Reproduction of the money tree cuttings. How to successfully propagate a money tree at home. The most reliable method is cuttings

How to properly plant a money tree (fat woman) from a shoot into a pot and take care of it at home so that money starts in the house: feng shui and flower growers' advice.

Fat woman as a means to attract money

A money tree, a breadfruit tree, a tree of happiness - what beautiful names flower growers have not come up with for a plant that is correctly called a fat woman (crassula).

This tree with a thick trunk and oval dense leaves is so unique that it has both decorative, magical and healing properties.

If you believe, a fat woman improves financial well-being, brings peace and good luck to the house. The money tree is a talisman that activates the well-being zone and attracts prosperity to the house. Crassula attracts money, works like a magnet for them. Its leaves look like shiny coins.

It is also believed that the plant purifies the air in the house and kills bacteria. Where Crassula grows, there will always be a favorable atmosphere.

Types of money tree

There are many varieties of crassula, which differ in appearance. Among them there are ampelous, ground cover, bushy and tree-like forms.

The most popular varieties among flower growers are Crassula ovata and Crassula lycopsus. Both species are succulents and are completely different from each other.

Crassula lycopsus is grown only in greenhouses and winter gardens, and Crassula ovata grows quite successfully at home.

How to plant a money tree in the house

The fat woman is not a capricious flower that requires painstaking care and reverent attention.

How to plant a shoot of a money tree in a pot

First of all, let's figure out how to properly propagate a fat woman, so that, having taken a process from friends or acquaintances, you can easily plant it in a pot in your home.

Reproduction of the money tree is carried out using seeds or cuttings. Seeds are sown in shallow containers with drainage holes, then covered with polyethylene. The subsequent care of seedlings consists in regular airing and spraying. After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots will sprout. This method of breeding a fat woman is quite complicated.

The method of propagation of Crassula by cuttings is much simpler. The stalk can be rooted in water or immediately planted in the ground. The shoot of the money tree is planted in a pot to a depth of about 5 cm. Some flower growers believe that when cuttings are planted in March or April, the likelihood that the fat woman will bloom in the future increases. And if you plant a crassula in the middle of summer, there will be less chance of it.

How to choose the right pot for the money tree

The fat woman has a rather massive ground part, which means that a wide and low pot with good stability is better suited for this flower. This choice of flowerpot is also due to the fact that Crassula has a superficial root system. For successful drainage of water into the pan, there should be small holes at the bottom of the pot.

Of course, it is not necessary to immediately plant a shoot of a money tree in a large flowerpot. To begin with, a small pot is enough, but as the flower grows, it must be transplanted into a more suitable flowerpot.

How to transplant a money tree

To transplant a grown-up flower of a fat woman, you need to take a pot of a suitable size, fill it with a drainage layer by a third (for example, from pieces of coal or crushed brick), then fill it with earth. Transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma. So the plant will more easily tolerate this procedure. After that, the soil is filled up to the top.

In the process of transplanting, you need to carefully examine the root system of the flower. Rotting roots, indicating an excess of moisture, must be removed. After that, the crassula is left for a day to dry.

How to choose land for planting a fat woman

Planting a money tree should be carried out in the ground for succulents, to which this plant belongs. The flower feels best in soddy land. The soil that is used for growing cacti is suitable, but the fat woman is also successfully planted in universal soil.

If desired, the soil mixture can be prepared by yourself. To do this, flower growers are advised to mix one part of sand, humus and leafy soil, adding four parts of sod land.

How to plant a money tree so that there is money in the house?

So that money is always kept in the house, when transplanting into a pot with a fat woman, you need to put a coin, and tie its branches with red ribbons. It's good if a fat woman grows in your apartment, but it's important to learn. You can do this even with a small salary.

How to care for a money tree

Growing a money tree at home is not laborious and very interesting. This flower comes from hot countries, so it needs to provide conditions as close to tropical as possible. In spring and summer, Crassula has a growing season, and winter is a dormant time. The main care for the money tree at home is to follow the following rules.

How to water a money tree?

Many flower growers have a question, how to properly water a money tree? The first rule: you can not allow the gulf of a fat woman. Too much moisture is detrimental to her. Over-watering can cause roots to rot and leaves to fall off. In the warm season, the plant can be watered twice a week, with the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced to a minimum. In order not to flood the money tree, before each watering, you need to check the condition of the soil at a depth of 3-4 centimeters. If the land is dry there, you can safely water the crassula.

In case of non-compliance with the irrigation regime and excessive soil moisture, the root system is susceptible to fungus damage. In this case, you can save the money tree if you take it out of the pot together with an earthen clod, dry it thoroughly and treat it with a special solution from fungi.

However, Crassula can also suffer from a lack of moisture! Ideally, the land with a flower should be slightly moist.

We wipe the leaves of the fat woman - we attract money!

Flower growers advise from time to time to wipe the leaves of the fat woman with a damp cloth to remove dust, and sprinkle water on them from a spray bottle. It would be optimal to arrange a warm shower for Crassula once a week. In winter, such a "wash" can be arranged once a month.

The water should be warm, but not hot. To prevent moisture from entering the soil, you can cover the ground in a pot with ordinary cling film. You can not take a wet fat woman to its place. Let the water drain a little.

Where is it better to put a money tree in an apartment

The fat woman is a light-loving plant, but it is strictly forbidden to put it under the scorching sun. In addition, in this case, the top layer of earth in the pot will dry out very quickly.

The plant will fully grow on the windowsill on the southeast side, where there will always be light, but there will be no sun. With the onset of spring, many flower growers put it on the floor of the balcony, and in winter - on the windowsill on the south side.

Insufficient lighting can contribute to the stretching of the stem of the plant, as a result of which it becomes ugly in shape. To prevent this, the fat woman must be placed on window sills, especially in poorly lit rooms.

In summer, temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees are suitable for Crassula. But in winter, the flower will need a decrease in temperature to 10 - 15 degrees. It is allowed to decrease to 6 degrees of heat. If it is not possible to place the plant in winter in a room with such a temperature, then at least the flower should be removed from the battery.

A negative consequence of the wrong temperature during the dormant period can be the extension of the trunk of the crassula and the fall of the leaves located below. Leaves can also fall off if there is a constant draft in the room where the money tree pot is. Of course, the fat woman needs constant ventilation, but drafts should not be allowed to appear. They will only hurt.

The money tree needs to be fed!

As top dressings for a fat woman, universal preparations or additives for succulents are most often used. To better absorb nutrients, plants are fertilized only after watering.

Fertilization is carried out during the growing season - in spring and summer with a frequency of 1 time per month. In the autumn-winter period, feeding is carried out 1 time in 3 months.

Crown formation

To create a uniform and symmetrical shape, the fat woman is rotated in the light around its axis. But to form a beautiful crown, the flower still has to be cut a little.

To form a crown, you need to wait until four new leaves appear on the plant, and a new bud begins to form. It must be pinched off by gently twisting it with your hands or with miniature tweezers.

Each branch of the money tree should have no more than three or four pairs of leaves. When the tree grows up, its top will also need to be pinched off.

If the moment when four leaves have already grown is missed, and new leaves appear, circumcision will help. It is necessary to cut the branch over the 4th pair of leaves. The cut is covered with activated carbon powder.

Possible problems in the care of the money tree

Many flower growers complain that the leaves are falling or withering at the fat woman. What can be wrong?

Excessive watering contributes to the darkening of the leaves, changing their color or falling off.

A change in the color of the foliage to dirty yellow can still be caused by a fungal disease from waterlogging the soil.

Watering with cold water is another reason that diseases appear in a tropical flower.

The appearance of brown spots on the foliage indicates a lack of moisture.

The rot that appeared at the base of the stem is a sure sign of rotting of the root system of the plant. In this case, the apical part of the plant is cut off, and the flower is grown in a new way.

money tree pests

Crassula is an unpretentious and pest-resistant plant. However, there are quite a few pests attacking the fat woman:

Shchitovka - forms brownish or yellow spots on the leaves. Methods of treatment: "Fufanon", "Fitoverm", soap solution.

Spider mite - forms cobwebs between leaves and stems. Methods of treatment: garlic infusion, tobacco infusion, soap solution.

Mealy bug - forms a whitish coating on the axils of the leaves. Methods of treatment: a thick solution of laundry soap, insecticides.

Does the money tree bloom?

Flowering in a fat woman is a rare phenomenon, so not every grower can see it. Therefore, it is widely believed that the money tree does not bloom. But it's not.

During the flowering period, the plant is densely covered with small flowers of white, light pink or greenish color, depending on the variety. They emit a pleasant sweet aroma.

The flowering period begins at the stage of plant growth in spring and lasts 2-3 months. You should not hope that the fat woman will bloom in the first years after planting. It can produce flowers after 8 or even 10 years. Or it may not bloom at all, despite the fact that he was given proper and timely care.

Flower growers believe that the lack of lighting prevents the flowering of the money tree. This is a feature of our climate.

There is a sign: if the money tree grows well and grows stronger, wealth is just around the corner, and if it wilts and its leaves fall, this promises problems with money.

However, it is not necessary to believe in omens. If you properly care for the money tree, it can be an excellent decoration for any room, it will delight you with beauty for a long time and bring warmth and comfort to the house.

The article discusses the main methods of vegetative propagation of Crassula by cuttings and leaves with rooting in a soil mixture or aqueous solution.

The fat woman belongs to succulents. Numerous species are found in many regions of the world as annual and perennial plants of herbaceous, bushy and tree-like forms (from 0.3 to 5.0 m). With equal success can be grown in open ground and indoors.

Biological features

Crassula or fat woman is popularly called the money tree for the resemblance of leaves to coins. The leaves are simple, round, juicy, shiny, densely cover the stems of a bushy plant. It blooms with small flowers of white, pink, yellowish flowers, collected in small umbrellas. When grown indoors, color is rare, which is associated with a lack of lighting. The root system is powerful, forms aerial roots.


Fat women are sun-loving. All year round need bright lighting. For normal growth and development in summer, an air temperature of + 12- + 18 * C is sufficient. In winter, during the dormant period, the minimum temperature is + 7 * C. Watering is moderate with a dried top layer (up to 3 cm) of soil. By autumn, watering is reduced and plants are not watered in winter. During the growing season, they like spraying with warm settled water. Top dressing is carried out with special fertilizers for succulent plants.

Crassula are easily propagated vegetatively by cuttings, individual leaf blades and seeds. Reproduction of the fat woman by seeds does not convey the properties of the plant, it is quite difficult to work and is used much less frequently than vegetative.

Reproduction by cuttings

For propagation of a fat woman by cuttings, it is necessary:

  • inspect the plant and choose a sufficiently developed process 10-12 cm in size,
  • carefully separate from the mother plant and leave to dry for a day.

You can root cuttings in 2 ways - in water and in soil.

Rooting cuttings in water:

  • on the petiole separated from the mother plant, we cut off the lowest leaves,
  • put the prepared stalk aside,
  • fill the container halfway with water, add root to accelerate the formation of roots,
  • we strengthen the stalk in the container so that it does not “drown”,
  • place the container with the handle so that the leaves do not fall under direct sunlight.

After 2-3 weeks, roots appear on the handle. The plant is ready for planting.

Rooting cuttings in soil:

  • prepare pots for planting. Wash the old ones with soap and disinfect, soak the new ones in boiling water,
  • lay drainage from shards and sand at the bottom of a 7-8 cm pot, fill 0.5 of the pot volume with soil mixture,
  • the soil mixture is prepared from clean garden soil and sand in a ratio of 1: 1,
  • make a shallow hole in the pot with a pencil and lower the prepared stalk there,
  • pour the soil mixture into the pot (you can’t tamp!), not reaching the top edge of 1-2 cm,
  • water moderately, gently along the edge of the pot when the top layer of the soil mixture dries out. Excessive moisture causes the death of the cutting.

The next year, the stalk is transplanted to a permanent. During rooting, you can not change the location of the rooted cuttings.


Reproduction of a fat woman by a leaf, as well as by a cutting, can be carried out in water or soil mixture.

Leaf rooting in water:

  • For rooting in water, carefully separate the lower, well-developed leaf of the crassula and leave it for a day in the shade,
  • prepare a flat container or vial and immerse the sheet with its lower end in water with 0.5 cm root,
  • move to a warm bright place without direct sunlight,
  • with the appearance of roots, carefully transplant into a shallow bowl for greater development of the root system, and after a month in a 5-7 cm pot.

Leaf rooting in soil:

  • place peat with sand or wet moss in a bowl, moisten with a solution of water with root and prikopat the bottom of the sheet (about 1/3). Do not allow excess water, the leaf will rot,
  • cover the dug sheet with a glass, creating greenhouse conditions,
  • ventilate the greenhouse several times a day (several minutes, slightly opened),
  • spray finely with warm water when the top layer of artificial soil dries,
  • support the sheet.

Rooted cuttings and leaves are transplanted into large containers annually during the first 3-4 years.


Crassula propagation by seeds is carried out much less frequently. To obtain an adult plant, propagation of a fat woman by seeds takes a longer period and a greater amount of time for care. Seed propagation is used mainly by breeders to obtain varieties and hybrids and is practically not used at home.

For fans of propagation by seeds at home is carried out as follows:

  • washed and disinfected bowls are filled with a soil mixture of leaf earth and sand, respectively 1.0: 0.5 parts,
  • Crassula seeds are very small. They are sown on the surface of the soil mixture and sprinkled with sand,
  • moisten and cover with glass to create greenhouse conditions with high humidity,
  • bowls are aired daily.
  • the top layer of soil must remain moist (not wet),
  • after 2-3 weeks, shoots of seedlings appear,
  • for picking seedlings, a soil mixture is prepared from soddy, leafy soil and sand (respectively 0.5: 1.0: 0.5),
  • seedlings dive into bowls with a moist soil mixture and are placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight,
  • when reaching 5-7 cm, the picks are transplanted into 5 cm pots with light soil. During the engraftment period, the air temperature is maintained at the level of 15-18*C.

Thus, fat women quite easily and quickly reproduce vegetatively by cuttings and leaves. Rooting cuttings and leaves can be carried out in water or soil mixture. Seed propagation at home is impractical.

The money tree has long been a popular indoor plant and, as the name suggests, is of interest to every housewife. This flower promises help in wealth and prosperity, which means that you need to keep it in proper form and be able to propagate it at home. The easiest way to propagate a fat woman is by properly planting the process.

Crassula and Crassula are other names for the money tree, whose natural habitat is South Africa.

The money tree will eventually need support

A rather unpretentious plant has a number of features:

  • The fat woman does not like waterlogging of the soil.
  • The plant does not tolerate heavy soil and an improperly selected pot.
  • The money tree needs to form a crown - pinching the leaves.
  • The plant does not respond well to frequent fertilization.
  • The fat woman cannot be placed in the shade.
  • Reproduction of fat women at home

    The money tree can be propagated in various ways: cuttings, seeds, shoots and leaves.

    How to propagate Crassula cuttings

    The easiest and fastest way to propagate a money tree is cuttings. It will not be difficult even for a novice gardener. You need to follow a series of steps.

  • It is enough to break off a branch from a well-formed plant, and the cutting is ready. The shoot should be chosen in a vertical shape so that a beautiful tree will grow in the future. The optimal cutting size is from 5 to 10 cm.
  • The lower leaves of the cutting must be broken off, in their place roots will subsequently form. At the same time, if the process already has aerial roots, then the rooting process will be faster. However, their presence is not required.
  • Place prepared cuttings in a glass of water. To speed up the process, you can use a root formation stimulator, for example, Zircon, by adding 4 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water (according to the instructions). The glass should be transparent, and it is desirable to place it on the windowsill on the sunny side. If necessary, change the water, and after 10-14 days the sprout will have roots.
  • Rooting in the ground

    Crassula stalk can be rooted directly in the ground:

  • At the prepared cutting, powder the place of the cut with charcoal and leave the process for a day to dry in the open air.
  • Pour a layer of expanded clay into a small container with a drainage hole. For planting, prepare the soil mixture: mix equal amounts of garden soil and sand. Pour the resulting soil into the container.
  • In the center of the pot, make a recess (3–4 cm) with a pencil and place the cutting in it. Tamp the earth around the shoot a little and moisten the soil with a spray gun. Water the sprout with settled water as the soil dries.
  • The stalk will take root in 2-3 weeks, and it is recommended to transplant into a larger container after six months.
  • How to plant a shoot

  • Put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot.
  • Pour nutrient soil. It can be replaced with garden soil mixed in half with sand. In this case, it is better to disinfect the soil in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • In the center of the earthy coma, make a small depression in which to place the cutting.
  • Level the layer of earth and lightly tamp.
  • For planting, you need to choose the right pot: you should not pick it up for the future, taking into account the future size of an adult plant, but it is better to plant it in a small container with a diameter of 7–10 cm. So the money tree will have the opportunity to quickly take root and grow. A year later, it can already be transplanted into a large flowerpot.

    Growing from a leaf

    A fairly simple way of reproduction is to grow a money tree from a leaf.

  • You can cut off any leaf or take a fallen one, but it should not be old and flabby. Any leaf of a fat woman will do.

    Any leaf of a fat woman is suitable for rooting.

  • Place it in a shallow container with water to the middle and wait for the roots to appear.
  • Plant a leaf with roots in a small pot with fertile light soil, compact the soil around. Water 2 times a week with a small amount of settled water. In a month, the leaf will have time to take root and immediately grow.

    It will take about a month to root a leaf.

  • Reproduction by seeds

    Crassula can be grown from seeds, although this method is more time consuming.

  • Seeds are sown in a small container with soil for seedlings. The optimum room temperature should be 20–25 °C. Bottom heating for the container with seeds is not required.

    Crassula seeds are sown in special containers for seedlings

  • The planted seeds are covered with polyethylene, and if there is a mini-greenhouse, then with a lid. Every day, the seeds are watered with settled water from a spray bottle and the greenhouse is left open for an hour. Airing allows the soil to dry out a little, to be saturated with oxygen, after which the seeds are covered again.
  • When shoots appear, the polyethylene or cover is removed and systematic watering is continued. Rooted shoots are transplanted.

    Rooted shoots will need to be transplanted

  • Fatty breeding - video

    Proper plant care

    To make the money tree always look healthy and blooming, it is enough to follow these simple rules:

  • the money tree loves to be in the sun, but tolerates light partial shade well;
  • an adult plant does not like abundant watering, otherwise the foliage will actively fall off, and the root system may get sick;
  • water the tree in small portions once a week, and in winter, reduce watering to twice a month;
  • it is enough to apply fertilizers once a month and only during the growing season;
  • spraying with melt water will emphasize the beautiful glossy shade of the fat woman leaf;
  • in the summer, the flower will grow more actively in the fresh air.
  • The flowering of the money tree is a rather rare phenomenon, but if it happens, consider yourself lucky. A flowering money tree portends its owner in the near future good luck and wealth.

    The fat woman is unpretentious in care, breeds easily and is considered the talisman of the family hearth. The plant is also interesting to start for the sake of stimulating flowering, which will mark the imminent wealth and financial well-being.

    The fat woman, which is also called the money tree, is one of the most common and rather unpretentious houseplants. But like any other, it needs proper care and good conditions. All indoor flowers need to be repotted from time to time, which can be quite a challenge for certain types of flowers. Let's talk about how to properly transplant and propagate this home flower.

    Each plant grows, and sooner or later it becomes crowded in the pot or vase in which it is located. Flower well more spacious dishes for normal development. In addition, for a long and healthy life of the plant, it is necessary to enrich the soil.

    cramped pot

    Crassula or Crassula is a deciduous plant belonging to the genus of succulents of the Crassula family. Its leaves are arranged in pairs and turned to each other by 90 degrees. Even from one such leaf at home, you can grow a whole tree. Can reproduce in two ways: cuttings or rooting of the leaf. Which to choose?

    For the first way cutting you need to put it in water for rooting or immediately plant it in prepared soil in a medium-sized container. In both versions, the cuttings easily take root.

    This is best done in spring or summer. If the soil is suitable: moist and nutritious, then the plant will quickly begin to grow and give side shoots. In spring or winter, growth will be slower.

    Another way is leaf rooting. With this method of reproduction, such a problem as rotting is often encountered. To avoid it, the leaf must first be dried for two or three days. Only after it becomes lethargic should it be partially buried closer to the edge of the pot so that it rests on it. As soil, you can use a composition with a mixture of peat and sand or wet moss. To prevent rotting, it is necessary to avoid waterlogging the soil.

    Rooting cuttings

    Transplanting a money tree at home - how to transplant a flower into another pot in stages

    Transplanting a fat woman should be done in the spring, The best time is from April to May. Crassula should be transplanted no more than once every two years, because the tree grows slowly. Although, if, when keeping a flower, it has enough lighting, water and top dressing, it happens that even after a year the pot becomes small. As soon as you find this, start transplanting.

    How to choose the right soil - good soil composition

    Of course, you can just buy a ready-made soil mixture. Or cook it yourself. To do this, you need to take in a ratio of one to one, and to three: soddy land, sand and leafy ground. It is also necessary to add a little clay, ash and humus. Can be used as drainage pebbles, ground brick or expanded clay.

    The ideal option for a money tree pot would be low enough, but wide.

    It is necessary for two reasons.

    1. The fat woman grows best in a not very deep container, since its root system is small in volume and is located in the upper soil ball. Therefore, if the dishes are high, moisture will accumulate on its bottom, which the roots will not reach. Due to waterlogging of the soil, pathogenic flora can develop, and the plant will get sick. Drainage holes at the bottom will help with this problem.
    2. A rather large width is necessary so that the large crown of the crassula is directly above the moist soil.

    Crassula is a tropical plant, so it needs moisture. Do not overdo it with watering!

    In addition, this shape provides stability to the dishes, which is very important because of the large and heavy crown, which will soon become a decoration of your home. That is why it is better to choose clay or ceramic pot.

    After all the preparations, we are engaged in transplantation.

    How can you transplant

    What further care does the flower need?

    After transplanting, the flower needs attention from you. Follow these rules for the fat woman to take root:

    Now we need take good care of your pet. We follow simple rules:

    • Do not forget to loosen the soil, to pass air to the roots
    • Avoid direct sunlight so that the leaves do not get burned
    • We water only when the topsoil is visible dry, so as not to overmoisten it.
    • Sometimes spray or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth
    • Maintain a moderate temperature
    • Early March to October feed once a month special fertilizer for succulents.

    The money tree blooms quite rarely, so careful care can accelerate such a rare phenomenon as white and pink inflorescences on a fat woman.

    Crassula or Crassula is a member of the Crassula family. It includes about five hundred species of plants. In nature, they are all found mainly in the southern hemisphere. Most of the species can be found in South Africa, Madagascar, with slightly fewer representatives on the Arabian Peninsula. Crassula purslane is grown at home, but we used to call it the "money tree". In the article, we will learn about the rules for propagating a fat woman with cuttings and a lot of other useful information.

    plant description

    Crassulas have one main feature - on the stem their leaves are arranged crosswise against each other. In nature, you can find aquatic and herbaceous plants, tree-like shrubs. Of course, at home, Crassula cannot reach the size that it reaches in nature. Indeed, in the conditions of an apartment or house there is much less space, the soil is significantly different, there may not be enough light or some nutrients. However, even domestic fat women eventually turn into beautiful trees with a solid stem, on which powerful, fleshy leaves are located.

    In room conditions, Crassula blooms quite rarely, so you should not expect this moment. As for the inflorescences, they can be racemose or umbellate-paniculate. There are red, blue, white and yellow flowers. Now this plant is quite popular, due to its unpretentiousness and endurance. Even novice flower growers will master the home care for the fat woman (money tree).

    How to care for Crassula

    Most representatives of this genus are not at all afraid of the sun's rays, so they feel quite comfortable on the south window. If possible, it is better to place the plant pot on the southwest or east side. There the plant will look more lush. If there is not enough light for the flower, then its shoots will begin to stretch, and the leaves will fall off. In the summer, it is better to take out the crassula to the balcony, terrace or street. This will benefit the plant. The money tree loves warmth, so in the summer it feels great on the street. In winter, it will not refuse close proximity to a heater or battery. But this does not mean that the flower should be kept exclusively in a warm room, since it also tolerates low temperatures quite calmly. The fat woman does not stop its growth at a temperature of ten degrees. Will not cause any complications and low humidity in the room. As you can see, the fat woman (money tree) is quite unpretentious. Home care for this plant rarely causes difficulties.

    Irrigation Features

    Crassula is enough not too frequent watering. Periodically, you need to wash the leaves and feed the plant. In summer, watering is carried out when the top layer of soil becomes dry, in winter the plant is watered even less frequently. Even if you have to leave for a few weeks, you should not force the neighbors to water your flower, because the money tree is not afraid of drought, which cannot be said about waterlogging.

    Top dressing and fertilizer

    As for fertilizer, it is applied in the spring-summer period once a month. It is recommended to use a special liquid fertilizer for succulents and cacti. And in the fall and winter, you need to give the fat girl a break from top dressing.

    Formation process

    You need to form a money tree while it is still young. If shoots are removed from an already adult plant, then stumps will remain in these places, due to which the decorative effect of the bush suffers greatly. With all responsibility, you need to approach the choice of a pot for a plant. If you plant a crassula in a pot that is too deep, then its root will tend to go deeper, and the trunk will begin to grow rapidly upwards. This is not a good sign, as over time it will become thin and weaken greatly. Therefore, it is better to choose a not very deep pot.

    Where to plant

    To answer the question of how to plant a shoot of a money tree, you need to tell in which soil this shoot should be planted. The soil should include three parts of soddy land and one part of leaf, humus, sand and brick chips, which can be replaced with fine gravel. Here is such a simple composition in the soil for a fat woman. When the fat woman reaches a height of fifteen centimeters, the smallest upper leaves should be pinched off from its top - this is the future branching site. Instead of two leaves, four will appear here after a while. You can remove the top leaves until you are satisfied with the formed crown. But only between such "operations" some time should pass so as not to injure the plant. In such a simple way, you can form a beautiful crown for your favorite money tree.


    It is not at all necessary to transplant a fat woman every year, but if you have a desire to admire its flowering, then it is better to carry out this procedure once every two years. According to the rules, transplantation is carried out only if the roots have already completely filled the entire pot. In the spring, the fat woman begins a period of active growth. Therefore, it is at this time that it is best to plan a transplant. The pot should be slightly larger than the one in which the crassula previously grew. A drainage layer should be placed at its bottom. Expanded clay is best suited for this. After that, the crassula, together with the earthy clod, moves to a new pot, and the remaining free space is filled with a new substrate.

    If you do not want your crassula to become too large a plant, then a transplant is not needed at all. It will be enough only to change the top layer of the substrate annually.

    Useful properties of crassula

    The fat woman is the real keeper of your health. It releases substances into the air that have antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial effects. But that is not all. Crassula leaves are used in folk medicine, as its juice has many beneficial properties. This tool is used for lotions, which are especially effective for herpes, insect bites. Also, juice can be used to treat various cuts, bruises, abscesses. With sore throat or inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to rinse using fatty juice, and for arthritis, you need to rub them at night. But during treatment with the use of this juice, one should not forget that it contains a rather high concentration of arsenic. If ingested, it can be life-threatening. Therefore, crassula juice is only suitable for external use.

    As for signs and superstitions, it has long been believed that the money tree brings good luck and wealth to the house. That is why this plant is often placed not only in residential apartments and houses, but also in offices, shops and other workplaces.

    Crassula propagation by seeds

    Before sowing the seeds of the fat woman, it is necessary to prepare the container and soil necessary for this. You should choose a wide bowl, which is filled with soil with the following composition: one part of the sheet earth, half of the sand. When the seeds are sown, the bowl is covered with glass, which must be slightly opened every day to remove the resulting condensate.

    In two weeks you will be able to see the first shoots. When they grow up a little, you can pick. Young seedlings are planted at a distance of one centimeter from each other. The composition of the soil remains the same, but half of the light soddy land should also be added. After picking, the seedlings should be placed in a place where diffused light will fall on them.

    When the crassulas grow a little and get stronger, they can be seated in separate pots. They should be no more than seven centimeters in diameter. They are filled with soil, which contains equal parts of sand, soddy and leafy soil.

    Until the seedlings take root, they are kept at a temperature not higher than eighteen degrees. When it is seen that they have gone into growth, you can transfer them to a permanent place. Next, I want to pay attention to the features of reproduction of the fat woman by cuttings. This method is considered simpler and more affordable even for beginners.

    Reproduction by cuttings

    Propagation of a fat woman by cuttings at home is considered the easiest and fastest way. It is much simpler than seed and takes much less time. Not only fragments of the stem are suitable for this, but also single leaves.

    You can cut the shoot or leaf only with a sharp knife. After that, the place of the cut is immediately treated with crushed coal to avoid getting various infections there. After that, within two or three days, the cut shoot or leaf is dried, and after this time they are planted in the ground, which consists of equal parts of leafy soil and sand.

    In addition, the fat woman is propagated by cuttings in water, which is also quite effective. Charcoal must be added to the water. When you notice the first roots on the cuttings, you can safely transplant them into pre-prepared pots with a diameter of five to seven centimeters. The soil should consist of sand, sod and leaf earth in equal parts. Such pots are immediately placed in a permanent place. Young fat women are cared for like an adult plant. In such a simple way, the rooting of the cuttings of the fat woman takes place.

    Diseases and pests

    The most terrible enemy for Crassula is considered to be excess moisture, which leads to root rot. In some cases, rotting begins at the base of the trunk. It is important for flower growers to remember that the fat woman tolerates drought more easily; like all succulents, there are moisture reserves in the leaves, which she uses when there is a lack of water.

    Drafts are also quite dangerous for the plant, which lead to the fact that the leaves begin to gradually dry and fall off.

    Types of fat woman

    This plant has so many species that it is impossible to mention each of them in one article. We will consider only the most popular:

    • Crassula oval. This is perhaps the most common species that can be found in culture. He came to us from southwestern Africa. In nature, Crassula oval is a three-meter plant with shiny, oval leaves, painted in silver gray or green. In an apartment, it does not reach a height of more than one and a half meters. This species produces quite a lot of shoots that grow and develop rapidly. If you manage to get this species to bloom, you will admire the pink or white flowers that gather in umbellate inflorescences. This is one of those species that practically does not need a lot of sunlight. Crassula oval became the basis for the breeding of most new varieties of fat woman.
    • Crassula tree. Quite strongly similar to Crassula oval. This fat woman has a bare trunk, and the branches are covered with flat, fleshy leaves up to seven centimeters long. At home, it blooms quite rarely. If she succeeds, she pleases the owner with pale pink or white flowers, which are collected in small panicles. This species does not tolerate shade well.
    • Crassula Lycopsus. This shrub plant, which reaches a height of only twenty-five centimeters, has four-sided fleshy shoots, which have wrapped tops. It got its name because of the structure and arrangement of the leaves, which makes it look like a club moss. If you put this species in bright light, then its leaves will acquire a red tint. This type of krasula also tolerates shade well.
    • Crassula Buddha. Many flower growers call it pyramidal. Outwardly, this plant resembles a certain column, which is formed from triangular leaves. They are located along the entire length of the trunk and are tightly pressed against each other. This column is not too high, but it is required to prevent it from falling on its side under its own weight. This species can bloom and please the eye with red flowers that form in the apical inflorescences.

    So we examined the main types of fat woman, which can be grown not only in the open field, but also at home.


    In this article, we learned what crassula is, what useful properties it has. We also learned everything about planting a fat woman with cuttings and about the features of its cultivation. Based on the information received, it can be concluded that this plant is absolutely unpretentious, it can grow in almost any conditions. It is worth noting that special attention should be paid to the frequency of watering the plant and its location in the apartment. Now that you know how to plant a money tree sprout, you can easily save money on buying a new flower and just ask friends who already have this plant for a sprout.