Quotes about truth. Is it true. Sacred quotes about the truth You can say who knows the truth

Truth is a bomb that kills two: the one at whom it was thrown, and the one who threw it.
F. Parturier

Truth is something that can somehow discredit someone.
G. Mencken

Truth in the political sense: any statement that cannot be proven to be false.
D. Lynn and E. Jay

The truth always wins. For what wins always turns out to be true.
G. Laub

Truth is always stranger, stranger than fiction.
D. Byron

Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction must stay within the bounds of plausibility, but truth does not.
Mark Twain

The truth is dangerous...
B. Gracian

The truth sometimes gives rise to hatred.

The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
O. Wilde

It is true that an old man can no longer climb a mountain peak or throw a pretty girl onto his bed; it is also true that he himself no longer evokes desire. But it’s good to be free from the torment of unrequited love and the torment of jealousy. It is good that envy, which so often poisons young years, subsides with the death of desires.
S. Maugham

The best brainwashing tool is the truth.
L. Tomlin

There are few people for whom the truth would not sound like an insult.
S. Segur

It happens, of course, that a person actually gets away with it. But a flimsy, stupid, inept lie will not last even two years - the exception is slander. She is practically invulnerable.
Mark Twain

Nothing requires such careful handling as the truth.
B. Gracian

When people say nasty things about themselves, it's almost always true.
author unknown

Any truth, as soon as it is expressed, loses its certainty and approaches a lie.
A. Daudet

Real truth is always implausible; to make it more believable, you need to mix lies into it.
F. Dostoevsky

Everyone wants the truth to be on their side, but not everyone wants to be on the side of the truth.
R. Whately

As soon as it was noticed that over time, old nonsense becomes wisdom, and old little fables, rather carelessly woven, give rise to big, big truths, apparently and invisibly truths immediately spread across the earth. There is a truth that everyone knows, but is kept silent about, because not every truth can be told. There is a truth that everyone praises, but not from the bottom of their hearts, because not every truth can be trusted. And what about the vows of lovers, the threats of mothers, the vows of drunkards, the promises of those in power, the last word of merchants? And so on ad infinitum!
P. Beaumarchais

A half-truth is the truth for the uninitiated.
Yu. Nagibin

The truth is always difficult to tell, a lie is always easy to listen to.
S. Broan

The truth is difficult to prove precisely because it does not require proof.
V. Kaverin

The truth could be spread verbally; a large apparatus is usually used to popularize lies.
E. Lec

This has been the case for centuries:
Having been burned, we do not go into the flames.
And the one who speaks the truth
It can be mercilessly beaten.
G. Sachs

Truth has few admirers. Many praise her, but only to strangers; others follow her until there is no danger, and there the scoundrels openly renounce her, and the cunning pretend to be faithful.
B. Gracian

“Children and fools always tell the truth,” says the old saying. The conclusion is clear: mature and wise people never tell the truth.
Mark Twain

Madness is given the privilege of telling the truth without offending anyone.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

In life, it is important who tells the truth. In the mouths of some, the truth becomes a lie.
T. Mann

Only scammers believe in the truth, because you can believe in something you don’t understand.
V. Klyuchevsky

If you only tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
Mark Twain

If you've tried everything and got nowhere, try telling the truth.
R. Reagan

If a person speaks the truth, sooner or later he will be exposed.
O. Wilde

Sometimes, for the sake of accuracy, small lies are added to the truth.
V. Bartoshevsky

When in doubt, tell the truth.
Mark Twain

He who does not tell the truth about himself cannot speak it about others.
T. Wolf

Some hide the truth from others because they are afraid of it, others hide it from others because they want to protect it before the deadline. But this is one and the same truth.
E. Lec

My way of telling jokes is to tell the truth. There is nothing funnier in the world.
B. Shaw

You shouldn’t tell the truth to people who accept at full price everything you tell them, whether it’s a lie or the truth.
Mark Twain

Some people do not have the gift of seeing the truth. But what sincerity their lies breathe!
E. Lec

You cannot carry the torch of truth through a crowd without singeing someone’s beard.
G. Lichtenberg

No one could live with a man who constantly told the truth; Thank God, this danger does not threaten any of us.
Mark Twain

It takes a lot of words not to tell the truth.
A. Kamenskaya

You cannot tell the whole truth about life even to yourself.
M. Dombrovskaya

Two truths that hate each other can give birth to thousands of types of lies.
V. Grzegorczyk

No matter how truthful a person may be, since he is a Catholic bishop, he has to lie.
J. J. Rousseau

From the film “Fraudsters”

This section contains a large selection of aphorisms, quotes, statuses and statements about the truth.

The truth is so desirable and so dangerous. All people want to know it, make great efforts, demand, go to the chopping block, and when this truth falls on their heads, they don’t know what to do with it. True, everyone has their own: the one who runs away has his own, and the one who catches up has his own. There is still truth, but, thank God, people rarely manage to recognize it. Therefore, we fight for the truth. Let me emphasize, for my truth.
Well, now let's move on to aphorisms, quotes, statuses and statements about the truth.

About the truth: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings

No woman has yet told the whole truth about her life.

Don't believe fairy tales. They were true.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

People are not lovers of the truth; they prefer to be complimented.

The language of truth is simple.

You have to live with the truth like you would live with a fire: neither get too close so as not to burn you, nor move far away so as not to feel cold.

The truth sometimes wins, having already ceased to be the truth.

I love the truth without embellishment.

From time to time people stumble over the truth and fall, but most then get up and hurry on as if nothing had happened.

Remember, never change the truth. Change the truth.

We know the truth not only with our minds, but also with our hearts.

Not every force stands for the truth, but the truth always communicates itself by force.

The best brainwashing tool is the truth.

Nothing is so beautiful to the eye as truth is to the mind; nothing is as ugly and irreconcilable with reason as a lie.

People who hate the truth also hate the people who have the courage to speak it.
Francois Fenelon

There is no truth on earth, but there is no truth above.

Tell people the truth and the country will be safe.
Abraham Lincoln

If you tell people only the truth, sooner or later you will be caught.

Sometimes it is easier to award a prize than to admit that you are right.

There are few people for whom the truth would not sound like an insult.

It's hard to tell yourself the truth when you know it.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The real truth is always implausible... To make the truth more believable, you must certainly mix lies into it. People have always done this.

While a lie may be useful for a short period of time, over time it inevitably turns out to be harmful. On the contrary, the truth turns out to be useful over time, although it may happen that now it will cause harm.

Untruth, while growing into power, will never grow into truth.

They hate me because they think I'm telling them the truth. Fools! I hide her from them because I don't want her to heal them.

From the film “Silver Bears”

Telling a person the whole truth to his face is sometimes more than a duty - it’s a pleasure.

Some hide the truth from others because they are afraid of it, others hide it from others because they want to protect it before the deadline. But this is one and the same truth.

Too good to be true.

Everyone wants the truth to be on their side, but not everyone wants to be on the side of the truth.

Flattery makes friends, truth makes haters.

The bitter truth.

Such is the irresistible nature of truth that it asks and desires only one thing - the free right to be born. The sun does not need an explanatory inscription - it is already distinguished from darkness.

If you tell the truth, sooner or later it will be revealed.

Paradoxes are the only truth.

In our life, truth always triumphs, but life is often not enough.

In wartime, truth is so precious that it must be guarded by guards of lies.

Live in truth - that's the best sermon.

Be on the side of anyone who is on the side of truth. Be on his side as long as he is on the side of truth, but when he begins to err, part with him.

It is not the truth that causes hatred, but the people who tell the truth.

For those who keep the truth within themselves, life shrinks into an instant.

I don’t care what they write about me, as long as it’s not true.

A powerless person cannot say anything about the truth.

Nudity is the best adornment of truth.

It's hard to believe that a person is telling you the truth when you know that if you were them, you would lie.

Defend the truth wherever it is attacked.

Anyone who is so deaf that he doesn’t even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless.

From the film “Some Like It Hot”

Sometimes the truth is smuggled into countries where it is not valued. What is the benefit?

There is no truth in a person who cannot control his tongue.

Cynicism is an unpleasant way to tell the truth.

People often feel as if a greater truth lies next to a greater unpleasantness.

Where the truth comes through the fog
There the deception fails...

There is nothing more terrifying than suddenly realizing that all your life you have been telling only the truth.

Quite a lot of pure truth in this world is spoken by children.

Enemies always tell the truth, friends never.

My job is to tell the truth, not force you to believe it.

You will find out the truth, and the truth will drive you crazy.

Fools and madmen usually tell the truth.

Only the complete truth is good. Half-truths are worthless.

Don't lie, but don't tell the whole truth. Nothing requires such careful handling as the truth - it is bloodletting from our very heart. Considerable skill is needed both to tell the truth and to keep silent about it... not every truth can be told: keep silent about one for your own sake, about another for the sake of another.

What is true at one time is false at another time.

No matter what nonsense you spout, there is always a grain of truth in it.
And the smaller this grain, the more bitter the truth.

The lies are whispering, the lies are whispering,
But the truth speaks loudly.

Learn to listen, understand and love the brutal truth about yourself.

I want to tell the truth, only the truth, but I won’t tell the whole truth. The last truth will remain with me - no one but me needs it. I think that even in confession no one gets to this last truth.

There is a monstrous amount of false speculation going around the world, and the worst thing is that half of them are pure truth.

It's funny to be afraid - not to love the truth.

From the film “Marry a Millionaire”

We are born to seek the truth, not to possess it.

Telling the truth is not so much a matter of will as it is a matter of habit.

We should not be offended by people who have hidden the truth from us: we ourselves constantly hide it from ourselves.

There is only one morality - this is the truth, only one immorality - a lie.

If you want the truth, don’t hold back your tongue.

Only fools are given the ability to tell the truth without offending anyone.

If you concealed the truth, hid it, if you did not get up from your seat and did not speak at the meeting, if you spoke without telling the whole truth, you have betrayed the truth.

The truth is the same for everyone, but every nation has its own special lie, which it calls its ideals.

And there is nothing mysterious - the truth is the same for every woman, but every woman has her own special lie, which she calls her ideals.

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Quotes about truth, truth and justice:

  • The language of truth is simple. Seneca
  • Most writers consider the truth to be their most valuable asset - which is why they use it so sparingly. Mark Twain
  • I don’t understand why engage in slander. If you want to annoy someone, you just need to tell some truth about him. Nietzsche
  • After all, what is a lie? The truth in disguise. George Byron
  • I speak the truth insofar as I dare to speak it; The older I get, I dare to do this less and less. Michel Montaigne
  • Lies always march ahead in everything, captivating fools with their vulgar loudness. Truth comes last and late, trailing behind lame Time. Baltasar Gracian
  • Falsehood whispers, lies whisper, but truth speaks loudly. Lope de Vega
  • Where truth emerges through the fog, There deception fails... Ferdowsi
  • Honesty is when you think to say one thing, but tell the truth. Alexander Perlyuk
  • Two desires that are close to each other, like two invisible wings, lift the human soul above the rest of nature: the desire for immortality and the desire for truth. Vladimir Solovyov
  • A person in love with truth does not need to be a poet or great. Without any effort on his part, he is both a poet and great. Jules Renard
  • If you believe in the power of truth, do not try to convince, it will win anyway. Edmond Rostand
  • Only the complete truth is good. Half-truths are worthless. Stefan Zweig
  • If you eliminate the impossible, what remains will be the truth, no matter how incredible it may seem. Arthur Conan Doyle
  • You will find out the truth, and the truth will drive you crazy. Aldous Leonard Huxley
  • While a lie may be useful for a short period of time, over time it inevitably turns out to be harmful. On the contrary, the truth turns out to be useful over time, although it may happen that now it will cause harm. Denis Diderot
  • To demand the truth, leaving untouched all those conditions that give rise to lies, means to demand that there is no dirt on an unpaved street when it rains... Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev
  • If you want to fool the world, tell it the truth. Otto von Bismarck
  • Only the truth, no matter how hard it is, is easy. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok
  • Live in truth - that's the best sermon. Miguel de Cervantes
  • Those who like to fight for a just cause, as a rule, do not abuse the truth. William Hazlitt
  • Cover the truth with gold and it will emerge. Russian proverb
  • This has been the custom for centuries: Having been burned, we do not go into the flames. And the one who speaks the truth is beaten mercilessly. Sachs Hans
  • Of all duties towards others, the first is truthfulness in words and deeds. Georg Hegel
  • Apparently, this is the last poet in the world who is still ready to tell people the truth... Yuri Khanon, “Dedication to Schumacher”
  • Sincerity is the mother of truth and the sign of an honest person. Denis Diderot
  • Justice is the valor of chosen natures, truthfulness is the duty of every decent person. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky
  • No matter how truthful a person is, since he is a Catholic bishop, he has to lie. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • You have to live with the truth, like in a fire: neither get too close, so as not to burn, nor move far away, so as not to be cold Diogenes
  • When we read a book, the sense of truth tells us: “This is a lie!” - for every incorrect detail. If this feeling speaks often and speaks to everyone, then the book does not and will not have any value. The secret of worldwide eternal success is truthfulness. Honore de Balzac
  • Don’t argue with ignoramuses, forget their advice. Avicenna
  • If from a young age I chose the path to the cherished truth,
  • Even if the truth is bitter, listen to it. Kay-Kavus
  • Liar competition. The first prize was given to the person who told the truth. Ilya Ilf, from notebooks
  • We often see the truth, but rarely hear it - almost never in its pure form, especially when it comes from afar: it then contains an admixture of biases through which it has passed. Gracian y Morales
  • Who stops you from laughing and telling the truth? Horace
  • The truthful word of God pleases, but angers man. Bengali proverb
  • Lie and you will be nice to everyone, tell the truth and you will die on the chopping block. Nikolay Vekshin
  • The truth, of course, is a respectable thing, but lying is not a crime, because the interlocutor also has a vigorous, flexible, instantly flashing imagination. Vladimir Zhabotinsky
  • Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of a free man. Maksim Gorky
  • Truth requires perseverance: one must stand for the truth or hang on a cross; a person moves towards the truth. The truth must be adhered to - the truth must be sought. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • It is better to agree with the truth and abandon a false opinion than to agree with a false opinion and be defeated by the truth. Epictetus
  • Truth is mysterious, elusive, and always has to be conquered anew. Albert Camus
  • My job is to tell the truth, not force you to believe it. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction should be similar to the possible, but the truth is not. Mark Twain
  • Nudity is the best adornment of truth. Thomas Fuller
  • The truth can wait, since she has a long life ahead of her. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Not every force stands for the truth, but the truth always communicates itself by force. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • The truth sometimes bends, but never breaks and floats on top of lies, like oil on top of water. Miguel de Cervantes
  • What is not true cannot be great. Gotthold Lessing
  • Truth and beauty have always been the main thing in human life and on earth in general. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • Untruth, while growing into power, will never grow into truth. Rabindranath Tagore
  • The truth is always brave. Charles Dickens
  • There is nothing sweeter than the light of truth. Cicero
  • Truth is stranger than fiction, but fiction is more truthful. Frederic Rafael
  • Never tell the truth to people unworthy of it. Mark Twain
  • The truth is the truth; Truth with a capital T is a chimera, an empty space. Aldous Leonard Huxley
  • But better than any deception - In a conversation with an intelligent person, Tell him the simple truth. Lope de Vega
  • The truth is like a bitter drink, unpleasant to the taste, but restoring health. Honore de Balzac
  • Paradoxes are the only truth. Bernard Show
  • A poet who sings all his life about shit... Human shit...
  • A pessimist is one who tells the truth prematurely. Cyrano de Bergerac
  • From time to time people stumble over the truth and fall, but most then get up and hurry on as if nothing had happened. Winston Churchill
  • Truth is our most precious possession. Let's treat her with care. Mark Twain
  • Passions are aroused by the naked truth. Ashot Nadanyan
  • Truth means the victory of conscience in a person. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • Nothing is so beautiful to the eye as truth is to the mind; nothing is as ugly and irreconcilable with reason as a lie. John Locke
  • Truth is what one believes. Felix Vetrov
  • There is no truth on earth, but there is no truth above. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
  • The truth is always bitter, but its fruits are sweet. Effendi Kapiev
  • There is nothing more beautiful than the truth, which seems implausible! In the great exploits of mankind, precisely because they rise so high above ordinary earthly affairs, there is something incomprehensible; but it is only in the incredible things it has accomplished that humanity regains faith in itself. Stefan Zweig
  • The truth of the matter, once it is correctly stated, is indestructible. Plutarch
  • We should not be offended by people who have hidden the truth from us: we ourselves constantly hide it from ourselves. Francois La Rochefoucauld
  • Truth and freedom have this good side, that everything that is done for them or against them is equally for their benefit. Victor Hugo
  • Don't lie, but don't tell the whole truth. Nothing requires such careful handling as the truth - it is bloodletting from our very heart. Considerable skill is needed both to tell the truth and to keep silent about it... not every truth can be told: keep silent about one for your own sake, about another for the sake of another. Gracian y Morales
  • Truth loves to dwell in action: not every matter is truth, but truth always lives in action. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • The real truth is always implausible... To make the truth more believable, you must certainly mix lies into it. People have always done this. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • The truth should not be concentrated, otherwise our life will inevitably turn into one big, unbearably difficult, hellish truth. Eduard Geyvandov
  • We are born to seek the truth, not to possess it. Heinrich Mann
  • The truth about the past is only possible when it does not evoke emotions. If the past evokes emotions, it is unknowable. Alexander Alexandrovich Zinoviev
  • Love of life means love of truth. Immanuel Kant
  • The truth is so naturally perceived by the mind that when you first learn it, it seems that it was only remembered. Bernard Fontenelle
  • A lie reveals no less to those who know how to listen than the truth. And sometimes even more! Agatha Christie
  • Truth requires a period, falsehood requires a comma. Don Aminado
  • Flattery makes friends, truth makes haters. Terence
  • Truer than the truth. Martial
  • Anyone who is so deaf that he doesn’t even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless. Cicero
  • Truthfulness is not a vice. Moliere
  • The rabbit met the boa constrictor and looked the truth in the eyes for the last time in his life. Leonid Krainov-Rytov
  • The truth, like a jewel, does not need to be embellished, but it should be positioned so that it is illuminated to its advantage. George Santayana
  • Of course, idle chatter is a sinful and unkind thing, but it so often turns out to be true. Agatha Christie
  • A romantic, no doubt.
  • When you hear an opinion that you don't like, examine it and find the truth in it. Sri Aurobindo
  • With the help of the truth, you can deceive and take you anywhere. Nietzsche
  • What is the point of searching inquisitively and persistently for the truth if it is always lying right on the surface! Yuri Khanon
  • Tell people the truth and the country will be safe. Abraham Lincoln
  • Everyone wants the truth to be on their side, but not everyone wants to be on the side of the truth. Richard Whately
  • The degree of truthfulness of a person is an indicator of the degree of his moral perfection. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • This is exactly what, if I’m not mistaken, the ideal truth should look like: pure and incomprehensible to absolutely no one. Yuri Khanon, “Alfonso, who was not there”
  • There is only one morality - this is the truth, only one immorality - a lie. Ernst Feuchtersleben
  • And Mamai didn’t eat the truth. Russian proverb
  • Such is the irresistible nature of truth that it asks and desires only one thing - the free right to be born. The sun does not need an explanatory inscription - it is already distinguished from darkness. Thomas Paine
  • God and good people are for the right. Russian proverb
  • Do you want the truth or its cousin? Arabic proverb
  • If you want the truth, don’t hold back your tongue. Publius
  • He who is in error replaces with ardor what he lacks in strength and truth. Johann Wolfgang Goethe
  • If you concealed the truth, hid it, if you did not get up from your seat and did not speak at the meeting, if you spoke without telling the whole truth, you have betrayed the truth. Jack London
  • Difficulties of the transition period: the old truth has already turned into a lie, but the new lie has not yet become the truth. Vladimir Kolechitsky

The truth, like the sun, can become clouded, but only for a while.

To tell the truth is to lose friendship.

I am an ardent friend of truth, but I do not at all want to be its martyr.

Only scammers believe in the truth, because you can believe in something you don’t understand.

Only fools are given the ability to tell the truth without offending anyone.

True courage is true not in the eyes, but in the ears.

The truth must be told even when you risk falling into contradiction.

Dialectics of knowledge: truth becomes more and more like the truth.

If you really face the truth, she might also be embarrassed.

Not every force stands for truth, but every truth declares itself by force.

Sacred quotes about truth

There is no truth - she often asserts herself. Out of caution.

Not many oaths create truth, except the simple single oath, which is truth itself.

Gloomy Forbidden Truth Quotes

It’s better to tell the truth over the phone.

He who sows lies will not be satisfied with the truth.

The good thing about the naked truth is that it is not met by its clothes.

Don't lie, but don't tell the whole truth. Nothing requires such careful handling as the truth - it is bloodletting from our very heart.

Truth is what one believes.

There is no truth in a person who cannot control his tongue.

If you eliminate the impossible, what remains will be the truth, no matter how incredible it may seem.

The truth is like two sides of a coin, it looks from both sides.

We should not be offended by people who have hidden the truth from us: we ourselves constantly hide it from ourselves.

There is a monstrous amount of false speculation going around the world, and the worst thing is that half of them are pure truth.

Only the dead have freedom of speech. Only the dead are allowed to tell the truth.

Submission to the truth, independent of personal interests and desires, is the whole, the whole morality.

Where there is no love, there is no truth.

One must tell the truth and avoid verbosity.

Beloved sacred quotes about truth

People don't need the truth - they want to be caught in a lie.

There is no truth in the legs.

It is better not to think at all about finding any truths than to do it without any method.

Truth can be expressed in many ways, but truth is one and eternal.

A belated truth is a complete lie.

Still, facing the truth is safer than speaking it in the face.

There is no truth on earth, but there is no truth above.

Only the truth, no matter how hard it is, is easy.

Only the truth, no matter how heavy it is, is a “light burden”...

If you tell people only the truth, sooner or later you will be caught.

It often happens that a person who has never lied in his life begins to judge what is true and what is a lie.

Objectivity of judgment is dulled by friendship, pride and flattery.

The exact opposite of what is said about things and people is often the true truth about them.

Truth heals souls, lies hurt hearts...

Some hide the truth from others because they are afraid of it, others hide it from others because they want to protect it before the deadline. But this is one and the same truth.

Every myth is one version of the truth.

It is an inevitable law that error always follows truth.

You can't shut your mouth to the truth.

A lie will travel halfway around the world before the truth has time to put on its shoes.

There is no truth except scientific; Outside of science, it is impossible to pronounce the word “truth” without abuse.

Women drink flattering lies in one sip, and bitter truths in drops.

Sincerity is the key to happiness.

Anecdotal quotes about truth

The truth looks beautiful when framed by lies.

Telling a person the whole truth to his face is sometimes more than a duty - it’s a pleasure.

My jokes are that I tell people the truth. This is the funniest joke in the world.

This has been the custom for centuries: having been burned, we do not go into the flames. And the one who speaks the truth is beaten mercilessly.

Whose ears are closed to the truth and who is unable to listen to it from the lips of a friend, nothing can save him.

When vice is profitable, truth is lost.

If the truth is not at your feet, then it is in someone’s hands.

Truth overcomes any space and cannot be stopped by any boundaries.

An aphorism is valuable simply because it contains half the truth. And this is an unusually high percentage.

Blatant lies sometimes pass for naked truth.

Sometimes it is easier to award a prize than to admit that you are right.

A belief should be valuable only because it is true, and not at all because it is ours.

If you want truth and objectivity, get ready for an information war.

There is no truth on the Moon, and there is no truth above.

The truth, like a jewel, does not need to be embellished, but it should be positioned so that it is visible in favorable light.

Lies and silence are two grave sins that have grown especially rampant in modern humanity. We really lie a lot - or remain silent. But on the other hand, if we spoke all year round - and only the truth and nothing but the truth - then who knows, maybe the truth would lose all its value...

Satirical reservation quotes about truth

I love the truth without embellishment.

You will find out the truth, and the truth will drive you crazy.

There is no more beautiful truth that seems implausible.

The only good thing is that it's honest.

The truth always comes to the surface. That's why she immediately has to dive.

When eyewitnesses remain silent, legends are born.

The truth is known not by the one who looks at his feet, but by the one who knows by the sun where to go.

The truth hides behind silence, like a lie behind a word.

Truth that does not hide lies is commendable.

It takes a lot of words not to tell the truth.

The truth, spoken to their faces, does not make them happy.

We comprehend the truth not only with our minds, but also with our hearts... The heart has its own laws, which the mind does not know.