Technological regulations in construction. Technical regulation in construction




SPECIALTY “Building Design”


Technical regulation in construction


Ivanov I.I.,

iAF student –V-4

full-time department.


Scientific adviser:

Slesarev M.Yu.,

professor, doc tech. of sciences


moscow, 2010


TR - technical regulation

Federal Law - Federal Law



Purpose of work: to get acquainted with technical regulation in the construction complex of the Russian Federation.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

    To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main provisions of technical regulation, fixed in the law “On technical regulation”.

    Consider the fundamental technical regulation “On the safety of buildings and structures”.

The object of research is technical regulation in construction. The subject of the study was the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”.

The research methodology is a study of legislation in the field of technical regulation, articles in specialized journals.

The structure of the abstract is built on the principle of general to particular. The first chapter provides information on new principles of technical regulation in Russian Federation. The second chapter is devoted to the study of technical regulations “On the safety of buildings and structures”.


The Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, which entered into force on July 1, 2003, makes fundamental changes to the existing system of technical regulation in construction. The law governs relations arising from:

    development, adoption, application and implementation of mandatory requirements for products, processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal;

    development, acceptance, application and fulfillment on a voluntary basis of requirements for products, processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, work or services;

    conformity assessment.

The law provides that all mandatory requirements for products and services are established only by technical regulations, which are determined by federal laws and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Technical regulations should contain minimum requirements to ensure the safety of products (services) and the scope of application of mandatory requirements is therefore minimized.

A 7-year transitional period to new technical regulations is envisaged. New technical regulations are adopted only to ensure:

    protection of life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property;

    protecting the environment, life or health of animals and plants;

    warning actions that mislead purchasers.

The adoption of technical regulations for other purposes is not allowed.

According to the new legislation, there are two types of technical regulations: general technical regulations and special technical regulations. The general technical regulation of construction contains requirements that are mandatory for application and compliance with respect to all types of products, processes (methods) of production, operation and disposal, and is adopted on the following issues:

    safe operation and disposal of machinery and equipment;

    safe operation of buildings and structures;

    hydrometeorological safety;

    fire safety;

    sanitary and epidemiological safety;

    electrical safety;

    environmental safety;

    industrial safety.

General technical regulation can be adopted only by federal law.

The special technical regulation contains requirements that take into account technological and other features of certain types of activities or products. Special TR is adopted by federal law or by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. If a special TR is adopted by federal law, the technical regulation, previously adopted by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, establishing mandatory requirements for the same products, processes (methods) of production, operation and disposal, becomes null and void.

Special technical regulations in the field of atomic energy use are adopted by resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The technical regulation contains requirements for the characteristics of products, processes (methods) of production, operation and disposal, and not for the design and execution, with the exception of cases in which the development goals of the TR are not achieved. It also establishes the conformity assessment form applicable to the object of technical regulation, identification features for the purposes of mandatory confirmation of conformity, sampling, testing, control of the certification body over the certification object (if provided for by the conformity confirmation scheme) and other procedures necessary to achieve the goals technical regulations.

International and (or) national standards can be used in whole or in part as a basis for the development of draft technical regulations, unless the use of international and (or) national standards   not fully ensures the achievement of the goals of adoption of the regulations.

Chapter 2. Technical regulation "On the safety of buildings and structures"

The technical regulation “On the safety of buildings and structures” entered into force in July of this year. TR “On the safety of buildings and structures” replaces the current TR “On the safe operation of buildings and structures”. The changes were initiated by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. According to A.I. Perelygin, this is due to the fact that the operation of buildings, structures and structures is only an intermediate link in the life period of buildings, structures and structures, which includes such stages as: preliminary engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, demolition and land reclamation. All components of the life period affect the life and health of citizens, property protection, and environmental protection. At the same time, the basics of safe operation are laid at the stages of engineering surveys, design and construction and installation works.

Thus, the wording “safe operation”, enshrined in the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, does not comply with established Russian and world terminology and does not cover the entire life period of buildings, structures, structures.

The basis for the development of the draft technical regulation was used Directive 89/106 of the ESS - the main regulatory act of the European Union with regard to construction products. In the draft technical regulation "On the Safety of Buildings and Structures", the object of technical regulation is the object of capital construction.

Identification of the object of technical regulation was carried out on three grounds:

    by appointment (residential, public, industrial buildings, etc.);

    according to the level of responsibility (increased, normal, reduced - the safety factors, laid down in the calculation formulas when performing design work) depend on the level of responsibility;

    in relation to conformity assessment forms - objects are divided into three groups:

    • objects with mandatory state expertise and supervision;

      objects without state expertise and supervision;

      objects of individual housing construction.

A list of objects with mandatory and optional expertise is presented in the Town Planning Code. The objects of individual housing construction include detached houses with no more than three floors intended for one family, as well as garages, baths and other buildings and auxiliary facilities.

The structure of the technical regulation complies with the requirements of the federal law "On Technical Regulation". It includes three main parts:

    safety requirements for buildings and structures;

    requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures at all stages of the life cycle of construction products (at the stage of design documentation, construction, operation, demolition);

    conformity assessment forms.

The technical regulation establishes six types of safety for construction products:

    mechanical safety;

    fire safety;

    safety in difficult natural and man-made conditions;

    requirements for safe living conditions (biological, chemical, radiation safety);

    safety requirements for use (electrical safety, thermal safety).

    requirements for safe environmental impact.

Fulfillment of the specified safety requirements in relation to a specific building, structure will ensure its safety as a whole.

Forms of conformity assessment are divided into two large groups: state and non-state. State forms of conformity assessment include state examination, state construction supervision, acceptance of facilities into operation, state operational control, construction permits, and commissioning permits.


Thus, the state ensures safety in construction by the introduction of relevant technical regulations. The remaining requirements for construction products (works, services) are not regulated. It is assumed that such a restriction of state regulation will remove administrative and bureaucratic barriers, and will increase the responsibility and competitiveness of the structures of the construction complex.

The goal of the study was achieved.


    Federal Law N 184-ФЗ "On Technical Regulation" .- Consultant Plus .- AND

    Draft Federal Law "On Technical Regulations" On the Safety of Buildings and Structures ".- Rossiyskaya / 2008/07/30 / reglament-zakonoproekt.

    Perelygin A.I. - On Amendments and Addenda to the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” // Construction Safety. - No. 2, 2006.

    Article “Standard schism.” - “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” - Federal Issue No. 5239 (160) of July 22, 2010

« Car roads. Rules for the production and acceptance of work ", SNiPIII-4-90" Safety in construction. Rules for labor protection in the road sector ",TR 103-00 « Technical recommendations   by device road constructions   using asphalt concrete. ”


Name technological process

Process composition

Key process parameters

Materials used

Tools, fixtures, means of mechanization

Preparatory work

Fencing of the work area and installation of signal signs. Work area lighting

Installation of standard guard panels across the road on both sides and along the road.

Signs are set that determine the permitted direction of traffic.

In the dark, the zone is illuminated by red warning lights or flashing lights, the area is illuminated

The transverse fence is installed at a distance of 2 m from the zone when the traffic stops completely or at a distance of 5-10 m when working on half the road with transport passes on the second half of the road.

Signal signs are installed in front of the fence at a distance of 15 m from the border of the zone towards the movement.

Illumination of the site of the working area is carried out at the rate of 300 W per 1000 m 2, when working at night, portable lights and spotlights can be used

Standard lattice or solid panels, plastic cones, etc. Standard road signs: “No traffic”, “No entry”, “Right, left”, “Obstacle avoidance direction”. Standard luminaires with protective caps

Mobile power station (PES), forklift truck, crowbars, shovels, tools for electrical work

Foundation preparation

Base cleaning

The base is cleaned of dirt, snow and ice

For cleaning, you can use a sand-salt mixture to accelerate melting

Grader or mechanical brushes. Shovels, scrapers, brooms

Base drying

Wet areas should be dried immediately before installation. asphalt mix

Hot sand

Infrared heaters. Compressor with purge hoses. Mechanical brushes. Shovels, scrapers, brushes

Main works

Device asphalt concrete pavement

Asphalt Mix Delivery

Delivery of the mixture to the place of installation is carried out by heavy vehicles. To reduce heat loss during transportation, vehicles with insulated or heated bodies should be used. The mixture during transportation should be covered with cotton mats, tarpaulins, etc. Delivery of the mixture is carried out intensively and rhythmically, continuously. Downtimes are excluded

Hot asphalt mixes for dense asphalt concrete. The temperature of the mixture before unloading into the hopper of the stacker is not lower than 150 ° C

Front end dump trucks.

Asphalt Mixing

Mixing is carried out by pavers. Prior to installation, the screed should be heated with a nozzle. The dump truck approaches the paver from the side opposite to the direction of its movement and, changing the tilt angle of the body, gradually unloads the mixture into the receiving hopper. Mixing starts immediately after unloading and is carried out continuously until the mixture is fully developed in the hopper. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe working bodies of the paver, a small amount of hot mixture is left to maintain their temperature at small stops. To prevent the formation of longitudinal seams, it is advisable to lay the mixture immediately over the entire width of the carriageway with several pavers. When working with one stacker, for a good mating of adjacent laying strips, the gripping length is reduced so that the newly laid strip adjoins the warm edge of the laid strip. At air temperatures of about 0 ° C and below, the length of the grapple is reduced to 20-25 m. When distributing the mixture, the tamper of the paver is constantly working. If after the asphalt paver passes on the surface of the pit, sinks are found, they must be corrected by adding hot mixture before compaction begins. The paver speed is selected from the condition that a portion of the 6 ton asphalt mix is \u200b\u200bproduced in no more than 10 minutes

- // -

Wheeled or tracked pavers. Hand rammers, shovels, rakes, scrapers, brooms, engines.

Compaction of the laid layer of the asphalt mix

Compaction of the asphalt mix begins immediately after its laying. Compaction begins immediately with heavy rollers (10-18 tons) in 15-20 passes on one track. The speed of the rollers at the beginning of compaction is no more than 2 km / h (first 5-6 passes). Rolling the mixture is carried out immediately to the entire width of the laid strip. The number of rollers in the link should be increased by 1.5-2 times in comparison with their number during normal operation. The movement of the rollers should be staggered. It is advisable to use vibratory rollers and pneumatic tires. Particular attention is paid to rolling in the mating areas of the laying strips. Measures are taken to heat the rollers, it is advisable to fill the smooth rollers of the static rollers with hot water. Adhesion of the mixture to the rollers prevents them from wetting with salt water. Defects resulting from rolling on the coating will be immediately eliminated hot mix

Hot water, salt water (salt to water in a ratio of 1:10)

Heavy rollers, smooth-rolled, biaxial and triaxial static action. Rollers of combined (static and vibrational) action, rollers on pneumatic tires. Rulers-warmers with elements of infrared radiation. Hand tool used when laying the mixture.


Asphalt concrete pavements of streets and roads should be accepted for delivery 10 days after the opening of traffic to a vehicle. Upon delivery, the contractor shall submit:

Design and estimate documentation;

Act of acceptance of the grounds;

Acts for closing potential disruptions;

Magazine of production work on the coating device;

Passports for the types and types of asphalt mixtures used;

Results of random tests of mixtures.

An instrumental assessment of the quality of the coating is carried out to meet the requirements for evenness, continuity, transverse and longitudinal profiles, etc. A visual assessment of the state of the coating is carried out according to signs that are not amenable to measurement and quantification.


Allowed to work on the installation of asphalt concrete pavement are persons who have reached the age of majority, have undergone a medical examination, and an introductory briefing on safety measures. The briefing is documented. The chief engineer of the construction unit (firm) and the manufacturer of the work are responsible for maintaining safety.

Workers and scientific and technical revolution should be provided with warm overalls and special footwear of the established sample and a signal vest. Hand tools must be working.

When unloading mixtures from a car-dump truck into the hopper of the paver, it is forbidden to find the working hopper. The movement of the car, especially in reverse, is corrected by the signals of a specially dedicated worker.

In the area of \u200b\u200bwork skating people are strictly prohibited. All mechanisms operating in the dark should be equipped with signal lighting and have an audio signal.

Rest of people is allowed only in a warm domestic room equipped with devices for heating water and heating food.

In the living room should be a first-aid kit with medicines and dressings.

The law on technical regulation was adopted in 2002 and was intended to launch the process of restructuring the system of relations between business entities in the post-Soviet space in the field of standardization and technical regulation. One of the reasons for the development of this law was the process of accession to the WTO. It was believed that the system of outdated Soviet standards was to be reorganized over a certain period of time into a new regulatory system, unified, in particular, with the European one. The developed Law introduced the concepts of new documents regulating the regulatory system, namely the Technical Regulations. This led to the fact that the previously existing GOSTs, SNiPs and other standards, like, became optional, and Technical regulations had not yet been developed. The government has established the development of technical regulations as soon as possible. Some regulations for today have been developed and adopted, while some have remained projects. However, in the new Technical Regulations, instructions were clearly given that all GOSTs and SNiPs remain the main guiding technical standards.

The following are the main Technical Regulations regarding the relationship system in the construction and production of building materials.

Technical regulations   on the safety of buildings and structures
1 Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-ФЗ
"Technical regulation on the safety of buildings and structures"
2 The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2010 N 1047-r
The list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), the application of which on a mandatory basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulation on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"
3 Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation   and metrology of June 1, 2010 N 2079
"On approval of the List of documents in the field of standardization, the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-ФЗ" Technical Regulation on the Safety of Buildings and Structures "

types of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects that affect the safety of capital construction facilities and relevant national standards and codes of practice (parts of such standards and codes of practice), the application of which on a mandatory basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law
"Technical regulation on the safety of buildings and structures"

types of works on construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, national standards and sets of rules and normative and methodological documents on the control method
Technical regulation On the safety of building materials and products
1 Dossier on the draft federal law N 192544-5
"Technical regulation" On the safety of building materials and products "
2 Resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2009 N 2586-5 DG
"On the draft federal law N 192544-5" Technical regulation "On the safety of building materials and products"
3 Draft Federal Law N 192544-5
"Technical regulation" On the safety of building materials and products "
Technical regulation on fire safety requirements
1 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 N 123-ФЗ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"
2 Commentary to the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-ФЗ
"Technical regulation on fire safety requirements"
3 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2009 N 304 Moscow "On approval of the Rules for assessing the conformity of protection objects (products) with established fire safety requirements by an independent assessment of fire risk"
4 SP 1.13130.2009
"Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits"
5 SP 3.13130.2009
“Fire protection systems. Warning and evacuation management system in case of fire. Fire Safety Requirements "
6 SP 4.13130.2009
"Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and structural solutions"
7 SP 5.13130.2009

Construction is an industry of increased danger. Therefore, compliance with technical regulations should be given special attention. Recently, several new documents have appeared. They will help to navigate the requirements.

The legislative framework

The fundamental document for this issue is the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-ФЗ “On Technical Regulation”. In accordance with it, technical regulations are developed. But they establish only the minimum necessary requirements that ensure safety, uniformity of measurements, etc., with the exception of individual cases when it is necessary to establish requirements directly "to the execution of products."

Such an exception is the construction industry. Therefore, for builders, a special document was additionally adopted - Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-ФЗ “Technical Regulation on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”. It has been operating since June 30, 2010.

The Regulation establishes mandatory requirements for the safety of buildings and structures of any purpose (including engineering networks included in them), as well as related processes for the survey, design, construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition).

These include requirements:

1) mechanical safety;

2) fire safety;

3) safety in hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts;

4) safe for human health living and staying in buildings and structures;

5) safety for users of buildings and structures;

6) accessibility of buildings and structures for the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility;

7) energy efficiency of buildings and structures;

8) a safe level of environmental impact of buildings and structures.

They are listed in paragraph 6 of Article 3 of Law No. 384-FZ.

The Regulation determines that in order to ensure compliance with the established requirements on a mandatory basis, the List of national standards and codes of practice approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (paragraph 1 of article 6, paragraph 3 of article 42 of law No. 384-FZ) must be applied.

Mandatory list   national standards

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2010 No. 1047-r, the specified list (hereinafter - List No. 1047-r) was approved and entered into force on the same day. In this connection, now not a single building and structure can be put into operation if it specifications   do not comply with national standards and codes of practice.

Note: the documentation for all unfinished objects (or built earlier) does not need to be retroactively brought into compliance with the standards.

The fact is that the requirements established by law No. 384-FZ do not apply (before reconstruction or overhaul):

To buildings and structures commissioned before the entry into force of such requirements;

To buildings and structures, construction, reconstruction and overhaul   which are carried out in accordance with the design documentation approved or sent for state examination prior to the entry into force of such requirements;

For buildings and structures, the design documentation of which is not subject to state examination and an application for the issuance of a building permit was filed before the entry into force of such requirements (paragraph 1 of article 42 of law No. 384 - FZ).

Voluntary List of GOSTs

In addition, Law No. 384-FZ (Clause 7, Article 6) stipulates that the National Standardization Body of the Russian Federation should publish and place in the public information system a list of standardization documents that are applied on a voluntary basis. Such a list was approved by order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated June 1, 2010 No. 2079.\u003e | The Regulation on the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology replaced its abbreviated name: instead of Rostekhregulirovanie, the name Rosstandart is now used (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2010 No. 408 ). |<

According to Law No. 184-FZ, the voluntary application of standards and (or) codes of rules is a sufficient condition for compliance with technical regulations (paragraph 4 of article 16.1). Assessment of the compliance of facilities with the requirements of regulations can be carried out on the basis of confirmation of their compliance with such standards or codes of practice.

Non-application of standards and rules is not non-compliance with the requirements of regulations. In this case, the use of other documents for conformity assessment is allowed.

Explaining the position of this rule, the following can be noted.

The voluntary application of standards means that you voluntarily make your choice in favor of using these standards. So, if you voluntarily, for example, in the project declaration declare the application of this list (approved by order No. 2079), you thereby voluntarily accept the obligation to use it.

In what other cases does the use of the voluntary list become mandatory? Here are a few possible situations.

1. In the contract, the parties (customer and contractor) agree on the use of this particular “voluntary” list.

Then it becomes mandatory for the contractor for the entire duration of the construction (construction work) or preparation of documentation in the framework of relations regulated by this contract.

2. The work is carried out for state needs (under the state contract), and the requirement to use the voluntary list was contained in the tender documentation.

3. The designer, contractor may prefer the “voluntary” list, since it focuses on the great past experience in developing such documents, which serve as a certain guarantee of achieving a positive result. Otherwise - until the expert conclusion confirms that the entire structure complies with the mandatory requirements - there is a risk of uncertainty.

Among the standards that are mandatory for use are GOST 25100-95 “Soils. Classification". Sections 3-5; Appendix A (List approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1047-p).

And in the list, applied on a voluntary basis (approved by order of Rostekhregulirovanie No. 2079), there are a number of GOSTs on soils:

GOST 5180-84 Soils. Laboratory methods for determining physical characteristics;

GOST 5686-94 Soils. Field test methods in piles;

GOST 12071-2000 Soils. Sampling, packaging, transportation and storage of samples;

GOST 12248-96 Soils. Laboratory methods for determining the characteristics of strength and deformability, etc. (p. 91-112, 114-117).

Accordingly, the contractor, unless the parties to the contract specifically stipulate the application of List No. 2079, can take all the necessary measurements by other methods, and the customer will not be entitled to refer to poor-quality work in such a situation.

About the application of lists

Article 6 of the law of No. 384-FZ defines the following.

1. National standards and codes of practice are mandatory for application (paragraphs 1, 4).

2. The authorized body shall approve the list of documents, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the law is ensured (paragraph 7).

In accordance with this and the provisions of Article 42 (paragraphs 3, 4), two lists were approved, which we described above. What is the procedure for their application? That is, is it possible to use only the second list, since it ensures compliance with the requirements of law No. 384-FZ? The fact is that the application of the first list is mandatory. And the use of the second is possible. So, if any norms are defined by the documents of the first list, they must be used in the design and construction.