Indoor lily: home care, planting, pests. Basics of care and cultivation of indoor varieties of lilies What does a domestic lily look like

Among lovers of indoor flowers, domestic lily has long been a place of honor. These are compact species that you can grow in pots on your windowsill and enjoy their beautiful flowers and bright greenery, as well as collecting these delicate plants with a delicate aroma if you wish.

Types of house lilies

You can even understand the variety of this plant from a photo, it is only important to know the main features of their differences.

1. A group of varieties of lilies with a cupped flower.

In such plants, during flowering, cup-shaped buds appear, which open strongly later. Examples for this group would be lilies:

  • Gilded.
  • Empress of China.
  • Beautiful.
  • Grand Commander (this variety is considered the best in the group under consideration).

2. A group of lilies with petals in the form of funnels combined into a tube.

Examples of tubular lilies can be the following varieties:

  • Long-flowered.
  • Royal gold.
  • Regal.

3. Fesco lilies.

These are flowers in which the petals are strongly bent outwards, and the stem is somewhat shorter than that of other representatives.

The most common:

  • Dwarf lily.
  • L. Citronella.

How to plant a potted lily

Once the selection has been made, you need to prepare everything you need. To begin with, the onion bought in the store must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 15 days, after which it must be kept for 2 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

It should be noted that the pot must correspond not only in beauty, but also in size. The best option is dishes with a diameter of about 20 cm. If you plant a lily in a pot that is too large, its development will not be directed towards flowering, but the desire to occupy the available space, creating its child bulbs.

It is equally important to create suitable soil for growing flowers. You can buy it ready-made in the store (especially for grown plants) or make it yourself by mixing loose garden soil with sand and mineral fertilizers.

Before filling the pot with soil, it is advisable to lay small pebbles on the bottom, and only then fill the container with earth, leaving a small edge free.

Before the first shoots form, it is better to put the pot in a cool place, protected from light. But as soon as the domestic lily begins to appear from the ground, it should be rearranged to where there is access to light and fresh clean air.

Care of a lily in a pot

In order for a houseplant to develop intensively, some conditions must be met:

Conditions for keeping a domestic lily after it blooms

Indoor lily blooms quite rarely, but in order to improve this phenomenon, you should take care of it properly.

If there is a desire to get another beautiful flowering in a few months, it is necessary for a while give the plant rest.

As soon as the flowers begin to wither and fall off, and the stem turns yellow, you need to reduce the supply of moisture. And when the stems and leaves dry up, stop watering altogether. During this period, all the beneficial substances accumulated by the plant begin to pass into the bulb and prepare the lily for a new flowering.

After that, the flower bulb is dug up and placed in a plastic bag filled with sawdust in a cool place.

By the next season, the lily will need to be transplanted into new soil.

Transplanting house lilies

Before planting the bulb, it should be prepared. If there are rotten spots on the surface, they should be cut off and then treated with charcoal. It is advisable to disinfect the bulbs by immersion in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry on paper.

After all this, you can plant. To provide the plant with good care, it is imperative to use new soil, saturated with fertilizers and useful minerals, because the old soil is already depleted.

In the future, for a planted room lily and its "kids" growing in separate pots, care is needed in the form of top dressing and additional spraying. In this case, the plants will gain a lot of nutrients and will delight with their bright flowering.

For what reasons can a room lily not bloom?

Sometimes it happens that lily does not give buds at all. There can be many different explanations for this.

How to prevent diseases and pests

If the conditions for keeping a plant are normal for its life and development, you won’t have to get rid of diseases - they won’t appear. Well, if something was not taken into account during the care of a lily, then here is an analysis of the most popular problems that owners of a room lily have.

Probably the most popular one is the appearance of red rot on the bulb. Most often occurs due to cold and humidity. You can get rid of it by cutting off the affected areas and treating with activated charcoal. It is important to reduce the intensity of watering after this.

What to do if the leaves turn yellow?

Unfortunately, domestic lilies can often observe such an unpleasant picture as yellowing of the leaves. Sometimes this is the norm, but sometimes it can indicate improper care of the plant.

So, The main reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves:

As a result of improper maintenance of the plant, such troubles as pale leaves, sluggish stem, or darkening of the flower. In these situations, it is important to notice the flaw in time and correct it.

In any case, the main thing is to properly care for the plant, and then it will delight with its development and beautiful flowering.

indoor lily

Indoor lily is the most popular flower, which has not only a beautiful appearance, but also very pleasant aroma.

So that the plant decorates the room for many years and made the hosts happy you need to know how to properly care for it.

Lily as a potted plant

In the open field, the lily does not tolerate severe frosts very well, but at home it will be comfortable enough. The main thing is to follow some rules.

The main types of indoor lilies, photos and names of flowers:

No less popular are white lilies.. The most popular varieties include Candidum, Martagon, Daursky.

Features of caring for a lily at home

For the cultivation of any variety, certain conditions are required:

  • a large amount of light;
  • definite humidity percentage;
  • average air temperatures.

The flower develops beautifully on the balcony, but only during the summer season. overwinter plant should be in a room where the temperature is within +15 °C.

With proper care, the stem can reach 1.5 m in height. The bush is quite lush, has bright hardwood plates. The buds of the room lily are colorful and large. They can have a different shade, depending on the variety.

This video shows the first experience of growing lilies at home.


A flowerpot with a plant should be kept on windows that face the southeast or west side. If this is not possible, and the pot is on the windowsill, which is under direct sunlight, then the plant will need to be shaded at lunchtime.

Advice! It is better to put a tub with a plant on a shelf near the window. So the flower will be illuminated with diffused light, which will positively affect its development.

Air temperature

In spring and summer, caring for indoor lilies is easy. The bush feels great high air temperature as well as low.

With the onset of heat, the flowerpot is recommended to be taken out to fresh air. For example, on a glazed balcony, terrace. However, care must be taken to the leaves were not exposed to direct sunlight, as they can leave a burn on the plates.

Air humidity

The flower is undemanding to these indicators. In order for the lily to develop well, it is enough to periodically spray it with warm water from a spray bottle. On hot days, you can put a tray with water and pebbles near the flowerpot.

Important! Do not forget about wiping hardwood plates. Carry out the procedure once a week.

This is necessary in order for home the flower could fully breathe. clean the leaves damp cloth or cotton swab dipped in water.

This video shows the Amazonian lily and talks about the features of caring for the plant.

watering lily

In spring and summer, the plant is watered often, but little by little. Before each procedure, it is recommended to check topsoil condition. If the soil is dry by 3-4 cm, then you can already water it. The lily should be irrigated only with soft water, in which there are no impurities. In this case, the liquid should be at room temperature.

Important! Too much moisture can cause the bulb to rot.

The composition of the soil for growing lilies

A lot depends on the right substrate. In order for the flower to develop well, the soil must be used only light, which is good breathable and does not retain moisture. It can buy in a specialized store or cook at home yourself.

To make a substrate take:

  • 3 parts of sod land;
  • 1 part hardwood;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

Lay gravel drainage at the bottom of the tank or broken brick. You can also use expanded clay or crushed slate. The drainage layer should occupy a third of the pot.

When choosing a flowerpot, remember that too wide and deep capacity will negatively affect the flowering of the lily. So if you want get the buds as early as possible, should buy small and narrow vases.


Lily is very fond of top dressing. The first batch of fertilizer is applied immediately after planting. In that case, mineral mixtures are an excellent option.

You can buy them in a flower shop. Fertilizers should be applied according to the instructions on the package.

During the period of active growth, the flower needs nitrogen. After the appearance of the first buds, the lily is fed with compositions with a large amount of potassium and phosphorus.

As organic matter, you can use mullein infusion. It should be diluted 1:10. Fertilize such a remedy is required from the beginning of spring, no more than 1 time in three months.

Planting and transplanting lilies

In order for the flower to take root well and quickly increase in growth, it must be planted in the fall. October is the most auspicious time. planting material only one that has a well-developed root system should be used. The top of the bulb should be the same color without rot spots.

Landing should be carried out in a container with pre-laid drainage. 1 bulb is placed in one flowerpot. If the tub is long, then you can put it in it several lilies. Sprinkle landing 2/3 material. The container should be kept in a cool and dark room.

Important! As soon as the first leaves appear, the lily should be completely covered with soil, and the container should be rearranged on the windowsill. Watering should be done once a week.

A lily is transplanted very rarely: adult specimens change the soil once every 3 years, the flowerpot is left the same.

Rest period in winter

This video explains why a lily does not bloom and how to make a flower bloom.

Starting from the end of autumn, the lily goes into the "rest" stage. Keep the flowerpot in a room where the temperature does not exceed +5 ° C and is very little sunlight. Watering is reduced to one time in two weeks.

In mid-March, the flower is placed on the window and the amount of irrigation is gradually increased.

When to buy a house lily

You can buy indoor flowers from the lily family at any specialized store. Acquire they are better in autumn. Tubers must be healthy and fresh. Before planting, all bulbs should be disinfected. To do this, use a solution of manganese or karbofos.

This video shows how to properly plant a lily bulb and shows the first results of seedlings.

Indoor lily after flowering

Withering of flowers is the first sign that the plant goes into a dormant period. yellow stems do not cut. They should be removed only after they have dried.

Diseases and pests of lilies

Houseplant lily is rarely affected by insects. However, they may result from improper care. On leaves and stem spider mites, aphids or mealybugs can be observed.

signs the presence of insects:

  • leaf blades turn yellow and fall off;
  • the stem becomes sluggish.

Getting rid of these pests is easy. . There are special preparations for this. with which the flower is sprayed.

And also the appearance of the lily can be influenced by the temperature in the room and the humidity of the air.

signs improper care:

  1. Pale leaves (improper watering).
  2. Darkening of flowers (low room temperature).

With an excess of moisture on the lily, gray rot can form. This is an infection that appears on the lower leafy plates, but after a short time it infects the tuber, from which to save the plant almost impossible.

No less dangerous disease is Fusarium. It appears as a result of mechanical damage. bulbs. You can get rid of this problem sprinkling all damaged areas with crushed activated charcoal.

In order for indoor lilies to please with their beautiful flowers for a long time, you must adhere to the basic rules of care. Only then will the plants have an attractive appearance throughout many years.

This video talks about the miraculous healing of the Amazon lily.

Eucharis is the name of a genus of bulbous crops of the Amaryllis family. The plant is widely distributed in South and Central America. Tropical culture is often called the Amazonian lily. There are about twenty plant species. The flower "euharis" means "the most charming" and also "graceful". Ornamental leaves of a saturated shade are especially appreciated. Delightful delicate inflorescences fill the whole room with an amazing delicate aroma. The round bulb of the Amazonian lily reaches more than five centimeters in diameter. From above, the modified root of the plant, densely covered with golden scales. Eucharis blooms in mid-autumn. Under favorable conditions, the plant is able to shoot arrows twice a year.

Amazon lily should be protected from direct sunlight.

Proper lighting

The Amazon Lily prefers even, diffused lighting. The plant is also able to maintain a bright color in partial shade. For growing eucharis, window sills should be prepared on the western or southern side of the building. Indoor lily is hard to tolerate exposure to sunlight.

Temperature regime

Eucharis needs to create comfortable warm conditions. In summer, the optimum air temperature for a flower is from + 23 to + 30 degrees.

In winter, a cool room should be prepared. The thermometer mark should be at the level of + 15- + 18 degrees.

The plant does not tolerate drafts and gusts of wind. Open windows in winter can harm the Amazon lily. Just a few hours of cool air causes the leaves to fall.

How to water a plant

The Amazonian lily prefers an evenly moist substrate during the active growing season and flowering. In waterlogged soil, the root system begins to rot. The plant will die in a few days.

After the inflorescences wither, the Amazonian lily enters a dormant period. During the entire rest period (about forty-five days), you can water the plant no more than two times.


Indoor lily responds well to high humidity in the room. A plant without inflorescences can be regularly sprayed with settled water at room temperature.

It is important to monitor the condition of the leaves. It is not advisable to allow water to stagnate at the base of the vegetative organs.

At the stage of budding and abundant flowering, spraying should be stopped. Inflorescences can die from drops of water.

Eucharia should be wiped periodically. Dust often accumulates on the leaves. It is recommended to use a dry sponge first. After removing the dirt, you can treat the areas with a damp cloth. Failure to follow the recommendations may clog the stomata. The leaves of the culture will not be able to continue gas exchange with the environment.

How to do a transplant

Lily room is able to actively develop in one container for about four years. It is recommended to transplant a grown plant after the first flowering as the bulbs grow. Young eucharis should be transplanted annually. If the modified root colonies do not fit in the pot, the container should be changed.

For growing eucharis, you need to use large wide pots. At the bottom of the container, it is desirable to lay out a thick layer of drainage.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure by the transshipment method at the end of March. Eucharis reacts heavily to moisture loss and damage to the root system. For a transplant you need:

  1. Carefully loosen the substrate with a small garden spatula.
  2. Straighten massive roots.
  3. In order not to damage the tangled areas, you can rinse the root system with running water.
  4. Separated bulbs should be planted at a depth of about three centimeters.
  5. If you are transplanting an acquired bulb without leaves, you need to place the eucharis in a container with the crown part up. The top should remain on the surface of the earth.
  6. It is necessary to carefully compact the substrate.
  7. Within three weeks, you should constantly inspect the plant. Successful rooting can be seen due to the bare area.
  8. Watering indoor lily should be rare. You can determine the need to moisten the substrate by touch.
  9. If there are leaves on the planting material, it is necessary to spray the plant regularly.
  10. In conditions of high humidity, after 45 days, new leaves will appear on the bulb.

rest period

The Amazon lily differs from other representatives of the amaryllis in the absence of a pronounced dormant period. The plant does not shed its leaves in winter. The loss of vegetative organs indicates the defeat of the culture. Eucharis may die.

The plant does not have a pronounced rest period.

After flowering, it is desirable to reduce watering within sixty days. The plant will be able to restore strength.

The need for pruning

Eucharis does not need constant pruning. It is enough to clear the culture from flowering peduncles as it wilts.

For more information about planting and transplanting a flower, see the video:

Amazon lily in open area

In tropical countries, eucharis is grown as a horticultural crop. The plant is able to maintain freshness for a long time. Therefore, the lily is often cultivated for cutting.

In the northern regions, the flower is grown in the greenhouse and winter gardens. Especially popular is the indoor flower lily.

Flower growers often experiment with eucharis. The container plant is able to withstand the outdoor conditions of a temperate continental climate during the warm season. It is advisable to prepare a protected place in the gazebo or on the balcony. The flower will be able to maintain its decorative effect, provided that there are no sharp temperature fluctuations and a sudden cold snap at night.

Eucharis outdoors can only be kept in a closed container.

Lily room - the secrets of growing

soil mixture

For planting eucharis, you need to prepare a substrate from humus, leafy soil, ventilated softened peat, as well as clean river sand. It is also recommended to use "Nitrophoska" and wood ash.

top dressing

The increase in the green mass of eucharis depends on the quality and timeliness of feeding. How to properly fertilize? For the Amazonian lily, you should prepare a mineral mixture for flowering houseplants or "Nitrophoska". Half a teaspoon of the product should be poured with one liter of water. The solution is recommended to be used no more than three times a month.

Before applying the drug, it is necessary to moisten the soil. Fertilizer in combination with a dry substrate can cause burns on stems and leaves.

How to choose a flower pot

Eucharis grandiflora should be planted in shallow wide containers. The container must be stable. In the bottom you need to make several large holes to drain excess water.

What affects Eucharis grandiflorum

The Amazon lily differs from other members of the family in unpretentiousness. The plant annually easily forms buds. With proper care, you can get a profusely flowering crop.

To create a spectacular bush, you can plant several bulbs in a large container. Regular feeding stimulates the formation of numerous leaves. Eucharis is not recommended to be planted in a group with other plants. Indoor lilies need to create enough space.

Despite the significant benefits, complete failure to comply with the rules of care can cause plant damage to diseases and the appearance of pests.

The main danger among insects for eucharis is scale insects. The appearance of brown plaques on leaf blades and stems indicates damage to the flower.

The cleaned plant must be treated with soapy water. It is advisable to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge dipped in soapy water. All areas should be sprayed with a solution of "Aktellika". It will take 0.15% drug. For one procedure, it is recommended to use two milliliters of the product and one liter of distilled water.

Dry air combined with high environmental temperatures contributes to the settlement of thrips on lilies. Insect colonies primarily settle on the lower parts of the leaves. On top of the plate you can see characteristic light marks.

An ornamental plant can cause significant harm to the body. It is not recommended to grow the plant indoors with children.

The entire Amaryllis family contains a high concentration of the alkaloid lycorine. The component stimulates vomiting and causes severe poisoning. Accidental use of plant sections can lead to tragic consequences. Euharius is included in the category of the most dangerous plants.

How to propagate a lily at home

A large accumulation of daughter bulbs on the mother plant creates a magnificent eucharis. The cramped space at the initial stage reduces the development of the room lily. Insufficient nutrients and root entanglement can cause the death of all plants in one container. Therefore, as the lily grows, the separated bulbs should be transplanted into new containers. A sufficient volume of the pot stimulates the flowering of the crop. An annual separation of small lilies is allowed.

It is advisable to perform disconnection during transplantation. Only formed children are suitable for the distribution of eucharis. It is important to carry out the procedure carefully. Fragile roots can be easily damaged.

Reproduction of eucharis bulbs.

Separated bulbs should be planted in pre-prepared wide containers with several holes. At the bottom of the container, you need to lay a drainage layer of shards of dishes, expanded clay or pebbles. From above you will need two handfuls of clean sand of medium grain size. About five children can be planted in one pot. Planting depth should not exceed five centimeters.

Why plant eucharis in a group? Several representatives in a tight container guarantee lush flowering. Single plantings of lilies will not be able to form inflorescences until the bulbs need to grow.

For children, you will need to mix a special substrate. You should prepare:

  1. compost;
  2. leaf ground;
  3. loam;
  4. coarse sand.

Modified roots also respond well to heather, deciduous and soddy soil. Heather substrate can be replaced with peat.

Why eucharis does not bloom

For flowering eucharis, it is necessary to ensure proper rest. Excessive soil moisture reduces the likelihood of bud formation.

The main sign of the readiness of a young plant to produce buds is the formation of daughter bulbs. If in the current season the inflorescences did not appear, it is necessary to give the plant two months of rest.

Flowering can be stimulated by stratification.

If eucharis does not bloom for a long time, you can use a little secret of experienced flower growers. The effect of low temperature stimulates the production of buds. It is necessary to move the flowerpot to a cool room. The ambient temperature should not exceed + 15 degrees. The substrate must be completely dry.

After 30 days, it is necessary to return the plant to a permanent place of cultivation and create the hottest possible conditions. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the lily. The plant should not form new leaves. It is not advisable to allow the discarding of old vegetative organs.

planting material

Eucharis can be purchased in a grown form. A container culture 15 cm high is sold in a container with a diameter of 15 cm at a price of 2600 rubles.

Rooted sprouts of a lily can be purchased at flower growers' forums at a price of 100 rubles.

Lily belongs to the Lily family. It grows from a bulb. Its name in Gaulish means "white-white". This is very symbolic, because of the variety of species very first has become known White Lily.

She decorated ancient frescoes, was symbol royal power, woven into the wreaths of brides. Modern Brides also often choose it for a wedding bouquet. IN Christianity white lily called the flower of the Virgin Mary, as a symbol of purity and purity.

But back to the description of the plant itself. Its appearance is not to be confused with any other. It is characterized by a straight long stem from 30 cm, oblong leaves, large flowers looking up. 4-5 flowers bloom at the same time. The photo below shows a White Lily.

What does White Lily look like - photo of a flower:

Proper Care

Plant requires special care and attention. But for its relative capriciousness, it will thank with a unique flowering. Bulbs are bought in autumn for planting. They should be healthy, not shriveled, without brown scales and excessive friability. It is recommended to soak for two hours in a solution of potassium permanganate immediately before.

IMPORTANT! If there are brown spots on the scales of the bulb, they are removed, and the bulb is soaked in a 0.3% solution of karbofos for 20 minutes.


In autumn, the lily is prepared for wintering.

Cut off dry stems and leaves.

And two weeks later the bulbs extract from the ground, wrapped in a bag of wet moss and kept in the refrigerator.

You can put them in wet sand and take them out to a cold room.

If this is not possible, onions transplanted into fresh soil, adding some ash and maintaining moisture. the plant will grow faster. It is not recommended to use the same land for the next season. She is already exhausted and will not give good nutrition and growth.


A snow-white beauty is planted in early spring. One onion is placed in a container with a diameter of approximately 20 cm. It is better to take light soil mixed with sand. Drainage is necessary to provide the roots with good nutrition.

Expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot, then a layer of soil is laid out. The bulb is planted and covered with earth only up to half. You can add it when the stems appear above the pot.

How to plant and transplant lilies is shown in the video below:


Until the first sprouts appear, the bulb pot is kept in a dark and cool place. With the first shoots, the container is moved to the windowsill or taken out to the balcony.

IMPORTANT! Lily loves freshness and coolness. Therefore, you should provide her with a well-ventilated corner in the house.

White Lily requires regular moistening of the soil and air. You can spray the plant. Water it often, allowing the soil to dry out. Each time, admiring the plant, it will not be superfluous to loosen the earth. Periodic it is useful to add wood ash.

You can read more about growing lilies at home.


Lily does not need a transplant.

The entire spring-summer period, one container is enough for her.

But if, nevertheless, the dimensions no longer correspond, the next autumn the bulb is transplanted into a larger pot.


The flower does not tolerate heat. The sun can be useful for him only in the morning.


Hold the plant follows light indoors, but avoid direct sunlight.


lilies multiply kids. On some varieties, bulbs grow in the axils of the leaves. If you plant them, then in a year you will get bulbs for a new plant. At artificial pollination of the lily.

If the pot is too large, the bulbs will begin to produce babies. will come only when the earthen space is filled.


bloom lilies all summer from June to August. During this period, increase watering. The stems are tied up so that they do not break under the weight of the inflorescences.

IMPORTANT! In the first year, the buds that appear are recommended to be removed. Then the white lily indoor flower will be a healthy and strong plant in subsequent years.

Among the people, domestic lilies often called and from the Amaryllis family for the similarity of inflorescences. Hippeastrums are easy to distinguish. They bloom from winter to spring.


Liquid fertilizers are suitable for lilies. Top dressing is required three times:

  • before the start of growth;
  • when the buds are formed;
  • after flowering until mid-August.

Benefit and harm

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, white lily good for health and has medicinal properties. Based on it, tinctures are prepared, which:

  • soothe toothache;
  • heal wounds, burns and bruises;
  • cleanse the skin, including freckles;
  • help with heart disease;
  • act as a diuretic;
  • help with arthritis
  • used to fight cancer.

Preparing a tincture at home is very simple.

During flowering collect the petals and put them in a container with dark glass.

Pour the contents with wine vinegar so that it covers the petals by 2 cm.

The container is tightly closed and cleaned in a dark, cool place.

After 6 weeks, the product is ready. Before use, the tincture is shaken and diluted by 2/3 with boiled water. Contraindications not available for use. Main, correctly observe the proportions during cooking. White Lily not poisonous, but if you inhale its aroma for a long time, it causes headaches, nausea.

Diseases and pests

At correct care lilies practically do not get sick, they are less affected by pests. Flowers sensitive to fungal diseases, various rot. If they are overfilled or underfilled, they will become lethargic. From the cold, the inflorescences darken, and from too bright light they brighten.

Among those that encroach on domestic lilies, aphids, lily fly, lily beetle, thrips are known. get rid of from them with the help of insecticidal preparations.

It is difficult to imagine that large snow-white flowers of a recognizable shape grow from a bulb in just a few months. Besides, they are real home first aid kit.

On the basis of the petals, you can always cook useful tincture.

And so that the head is not spinning from the aroma, it is better to keep lilies on the balcony. Moreover, they themselves love fresh air.

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Lilies are familiar to all lovers of decorative flowers. The most popular of them are snow-white, symbolizing purity and purity. These representatives of a large family of lilies, originating from China, have been cultivated throughout the world for centuries. But there are many more varieties of flowers that look like lilies. First of all, these are their relatives in the family: goose onion, kandyk, tricirtis, daylilies. There are similar flowers in other families.

Lilies are one of the most beautiful flowers

List of lily-like plants: a brief description of the species and photographs of flowers

Another name for the lily - Greek - hipperastrum, which means "cavalry star". His beautiful perennial deserved for the resemblance of large funnel-shaped flowers with a star. On each peduncle, from 2 to 6 elegant flowers of various colors and sizes appear. Brindle and spotted varieties are known. Most of them have a strong smell. And not everything can be kept in residential premises.

The main distinguishing features of the hipperastrums are also found in many other bulbous plants belonging to different families. . Some of them are even confused with lilies. Often in the second names of the plant there is the word "lily". In addition to the already named flowers of the same family with them, this also applies to perennials from the Amaryllis family - amaryllis, eucharis, wallot and others, and they will be discussed.

Goose onion is a herbaceous honey plant from the lily family, originally from northern Africa. More than a hundred species are known. Goose onion blooms one of the first, therefore it has earned the name "yellow snowdrop". Up to 10 delicate, yellow flowers appear on the inflorescence. They also look like stars, only small, but as bright as their enlarged counterparts. Outside, the flowers are green, they sit on low stems with elongated leaves, and grow from small, scaly bulbs. These perennials love the sun and fertile, loose soil without stagnant moisture.


Translated from ancient Greek, kandyk means red, and for the shape of the bulb it is also called "dog's fang". Plants originate from the subtropics and belong to the lily. Their stems are low, oblong bulbs sit deep in the soil. And the drooping, appearing in early spring, delicate flowers are painted in pink, purple, white, and more often yellow. By summer, the ground part of perennials dies off. They are rare in our country, mainly growing in the mountains.

Another representative of the lilies is cardiocritum, for the shape of the leaves it is called the "heart-shaped lily". Over the season, they change color from bronze to olive red, and then turn dark green. Rising up almost 2 meters in the form of a palm-like rosette of leaves, the hollow stems of cardiocritum release racemose inflorescences by mid-summer. They can have 5-30 fragrant, large green-white flowers resembling lilies. They are called "giant lilies". After flowering, the plants die off, and in the spring they are reborn with the help of daughter bulbs and seeds.


Tricyrtis is a herbaceous perennial from the lily family, originating from the East Asian region. In the Philippines, it is called "toad lily", because. the smell of its juice attracts edible frogs. In Europe, for the shape of the flower, it is also called the garden orchid. Large flowers grow singly, or gather in bunches on the tops of half-meter stems, or they can hide in leaves. They are white, yellow or cream colored. And they can be, like lilies, spotted with delicate pubescence of the petals.

This African perennial is a close relative of amaryllis from a common family with it. It differs from it in a smaller bulb and narrower and longer leaves. This indoor flower, similar to a lily, with red, white or pink flowers, appearing in the second year.

This is an extremely prolific plant, with a large number of children, abundant flowering, which is not hindered by a cramped pot and uncomfortable growing conditions.

Eucharis is a bulbous perennial plant from the Amaryllis family, native to the foothills of the Andes and the Amazon. Therefore, it is erroneously called the "Amazon lily". The inaccuracy is that the appearance of a snow-white large flower is more like a narcissus. Inside the gracefully sloping corolla is a green-yellow crown. No wonder the name of the fragrant flower in Greek means "full of charms." In garden-room floriculture, it has been known for more than a century and a half.

Each inflorescence of a dozen flowers (with their alternate disclosure) lives up to 3 weeks. Flowering occurs in August-September, and under favorable conditions can be observed twice a season - in spring and autumn.

All amaryllis are poisonous. They can cause vomiting, indigestion, and kidney problems.

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Alstroemeria is a member of the family of the same name and is considered a close relative of the lily. It is also known as the Peruvian lily. This flower really resembles a miniature lily, and comes from the cold regions of the Andes. Exquisite flowers of various colors inside are covered with the same specks as real lilies. There are pink, white, purple, yellow and burgundy flowers. They can also be bicolored and are often used in cut compositions.

Although the plant does not look like an orchid, it is often referred to as an orchid in the sale. This species in the Caucasian subtropics can winter without shelter.


The genus Amaryllis includes only one species, Amaryllis belladonna. The plant is not common in Russia and little is known to flower growers. A native of South Africa at home grows up to 70 cm. It has narrow half-meter leaves arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The pear-shaped bulb, incompletely immersed in the soil, releases several multi-flowered arrows. Large flowers are made up of six red or pink petals.

The bulbs of amaryllis and similar hippeastrums are extremely sensitive even to a short-term temperature passage through the zero mark.

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We have considered far from all the flowers that look like a lily, but only the most famous ones.