forms has its own language that needs to be learned. This requires different conditions. Close environment, time and sensory sensitivity can help to comprehend artistic images, the meaning and meaning of works. The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. In the thirty-second letter "Understanding Art" it is said that the riches that the understanding of works of art gives a person cannot be taken away, since they are everywhere, you just need to see them. But understanding works of art is far from easy. Introductory articles, comments and, in general, works on art, literature, and music are of great importance.

  1. about the problem of betrayal.
V. Bykov's book "Sotnikov" tells about two partisans who were captured by the Germans. Sotnikov remained faithful to his homeland, but lost his life: the Nazis hanged him. And Rybak saved himself by betraying his friend, the army, his native country. In V.Kaverin's novel "Two Captains" we see Sanya and his classmate Romashov. During the war, he leaves the wounded Sanya in the forest, taking his documents and weapons from him. Having met with Katya Tatarinova, Romashov deceives her, saying that Grigoriev is missing. But the truth about the betrayal was revealed.

  1. about the problem of patriotism of creative people.
In A. Tvardovsky's poem “Vasily Terkin. The book about the soldier ”tells about the harsh military truth presented through the eyes of an ordinary soldier. The author knew firsthand about them, the real folk heroes who defended the country from fascism. During the Great Patriotic War, he worked in military newspapers, took part in battles, and wrote a book at halts. L. Mezinov's article "Poetry not subject to time" tells about the work of Eduard Asadov. He wrote poetry everywhere: in military echelons, in short breaks between battles, in a dugout on vacation. In the battles for the liberation of Sevastopol, he showed rare courage and dedication, was seriously wounded and lost his sight, but he did not give up and continued to create.

  1. about the problem of memory of the teacher.
V. Rasputin's book "French Lessons" tells about a teacher who played a huge role in the life of the writer himself. She not only helped him learn a foreign language, but, having shown sincere kindness and care, became a support in his difficult life. A. Dementyev's poem “Don't you dare forget the teachers” contains words of incorruptible love and respect for people who “wait for our return and news in the silence of thoughtful rooms”, help us find our way in life and teach us everything that they know themselves. The poet draws the readers' attention to the fact that the teachers must not be forgotten.

  1. about the problem of assessing human relationships.
V. Korolenko's book "The Blind Musician" tells about the love of Evelina and Peter, who understand each other perfectly. Their relationship deserves respect. They are durable because young people have a lot in common. Abraham Harold Maslow's article "Motivation and Personality" states that human relationships should be built on freedom and trust. So, lovers who understand each other and have the same interests are "doomed" to a long and lasting relationship.

  1. about the problem of relations between people.
The poem by S. Yesenin "Rash, harmonica ..." shows the hero's resentment towards his beloved. He, after parting, scolds her, says insulting words. But the reader understands that the young man is guided only by emotions, because in the last lines of the poem he asks the woman for forgiveness: "Darling, I am crying, forgive ... forgive ...". One day an unpleasant situation happened in my life. I quarreled with my parents. Realizing that adults never plead guilty, I tried to fix the situation. It was very difficult for me to work on myself, but I was able to change my views, looked at loved ones with different eyes. And we made up.

  1. on the problem of the role of literature in human life
The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. In the article "Love to read!" it says that literature gives us a colossal, vast and deepest experience of life. It makes a person intelligent, develops in him not only a sense of beauty, but also an understanding of life, all its complexities, serves as a guide to other eras and to other peoples. Fahrenheit 451 by American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury describes a society based on popular culture and consumerism, in which all books that make you think about life are to be burned; keeping books is a crime; and people who are able to think critically are outside the law. From this dystopia, it becomes clear what the lack of books in people's lives can lead to.

  1. about the problem of the need for people to buy flowers
The amazing tale of the famous Belgian writer Maurice Karem "Kingdom of Flowers" tells about flowers that are always perceived as a symbol of celebration, kindness and joy. These were the feelings the hero experienced when he was with Annie in the Kingdom of Flowers. This book should be read by all city dwellers to understand what beauty flowers bring to life. Plants accompany a person in all cases of life. And special attention was paid to beautiful colors. Ancient cultural monuments testify that at the dawn of history, people used flowers for various purposes: in some cases, as medicinal plants, in others to obtain aesthetic pleasure. Flowers are depicted on the coats of arms of new cities and countries, on banknotes and on the canvases of painters around the world.

  1. about the problem of understanding beauty.
In the newspaper "Argumenty i Fakty" I read an article that not so long ago the ancient Belgian city of Ghent became the arena of world achievement, entered in the Guinness Book of Records. In the center of the city, at a height of 26 meters, the "Ghent Flower Basket" was mounted on special metal structures. It took thirty-two thousand flowers to decorate such a "basket". Many modern women grow flowers both in apartments and in the yard, making the world around them more beautiful, and therefore kinder. My grandmother has twelve varieties of roses growing near her house. All people passing by always stop to admire the beautiful rose bushes.

11.on the problem of eternal moral values

The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. The article "By the dictates of conscience" says that the best behavior is that which is determined not by external recommendations, but by mental necessity. We must always find the right solutions for ourselves and strive not to stumble, so that all decisions come directly from the heart. KG Paustovsky's story "Telegram" tells about an old woman who lives out her life alone, dreaming of meeting her beloved daughter. When, after the bustle of the city, the daughter remembers the lonely Katerina Petrovna, this belated concern is no longer necessary. Mother was buried by strangers, and in the soul of Nastya - now eternal and indelible guilt before her memory, pangs of conscience.

12. on the problem of mutual understanding between parents and their children.

A. Dementyev's poem "We Have the Same Eyes" tells about the love of a father for his daughter. The poet understands that they have “different joys and secrets” and turns to his daughter:

Can you hear the heart? You are in this knock.

Do you see the tears? You are in those tears.

In the poem "We loved you for no particular reason ..." V.D. Berestov said this:

Loved you for no particular reason.
For being a grandson
For being a son
For being a baby
For growing
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love for the rest of your days
Will remain your secret support.

13. about the problem of people's attitude to the Motherland.

In the story of V.P. Astafieva "The Last Bow" tells about the Motherland, in the sense that the writer understands it. You read and are amazed at how anxiously the author preserves the memory of the village life dear to his heart, pictures of Siberian nature. All this together: time, people, nature - and create the image of the homeland. The theme of the homeland unites all the stories of Astafiev's story. Almost all the poems of Sergei Yesenin are permeated with the theme of the Motherland. No wonder he is the most popular Russian poet who deeply loved his homeland, its nature. This love is visible in each of his compositions. So, in the poem "Goy you, my dear Russia" there are the following lines:

If the saint's host cries out:
"Throw you Rus, live in paradise!"
I will say: "There is no need for paradise,
Give me my homeland. "

14.on the problem of children's attitude towards their parents

KG Paustovsky's story "Telegram" tells about an old woman who lives out her life alone, dreaming of meeting her beloved daughter. When, after the bustle of the city, the daughter recalls the lonely Katerina Petrovna, this belated concern is no longer necessary. Mother was buried by strangers, and in the soul of Nastya - now eternal and indelible guilt before her memory, pangs of conscience. In the story "Pass" V.P. Astafiev tells about his life. The childhood of a writer is more difficult and you can't imagine. The boy was only seven years old when his mother died. She drowned in the Yenisei. Later, having already become a famous writer, he admitted that fate would have asked the main thing - to leave his mother with him. I missed her all his life.

15. about the problem of the role of childhood in human life.

In VP Astafiev's book "The Last Bow" we see the main character Vitya Potylitsyn. The boy is an orphan. And the story begins with a story about his childhood. Why does a writer write about childhood first? The author believed that everything in a person is laid precisely from him, from there the whole essence of his nature, its fundamental principle. The book by V. Dragunsky "Deniskin stories" tells about the boy and his comrades. The prototype of Deniska is the author's son, and the father in these stories is Dragunsky himself. By reading small, but rather meaningful stories, children learn to compare and contrast, fantasize and dream. Even adults are happy to immerse themselves in the world of children's adventures, remembering their childhood.

16.on the problem of orphanhood

M. Sholokhov's book "The Fate of a Man" tells about the homeless boy Vanya, who was adopted by Andrei Sokolov. Having lost his entire family, he took responsibility for the unfortunate child. The article by practical psychologist Natalia Sokolova "Cry of the Child's Soul" draws attention to the fact that there are a lot of street children in Russia. The author says that it is very difficult to communicate with such guys. It is essential that orphans feel cared for and learn to live a fulfilling life in society.

17.About the problem of conscience

The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. The article "By the dictates of conscience" says that the best behavior is that which is determined not by external recommendations, but by mental necessity. We must always find the right solutions for ourselves and strive not to stumble, so that all decisions come directly from the heart. KG Paustovsky's story "Telegram" tells about an old woman who lives out her life alone, dreaming of meeting her beloved daughter. When, after the bustle of the city, the daughter remembers the lonely Katerina Petrovna, this belated concern is no longer necessary. Mother was buried by strangers, and in the soul of Nastya - now eternal and indelible guilt before her memory, pangs of conscience.

18.About the problem strength of character of a Russian woman.

In NA Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" we see a simple Russian woman Matryona Timofeevna. Her fate is not easy. All the hardships of a hard peasant life, the death of a child, still cannot break Matryona. Time passes, she has children every year. And she continues to live, to raise her children, to do hard work.

In A. Solzhenitsyn's book "Matryonin Dvor", it is told about Matryona, who constantly works for someone: for a collective farm, for neighbors, while doing "peasant" work, and never asks for money for it. This woman has tremendous inner strength. For example, she is able to stop a rushing horse on the run, which cannot be stopped by men. She survived the death of her husband and the death of six children, the hatred of her ex-fiancé and the indifference of her relatives. The writer draws attention to the strength of Matryona's character.

19.about the problemthe strength of the national spirit

In the novel - Leo Tolstoy's epic "War and Peace", the Battle of Borodino is shown. The militias who have just arrived from the depths of Russia, in accordance with custom, put on clean shirts, realizing that they will have to die. Old soldiers refuse to drink vodka - "not such a day, they say." This showed the high moral strength of the Russian people.

In the outstanding battles in the history of our country and other national achievements, the decisive role has always belonged to the power of the people's will. A high national spirit can be seen both on the battlefield, and in battles with the elements, and in solving complex scientific and technical problems and tasks, in creating outstanding national cultural values, in achieving world-class sports victories.

20.About the problem of self-esteem of personality

The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. The article "Purpose and Self-Esteem" tells that you can judge a person's self-esteem by what he lives for. It is very important that everyone knows how to properly assess themselves and set life priorities.

American psychologist W. James proposed a formula for self-esteem. He draws attention to the fact that with strong deviations from adequate self-esteem, a person may experience psychological discomfort and internal conflicts. The saddest thing is that a person himself is often not aware of the true causes of these phenomena and is looking for reasons outside himself. With a clearly overestimated self-esteem, a person has an idealized idea of ​​himself, of his abilities and capabilities, of his significance for the cause and for the people around him.
21. about the problem of moral choice

V Zakrutkin's book "Mother of Man" tells about a woman who lost all her relatives and friends in the war. Maria was obsessed with revenge on her enemies, but when she saw a wounded German soldier, she did not kill him. The decision to spare the dying man was not easy for her. But the choice was dictated by her conscience and kind heart. In V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov" we see two partisans who were captured by the Nazis. The fisherman decides to save his life and went over to the side of the enemies. Sotnikov remained loyal to his country, did not betray anyone. The hero's moral choice is obvious. This is what all real people should do.
22. on the problem of preserving childhood memories

The book by V. Dragunsky "Deniskin stories" tells about the childhood of his son. Either the boy launches a kite into space in the courtyard, or together with his friends he gets into funny stories. Then he imagines himself as an astronaut. The stories show the daily life of children, their joys and excitements. In Leo Tolstoy's story "Childhood" we see the brightest moments of the writer's life. He talks about his parents, about his teacher Karl Ivanovich, about hunting and games. Childhood experiences are so strong that they are hard to forget.
23. on the problem of selfless dedication

In the story of AP Chekhov, "The Jumping Girl," the doctor Dymov, rescuing a boy who fell ill with diphtheria, sucks his diphtheria films through a tube, becomes infected and dies himself. Dymov was devoted to his work and could not do otherwise.

In the work of M. Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil" I am amazed by the image of Danko. He took responsibility for those people whom he led through the forest to defeat the darkness. Danko was devoted to his idea, his work. Therefore, even though people accused him, he overcame his indignation and, in the name of love for people, tore his chest, pulled out his burning heart and led people out of the forest.

24. about the problem of the need to love children

I. Bunin's story "Beauty" tells about the cruel treatment of a stepmother to her stepson. And the boy's father, for the sake of his well-being and in the face of fear of losing his young wife, betrayed his own child. Because of this, the boy became a lonely, silent child. They forgot about him as an unnecessary thing.

In science there are many cases when children grew up in a circle of animals. They kidnapped human children and raised them as their own. But people caught children and returned them to human society. Moreover, all the child's habits were animals. Many of those who were cut off from their usual life died without adapting to a normal lifestyle. This example shows that the child needs to be brought up hourly, purposefully manage his development.
25. about the problem of courage and resilience

The book by Boris Vasiliev "Not included in the lists" tells about the defenders of the Brest Fortress. Thanks to the courage and steadfastness of the soldiers and officers, the fortress did not submit to the enemy, it simply "bled to death." Leo Tolstoy's "Sevastopol Tales" reliably describe historical events. The bombardment of the city did not stop. New fortifications were required. Sailors, soldiers worked in the snow, rain. Half-starved, half-naked, they still worked. Their courage, willpower, patriotism did not gave the enemy to seize their native land.
26. about the problem of cowardice

The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. The letter "Moral heights and attitudes towards them" says that recently it is somehow not customary to pay attention to kindness, openness, and tolerance. We must strive for the best ideals in life, work hard on ourselves.

The novel by MA Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" tells about Pontius Pilate, who showed cowardice and doomed Yeshua to death. The cowardice that the procurator indulged in is called the most terrible vice of mankind. It was for his cowardice that Pontius Pilate was doomed to a lonely existence.

27. about the problem of true beauty

Leo Tolstoy's book "War and Peace" tells about Princess Marya, an outwardly ugly girl. But the writer emphasizes her kind and patient character, the ability to understand both her brother and her father. The princess is calm and intelligent, she is sincere and truly beautiful. In E. Asadov's poem "Coward" the main characters are a stately guy and a "fragile stalk" girl who are in an unpleasant situation. The behavior of young people at a critical moment shows which of them has fortitude and inner beauty.

28. about the problem of true professionalism

MABulgakov's book "Heart of a Dog" tells about the professor of medicine Preobrazhensky. The doctor is confident in himself, has clear life principles. This allows him to be the luminary in his field. In the novel by A. Conan Doyle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" we see the famous detective who takes on the most complicated, most intricate cases. He relates to the solution of any problem as a philosopher, as an artist, as a poet. Sherlock Holmes is a true professional.
29. on the problem of the relationship between parents and children

T. Chernakova's book "The Invisible Thread of Relationships" tells about the mothers of matured children, who often overprotect and control them. But there are parents who understand their children. The writer cites as an example Irina, who supported her son on time. In the novel by IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" we see the Kirsanov family. Father and son are good friends, they understand each other perfectly. Their relationship shows how important it is for parents to love their children.

30. about the problem of being true to your word.

The story "The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Pushkin tells about Peter Grinev, who clearly learned the words of his father: “Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you swear; obey your superiors; do not chase after their affection; do not ask for service; do not excuse yourself from the service; and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, and honor from your youth ”.

In the book by B. Vasiliev, "Not included in the lists," we see a young lieutenant Pluzhnikov, who, once showing cowardice, gave himself his word under no pretext not to leave the fortress, to defend it to the last drop of blood. Nikolai remained true to himself and became the last defender of the Brest Fortress.

31. about the problem of respect for the native land.

NI Sladkov's book "Notches in memory" tells about the forest. The writer pays attention to how one should behave in order to be able to see forest secrets and hear voices. Sladkov compares our cities with huge tombstones on the ground buried under them and is very worried that people have not yet learned to respect and protect the beautiful and fertile nature. Oksana Glazkova's poem "Why write about nature ..." talks about the beauty of different seasons, about the fact that the world around us is very fragile and at the same time multifaceted. Nature never asks for anything from people, but only gives its riches. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it with care.

32. on the problem of weakness

Goncharov's book Oblomov tells about the main character Oblomov. He spends his whole life on the "bed". He lacks the strength of mind to stand up and change something in his life. Even the active Stolz was unable to help Ilya Ilyich change. Weakness and excessive laziness led the hero to tragedy. I had a similar situation in my life. Hooligans took away the phone from one of my acquaintances at school. He did not tell anyone about what had happened, and told his parents that he had lost. Because of his weak character, he lost an expensive item. Or he could simply confess to his parents or confront the hooligans himself. And the phone would be in place, and the hooligans no longer bother.

33. about the problem of the ability to argue.

The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. The article "Be able to argue with dignity" talks about how an intelligent and polite arguer conducts an argument. He will never defend his point of view if he does not have sufficient arguments. The writer draws attention to the fact that the dispute immediately reveals intelligence, logical thinking, politeness, the ability to respect people and self-respect. In the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" tells about Bazarov, who is arguing with those around him about life, art and other things and phenomena. Evgeny shows not the best qualities of his character in discussions. Defending his beliefs, he shows bad manners.

34.on the problem of the revival of the Russian countryside Gleb Tyurin's book "The Experience of Reviving Russian Villages" tells about the experience of reviving villages in the Arkhangelsk Region. It would seem that Russia has forever lost its rural culture, for which it has been famous for centuries. But, fortunately, the situation was far from hopeless. It soon became clear to enthusiasts who decided to take up the revival of rural communities: the Russian countryside has considerable potential for development.

Olga Trusova, a correspondent for the Podmoskovye-Serpukhov television, has created a number of TV programs about the villages of the Serpukhov region. In them she talked about the history of the settlements, drew attention to the existing problems. The purpose of her work is to show the state of modern villages in such a way that people have a desire to revive rural life.

35. on the role of memory in human life

Svyatoslav Loginov's book "Light in the Window" tells that the most valuable capital that a person acquires in his life is the memory of himself. The book makes you think about the memory that people leave behind for the next generations. During the reading of the book, I remembered many who had gone to another world.

My grandmother is seventy-six years old. This is the age when a person lives more in the past than dreams of the future. The present is reflected in children and grandchildren, who want to tell about everything that happened in the old days. And my grandmother remembers ... My brother and I, carried away by stories about her life, involuntarily begin to think about the fact that memory has tremendous power.

36. on the problem of human strength and weakness

In the book by AM Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil" we see Larra, a beautiful, proud and soulless son of an eagle and an ordinary woman. But pride, confidence in one's superiority is not enough for happiness. This is not Larra's strength, but his weakness. In Gorky's understanding, only an ardent love for people, for his work, for his native land gives a person firmness in life's trials. Danko, sacrificing himself for the sake of others, is stronger than Larra.

In the novel by FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Rodion Raskolnikov is shown, who imagines himself to be a superman. Having committed a crime, he showed not his strength, but his weakness and unsuitability for life.

37. about the problem of education of culture

38. on the problem of perception of the surrounding world.

The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. In the article "On Russian Nature" the author draws attention to the fact that for Russian people, nature has always been freedom, will, freedom. You just need to understand this, to be able to peer into the beauty of the surrounding world.

In the novel by IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Yevgeny Bazarov is deprived of the ability to see the beauty of fields, forests and rivers. For him, nature is a workshop, not a temple, and a person is obliged to use everything that nature gives him.

AIKuprin's story "Olesya" shows a girl who is not like the others. She knows the names of all forest herbs and flowers, understands the voices of birds and trees. Olesya amazes with her knowledge and ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature. A special role is assigned by the author to the description of the richest beautiful untouched natural world of Polesie. The surrounding nature lives its full, rich, constantly changing life. It is she who illuminates the most beautiful moments in the lives of the heroes.

39. on the problem of cognition of the surrounding nature

In the book by Alexander Plazar "The Steps of Knowledge of Nature" tells how to learn to be aware of yourself as a part of nature. The author draws attention to the fact that one should study the world around him step by step. You need to start with ordinary curiosity, which will lead to knowledge.

AIKuprin's story "Olesya" shows a girl who is not like the others. She knows the names of all forest herbs and flowers, understands the voices of birds and trees. Olesya admires her knowledge and ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature.

40. on the problem of the need for parental wisdom

A. Pint in the book "This is for you, parents" tells that in the modern world it is very difficult to bring up growing children. The author shows the letters of adolescents in which they admit that their parents do not understand them, do not give them the opportunity to independently choose their friends, their future profession. The guys pay attention to the constant reproaches, remarks and reprimands from the closest relatives. A. Pint teaches parents to be wise in relation to children, to respect their interests.

41. on the problem of the emergence of a feeling of love for the Fatherland.

In the story of V.P. Astafieva "The Last Bow" tells about the Motherland, in the sense that the writer understands it. You read and are amazed at how anxiously the author preserves the memory of the village life dear to his heart, pictures of Siberian nature. All this together: time, people, nature - and create the image of the homeland.

Love for the Motherland is a complex complex of feelings, which includes pride in one's country and one's people, respect for its historical past, and readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of the Motherland. All this is laid down from childhood. We sing songs of our people, read books about pioneer heroes of the Great Patriotic War, keep photographs and letters of our relatives from the front. We all travel together, admire our native nature, get to know Russian people. All this is passed on to the child in order to later develop into a deep sense of patriotism.

42. on the problem of behavior of a well-educated person

The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. In the article "On good breeding," the author reveals simple secrets about how to cultivate a culture of communication with other people. At the heart of all good manners is the care that the person does not interfere with the person, so that everyone would feel good together.

In the comedy of D.I. From an ignoramus, a soulless ignoramus is gradually formed, who does not value anything and anyone, not even his mother.

43. on the problem of self-education in the development of personality

In the book "Educate Yourself" AI Kochetov teaches how to find your ideal, how to evaluate strength and abilities, how to draw up a program of self-education, how to eradicate shortcomings and learn to manage yourself.

An interesting and very original approach to this issue is Dale Carnegie in his popular book "How to Win Friends and Influence People", where he gives valuable practical advice, teaches what you need to become so that people love and respect you.

44. on the problem of distinguishing a good employee from a bad one

In the parable "The Miscellaneous" the attitude of the master to the workers is shown. He pays one person five kopecks, and the other five rubles. And all this is because workers have different attitudes towards their work. The first person, lacking initiative and lazy, does everything badly. And the second is able to do several things at once, he himself takes on difficult work and performs it efficiently. That is why the wages of these people are different.

In the novel by A. Conan Doyle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" we see the famous detective who takes on the most complicated, most intricate cases. He relates to the solution of any problem as a philosopher, as an artist, as a poet. Sherlock Holmes is a true professional.

45. on the problem of children's perception of the world
The book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" tells about the extraordinary adventures that happen with the magic boy-prince .. In the fairy tale, Exupery's love for children and longing for his own childhood, which did not leave him all his life, emerged. Showing the protagonist, the writer draws attention to the fact that the children's vision of the world is more natural, more human and more correct than that of adults.

In E. Porter's story "Polianna", the readers' attention is presented to the amazing story of an orphan girl who, out of a "sense of duty", was taken to her by a stern aunt. The life of a child in a foster home is very difficult. But Polianna's ability to enjoy life under any circumstances, to see the best side in everything, helps not only herself, but also the people around her.

46. ​​on the problem of defining the concept of wisdom

Flao François's book On Spinoza and Wisdom says that wisdom presupposes true knowledge. Moreover, it should bring eternal and infinite benefit. Desire, self-development, understanding the meaning of existence - this is the basis of wisdom.

Osho's Book of Wisdom talks about self-discipline, how to become a wise person. The Indian philosopher draws attention to the fact that the meaning is not given ready-made. We are all given freedom, given creativity, given life. All this must be filled with meaning.

47. about the problem of rash handling of the word Anastasia Semyonova's book "Healing with a Word" tells about an incident that happened in a tram. A drunken man who entered the cabin cursed all the passengers with the worst words. He not only insulted people, but also ruined their entire coming working day.

Eduard Asadov's poem "A Word Can Warm ..." talks about the power of words. The author, referring to the readers, gives advice:

So that there are no unnecessary troubles in life

I have to think, guys, over every word,

For there are no weightless words in the world!

48. on the problem of choosing a book to read.

In D. London's novel "Martin Eden" we see the main character who meets a girl from a wealthy family. She awakens in the semi-literate Martin an interest in literature. The hero decides to change his life, and books help him in this. He is self-improving, reads many classics and scientific works. Having fostered in himself the need for real books, Martin will far surpass his beloved intellectually. In addition, he will start writing himself and become a successful writer. The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. In the article "Love to read!" it says that literature gives us a colossal, vast and deepest experience of life. It makes a person intelligent, develops in him not only a sense of beauty, but also an understanding of life, all its complexities, serves as a guide to other eras and to other peoples. The further development and moral improvement of a person depends on the correct choice of books for reading.

49. about the problem of changing the attitude of a person in a war.

In the work of ES Senyavskaya "Man in War", a study of the nature of changes in the attitude of soldiers is carried out. The fact is that war is a constant danger and a choice between your fears and the best qualities of your character. Why is everything understood differently in war? Because people are influenced by a common soldier's feeling and consciousness that victory cannot be achieved without heavy losses, without front-line brotherhood, mutual assistance.

The book by B. Vasiliev "Was not on the lists" tells about the defenders of the Brest Fortress. We see how the worldview of the hero changes in war. Pictures of death, the loss of friends, the feeling of constant mortal danger changed Nikolai Pluzhnikov internally, strengthened his courage, the will to win.

50. about the problem of finding the meaning of life.

In the story of A.P. "The pit" we see Voshchev, a home-grown philosopher, whose search for the meaning of life brought him to a construction site. The builders of a wonderful future believed that they were doing the main business of their lives. They dug a foundation pit for the future common home for all the proletarians of the country. After the death of the girl Nastya, the main character thought: "Why do we need the meaning of life?" Voshchev no longer knew where communism would now be in the world if there was no one for whom it was necessary to move forward. Why does he now need the meaning of life and the truth of universal origin, if there is no small, faithful person in whom the truth would become joy and movement.

Osho's Book of Wisdom talks about self-discipline, how to comprehend the meaning of human existence. The Indian philosopher draws attention to the fact that the meaning is not given ready-made. We are all given freedom, given creativity, given life. All this must be filled with meaning.
51. about the problem of the influence of the surname on the attitude towards a person.

In the book of ME Saltykov-Shchedrin, "The History of a City", all the heroes have "speaking" surnames. Let's pay attention to Erast Andreevich Grustilov, who is distinguished by his tenderness and sensitivity of his heart, loves to drink tea in the city grove and cannot see without tears how the black grouse are tossed.

In the story of A. P. Chekhov "Chameleon" we come across the following names: Ochumelov, Eldyrin, Khryukin. If you just look at the "goldsmith Khryukin", you can clearly understand that this person with absurd claims has, frankly, swinish behavior.

52. about the problem of loneliness of a person who has dedicated his life to other people.

I watched the TV show Let Them Talk, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the legendary TV presenter Valentina Leontyeva. On the screen, Aunt Valya spoke with every child and parent “from the bottom of her heart” for many years. With the change of television eras, Valentina Mikhailovna lost both her beloved work and her audience. In her declining years, the national favorite felt all the pain of loneliness and despair. She spent the last years of her life in the Ulyanovsk region, where she was buried.

My dad was brought up by a nanny, a kind-hearted person. She told him stories, made sure that the boy was well fed and neatly dressed. Time passed quickly, and the child grew up. The nanny stayed in the house with her family. One day she was taken to a nursing home for the summer. The nanny was very worried, she did not believe that they would take her back. And she even got sick. As soon as the hospital called and said that the nanny was seriously ill, the family interrupted their vacation and took her home.

53.on the problem of impoverishment of spirituality

The Bible says: "All man's labors are for his mouth, but his soul is not satisfied." Consequently, thousands of years ago, people realized the importance of working on themselves, sought to find a source for spiritual development.

In Nazi Germany, as we know, workers and engineers conscientiously worked at military enterprises, doctors and nurses in concentration camps, and among the Nazis there were many connoisseurs of beauty who robbed museums in the conquered territories and took home masterpieces of art. The lack of spirituality of these people becomes clear after analyzing their aspirations ...

54. about the problem of adolescent growing up.

In the book of N.V. Veselkova and E.V. Pryamikova "The Sociology of Age and Growing Up" tells about the reasons that lead to growing up. The authors confirm that coming of age is perceived by young people as passing a very important barrier, behind which they are expected to acquire a new status.

Soviet psychologist Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky in his works draws attention to the fact that all high school students think about the future and make all kinds of plans, but only a few are aware of what needs to be done in order for the future to take place. Young people grow up, they perceive the old moments of life in a different way.

55.on the problem of the development of scientific and technological progress

The story of MA Bulgakov "Fatal Eggs" tells about Professor Persikov, who accidentally discovered the amazing phenomenon of the stimulating effect of light from the red part of the spectrum on embryos. Organisms at the moment of development, irradiated by the open Peach ray, begin to develop much faster and reach larger sizes than the “originals.” The scientific discovery brought a lot of trouble, because it fell into the hands of an ignoramus.

In Japan, stem cells were obtained naturally. They were created from the skin of a mature man. This discovery made it possible to grow organs based on their own cells. Such organs will grow much better, because they are not rejected by the human immune system.

56. about the problem of human opposition to life circumstances.

The book by B. Polevoy "A Story of a Real Man" tells about the story of Alexei Meresiev, who lost his legs due to injury, but learned not only to walk, run and dance on prostheses, but also returned to the front as a pilot. Daria Dontsova underwent a complex operation for breast cancer. She was not only able to withstand the battle with a fatal disease, but also became a famous writer.

57. about the problem of faith as a manifestation of a person's moral staunchness.

In the novel by FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" we see Sonya Marmeladova, who had to engage in prostitution in order to feed her family. She finds consolation for herself in reading the Gospel, because she believes that the Lord will help her return to the right life, get out of the vicious circle. And so it happened. Sonya leaves the city, goes after Raskolnikov to support him. From the philosophy of S. Kant it is clear when the need for genuine faith arises. Being a true Christian, the philosopher draws attention to the fact that the highest manifestation of a person's moral strength is courage in a situation, the hopelessness of which he realized. It is faith that saves the souls of people in such moments of life.

58. about the problem of comparing adolescents of different generations.

In the book of N.V. Veselkova "The Sociology of Age and Growing Up" tells about the reasons that lead to growing up. The author confirms that reaching adulthood is perceived by young people as passing a very important barrier, behind which they are expected to acquire a new status. And this is typical of adolescents of different generations.

Soviet psychologist Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky in his works draws attention to the fact that all high school students think about the future and make all kinds of plans, but only a few are aware of what needs to be done in order for the future to take place. Young people grow up, they perceive the old moments of life in a different way. So it was, is and will be.

59. on the problem of contamination of the Russian language

In the book by T.N. Tolstoy "On a lime leg" tells about the clogging and simplification of the native language. Citing vivid examples, the author urges us to take care of the Russian language and not reduce it to verbal "stubs" leading to the "shallowing" of the dictionary.

My classmates and I conducted a study on the topic "The fate of neologisms that appeared on the Internet." We managed to establish that most of the new words are borrowings from foreign languages, primarily from English. But these words are not urgently needed and have equivalents in Russian. The Russian language is not enriched from such "introductions". This only leads to "spoilage" of the native language.

60. on the problem of the connection between the landscape and the landscape of the country with the spirituality of the people.

St. Petersburg is a typical example of the harmonious fusion of nature and architectural forms. The architects of Peter's time understood the spatial essence of the swampy flat terrain, drew straight lines of avenues, creating volumetric-plastic and compositional accents on the banks of the Neva. The city sprawled out, obeying nature. It is impossible to deprive Russian architecture of spirituality, because in this environment the modern Russian person lives and develops, who in everyday city life almost does not interact either with the forest or with the steppe. Thus, the architectural environment became second nature for him. We need to remember about the primordially Russian love for our home, so that in the age of high technologies we do not lose our unique culture, about which Klyuchevsky wrote, Berdyaev admired.

61. on the problem of wandering

In the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" we see the wanderer Feklusha, who, under the guise of pious reasoning, spreads all sorts of ridiculous fables. She tells Glasha about the countries where sultans rule, about the lands where "people with hound heads" live. The secondary role of Feklusha in the play opens up to the readers the "dark kingdom" - the life of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov.

In the play by A.M. Gorky "At the Bottom" Luka is shown - an elderly wanderer, who for some time appears in a shelter. This is a person with a rich life experience who considers all people to be pitiful, weak, incapable of actively fighting for their rights and needing only condolences and consolation. Luca is a sower of illusions, comforting fairy tales, for which desperate people eagerly seized. Therefore, he instills in everyone hope for a bright future.

Composition according to the text:

Why do some people like to read while others don't? Why do some people remember their teachers all their lives, while others forget almost immediately, leaving the school threshold? Answers to these questions can be found in the text of F. Iskander. Talking about his school past, the author notes that the teachers of literature, Alexandra Ivanovna, were loved and understood by the students, but the teacher who came to replace was not perceived in any way. All this happened because Alexandra Ivanovna was devoted to her work, she herself loved literature and knew how to reveal the beauty and wisdom of the Russian word. This sincere love was passed on to the children.

The problem of a good teacher with an informal attitude to his subject is more urgent today than ever. But in the old days a lot of attention was paid to it, and Russian literature is evidence of this. Take, for example, A.S. Pushkin. In the story “The Captain's Daughter. he depicts the Frenchman Beaupre, who "was a hairdresser in his fatherland, then a soldier in Prussia, then came to Russia pour ktre outchitel, not really understanding the meaning of this word." It is clear that Beaupre became a teacher by chance, by the will of fate, he did not apply special zeal and diligence to Petya Grinev's upbringing, therefore, there could be no talk of any love for the subject, let alone the teacher. And the illiterate uncle Savelich aroused Grinev's respect and gratitude, because he taught the master of life, taught how to preserve honor from a young age. And in the fate of Pushkin himself, the nanny Arina Podionovna Yakovleva played a greater role than the tutors and teachers: it was she who instilled in the poet “love for paternal coffins”, “for deep legends of antiquity” and Russian folk tales. All his life, Pushkin spoke of her tenderly and affectionately, emphasizing his love not only for the Russian
a woman, but also to the entire Russian people with their wisdom, poetry, sincerity.

Love only begets love. In childhood, she forms the best human qualities and the right attitude to the world. This is exactly what is said in the first book "Childhood" of the trilogy by L.N. Tolstoy. Creating the image of the teacher Karl Ivanovich, the author constantly emphasizes the professionalism and skill of the teacher. And if in the classroom Karl Ivanovich was strict and demanding, then outside of class he was always a kind and sympathetic person. Nikolenka Irteniev understood this perfectly, so he tried to sincerely repent of each of his petty insults against the teacher. Calling Karl Ivanovich "a sweet old man", Nikolenka responds with exactly the love that grew out of love
teacher to the child.

A hundred years later, V. Rasputin, in the story "French Lessons", portrayed Lydia Mikhailovna not only as a professional, but also as a sensitive, understanding teacher who was not indifferent to the fate of every child. What did Lydia Mikhailovna not invent to feed the eternally hungry village boy brought to the regional center for study! And when she was caught by the director for an impermissible occupation - she was playing "at the wall" so that the boy "won" some money - she was fired. She left for the Kuban forever, but the main character will never forget her. And not because Lydia Mikhailovna sent him pasta and apples, no, but because she took a lively part in his fate.

Being a teacher is not an easy task. Being a good teacher is happiness for both the teacher and the students. Because out of love for an object (not necessarily for literature) grows love for those who master this subject. And the students, as a token of gratitude for their work, for their interest, for their selflessness, pay in the same way - with love. Happy are those who have had such teachers in their lives.

F. Iskander's text:

(1) Alexandra Ivanovna ... (2) Maybe love for the first teacher, if you are lucky for her, is as necessary and natural as the first love in general?

(3) Remembering my feelings for Alexandra Ivanovna, I think that in my love for her, two feelings somehow inseparably merged - love for her precisely, for such a person as she was, and love for Russian literature, which she so skillfully she disclosed to us.

(4) Almost every day she read us something from the Russian classics or, somewhat less often, something from modern, most often anti-fascist literature.

(5) Reading remains in memory. "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin, like minutes of the sweetest experiences. (6) If there is a feeling of family comfort in the area of ​​the spirit, then I first experienced it while reading this book, when there was silence in the classroom purring with pleasure.

(7) I remember that Alexandra Ivanovna fell ill, and another teacher replaced her for three days. (8) In the last lesson she tried to continue reading The Captain's Daughter, but as soon as we heard her voice, we were seized with horror and disgust.

(9) It was completely, not at all! (10) Apparently, she herself felt it, and the guys in the class made some noise with some kind of artificial evil insolence. (11) She closed the book and no longer tried to read it to us.

(12) Now it is difficult to say why we felt so strongly the foreignness of reading it. (13) Of course, here both the love for our teacher and the habit of hearing her voice were reflected. (14) But there was something else. (15) This obstacle was the very temporary stay of this teacher with us. (16) The book told us about the eternal, and Alexandra Ivanovna herself was perceived as our eternal teacher, although, of course, we understood that in a year or two we would not have her. (17) But we didn't think about it, it was too far.

(18) Recently, while reading Marina Tsvetaeva's notes "My Pushkin", I remembered our readings of "The Captain's Daughter" and was surprised at the dissimilarity of impressions. (19) Pugachev struck the rebellious soul of the future poet in this book, he seemed to her mysterious, tempting, beautiful. (20) As I remember now, Savelich most of all amazed and delighted me in this book. (21) Not only me, I am sure, and the whole class.

(22) In the image of Savelich, Pushkin arranged a feast for himself, which he could not always afford in his life. (23) Here devotion appears in all guises. (24) The greatest feeling, the beauty of which Pushkin sang so many times in poetry. (25) And this idea of ​​devotion, with unexpected force, immersed us in its comfort of tranquility and trust. (26) The idea of ​​devotion to the idea itself, which, apparently, due to the absence of other incarnations of high human passions, developed in us with a tragic (which we did not know about), and sometimes ugly (which we all the more did not know about) force ...

(27) Perhaps that is why reading "The Captain's Daughter" then produced such a sweet, such an indelible impression. (28) That is why we pushed away (a little ugliness) the attempt of another teacher to continue reading Alexandra Ivanovna.