Children's complex for giving (39 photos): wood preparation. Assembling slides, sandboxes and football goals from PVC pipes. How to make a football goal with your own hands Children's goal from polypropylene pipes

Passion for sports has a positive effect on human health. If during the cold period you can keep fit in various gyms and swimming pools, then summer significantly expands the range of training. Men's interest in football does not fade throughout their lives. Having organized a summer vacation in the country, your favorite ball game will help keep your body in good shape. Therefore, in order not to interrupt regular classes away from civilized stadiums, you will need to do it yourself in the country.

Types of structures

Before you start exploring possible models of football goals, you should carefully consider their location. The main condition is that there should not be windows and other fragile surfaces nearby. It is undesirable for football goals to be installed in front of a wall or fence, this will provoke premature destruction of concrete or damage soft corrugated board.

Advice ! In the absence of other possibilities, a netting screen can be made behind the football goal, which will successfully perform a protective function.

Ideally, a conceded ball should not land on garden plantings. Having determined the place and set the dimensions of the football field, they proceed to the selection of a suitable goal model. As a solution, you can make the design yourself or pick up ready-made gates, which are presented in a wide range in sports stores. What features each option has, we will consider in more detail.

Instances for mini football

If you don’t have enough free time to make football goals with your own hands, ready-made copies designed for mini football will come to the rescue. Their main advantage is mobility. What are they:

  • Most often portable football goals are made of steel pipes with different diameters.
  • The main frame resembles a stretched letter P, the vertical side posts are complemented by straight or curved pipes. They serve to stretch the net and ensure the stability of the entire football structure.
  • Separate models of football goals are supplemented with fixing fasteners in the form of four metal hooks for deepening into the soil.

The most convenient gate size in operation is 180/120/60 cm, however, if desired, you can choose more spacious specimens. To protect against corrosion, football goals are treated with contrasting paints, which makes them highly visible on any landscape. The size of the grid cells varies from the minimum 40/40 mm to the maximum 100/100 mm.

Advice ! If you want to work out the accuracy of the strike, you should install a training screen made of nylon thread in front of the goal, which has two holes for the ball.

Stationary and mobile gates

It is not necessary to buy a standard goal, it is much more interesting and cheaper to make a football structure with your own hands. In what cases is it practical to make stationary inventory? There are several factors influencing the choice:

  • The presence of the necessary material (wood or metal) in the right amount. This is important in the absence of the opportunity to purchase new raw materials.
  • Professional skills of a welder or possession of woodworking tools (depending on the chosen material).
  • Maintenance of football goals on an ongoing basis.
  • Confidence that in the event of a long absence in the country they will not suffer from vandals.
  • Lack of free space for storage in winter.

If in most cases the answer to the above points is negative, it is worth considering to make a mobile football goal. Plastic pipes are most often used as the basis for them.

Material selection

Having studied the properties of each material used to build a football goal, it will be easier for you to decide on a suitable design.

If you like to work with natural raw materials and do not want to engage in seasonal assembly and disassembly, it is better to make a wooden example of a football goal with your own hands. Of course, it is not characterized by increased strength, but the process of creation is simple.

If you want to equip a stationary sports structure for a long period, it is practical to make it out of metal. A prerequisite is the presence of welding skills, safety in the winter also plays a role.

Attention ! If these requirements are not feasible, make the metal model more practical with self-tapping screws.

The best option for a mobile football goal is a copy made of plastic pipes. A monolithic structure can be made using a special soldering iron; for the prefabricated version, PVC pipes of a larger diameter will be required. Lightness, strength and easy installation process are the main advantages of the chosen material.

Arrangement of wooden gates

It is almost impossible to make high-quality football goals without a preliminary drawing. When creating a sketch, consider the free space for the game and the age category of the players. The presence of a finished project allows you to proceed to the preparation of material and tools. Particular attention is paid to the connection method. Due to the cheapness, wooden structures can be created in one piece, however, if transportation is necessary, it is better to provide a collapsible version of the structure. So, the whole process of installing a football goal consists of the following steps:

  • The wooden beam is sawn into individual elements according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing.
  • For safety reasons, it is recommended that all wood components be thoroughly sanded.
  • Stainless bolts are suitable as fasteners.
  • The main frame is supplemented with struts and a retaining board to give greater stability. Their second purpose is to fix the grid.
  • The strut braces must be made at an angle of 45 o.

Advice ! Treatment of a wooden structure with an antiseptic composition will prevent damage to wood by fungus, insects and extend the overall period of operation.

At the final stage, the football goal frame is painted with paint, which will ensure their good visibility in the landscape of the site. The final touch is the mesh attachment. How to do it and how to fix it will be discussed below.

The process of assembling a gate from plastic pipes

The initial steps for assembling a plastic structure are similar to the previous method: you need to make a football goal project. Followed by:

  • Purchase of components. It is advisable to choose a flexible plastic with a rubber content. This will reduce the likelihood of its deformation upon contact with the ball or the player's body.
  • PVC pipes are cut according to the design of the football goal.
  • At the next stage, two rods must be made from pipes.
  • After proceed to the formation of the corners for the football goal.
  • When assembling a plastic structure, attention is paid to the location of the tee, which will include an additional support. Only after choosing the correct angle of inclination, you can make a welding seam with a special soldering iron.
  • Next, you need to make the connection of tees and rods using plastic pipes of a larger diameter.
  • It is recommended to fasten the stretched net on the football goal with a special collar.

It should be noted that for a full-fledged football competition, a pair of goals is required.4

Important ! Careful fixing of the frame of the football structure will help to exclude injury to the goalkeeper.

Mesh production

Of course, you can also buy a finished product, but there are other options for arranging a football structure with a protective element. The easiest way out is to find a used tackle among avid fishermen. But it’s not entirely aesthetically pleasing to decorate a brand new football goal with an old net. It is better to go to the end and do it yourself. Choose the most convenient way from the options below:

  • The ability to weave a fishing net, the presence of a shuttle and a wooden plate for a set of loops allows you to make a net for a football goal in a couple of evenings. The width of the oblong plate is equal to the size of the square (cell) for the future grid. A bobbin of kapron threads is suitable as a material. The advantages of the method are the strength of the product, among the disadvantages are the complexity of the process and the need for related tools.
  • It is much easier to make the necessary element of a football goal from a clothesline. To do this, on the frame of the football goal, you will need to make holes with a diameter of 12 mm. The ropes are pulled in two directions: horizontal and vertical. After careful tension, the intersections should be fixed. It is recommended to make cells no larger than 15 cm in size, and the weight of a home-made mesh is limited to 10 kg.

Thanks to the diligence shown, the football goal for a long period will delight visitors to the cottage.

Buying a ready-made model of children's gates is not available to everyone. For individual craftsmen, it becomes a matter of honor - to make children's goals for football fun with their own hands. The choice of material for a home-made design depends on the skills of the master, the availability of improvised materials and the possession of individual tools. There are several frame options.

wood application

The tree allows you to build the simplest children's model from a bar. To do this, you need to connect two vertical sidewalls to a horizontal crossbar using self-tapping screws. In conclusion, a grid is fixed on the frame, followed by fixing it with pegs to the ground. The assembly process is simple and does not take much time under the only condition - the presence of a screwdriver, grinder or jigsaw. The lack of the required tools is not an obstacle to the implementation of the plan, but it is associated with certain difficulties:

  • Installation of football goals will take more time.
  • The quality of sanding will deteriorate. And for a child's design, this is an undesirable moment.
  • Advice ! After careful processing, all wooden elements of the future children's gates are coated with an antiseptic agent that prevents the processes of decay, damage by fungus, mold or insects.

    metal profile

    For metal football goals, pipes are suitable as a frame. Connect the children's structure in two ways. In the first case, the football goal will be monolithic, the parts are fixed by welding. The second option is a collapsible structure, the elements of which are connected by self-tapping screws.


    For the production of children's football equipment with your own hands, you can use plastic pipes of a suitable size. You can connect them in two ways:

    • in the first case, you will need a special soldering iron;
    • when choosing the second option, segments of plastic pipes of a larger diameter are used, which are put on top of the main elements of the children's gate.

    Process of creation

    To create a children's gate, elements of building materials already available are often used. Therefore, the size of the football structure depends on their number.

    Preparatory stage

    The sequence of actions depends on whether you will sculpt a football goal from a new material, or use the leftovers. In the first case, before proceeding with the purchase of building materials, it is necessary to make a sketch of the future football structure or use the proposed drawings on our page.

    The second step is the calculation of the need for materials and components. Then you should pay a visit to the outlet. When using the existing remnants, they initially revise them and, on the basis of the data obtained, develop an appropriate drawing of a children's structure for football.

    Important ! Regardless of the material chosen, children's football goals should not contain parts that can provoke a child's injury. All elements are carefully processed and tested for strength.


    Consider how to make children's football goals from PVC pipes with your own hands:

    Children's gate is ready for operation!

    Mesh making options

    Sometimes the creators of football goals for their little descendants do not want to spend money on the purchase of a finished net. For them, we offer ways to create your own protective screen:

  • Mesh based clothesline. The required number of holes are drilled around the perimeter of the frame. Their diameter is 1.2 cm. Further, two ropes are pulled through the holes in the vertical and horizontal directions. After high-quality tension, they are fixed at the intersection points. The optimal cell size is 20 cm, the weight of the rope net should not exceed 10 kg.
  • With certain skills, the net is woven from a bobbin of nylon threads, after which it is fixed on the children's gate.
  • A do-it-yourself football construction will be a real gift for your own child and neighboring children.

    Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

    In the warm season, one of the favorite outdoor games for children is football. In order for the children to enjoy an active game, one of its main attributes will be required - the gate. You can make excellent football goals in children's sizes with your own hands from plastic pipes.

    Football goal for children with one crossbar.

    Features of PVC pipes

    Football goals for children can be made from a variety of materials - welded from a metal profile or made from wood. You can also purchase a ready-made version made of plastic or an inflatable structure. PVC pipes are another fairly popular material from which craftsmen create football goals. PVC pipes have a number of advantages:

    • light weight (you can make a portable or collapsible design);
    • long service life (up to 50 years);
    • resistance of the material to UV rays, aggressive substances, decay and other influences;
    • ease of work with the material;
    • the ability to make a design of any shape and size;
    • low flammability factor.

    The only drawback of the material is a decrease in the plasticity of pipes at sub-zero temperatures, therefore, for the winter, it is advisable to hide the structure in a garage or other outbuilding, where the mark on the thermometer is kept above zero.

    It is desirable to locate the gate in a courtyard area where there are no windows, front gardens and flower beds nearby, any fragile structures, as well as a car parking lot.

    Idea: to additionally protect surrounding objects from ball strikes, you can install a chain-link mesh around the perimeter of the playing field - it will effectively delay strikes.

    Drawings and dimensions

    Obviously, an important criterion when choosing the size of the gate will be the age of the children. Typically, a children's design has the following parameters:

    • length - 180-200 cm;
    • height - 120-150 cm;
    • depth - about 60 cm.

    If you wish, you can change the dimensions by making the gate larger or smaller. In this case, the most important thing is to keep the proportions, otherwise the design will be inconvenient for games.

    For work, it is desirable to use drawings. Football goals for kids can be made using this option:

    Drawing of children's football goal.

    For teenagers, you can build a large football goal according to the following drawing:

    Drawing of a large football goal.

    As you can see, both options have a fairly similar design, but differ in size. There is another design option - using a U-shaped frame fixed in the ground, to which a mesh is attached and stretched with ropes.

    The design of football goals with a U-shaped frame made of plastic pipes.

    Materials and tools

    The amount of material will depend on the design features of the selected gate option. For our master class, you will need the following set of materials:

    • pipe with a diameter of 5 cm, up to 8 m in total length;
    • tees and elbows of the corresponding diameter, 4 pcs each, rotated by 87 degrees;
    • cord for weaving mesh;
    • self-tapping screws for fixing the mesh (several dozen);
    • wire cut up to 2.5 m.

    Also prepare some tools:

    • shovel;
    • jigsaw or hacksaw for metal;
    • screwdriver;
    • marker, tape measure (ruler);
    • hammer;
    • any lubricant to connect the elements.

    Tip: If you are building football goals for preschoolers, you can use PVC pipes of a smaller diameter (20 mm) - they are well suited for making a miniature structure.

    Football goal for children.


    Having examined the design drawings, we proceed to the main part and tell you step by step how to make a football goal from plastic pipes with your own hands, supplementing the photo master class. The manufacturing process will consist of several stages - creating a frame, weaving a mesh and installing a gate on the site.


    Manufacturing process step by step:

    1. The pipe must be cut into blanks. Requires 4 cuts of 1 m, 4 cuts of half a meter. It is important that all elements are of the same size, otherwise the finished design will be crooked.
    2. Connect three cuts of a meter length into a U-shaped structure using knees.
    3. Attach two tees to the bottom ends of the pipes.
    4. Attach pipes 0.5 m long to the tees (side part).
    5. Connect half-meter pipes using elbows with the last cut of a meter length.
    6. All attachment points must be additionally fixed with self-tapping screws.

    From the same set of materials it is necessary to build a second pair of gates. The design should look like this (still without the grid):

    Finished frame with stretched mesh.

    It is also possible to make a gate with additional diagonal lintels between the upper part and the lower long support. This will require two additional pipe cuts, as well as 6 elbows and 4 tees.

    Gates with diagonal cross-sections.


    You can solve the problem with the grid very quickly - buy a ready-made version. But in our master class, we will consider the manufacture of homemade products.

    Mesh material requirements:

    1. Durability and reliability are the main criteria, since the main task of the net is to contain the ball, and sometimes the falling player.
    2. Resistant to UV rays and any weather conditions.

    The best materials for weaving a football net are nylon and polypropylene. The recommended cord thickness for children's gates is 3 mm. You can also use a regular clothesline.

    The mesh itself must be elastic, durable, match the parameters of the goal and withstand not only a flying ball, but also a football player in some cases. The cells can be square or hexagonal, we will do the first option, since it is much simpler. The size of the cells can be different, usually 4 or 10 cm.

    So, the mesh manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

    1. Fasten self-tapping screws on the rear walls of the pipes, maintaining the same distance between them (4.5 or 10 cm). It is important to fix them not completely, but leave a space of a few millimeters between the pipe and the cap - the mesh will pass here.
    2. Starting from the right or left end, wind the rope from the top tube to the bottom tube to the very end of the gate.
    3. Then start weaving horizontally - it will take a little longer, because you will have to knit knots, each time crossing the vertical threads. As a result of weaving, identical squares should be obtained.
    4. When the back wall is ready, use the same principle to weave for the side walls and repeat the whole procedure for the second pair of gates.

    Mesh weaving.

    Important! In the process of weaving, do not pull the net - the ropes should hang a little freely, otherwise the product will not be able to perform its main function.

    In addition to self-tapping screws, the mesh can be attached to the frame using plastic clamps, in which case it will need to be weaved not on the frame, but separately. This method of fixation is also convenient to use for a purchased mesh.

    Gate installation

    The last stage is the installation of the structure in a permanent place. Transfer the gate to the selected place in the country house or in the courtyard of the house, mark the places where the frame will be fixed. On the marked currents, dig holes up to 50 cm. Instead of a shovel, it is more convenient to use a drill. Next, from a metal rod, you need to make simple clamps, as in the photo below:

    Fasteners for gates made of metal rod.

    Pipes 50 cm long must be attached to the tees at the bottom of the structure, then we insert the entire structure together with these pipes into the recesses, sprinkle with soil. In other places, the pipes in contact with the ground are fixed with brackets, as shown in the photo below.

    Fixing the frame with staples.

    Important! Pipes that are buried in the ground do not need to be additionally fixed to the tees with self-tapping screws - in this case, the structure will be removable and for the winter you can simply remove it and transfer it to the shelter.

    Finished construction on site.

    Children's football goals made of plastic pipes are a fairly simple product that you can make yourself. With a little effort, you will surely be able to please your children and organize a great place for them to play actively.

    Video: football goal from sewer pipes.

    Children are our happiness, this is joy, this is grace. It's no secret that our hobbies and passions start from our childhood. Whether it's drawing, or football, or basketball, or a completely new hobby for many modern kids. But in the summer, when little fidgets are so drawn to the street, they can rarely be carried away by sedentary work. Football is what you need, even for girls. And if such football goals appear on your playground, then be sure that your kid will be fascinated by this game for a long time.

    Do not be intimidated by the list of required devices, if you follow strictly according to the instructions, then everything will come out as in the author's photo.

    PVC pipes and their connecting pipes, i.e. corners and tees
    Metal shears
    Soldering iron, you can use glue for PVC pipes, but a soldering iron is more reliable
    plastic clamp

    Pipes you can buy in a hardware store market or market. Already here you can and simply should save, because. temperature pressure in the future they will not. Well, it won’t work with scissors or a soldering iron either, if you know at least one man of mature age. If he has a garage, or even better - he lives in a private house, then 99% that he will have both.

    All pipes, tees and angles in the photo are marked, and any experienced seller will sell them to you. Cut pipes to the same size. Take any size or standard as in stores.

    We connect the pipes into two rods

    Then two corners

    We assemble the structure so that in the future a long pipe enters the tee located on straight rods. It is necessary to choose the right angle of inclination and only after that cook with a soldering iron.

    We connect the tees of two straight rods with two pipes

    We stretch the mesh, securing it with a clamp.

    The gate is ready. Put them on the playground and the kids will be delighted. And you, in turn, can be in the role of a commentator: "The second number is catching up with the first. The goalkeeper is ready to attack. The first passes to the third number. Shot on goal! GOAL!!"

    Playing football is a good sports entertainment for children of any age. Moreover, for this game you don’t need much, a flat area, a ball and some kind of goal. You will have to buy a ball, there is a playground on the site, and you can make small lightweight gates with your own hands from PVC pipes.

    The size of the gate is rather for children, for a younger age. For a child, a real football goal is too large and incomprehensible. In total, you need to buy and cut several pipes to size and then connect them together with tees and elbows.

    In this design option, PVC pipes with a diameter of 20 mm were used. , with a total length of approximately 6 meters.

    You will also need knees 90 *, six pieces.

    Tees four pieces.

    Dimensions of gate parts from pipes.

    Length 150 mm. - 4 pieces.
    Length 450 mm. - 4 pieces.
    Length 600 mm. - 2 pieces.
    Length 780 mm. - 2 pieces.

    Gate dimensions in inches.

    The longest pipes go to the rear diagonal cuts, they are installed already at the end of the assembly. First, we assemble the vertical racks and the top crossbar of three parts with installed tees.

    We assemble the lower horizontal pipe, also with tees and then connect the parts with knees, and insert the rear slopes into the tees. For strength, all connections can be additionally glued, only the gate will not be collapsible.
    If the pipes enter the fittings tightly enough, then the gate parts may not be glued. Close to the topic, homemade.

    Gates are obtained with a height of 600 mm. , 750 mm wide. , depth along the lower jumper 450 mm. .
    This is for small children, for schoolchildren it is better to increase the size of the parts by two to three times and take pipes of a larger diameter.

    The back is closed with a thin mesh made of nylon or other material. The net is thrown onto the gate from behind and is attached to the uprights with twine bandages. The main thing here is that using such a simple design, you can assemble the gate of the desired size.
    Have a good rest and entertainment!

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