Aluminum roses. Rose from aluminum cans. Master class How to make roses from iron lids

Metal flowers are made by blacksmiths and artists, but we will not talk about such serious works. Beautiful and almost eternal roses, you can make your own hands from used aluminum cans. There is nothing particularly complicated here, such work is available to almost everyone.

To work, you will need aluminum cans, a piece of copper wire, a steel washer, emery cloth, epoxy glue. Glue is needed to fix the parts, but other mounting options can be used.
Of the tools you need pliers, strong scissors, an awl or a nail punch.

It is better to use jars of different colors, this will give contrast to the petals and volume to the whole bud.

First cut off the top and bottom of the can with a can opener and cut the cylinder with scissors to get flat sheets of material.

On some flat solid surface, we upholster the edges with a hammer and align the sheets.
Next, mark out the contours of the details, then cut out the five main petals and one central. No need to strive to make all the fragments the same, in nature the petals are different from each other.

Poke holes in the middle of each petal with a punch. Put the petals on a thick copper wire, turning each subsequent fragment to half the sheet of the previous one. It is necessary that the petals close the gaps of the bottom row. Still close to the topic, but from other materials.

The largest one is at the bottom, the smallest fragment is put on last.

The steel washer is placed at the bottom, at the base of the bud. Now you need to fix the set with epoxy putty, or cold welding.

When the glue and welding seize, we begin to bend the petals starting from the center. Then we go in a circle, lifting and bending each petal. We use narrow pliers or round nose pliers for this.

Try to make the bud more realistic, do not strive to create a rigid symmetry of the fragments. Here you just need a creative approach, work more boldly, what you don’t like can be slightly corrected later.
And don't give up if something doesn't work the first time and the roses didn't look like the photo. Ultimately, every creative work has its own meaning.

I continue to publish on my favorite topic of using waste material. Today I want to invite you to view a photo tutorial on creating roses from aluminum cans of beer or soda. Look how cool this aluminum flower looks in the interior, and you can’t tell what rubbish it is made of)

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For work we need:

aluminum soda or beer cans (one green can for the rose leaves), epoxy or hot glue gun, scissors, aluminum foil, wire, pliers, wire cutters, and pink car spray paint

Cut the jar, cut off the top and bottom

Cut out the petals

From the petals we collect a rose

For the leaves we will use a green jar

For the stem, take a wire or twig and wrap it with a strip of aluminum foil

Glue the leaves and stem to the bud with hot glue or epoxy

Now we paint our rose with pink car spray paint.

Based on site materials

I'm not an artist and I don't do this sort of thing professionally, but my grandma was turning 80 and I wanted to give her a very special gift! I searched the internet for ideas and came across instructions for similar colors. I adapted the instructions for myself, and that's what happened!

Step 1: Cut the sheet!

I took a new, clean sheet of aluminum, but you can use some defective pieces, scraps of aluminum. I had to buy a whole square meter, because they didn’t sell less. But I was not upset, as I will need aluminum in other projects. This sheet 1 mm thick. You can try with thinner sheet, but I think you should not take sheets thinner than 0.5 mm, as in this case the edges will be very sharp and not as strong as they should be. Do not take thicker aluminum! You just can't bend it.

Need to have scissors for cutting metal. For each rosette you will need 3 squares 75 x 75 mm and one rectangle 37 x 75 mm (half a square).

You need to drill a 4.5mm hole in the center of each piece. I did not measure the exact center, this is an artistic work that does not require surgical precision. Moreover, if you cut squares that are slightly different in size or not perfectly shaped, the rose will look more natural.

Step 2: Cut the petals!

With the same scissors, you need to cut the squares into petals. Each square will be cut into 4 petals. Rectangle - two. Each rose will have 14 petals. Of course, in a real rose there are much more petals, but in our case this will be enough.

For 4 petal squares:
- Cut 4 sides down the middle to the center
- Cut off 4 outer corners
- Cut off 4 inner corners

For 2-petal rectangles:
- Cut the two long sides down the center
- Cut off 4 outer corners.

Step 3: Burning the Petals

It is necessary to burn the petals, otherwise it will not be possible to bend them easily. Most of the aluminum sheets are made by cold rolling with excessive deformation, which greatly strengthens the metal. Even if you think you're strong enough to handle it, don't skip this step. It will help soften the aluminum and save time on the subsequent processing of the petals. After firing, aluminum can be stretched much more without the risk of cracks and creases.

In general, the firing process consists in heating the metal to 300 - 400ºC, followed by cooling in air.

This step caused me some difficulties, since I did not have a burner, and I did not want to purchase one. In general, the stove seemed to me the most suitable source of heat in our house!

Carefully! I advise (although I have not used them) to wear leather gloves while working with fire and hot metal! Do it, don't follow my example!

You will need the following on hand:
- Stove (obviously!!)
- Aluminum blanks
- A place for cooling the metal after firing
- Pliers
- A container of water (to cool the pliers)
- A piece of cloth to dry the pliers

Take a piece of aluminum with pliers and place it over the fire, moving it slowly so that the heat is evenly distributed. Turn the aluminum plate over once or twice. It will take a minute or so for everything (depending on the power of the stove) to reach the desired temperature. If you hold it too long, the aluminum will begin to cloud and become covered with bumps. The next step is melting! So be careful, hammering the burner with aluminum drops is still a pleasure ...

Place the heated piece on a wooden surface (or better - on a stone) to cool. In less than 15 minutes, the metal will cool down and you can continue. Put the pliers in the water to cool down too before heating the next piece of metal.

Step 4: Cutting the stems

At this stage, I had to get creative, as it was difficult to find rods of the right size in stores. I used a 3/16" metal rod. Yes, you read that right, it is often used in concrete structures...

It doesn't matter what you use. We need a rod with a diameter of 4 mm, since in the next step we will cut the M4 thread. The length of each segment is about 35 cm.

I sanded the edge from 4.75mm to 4mm.

Step 5: Threading

For this step you will need:
- Vise
- Tool for cutting screw thread M4
- Lubrication
- 2 nuts M4
- Patience

It is necessary to cut the thread into about 20 mm of the rod. I think it's clear from the photo.

Step 6: Assembly

The assembly of the petals is quite simple: screw the first nut onto the rod until it stops, then put on 3 aluminum squares and one rectangle, and tighten it all with the second nut.

Now the fun begins. The first will have to bend the rectangular petals. Be careful! You need to bend them so that they take up as little space as possible in the core of the flower. Then you need to bend the next layer of petals. You need to try to model the petals closer to each other in the middle so that the flowers do not turn out to be too open.

In the process of bending the metal, do not forget to add an “artistic” effect: with a pair of pliers (tongs), bend the edge to the outside. You will get small “notches” on the petals. Do this for all petals. It takes time, but the appearance of the roses will improve a lot!

Step 7: Painting

Here it is spring again. And again spring worries and chores in the yard. And no matter how good the spring mood is with the first warm days, it is still not comfortable in the yards and gardens. Dirt and debris accumulated during the winter melt out from under the snow, and old grass also melts here. The shady areas are especially unattractive; even in summer there is a big problem to grow something beautiful and original. And shady areas require a lot of care. So I suggest that you decorate all darkened places with amazing flowers that will never wither and will delight you all year round with their magical colors from beer aluminum cans. I believe that this is the only way to ennoble dark places and create coziness on your site, as long as you have a sufficient number of colored jars. You can, of course, make garden decorations from other materials, but today we will tell you about flowers from aluminum beer cans.

Description of the master class

    First of all, to create bright and unique colors, you need to choose a large assortment of beer cans.

    Then cut off the top of each jar with scissors.

    We also cut off the lower part of the jar, leaving 5-6 centimeters from the wall at the base of the jar (it depends on what size we want to see our flower) and cut this left part into small strips around the entire perimeter of the base.

    Well, now let's start making blanks for the formation of a three-dimensional flower, for which we cut the rest of the jar in half, unfold it and get a flat surface, from which we cut out a round disk, but it may not be very round, we crush it, giving the disk the shape of a buttercup, as shown on the image.

    We cut out another round disk, divide it into 6 parts with scissors, leaving the center of the disk intact.

    We divide each resulting part in half with our hands, wrap the edges so that each part turns into a triangle.

    The sharp parts of the resulting workpiece must be rounded with scissors, as a result of which the workpiece will also turn into a beautiful flower.

    These blanks can be made in many different colors and sizes. And from green jars, you can also cut out leaves, bending them in half and deploying them again so that a fold remains on the leaflet, like the core of a real leaf.

    All blanks are ready. Let's start forming a flower, for which we pierce all the blanks in the center with a hammer and a nail.


    Now, in order to collect a flower, you need to put together several figures, for which we take a wire, string a ball or a bright bead on it, fix it on the edge by making a loop.

    On the other end of the wire we string the prepared figures as they grow, and at the end (obtained from the back of the flower) we string another ball.

    We dissolve the wire from the flower to the length that we need and return it back, twisting it together to the place where the leaves should be. We fasten the leaves and raise the wire to the flower, continuing to twist it together. We fasten the wire to the base of the flower by wrapping it twice around the base, and cut off the excess wire.

    See what you can get out of it.

    And here is another unexpected use of colors from aluminum beer cans