Cactus care. The benefits of cacti and care at home. How to care for a cactus in winter

Cacti are original evergreens, their peculiarity is an unusually shaped trunk with sharp needle-leaves. They belong to the carnation family. America is the birthplace of cacti, more than 3 thousand specimens are known, which, according to their habitat, are divided into desert and forest.

These plants can be found in the deserts of Africa, Argentina, Mexico, Chile. Representatives of forest species grow in the tropical jungle. In nature, cacti can grow up to several meters in height, and varieties intended for home cultivation are bred by breeders, so they are small in size.

Some of the exotic plants have healing properties, others can bloom with very beautiful flowers and are used for decorative decoration of rooms.

Besides caring for a cactus at home is not difficult, so prickly pets have long been widely recognized by almost all flora lovers.

Varieties of cacti

Some of the most popular types for growing indoors include:

How to care for a cactus - basic rules

Caring for cacti is very simple, as they are quite unpretentious and drought-resistant. H about certain rules when keeping these plants must be observed so that prickly pets grow up healthy and delight you with their gorgeous flowering.

All cacti are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Desert. Such plants need sunlight, in winter they need to be watered very rarely.
  2. Forest. These specimens in the summer should be protected from direct sunlight and, with the onset of cold weather, watering should be reduced.

Desert and forest species differ not only in external data, but also in the conditions of detention. After acquiring a plant, you need to find out exactly what species it belongs to, depending on this, decide how to care for the cactus that you have.

Features of keeping home cacti

Exotic plants are very sensitive to seasonal temperature changes. Their vital activity is divided into a period of active growth and a resting stage. Depending on the change in temperature in the room, the cactus can go from one state to another. For its full existence, it is necessary that in spring and summer the temperature in the room be 25–27 degrees, and in winter, when the cacti “fall asleep” no higher than 10–12 degrees.

Thorny plants should be comfortable and cozy in your home, so you must adhere to the following rules while caring for them:

Cactus: care and cultivation

Planting and reproduction

First of all, you need to choose a suitable pot for a prickly pet. The root system of these plants is quite powerful and branched, so it is better to choose a tall pot for planting, given that its height is greater than its width. Clay or plastic containers of any shape are ideal.

For planting, you need soil that contains leafy soil, turf, and coarse sand. All useful ingredients must be selected depending on the type, variety and age of the plant. Often flower growers simply buy ready-made substrate, designed specifically for cacti, in a special store. Properly selected soil and competent care at home will help to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

Landing should be done in the spring. At the bottom of the container where the plant will be located, a small amount of coarse sand or pebbles must be placed as a drainage layer. Then you need to fill the pot with soil and place the cactus there. After that, at the very top, you need to pour some river sand and small pebbles so that the soil does not retain water when you water the plant.

Cacti propagate using seeds or cuttings.. Growing a plant from seeds is a rather complicated and time-consuming process; the vegetative method is often used for this.

In order to grow an exotic flower from seeds, the following steps will be required:

The most common way to propagate exotic flowers is by cuttings., it is the most efficient, convenient and simple. Many cacti often grow lateral shoots or "babies" from which a new cactus can be grown. To do this, you just need to separate the regrown part, plant it in a pot with soil, water it and take care of it, like the rest of the cacti.

Cacti that do not have shoots can also be propagated. To do this, cut off a healthy shoot or part of the stem, then dry the cut and plant it in a moist substrate.

When caring for exotic flowers, it is necessary to replant them periodically. For young plants, transplantation should be carried out once a year, and adult cacti need to renew the ground once every 3-4 years. The best time for this is from the beginning of March to the end of May.

How to water a cactus at home

Plants must be watered regularly.. Water for this should be soft and settled. You can use rain or melt, room temperature. In summer, flowers must be watered daily, every morning. If the room is cool and fairly high humidity, watering is optional, as the plants can take moisture from the air. In winter, you need to water in small doses so that the soil does not dry out. It is best to moisten the soil in two ways - from above near the plant and pour water into the pan.

The basic rules for watering are:


For full growth, development and flowering, exotic flowers must be fed with organic fertilizers with phosphorus, potassium and calcium. Top dressing is necessary once a week from the end of March to the beginning of autumn. In winter, when the plant is at rest, it is not necessary to fertilize the soil.

Possible problems with the content of the flower

If the cactus does not grow, looks bad or, in general, dies, the reasons for this may be the following:

  • Wrong care.
  • Pests and diseases.
  • Bad mode.
  • Changing conditions of detention, stress.
  • Mechanical damage.

Most cacti suffer from various types of rot., which occurs due to waterlogging of the soil. To cure the plant, you need to remove it from the pot, rinse all the roots in running water, then dry and cut off all damaged roots and parts of the plant. After that, sprinkle these places with an antiseptic and transplant the cactus into a new container and put a lighted place, but do not water until you notice that the flower has begun to grow.

Often the plant can be affected: mealybug, shield aphid, spider mite. Here, the main thing is to start pest control in time, for this you need to treat cacti with insecticides - chemical preparations that destroy insects.

With proper care for prickly pets, you can achieve excellent results - an exotic garden will appear on your window, consisting of original cacti blooming with lush and bright colors.

Place the plant in a bright spot, on a windowsill or near a window. If there is little light, the cactus will eventually stretch and deform.

In the warm season, when the temperature does not drop below + 16–18 ° C, take your green pet to the balcony. But remember to make sure it doesn't burn. Keep in the shade or cover with paper or gauze for the first few weeks. And remember that with a burn, pale and discolored areas first appear on the plant, and then light brown dry spots that do not disappear with time.

If you want the cactus to bloom in spring or summer, let it overwinter at around +10°C. Just place the plant between window frames or in another cool place and cover with a film or glass screen.

If this is not possible, leave the cactus in its original place.

How to water a cactus

What water to water the cactus

Only soft. Due to the salts contained in hard tap water, a white coating will appear on the soil.

You can use filtered, boiled or settled water for a day or two. Melt and rain moisture is also good if you do not live in a metropolis. Can be watered with distilled water. If you prefer it, mix with settled in a 1: 1 ratio.

Make sure the liquid is at room temperature or a degree or two warmer. Otherwise, you can harm the root system.

Once every 3-4 waterings, it is useful to use acidic water. In a liter of undistilled water, simply dilute citric acid on the tip of a knife.

What irrigation technique to use

Gently and slowly pour water into the pot so that the earth is saturated gradually. Try not to wet the cactus. Otherwise, moisture will get into microcracks on its stem and rotting will begin.

In summer and autumn, be sure to remove excess moisture from the pan, otherwise the roots will rot. Leave the water for a short time only at the first spring watering.

Pour water into the pan and wait until the topsoil gets wet. Then drain off anything that hasn't been absorbed.

You can also put the pot in a container of water for 15-20 minutes. Then take it out, let the excess moisture drain and return it to the pallet.

How often to water a cactus

It all depends on the time of year. From November to March, if you decide to move the plant to a cool place, it is better not to water at all. If the cactus remains warm, water it, but rarely, about once every two to three weeks.

When growth appears in March-April and the top of the cactus turns green, resume watering after a dry winter. For the first time, a tablespoon of water is enough, then gradually increase the dosage.

In spring, the interval between waterings is approximately 10–15 days for plants that overwintered both cool and warm. Pour water in the morning, so excess moisture will evaporate during the day.

In summer, water the cactus about once a week in the evenings. In extreme heat, reduce the intervals between watering by a day or two, and increase in cool and bad weather.

With the arrival of autumn, gradually reduce the frequency of watering so that the ground is completely dry before the cold weather. to the dump, if it will winter in the cool. Otherwise, its trunk may be deformed.

The main rule for any season is better rarely and plentifully than often a little bit. Let the earth dry completely. In addition, the pet itself will tell you when it is time to give it a drink. If the cactus is slightly "blown away" and wrinkled - it's time.

How to fertilize a cactus

Feed the plant during active growth, but no more than 2-3 times a season. Use only special fertilizers for this, the proportions of products for other plants will harm cacti.

If you transplanted a cactus, you do not need to feed it in the first few weeks. Let the roots recover after changing conditions and possible microtraumas.

Follow the dosage of the product you are using. From an excess of fertilizer, the plant will noticeably increase in size and swell. And in especially advanced cases, the cactus can burst. If this happens, sprinkle the wound with sulfur (you can buy it at the pet store) or crushed activated charcoal to disinfect. Over time, a scar forms at the site of the crack.

How to transplant a cactus

Repot your plant every few years. This will renew the potting mix, which is depleted over time, and provide more room for the developing root system.

What pot is needed for a cactus

Choose a new pot so that it is a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. The material can be anything. The main thing is that there are several drainage holes at the bottom. Without them, the water will stagnate and eventually the roots will rot.

Also choose the form according to your preferences. For plants, it is not so important. The only caveat is that square pots are more compact, they can be placed close to each other and put several pieces on one pallet.

What land is needed for a cactus

For planting, take a special soil for cacti, mix it approximately in equal proportions with coarse sand and add about 10% charcoal. So the soil will become loose, its air permeability will increase.

The same treatment can be carried out for store land, if you doubt its quality.

Regardless of the chosen substrate, be sure to put a layer of expanded clay, crushed stone or other drainage on the bottom of the cactus pot. It will protect the roots from rotting due to excess moisture.

If you decide to decorate the ground with sea pebbles or quartz stones, be sure to boil them for 10-15 minutes and rinse.

How to do a transplant

Put on gloves before transplanting. And take the cactus with a potholder made of thick cardboard, folded newspaper, foam or foam rubber.

Take the pot, gently turn it over and, with a slight pressure with a pencil through the drainage holes, push the earthen ball.

Shake off the root system from the ground. Trim any overgrown roots to fit in the new pot, and charcoal the cuts. If the soil remains the same type, it is not necessary to flush the root system.

Place the plant in a new pot so that the roots do not curl or buckle. Gently cover with earth, leave the lower part of the stem open.

How to care for a cactus after a transplant

It all depends on the time of year. If you are transplanting a cactus in winter, you should not water it. When transplanting in warm weather into moist soil, watering is permissible after about a week and a half, not earlier. During this time, wounds from mechanical damage will have time to heal.

What to do if the cactus does not bloom

Reasons for rejection vary. For example, a prickly pet is still young and you need to wait a year or two. Some cacti even bloom at all, only reaching a certain size.

But perhaps the most common reason is improper wintering. Warm content and abundant watering interfere with the establishment of buds. With such care, do not count on flowering. Follow the seasonal care schedule and the prickly pet will thank you with blooms.

How to care for a flowering cactus

When the cactus kicked out the buds, it's important to just leave it alone. You can not move or carry the pot in search of a better place.

It is also advisable to wait a little with fertilizers and watering.

Flowering in different spines lasts from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks. And all this time it is better to just admire it, without changing anything.

How to treat a cactus

Like all plants, cacti can get sick. And the sooner you notice the symptoms, the more chances to cure the plant. Here are common problems with cacti.

Etiolation (deformation due to lack of light)

  • Symptoms: the plant turns pale, stretches.
  • Treatment: find a lighter place for the cactus or use additional lighting.

  • Symptoms: brown spots, gossamer on the plant.
  • How to treat: Treat with acaricides. Insect repellant won't help.

  • Symptoms: white coating on the plant, similar to cotton wool. The pests themselves also resemble small cotton balls.
  • How to treat: remove plaque and insects with a soft brush or damp cloth. Treat with thiamethoxam-based insecticides. Folk remedies (treatment with alcohol and soap solutions) use only with a small lesion.

  • Symptoms: Tiny flat scales on the cactus.
  • How to treat: Remove pests and treat with insecticide several times.

  • Symptoms: insect colonies are visible on the cactus.
  • Treatment: treat with insecticide.

  • Symptoms: the cactus does not grow well, but there is no obvious damage to the stem. There are white patches in the ground.
  • Treatment: clean the roots from the soil and rinse with hot water (temperature up to 60–65 ° C). Remove damaged parts. Transplant the plant into new soil. For processing, use Aktara, Confidor or similar products.

  • Symptoms: characteristic spots of different sizes.
  • Treatment: cut out the damaged area and process the cut. Spray with antifungal agents - fungicides. If the rot on the roots is in the initial stage, remove the rotting areas and disinfect. Transplant and start watering only after three weeks. With a strong lesion, cut and root the upper part. Be sure to treat with fungicides.

How to prevent a cactus from getting sick

  1. Do not water cacti at temperatures below +12 °C.
  2. Do not use cold or hard water.
  3. Treat any wounds on the stem and roots.
  4. Don't spill.
  5. Avoid standing water.
  6. Quarantine new plants. For the first 2-3 weeks, keep them separate from the main collection, take care of them according to the usual scheme and periodically inspect for diseases.
  7. Isolate diseased plants.
  8. Carefully select and sterilize the soil.
  9. Treat with products 1-2 times a year.
  10. Check your plants regularly.

After personal computers began to appear in people's homes, it became fashionable to put cacti near them. Many believe that such a plant has the ability to reduce the level of harmful radiation or even absorb it. But after some time, most of the PC users began to notice that for some reason their cacti withered and died. And the thing is that despite its unpretentiousness and resistance to drought, this plant needs some care.

It should be understood that you need to care for cacti and deciduous houseplants in different ways. If you want the cactus to become a real decoration of your apartment, then before starting it, you need to ask how to properly care for it and what can harm this unusual flower.

America is the birthplace of cacti. In the wild, cacti can grow to considerable sizes. Desert cacti grow and develop excellently in the harsh conditions of semi-deserts located in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Bolivia. Forest cacti in natural conditions can be found in the tropical jungle. Desert and forest cactus species have significant differences, and in this regard, how to care for a cactus is determined by its type.

At home, dwarf cacti are often grown; they were born with the help of breeders. You can purchase a huge number of miniature varieties, while placing several dozen of them on the windowsill will not be difficult.

The most popular of the domestic desert cacti are such as: Knippel's echinocereus and comb, Peruvian cereus, lash-shaped aporocactus, notocactus, prickly pear, dwarf rebutia, echinopsis, Gruson's echinocactus, Sylvester's chamocereus, woolly espola, astrophytum ibex, parody blood-flowered and golden needle.

Home-grown varieties of forest cacti do not have external resemblance to the cacti familiar to everyone. In the wild, they prefer to grow under or on trees. At home, epiphyllum, ripsalidopsis, and also zygocactus (Christmas or Decembrist) are most often grown.

In the event that you purchased this plant not to protect yourself from radiation, but to decorate an apartment, then try to choose the most suitable place for it.

Desert cactus varieties require a large amount of sunlight. In this regard, experts advise placing them on a window of a southern or eastern orientation. And varieties of forest cacti, including zygocactus, are recommended to be placed on windows with a northern or western orientation. If you place a Christmas tree on a south-facing window, then its leaf plates will become faded, and failures will begin between periods of flowering and dormancy.

In the summer, these plants are best taken out into the fresh air (balcony). If in winter the apartment is very warm, then for cacti it is necessary to maintain high humidity. However, it is worth considering that in winter, almost all varieties of cacti have a dormant period. In this regard, it is recommended to move them to a cool room (from 15 to 17 degrees) and place them in partial shade or shade.

Although the plant is drought-resistant, it is impossible not to water it at all. It is allowed to skip one watering, but it is better to carry out this procedure as needed and do not forget that the cactus, like all other plants, needs water. For irrigation, you need to use water at room temperature, which must be defended throughout the day. If possible, it is recommended to water the cacti with rain or melt water.

Approximate watering plan:

  • in spring and summer - daily or once every two days;
  • autumn period - 1 time in 5-7 days;
  • winter period - 1 time in 1-1.5 weeks.

The basic principle of watering is that the more abundant and more frequent the watering will be, the warmer the room.

It should also be remembered that the cactus actively grows in the warm months, while it begins to bloom in the cold season. In the event that you want your cactus to bloom, then it just needs to arrange a dormant period.

It is only necessary to transplant a cactus when it becomes crowded in a pot. This procedure is carried out in the spring, at a time when the period of intensive growth begins. 2-3 days before the transplant, the cactus should be stopped watering, as the soil should crumble freely from the roots. In order not to get hurt on a cactus, it must be wrapped with several layers of paper or high-density fabric.

Young specimens require an annual transplant, and those who are 3 or 4 years old need this procedure once every few years.

The capacity for planting must be chosen compact, so that the root system fits into it, and at the same time there is no empty space. At the bottom of the pot you need to lay out a drainage layer and pour a small amount of substrate. After that, you need to hold the plant with your hand and lower its roots into the container. At the same time, with the other hand, you need to slowly pour the soil into the container until it fills the pot. In this case, the surface of the soil should be a centimeter below the edge of the container. It is impossible to bury the base of the stem into the substrate. In order to pour the soil into the pot more densely, you need to systematically tap on its walls. The optimal composition of the soil mixture for this plant: washed river sand, peat, leafy soil and charcoal. The soil needs slightly acidic and loose. If desired, in a special store you can buy a soil mixture for cacti.

Cacti can be propagated by seed, as well as shoots. The second method is very simple and effective, and therefore is more popular with flower growers. However, those who consider themselves a true cactus grower will definitely want to grow a cactus from a seed with their own hands. However, it should be taken into account that this method of reproduction is rather complicated and ineffective.

For vegetative propagation, shoots are used, which are taken from adult specimens. Such cuttings, as a rule, have small roots, and in connection with this, rooting occurs quite quickly and easily.

The seeds of these plants purchased in a special store must be disinfected by immersing them for some time in a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After that, they are germinated by placing them in a humid environment. For some seeds, sprouts may appear after a day, while for others it will take several weeks.

Psychologists have found that most often grow cacti those people who are dry and restrained in emotions, but in fact they are very impressionable and vulnerable.

Cactus is a perennial flowering plant from the Clove family and the Cactus family. It grows in dry areas of South America. When caring for this plant at home, you will need to follow a number of rules.

Cacti are distinguished by the absence of foliage, the function of which is performed by a thick green stem. In its form, the plant can be columnar, cylindrical, trihedral. On top of the stem there are spines and bristles of various shapes and colors, up to 12 cm long. Flowers of both sexes, tubular and funnel-shaped.

cactus varieties

There are a number of varieties of this plant suitable for growing indoors:

View Description
Decembrist There are no spines, flowering occurs in winter, at the dormant stage in other species of the family.
hatiora Homeland - the tropics of Brazil. During flowering, small yellow bells are formed.
Aporocactus The stem can reach a length of up to 5 meters, covered with thin spines.
Epiphyllum Flat or triangular (rarely) long stem. The spines are replaced by serrated edges. Flowers are white or purple.
Ariocarpus A small plant with a long stem. Inflorescences are formed every spring, the color is white, yellow or red.
Mammillaria Has the shape of a sphere or cylinder. Fine white hairs are present between the spines.
Prickly pear The branches are shaped like pancakes. Yellow flowers, appear only with quality care.
Austrocylindric subulata The unusual form of foliage, popularly called "Eve's needle." Forms large inflorescences.
Echinocactus Plant reaching a height of 1.5 meters. Color of flowers - yellow, red.

Rules for caring for a cactus at home

The flower is one of the succulents, therefore, by accumulating water, it can grow for a long time in drought conditions. But when growing at home, there are still a number of rules that are recommended to be followed.


In spring and summer, the plant needs to be watered every 7 days. If there is no intense heat, then the interval increases to once every 1.5 weeks. In winter, it hibernates, so the frequency of water application is reduced to 1 time in 2-2.5 weeks.

It is forbidden to flood cacti, because this way their root system is not saturated with oxygen and rots.


In order for the cactus to bloom in the house, it will take a lot of effort and provide it with the most comfortable conditions. Flowering is completely related to the type of succulent. There are representatives with small flowers (Mammillaria) and large ones (Echinopsis). The Dutch cactus has the largest inflorescences.

Flowers can have completely different colors, with the exception of black and deep blue.


For transplanting, you need to choose the right pot and the right soil. When choosing a container for a flower, it is advised to give preference to clay or plastic. The first dries quickly, so it is ideal for adult plants. In plastic pots, plants take root faster.

The substrate can be prepared with your own hands, for this, the following components are taken in equal proportions:

  • leaf soil;
  • sod land;
  • coarse river sand;
  • brick crumb;
  • charcoal.

Having prepared the components, you can proceed to the transplant:

  1. A drainage layer, such as brick chips, is placed in a new pot. To disinfect the soil and roots, a layer of charcoal is laid out in the container.
  2. The earth is poured and a recess is created according to the size of the root system.
  3. The cactus is carefully taken by the trunk and separated from the old pot. Excess soil is removed by hand.
  4. The plant is placed in a new container and sprinkled with earth.


Reproduction of a cactus is carried out using seeds and shoots. The second method is more popular with gardeners because it is faster.

  • in winter, you should not completely refuse to water the plant;
  • during the dormant period, the cactus needs 4-5 hours of lighting;
  • the plant must not be turned during the flowering period, otherwise it will drop the buds.