How to deal with ants on plants. How to get rid of ants in the area? Can other insects help?

Methods that prescribe how to get rid of ants in a garden or garden are most often based on the use of drugs with a toxic effect on insects. With a few colonies, folk remedies are successfully used, traps are set up. Plants that repel pests with their aroma help. It will not be possible to quickly and permanently expel ants, therefore, constant preventive work and an integrated approach to solving the problem will be required.

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    Why is it necessary to get rid of ants?

    Most of the damage in summer cottages and household plots is observed from black garden ants. They differ from their forest counterparts in that they do not build anthills. They equip their dwelling in the ground, choosing sites near the roots of shrubs, perennial flowers, trees. They like to settle in the beds.

    The main danger is aphids, which are protected by ants from being eaten by other insects. Such a symbiosis has developed due to aphid secretions, which serve as the main food for ants. Therefore, the fight must be comprehensive, directed against these pests at the same time.

    Insects that have multiplied on the site cause discomfort and interfere with the normal development of plants.

    Ants graze aphids

    Red ants arrange low mounds above the surface of the earth. Their main passages are located underground. An extensive colony can destroy even a powerful tree if it settles in its roots. In the warm season, yellow ants live on the site and in the greenhouse, and with the onset of cold weather they often settle in country houses, hiding in crevices. They spoil food, carry harmful bacteria.

    Fight in the garden

    Having found ant settlements, it is necessary to take timely measures to destroy them. Having picked up a certain technique, it is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness in a few days. If the colony has remained in the same place, gardeners resort to other methods. To bring out the ants that have bred in the garden, the following activities are carried out:

    • lay out fabric flaps soaked in kerosene under the bushes;
    • around gooseberries, currants place calendula, which serves as bait for ladybugs that destroy aphids;
    • the bottom of the trunk is smeared with hemp oil or tied with a woolen cloth dipped in carbolic acid;
    • tree trunks are whitewashed and the soil under the crown is sprayed with a solution of lime;
    • linseed oil is mixed with oven soot and coated with a barrel, applying a ring 10 cm wide;
    • fix plastic bottles with sweet water on the branches, smearing the necks with syrup;
    • they dig ditches around the trunks, the width and depth of which are on average 50 mm. Coat the walls and bottom with clay, and then pour in water, which serves as a barrier to ants;
    • arrange a barrier on the trunks of a strip of tin or plastic.

    Ant barrier

    Quicklime will help fight pests. They pour it into a hole made with a shovel in the discovered anthill, and pour in water. You can use a solution of carbolic acid with a concentration of 20%. From aphids, pour eight liters of heated water into a bucket, pour half of the grated bar of laundry soap. Stir until dissolved. Add a liter jar of ash. The tips of the branches, inhabited by aphids, are dipped into the resulting liquid.

    How to drive ants out of the garden?

    Most often, ants settle in places that are rarely dug up - next to perennial onions, parsley, at the roots of shrubs. This must be taken into account when using annual loosening of the soil and transplanting perennials as one of the measures. Other events are also carried out in the garden, designed to destroy or expel ants from their chosen place:

    • they dig deep the discovered nest and pour in a thick layer of ash, tobacco dust or salt;
    • dissolve 400 grams of laundry soap turned into shavings with a knife in ten liters of water, add kerosene - 10 tablespoons, carbolic acid - two tablespoons and water the anthill abundantly;
    • scatter stove soot in the places where insects are located;
    • fall asleep anthills with soda;
    • crush two heads of garlic, mix with three buckets of dry sawdust and scatter in the aisles, under bushes and trees;
    • pour a mixture of water and vegetable oil into the habitat of pests in a ratio of 2: 1;
    • use boric acid in the fight. It is combined with sugar in a ratio of 1:4. Dissolve five tablespoons of the mixture in a liter of water and pour into a previously loosened anthill;
    • fill the bumps that form above the nest with kerosene - two tablespoons diluted in ten liters of water;
    • to permanently destroy the larvae, heat 20 liters of water to a boil and fill in the previously excavated habitat of insects;
    • dig up an ant's nest and cover it with a mixture of dry pounded oregano and sulfur, observing a ratio of 1: 2.

    On the beds, a bait is laid out from rags soaked in a concentrated sugar solution. Ants quickly find a treat and gather in large numbers. Then the rag is dipped in boiling water to kill the insects. It should be borne in mind that ants move mobile from a destroyed place to another part of the garden. Therefore, constant monitoring is required.

    How to remove pests from the greenhouse?

    The smell of the composition, for the preparation of which fresh yeast is used - two tablespoons, will scare away the ants from the greenhouse. They are diluted with a mixture of equal volumes of water, sugar and honey to a gruel concentration. Put a teaspoon in matchboxes, which are placed inside around the perimeter.

    Having found the presence of an anthill in the greenhouse, dissolve granulated sugar in a liter of boiling water - 5 tablespoons, pour 30 grams of boric acid, add half a glass of vegetable oil and a glass of table vinegar. This mixture is poured into a hole made in an ant's nest, which is covered with polyethylene on top, fixing its edges with boards. Repeat after three days.

    A mixture of half a glass of shampoo, 3 tablespoons of soda, a liter jar of ash helps to expel pests. Add 5 liters of water, stir and pour over the anthill. You can sprinkle cinnamon around the perimeter of the greenhouse outside, the smell of which repels insects.

    Relocation of insects

    If the methods of control, which consist in the destruction of insects, are not to the liking of the gardener or gardener, then it is recommended to relocate the entire colony to the nearest forest. To do this, they dig an anthill as deep as possible around the perimeter and try to load it entirely onto a wheelbarrow. Small nests are placed in a bucket. The remaining hole is covered with salt or ash.

    In the forest, the sod is removed, the soil is loosened, slightly deepening it, and the resettled colony is placed. Ants quickly adapt and independently arrange a complex system of moves. This method is the most humane.


    Often at home they use baits that are laid out in places inaccessible to children in low containers. For cooking, you need borax - five grams, water - a quarter cup, sugar - two tablespoons.

    You can use jam - 0.5 liters. Pour a bag (5 g) of powdered boric acid into it and add fresh yeast - two teaspoons. Insects quickly find a sweet treat, but die under the influence of boric acid. It is believed that this is one of the best pest control.

    Having found passages in the dacha through which ants enter the house, they fry a piece of fat that has turned yellow from old age. They put it on a plate and put it near this place. Such protection quite reliably repels pests.

    Garlic protecting strawberries

    You can lay out bunches of tansy, wormwood, tomato tops along the fences, sprinkle mustard, chopped bay leaves, anise. Lay out wild mint or elderberry branches with leaves. Young elastic arrows of garlic are useful, which are tied around tree trunks, placed under shrubs and on the edges of the beds.


    Folk methods do not always allow you to permanently get rid of ants. In such situations, the right chemical preparation from an extensive range of insecticides helps.

    On ants, the most effective destroying effect is exerted by varieties of toxic compounds, which include diazinon. This substance affects the nervous system of the insect, causing paralysis and death. Ampoules with a volume of 10 ml are enough to treat an area of ​​​​50 square meters. Since diazinon is an insecticide of contact and food action, not only adults, but also larvae are subject to destruction. There will be no new settlements on the treated area for at least a month.

    On the basis of diazinon, such compositions against ants as Thunder-2, Medvetoks, Anteater, Muratsid are made. Another effective insecticide is chlorpyrifos, on the basis of which the Absolut preparation was developed, which remains effective for two months. The active substance remains in the soil for up to 120 days.

    Vegetable and green crops should not fall into the chemical treatment area. During the procedure, it is necessary to wear tight closed clothing, a respirator, goggles, gloves.

    Ants destroy other pests: spider mites, slugs, caterpillars, fly larvae - on the site. But the benefits to humans from these insects are small, and they cause a lot of harm.

    It is difficult to prevent the appearance of ants in the garden, in the garden, in the summer cottage.

The ant family in the summer cottage is considered an indispensable link in a single ecosystem. Every child knows these insects with complete transformation. Many of us have experienced painful ant stings. But still, the ever-scurrying tireless workers evoke sympathy.

"Versatile" ant

The black ant is a frequent guest in the garden and in the house

Hymenoptera in the garden or summer cottage can be treated differently. On the one hand, many small garden pests (spider mites, slugs, fly larvae, etc.) serve as their food. An ordinary anthill of black workers in the garden collects about 2 thousand pests per day. On the other hand, they are associated with unpleasant moments.

  • Finding nutrients in the seeds of plants (including weeds), they transfer them to their anthills, spreading them throughout the garden, and increase the germination of the same weeds.
  • Berry in the beds suffers from insects (strawberries, strawberries, etc.). Its trade dress spoils.

"Taking care" of aphids as the main source of food, ants contribute to its reproduction, transferring voracious insects that feed on the greenery of plants to neighboring crops. Suffice it to say that microscopic aphids in large colonies can completely destroy the crop. The psyllids, some caterpillars, and cicadas “courted” by ants also belong to the same living food.

But, equipping their anthills, they can choose places that are completely unsuitable for gardeners (in berry bushes), interfering with the growth and development of plants. Flower buds are also a delicacy for insects. For a stronger release of nectar, the ants deliberately gnaw off the petals, which leads to the drying of the inflorescences.

Where there are ants, there are aphids - that's a fact

To lead peaceful coexistence with insects, to attract them to a summer cottage, or, conversely, to try to get garden ants out of the garden - the summer resident himself needs to decide, based on his goals.

Fight strategy

Attention! When solving the problem of how to get rid of ants in a garden plot, it should be understood that aphids, a food source for insects, also need to be destroyed. It is impossible to get rid of one pest without touching another. This explains the difficulties of the struggle. It needs to be carried out comprehensively: to block the access of ants to trees and get rid of anthills using effective drugs.

In the first case, the problem is solved locally, stopping only the areas near the trees. For this:

  • On tree trunks at a height of 0.5 m, "trapping belts" are arranged. Cardboard or paper is treated with glue to catch insects. Having wrapped the trunk, the belt is fixed. You need to start fishing in early March. Belts are replaced in autumn, in early October. Not only the black garden ant, but also other garden pests fall into the trap.
  • You can protect the tree by building a water "ring" - a barrier around the trunk. It can be a tire cut along the very middle, filled with water, or a ditch dug for this purpose.
  • Some gardeners use millet against garden ants. By pouring it in places of mass accumulation of insects, you can force them to leave this area.
  • “Put on” a bandage of foil on the trunk. Make the bottom edge sharp. For insects, it will become an insurmountable barrier.
  • The fight against ants in the garden area is further complicated by the fact that their main "forces" - the fertile uterus and sexual individuals - live in a multi-tiered structure underground, without appearing from above on the surface. The only way to hit them is to poison the uterus, the young and the rest of the "residents" of the dungeon. This principle is the basis of modern methods of struggle. The death of ants does not occur immediately. The poison brought with food infects all new individuals in the nest.
  • The so-called poisoned "baits" are placed along the paths along which the ants scurry, near the entrances to the anthill. A pesticide can be a gel, dust, liquid, granules.

Not using "chemistry"

If the ants have overcome, you should not immediately resort to drastic measures. First, try to use folk remedies.

  • Wearing protective clothing and shoes, stir up the nest, dig up the ground near it. Then pour a large amount of boiling water over it.
  • In general, you can prevent the formation of anthills by loosening the soil more often, especially near trees. Before that, add lime, ash or ash to the soil. The nest will cease to exist only after the destruction of the "queen" and all offspring.
  • Protect the tree from ant invasion by applying concentrated lime mortar to the trunk, as well as to the ground adjacent to it.
  • Play the "who wins" game. Bring red, large-sized ants from the forest, which will force out the black "summer residents" from their territory.
  • Various baits are made, the main additive in which is boric acid. Minced meat or fish, sweet mixtures of honey, sugar, water can serve as the basis.
  • Knowing that insects do not like strong odors, cut and spread the garlic cloves. Sprinkle powdered tansy, fresh branches of wormwood. Plant mint, lemon balm, parsnips in the aisles.
  • Ordinary soda will also work. There are various options for its use. The easiest is to pour sodium bicarbonate (3 tablespoons) into cold water (1 liter), mix well and pour over the anthill.
  • You can poison insects with sodium carbonate and vinegar. To do this, a crater is made in the anthill, soda is poured there, and vinegar is poured on top. The nest is covered with a layer of soil, under which a violent chemical reaction takes place.
  • Scattered ground cinnamon from ants in the garden also helps.

Attention! Folk methods of struggle are not a panacea. None of them can guarantee complete deliverance. But purposeful application in due time will help prevent the reproduction of insects and their spread.

If folk methods are ineffective

In the case of mass dominance of beds by insects, chemical preparative forms are used.

  • An effective remedy for garden ants is Diazinon. It works by contact-intestinal way. It affects the upper integuments, penetrates inside with food. Death does not cause immediately, but only 24-48 hours after infection.
  • Muracid has a striking effect on black garden ants. The toxic liquid substance is used sparingly. Only 3-4 drops are enough to dilute in a liter of water, and 1 ampoule is enough for a complete treatment of 12-20 anthills (for 10 liters of solution).

Specialized chemistry from ants is also represented by other drugs. You need to apply them, guided by the requirements of the instructions, using PPE. The list includes "Thunder", "Dachnik", "", "Trinol", etc.

In order not to resort to the destruction of the ants themselves, polluting the soil with chemicals, you must, first of all, throw all your strength into destroying the reason that prompted the insects to move to your site - aphids. The fight against it is the main link in the complex of measures to combat ants. Remember that in everything, including in the fight against eternal workers, you need to know when to stop. Indeed, by destroying anthills, we violate one of the important links of the ecological system. There are no empty niches in nature. Who knows, maybe by removing the ants from the site, you make room for a more insidious enemy of dachas and gardens.

Ants from the site often crawl into human habitation. There they spoil food and make nests. Ant repellents in a country house must be safe for humans and beneficial insects - earthworms, bees. Also, drugs should not harm trees and plants in the beds.

Folk remedies

Gardeners and gardeners can settle in the house in the country. They crawl into human habitation in search of food and damage food. It is better to fight ants in the country, which cannot poison a person or a pet.


The caustic powder is unpleasant to arthropods. burns their airways and paws. It is worth scattering the substance on the floor in the country and pushing it into the cracks at home.

On a note!

For the best effect, mustard is mixed with coffee, or hot peppers.

You can prepare a mustard solution from 5 liters of water and 50 grams of dry matter. They are sprayed on ants and treated on walls. The same solution in the country.


The method allows you to remove ants from the house in the country in one week. To get rid of pests, you must use the following recipe:

  1. Fresh mixed with jam or sugar syrup.
  2. Small balls are rolled from the resulting mixture.
  3. The tool is laid out on ant paths.

Insects will attack the sweet treat. They themselves will carry it to the larvae. After a while, all the ants will disappear from the country house.

Boric acid

It is good from garden ants in the house, which has a contact-intestinal effect. The following poisonous baits are prepared with it:

  1. A teaspoon of acid is mixed with sugar syrup. Small pieces of bread are wetted in the product, which are laid out along the paths of the ants.
  2. Three hard-boiled egg yolks are mixed with boiled potatoes, sugar and boric acid. Small balls are rolled from the mixture and laid out near the ant trails.

From forest ants in a country house, it is good to use minced meat bait. For her, mix a teaspoon of boric acid and two tablespoons of fresh minced meat. The bait is placed in places of accumulation of pests.


This folk remedy helps to get rid of ants under the house. mixed with hot pepper or with and fall asleep under the floors. The mixture is also treated with cracks and ant paths.

On a note!

Salt should be sprinkled on window sills and the threshold of a country house. Ants cannot overcome such an obstacle.


On a note!

Instead of Masha, you can use Feverfew powder. It is absolutely safe for humans and pets, because it has a natural composition. Ants cannot develop immunity to this remedy.

When you have to decide how to get rid of ants in a country house, do not forget about your safety. Many chemicals can cause severe poisoning. If there are few ants in the house, then you should rely on folk remedies.

Prevention should not be neglected either. It will help you avoid fighting the enemy. It is necessary to keep the cottage clean, hang it on the windows. Rotten wood and rotten plants should be removed from the beds in time.

And behind it, in turn, there will be bacterial and fungal diseases. In general, there are almost no chances to fully develop in garden plants with such neighbors. And if you do nothing, then you should not count on the harvest. How to get rid of ants in the garden with the help of improvised means and what to do so that these nimble insects bypass your site - this will be discussed in our article.

Insect damage in the garden

Despite the fact that ants destroy other harmful ones, they are unwanted guests in the beds. In the process of their vital activity, the soil becomes loose, enriched with nitrogen, potassium and humus, they do not harm plants. Why should they be driven off the site?

Did you know? Scientists from Harvard University in Florida during the experiment managed to find out that ants are as ancient as dinosaurs. These insects first appeared about 130 million years ago and have already experienced mass extinction.

Collecting dead beetles and butterflies throughout the area in order to feed the uterus, ants contribute to the spread of aphids. But this is not all the accusations in their direction: when constructing their underground dwellings, the ubiquitous insects make many moves in the root system of plants, thereby preventing the development of horticultural crops.

Moreover, they are carriers of weed seeds. It is obvious that the benefits that these dexterous insects bring to the beds and the garden do not at all compensate for the losses from the vital activity of their faithful companion - aphids.

Folk remedies

Fighting ants in a summer cottage is a laborious process, so you need to be patient right away. It is pointless to kill an entire colony, it turned out to be more effective to relocate these insects to another place. There are many ways to do this, consider the best.

Digging up an anthill

This is one of the radical methods of insect control. It consists in extracting the entire ant nest and relocating it off site. Experienced owners are advised to protect themselves with special clothing and dig as deep as possible.

Then the anthill, depending on its size, is loaded onto a wheelbarrow or into a bucket and taken away from their possessions to any place they like. They resort to resettlement in rare cases, when other remedies for ants in the country are powerless.

Be vigilant: the remaining tenants can settle in the old place, therefore, so that they do not have such a desire, sprinkle the excavated depression with table salt. You can also use powder or wood ash. As a preventive measure, it does not hurt to dig nearby sites. They can also be fertilized with ash.

Plants that drive away pests from the site

Some housewives share their experience of sowing daffodils, lavender, lemon balm, peppermint, mustard and even allow wormwood to grow in the beds and near the trunks of garden plants. The fact is that these smells are very unpleasant to insects.

Tomatoes, mustard, red hot chili peppers, onions, garlic, parsley, anise, marigolds, black elderberry, all representatives of conifers were also included in the list of crops that drive away ants. And the more such smells will be around, the faster run away garden lovers aphids.

If you did not have time to sow these crops in a timely manner, and the ants have already chosen your site, do not be discouraged. It is enough to overlay their tops with an anthill, and soon the insects will leave your yard.

On the forums, summer residents are advised to mix coniferous hairpins or sawdust with foliage of wormwood, mint, fennel, douse everything with kerosene and put a “treat” under the abode of uninvited guests. To improve the effect, sprinkle the area around the nest with dry mustard or ground black pepper. Please note that the degree of evaporation of incense is affected by air humidity and temperature. Therefore, be prepared to select a remedy that will work.

Important!To save the garden from aphids, spray the plants, especially the leaves on the inside, with a soda solution in the proportion of 10 liters of water to 3 tablespoons of the powder.

For those who are looking for answers to the question of how to instantly get ants out of the garden, a recipe is suitable, the main ingredient of which is boric acid. It is enough to dissolve 30 g of powder and 5 tablespoons of sugar in 1 liter of boiling water, add 100 g of sunflower oil, and the product is ready.

You can enhance the effect with a few drops of any essential oil or a glass of table vinegar. This mixture should be poured as deep as possible into the ant's nest. To do this, you need to make a deep hole in it, and after the liquid is at its destination, cover the anthill with a piece of polyethylene and fix its edges. After a couple of days, the procedure should be repeated.

Did you know? The main task of ants is the preparation of supplies for the winter, but they do not arbitrarily eat the food they get. Everything comes at the disposal of the uterus, the so-called "queen", which decides what, when and to whom to eat.

In creating an "anti-ant" you can improvise. On the forums, gardeners share a recipe with the addition of shampoo (for the given mixture you will need about 100 g), soda (no more than 2-3 tablespoons), ash (the amount does not matter). Instead of water, you can take a decoction of coniferous branches or tomato stems. Plan the processing for the period when all the inhabitants of the anthill return home, and be careful not to burn the roots of cultivated plants.


The smell of this liquid is unbearable for ants. Sensing it, they immediately begin to look for another suitable place for their abode. Kerosene should be generously poured on top of the anthill and the area around it. Some gardeners advise to additionally pour a little money into the recess made in the nest.

As a preventive measure, you can moisten small pieces of cloth in kerosene and spread them, for example, in a berry bush under each currant bush. It is strictly forbidden to water tree trunks with such a substance, otherwise you will lose not only ants, but also plants in the garden.

Boiling water

If you don’t want to interact with chemicals, and small workers have occupied the garden and the garden, prepare boiling water and scald their lair several times daily, after stirring it up. The discomfort created will give an immediate result.

For those who do not sufficiently understand the importance of this issue, it should be clarified that getting rid of ants on the site is not only one of the stages of the “battle for the harvest”, but also a guarantee that the wooden building (house, shed, veranda) will last long enough. The fact is that these insects are able to turn any wood into dust. Visually, it will be completely invisible, but the day will come when it turns out that it is necessary to make major repairs.

There are so many recipes for fighting ants that one article is clearly not enough to describe them. And yet, this issue should be discussed in more detail, given its relevance for any summer resident / gardener. All folk remedies that are listed below have been tested in practice, so their effectiveness is beyond doubt.

Firstly, the specifics of the site and the characteristics of the region (for example, climate, environmental conditions). Probably, the assertion that insects gradually mutate, that is, to a certain extent, adapt to changes in living conditions in the territory they have chosen, will no longer seem ridiculous to anyone. Consequently, not all "grandfather" methods that were considered effective for centuries may work just as well today.

Secondly, the implementation of one or another method of getting rid of ants (as well as) requires compliance with a certain technology. Some act immediately, while for others, the repeatability of the process is important (processing several times, regular, at certain time intervals).

Thirdly, you should not "go in cycles" in one thing. You need to try 3 - 4 means, that is, experiment. Naturally, their effectiveness will be somewhat different. But only in this way, empirically, you can find the best option for dealing with ants in a particular garden plot.

Fourthly, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the means used on plants. Not everything that is suitable for the destruction of insects "in general" is advisable to use in certain areas of the dacha. Therefore, when choosing a method of dealing with them, you need to focus on the location of the anthill and the layout of the territory (its planting).

"Folk" means and methods of dealing with ants can be conditionally divided into 3 categories - used to protect against the penetration of insects into a certain "zone", surface treatment of the anthill and its partial destruction (opening).

Surface application products


  • An "explosive" mixture, which is prepared as follows:

Option number 1: for a bucket of water - 2 cups of vinegar, vegetable oil and shampoos. After pouring into the mink, the place is covered with a film (to create a "greenhouse" effect).

Option number 2: kerosene - 10, carbolic acid - 2 (tablespoons) per 10 liters of soapy water (400 g of black soap). This solution is also suitable for spraying plantings.

Option number 3: molasses - 1 cup per 10 liters.

Option number 4: table salt - per bucket 1 kg.


  • Lime (or bleach, or ordinary - no difference), but always quicklime. After watering this place, the corresponding chemical reaction will begin. This method is also good to use before the rain - just pour it, and the rest will be done by the precipitation. With an irregular appearance in the country, lime can be scattered in the future, based on the same rain.
  • As a rule, some home-made (or purchased stove) is installed at each site, in which garbage is periodically burned. If hot ash is poured onto the anthill, then these unwanted "neighbors" will disappear.
  • Cinnamon (only ground).

Means for processing "from the inside"

  • You can use solutions of chemicals that are used to spray fruit trees and shrubs. They are poured into the anthill, through the "main entrance".
  • Coniferous concentrate solution - 75%. A weaker one will only scare away insects, but will not destroy them.
  • Tobacco. It is enough not to pour it too thickly inside the anthill, and the insects will leave.
  • "Absolut Gel" (commercially available). The kit includes a special syringe that injects the product into the anthill. Manufacturers explain that females die first of all from this “delicacy”, and the colony does not increase in number.

"Enclosing" means

They are used to prevent the penetration of ants on bushes and trees, on the leaves of which their "milk cows" - aphids are located. They specially cultivate it, so that later they suck out the most valuable “milk” for themselves. And how the presence of these microscopic insects affects the leaves and the yield in general, there is no need to explain.

Ants really dislike peppermint. If the plant is planted at the rhizomes of trees and around shrubs, then they and the aphids bred by them will disappear.

Each gardener digs in trees and bushes, forms borders around them so that when watering, the water does not spread over the territory, but remains in the rhizome area. If you put the stems of wormwood (or elderberry) in these "holes", then its smell will repel insects. The tool is very reliable, but there are drawbacks - you have to wait until the plant itself grows up, and after placing it in a certain place, regularly update such “bookmarks”.

Slightly above the ground level, the trunk is coated with tar around the circumference. Such a ring is a reliable barrier for ants.

Many summer residents grow garlic. His ants not only do not like, but literally scatter from this smell. If you rub the lower parts of the trunks with such greenery, then they and aphids will disappear. There is another way to use garlic. With long arrows, with a small thickness of the trunk, it can be tied around, arranging a kind of ring of greenery. Ants up to the leaves, just do not get.

In the "holes" around trees and shrubs, you can lay a layer of peat, which is used to shade the ground - insects will no longer appear in this place.

Ants, like most other insects, cannot swim. Some gardeners take this into account and arrange a "water barrier". As an option, the old tire is cut in half and placed around the tree, after which water is poured into this “pool”. For a seedling, the technology is simple. But what about an already mature tree? After all, if the tire (and even with a cord) is cut, then it will no longer be possible to securely connect it so as to avoid leaks. Some gardeners seal the joint with plasticine, but such a design will require a systematic "repair". Although for young animals (when the ring can be installed from above, without cutting), the option is not bad, especially if the site is regularly irrigated, which means that there will always be water in the tires.

You can list a few commercially available funds. They destroy both ants and aphids. How and against which insects to use them is indicated on the package.

  • "Ant-eater".
  • Delicia.
  • "Muracid".
  • "Decis-Profi".
  • "BI-58".
  • "Confidor-Extra" and a number of others.

Here are a few more options that can be found on forums dedicated to the issue of getting rid of ants. How serious and acceptable it is, you decide, dear reader.

  • Place vessels (bottles, jars) with a sugar solution around the habitats of ants. Argumentation - insects will reach for the sweet liquid and get stuck in it. Then you can pour water (boiling water). But given how many individuals even in one small colony, many questions arise.
  • Open the top layer of the anthill and pour semolina there. Argument - insects will eat, semolina will begin to increase in volume from heat, and they will die.
  • Bring red ants from the forest and release them in the country. They “domesticate” quite quickly, practically do not harm vegetation, and black brothers will be taken out of the site rather quickly.

Having made a kind of analysis of all methods and means, we can draw some conclusions:

Firstly, if we are to fight ants, then until they are completely destroyed in the country, and not just drive them from place to place. From this point of view, the choice of funds is somewhat limited if you do not want to constantly spend time on this.

Secondly, when getting rid of “our own” ants, one should not forget that “strangers” who were driven away by the owners of adjacent plots can come in. In order to have a 100% guarantee that insects will no longer appear, it is advisable to provide reliable protection of the territory around the perimeter.

Thirdly, only those chemicals that are recommended for soil and plant treatment (for example, spraying) can be used.