How to clean an oak barrel. How to wash barrels of gasoline How to wash a barrel from under

At the dacha or in the garage, you always need a container for storing water. If you have a barrel on your farm that used to store fuels and lubricants, or you accidentally purchased a plastic barrel that was used for chemicals, then after high-quality cleaning and washing, such a container can even be used for a summer shower. So do not rush to part with the containers, and our tips and recommendations on how to clean a barrel of engine oil and how to clean a plastic barrel from chemicals will definitely come in handy.

Cleaning containers from fuel and lubricants

How to clean and wash the canister and evaporate the barrel? Fuels and lubricants are synonymous with the word "petroleum products". These materials include products and lubricants that are most commonly used in the automotive industry. For example, combustible materials, in other words, fuel, are divided into:

  • Petrol.
  • Diesel fuel or diesel fuel.

Lubricants are also divided into the following products:

  • Engine oil.
  • Transmission oil.
  • Plastic lubricant.
  • Special purpose oil.

Based on what exactly your container is contaminated with, the methods for cleaning the barrel of engine oil will also differ somewhat.

Methods for removing oil residues

Typically, containers where petroleum products were stored are cleaned using the following methods:

  • Steaming.
  • Flushing.

Such methods are quite dangerous and require special care. Proceed as follows:

  1. From the brick, install the supporting walls. There should be two.
  2. Put a metal barrel on supports.
  3. Pour enough water into the tank.
  4. Light a fire under the barrel.
  5. It is not necessary to close the cap of the container.
  6. The water must boil for a long time so that a sufficient amount of steam accumulates in the barrel.
  7. The remaining oil products, thanks to steam, will drain into the water.
  8. After the water boils and begins to cool, cover the barrel with a cork, but do not twist it.
  9. Leave the tank to cool.
  10. Pour out the dirty water from the barrel.
  11. Repeat the whole process one more time if you are not satisfied with the result.


To make the cleaning process more efficient, use the following preparations and substances:

  • Caustic soda. This agent can be added to the water during steaming and rinsing to quickly wash the plastic barrel of chemicals.
  • UPTS-2002. The drug effectively degreases and removes oil residues at a temperature of 30 to 50 degrees of water in a barrel. The product can also be used as a solvent for oil, lubricants, and other similar materials.
  • SOFEKS-TMS-2001. This product is a general purpose cleaning product. You can also use it to clean the tank from oil residues under brand B. This detergent has several brands for various purposes and materials.

How to clean a barrel of engine oil with improvised means?

To remove residual diesel fuel or engine oil, gasoline is most often used.

Important! The smell of gasoline is well removed by a large amount of water.

We propose to use in the fight against the problem, how to clean the barrel of engine oil, and other improvised devices:

  1. Dishwashing liquid. This is the easiest and most effective way. Pour hot water into the barrel and then add detergent. Let the tank stand for a while, and then drain the dirty water. Household chemicals can easily cope with any fat. If the result does not satisfy you, then repeat the washing procedures. Rinse off any residue with plenty of water.
  2. Sand and sawdust. These substances will also help clean the barrel of engine oil. Pour sawdust or sand into the tank so that they absorb the oil. After - discard dirty materials and clean the tank with water, adding dishwashing detergent. As a washing device, you can also use laundry soap or washing powder.

Important! To clean the container of oil residue, you can use newspapers or other paper that can absorb liquid well, instead of sand or sawdust.

  1. Sun. This method will take time, since the barrel should stand for a month under direct sunlight. During this time, the engine oil will oxidize. To not only clean the barrel of engine oil, but also to remove the smell from it, rinse the tank with water and detergent.
  2. Dye. A more radical way to get rid of oil residue is to paint the barrel from the inside. Before painting, wipe the container with newspapers, any material or sawdust to absorb excess oil. You can use ordinary enamel for painting. You can use both a brush for paint and an airbrush when working.
  3. Solvent. Purchase thinner, white spirit, or kerosene at any hardware store. First, turn the barrel upside down so that the remaining oil drains, and then walk over the surface of the container with any solvent.
  4. Acoustic soda can also help in cleaning, which corrodes any, both organic and inorganic compounds. But it must be handled with extreme caution so that a high concentration of the solution does not corrode the plastic.

Important! When using solvents and other household chemicals, protect yourself with personal protective equipment. Before working, put on rubber gloves and protect your eyes with goggles.

  1. Use an active foam that is found in car washes to clean the barrel of engine oil, if possible.

Important! For metal barrels, we suggest using an effective method - firing from the inside. However, this procedure must be carried out in dry, calm weather and very carefully, since the oil is highly flammable. Proceed as follows:

  • In the barrel, cut off the top lid.
  • Put dry branches, firewood inside the tank.
  • Set fire to the branches. Fire will remove all traces of oil.
  • Cover the barrel with a sheet of metal to prevent the fire from spreading further.
  • Wait for the barrel to cool down.
  • Go over the surface with a stiff brush to remove any remaining dirt. As a result, you will get a clean container, but without additional coating, over time, the barrel will rust.
  • Mix one kilogram of cement with 0.5 liters of milk.
  • Coat the inside of the tank with the resulting mixture.
  • Leave the barrel to dry for a couple of days.
  • If desired, on top of the mixture, paint the surface from the inside with water-dispersion paint, although in this form, the tank can be used on the farm.

How to wash a plastic barrel from chemistry?

After high-quality cleaning and washing, a plastic container can be used, for example, for an outdoor shower or storing water for irrigation, but such a container is unsuitable for drinking water.

To clean a plastic barrel from chemicals and make it applicable for storing clean drinking water, you can use:

  1. Dishwashing liquid. Fill the barrel with hot water and add washing products. For high-quality washing, repeat the procedure several times. After - remove the detergent product with running water in large quantities.
  2. Caustic soda. This product removes all compounds, both organic and inorganic. Fill the container with hot water and add the product. After washing, rinse the container in running water.
  3. Laundry soap or laundry detergent. These cleaning products will also help you get rid of chemical residues.


Use our recommendations and advice and used barrels will come in handy again on the farm. And as a bonus, those unspent funds that you could use to purchase new water tanks can be spent on useful and pleasant things for yourself. Good luck!

To wash the container from gasoline, you can use a soapy solution. It is highly desirable that the water be running. If you need to clean a 200-liter barrel, you will need a hose connected to the water supply. This work is not easy and it will not work to rinse the container in 1-2 times. You will need a large amount of water, soap, rags. Effective in this matter and the means used for washing dishes. If it is possible to use hot water, the process of washing the barrel will be faster.

Another way to clean the container from gasoline is to use kerosene. It is able to corrode most petroleum products, including gasoline and engine oil. To do this, dip a rag into kerosene and carefully wipe the bottom and walls of the barrel with it. The procedure is repeated several times. Then cold water is poured into the container, soda is poured and left for several days. After that, the barrel is thoroughly washed with running water.

How to burn a barrel of gasoline?

One of the most popular ways to get rid of the residue and smell of gasoline is to burn the container in which it was stored. But this is only possible if it is made of metal. For plastic barrels, you need to choose other methods. A gas burner is used to burn gasoline.

This work is quite dangerous, so it requires the use of precautions. First you need to make sure that all the gasoline is drained. If the bottom or walls of the metal barrel are uneven, you must use a rag and collect the remaining fuel with it. After that, the container must be given time to dry (on average, a couple of hours is enough).

Then turn on the gas burner and start firing the metal. If possible, the barrel is laid on its side. In no case should you look inside the container during its firing: this is fraught with severe burns. During work, you should try to keep the body as far away from open flames as possible. It is recommended to wear special gloves made of refractory material on your hands.

If the barrel is fired immediately after removing gasoline from it, care must be taken to ensure that there is a supply of dry sand nearby. It will be needed in case the remaining fuel was not carefully removed. The barrel should be at a safe distance from buildings and trees.

After firing, the container is thoroughly washed with water from a hose. When the barrel is dry, its interior can be painted with any suitable paint. If this container is planned to be used for storing drinking water, staining is carried out with compositions based on natural ingredients.

If you got a barrel (or bought a cheap barrel of fuel and lubricants) and you want to leave it on the farm.

Usually they want to use such barrels as a container for water, but in this case it is necessary to somehow completely clean the internal container of an iron barrel from all foreign matter.

Fuel barrel cleaning

First of all, it is worth finding out what this “gsm” is.

Fuels and lubricants are fuels and lubricants, a synonym for this abbreviation is the word "petroleum products".

Fuels and lubricants include combustible products and lubricants (which are more often used in the automotive industry).

Combustible (or, more simply, fuel) can be divided into:

  • Petrol,
  • Diesel fuel (diesel fuel);
  • Combustible gases are also referred to as fuel (but they are not relevant here).

In turn, lubricants are divided into:

  • Engine oil;
  • Transmission oil;
  • Special purpose oil;
  • Plastic lubricant.

Cleaning barrels from oil products

Usually barrels from oil products are cleaned by steaming and washing.

How to do it? Simple enough, but this method is quite dangerous and requires caution.

  1. From the brick, install 2 supporting walls, put a barrel on them (there will be a fire under the barrel).
  2. Fill the barrel with a sufficient amount of water (the water should boil for a long time).
  3. The plug does not need to be closed.
  4. When the water boils, steam will accumulate in it and thanks to it, fuel oil (or other substance) will simply drain into the water.
  5. You can only cover with a cork (just cover, not twist) after the water boils and will gradually cool down.
  6. Wait until the barrel has cooled down.
  7. We take the cooled barrel and pour dirty water into the container.
  8. If the result does not satisfy you, repeat the process (usually once is not enough for a quality surface cleaning).

Now it is worth considering substances and preparations that will help wash the barrel.

Caustic soda - which can be added to water.

UPTS-2002 is a substance that effectively washes and degreases containers at a temperature of 30 to 50 (water temperature in a barrel). It also acts as a solvent for oil, lubricants and other substances.

SOFEKS-TMS-2001 is a general-purpose detergent, divided into several grades, but it is better to use grade B to clean containers from traces of petroleum products.

Cleaning the barrel from oil, gasoline and diesel fuel using improvised methods

Most often, diesel fuel and oil are cleaned with gasoline (and then they get rid of the smell of gasoline).

Gasoline itself is usually washed off with plenty of water.

Method 1- Fill the barrel of oil with sand (you can use biscuits, sawdust) so that it absorbs the oil, then rinse with a stream of water. Then pour water and a little faerie and wash well. Rinse with water (although a small amount of oil remains with the bottom method).

Method 2- Wash the barrels of oil from the oil with soapy water, followed by rinsing with water, not suitable for water, but just right for compost.

Method 3- In a barrel of oil, he cuts off the top cover, and put some firewood inside (you can use branches of medium thickness). Set fire to the branches - the fire will remove all traces of oil. After that, we have a hot barrel - you need to wait until it cools down.

Now we have a barrel clean of oil, but now we have a barrel that, without additional coating and care, will soon turn into a rusty barrel. We take a kilogram of cement and mix with 0.5 liters of milk. We cover the inner surface with the resulting mixture - leave to dry for a couple of days.

To improve the quality, you can paint on top of this mixture with water-dispersion paint, although without it you will already have a high-quality, clean water barrel.

Method 4- First wipe with newspapers (or rags) and then washed with soapy water.

After such simple operations, we get a barrel that can be used on the farm for your needs. Well, as a bonus, you can save a lot on this if you bought a second-hand barrel, not a new one, clean

Video how to protect the barrel from corrosion

Most industries clean barrels by steaming and washing.

Fuel oil is a product of oil refining, which, due to its gravity, precipitates. In fact, it is a waste of oil refining.

In comparison with other formed substances, it is the cheapest. This is the main property due to which it was previously used as a fuel.

In modern times, fuel oil can only be found at ancient power plants and boiler houses, in some places in old engines of the last century.

This type of fuel produces strong carbon deposits during combustion, has a pungent odor and has a low efficiency. Because of these qualities, it is abandoned and switched to other energy sources such as coal and gas. With the advent of the concept of cleanliness in ecology, old enterprises using fuel oil are closed or rebuilt.

But still there are many consumers of this type of oil product. Fuel oil is supplied to its customers in special containers: barrels and tanks. During operation, they become contaminated and lose useful volume. As part of prevention, manufacturing companies clean containers for further circulation of goods. How to clean a barrel of fuel oil if it is not alone. This is of course a labor-intensive process that takes a significant amount of time in this industry.

Most industries clean barrels by steaming and washing. This is a long-term process that can be hazardous to health. But lately, more and more large firms have seen new perspectives using modern chemistries. Unlike conventional solvents, special cleaners for fuel oil and other petroleum products are developed on an alkaline basis with the addition of effective additives. Through trial and error, a compound was created that removes fuel oil quickly and effectively.

Using modern chemicals is quite simple. It is enough to apply them to the contaminated surface, after a short period of time, rinse with water. If the plaque is large, then the procedure can be repeated. It is up to you to choose how to clean a barrel of fuel oil, but the practice of large cleaning companies shows that industrial chemicals have no competition. The advantage of modern products is their non-toxicity and high solubility in water. It may seem that such chemical compositions cost a lot of money, but in fact they are quite budgetary.

If you are thinking about how to clean a barrel of fuel oil and are leaning towards the latest in industrial chemistry, then contact the experts. Write to us and we will consider your problem in more detail. Thank you for your attention.

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