Actor Andrey Rudenko personal life. Anatoly Rudenko: biography, filmography and family of the actor. Anatoly Rudenko on the set

The famous Russian actor Anatoly Kirillovich Rudenko was born in Moscow on October 7, 1982. His acting destiny was destined for him and this is not surprising. His grandmother is actress Dina Soldatova, his father is also an actor, Kirill Makeenko. Anatoly’s mother is an actress of the Mayakovsky Theater, Lyubov Rudenko. From childhood, Anatoly experienced the actor’s lifestyle, as he was often behind the scenes at his father’s theater, and with his mother he had to go to Mosfilm.

Anatoly got his first acting experience in 1996, when he received his first role in the film “Hello, Fools!” The boy played Mitrofan and at that time did not think at all about an acting career. He was attracted to travel. Since his aunt was the head of a travel agency, the boy had an idea of ​​his future profession.
At the insistence of his mother, in 1999 he entered the Shchukin School. It was during this period of time that he was involved in work on the series “Simple Truths,” where he plays the role of high school student Dima Karpov.

In 2004, after graduating from Pike, the actor was drafted into the army. His service continues to this day, this is the Theater of the Russian Army. During this period of time, the actor actively starred in many films, but real popularity overtook the actor in 2005 after the series “Two Fates” was released. In this series he played the role of Yusupov Petit.

Work on the second part of the series was somewhat unsuccessful. These include health problems when Anatoly had an unsuccessful holiday in the mountains with friends. He suffered numerous rib fractures and muscle tears. Only the prompt response of doctors saved the actor’s life. And while filming in Cyprus, the main character of the series was forgotten at the airport, and only a day later he managed to return back to Moscow.
The projects that the actor implemented in 2008 were more successful. He got roles in which he was a participant in love triangles and even quadrangles. These are the films “Redhead” and “The War Ended Yesterday”.

Still from the film “The War Ended Yesterday”:

Such works of the actor as the series “The Heart is Not a Stone”, the films “Two Ivans”, “Spiral”, “Together” were noted as successful. In 2015, the actor starred in the TV series “The Red Queen” and “It’s Just Beginning.” The actor likes such an active life. In his words, it was recorded that he is interested in personal growth and strives to develop himself. He became interested in the career of a director.
Since the life of actors is not stable, he decided to open a small flower shop. He is interested in taking care of his family, so it is important for him to have a constant income.

Personal life

Most of all, admirers of the actor’s talent are interested in his personal life. While a student at the Shchukin School, the actor had an affair with Olga Semina.
The year 2006-2007 was marked by living together with. The romance began on the set during the filming of the film “Simple Truths-2”. Anatoly's feelings were serious, and he even set himself the goal of marrying Tatyana. Since the young actress was not ready for marriage, the young people separated.

Anatoly Rudenko and Tatyana Arngolts:

Anatoly Rudenko and Daria Poverennova:

The relationship between the actor developed from 2007 to 2010. Here, too, things were heading towards a wedding, despite the fact that the actor was 10 years younger. Anatoly himself broke off the relationship because he met Elena Dudina, with whom the relationship ended in marriage in 2012. In July 2012, the actor became a father and his daughter Milena was born.

Anatoly Rudenko with his wife Elena Dudina:

Anatoly Rudenko is a Russian theater and film actor. Anatoly Kirillovich Rudenko, as they say, was destined to become an actor. The future artist was born in Moscow on October 7, 1982 into an acting family. Mama Anatoly, famous actress of the capital's theater named after. , viewers remember from their roles in the films “Meadow Flowers”, “Vacation at Your Own Expense”, “The Life of Klim Samgin”, “Taiga. Survival course." Anatoly's father Kirill Makeenko is also an actor who has devoted many years to acting in cinema and theater. In addition, Anatoly Rudenko is the grandson of famous theater actors Nikolai Rudenko and Dina Soldatova.

Anatoly grew up behind the scenes of the Mayakovsky Theater and on the Mosfilm film sets, where he often visited with his mother. And yet the boy did not immediately decide to follow in the footsteps of his parents and grandparents.

After school, Anatoly Rudenko planned to enter the Institute of Tourism. An example for the boy was his own aunt, who ran a travel agency. But the acting genealogy of the Rudenko family took precedence. Having weighed everything, the son gave in to his mother’s persuasion and entered the Shchukin School.


Anatoly Rudenko’s film debut took place as a child: at the age of 13, the boy was cast for the film “Hello, Fools!”, and successfully played the first role. The audition turned out to be difficult and long, but the young actor was approved. Anatoly got the role of Mitrofan, a boy broken beyond his years who loved to drink, smoke and look at men's magazines. All this was alien to a well-bred boy from an intelligent acting family, but talent ultimately won.

In the future, the actor will remember working with the director, claiming that cooperation with Ryazanov allowed him to gain experience, which was later useful to the artist.

“Eldar Aleksandrovich is used to working with professionals. For me, this was my first experience of filming a movie, because I knew practically nothing and had no knowledge of acting. But the director never got irritated, did not shout, and tried to calmly tell me everything. Sometimes he resorted to the help of other actors, asked his mother to explain professional things,” Rudenko said in an interview with media representatives.

The debut turned out to be successful. Eldar Ryazanov himself, having seen how young Rudenko worked in front of the camera, noted that he had excellent acting skills.

In 2004, Anatoly Rudenko graduated from the Shchukin School and was drafted into the army. The creative guy was immediately assigned to the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, where Anatoly works today.

While still studying at Shchukinsky, Anatoly Rudenko began participating in filming. First there were “Simple Truths,” then roles in “The Thief” and “The Fifth Angel.” In “Poor Nastya” the artist played Alexei Shubin.

But Anatoly Rudenko woke up famous after the release of Vladimir Krasnopolsky’s series “Two Fates,” where the artist played the role of Pyotr Yusupov, a hero he didn’t really like, since Yusupov was incredibly positive.

Nevertheless, the role was successful, and the creative biography of Anatoly Rudenko received the first star page. Now the actor was recognized on the street, and directors offered new images.

New films with Anatoly Rudenko appear regularly: he appears in TV series and films almost without interruption. The artist recalls that at the beginning of his career, the images offered by directors were extremely positive. And I wanted to play different people, including those with complex characters and a negative image. And Anatoly received such an opportunity in the series “And Still I Love” and “Kamenskaya”.

Among Rudenko’s latest films are the series “Heart is not a Stone”, the films “Together”, “Two Ivans”, “Spiral” and others.


The artist's main love is theater. At the Russian Army Theater, Anatoly Rudenko played in the graduation performance “Apricot Paradise”. In the same theater, Anatoly was involved in a huge number of productions, but the performances “School of Love” and “Man of La Mancha” brought the artist the greatest popularity. The artist’s performance can also be seen in the performances “Nightingale Night” and “Forever Alive”. Rudenko also plays in an enterprise.

Anatoly admits that cinema made him famous, but he prefers theater.

Personal life

On the set of the series “First Truths”, and then while working on the film “And Still I Love,” Anatoly Rudenko met. The girl managed to turn the head of one of the main characters-lovers of Russian cinema. The young people dated for six months, but things never came to a wedding.

According to the actor, at that time he was not ready for a family relationship. And there was very little time to live together: both Anatoly and Tatyana are in-demand actors.

Soon Anatoly Rudenko met with an actress who was much older than him. The flared feeling united the couple for 4 years. However, the relationship fell apart and the couple separated.

Nevertheless, Anatoly Rudenko met the only one whom today he proudly calls his wife. Rudenko's wife is also an actress. Together the couple starred in the film “The War Ended Yesterday.” Meeting on the set developed into a romantic relationship. Rudenko and Dudina did not advertise the wedding; the event was celebrated in a narrow circle of relatives. In 2012, the actor became a happy father - Elena Dudina gave birth to his daughter Milena.

The actor believes that this marriage is the happiest event in his life. The wife helps the artist prepare for his roles. The personal life of Anatoly Rudenko before meeting Elena was gray, as the artist himself admits, but his wife changed the situation radically.

They say about the actor that in life Anatoly is an honest, kind, charming, sweet and sincere person.

Anatoly Rudenko now

In 2016, Anatoly Rudenko took part in the television project “Ice Age”. The actor’s partner was a famous Lithuanian figure skater who has won medals at the European and World Championships more than once. TV viewers liked this creative tandem. Fans of Anatoly, discussing in the service Instagram and other social networks, the success of the idol on ice, stated that the actor needs to participate more in this kind of television projects.

In 2017, the Russian press reported that Anatoly Rudenko closed his business due to the crisis. As some leading online publications report, such a decision was not easy for friends, because prominent representatives of the cinema tried to save their business, rent new premises, and create favorable conditions for further work, but this was not possible.

The gift shop “Yagodki Tsvetochki”, which celebrities opened in February 2016, went bankrupt. It is assumed that the actors donated part of the funds to charity.


  • 1996 – Hello, fools!
  • 2003 – 2004 - Poor Nastya
  • 2005 – Cherub
  • 2008 – 2009 - Redhead
  • 2009 – Boomerang from the past
  • 2009 – Loop
  • 2010 – The war ended yesterday
  • 2011 – Travel ticket
  • 2012 – Only about love
  • 2012 – Case of investigator Nikitin
  • 2013 – Two Ivans
  • 2013 – Scouts
  • 2014 – The Road Home
  • 2014 – Spiral
  • 2015 – Red Queen

Anatoly Rudenko is a talented Russian film and theater actor, participant in the TV show “Ice Age 2016”.


Anatoly Kirillovich Rudenko is a native Muscovite, born on October 7, 1982 into a family of actors. Grandmother Dina Soldatova, grandfather Nikolai Rudenko and father Kirill Makeenko played in the theater, mother Lyubov Rudenko is known to the public thanks to her work in the theater. Mayakovsky.

From early childhood, the boy went with his parents to the theater, his mother took him with her to the Mosfilm film studio. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day young Anatoly was noticed and invited to a casting.

The boy made his film debut at the age of thirteen, then he played a hooligan named Mitrofan. Anatoly’s character drank and smoked, so the young actor had to learn to smoke for real on camera.

The film was called “Hello, Fools” and was directed by the legendary Eldar Ryazanov. On the set, Ryazanov immediately noted the boy’s acting skills and said that young Anatoly would make a name for himself in the future.

However, the aspiring actor himself at first did not want to follow in the footsteps of his parents. The boy’s own aunt was the head of a travel company, so the young man wanted to make a name for himself in the tourism business.

When, after graduating from school, Anatoly was faced with the question of admission, he wanted to enter the Institute of Tourism. But thanks to numerous persuasions from his mother, the young man nevertheless entered the Shchukin School.

As Anatoly himself says in one of his interviews, he almost failed the audition at the Shchukin School. At the entrance exams, he read Mayakovsky's verse and Raskolnikov's monologue from Crime and Punishment.

Halfway through the monologue the young man was stopped. Realizing that he had failed, Anatoly insisted on reading an excerpt from Chekhov’s work.

So, showing persistence, Rudenko passed the exam. But in parallel with the school. Shchukin, Anatoly went to the Moscow Art Theater School and GITIS. When the turn came to choose which educational institution would be best to send the documents to, the actor decided to study at Shchuka.

After graduating from university in 2004, Anatoly was drafted into the army. There he served in the theater of the Russian Army. Returning from military service, Anatoly is actively making his way into the ranks of popular movie stars.


Anatoly Rudenko began participating in filming during his student years. First, the young man starred in the film “Simple Truths,” followed in 2001 by roles in the films “The Fifth Corner” and “The Thief.”

A year later, Anatoly starred in the sequel to “The Thief,” as well as the films “Casus Belli” and “Thrown March.” Anatoly also played two characters at once in the second season of the famous TV series “Kamenskaya”.

After the release of Kamenskaya-2, Anatoly began actively acting in television series. In 2003, the series “Women in a Game Without Rules”, “The Return of Mukhtar” and “Poor Nastya” were released.

The next year is marked by the release of the films “Dear Masha Berezina”, “Twins” and “They Danced One Winter”.

Anatoly’s real fame came from the role of Petya Yusupov in the film “Two Fates.” Later, the actor said that he didn’t really like his character - he was too positive.

In the same year, filming began on the third part of the film, which secured Anatoly’s status as a star. Filming “Two Fates” was not easy. During the filming of the episode of falling from the bridge in the second part, Rudenko almost drowned, and before the start of filming the third film, the actor lay injured in the hospital.

After the release of the third part of “Two Fates,” Anatoly received job offers. From 2005 to 2010, Anatoly starred in the TV series “My Prechistenka”, “Guardian Angel”, “Red”, “Travelers”, “And Still I Love...” and “Yesterday the War Ended”.

In 2011, Rudenko was remembered by viewers for his roles in the films “Duel”, “Two Tickets to Venice”, “Travel Ticket” and “Together”.

In 2012, “The Case of Investigator Nikitin”, “The Heart is Not a Stone”, “Only About Love” and “Death to Spies” were released.

The next year was remembered for Anatoly’s participation in the works “The Shores of My Dreams”, “Wait for Love”, “Two Ivans” and “Bouquet”.

In 2014, Anatoly played in the films “Spiral”, “Broken Threads”, “Switching in a Moment”, “I Leave You Love”, “The Road Home”.

In 2015, Rudenko appeared in the acclaimed film “The Red Queen,” which tells the story of the life of Soviet fashion model Regina Zbarskaya, and the television series “It’s Just Beginning” and “The Last Cop.”

The actor's good looks provide him with constant work in films. The actor said that at the beginning of his acting career he was offered to play only positive characters.

Anatoly didn’t really like this; he wanted to try himself in a different role. The actor had the opportunity to play negative characters in the television series “And Still I Love” and “Kamenskaya-2”.


In addition to filming films, Anatoly performs on the theater stage. While serving at the Russian Army Theater, the young man successfully played in the graduation production “Apricot Paradise”.

After serving in the army, work at the Russian Army Theater did not end. There Anatoly played in many performances, among which the most successful were “Forever Alive”, “Man of La Mancha”, “Nightingale Night” and “School of Love”.

Rudenko also likes to act in enterprises. In one of his interviews, Anatoly admitted that although he devotes most of his time to filmmaking, he prefers working in the theater.

Participation in "Ice Age 2016"

In 2016, Alexey began participating in television shows. Together with the Lithuanian figure skater Margarita Drobyazko, he showed real skill on the ice, even despite the lack of experience in figure skating.

The couple made it to the finals of the competition, but took only eighth place in the final table of winners.

Personal life

Anatoly met his first wife Tatyana Arntgolts on the set. The colleagues met on the set of the film “Simple Truths”, then the young people met again during the filming of “Still I Love”. The lovers lived together for only two years and then separated without legalizing their relationship.

In an interview, Anatoly admitted that at that time he was not ready for a serious relationship. At that time, young people were busy with work and were often away from each other. That is why the lovers have cooled off towards each other.

However, everything changed after meeting actress Elena Dudina during the filming of the film “The War Ended Yesterday.”

As Anatoly says, meeting Elena turned out to be a little funny. He was sitting in the dressing room in his underwear when Lena came in to see him. After an awkward pause, the actress introduced herself in a friendly manner, and the young people began to communicate.

The lovers dated for a year, began to live together, and on April 23, 2012, they legalized their relationship. The wedding ceremony took place in the Italian town of Manchese, surrounded only by the closest people: according to Elena, only twenty people were present at the wedding.

Anatoly Rudenko with his wife and daughter

In the summer of 2012, the newlyweds gave birth to a girl, who was named Milena.

Anatoly Rudenko is one of the popular film actors of the new period of Russian cinema. After filming in the television series “Two Fates,” the young man gained fame as a lyrical hero. He has many fans who follow his creative activities and wish him success.

For a long time, the popular film actor was considered one of the best suitors of Russian cinema. At the beginning of 2012, the star of Russian film series tied the knot. Currently, he is an exemplary husband and father, caring for their happiness and well-being.

After appearing in the film series “Two Fates,” the talented young actor attracted attention. A large number of residents of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries froze at the screens. They wanted to know everything about this handsome guy, including his height, weight, age. How old Anatoly Rudenko is is no secret. The actor has crossed the 35-year-old mark, but he looks much younger than his age.

Anatoly Rudenko, whose photos in his youth and now have not changed at all, weighs 65 kg with a height of 177 cm. The film actor is actively involved in sports. Numerous men respect the artist for his good physical shape.

Biography and personal life 👉 Anatoly Rudenko

The boy was born in the early 80s. Father - Kirill Makeenko and mother - Lyubov Rudenko are very popular actors. You can admire their performances in theatrical and dramatic productions and films. From infancy, Anatoly spent a lot of time within the theater walls, but for the time being he did not think about a theatrical career. The young man wanted to swim and visit the most remote corners of the world.

The parents treated their son strictly, raising him to be a real person. After serving in the army, the young man submits documents to all theater universities in the capital. After going to several, our hero decided to stop at Shchuka, where his parents and many acquaintances studied. It was during these years that the creative biography and personal life of Anatoly Rudenko began to develop in parallel. He meets with many beautiful colleagues, but the guy was in no hurry to connect his life with anyone. Anatoly dated Tatyana Arntgolts for some time. They were a beautiful couple. After six months of meetings, the young people separated. The artist soon became the wife of another man. The young man is currently married. He loves his wife and daughter, trying to do everything for their happiness.

Filmography 👉 films starring Anatoly Rudenko

The artist’s filmography includes several dozen works, each of which showed him from a new side and revealed the facets of his talent.

The actor played in “Two Fates”, “The Thief”, “Death of a Spy”, “Heart is not a Stone”, “Two Ivans” and others.

Family and children 👉 Anatoly Rudenko

The popular film actor is incredibly in demand in the film industry of the Russian Federation, successful in cinema and in family life. He has a loving wife, Elena, and a beloved 5-year-old daughter, Milena. Lately, Anatoly has been devoting all his free time to his daughter, whom he loves very much. The family and children of Anatoly Rudenko are the most important values ​​for him in this world, which the artist spoke about at a young age.

Anatoly’s parents are also connected with the film industry. Our hero’s father is Kirill Makeenko, and his mother is the popularly beloved film actress Lyubov Rudenko. They currently support their son in everything and help in raising their granddaughter.

Daughter 👉 Anatoly Rudenko - Milena Rudenko

The girl was born on a fine July day in 2012. The star suggested giving his daughter a name, which his young wife happily approved. The girl is beautiful, she has blond hair and greenish eyes. Outwardly, she looks like both parents.

Anatoly Rudenko’s daughter, Milena Rudenko, loves it when her mom and dad are at home. She enjoys going to the playground with them. Currently, the 5-year-old girl is learning the basics of learning, preparing to enter school. She likes to draw and sculpt.

The popular film actor often posts pictures on his Instagram page showing Anatoly Rudenko and Elena Dudina with their daughter. Photos of the star family are popular. Fans often look at these photographs, wishing the artist and his family happiness.

Wife 👉 of Anatoly Rudenko - Elena Dudina

A surprise for many fans of the popular film actor was his wedding with his artistic colleague Elena Dudina. A modest celebration took place in 2012, shortly before the birth of their daughter Milena. The couple live alone and comfortably. In public they invariably appear in each other's company.

Anatoly Rudenko's wife, Elena Dudina, plays in the theater; she is mainly involved in performances based on the works of the great classics of Russian literature. The girl became famous after the release of the film “Dubrovsky”, based on the work of A.S. Pushkin, on the screens of the country.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Anatoly Rudenko

Instagram and Wikipedia of Anatoly Rudenko are widely available.

The film actor is registered on social networks. Its pages allow you to trace the creative path of the star, starting from childhood. Anatoly quite often pampers his fans with pictures with his family. The artist posts photographs taken on film sets over the years. Here you can watch video clips from films with the participation of Rudenko, at the sight of which the heart of any fan of this popular film actor skips a beat.

There is no Wikipedia page for the star of the television film series “Two Fates”; it is currently just being created; it will be possible to get acquainted with it in the near future. But from fragmentary information you can fully imagine the life and creative path of the star; all the works in which our today’s hero played are listed here.

“I remember my first love, which happened at the age of five, for the rest of my life. Of course, the scar remains on his forehead. The “rival” in the kindergarten became jealous. Apparently, already in my childhood there was a shortage of real men. The most handsome boy in the group showed me signs of attention. And the other girl, who considered herself better than everyone else, didn’t like it terribly, and when Seryozha and I were chatting nicely, she pushed the swing and it flew right into my forehead - blood gushed out. As a result, the emergency room covered the wound with a criss-cross plaster. But this incident discouraged me from communicating with boys for a long time.

I acutely felt attention from men when I was 14 years old. Over the three summer months, a so-called hormonal explosion occurred in my body - and I acquired attractive female forms. When I returned to Moscow from Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, where I spent the holidays with my grandmothers, my mother, opening the door, almost fainted. A thin teenage girl left, and a girl, almost a woman, returned. From that moment on, men began to pay attention to me - they thought I was eighteen years old. But I only kissed for the first time when I was 21. True, at 22 she already gave birth to a son. (Laughs.)

With mother Dina Anatolyevna, stepfather Lev Semenovich and son Tolya (1990s). Photo: From the personal archive of Lyubov Rudenko

— Did your impressive appearance help you in your career?

— There has always been a stereotype in cinema: the heroine should be very thin and slender. But I have never been thin: I have a wide bone, Ukrainian blood boils - I am large-scale! I went to my dad.

But the realization of one’s own perfection came at the age of four. My mother, actress Dina Soldatova, often went on tour, leaving me with my aunt, who could not always cope with her niece. Once again, calling me to obedience, Aunt Galya threatened that she would definitely tell my mother about the tricks and she would find herself another girl. Lost in thought, I went into the room and became quiet. Through the crack, my aunt saw me standing in front of the mirror and, fingering my long wavy hair, saying: “And where will mom find such

a girl? And beautiful, and hair with sparkles.” (Laughs.) But thanks to the fact that I was born into a modest, intelligent family, I never stuck out. I raised my son the same way. And as for appearance... “...What is beauty and why do people deify it? Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness, or a fire flickering in the vessel? My mother was a beauty, a talented actress. In the theater her fate was successful, but in the cinema it was the opposite. The reason for this is the external resemblance to another wonderful actress, Irina Skobtseva. Time after time, my mother came to screen tests and found out that Irina Konstantinovna was auditioning for the same role. She acted a lot then. And, of course, she was approved. But in her native Moscow Touring Comedy Theater (now the Na Pokrovka Theater), she performed the entire world repertoire. Mom now looks great at 87 years old, although she was crippled by the death of her husband, my beloved stepfather. They lived together for 36 years. But I gave my mother instructions: to control herself, take care of her health and not become limp in order to take her great-granddaughter to first grade.

— Looking at your old photos, you catch yourself thinking that in appearance you looked like...

— Yes, we studied at the same institute with a slight time difference, and some teachers called me Ira. She and I starred together in the fairy tale film “Vasily Buslaev” about the epic hero. I played the hero’s first love there, and Irochka played his other sweetheart. I remember the scene in which the hero returns after the battle and brings with him Ksenia, that is, Ira, and according to the script, when I see the homewrecker, I burst into burning tears. I have my own method: on the set and in the theater I work by association with my own experiences. And so, looking at Ira, I thought: “Why is she, and not me, playing the main female role, I can do it too!” And tears flowed. (Laughs.) In general, I’m sobbing, and cameraman Sasha Gharibyan says: “Lyubochka, until I start filming, don’t cry, otherwise the tears will run out.” - “I won’t run out!” - and I roar again. (Laughs.) But to tell the truth, I never envied anyone or was upset that I wasn’t given a big role. I thought and believed: what is mine will not leave me.

But when the directors demanded a close relationship for the main role, I abruptly stopped all such attempts. This is about the question of whether appearance helps. Even my mother, who blushed at the word “F,” once said: “Daughter, maybe I should have agreed? If directors are all like this, what should I do..." But I was adamant: "Mom, I will never sell myself like that! And I will achieve everything with my work.” And so it happened, albeit later than for others.

With Alexander Shirvindt in the television film “Vacation at your own expense” (1981)

— You became popular after the television film “The Life of Klim Samgin,” which was released in 1988. Did you expect such a reaction?

- Of course not! Initially, I auditioned for a small role. But before the auditions, I didn’t just study the script, but re-read all four volumes of Gorky’s novel. In addition, in my native Mayakovsky Theater, my master Andrei Aleksandrovich Goncharov began staging the play “The Life of Klim Samgin”, I was cast in the role of the seamstress Rita in the second cast, my beloved Natasha Gundareva was rehearsing in the first. When our course was shown at Mayakovka, Natasha said about me to Goncharov: “Here’s a replacement for me in the theater, and I’ll calmly act in films!”

— In the film “The Life of Klim Samgin” I played Evdokia Streshneva, a singer whose prototype was Anastasia Vyaltseva (1988)

During the audition, director Viktor Titov was pleasantly surprised by his knowledge of the material. And he approved me for a big role - the singer Evdokia Streshneva, whose prototype was Anastasia Vyaltseva.

After the premiere, I woke up “almost famous,” but stagnation began in cinema.

There was no government money for film production, and film studios were empty. And this period came at the peak of my professional and physical fitness - from 28 to 35 years old, when you can and should act in film! However, I never sat idle. Firstly, I always had a theater, and secondly, I did dubbing, acted in commercials, and played in an enterprise.

And speaking of the importance of preparation. When entering the theater institute, as a prose passage that all applicants read at auditions, I myself wrote material based on letters from Soviet Komsomol members to Chilean communists. And at the end she sang the anthem of Chilean youth. I still remember its text. And years later, this unexpectedly came in handy for me: in the entrepreneurial play “Lie Detector for Sale,” my heroine, under hypnosis, begins to speak Spanish. I quickly, quickly recite the text of the same anthem that I have known since I was 17 years old! This always causes laughter and applause in the audience... (Smiles.) And my ex-husband was amazed by such a moment. If my friend from France called, even in the middle of the night, I easily started speaking French to her. Having graduated from a French special school, I know the language well.

— You separated from your husband after more than twenty years of marriage. Was the divorce difficult?

- No, it was a conscious decision, having made which I felt relieved. At some point in my family life I realized that I was tired of this relationship. They have outlived their usefulness. For the last ten years of marriage, I worked a lot, went on film expeditions and tours, came home, left money and went back to earning money. Probably invested more

than I received. For some time after the breakup, I continued to live in the apartment of my wonderful late father-in-law and husband Kirill. Every day, waking up, I asked God for only one thing: to give me the opportunity to earn my own corner. And - lo and behold! — my prayers were answered: I was approved for a big role in the series “Fire of Love.” Over the course of a year and a half, we filmed 316 episodes. I didn’t spend a penny of the fee for these shoots - I beat myself on the wrist, but didn’t touch the money. And in the end I was able to buy a one-room apartment, where I now live. Having resolved the housing issue, I left with a clear conscience. Like a man, without taking anything with you. (Laughs.) But Kirill married another woman, and I’m only happy for him.

— How is your personal life?

“With my profession, in this sense, not everything is so simple. Some time ago, I broke up with my common-law husband - we lived together for nine months, but imagine, I’m always on the road (filming, festivals), he is a cameraman, and accordingly, he also constantly disappears on film expeditions. It's hard. You need to either work in the same projects, or serve in the same theater. Of course, we tried to keep separations to a minimum and rested together, but at some point it became clear that it wasn’t working. Every man wants

return to a cozy home, where a delicious dinner awaits him. But with an actress wife, this rarely works out. Although there are, of course, examples of happy acting marriages: these are my favorites: Nemolyaeva and Lazarev, Kasatkina and Kolosov. I am happy for my son and daughter-in-law Lenochka (actress Elena Dudina - TN note). In 2010, the three of us starred in the TV series “The War Ended Yesterday,” and in 2012, Tolya and Lena got married. Well, as for me, at my age and position there is little choice! My peers are either deeply married or aged early. And it’s hard to believe in the sincerity of the young. Most likely, they need career growth. But if true love suddenly happens, I won’t refuse. My heart is always open to real feelings. My son dreams that I have a personal life. He is my best friend. Tolya says: “Mom, if you need help, don’t be shy!” The car I drive is his gift. I had a terrible accident three years ago, an Opel drove into me - I didn’t have time to brake on the slippery road after the rain. When I saw the car rushing towards me, I only had time to think: “That’s it!” One moment! And then I realized that I was alive: there were no injuries, not even a concussion. Another miracle in my life.

— Tolya dreams that I have a personal life. He is my best friend. With son and daughter-in-law Elena (2012). Photo: From the personal archive of Lyubov Rudenko

— You have a good, friendly relationship with your adult son. Has it always been like this?

- Certainly. We are friends, but how could it be otherwise? Only once did I punish him. Tolya was four years old, I tried to take my son on a sled in winter, I think, to kindergarten. He

I was capricious and didn’t want to sit down: they say, I’ll walk in my felt boots. It rolls into the snow - and that’s it, do what you want. And I'm late, I have work! In general, she couldn’t stand it and slapped his fur coat below his back with a leather belt. Out of surprise, he fell into a stupor and blinked in surprise. I've never done this before. Taking advantage of the confusion, she sat her son on the sled and quickly rolled. Yes, I remember, at the age of 12 he drove me crazy with computer games - in a fit of emotion, I threw his favorite pistol through the window. Then she spent half the night looking for him under the windows in the bushes. (Laughs.)

— In the series “The War Ended Yesterday” my partner was Bogdan Stupka (2010)

My son didn’t want to become an actor, he resisted. When Tolya graduated from school, law, economics, and tourism were popular. I say: “Do you have a conscience? We have an acting dynasty, genes!” Everything was decided by chance. In the private production of “Warrior,” where I acted as a producer, there was an urgent need to replace a young actor. Director Ira Podkopaeva persuaded Tolya to save her mother - all the tickets had already been sold, canceling the performance would have ruined me. And when Tolya went on stage, heard applause, received flowers as he bowed, he decided on his future profession. Then, behind the scenes, he admitted: “Mom, I’m lost, I’ll become an actor.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

— In the series “Forbidden Love” you play the main character’s mother, who is ready to do a lot for her son.

— Yes, my heroine is ambiguous. Our film contains both witchcraft and revenge... Some people think: this only happens in movies! But in fact, you come somewhere to film in a small provincial town, talk to people and hear such true stories that the screenwriters never dreamed of! I never tire of saying thank you to director Yuri Popovich for entrusting me with such a serious role. It is important for any actress when there is a director who believes in her and remembers her. This may sound naive, but I believe that we, actors, do not live and work in vain, that we must reach the audience. You know, all my life I always wish love and kindness to everyone. It’s no coincidence that my name is Love!

— What makes you happy in life?

— My favorite job, communication with my granddaughter, my friends, fans - and life itself in all its diversity! I rush to see my granddaughter every time the opportunity arises. She is three years old and is an independent person. Recently I came in the evening to put her to bed - the children were working and asked for help. The granddaughter asked where mom and dad were, I explained to her that her parents would return when she was already asleep. After listening, the granddaughter suddenly said seriously: “Well, you go then, I’ll do it myself.” - “What?” - “I’ll fall asleep myself.” That is, you don’t need to read her a fairy tale or stroke her back - she’ll close her eyes and fall asleep. I leave the room, ten minutes later I open the door slightly - my granddaughter is sleeping in an embrace with her favorite stuffed goat, which I gave her for the New Year. She promised and she did. Still, I am convinced once again that independence runs in our families.

Family: mother - Dina Soldatova (87 years old), actress; son - Anatoly Rudenko (33 years old), actor; daughter-in-law - Elena Dudina (27 years old), actress; granddaughter - Milena (3 years old)

Education: Graduated from GITIS (specialty - theater and film actress)

Career: Since 1981 he has been serving at the Moscow Academic Theater. Mayakovsky. She has starred in more than 80 films and TV series, including: “The Life of Klim Samgin”, “Vacation at Your Own Expense”, “The War Ended Yesterday”, “Return of the Battleship”, “Where You Are”, “Taiga. Survival Course", "Newlyweds", "Forbidden Love". Honored Artist of the Russian Federation