Babylonian willow - description, planting and care. Willow of Babylon We plant in the garden

Babylonian willow - description, planting and care

In the article we discuss the willow of Babylon. We talk about planting and caring for her. You will learn about the main varieties of this crop.

Description: Babylon willow

Willow Babylon (aka weeping willow) is rightfully considered the most beautiful tree, which is often chosen for planting in parks in the south of the country. In height, the culture can reach 12 m, and the diameter of the trunk exceeds one and a half meters. The crown gives extraordinary beauty to the culture. Its thin branches are greenish-golden or red in color, like streams of a waterfall, falling to the very ground.

Weeping willow is considered to be the birthplace of Northern China, while according to some sources, the culture was also common in Central China. In Russia, there are no more than 200 varieties of this culture.

This culture loves well-lit areas with plenty of moisture. As a rule, the tree grows in lowlands on sands and damp river valleys. Resistant to cold, but in severe frosts it can freeze slightly.

The trunk and branches of the culture are rather knotty. As a culture matures, it becomes more knotty.

As a rule, pollination falls on April and May. At this time, bees and other insects flock to the aroma. The culture's earrings are thin, with leaves that are at the base.

A characteristic feature of the root system is the continuous growth until it finds a place from which it will fully stock up with the necessary moisture for proper growth and development.

Landing and care

When choosing a seat for a weeping willow, keep in mind that it should be protected as much as possible from the effects of cold winds. This tree will be a wonderful decoration not only for the park, but also for the backyard. For seedlings, it is recommended to use male willows: it is quite simple to distinguish them from female willows; during the flowering period, annoying fluff does not form on the earrings.

You can plant a crop both in the southern regions of the country and in the northern ones, including the Moscow region. When a tree is frostbitten, it can quickly recover. A feature of the weeping willow is its similarity to a sprawling green tent.

Young crop seedlings must be covered with agrofiber for the winter, and the root system with dry leaves. With age, the frost resistance of the tree will increase, so you do not have to protect it for the winter.

It is recommended to plant a tree near a reservoir, if possible. In this case, the roots of the tree can independently extract the required amount of moisture, and the need for watering disappears. If there is no source of water nearby, then the tree will often have to be watered, of course, taking into account precipitation.

On lowlands with regular stagnant water, the culture will be beneficial, as it is able to perform the function of biodrainage. An adult tree can absorb and evaporate up to one hundred cubic meters of water during the growing season, protecting the site and other plants from excess moisture. Also, a tree can absorb heavy metal salts from the soil, so it is often planted to clean up contaminated areas.

The root system of a tree grows in width and depth. Thanks to this feature, the tree is reborn even if the upper part of the roots freezes in winter.

For 5-6 years the tree reaches its maximum height. Therefore, consider this feature when choosing a seat for a tree crop. Near the tree, you can plant 1-year-old shrubs, flowers. After the willow is fully raised in height, you can begin to take care of the formation of its permanent environment with various plants.

Before planting in a seat, it is necessary to pour out the composition of garden soil, peat and compost - all these components must be used in equal amounts. You can also add some sand if the soil is heavy. Pour a bucket of water into the hole, then place a seedling in its middle, straighten the roots and cover the tree with earth, then water it again.

It is necessary to plant seedlings that are grown in containers together with the earth, in this case it is easier for them to take root at any time of the year. Open-rooted seedlings should be planted in early spring or autumn, at or after leaf fall.

Feeding the tree should be carried out in summer and autumn. Weeping willow is not very resistant to pests and diseases. Most often affected by powdery mildew, fruit moth. Prevent diseases and pests in the spring, then spray every month.


Below we will talk about the main varieties of culture that are actively used by gardeners.


It is a low dwarf tree growing up to 2 m. The unusual beauty of the culture is given by leaves of a dark green color, highly shiny and reminiscent of small flowers of a home decorative rose.

Crispa does not tolerate frost and cold wind, but quickly recovers in spring. This variety of willow is planted in the form of a green fence or decorative labyrinths.

Tortuosa (tortuosa)

It is a shrub reaching 2 m in height, with strongly twisted branches. The winding branches have a golden hue, which looks especially advantageous against the background of green foliage.

Tortuosa is whimsical to lighting, grows well only in sunny and warm areas. It does not tolerate cold, even in the warm season, it needs maximum protection from the wind. Likes excessive watering, easily transferring stagnant water.

In the north, a crop can freeze to the point where it is covered with snow. But thanks to a well-developed root system, the shrub will recover in spring.

How is reproduction

The tree is propagated by means of cuttings. Growing a crop is quite easy, just stick it in the soil rich in moisture. Or you can place the cutting in water, wait for the first roots to appear, and then plant it in the soil.

At least 6-8 buds should be present on the handle. Willow Babylon quickly and easily gets used to a new place. A large tree will look attractive near the water, and ornamental shrubs are perfect for decorating personal plots.

You can buy weeping willow on our website. We offer only high-quality plant seedlings with a high survival rate.

Willow Babylon Crispa

Babylonian willow Crispa

Salix babylonica Crispa

Willow Babylon Crispa is out of stock this year. We offer a replacement for an absolutely identical variety, or.

Form: Tree up to 5 m tall. Annual growth is about 30 cm.

Leaves: lanceolate, up to 10 cm long, with a steeply spiral arrangement, narrowly lanceolate, pointed, finely serrated along the edge, up to 16 cm long, with a width of 1-2 cm. Young leaves are bright green, later green, slightly shiny, from below - bluish narrow, curved like ram's horns. Female specimens have especially long shoots.

flower earrings: thin, short-petiolate, with leaflets at the base.

Blooms: after the leaves bloom.

The soil: Grows well in any soil, as long as it is sufficiently moist, in sunny to semi-shady places.

It is better to buy Crisp Babylonian willow seedlings in Ukraine (acclimatized) in a plastic container with fertilizers, so the plant is not subjected to digging with inevitable damage to the root system and is guaranteed to take root after planting.

Care: prevent drying of the soil and compaction (cementation) of the soil.

Frost resistance: Incompletely frost-resistant (in severe frosts, young shoots can freeze over), but it is easily regenerated. In Ukraine, well-groomed plants winter without problems. The photos were taken in the Ternopil region.

Zone 6B.

You can buy Babylon Crispa Willow in Kyiv at low prices in the PROXIMA plant nursery.

Read more about planting and caring for plants with photos in the "Planting, care" section.

Willow is a deciduous tree or shrub that grows mainly in temperate climates. There are separate varieties in the tropics and even beyond the Arctic Circle. Archaeologists have found imprints of willow leaves on Cretaceous deposits over several tens of millions of years old.

Willow has long been used as an ornamental plant, the most famous willows of the genus will be considered in this article.

White willow, or silver willow, is a powerful tree, at a mature age it reaches 25 meters in height. The tree has a lush crown, consisting of long, gently falling stems with green, silvery foliage. In April, the willow blooms with yellow flowers, popularly called cats, the flowers, indeed, look like pieces of fur.

White willow is in demand in landscape design. It grows rapidly, endures a frosty climate, develops on almost any soil, and tolerates a haircut painlessly. Willow is not afraid of moisture, even in excess, loves sunlight. Mature trees have a crown up to 20 meters in diameter.
The most popular decorative forms of white willow:

  • Argentea- a tree with falling shoots, up to 25 meters high, the glossy upper side of the leaf is dark green, the lower side is whitish, during flowering the crown is literally strewn with bright yellow catkins.
  • Limpde- a tree 20-40 meters in height, distinguished by the yellow color of the stems. Lush crown in the shape of a cone about 12 meters in diameter. Honey plant, blooms in April, frost-resistant variety.
  • Tristis- height up to 20 meters, with a spreading crown up to 20 meters in diameter, yellow bark and branches. Willow is a honey plant, blooms in April, almost simultaneously with the blooming of foliage.

Willow of Babylon

Babylon willow is a low tree up to 15 meters, with a spreading weeping crown 10 meters in diameter. Willow branches, in addition to green, can have both yellow and red shades, the branches are almost bare, with glossy bark, hanging down to the ground. Oblong-shaped green leaves along the edge have small teeth, they begin to turn yellow closer to January. After the leaves bloom, the willow is covered with thin white-yellow catkin flowers. Willow has good winter hardiness and is not capricious in cultivation.

This is a shrub of two meters in height, an interesting feature of the variety is twisted branches of yellowish-golden color, which look spectacular against the background of bright green foliage. This variety is afraid of the cold, but quickly recovers if it freezes. Tortuosa needs a lot of light to grow.
Willow Babylon Crispa. This is a dwarf variety, no more than two meters in height. The shrub is decorative due to unusual foliage: leaf plates of saturated green color are twisted in the shape of a flower, covered with gloss.

Willow kanginskaya

Willow Kanginskaya - a variety of special selection, the Latin name of the willow is Salix Kangensis Nakai. The variety is represented by two varieties: a tree and a shrub. Both the one and the other form of the plant grows up to 10 meters tall. The leaves differ in size from each other: on sprout stems, the length is up to 20 cm, on fruiting stems, the leaves are half as long. Leaf plates are lanceolate, pubescent with a pile. Willow blooms in early spring, is distinguished by lush flowering. Prefers to grow on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water, loves good lighting, winter-hardy, this willow is a honey plant. In nature, it is distributed in the Primorsky Territory, in Korea and in the northeastern regions of China.

Did you know? The ancient Slavs honored willow as a sacred tree of life, the tree was a symbol of the god Yarila. The followers of Buddhism believe that the willow is a symbol of the spring rebirth of nature. Taoists called the willow a symbol of the manifestation of strength in weakness because of the bending but not breaking stems. A sacred tree, near which prayers were offered to the gods, willow was among the ancient peoples of Mexico and North American Indians.

The Caspian willow variety grows as a shrub, a branchy shrub with a fan-shaped crown, long thin stems. The bark of the willow is gray-green in color, the leaves are glossy, bright green, elongated. The length of the leaves is 10 centimeters, the height of the bush is three meters, the crown is almost two meters in diameter. Willow blooms in May and blooms for only three days. Winter-hardy, but does not like severe frosts. In landscape design, it is used to decorate artificial reservoirs or natural streams and ponds, its root system, growing, strengthens the banks well.

Goat willow, or bredana, is a small tree with cascading branches. Goat willow is absolutely unpretentious: it is not afraid of shade, moist soil, grows on any soil, winter-hardy. The plant is often planted near water bodies. Willow blooms from April to May with yellow-tinted cat flowers. The crown shape of the goat willow is weeping. The most popular types of wood:

  • goat willow Pendula- a tree with a weeping crown, silver-green leaves and golden seals. Frost-resistant, loves lighted areas, grows well in partial shade. Willow Pendula is not higher than two meters, the diameter of the crown is up to one and a half meters.
  • Zilbergglyants- a tree up to eight meters high, stems - gently falling down, crown diameter - about five meters. The tree blooms in April.
  • willow goat Mac- a tree or shrub, the height of the tree is up to 10 meters, the diameter of the spreading crown is up to six meters. In the lower part of the trunk, the bark is in small cracks, above it becomes smooth, gray-green in color. Beautiful bluish-green leaves have a pleasant aroma.

Interesting! People say that the heart of the willow dies first: it rots from the core of the trunk. Interestingly, because of this, it was believed that if a child was whipped with a willow rod, it would not grow, moreover, in those days, for disobedience, they were flogged with willow rods. Apparently, therefore, in ancient times there were more short people.

Willow brittle

Brittle willow, rakita, as it is also called, is a medium-sized tree (up to 20 meters) or a shrub. Her crown is in the shape of a tent, the stems are not very flexible, breaking, which gave rise to such a name for the willow. Stems are not pubescent, green, glossy, sticky at the beginning of plant development. The leaves are large 15 cm long, lanceolate, with a serrated edge, a sharp tip. The tree blooms when the leaves open - in May-April, with long yellow-green catkins.
The brittle willow variety Bullata is well known and popular. It has a spherical, softly rounded crown. The structure and development of the tree is somewhat reminiscent of a jellyfish. The sphere of the crown consists of branching stems located in a dome, and at the bottom, upward-growing shoots, as it were, support this dome. The foliage grows so densely that the tree seems to be covered with a green velvet cape.

This tree in its natural environment lives in Korea and China. The tree grows up to 13 meters high, it has a slender, straight trunk, a pyramid-shaped crown. Long, slender, ascending stems are hairy when young, olive in color with a yellowish sheen. Castings are narrow, elongated up to 10 cm in length. Along with the blooming of the leaves, fluffy catkins bloom. Willow Matsuda loves good lighting, warmth, does not tolerate temperature changes, grows on nutritious soils.

Important! Most varieties and types of willow grow quickly, so they need regular pruning, if this is not done, the tree or shrub will grow into a shapeless mass. A tree or bush that has reached 80 cm in height begins to cut.

Holly willow has many names - red sheluga, red willow, willow. This is a tree or tall shrub with a reddish tint to the branches, which is reflected in the name. In addition to color, the stems are distinguished by a wax coating on the bark. It occurs naturally in the regions of Ciscaucasia, throughout the European part of Russia. Grows in forest tundra, sandstones and near water bodies. The willow grows up to 10 meters tall, its crown is sprawling, oval in shape, the leaves are long and narrow, dark green in color, the petioles of the leaf plates are red-yellow. Blooms before the leaves open. In the landscape, it is used in plantings near water bodies, in parks, as a hedge. Among the people, willow cat-earrings are used in a religious ceremony on Palm Sunday. Willow twigs are used to make furniture, baskets and other household utensils.
The most decorative form of willow is Tatar willow. This plant with a weeping crown is strewn with white catkins during flowering.

Attention! If you are growing an eared or brittle willow, considerin the heat, provided there is no reservoir next to the tree, it must be watered and sprayed often. White willow is more resistant to drought.

Creeping willow Armando is a standard variety, a low shrub with thin, flexible stems. The bush has a wide crown up to three meters in diameter, the height of the bush is not more than a meter. The foliage is matte, the upper part of the leaf is green, the lower part is grayish, pubescent. It blooms with fluffy gray-pink earrings. Willow is resistant to low temperatures, loves good lighting and moisture. This variety can also be grown indoors in a tub. On the site, it is used in the design of stone gardens, decorating slides, rockeries, and reservoirs.

The willow willow, or hemp willow, inhabits most of Russia and the Baltic states. She loves the banks of rivers, forests and forest-steppes. This is a tall shrub up to eight meters, with a spreading crown, long shoots, twigs covered with pile, as the pile grows, it disappears. The leaves are long and narrow with a curved edge, the lower plate with a pile. Willow received its second name for the shape and arrangement of the leaves: they look like hemp leaves. Willow blooms before the leaves bloom, it has long catkins (6 cm) in the shape of a cylinder, it blooms for only two weeks.
This type of willow is well suited for weaving baskets, fences. The bush grows quickly, tolerates frost well, is not picky about the soil and conditions.

This type of willow is unusual because of the red color of the stems. It is a shrub with a ball-shaped crown, thin and long shoots and silver-green leaves. The bush grows up to five meters in height, the crown is also about five meters in diameter. Purple willow blooms in May, the flowers have a purple hue.

  • Lighthouse variety. Ornamental shrub with pink branches, resistant to low temperatures. Prefers sunny areas and moderate humidity. The height of the bush is three meters, the diameter of the spherical crown is the same.
  • Variety Nana. Shrub growing no more than one and a half meters, luxuriantly blooming, not capricious to the soil and growing conditions. Frost resistant. But from strong winds you need to shelter. The bush has a rounded crown and brownish shoots, blooms with greenish flowers.
  • Pendula. Shrub no more than three meters tall, crown lush, weeping, green foliage with a blue tint, purple flowers. Frost-resistant, moisture-loving, light-loving, drought may not be tolerated. Looks good and grows near water bodies.

Rosemary willow is also called Siberian willow, netal and nicelose. This is a meter-long shrub with a voluminous crown, purple shoots. The shrub has fluffy leaves, dark green above and gray below. Willow blooms with yellow or red catkins in May, catkins have a delicate aroma. The variety is frost-resistant and unpretentious in cultivation, grows slowly, on any soil.

Weeping willows, sadly bending their beautiful branches over the water, are familiar to each of us. To date, more than 600 species of this elegant tree are known. However, in Russia you can find no more than two hundred varieties of willow. The most common type is shrubs. It is found in many regions of the country. Shrubs perfectly adapt to any weather conditions, surviving even under adverse conditions. Trees choose their own specific places of growth. Today's article is about

Willow of Babylon

Babylon willow is considered one of the most beautiful trees, which is often chosen to decorate the parks of southern Russia. The tree usually grows up to 12 meters high. The trunk is large enough in diameter, maybe more than 1.5 meters. The crown gives a special beauty to the tree: thin branches, like jets of a waterfall, descend to the very ground. Their color is also attractive: reddish or green with a golden tint. The birthplace of the Babylonian willow is considered to be Northern China. Although, as biologists say, this variety was also common in Central China.

However, the tree easily adapted to the more severe Russian climate. It is not for nothing that the willow is called weeping, not only because of the branches lowered to the ground, resembling a mournfully bowed head, but also because this tree grows in damp river valleys or in lowlands on the sands.


Babylonian willow is a tree that loves a lot of sun, but no less moisture. It is resistant to frost, but in severe winters it can freeze a lot. When planting a tree, one should take into account the security of the landing site from winter winds and frosts. It is better to choose those places where the tree will be as closed as possible. The trunk, like the branches, is quite knotty. The older the tree gets, the more powerful its knots become. Pollination occurs in April - May, when not only bees, but also other insects flock to the smell. Willow catkins are thin, with leaves located at the very base.

The root system of the tree is distinctive: it will grow until it finds a place from where it will be fully supplied with the moisture necessary for full growth.

Planting in the garden

Babylonian willow will be a wonderful decoration not only for the park area, but also for the summer cottage or garden plot. Male willows are more suitable for seedlings: they compare favorably with female willows in that during flowering, annoying fluff does not form on the catkins. You can plant willow even in the northern regions. If the tree still gets frostbite, it will recover just as quickly. The willow of Babylon is good because it looks like a beautiful sprawling green tent.

By the way, you can have picnics under the branches of this tree, hiding from the intense heat in the warm season. Which varieties among gardeners are in great demand, we will consider below.

Yves Tortuosa

Experienced gardeners will certainly recommend such a variety of this tree as the Babylonian willow Tortuosa. Its description is not at all similar to the previous one. It is a shrub up to two meters tall, with strongly twisted branches. The sinuous branches have a golden appearance, which looks very advantageous against the background of bright green foliage. This variety of willow is very demanding on lighting, it needs a lot of sunlight and heat.

But Tortuosa does not tolerate the cold at all. Therefore, even in the warm season, it is worth protecting the willow from the wind as much as possible. Tortuosa (Babylon willow) is very fond of watering. Due to the accumulation of water in the rhizome, it easily tolerates stagnation. In the northern regions of the country, Tortuosa can freeze in winter to the level to which it will be covered with snow. However, again, thanks to the root system, the shrub is quickly restored.

Iva Crispa

Another interesting variety is the Babylon Crispa willow. Its description will be as follows: it is a small dwarf tree that can grow no more than two meters in height. The special beauty of this variety lies in its leaves. They are dark green, very shiny and look a lot like the small flowers of an ornamental house rose.

The shrub is also sensitive to cold weather, but if it freezes, then, like the previous varieties, it quickly recovers. Willow Crispa is planted as a green fence or decorative labyrinths. It is noteworthy that this variety was obtained by Russian gardeners only about 30 years ago. But today Crispa has gained wide popularity in the most beautiful park areas of our country.


How is the Babylonian willow planted? Reproduction occurs with the help of cuttings. Growing a willow is fairly easy. This is the species they say about: stick it in the ground, it will sprout by itself. The only condition is a sufficient amount of moisture. You can also simply place the cutting in water and wait until the first roots appear.

It is important to leave at least 6-8 buds on the handle. Babylonian willow (a photo of the tree can be seen in the article) quickly gets used to a new place. If the tree will look more beautiful near the water, then shrub species are perfect for decorating the site.

The branches will intertwine over time stronger and stronger, forming a natural living and almost impassable fence. When planting several willows on a garden plot, it is important to remember that the distance between them must be large enough, otherwise the crowns of these magnificent trees will not be able to fully open up, showing all their natural beauty.


Willow of Babylon (Salix Babylonica)- a tree 10-12 m high, trunk 50-60 cm in diameter. The crown consists of long, thin branches hanging to the ground - bare, shiny, reddish or yellowish-green in color. The most beautiful of weeping trees, one of the best decorations of parks in the far south of Russia. It comes from the regions of Central and Northern China.

Main View: H e more than 15 m in height, with a large, beautiful, weeping crown up to 10 m in diameter, formed by thin, hanging to the ground, flexible, yellowish-green, bare, shiny branches.
Place of growth: Grows in damp river valleys, in the lowlands on the sands.
Trunk, bark: The trunk and large branches are curved, knotty. The trunk diameter is 50-60 cm. The trunks of old trees often break or form hollows. The bark of young trees is smooth, but quickly becomes wrinkled; in old trees it is in deep longitudinal cracks, light brown. The shoots are thin, hanging to the ground, reach a length of 3-4 m, flexible, yellowish-green, glabrous, shiny. Female plants have especially long shoots.
Flowering time: Flower catkins are thin, short-petiolate, with leaves at the base. Pollinated by bees and other insects. Flowering in April-May (a little later than the leaves bloom).
Soils, moisture requirements: It grows well on a variety of soils, but prefers fresh and fairly moist. Moisture-loving.
Illumination: Photophilous.
Frost resistance: It is frost-resistant, but in severe winters it can freeze slightly. It is necessary to plant in places protected from winter winds.
Root system: Powerful, wide, grows until a source of water is found.
Peculiarities: It fixes the soil well. The tree is fragile, with strong winds its branches often break off. Honey plant.

Beneficial features:

* White willow bark has antipyretic (due to the content of acetylsalicylic acid), astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anthelmintic and diuretic effects. In fact, willow bark contains a miraculous substance called salicin. On its basis, salicylic acid was synthesized, later it began to be produced on an industrial scale under the name aspirin.

* Tea made from fresh leaves relieves fatigue, osteochondrosis and gout are treated with a willow broom in a bath. The quinine contained in it is a powerful remedy against malaria.

* Positive results were also achieved in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea. Willow is also used externally: for rinsing the mouth, throat, douching, with varicose veins, sweating of the legs, skin diseases. The plant is used as a sedative, anti-fever and wound healing agent, and a weak decoction of the bark treats weakened and brittle hair, saturating them with all the necessary substances.

* Its ability to absorb heavy metals allowed it to purify polluted fields. It has been experimentally established that willow is one of the best dust-retaining plants. An adult plant grown in an unshaped form retains up to 38 kg of dust over the summer.