Why do you dream of ripe red strawberries: interpretation of the dream according to various dream books. Why do you dream about strawberries? Why do you dream about red strawberries?

Strawberry is a juicy red berry that, upon closer inspection, can be compared to a heart, which is probably why dreams associated with it have a parallel with love relationships and feelings.

The meaning of strawberries in a dream according to different dream books

Strawberries and cream appear in many seductive movie scenes; what they can portend in dreams is described in detail below.

Vanga's dream book

This berry, according to the fortuneteller, predicts tempting pleasures, but also a firm achievement of the goal.

Here are some clear meanings of the berries you saw:

  • If you ate it in a dream, and it was ripe and fresh, then this speaks of complete harmony between lovers and excellent prospects for the development of their relationship.
  • Taking care of berries in the garden means demonstrating in real life your original views on creativity and life.
  • Trading berries means well-being in the family and success at work.

Freud's Dream Book

According to this scientist, strawberries are a symbol of sexual pleasure. In his interpretation, a juicy ripe berry will simply indicate dependence on the object of one’s sexual desires. Among other equally interesting dream interpretations are:

  • Seeing and especially eating a sour or spoiled berry means feeling the coldness of your partner or experiencing indifference to intimate relationships.
  • Picking strawberries means being unrequitedly in love.
  • Eating a lot of strawberries means having a good time with a representative of the opposite sex.
  • Seeing a large number of strawberries means unbridled sex, incomparable to anything before this moment.

Loff's Dream Interpretation

According to this interpretation, the appearance of strawberries in a dream has a double meaning, depending on the marital status of the person who dreamed about it:

  • For a single person, she promises a quick meeting with her soulmate and predicts a serious relationship.
  • For a family, he predicts love and a long happy life with his chosen one.

The same interpretation of the dream for the female gender.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

This predictor associates strawberries only with a boring pastime:

  • If the dreamer saw her, then monotonous and useless work awaits him.
  • If one of his loved ones looked after the berry in a dream, then such work will be his.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

His interpretation of ripe strawberries is the most joyful:

  • Eating fresh berries is a sign of wonderful news that can relate to both intimate and social life.
  • Eating dishes made from strawberries: for men - an increase in income, for women - something new in their love life.

But seeing rotten or moldy strawberries means the death of the dreamer or his loved one.

Gypsy dream book

According to him, strawberries have only positive meaning and are a harbinger of an upcoming promotion up the career ladder or unexpected wealth.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

For the most part, Miss Hasse’s interpretation of dreams with this red berry is favorable, like this:

  • Seeing entire fields or numerous beds predicts minor joyful events that will distract from important matters.
  • Selling berries in a dream means financial well-being.
  • Feeding someone with the harvest means the appearance of a devoted fan who will love and help in all endeavors.
  • Eating strawberries means a quick meeting of your soulmate for single people, and a strong and stable marriage for married people.
  • Picking red berries means that a sleeping person is haunted even in reality by his unsuccessful relationship or unrequited love.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

In this interpretation, there is a transcript of a dream in which a person tramples strawberries with his feet; in fact, in real life, he cannot in any way decide on a love affair, preventing himself from becoming happy. For such a dreamer, it is advised to take a closer look at his surroundings, because there is already a person there who is just waiting for a sign from him to become a worthy life partner.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Standard situations of strawberries seen in a dream have the following interpretations:

  • Picking berries or eating them in unlimited quantities is a sign of great joy and good mood.
  • Seeing bushes thickly covered with berries means that colleagues at work are weaving intrigues or are perplexed by the dreamer’s behavior.
  • Planting strawberries is unexpected news, the content of which depends on whether these bushes planted in a dream are well received.

Meanings of dreams with strawberries under different circumstances

In the morning it can be difficult to remember all the details of your dream, but it is still worth trying to restore all the nuances of what you saw with the strawberries, the accuracy of the interpretation will depend on this. Below are the most common situations that may be associated with this berry.

Why do you dream about big strawberries?

They testify to the reciprocal feelings of a loved one, predict a lot of pleasure from spending time with him. Large berries assure that the feelings are mutual and the object of love also feels the desire to be together all the time, just like the dreamer. Sometimes dream books interpret a large strawberry as the approach of a quickly passing passionate romance that will leave an indelible mark on a person’s fate.

Picking large berries means petty troubles at work that will hinder the achievement of your goals. Or it may mean that the sleeper is haunted by some unpleasant memories.

Sell ​​and buy strawberries

Selling berries in any setting, be it old market stalls or a new supermarket, promises success and prosperity, as well as financial stability for many years.

Buying strawberries in dreams promises that a person will soon appear on whom you can entrust some of your responsibilities, or the person seeing this dream really wants to shift some of his troubles onto the shoulders of another.

Grow strawberries

This can be either planting it or watering it, hilling it, ridding strawberry bushes of rotten berries and spoiled leaves, or weeding the beds. All this courting of strawberries speaks of modern and even innovative views of dreamers, which sometimes do not always find understanding among others.

eat strawberries

This action is always interpreted from a positive side; a more complete decoding can be obtained if we take into account some of the nuances of the dream:

  • Just tasting strawberries means waiting for good news.
  • Eating strawberry cake or other dishes indicates the imminent beginning of a dizzying romance, with a violent manifestation of feelings.
  • Eating berries straight from the garden means experiencing tender intimate moments with your loved one.
  • Eating very sweet fruits means giving and receiving a lot of pleasure.
  • Eating this fruit with friends in a dream means that you can rely on them.

If in a dream a person refuses to eat strawberries or throws away ripe, unspoiled berries, then in reality he refuses the joys of life, avoids or misses important moments and remains unhappy.

Seeing spoiled rotten strawberries

If ripe berries are mostly interpreted in relation to intimate life, then spoiled fruits are often associated with financial situation and physical condition. Frequent dream variations:

  • Dried bushes or berries - love fever or misunderstanding of the whole situation with your loved one. It can result in all kinds of detrimental consequences for relationships: abortion, divorce or sexual impotence.
  • Rotten strawberries on the bushes or picked with your own hands warn of death or strong love experiences.

Cooking strawberries

In a dream, as in reality, you can not only eat fresh berries, but also prepare all kinds of dishes from them, depending on them, a certain dream is interpreted as follows:

  • Making strawberry jam means you have to deal with an unpleasant person, on whom the solution to an important issue for the dreamer will depend.
  • Cooking compote - a situation may arise in which the person who saw the dream will interfere with someone, but they will easily bypass him.

At the same time, strawberry jam seen in a dream itself promises a pleasant love adventure.

Dreaming about red strawberries

Juicy berries predict a rich intimate life, and, most importantly, that it will be permeated with mutual love.

Seeing unripe strawberries

Most often, in this case, green fruits are dreamed of, after eating which the dreamer feels their tasteless pulp, all this warns of groundless jealousy or a hopeless acquaintance with a person who is unable to deeply love and accept love.

Small, tasteless strawberries indicate that you need to pay more attention to your partner, since his feelings for the dreamer have begun to fade or are in turmoil.

If you dreamed of green berries on the eve of a date or meeting a new person, then this meeting will probably not bring anything good; the least that can happen is misunderstanding.

Unripe fruits directly indicate the unsettled intimate aspects of the lives of two people, or some understatements in this regard.

Seeing strawberries in the house

The interpretation of the whole dream depends on where exactly the berry will be:

  • A full plate of berries in a dream prepares for a significant event, but if there is only one berry on it, then this indicates that in the professional sphere the dreamer is one of the best, if not irreplaceable at work.
  • Red fruits lying in the refrigerator indicate a long-awaited meeting.
  • Cooking strawberry jam is a sign of pleasant household chores, perhaps before guests arrive.
  • Holding a berry in the palm of your hand brings pleasant memories.
  • Green fruits lying on the table - for a festive feast.
  • Strawberries that accidentally end up in another dish are a quick achievement of your goals.
  • Strawberry jelly or cocktail - they warn that soon the home routine will fade into the background and memorable moments will appear in life.

Strawberries in dreams will help you decide on your future plans and tell you about the true feelings of your chosen one; you just need to try to remember your dream in detail.

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For most people, strawberries are associated with earthly pleasures, love and something else romantic. Citizens who are more “advanced” in matters of sex identify this berry with that very forbidden “strawberry”. It is logical to assume that sleeping with strawberries cannot promise any trouble. But is it really so?

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Miller’s dream book?

Everyone who saw this divine berry in a dream will experience indescribable sensations and new impressions. If you happen to taste juicy, ripe, sweet strawberries, then funny love adventures await the dreamer in reality. And when the sleeping person makes strawberry jam with his own hands, this foreshadows the establishment of a new romantic relationship, the initiator of which will be the dreamer. But if someone else is busy with cooking, then this cook will have to be subordinate to him. Spoiled berries portend all sorts of misfortunes.

Strawberries in a dream. Vanga's Dream Book

If a person sees strawberries in a dream, then in reality great happiness awaits him, to which no one and nothing can be an obstacle. Eating aromatic, ripe berries foreshadows a perfectly smooth relationship with your chosen one, complete mutual understanding and versatile support. A merchant selling strawberries in a dream will receive some kind of reward from the Universe for his good deeds. And the person who grows this berry has a non-traditional outlook on life, which causes misunderstanding or even condemnation from others.

What does it mean: I dreamed about strawberries. Freudian interpretation

According to Sigmund, strawberries are a symbol of sexual pleasure. And if the dreamer dreams of this berry, it means that he desperately wants to meet his soul mate and have sex with her. When the berry has an unmarketable, unappetizing appearance, it is unlikely that the sleeper will be able to wait for reciprocity from the object of his desire. Anyone who is busy picking strawberries in their night dreams is simply doomed to non-reciprocal love. If the dreamer consumes berries in incredible quantities, then a period full of love and tenderness awaits him.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Loff’s dream book?

Married people who see strawberries of the proper quality in a dream will be very happy in their marriage, and single citizens will soon meet the one they have been looking for for so long. If you had to pick ripe strawberries, this means that the dreamer is haunted by his former love, which was not reciprocal. The sleeper is already very worried about this, and such a dream only intensifies this pain, pouring salt on an unhealed wound.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

A woman who devours strawberry-based dishes on both cheeks will soon fall in love seriously and for a long time. A man who sees himself in this light can safely count on a salary increase. Rotten berries covered with mold symbolize troubles or even death. And if a person sees a lot of already picked strawberries, then he will soon learn something pleasant about himself.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Hasse’s dream book?

A strawberry can be a harbinger of some minor, but very pleasant events in the life of a sleeper. If a person sees in a dream that he is eating this berry, it means that he will soon meet his true love. Have you ever sold strawberries at the market? This leads to increased income. And when the dreamer diligently looks after the bushes, he will soon take up some kind of work that will not bring him either money or moral satisfaction. Watching someone else do it is good. This means that this work will be done by an outsider.

Why do you dream about red strawberries?

A lonely person who dreams of a red strawberry will soon no longer be lonely. And if such a dream was seen by someone who already has an object of desire, then such a lucky person will experience unprecedented passion. Eating red berries in a dream means good news, and picking them means fantastic luck.

Why do you dream about big, large strawberries?

Huge berries seen in a dream foretell pleasure. When a girl eats a big strawberry, it means that she lacks thrills in life, but soon everything will change, and she will get everything she has dreamed of for so long.

Dream: eat strawberries

If in a dream you happened to eat strawberries straight from the garden, then soon there will be a romantic date, on which the dreamer will simply melt in the arms of his other half. Eating an unripe berry means dissatisfaction with your partner. Eating ripe, large strawberries means that the object of your desire will soon reciprocate.

Why do you dream about picking strawberries?

Did you happen to pick large, ripe strawberries in a dream? This is for future abundance. If the berries are small, unripe or rotten, then things will not go very well. Harvesting a record harvest means achieving your cherished goal.

Dream interpretation - strawberries in the garden

Ripe strawberries growing in the garden always dream of a new love relationship. Eating berries straight from the garden means drowning in the love of your other half, and if this is a joint meal, then there is a chance to go on vacation to distant countries.

Why do you dream about strawberries - other dream options

  • a lot of strawberries - agonizing anticipation of intimacy;
  • ripe strawberries - a full-fledged love relationship;
  • strawberry bushes - good mood;
  • A pregnant woman dreams of strawberries - the unborn child will be surrounded by love and care;
  • blooming strawberries - the birth of a new feeling;
  • strawberry field - little things will distract from more serious matters;
  • strawberries on the tree - get what you want;
  • strawberries in the forest - joyful events;
  • care for strawberries - do some work without much zeal;
  • making strawberry jam - you will have to communicate with unpleasant people;
  • buying strawberries means entrusting your responsibilities to someone else;
  • unripe strawberries - experience disappointment;
  • cook strawberry compote - the enemy’s plans are not destined to come true;
  • trading strawberries - prosperity;
  • grow strawberries - amaze others with your atypical views on life;
  • rotten strawberries - a love relationship will end badly: either with an abortion or an STD;
  • strawberry jam - a love adventure;
  • sour strawberries - partner’s indifference;
  • feeding someone strawberries - the appearance of a devoted fan;
  • strawberries with mold - the death of someone close;
  • weeding strawberries - you will finally be able to separate the wheat from the chaff (good from bad).

Publication date: 03/30/16

Sometimes dreams are just dreams, without any hidden meaning or consequences. Dreams simply reflect thoughts, desires, plans from reality. But there are dreams that are vivid, unexpected, causing bewilderment or admiration. They can predict or warn.
According to most dream books, strawberries in a dream are a sign of love, passion and abundance, but the appearance of the berry and its quantity always matter.

Miller's Dream Book - strawberries

According to Gustav Miller's dream book, strawberries are interpreted simply - to romantic or erotic adventures, and they will not be “passable”, but will cause a strong response in the human soul. Strawberry jam - for an exciting relationship based on passion. According to the dream book, the one who makes jam in a dream will be their initiator. A spoiled berry predicts the same relationship - difficult, complex with a bad outcome. Such a dream comes as a warning that you should not start them.
If a farmer dreams of picking strawberries, then a good harvest awaits him.

Why do you dream about strawberries - Vanga

According to Vanga, strawberries in a dream are a sign of pleasure and enjoyment, sometimes of successful plans and good prospects. If the sleeper eats a berry in a dream, it means that family relationships will be happy, harmonious, long-lasting and conflicts will disappear. A dream that the person who sees it is selling strawberries predicts a rich harvest of this berry and material well-being.

I dreamed about strawberries - Freud's dream book

According to Freud, a dream about strawberries is a symbol of sexual desire, thoughts about sex and the expectation of intimate relationships. But this only applies to ripe and juicy berries. Unappetizing-looking strawberries signal the need to improve relationships or break up, as there is coldness towards the partner and reluctance to have intimate relationships. The more strawberries the sleeping person eats in a dream, the stronger his desire and the brighter his intimate life will be, but a dream about picking strawberries suggests that the desire is unlikely to be mutual.

Why do you dream about red strawberries?

If you dream of bright, ripe, juicy strawberries, you can rejoice - for married people this is a prediction of love and harmony in the family, which will remain for a long time. For unmarried people, a dream about strawberries predicts a quick meeting with your other half and beautiful love. He also predicts a wedding in the future if the relationship already exists.
A large number of red strawberries in a dream warns the sleeper that in pursuit of the small joys of life he may forget about important and serious matters.
Some dream books interpret a dream about strawberries as an indicator that all the intended goals will be achieved, and only good prospects await the person who sees the dream, and the work done will be a pleasure.

Why do you dream about big strawberries?

The larger the strawberry in a dream, the more love pleasures and delights await the sleeper. A large, appetizing berry is a symbol of passion, mutual love and vibrant relationships, and it does not matter whether a person eats it in a dream or looks at the growing berry. Sometimes a dream is interpreted as a memorable love adventure in the future. But in any case, the big strawberry in a dream should be ripe, juicy, fresh, otherwise the dream takes on a negative connotation and warns of separation, quarrels and troubles in love. After a dream about a spoiled berry, you should be more careful in your words and actions to avoid disappointment.

Why else do you dream about strawberries?

  • Why do you dream about picking strawberries? In many dream books, such a dream means unrequited love or boring and unpleasant work that will be performed by the one who picks the berries: the sleeping person himself or another person. Sometimes a dream in which a person picks ripe strawberries and immediately eats them is a prediction of sensual pleasures in the arms of a significant other, but only if the berries are sweet. Picking rotten or overripe strawberries is fraught with conflicts, jealousy and broken relationships. Some dream books associate picking strawberries with money and financial success: ripe berries are a sign of profit, and rotten ones are a sign of losses. If in a dream a friend of a different sex helps you pick strawberries, then you should pay attention to him in reality, perhaps he is the other half of the sleeping person. Also, such a dream can be a reminder of the past: unrequited love and mental trauma.
  • I dream that I eat strawberries. Most often, this predicts a meeting with a loved one, but in such a dream the details are important: ripe and sweet strawberries mean mutual understanding and love, and unripe ones mean the fading of a relationship. If in a dream a person eats berries straight from the garden, then soon pleasures and pleasures await him, which do not need to be avoided. Eating bad berries is a warning about deception and hidden lies. Anyone who sees such a dream should take a closer look at those around them and try to bring the deceiver to clean water. Also, eating ripe strawberries in a dream can portend financial gain and career success.
  • Why dream of buying strawberries. Buying berries in a dream means throwing off your responsibilities on those around you in reality, thereby causing their discontent.
  • Why do you dream of rotten, ripe, green strawberries? If the berry from the dream is unripe, then you should think about your relationship. Most likely, the chosen one (the chosen one) does not suit the dreamer on an intimate or personal level, and one can only expect a spoiled mood from upcoming meetings. Overripe and spoiled berries in a dream foreshadow problems and grief caused by relationships or their breakup. Perhaps they shouldn't even be started.
  • Cook strawberry jam or compote in a dream. Jam is a signal that soon a person will need to communicate with an unpleasant person, but cooking strawberry compote in a dream is an unambiguous warning about the need to be careful with influential or strong people; conflicts with them are fraught with big problems. But you shouldn’t be upset when you see compote or jam in a dream; according to some dream books, compote prophesies a love message, and cooking jam predicts mad love.
  • Trade strawberries. Selling berries in a dream is a good sign of future prosperity. True, it mainly concerns farmers and gardeners, as it predicts a rich harvest and profit from its sale.
  • Grow strawberries. If a person grows strawberries in his garden in a dream, then this indicates non-standard thinking of the sleeper. It’s worth thinking about whether those around you consider a person original and interesting or strange and crazy. Perhaps the behavior of the person who saw the dream is puzzling and is worth thinking about.
  • Eating strawberries with friends in a dream means completely trusting them.
  • Feeding strawberries in a dream is a sign that the person who saw the dream has a very loyal admirer (fan) who is ready to do anything for him.
  • Crushing strawberries or walking on them is not a good dream. Perhaps soon a person will have to reap the fruits of his mistakes and bad deeds.
  • A dream where there is a cake or dessert with strawberries predicts that what you want will soon come true, and the person will receive more than he expects.
  • Refusing berries or throwing them away is a warning that you should not give up your happiness and resist the joys of life, you can miss them forever.
  • Weeding strawberry bushes without berries in a dream means bad luck. Most often, a dream foreshadows illness, perhaps even infertility. Anyone who has such a dream should listen to their body and consult a doctor if necessary.

/ Dream book, dream about strawberries.

For many, strawberries are a symbol of love, romance and intimate pleasures. What could a dream with such a berry mean? Does it warn of joyful changes in life or promise bad luck? Why do you dream about strawberries?

Ripe strawberries carry erotic overtones. Therefore, it is believed that a person who sees her in a dream will experience some event that will lead to an aggravation of feelings and emotions. Could a dream with this berry bode something bad? We find out from dream books.

Miller's Dream Book: strawberries in a dream

Gustav Miller has a rather simple interpretation of what strawberries can mean in dreams. According to an American psychologist, such a dream hints at imminent love affairs, and the dreamer will be very worried about this. Eating strawberry jam in a dream means a passionate relationship. It is also important who made this jam. If by the dreamer himself, then he will be the initiator of a new romantic acquaintance, but if by someone else, then the sleeper will not be able to resist the pressure of this person.

But a dry or rotten berry seen in a dream foreshadows a difficult, painful relationship, the outcome of which will be sad.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Vanga?

For those who dreamed of this berry, this dream book promises tempting pleasures. Strawberries, according to the clairvoyant Vanga, are a symbol of pleasure. A dream can also speak of new prospects: perhaps the dreamer will be able to achieve his cherished goal. Eating a berry in a dream means a harmonious relationship with your other half. If the dreamer dreamed that he was selling strawberries, then a good harvest of this berry is expected.

Dreaming strawberry according to Loff's dream book

If a single person dreams of strawberries, then very soon he will be lucky enough to meet his soul mate, with whom he will be able to create a happy family. Why might those who are already married dream about strawberries? Such a dream foreshadows strong and long-lasting love with your spouse, which will only intensify and take on new colors from year to year.

Freud's Dream Book: seeing strawberries in a dream

It is not difficult to guess from what position this dream book interprets the berry. Strawberries are perceived by Freud as a symbol of sex. If you dream of a ripe and sweet berry, this indicates that in life the dreamer experiences sexual desire every day and looks forward to intimate relationships. Dreaming of overripe or sour strawberries suggests that in reality the sleeper is indifferent and cold towards his other half, and is of little interest to intimacy. Seeing a large amount of tasty berries in a dream means that in reality there will be great sex. Picking strawberries - expect feelings without reciprocity.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: strawberries in a dream

Planting, fertilizing, watering berries is a monotonous, uninteresting task that does not promise any profit. If someone else is doing this in a dream, and the sleeper only watches the process, it means that in reality someone close to you will face such a hopeless and boring job. Picking berries is a sign that the dreamer cannot get rid of some memories that are associated with his previous unrequited feelings.

Tsvetkov's dream book: dreams of strawberries

Eating a berry is good news. Eating jam or drinking a drink made from strawberries is a new hobby for a woman and an increase in income for a man. Seeing a moldy berry in a dream means that one of the dreamer’s relatives or himself will soon die.

Dream with strawberries as interpreted by Hasse

Miss Hasse favorably interprets what strawberries mean in dreams. If you dreamed of a whole field of this berry, then in reality you should expect joyful events that can distract you from existing problems. Eating strawberries in a dream means a fateful acquaintance. The dream of selling berries means for the dreamer a strengthening of his financial situation.

Try to remember in the morning the details of exactly how you dreamed about strawberries; they are important for interpreting the meaning of the dream:

  • A dream where you eat strawberries, picking them directly from the beds, predicts minutes full of pleasure in the arms of your lover.
  • Unripe or overripe strawberries are a symbol of dissatisfaction with your own sexual partner.
  • Cooking strawberry jam in a dream means that you will have to get involved with a person who is not very pleasant for you.
  • Cooking strawberry compote is a warning, do not cross the path of those who can, without blinking an eye, crush you, and not even notice it.
  • Buying strawberries means shifting your worries onto others, and thereby causing the silent disapproval of your work colleagues.
  • Trading strawberries means an excellent harvest and prosperity.
  • If you dream that you are growing strawberries in your garden, then most likely in reality you will often surprise those around you with the originality of your thinking.
  • Dreaming about strawberries promises tempting opportunities and pleasures. You will certainly achieve the desired result.

In our online dream book you can find out not only what strawberries mean in a dream, but also see the interpretations of other dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller’s dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning of the dream “strawberry”.

Everyone loves red ripe strawberries, both adults and children; no one will refuse to eat this berry in reality. Why do you dream about strawberries - a red, large, appetizing berry? As the dream book says, strawberries are a good sign, foreshadowing very pleasant and positive changes, promising new romantic encounters. Therefore, try to remember your dream in as much detail as possible in order to most accurately understand what awaits you.

Red, large, ripe strawberries may dream of a new love affair

I dreamed about strawberries - what does that mean? You can accurately answer the question of why you dreamed about strawberries only by deciphering all the details associated with it. A detailed interpretation can be given if you pay attention to all the nuances of your dream. Try to remember what color the strawberries were in the dream you saw. The berries were large or small, ripe or not. The interpretation of your dream depends on all these details.

By the way, are you sure you didn’t see strawberries?

Of course, most often people associate strawberries with love, intimate life, romance... And yes, this is absolutely true. Seeing strawberries in a dream is a good sign that portends happiness, good sex, love affairs and bright changes in life. Let's figure out the meaning of your dream with strawberries.

Size and color of berries seen

As the dream book says, large strawberries are a sign of happiness and good luck. If you are lucky enough to see a large strawberry in a dream, then you can be sure that very favorable changes are on your doorstep. If you are now experiencing any problems that haunt you, then, most likely, in the very near future they will begin to leave you.

The interpretation of why large strawberries are dreamed of will please those people who have not yet found their soulmate. You can meet great love and start a family. You will be lucky, you will receive gifts from places you didn’t expect. Instead of gray everyday life, the sun will suddenly come out, and your life will sparkle with bright colors.

Why do you dream about red strawberries? If you had a dream in which the strawberries were bright red, it always promises love and sexual pleasure. But since strawberries, unlike the traditional symbol of love and lovers - roses - are also sweet, they are usually endowed with a more powerful erotic aspect. A person who dreams of strawberries of a bright scarlet color will experience heightened feelings, love languor. For single people, such a dream promises a fateful romantic meeting, reciprocity and a happy marriage.

Seeing a small, unripe or frozen berry in a dream means that not everything is going smoothly in the dreamer’s life. Most likely, the relationship with your partner does not bring satisfaction; there is no reciprocity or harmony in it; this dream may indicate betrayal or divorce. There is reason to think about whether you need such a relationship and whether it is worth continuing.

If the berries are rotten, then this is an unkind sign. Such a dream may portend the danger of divorce or abortion.

Where have you seen strawberries: in the garden, in a basket, in your hands, on the table

Why do you dream about strawberries in the garden? This may mean that you will soon meet your soulmate, that a relationship full of romance and passion awaits you. But as the dream book warns, strawberries in the garden in the process of growing, whose berries have not yet ripened, warns you of a possible discord with your partner. If you dreamed of strawberries in the garden, it won’t hurt to think once again about the need to take care of your relationships and each other.

If you dreamed of large strawberries growing in the garden, then it predicts many prospects for you, including the possibility of rapid career growth, changing jobs, and meeting new people with the right people. But be careful and vigilant, know in moderation in everything, do not forget about your loved ones, do not let the dizziness from success play a cruel joke on you and distance you from something really very important.

Seeing a basket with strawberries in a dream is a very good sign. It portends you the beginning of a new romance, a strong mutual feeling, and the receipt of expensive gifts. It can also mean the birth of a child.

A red and large strawberry in your hands promises you family well-being.

If you dreamed that you were holding strawberries in your hands, then this dream promises you prosperity, family well-being, and mutual understanding with family members. If you have children, then your relationship with them will be very trusting and cordial.

Strawberries lying on the table are a sign of an imminent family celebration or meeting with friends. This dream may also portend profit. But pay attention to the table itself. All the good omens described above apply to a beautiful table covered with a clean tablecloth. If the table looks shabby and untidy, then such a dream most likely promises unpleasant news about someone close to you, or poverty.

A plate of strawberries is also a favorable sign. Pleasant changes await you; most likely, they will be associated with a change of residence, moving to a new home. This dream could also mean a quick romantic trip.

You should focus on important matters, if you saw a strawberry field in a dream - this may mean that you will have a lot of small worries.

What were your actions in the dream?

If you dreamed that you were eating strawberries or wild strawberries and you absolutely loved it, it means that you are in for an amazing intimate night with your man. If you came across a delicious, sweet and juicy strawberry in a dream, then the night with your lover will be like that. If in a dream you ate a dull and tasteless berry, then most likely you will not remember this night for long.

If in a dream you eat strawberries at home, then your romantic and sexual relationships with your partner will be successful. If you eat berries at a party, then this is a sign of imminent success in business (business or work). Eating strawberries in a store or at the market means abundance and material wealth. Also, such a dream could mean that people are gossiping about you.

A person who picks strawberries in a dream is happy and serene. His life is completely calm and nothing bothers him. The main thing is that the berries he collects are beautiful and ripe. If they are rotten and immature, then such a dream will foretell a lack of reciprocity in love.

The dream in which you buy strawberries characterizes your relationships with people. Perhaps you want to escape responsibility and thereby partially shift it onto the shoulders of other people. This position of yours can lead to dissatisfaction and misunderstanding on the part of others. If you sell strawberries in a dream, you are destined for good luck and prosperity in the future. It is very likely that some of your deepest desires will come true.

Planting strawberries is sometimes not such a monotonous and boring task. If you do this in a dream, then expect that very soon you will meet the person who will become your betrothed.

  • If you treat someone to strawberries, you are on the verge of meeting a person who can become a loyal friend and patron for you;
  • Making strawberry jam in a dream means you will communicate with deceitful, hypocritical people;
  • If you dreamed that you were preparing strawberry compote, then you should be careful not to trust the people around you. Some of them, in order to achieve their own goals, are ready to go ahead, sometimes over their heads, without even noticing it.
  • If you are preparing strawberry jelly, then be prepared for unexpected gifts of fate that promise wealth and prosperity.

It happens that in your dream you were drinking or making strawberry compote, in this case, be careful, perhaps you got in someone’s way, and he may be angry with you, which promises you trouble.

What time of year did you have this dream?

Also, the interpretation of a dream with strawberries depends on the time of year when you saw it:

  • In winter - your life is like Groundhog Day, you don’t notice the difference between yesterday and today, it’s worth thinking about your priorities;
  • In the spring - a fateful meeting and a bright romance awaits you, which can lead to a serious relationship and marriage;
  • In the summer - joy and success await you in all your endeavors;
  • Sleeping between September and December foretells a good harvest and material security.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

I dreamed about strawberries - what is this for? We found that bright red ripe berries promise you good luck in love and in life in general, while green and unripe ones are harbingers of disappointments, losses and family conflicts. Just for fun, let’s take a look at the most current dream books of our time and find out what their authors think about strawberries in a dream.

Miller's Dream Book - new relationships await you

According to Miller's dream book, you dream of strawberry jam for a quick date.

According to the dream book created by the American psychologist Gustav Miller, strawberries foretell a love adventure in the very near future that will bring you a lot of experiences.

If in a dream you eat strawberry jam, then this predicts a passionate relationship for you. And here it is important who prepared this jam. If you are yourself, then most likely the initiative for a new romantic acquaintance will come from you. If someone else made the jam, then it is this person who will do everything to make you succumb to his spell.

If you dream of a rotten berry, then such a dream promises a difficult relationship, the outcome of which may upset you.

Vanga's dream book - your life is a pleasure

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant also could not deprive everyone of her attention of the beloved strawberries. In her dream book, this berry symbolizes pleasure. Such a dream promises the person who sees it new prospects and achievement of goals. Eating strawberries means a long-awaited meeting with your soul mate. If in a dream you dream that you are selling strawberries, then this year will be fruitful for this berry.

Freud's Dream Book - you are a very sensual person

You probably already guessed from what position Sigmund Freud would interpret dreams in which strawberries are seen? Yes you are right. According to Freud, a person who sees strawberries in a dream is very sexy and sensual. Intimate relationships form an important part of his life.

If you dream of unripe, sour strawberries, then you probably do not feel passion for your soulmate, your relationship leaves much to be desired. When you pick strawberries in a dream, this is not a very favorable sign, which promises you feelings without reciprocity.

Modern dream book - all your wishes will come true

In the future, brilliant prospects will open up before you, you will be able to realize your plans, life will turn its bright side towards you. Eating strawberries in a dream means great love, harmony, and happiness. If you dreamed that you were selling this berry, then prosperity and good luck await you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - you have a routine job

Caring for strawberry beds indicates that you have a boring and monotonous job.

A dream in which you are tending strawberry beds means that in the real world a boring, monotonous and depressing life awaits you. If in a dream you are working on beds of strawberries, planting them, picking them and the like, this may mean uninteresting work in reality that could have been avoided. If one of your acquaintances is engaged in this work in a dream, it means that this monotony awaits him.

It also happens that in a dream you are picking strawberries - this means that you are tormented by small memories that are difficult for you to forget. But if you simply eat berries straight from the ground, it means that a long hug from your loved one will soon await you.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - happiness and prosperity await you

A dreamed berry brings happiness and prosperity to the person who had this dream. If it was a whole field of berries, then many joyful events await you. And if you sold strawberries in a dream, you will soon find a good job and your financial situation will improve. A dream in which you eat strawberries promises you a new acquaintance with an important person.

Longo's Dream Interpretation - wait for good news

If you picked or planted strawberries, then expect good news from unexpected personalities. If you dreamed that you were buying berries, then you should prepare for indignation from your colleagues; most likely you will throw your work onto someone else’s shoulders, and they will not really like it.

Intimate dream book - your life is full of love and passion

If in a dream you ate strawberry jam, then you should be prepared that you will soon have a very bright love affair that will not pass without a trace in your life. You can expect the appearance of a loving admirer in reality if in a dream you fed or prepared a dish with strawberries for someone. If in a dream it seems to you that the strawberries are not yet ripe, then most likely, subconsciously you have sexual dissatisfaction, you should talk about this topic with your partner.