Effective ways to deal with moisture in the chicken coop. Making proper ventilation in the barn Condensation on the ceiling in the barn

As a rule, ventilation in the barn is required by the owners who use it as a chicken coop, barn. In winter, birds or animals are constantly in the barn. Their waste products emit ammonia, and they themselves exhale carbon dioxide in large quantities. Simple airing of the barn is impossible when it is twenty degrees below zero outside. Therefore, zealous owners provide livestock with fresh air, equipping ventilation in the barn with their own hands.

How to ventilate a barn

Before you make ventilation in the barn, you should start with the insulation of the room. Non-insulated walls become damp, condensation collects on them. Even the presence of ventilation does not save the situation. If the barn is heated in winter, without ventilation there will simply be nothing to breathe in it. The easiest and cheapest way to do-it-yourself barn ventilation equipment is natural inflow and blowing.

Large diameter pipes (10 - 15 cm) are suitable as air ducts, they can be of any section (round or square). Pipe connections should be made tight, otherwise there will be no draft.

The inflow of fresh air into the shed is ensured by the outlet of the pipe to the street at the level of the floor of the shed.

For outflow, holes are made in the three corners of the ceiling and pipes are inserted. They should fall below the ceiling level by about 25 - 30 centimeters. An adapter for sewerage can be put on the pipe outlets, so the two pipes will go out horizontally in different directions. The outlet of the exhaust pipes should be closed with special caps - umbrellas, so that water does not drip into them and snow does not fall.

Carbon dioxide and ammonia are collected under the ceiling and pulled out through the holes. And fresh air enters the barn from the lower pipe into the barn.

Forced ventilation of the barn

Forced ventilation in the barn is even easier to organize. But there must be a power source in the room. A conventional kitchen hood without a filter is mounted. Such models are equipped with an exhaust fan that blows air from the room into the ventilation system. In the shed, it is necessary to bring the pipe outside, and attach the inner end to the hood. If the room contains chickens, it is advisable to cover the outlet of the hood with a net.

After the ventilation in the barn is done, it is necessary to check it for drafts. They are very harmful to any livestock and birds. And in order to regulate the temperature in the chicken coop in winter, a plug is installed on the inlet of the inflow pipe. It can be removed at any time or moved a little, leaving a very small gap.

As a rule, ventilation is required to keep pets, chickens and other poultry in the barn. In autumn and winter, the inhabitants of this room are constantly in it. In the process of their vital activity, ammonia and carbon dioxide are released in huge quantities. Normal ventilation of the building for animals during this period is not possible due to severe frosts, as well as drafts. Therefore, the provision of fresh air is carried out thanks to the hood, which can be equipped with your own hands.

Need for ventilation

In the household, for breeding cows, pigs, goats, sheep, rabbits and various birds, special buildings are needed. For this purpose, a shed is usually equipped, which includes separate blocks for finding animals, storing equipment and prepared feed. For this, it is not enough for a building to be insulated only; it must have excellent air exchange.

The specifics of the microclimate

In the absence of a ventilation system or its improper organization, the waste products of the livestock living in the barn make the air stale and create an oxygen deficiency. Which, in turn, adversely affects the health of the animals in it. Especially well-being is necessary for rushing bird species.

To maintain optimal humidity inside the building, straw, hay and sawdust, which can perfectly absorb and retain moisture, are considered suitable materials for its construction. The temperature that meets the requirements for keeping animals varies from +18 °C to +22 °C at a humidity of 80–85%. If these indicators deviate, the animals are at risk of colds.

Properly equipped ventilation prevents deviations from the norm and promotes proper air exchange, which is an important condition for the full development and reproduction of animals.

Ways to organize air exchange

Before proceeding with the installation of ventilation, it is necessary to insulate the barn. This measure will prevent the occurrence of condensation and dampness. The choice of the type of hood depends on the purpose of the structure and the requirements for the conditions of keeping certain animals. Too intensive ventilation leads to icing out of the room and hypothermia of living creatures, and minimized air supply will lead to the multiplication of various microorganisms. There are the following types of air exchange:

  • Natural, in which air flows pass and are removed from the room through the channels equipped for this. Air masses move due to the difference in pressure and temperature inside and outside the building.
  • Forced, when air movement occurs due to additional devices.

The first type of room ventilation has a number of disadvantages:

  • the impossibility of assessing the power of the system;
  • lack of temperature and humidity control;
  • the formation of areas with still air in the process of circulation;
  • penetration into the room along with oxygen of dust and various pathogens contained in the atmosphere;
  • the dependence of the microclimate inside the building on the climatic conditions outside.

Natural ventilation can be improved with accessories such as a light ridge (installed on the roof of the building) and ventilation grilles on the walls. A light horse is a device that has an exhaust pipe and a device for lighting.

Features of the arrangement of air exchange

Forced (artificial) ventilation has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of correcting microclimate indicators;
  • accelerated process of air exchange;
  • effective elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • absence of stagnant zones in the air.

The disadvantage of this type of ventilation is complicated installation and significant material costs.

Installing the hood

The arrangement of the ventilation system in the barn is a fairly common solution. In most cases, this process is carried out independently. Before performing work, it is necessary to determine the type of future air exchange, familiarize yourself with its scheme and principle of operation.

Construction device

The main condition for the effective functioning of ventilation is its competent design before installation. A detailed diagram will provide an opportunity to foresee all the subtleties and adhere to the requirements during installation. It includes simple elements:

  • supply network equipped with a valve and gratings;
  • hood with an aerodynamic device (deflector);
  • fan and heating structure.

During the installation of the natural air exchange structure, it is recommended to arrange the supply passages along the line of one wall (like windows) and isolate them from the main room using a partition that has an opening under the ceiling. The cold air entering the barn through the supply holes descends, and then, heating up, crosses the partition. The exhaust air is removed through the exhaust pipe brought to the ceiling. This kind of system protects living creatures in the room from hypothermia.

Scheme of air movement with a natural ventilation system

Ventilation pipes differ from each other in their shape and materials used for manufacturing.

Such ventilation can be improved with the help of the ceiling and floor. Fresh air entering through windows or other passages intended for this enters a special room with an opening leading to the attic. Heated air rises through the same openings. The fresh and heated air then enters the animals through passages in the ceiling of the main room. There are openings in the floor of this room that go to the basement and are designed to remove exhaust air. In turn, an exhaust pipe is installed in the basement.

Scheme of air movement with a modernized natural ventilation system


Even a non-professional can carry out work on installing ventilation in a barn. This process does not require certain efforts, for this it is enough to follow the instructions. For the arrangement you will need the following materials:

  • pipes with the required diameter and shape;
  • corner elements for connecting pipes (if the outlet is mounted through a wall);
  • deflectors;
  • material for insulation;
  • plugs or valves;
  • lattice;
  • elements for fastening and fixing;
  • fan (for forced system);
  • heating device.

When laying electrical communications in parallel, it is necessary to purchase all the materials required for this, which have moisture-proof properties (wires, sockets, switches).

A supply pipe is installed through the ceiling or wall, its elevation above the floor is at least twenty centimeters. The pipes at the inlet and outlet must have the same diameter, which is approximately 100-150 millimeters. The location of the upper end of the pipe should not exceed ten centimeters from the ceiling level.

The exhaust pipe is insulated with high quality, this protects against the formation of condensate, which contributes to the formation of frost, which stops the movement of air flows. As a material for insulation, mineral wool or a box with sawdust, fixed around the pipe, is ideal.

The location of the outlet pipe is permissible at least 150 above the roof; protection in the form of a lattice against the penetration of insects and rodents must be attached to its openings.

The pipes at the exit from above are equipped with a deflector or an analogue made independently. Aerodynamics is necessary to protect the pipe from various contaminants, leaves and precipitation, and it also has the ability to increase the ventilation of air flows. In order to increase traction, on the outlet pipe an auxiliary fan is installed. It must not be placed on the supply pipe. Each of the two pipes is in opposite corners of the barn in a vertical position. For free regulation of the inflow and removal of air masses, they are equipped with dampers.

Sheds with two tiers are often built to accommodate birds and rabbits. Such premises are equipped in several ways. In one case, a single ventilation system is installed, covering two floors at once, in its design it is similar to a system using a floor and a ceiling. In the second option, a separate air exchange system is created for each level, this method requires large material costs, but is highly efficient.

Humid, stagnant air harms absolutely any animal, so even in winter it is necessary to ensure good air exchange in the barn. However, an easy task can only be called conditionally, since you have to solve several problems at once, which you may not have had to deal with before. There are three main ones among them:

  • high humidity;
  • shed hypothermia;
  • very fast freezing of the exhaust pipe.

That is, the usual version of supply and exhaust ventilation, "as is", does not work - in addition to the correct placement of the supply and exhaust pipes, these factors must also be taken into account. It just turns out at first glance an insoluble problem: if we create a good air circulation, the room will be supercooled, but if we limit the air circulation, dampness will collect on the walls and ceiling. However, as one proverb says - even if you are eaten, you have two choices!

There are two ways out in this situation. The first is the use of moisture-absorbing materials in case of excessive dampness. These include quicklime (you can put boxes with material in the corners), dry sawdust, straw and hay, moss and peat. In addition to their absorbent properties, the materials will also serve as bedding.

By the way, peat is the most preferred, dry peat is able to absorb moisture many times more than its own weight!

A few words about sawdust - they cannot be dry if they or the treated wood have not been dried beforehand. Farmers forget about this quite often and subsequently are perplexed - the sawdust has been laid, but the dampness in the barn is still the same! But do not think that if you have absorbent bedding, you should not do ventilation at all - we just came up with a solution to the moisture problem!

By the way, there is another option for drying the air - put a heater, whether oil or infrared, on the inlet or in its immediate vicinity (so that fresh air passes through the device). In extreme cases, you can conduct wiring and equip a simple lamp of at least 150 watts inside the hood itself. Of course, do not forget about the fire system - limit the access of animals to the heater using a grate. The advantage of this method - in addition to reducing dampness, you will also heat the air, minus - additional costs for electricity.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the barn is the secret to proper exhaust!

Consider the option of how to make ventilation in a new barn when you do not need to solve a number of accumulated problems. A quite ordinary supply and exhaust system, equipped in accordance with all the rules with some additions, will help us out. The supply pipe should be located half a meter above the ground - if you expect to use a hole in a door or wall instead of an inflow, then this is not the best option, since such an arrangement will contribute to the rapid cooling of the room. With the right arrangement, warm air will mix evenly with cold air.

The exhaust pipe should have the same diameter as the supply pipe - usually 150 mm is enough for such purposes. However, unlike the supply air, it should end directly above the ceiling, be well insulated and rise above the roof at least one and a half meters! It is necessary to insulate it, because in winter the condensate forms many layers of frost, and the pipe will stop letting air through. If it is possible to purchase foil-clad mineral wool, insulate with mineral wool, but if there are no problems with wood in your region, insulate the pipe with a box filled with sawdust.

Do not forget to cover the top of the pipe with a "fungus" or a deflector to protect it from precipitation - a device that increases traction. If for some reason the draft in the exhaust pipe is insufficient, you need to increase it with a fan, but in no case should the fan be installed on the supply! Without fail, make movable dampers on both pipes in order to regulate the air circulation at different times of the year and for different “inhabitants” - requires some conditions, a room for pigs or cows requires others.

When to solve problems - effective methods

Sometimes it is not possible to come to the right hood right away - they begin to take the problem seriously when it has already declared itself in the loudest way: a layer of mold on the walls and ceiling, falling off plaster and animal diseases. In this case, even with the arrangement of proper ventilation, it will be necessary to make a lot of efforts to get rid of the accumulated problems.

First, take care of a dry litter of peat or sawdust. A few boxes of quicklime will not hurt either. However, these are additional measures - as the main event, there should be serious drying with a heat gun. The room should be heated for several days until the walls dry properly. It is better to prime already dried walls with antiseptic compounds.

In the home courtyard, outbuildings are used as a barn, goat house, chicken coop, pigsty, etc. Usually a barn is adapted for this purpose. But for the cultivation of birds, animals for sale, enterprising owners build special blocks with a room for household inventory, a silo pit, etc. The productive growth of living creatures needs proper ventilation of the premises.

Features of the microclimate in the barn

Keeping pets and birds in the barn requires effective ventilation. If in the summer the inhabitants of the barn stay in it only at night, and the rest of the time the room is ventilated, then in the autumn-winter period and early spring it is inhabited around the clock. The accumulation of large livestock, the heat and carbon dioxide emitted by them, waste products - all this affects the stuffiness of the air, the lack of oxygen, if there is no ventilation in the barn or it is not done correctly. Air exchange can be:

  • Natural. Air currents penetrate and are removed from the premises through specially equipped channels. The movement of air occurs due to the difference in pressure inside and outside the shed.
  • Forced. The air is moved by the vacuum or blowing created by the fan.

The first type of ventilation of an economical design is suitable for a small room, designed for the same small number of birds or animals. There are 2 pipes with a cross section of 150-200 mm. One of them protrudes slightly under the ceiling, the other (supply) does not reach the floor surface by 0.3 m. This is the simplest solution to the issue of barn ventilation, which is easy to do on your own. The second type is more efficient, because harmful excretions are forcibly removed. The fan used for this is mounted in a window or ceiling.

Ways to stabilize the microclimate in the barn

The installation of ventilation is preceded by the insulation of the barn. This will prevent dampness and condensation. The choice of the type of air exchange depends on the purpose of the premises, the features of keeping animals. The subtlety of the process is that animals need special conditions. With intensive air supply, they will freeze, and the room itself will get cold. Attempts to minimize the air supply from the street will lead to the formation of dampness, fungus, mold. The way out of the situation is seen in the use of dried sawdust, peat, hay, straw in the form of bedding. Or quicklime placed in the corners of the barn. Moisture-absorbing materials normalize its content in the air.

Attention! The fight against excess moisture is also carried out with the help of heaters (infrared, oil). They are installed immediately near the suction opening, taking into account the passage of incoming air flows through them.

Air exchange in the barn

Cattle gathered indoors contributes to its heating. At the same time, each cow exhales about 200 liters of carbon dioxide into the barn every hour. If you add evaporation from the litter, an increased concentration of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, it becomes clear why the animals get sick. Ventilation in the animal shed will provide optimal microclimate parameters with an air exchange rate of 4 (for large farms 6 times).

Ventilation of the barn for keeping pigs is carried out naturally in the warm season by simple ventilation. This opens windows and doors. The air duct in the form of a corrugated pipe is discharged through the roof or wall and functions in the cold. If the draft is inefficient, it can be improved by installing a heater at the base of the hood. During the warm period, a slight difference in temperature outside and inside the barn can stop the natural movement of air flows. In order not to create drafts, vent holes measuring 120 x 120 mm are located on the same wall, but at different heights.

Attention! Ventilation in a barn for pigs is calculated according to the inflow: 1 cubic meter of air is needed per 1 centner of animal mass. It should, on the one hand, ensure the cycling of air, on the other hand, exclude drafts. At the same time, stale, exhaust air is removed from the feeders, machines, replenishing with fresh air.

In one embodiment, forced ventilation in a livestock shed consists of a VKO-type air blower mounted on the roof. The supplied flow enters from above, passing through the divider, covers the entire room, prevents the presence of cold zones. Waste products, fumes are removed through ventilation installations on the windows of the pigsty.

Ventilation in a barn for keeping chickens

The lack of oxygen in poultry is caused by a supersaturation of the air space with hydrogen nitride (ammonia), moisture and carbon dioxide. To improve appetite, weight gain, sometimes you just need to organize high-quality air exchange in the house.

Ventilation in a chicken shed allows you to:

  • normalize the concentration of moisture in the air emitted by the bird during breathing; evaporated from food, bedding;
  • eliminate stench;
  • remove ammonia vapors formed during the decomposition of bird droppings;
  • in the heat, reduce the air temperature inside the chicken coop, contributing to egg production.

To equip a bird shed with natural ventilation, you need to build a ventilation duct from tightly fitted boards. Divide it along the crossbar into two grooves. One is for air supply, the other is for exhaust. Wooden boxes are located in the barn so that they can be adjusted, closed or opened according to the situation.

The outlet pipe exits above the edge of the roof. It is attached with staples to a wooden base. The cross section of the pipe at the outlet is at least 300 mm. To protect against the ingress of insects, small birds, rodents and debris from above, the opening is closed with a grate. It is protected from precipitation by a "fungus" or "umbrella".

Another ventilation scheme. In the corners, two asbestos-cement or plastic pipes with a cross section of 100-150 mm are mounted vertically, both. They can be square or round. In order for the draft to be effective, the connections between the parts of the duct are made completely tight. The inflow is equipped with a gate that regulates the flow; it does not reach the floor by 0.3 m. The hood goes all the way to the ceiling. Elevation above the roof in both cases (exhaust, inflow) - 1.5 m. The formation of condensate, ice on the exhaust duct is prevented by the thermal insulation of the pipe. For this, mineral wool is used. Warming can be done by building a wooden box. Dry sawdust is poured between its walls and the pipe.

Sheep barn

Growing sheep on a personal farmstead in a adapted barn is possible if there are no drafts in it. A vestibule, sealing holes and crevices will help to avoid them. Another scourge for animals is dampness, leading to the occurrence of helminthic diseases. The stuffy atmosphere will be diluted with an influx of fresh air with a volume of at least 8 cubic meters every hour. It can be provided by supply and exhaust or natural ventilation with a round (square) section hood on the roof ridge. At the lower end, a damper is installed that regulates the outflow of air. At the upper end of the pipe, a deflector is mounted, which rises 0.5-0.7 above the roof.

The decision to keep poultry and animals in the barn requires the organization of normal conditions for them. Ventilation performed according to the rules will prevent the loss of livestock, increase the number of livestock, and optimize feed costs.

The barn is a place where many owners breed farm animals. Most often it is chickens and rabbits. In order for the animals to be healthy, grow and give a good offspring, it is necessary to maintain optimal microclimate conditions indoors. Without ventilation, maintaining freshness, humidity and temperature is problematic. Let's analyze the question of how to make ventilation in the barn with your own hands.

Barn - a room that also needs a ventilation system

general information

Problems faced by people keeping animals in a barn without ventilation:

  1. drafts. They are harmful not only to humans, but also to animals. The presence of drafts during ventilation increases the likelihood of animal diseases.
  2. Lack of air intake makes it musty and stagnant.
  3. High humidity is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, mold and fungus.

Equipment ventilation in the barn is not an easy task. When installing a classical supply and exhaust air exchange system, a person faces three problems:

  • high levels of humidity;
  • decrease in the average temperature in the room;
  • freezing and blocking of the exhaust pipe.

The presence of such problems is incompatible with the keeping of animals, so it is necessary to plan a structure with a number of characteristic features.

There are two ways to solve problems with hypothermia and humidity. The first method is the use of materials that absorb moisture well during the construction and decoration of the barn. Such materials include: quicklime, sawdust, straw, hay, moss and peat. The materials used can be placed in boxes or used as natural bedding, periodically replacing it.

It is recommended to use peat, as it can absorb a volume of moisture that is several times larger than its own size. Sawdust must be dried, wet material will give off moisture, and not absorb.

The second way, the equipment next to the heater inlet. This method is risky and wasteful. The equipment will constantly consume electricity, and its operation creates a fire hazard.

Only an oil or infrared heater may be installed. Its presence will allow to dry the incoming fresh air. The heater must be located in an isolated location. The main advantage of heating equipment is the solution of two problems at once: removing moisture and heating the air.

There are two standard types of ventilation system that can be used in a barn:

  • natural;
  • forced.

The natural system is designed in such a way that air exchange is carried out only due to the competent arrangement of pipes. The forced system works with the help of additional equipment (fans).

Networks with built-in fans are more efficient and easy to use, as they allow you to precisely control the microclimate in the room. But such ventilation is more costly and complex.

For a barn with chickens, rabbits, and other animals, a natural system will do. Its main disadvantages are low productivity in the summer, when the temperature is high outside, and dependence on weather conditions (precipitation, wind).

Device and circuit

An important condition for the installation of effective ventilation is accurate and competent design. A detailed ventilation scheme will allow you to take into account all the nuances and comply with the requirements during the work. The ventilation scheme in the barn is quite simple:

  • supply network with gratings and a valve;
  • hood with deflector and valve;
  • fan and heater (with forced system).

When arranging a natural ventilation system, it is useful to place the inlets on one wall (in the form of windows) and separate them with a partition from the main room. The partition must have an opening under the ceiling.

Cold air, entering the room through the "tributaries", descends. When heated, it "flows" through the partition. Such a system allows you to protect the premises where flocks of birds or rabbits are located from hypothermia and freezing. The exhaust pipe, mounted in the ceiling, will allow you to remove the "exhaust" air.

Air flow diagram for a natural ventilation system in a barn

The ventilation described above can be upgraded by using a ceiling and floor. Air through windows or special openings enters a separate room, which has an opening to the attic. Fresh air, warmed up, rises through these holes.

There are holes in the ceiling of the main room. Through them, fresh and heated air enters the animals. Holes were made in the floor of the main room into the basement. Exhaust air is expelled through them. An exhaust pipe has been led into the basement.

Air flow diagram for a modernized natural ventilation system in a barn

Materials that will be required for arranging ventilation in the barn:

  1. Pipes of the required diameter and configuration. If ventilation is installed through the roof, straight pipes are sufficient. If the output is made through the wall, then connecting corner elements will be required.
  2. Deflectors.
  3. Insulation.
  4. Gate valves or plugs.
  5. Lattice.
  6. Fasteners and fixing elements.
  7. Fan (if the system is forced).
  8. Heater.

If electricity will be laid in parallel, care must be taken to purchase all the necessary materials (wires, switches, sockets). Switches and sockets must be waterproof.

How to make ventilation in the animal shed with your own hands? Consider the option of installing air exchange in a new building, which is not yet burdened with additional difficulties. We mount supply and exhaust ventilation with some additions, taking into account the peculiarities of the application in the barn.

Proper ventilation in the barn with your own hands is mounted as follows (general step-by-step instructions):

  1. The supply pipe is mounted through the ceiling or wall. The main requirement is that its lower end should rise above the floor by at least 20 cm.
  2. The diameter of the pipes "inlet" and "outlet" must match. Enough pipes with a diameter of 100-150 mm.
  3. The lower end of the exhaust pipe should be located just under the ceiling (no more than 5-10 cm from the ceiling). The difference in the location of the ends of the pipes significantly improves air circulation.
  4. The exhaust pipe must be carefully insulated. Frost protection is necessary to protect against condensation, which will lead to the formation of frost. The accumulation of frost is the reason for the cessation of air movement. As a heater, you can use mineral wool or equip a box filled with sawdust around the pipe.
  5. The "outlet" pipe must rise above the roof by at least 150 cm.
  6. Inlet openings must be protected from rodents and insects with a grate.
  7. The upper outlet of the pipes should be equipped with a deflector or a similar do-it-yourself protective device. The deflector will not only protect the pipe from leaves, snow, dirt and dust, but also significantly increase air ventilation.
  8. To increase the draft, you can install an additional fan on the "outlet" pipe. A fan cannot be installed on the inlet.
  9. Both pipes are located in opposite corners of the room and are placed vertically. They are equipped with dampers for freely blocking (regulating) the inlet or outlet of air.

Do not use a window or door as a supply network. This approach will lead to hypothermia of the room. The pipe will allow at the entrance to the room to systematically mix warm air with cold.

For breeding rabbits and chickens, two-story or two-story sheds are often built. Rooms with several tiers are great for flocking chickens. At such facilities, the ventilation system has its own characteristics. It can be set up in two ways.

The first method is the device of a single ventilation system passing through both floors. It is similar in structure to a system that uses a ceiling and floor. The second way is to create an autonomous ventilation system on each floor. Such a system is more expensive, but more effective.