Evil - aphorisms, sayings, quotes. Aphorisms and quotes about evil Quotes about anger, resentment, hatred

Don't get angry at people who make you angry or annoyed.

Don't waste precious minutes of your life on them.

They don't deserve it.

To all those who wish me harm...Good for you, do you hear?! Of good!!!)))

Don't think badly about someone you don't have to think about at all...

We don't like people not because they are evil, but they are evil because we don't love them. L.N. Tolstoy

All anger comes from powerlessness. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

People fight because of different misconceptions.

Evil is not what comes into a person's mouth, but what comes out of it.

Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

Will Bowen came up with an interesting game with a bracelet.

You put the bracelet on your hand and as soon as you start complaining/criticizing/scolding someone, you immediately change the bracelet to your other hand. The goal is to keep the bracelet on one hand, without changing clothes, for 21 days. Cleanses, so to speak, thoughts and evil thoughts. Will himself, who is an American pastor, was able to achieve this result only after six months.

When I lived as a child in the summer palace of Norbulingka in Tibet, the palace servants often advised me to bite my fists when I was angry with my playmates. Looking back, I find this advice quite wise. After all, the more angry you are, the harder you will have to bite your fists. This will probably enlighten you and remind you that it is better to refrain from anger, because otherwise you yourself will have to endure the pain of the bites. Moreover, physical pain will instantly distract your mind from anger. Dalai Lama XIV

M. Bulgakov

Every day you have enough reasons to be irritated by the behavior of one or another person from your environment. So, at this point you need to ask yourself if this is worth paying attention to. If you are honest, more often than not your answer will be no. And in this way you will disperse this heavy and dark matter that threatened to crush you. Analyze yourself, see how this usually happens when you succumb to irritation because of what someone said or did: this state automatically attracts all other negative experiences, you begin to remember all the other cases when this person’s behavior seemed unbearable to you . And often even you don’t stop there: you start thinking about all the other people who are unpleasant, antipathetic, even disgusting to you, so that in the end you even begin to choke with indignation. Tell me: is this reasonable?..

I still don’t understand why people stay angry with each other for a long time. Life is already unforgivably short, it’s impossible to really get anything done, there’s so little time that you can say there’s none at all, even if you don’t waste it on all sorts of stupid things like quarrels.
Max Fry

Every minute you are angry at someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back. Will Rogers

Fear malice like fire; Do not let it reach your heart for any plausible pretext, especially because of something unpleasant to you: malice is always malice, always a fiend of the devil. Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt

He who is not evil is perfect and godlike.It is filled with joy and is the resting place of the Spirit of God.

Venerable Anthony the Great.

When what is evil now disappears, what is evil tomorrow will immediately appear.

Where there is no difference between happiness and unhappiness, between joy and sorrow, there is no difference between good and evil. Good is an affirmation, evil is a denial of the desire for happiness.

Quotes about evil by Leo Tolstoy

No violent reform will correct evil as long as people remain as they are, and therefore we can expect the correction of evil not from changing the form of our life, but only from the spread of kindness and rationality.

In an immoral society, all inventions that increase man’s power over nature are not only not good, but undoubted and obvious evil.

If you ask why evil? I answer with the question: why life? Evil so that there is life. Life manifests itself in liberation from evil.

Anger, like love, is not a chemical substance, but an organic one, like yeast - leaven. A tiny portion leavens everything.

Quotes about evil by Leo Tolstoy

Don't be afraid of ignorance, be afraid of false knowledge. All the evil in the world comes from him.

An angry person is always reckless, just as a reckless person is always angry. These are two paired abilities, and deprivation of one paralyzes the other.

Anger is stupidity.

Evil begets evil.

Very little evil would happen in the world if it were impossible to do evil under the guise of good.
author: Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

As long as ignorance lasts, man finds no means against evil.

So much evil is done in the world in the name of brotherhood that if I had a brother, I would call him cousin.

We do evil with the greatest zeal when we are prompted to do so by a clear conscience, but seduced by error.

The good and evil we do to others often reflects back on ourselves.

Evil is the good we see through myopia.

Is it permissible to eradicate villainy by killing villains? But this means multiplying their number.

With what ease and complacency does a person commit evil when he believes that he is doing a good deed!

Secrecy is terrible in evil. In goodness, the desire to be visible is terrible. The harm caused by visible evil is superficial, but the harm caused by hidden evil is deep.

When, having done evil, a person is afraid that people will find out about it, he can still find a path to good.

You cannot wish harm on another and you cannot help but want to protect another from harm. This is what protects us from soullessness.

Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about the evil of famous people in Latin with translation.

Subtexta malis bona sunt.
Good and evil are connected to each other.

Tu ne cede malis, sed contr(a) audentior ito.
Do not put up with evil, but go boldly against it.

Male merenti par erit.
Those who do wrong are rewarded according to their deserts.
Evil is answered with evil.

Malo bene facere tantund(em) est periculum quantum bono male facere.
It is just as dangerous for an evil person to do good as for a good person to do evil.

Malo si quid bene facias, benefici(um) interit; Bono si quid male facias, aetat(em) expetit.
If you do good to an evil person, it is lost; And if you do evil to a good person, it remains for life.

Nota mala res optima est.
The familiar evil is the least evil.

Omne malum ex urbe.
All evil comes from the city.

Gravius ​​est malum omne, amoeno quod sub aspectu latet.
The invisible evil is most alarming.

Qui obesse non vult, cum potest, prodest tibi.
Not doing evil is a good deed.

Ex malis eligere minima oportet.
You have to choose the least of the evils. Wed: Choose the lesser of two evils.

Ne sit sane summum malum dolor; malum certe est.
Let pain not be the highest evil; but in any case, she is evil.

Omne malum nascens facile opprimitur.
Any evil is easy to nip in the bud.

Summum malum est dolor.
The greatest evil is suffering.

A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil.

The life of evil people is full of worries.

Evil never sleeps, and besides, it often wakes up.

The path of evil does not lead to good.

Do no harm to a husband who finds himself in trouble, and no evil will befall you.

We must fight against evil. Evil is intolerable. To come to terms with evil means to become an immoral person yourself.

Death was established to stop sin, so that evil does not become immortal.

We must repay for good and for evil, but why exactly to the one who did good or evil to us?

They say that money is the root of all evil. The same can be said about lack of money.

Good can imagine Evil, but Evil cannot imagine Good.

Secret Quotes About Evil

There are whole mountains of causeless evil in the world. I don’t understand, you don’t understand - but it exists, and that’s all. You could say we live among this.

Before you take up arms against evil, consider whether you are able to eliminate the causes that gave rise to it?

Great Russian writers secret quotes about evil

The big evil is envy. Don’t envy, but be happy that your friend has achieved success. But, rejoicing in his successes, strive to overtake him.

What is considered evil at a given time is usually an untimely echo of what was once considered good - an atavism of the oldest ideal.

The evil done by a person often outlives him.

What's the difference between a demon and a human? Goethe's Mephistopheles says: I am part of that part of the whole that wants evil but does good. Alas! A person could say the exact opposite about himself.

Governments are more likely to commit evil out of cowardice than out of self-will.

Good always defeats evil, which means whoever wins is good.

A good wife loves work and saves from evil.

All anger comes from powerlessness.

Those who think that all spiritual evil comes from the body are mistaken. It was not the corruptible flesh that made the soul sinful, but the sinful soul that made the flesh corruptible.

Maybe Good and Evil have the same face. It all depends only on when they meet on the path of each of us.

Anyone who laughs at evil, in any of its manifestations, does not have a very healthy moral sense.

Evil people have no songs.

Someone asked: Is it right to say that evil must be repaid with good? The teacher said: How then to pay for good? Evil must be repaid with justice, and good with good.

Unspoken Secret Quotes About Evil

Things are good and evil only in relation to pleasure and pain. We call good that which can cause or increase our pleasure. We call evil something that can cause us or increase some kind of suffering.

In my opinion, marriage and its bonds are either the greatest good or the greatest evil; there is no middle.

A little slander gives life a spicy edge.

To be able to be evil, you must learn to be kind; Otherwise you'll just be ugly.

The time of despondency is not when we suffer evil, but when we do evil. We have perverted the order and mixed up the times; doing a lot of evil, we do not repent even for a short time, but if we suffer even a small evil from someone, we lose heart, go crazy, and hasten to give up and get rid of life.

The root of evil deeds is evil thoughts.

Even a victorious war is an evil that must be prevented by the wisdom of nations.

The lesser evil, like , is more durable.

Drive away anger from yourself - this is the best way to stay away from trouble.

For the triumph of evil, only one condition is necessary - that good people sit with their hands folded.

What could be more harmful than a person who has knowledge of the most complex sciences, but does not have a kind heart? He will use all his knowledge for evil.

Chimerical Secret Quotes About Evil

Ideas about good and evil changed so much from people to people, from century to century, that they often directly contradicted one another.

He who accepts evil without resistance becomes its accomplice.

It is easier to endure evil than to cause it; for the same reason, it can be easier to feel deceived than not to trust.

They say that God is patient. But to endure obvious evil does not mean to reveal powerlessness or even complicity in this evil?

There is only one moral lesson that is suitable for childhood and extremely important for any age - this is not to do harm to anyone.

Without the power of thought, what we call conscience degenerates into dreams, a justification for evil. The most cruel deeds in the world were committed in the name of conscience.

The most dangerous people are those evil people who are not entirely devoid of kindness.

The desire to be known as an intelligent person is stronger than the fear of being branded as evil.

Is it permissible to eradicate villainy by killing villains? But this means multiplying their number!

No hatred, no disgust will be excessive towards people who are the perpetrators of so many evils and who exploit others everywhere.

Evil is not any essence; but the loss of good is called evil.

For the most part, doing evil to people is not as dangerous as doing them too much good.

God leaves evil in the world, but by leaving it, he gives wisdom to man. When evil is taken away, wisdom is also taken away, and then a person will have no virtue left, because virtue consists solely in overcoming and conquering evil. Consequently, these philosophers, wanting to free us from evil, deprive us of the invaluable treasure of wisdom.

Impossible Secret Quotes About Evil

If there were no evil in this world, man would never think about deity.

Enjoy and give pleasure, without causing harm to yourself or others - this, in my opinion, is the essence of morality.

Evil is not a living and animate entity, but a state of the soul that occurs through a falling away from good. Therefore, do not look for evil outside, do not imagine that there is some kind of original evil nature, but let everyone recognize himself as the culprit of his own evil nature.

When, having done evil, a person is afraid that people will find out about it, he can still find a path to good. When, having done good, a person tries to let people know about it, he creates evil.

He who strives for good must be ready to endure evil.

There are many terrible crimes in the world, but perhaps the worst thing is to strangle love.

Evil creeps in like a disease. Dobro comes running out of breath, like a doctor.

Custom is often evil.

Justify, do not punish, but call evil evil.

It is good to repent, but not to do evil is even better.

Comprehending the evil inherent in nature, you are filled with contempt for death; By comprehending vices, you learn to despise life.

Anger is the worst possible advisor. Any decision made under his influence is obviously wrong.

Anger is like yeast. As soon as you let a tiny piece of it into your soul, it embraces you completely.

The slanderous wit is very pleasant, to be honest. In winter it will warm you up, and in summer it can cool you down.

Virtue is not a natural state for humans. It is just a forced form of behavior developed in practice.

Anger is very careless in choosing the means of expression.

Evil people are always cowardly, although they can skillfully hide this flaw.

By avoiding anger, you will protect yourself from many troubles.

Tyranny does not accept pride and freedom, therefore, under its yoke, anger always flourishes.

To be condescending means to hide your furious anger behind subtle gestures.

The danger of slander is that, even without being proven, it puts a person at risk.

The surest way to deal with a person prone to backbiting is to ignore him. This way you will not only protect yourself, but also show your confidence and indifference, which such people cannot stand.

Read more beautiful quotes on the following pages:

Only chance prevents a slanderer from becoming a villain. – Quintilian

Oh! Evil tongues are worse than a gun. Griboyedov A. S.

He who vilifies a decent person vilifies himself. – Rousseau J.

Arrows pierce the flesh, and evil words pierce the soul. – Gracian y Morales

To understand is to forgive, but I’m not going to forgive...

A little slander gives life a spicy edge. Christy A.

There is no cure for the slander of a slanderer. – Aristophanes

A slanderous tongue betrays a foolish person. – Plutarch

Only chance prevents a slanderer from becoming a villain. Quintilian

Apparently, there are people who cannot live in peace unless they spit poison on someone’s back...

There is no cure in the world for slander. We need to live honestly and despise slander,

Drive away anger from yourself - this is the best way to stay away from trouble. – Hong Zichen

Anyone can get angry - it's easy; but to be angry with the one you need, and as much as you need, and when you need, and for the reason you need, and in the way you need, is not given to everyone. – Aristotle

Any anger is a consequence of weakness. Russo J.

The instigator always wins. – Menander

If you want to find out what your friend thinks about you, make him angry. – Oliver Holmes

If it were possible to kill with one thought, then you would not be alive...

I don’t understand why engage in slander. If you want to annoy someone, it is enough to tell some truth about him. Nietzsche F.

All anger comes from powerlessness. – Rousseau J.

Do not slander in vain, So as not to ask for forgiveness from your conscience. Enveri

Do not slander without reason, especially without necessity. Penn William

An immodest man is often more dangerous than an evil one, for the latter attacks only his enemies, while the former harms his enemies and his friends. – Joseph Addison

Man is evil by nature; his virtue is generated by practical activity. Xunzi

There is honey on your tongues, and bile in your hearts. – Plautus

If someone slanderes a friend in absentia or, hearing another’s slander about him, does not utter a word in defense; If, for the sake of fame as a funnyman, I’m happy to invent a fable, or for the sake of laughter, I’m ready to tell a friend a secret... that’s who is dangerous, who’s black! Beware of him! – Horace

And let the gossips chat for their health. Moliere

The multiplication of tongues is the cause of trouble. – Menander

There is honey on your tongues, and bile in your hearts. Plautus

Finding out the evil news is for the evil one There is no more pleasant pleasure! Rustaveli Sh.

A little slander gives life a spicy edge. – Christy A.

He who vilifies a decent person vilifies himself. Russo J.

Do not slander in vain, So as not to ask for forgiveness from your conscience. – Envery

An angry person is always full of poison. Confucius

Slander in a man is always shameful... A man, in order to slander another, must have female wisdom. Sheridan R.

I don’t understand why engage in slander. If you want to annoy someone, it is enough to tell some truth about him. – Nietzsche F.

Sometimes you communicate with a person and there is only one thought in your head - how can I kill you, such a bastard!!!

Oh! Evil tongues are worse than a gun. – Griboedov A.S.

As it turns out, the fact that I’m happy hurts the eyes of many! Well, what can I say to such people - take care of your eyesight, it’s so easy to lose it =))

Only an ungrateful person is capable of praising to his face and backbiting behind his back. Pythagoras

If someone slanderes a friend in absentia or, hearing another’s slander about him, does not utter a word in defense; If, for the sake of fame as a funnyman, I’m happy to invent a fable, or for the sake of laughter, I’m ready to tell a friend a secret... that’s who is dangerous, who’s black! Beware of him! Horace

There is no cure for the slander of a slanderer. Aristophanes

Stupidity does not always make a person evil, but anger always makes a person stupid. – Francoise Sagan

Arrows pierce the flesh, and evil words pierce the soul. Gracian y Morales

Anger, like love, is not a chemical substance, but an organic one, like yeast - leaven. A tiny portion leavens everything. Tolstoy L. N.

One lie will give birth to another. Terence

An angry person is like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it blackens you. Anacharsis

To stop slander, do not pay attention to it. – Gracian y Morales

The devils in hell are painfully jealous, observing the Jesuitical dexterity with which people know how to defame each other. Gorky M.

The multiplication of tongues is the cause of trouble. Menander

Only an ungrateful person is capable of praising to his face and backbiting behind his back. – Pythagoras

Those who laugh do not know anger, because laughter is a symbol of forgiveness.

Slander in a man is always shameful... A man, in order to slander another, must have female wisdom. – Sheridan R.

A slanderous tongue betrays a foolish person. Plutarch

Don’t make me angry, otherwise you risk waking up the female praying mantis sleeping inside me!!!

Finding out the evil news is for the evil one There is no more pleasant pleasure! – Rustaveli Sh.

Don't gossip about a loved one if you don't want to hear something that will be unpleasant for you. – Chilo

People are very evil creatures. Perhaps this is a prejudice, but they also consist of nothing but prejudices.

One must beware of slander and slander, like a poisonous worm on a rose - they are hidden in thin and polished phrases. – Plutarch

One must beware of slander and slander, like a poisonous worm on a rose - they are hidden in thin and polished phrases. Plutarch

An evil person harms others without any benefit to himself. – Socrates

One lie will give birth to another. – Terence

Do not slander without reason, especially without necessity. – Penn William

The devils in hell are painfully jealous, observing the Jesuitical dexterity with which people know how to defame each other. - Gorky M.

The property of a tyrant is to repel everyone whose heart is proud and free. – Aristotle

An angry person is always full of poison. – Confucius

An excellent principle - to live as a duet, to always be together... At any time of the year - winter or summer, you throw out your anger on him!!!

Do not speak evil of your neighbor, lest you hear something that you yourself will not rejoice at. Chilon

It’s easy to give a false meaning to anything through malicious interpretation. Terence

Slander, even without evidence, leaves almost eternal traces. – Pushkin A.S.

To slander, and sharply at the same time, is very pleasant, my dear. After all, it was said by the poet: Slander warms us in winter and refreshes us in hot summer. – Lope de Vega

It’s easy to give a false meaning to anything through malicious interpretation. – Terence

I'm tired of life... Resentment gnaws, bitterness bursts, tears flow like a river... But I forbid myself to cry so that my mascara doesn't run...

An angry person is like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it blackens you. – Anacharsis

The instigator always wins. Menander