How to feed onion sets in July. Feeding onions for turnips and feathers: when and how to fertilize onions. Fertilizers for onions. Onions: planting and pre-planting work

The culture is very sensitive to the content of organic matter in the soil, so you can not fertilize the beds with fresh manure. Due to the high content of organic substances in carrots, the growth point is “burnt”, and it becomes “horned”. In addition, the taste properties of root crops deteriorate, and they are poorly stored. A high content of nitrogen fertilizers also negatively affects the storage of vegetables. There are no other restrictions: carrots can be fed with phosphate and potash fertilizers, peat, humus, ash, etc.

In autumn, before planting garlic, I apply organic and mineral fertilizers: 5-6 kg of humus or compost, 30 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2. Then the site is completely dug up on a full bayonet of a shovel, evenly mixing fertilizers with soil. I plant garlic in the second half of September - early October in the garden at a distance of 20-25 cm row from row. The teeth, depending on the size, are planted at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other, the planting depth is 3-4 cm. Planted garlic is mulched with peat or humus with a layer of 1.5-2 cm (1.5-2 buckets per 1 sq. ) In spring and summer, caring for garlic consists in fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, watering as the soil dries up and weeding. Be sure to break out the arrows that appear - this will increase the yield of garlic. Garlic ripens in late July - early August. It is impossible to be late with cleaning, otherwise, overripe, the heads will fall apart. Therefore, when the leaves turn yellow, pull the garlic out of the ground and dry it in a dry place for 4-5 days, and then cut off the roots and tops, leaving a 4-5 cm neck.

Good drying of onions and garlic, as well as their proper storage. In case of disease of the heads, you need to additionally dry them and powder with chalk.

Diseases of garlic

Protection of garlic (onions) from pests and diseases

- fungal disease. Initially, pale green spots appear on the onion leaves, later they turn into a grayish-purple coating. The upper part of the leaves (tops of the feather) turns yellow and dies. The disease develops strongly in humid warm weather. The fungus overwinters in the soil, on old unharvested plants and in bulbs during storage. Planting onions and garlic in its original place is allowed only after 3-4 years. The bed must be limed in autumn or a month before planting at the rate of 2 cups of fluffy lime, chalk or dolomite flour per 1 m2. Before planting garlic and onions, the soil is watered at the rate of 3 liters per 1 m2 with a solution of sodium chloride (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). Garlic and onions before planting, both in spring and autumn, are treated with the following solution: 3 tablespoons of table salt are diluted in 5 liters of water - and the bulbs are immersed for 15-20 minutes. Then, without washing, the bulbs are planted. In early June, spring and winter garlic and onions for turnips need to be fed with ammonium sulfate (2 tablespoons of ammonium sulfate per 10 liters of water) at the rate of 4-5 liters per 1 m2. Onions and garlic planted in spring are additionally fed with the same solution 10 days after germination. As a result, onions and garlic gain strength and resistance to pests. ​ ​ Garlic is very responsive to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers. In autumn, the site is fertilized with humus or compost (6-7 kg per 1 sq. M.). However, do not press the teeth into the ground, this will delay the growth of the roots. In addition, the compacted earth can then push the garlic to the surface, and it will freeze. Planting: preparation, timing, depth and rates of planting garlic 3rd, that is, the last top dressing should be done around the middle or end of June. During this period, the formation of the bulb itself takes place, therefore, the plant will need nutrition. This time is also suitable for both plant varieties. Only here you need to know that the winter type of garlic ripens much earlier than the spring one, therefore, the timing of top dressing must be calculated, focusing on the degree of development of the plant. We are talking about moisturizing and nourishing the seeds. They contain a large amount of essential oils, which prevent the access of moisture and delay swelling and germination. That is why carrot seeds are kept in a special solution before planting: a third of a tsp. boric acid and half tsp. nitrophoska per liter of water. Another version of the solution: dilute potassium permanganate in a liter of warm water until red and add half a tsp. complex dry (or liquid) fertilizer. The seeds are immersed in the solution for one day, then washed with water and placed in a damp cloth. Then the seeds are in the refrigerator for 3-5 days, after which they can be dried and planted. is no exception. To grow a large turnip, we feed the onion crops with natural manure fertilizer. Only Irina Matyeshina, p. Malaya-Tura, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine - J. "House in the garden"​

Fusarium Control measures: Onion fly Signs of harvest ripeness

refrain from applying fresh manure But the earth should not be too loose either, you need to lightly tamp it, otherwise the teeth may "drown" and the bulbs will turn out small and will not be stored well. Planting depth depends on the type of soil and the size of the garlic cloves. From the top of the clove to the surface of the soil should be 3-4 cm. The root system of garlic is underdeveloped and is located in the upper layer of the soil, so it must be planted in a fertile area, cultivated to a depth of 20-25 cm with a neutral reaction of the soil solution (pH 6.1-7.0). This culture cannot be placed both in low places where melt water accumulates in spring, and in high places, where in winter the wind blows snow away and there is a threat of garlic freezing. You can protect the beds from frost using mulching materials. In early spring, this mulch should be removed before germination to avoid overheating the plants. With prolonged warming in winter, which leads to snow melting, it is better to remove the covering material. The main thing is not to miss the moment for fertilizer, because if you miss it, then the harvest can not be very successful. But if with the 1st and 2nd top dressing small deviations from the schedule are acceptable, then the 3rd must be performed strictly at the scheduled time. If you do it too early, then the food will not go to the formation of the bulb, but only to the growth of greenery and arrows. Spring top dressing means fertilizing before planting. Mineral fertilizers should be applied in such quantities: saltpeter - up to 25 g / m²; superphosphate - 25 g / m², potassium chloride - up to 30 g / m². Before planting, peat and sand are added to clay soils at the rate of 1 bucket per 2 m² and a mineral mixture. In sandy infertile soils, it is necessary to add 1 bucket of peat, half a bucket of humus and a mixture of mineral fertilizers. Ventilate often and avoid sweating. Winter garlic is poorly stored at home - after 3-4 months it begins to sprout, hurt and dry out. Remember: only the best garlic can be stored - properly grown, without excess nitrogen fertilizers, well ripened, but not overripe, harvested in late July - early August (spring - three weeks later). During storage, garlic must be looked after and as soon as a bulb appears with a suspicion of a disease, damaged, dried up or cracked, it should be removed immediately.- fungal disease. Initially, there is softening of the bottom, pinking and dying of the roots, the appearance of brownishness on the leaves, their gradual death and drying of the plant, as well as the bulbs. The bed for planting onions should have a direction from north to south so that it is well lit by the sun. Make sure that the sowing of seeds and planting the seedlings are not thickened and clogged with weeds. Before planting, the seedlings must be heated at a temperature of 30-35 "C for 8-10 hours. When the onion leaves are 10-12 cm high, they must be sprinkled with a solution of copper oxychloride (1 tablespoon of copper oxychloride and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap per 10 liters water).If this disease is detected, it is necessary to exclude watering and fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. Harvesting should be done when the leaves are still green and the bulbs have already taken shape. The leaves are immediately cut and burned, and the bulbs themselves are well dried in the sun for 12-14 days .​- from the second half of May, the years of the onion fly begin. She lays her eggs on the soil or on dry onion scales. After a few days, larvae come out of the testicles and penetrate into the bulb, it rots, and the plant fades. All forms of garlic: the formation of a dense shell around the heads, clear outlines of the teeth, yellowing of the two lower leaves. Winter garlic is harvested in late July - early August, spring - 2-3 weeks later. In rainy summers, garlic harvesting is best done earlier. Shortly before harvesting, the soil is raked from the bulbs - this contributes to the ripening of garlic, and increased doses of nitrogen fertilizers, which leads to a powerful growth of the vegetative mass and a decrease in the yield of the bulbs. Too shallow landing threatens with freezing. For planting, large and medium garlic bulbs are selected, which are divided into cloves just before planting. When planting, only large (more than 6 g) and medium (3-6 g) cloves are used. If there are only 2-3 cloves in the bulb, albeit large ones, this is degenerate garlic and is not suitable for planting. With prolonged reproduction only by cloves, pathogens accumulate in garlic plants, which also leads to its degeneration. Therefore, it is desirable to renew all planting material every 3-4 years. To do this, it is necessary to replace up to 30% of the seed every year with single cloves grown from air bulbs. During the growth period, carrots can be fertilized with mineral mixtures, humus or peat. The first top dressing can be carried out after thinning, combining this procedure with watering. The second can be done two or three weeks after the first. In early August, ash top dressing is the most effective - 100 g of ash per meter of furrow. Of course, it should be diluted with water so as not to burn the plant. We take last year's rotted manure and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 7, let this solution brew for a week and then carry out root dressing with liquid natural fertilizer, carefully watering the onion plantings between the rows. Grow garlic in one place

Control measures: Onion and garlic rust Control measures:​ ​

Plants, especially winter varieties, are responsive to phosphorus and potash fertilizers, since these elements increase the winter hardiness of garlic. In early spring, even on thalom-frozen soil, winter garlic is fertilized and, when full shoots of spring garlic appear, with mineral fertilizers per 10 square meters: 60 g of ammonium nitrate, 90-100 g of superphosphate and 50-60 g of potassium sulfate. The second dressing of garlic is carried out, if necessary, after 25-30 days with the same doses.

Landings need to be mulched with a layer of peat, humus or sawdust 2–5 cm thick, spread out brushwood to hold snow in the beds. In the spring, the mulch layer is removed so that the plants do not dry out.

When preparing seed, it is necessary to discard damaged teeth. But if at least one sick tooth is still found, the seed should be soaked 12 hours before planting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or 1% solution of copper sulphate. You can also use the heating of the bulbs before planting in a well-ventilated area at a temperature

The 1st top dressing is most often produced with a solution of urea at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water. The culture is shed with such a solution according to the following scheme: per 1 sq. m. about 2-3 liters of solution. And the last. Before deciding how to feed carrots, think about how soon you will harvest. We are not talking about the planned harvesting of all root crops, because quite often gardeners pull out small young carrots. In this case, the use of fertilizers is undesirable, since at least two weeks must pass between the last top dressing and eating carrots.

Storage of garlic

To feed onions prepare the following manure solution

no more than two years. Otherwise, soil contamination with a stem nematode cannot be avoided. It is better to start garlic after cucumber, early potatoes, early cabbage and other early-harvested crops (except onions), use healthy material for planting and observe crop rotation, tillage before planting with a solution of copper sulfate (take 1 tablespoon for 10 liters of water). Destruction of diseased plants.

- fungal disease. The disease affects the leaves: light yellow, slightly convex pads are formed, later they turn black. The infection persists on plant debris and on perennial onion species. Early planting and sowing of onions. When a fly appears, the soil is sprinkled with a deterrent - 100 g of wood ash, a tablespoon of tobacco dust and a teaspoon of ground pepper per 1 m2. After dusting the soil, it is necessary to loosen the soil every 4-5 days to a depth of 2-3 cm.

We grow strong and large onions

Growing onions in open ground or in a greenhouse is impossible without additional planting care. To obtain high-quality and large bulbs that will not hurt and are well preserved for the winter, it is necessary to properly feed and water the plants in each of the growth periods.

Growing onions from sets in the open field also involves weeding from weeds throughout the summer, with a frequency of once every 1-2 weeks. Removing weeds is very important, as they create excess moisture and increase the risk of fungal diseases. If weeding is not followed, the bulbs become very wet and will not be able to withstand long-term storage. Weeds begin to be removed at a height of 3-5 cm.

Onions are watered once a week at a rate of up to 12 liters of water per 1 sq.m., or automatic drip irrigation is used. Water for irrigation is taken below +18 degrees Celsius to avoid infection with powdery mildew. After that, the plantings are necessarily spud, and the aisles are loosened to provide access to the roots of oxygen.

Caring for onion sets in early summer

14 days after planting the plant in open ground, the primary feeding of the onion on the turnip is carried out. Usually it is early to mid June. The leaves during this period grow weakly and have a light shade. Top dressing of onions in June is carried out with nitrogen-containing fertilizers to accelerate growth. Choose one of the most popular products among gardeners.

  • Organic fertilizer: 1 cup mullein or chicken manure and 1 tbsp. l. urea, diluted in 10 liters. water; or 1 glass of manure, dissolved in 10 liters of water. Consumption up to 3 liters per 1 sq.m.;
  • Mineral: 30 gr. ammonium nitrate, 40 gr. superphosphate and 20 gr. potassium chloride diluted in 10 liters of water. Consumption 1-2 liters per sq.m.;
  • Of the chemicals suitable Vegeta, 2 tbsp. spoons, which are diluted in 10 liters of water with 1 tbsp. l. urea. Consumption up to 5 liters per 1 sq. m.;
  • Folk method: 3 tbsp. l. ammonia, diluted in a ten-liter bucket of water. Consumption 1-2 liters per sq.m.

With a lack of nitrogen, feathers will grow slowly and weakly. If you overdo it with fertilizers, the plant will put all its strength into forcing greens and the head will form weakly. After fertilization, the plantings must be irrigated unless an automatic drip irrigation system is connected. After each watering, loosening of the soil is necessary.

Onion care in June also involves protection from insects and diseases. With a frequency of once a week in wet weather, and every 2 weeks in dry weather, fungicide treatment is carried out, choosing one of the following general agents:

  • 0.2% Ridomil at the rate of 1.5 kg per 1 ha;
  • 0.4% Cineba at the rate of 2.4 kg per 1 ha;
  • 7% Bordeaux liquid at the rate of 6-8 kg per 1 ha;
  • 0.4% copper oxychloride at the rate of 2.4 kg per 1 ha.

Onion care in July

On the 20th day after the end of the first feeding, a secondary fertilizer is carried out. Apply fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. The most popular among gardeners are the following recipes from an approximate consumption of 10 liters per 2 square meters. m. beds:

  • 30 gr. ammonium nitrate, 60 gr. superphosphate and 30 gr. potassium chloride diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • 1 st. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. ammonium nitrate and 10 gr. 1% iodine dissolved in 10 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. nitrophoska, for 10 liters of water;
  • 1 liter of herbal liquid fertilizer: pour a third of a bucket of mint green weeds or nettles with 3 liters of water, add a tablespoon of yeast, leave for 2-3 days, dilute to 9 liters with water before use;
  • Onion feeding in July is also carried out with ready-made preparations, such as Agricol-2, 1 tbsp. l. which is diluted in 10 liters of water.

With a lack of potassium, the leaves of the plant turn yellow, with a lack of phosphorus, the tops dry. They must be cut so that they do not take strength from the bulb.

At high temperatures and prolonged heat, watering is carried out twice a week, at the rate of up to 6 liters of water per 1 sq. m. Water from a watering can under the leaves with a small stream, in the morning or in the evening.

Feeding onions in August

If the soil is poor during the formation of the onion head, a third top dressing is carried out. The head of the plant should grow to 4 cm in diameter. For these purposes, one of the potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is selected:

  • 30 gr. potassium chloride and 60 gr. an aqueous solution of superphosphate, per 10 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • 10 gr. potassium salt and 20 gr. superphosphate per 10 liters of water;
  • 250 gr. wood ash diluted in 10 liters of boiling water and infused for 2 days;
  • Of the chemicals suitable "Effekton-O", 2 tbsp. l. which is diluted in 10 liters of water, additionally adding 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate.

The consumption of ready mixes for fertilizer is up to 5 liters per 1 sq. m. All stages of top dressing are carried out in dry calm weather in the evening. You need to pour under the root, trying not to fall on the greens. 24 hours after fertilizing, it is advisable to spray the plant with clean water so that fertilizer residues do not remain on it.

Onion care in the open field video

Rules for harvesting and storing turnip onions

2 weeks before harvest, at the end of August - September, watering is suspended. Dig up the bulbs begin when the growth of new green feathers stops and the existing feathers mass adhere to the ground, the head is fully formed and painted brown.

Don't delay the harvest

After harvesting, onions are laid out in a dry, ventilated area or hung in bunches. Greens are not cut so that the head draws out the remaining juices from it. After a month, it can be transferred to a storage location. First you need to cut off the dried tops and roots, but at the same time leave 3-4 centimeters of the neck and some roots. You can learn more about cleaning and storing onions from our article.


Onions are considered unpretentious and undemanding culture. However, only compliance with the rules of feeding, watering and general care will allow you to get a good harvest.

Onions are a desirable vegetable in every home; without this product, neither cook soup nor cook salad. Each housewife wants to harvest a large crop of onions from her garden, but growing it is not easy, but possible, resorting to various means of feeding. And how to feed the onion so that it is large, we will tell you and open all the secret compositions that can be prepared at home with minimal financial costs.

Ground preparation in autumn

Not everyone in the garden has the soil suitable for growing onion crops. In order to somehow make the land noble, you can apply all sorts of fertilizers in the fall so that the acidity and alkaline balance of the soil is restored before spring. Initially, you need to find out which land prevails in your garden, and then diversify the soil.

  • Clay

Little grows in the clay base, so to make the surface structure looser, lighter and more suitable for growing bulbs, you need to add 5 kg of peat or humus with manure per 1 square meter. If such fertilizers are not available, then they can be replaced with river sand, in which case the amount of sand will double by the indicated square.

  • loamy

Loam is most suitable for the garden. However, you can and even need to fertilize it. The thing is that in summer the soil gives off most of the nutrients to the plants that were planted on the site, and in winter it is not always possible to restore the balance. Therefore, fertilizers will come in handy here. As a top dressing for the land, you can use peat mixed with humus, in proportions of 2: 1. This amount of the mixture is added when digging the land in the fall.

  • Sandy

This type of soil is considered the poorest. It contains practically no nutrients, therefore, nothing good can grow in such soil. It is possible to change the composition of the soil with the help of a mixture, which includes clay, black soil and peat in a ratio of 1:1:2. In addition, it is recommended to add organic matter every season and, if possible, mineral fertilizers.

By observing the proportions that we wrote, you can easily prepare your soil for growing vegetables and legumes. In addition, the additive will not only change the structure of the soil, but also make it more noble, therefore, it will allow you to grow exactly the fruits that you have long dreamed of. The most important thing is not to overdo it with fertilizers. An excess of land reserves brought in in the fall can also adversely affect the quality and quantity of plants for the next year. Therefore, the introduction of top dressing should be in moderation.

Feeding onions for turnips

First dressing

It is possible to grow a good crop only with timely top dressing of the soil. The first top dressing of onions in the spring occurs after the shoots of the planted seedlings. Basically, this time varies from two to three weeks from the moment of landing. Experts assure that the best option for fertilizer is a mixture of 40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of saltpeter and 20 g of potassium chloride. All this must be diluted in 10 liters of warm water until the grains are completely dissolved and pour the onion under the root with the resulting solution. Or you can simplify the list of ingredients by replacing the last two products with Potassium Saltpeter powder, the proportions in this case will be 40 g.

The second complementary food option may consist of the following ingredients. 4 tsp "Vegeta" and 2 tsp. urea is diluted in a bucket of warm water and the onion is watered under the bush. One such bucket is enough to fertilize 5 square meters of beds. Or you can use a glass of manure as a fertilizer, which must be diluted in a bucket of water. However, after using the second option, the next day it is advisable to arrange a light rain for the beam, which will wash away the unpleasant odor from the crop and moisten the soil.

Attention! Organic fertilizer attracts pests, so it is recommended to regularly treat the greens with soapy water and mulch.

It is generally accepted among the people that spring top dressing is done to obtain rich greenery, because feathers grow quickly from such a “feed”. Therefore, it is so important to endow the soil with nitrogenous fertilizers at an early stage of onion cultivation. Also, do not forget about the regular watering of the plant with settled water at room temperature. Luchok loves water procedures, but everything should be as needed and in small quantities.

Second top dressing

The next top dressing of onions on a turnip occurs in late spring or early summer, it all depends on when the set was planted and how tall the greens reached. Experts recommend carrying out a second feeding of onions a month after the first portion of fertilizers is applied to the soil. In this case, you can feed the turnip with a ready-made solution called Agricola-2. This preparation contains a complex of vitamins that are needed for growing large vegetables.

Top dressing of onions in open ground can be done with mineral fertilizers. To get the right solution, summer residents dilute potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) in a bucket of water, take all bulk ingredients 30 g each, but take superphosphate 10 g more. This amount is enough to water a couple of beds with plants. However, this method is more expensive, but easily accessible, because the necessary ingredients can be purchased at any specialized store.

Attention! Saltpeter is added only if the greens begin to turn yellow and fade.

There is another option that summer residents also often use - herbal infusion. It takes a long time to cook, but the results exceed all expectations. So, to obtain the desired mixture, weeds are taken, crushed with a knife and soaked in water. And in order for the liquid to infuse, the container with the mixture is put under pressure for 3-5 days. The preparation time of the infusion depends on the temperature regime. In sunny weather, three days is enough; on a cloudy day, you need to increase the fermentation time. The resulting fertilizer is diluted with water and watered with onions.

This stage is aimed at increasing the head. Therefore, an organic fertilizer or mineral mixture for a plant during the growing season will come in handy. Therefore, it is imperative to feed onions in the summer, because this stage is aimed at the active formation of turnips and it depends on you whether it will be large during harvest or remain so small.

Last top dressing

And now the last stage has come, which affects the strengthening of the heads. In this case, the fertilizer must contain a minimum amount of nitrogen, otherwise the onion may become active again, which will lead to crop loss, because it will overripe, and the fruits may burst. Therefore, the main component included in top dressing should be phosphate. For watering onions, 30 g of potassium chloride and 60 g of superphosphate are diluted in a bucket of water. The mixture is recommended to be prepared a day before watering the plant, so that during this time the crystals of the substances have time to dissolve.

If there is no time to wait and you need to water the onion immediately, then gardeners recommend purchasing the “Effecton-O” product at a pharmacy or store. It is bred according to the instructions and watered the plants. If the feathers begin to turn yellow, then phosphorus fertilizer is added to the resulting mixture in the amount of 20 g. Such a solution will help the leaves to regain a green, healthy look.

Attention! Fertilize at least twice throughout the season.

The last feeding of the plant is carried out in the month of July, and in August the turnip is prepared for harvest, therefore, it does not need to be fertilized with anything. By the way, if you like how onions grow in the beds, then you can skip some top dressing. For example, in early spring, the plant is fed only if the onion has few feathers, and you want abundant greenery.

We fertilize with folk remedies


This tool can be purchased at any pharmacy, the price per bottle is very low, which makes the drug easily accessible to everyone. Ammonia is used at the initial stage of the vegetation of the plant, it is during this period that the onion lacks nitrogen, and the ammonia completely replaces the desired microelement. Before watering the onion with alcohol, it must first be diluted in water. In a bucket of clear liquid, usually add 2-3 tbsp. l. ammonia. Plants are watered with the resulting solution under the root, trying not to touch the green top.

Attention! Ammonia will protect your fruits from onion flies and other flying pests.


The use of baker's yeast in the garden also deserves special praise. After all, this product, added to the ground as a fertilizer, saturates the soil with oxygen and activates beneficial microflora. Yeast top dressing for onions has a positive effect on the vegetable, the feathers become strong, and the heads become large. Fertilizing onions with yeast is as follows, namely, pour warm water into a 5-liter bucket, then add a kilogram of yeast, a pound of granulated sugar and mix. Leave the mixture in the sun for a couple of hours. Then dilute the liquid with warm water in a ratio of 1: 2 and water the plants. Yeast-fed onions grow very quickly because they receive a lot of nutrients.

Attention! Bulbs are watered with a yeast solution only in warm weather.


Top dressing of onions with ashes is carried out during summer watering. Many people know that ash contains many nutrients, including micro and macro elements, which are necessary for the growth of horticultural crops. Potassium and phosphorus - the main components of ash, are quickly absorbed by plants, which positively affects the growing season of the vegetable and the taste.

Fertilizing the soil with ash is very simple, you just need to dig up the ground with the addition of ash in the spring. About 100 g of black powder is used per square meter. If possible, you can pour onions with a mixture of 10 liters of water and 100 g of ash. Some gardeners sometimes just sprinkle ashes on the ground near the onions and water the plants the next day, such top dressing also takes place.


If you have such an animal as a cow on your farm, then the question is: “How to feed onions?” should fall off immediately. Do not rush to throw out the manure, but rather make an infusion, with which you can then fertilize the plants. For the infusion, you will need a part of cow dung and 5 parts of water. All this is mixed in a convenient, deep container, covered with a lid and left to ferment for two weeks. Every other day, the infusion must be stirred so that the liquid begins to ferment evenly. The resulting mullein is good for watering not only onion crops, but also other plants, such as: tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Thanks to this recharge, gardeners grow a fairly large crop.


And the last thing we want to remind you of is that before harvesting, it is impossible to water the bulbs and fertilize the land around the fruits, this can adversely affect the turnip and spoil it, therefore, such a product will not be stored in the basement for several months and quickly become infected with any disease. It is strongly recommended to harvest from the beds only in the mature version to prevent fruit loss.

Now you know how to fertilize onions, and what methods of feeding exist. If you have any problems, then you can always read reviews about feeding the bulbs during the growing season on the Internet and get an answer to your question. You need to feed the onion crop regularly, only in this case, by the fall, the heads of the bulbs will be large and juicy.

How to choose fertilizers for onions to get a rich harvest? Some vegetable grows no larger than a chicken egg. And at a neighbor's fence, the bulb reaches the size of a good large apple. So what's the deal? Proper feeding is one of the important components of a good harvest.

The soil for planting onions should be rich in nutrients. This vegetable loves loose, weed-free, non-acidic soil and good light. Various types of dressings allow the onion to fully develop, resist various diseases.

Soil for planting onions

For beds, soils are chosen on which pumpkin, nightshade, legumes and cabbage crops grew this year. Land for planting onions is enriched with organic matter or mineral fertilizer. It is good to add manure or compost to the soil in the fall. You can mix these organic additives with peat. It will be useful to add some ash to the ground. If the soil is acidic, neutralize it with lime. Since a neutral environment is better suited for onions. You can take for autumn top dressing and mineral potassium-phosphorus mixtures. About 30 grams of such fertilizer is enough for every square meter of land. In the spring, the soil is dug up, treated for weeds, loosened. The beds are better to do high. If fertilizers were not applied in the fall, then it would be good to add organic matter and superphosphate. From natural components, rotted manure, bird droppings or compost are suitable. You can replace them with ammonium nitrate or urea.

Rules for fertilizing onions

Of course, fertilizers, both mineral and organic, should be applied to the ground correctly. Granular products are usually dissolved in water. But in rainy summer, you can use a slightly different method. In this case, the granules are simply scattered on moist soil at a distance of 8 cm from the row. Then they are embedded in the ground to a depth of about 6 cm at the first top dressing and 10 cm at the second.

When using a solution of slurry or bird droppings, watering is carried out as carefully as possible, trying not to get on the stems and leaves. A day after carrying out such an operation as feeding onions, the beds are thoroughly watered with warm water by sprinkling. This is necessary in order to wash off all the remnants of liquid fertilizer from the plants.

for bow

Three weeks after planting, it is required to fertilize with chicken manure or mullein. But this must be done, observing all proportions, so as not to harm the plants. For three square meters, you should take a bucket of water and dilute a half-liter jar of fertilizer in it. If it is not possible to feed onions with organic fertilizers, then a solution of urea should be used. On a bucket of water, you usually need to take a couple of tablespoons of the substance, and then water the plants at the rate of a bucket per four square meters of beds.

The next top dressing is recommended to be carried out in the second stage of onion vegetation, about a month after the previous one. At this time, the onion needs little nitrogen, it needs phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, it would be advisable to feed the plants with superphosphate (30 g) and the same amount of sulfate diluted in ten liters of water. This solution should be poured over the onion.

Another top dressing can be carried out by the time the bulb is fully formed. These days, the plant needs calcium, and lime is a good source. It will not only allow the bulbs to grow large and strong, but also reduce the acidity of the soil. Before fertilizing and after fertilizing, a bed with onions needs to be poured abundantly with cold water.

There is one more rule that will allow the onion heads to grow large - do not pluck the feathers! If this is not done, then even good feeding will not allow you to get large onion heads, they will grow very small and sick.

Video: feeding onions with a solution of chicken manure

Fertilizing onions with yeast

This tool is also usually used as a root top dressing. The fact is that . When using them as a fertilizer, it should be borne in mind that they begin to function exclusively in a warm environment. Therefore, plants should be fed with solutions based on them only when the soil warms up well enough.

The first top dressing of onions in the open field with yeast is carried out no earlier than at the end of spring. To prepare the solution, you should take only sufficiently warm water. Both dry granular yeast and briquettes will be useful for plants. The first variety is bred in ten liters of water, the second - in 5. In both cases, 2 cups of sifted ash and 50 g of granulated sugar must be added to the solution. Water for yeast must be warm. After adding all the ingredients, the solution should be infused for an hour. Water them plants only under the root.

Responsiveness of onions to fertilizers

It was revealed that for growing 300 centners of onion from 1 hectare, the vegetable consumes from the soil:

  • 75 kg of potassium;
  • 81 kg of nitrogen;
  • 48 kg of lime;
  • 39 kg of phosphoric acid.

When applying mineral fertilizers, the culture consumes:

  • 25-30% phosphorus;
  • 45-50% potassium;
  • 100% nitrogen.

This information should be taken into account when feeding onions for turnips. You also need to know that phosphorus is evenly consumed throughout the entire ripening period, nitrogen - mainly in the first growing season, and potassium - in the second. The question of how to fertilize onions is also decided based on the type of fertilizer, soil condition, cultivation techniques, etc. etc.

It has been studied that phosphorus and potash fertilizers significantly accelerate the ripening of vegetables, the bulbs become dense and large, and are well stored. At the same time, if fresh manure is applied simultaneously with the entire norm of mineral fertilizers, this will reduce the crop yield. The effectiveness of onion feeding per head also depends on the amount of heat and light.

Growing onions on a feather

In addition to getting onions for turnips, many grow onions for greens. If you need onions only for greens, they are planted separately and at different times. This is due to the fact that the formation of turnips and green shoots need different feeding. So, for a bow on a feather, in order for the greens to be powerful, nitrogen is needed. After the appearance of the first green shoots, they are fed with urea or ammonium nitrate, 30 gr. per 1 sq.m. After another 10 days, phosphorus-potassium top dressing is needed, for this you can use wood ash or 30 gr. superphosphate and 10 gr. potassium chloride per 10 liters of water. You can carry out 1 dressing at a time, 14 days after planting. In this case, all fertilizers are applied in the complex.