Vermouth extra dry. Types of martinis - a brief description of the assortment. Species nuances and features

"Martini" refers to alcoholic drinks and is a brand of vermouth produced in Italy. Its three types are most popular: “Martini-Bianco” (white, with spices and vanilla aroma), “Martini-Rosso” (red caramel color with a slightly bitter taste), “Martini-Rose” (pink, with spices, white and red wine included).

It should be noted that any type of Martini also includes many herbs. This drink is considered the most famous of alcoholic drinks.

There are several options, but before we talk about them, some rules should be mentioned.

First, you need a special glass. Its traditional shape resembles an inverted cone, which sits on a high stem. This glass, however, is very often used for Martini-based cocktails. It is more common to drink vermouth in its pure form from small square glasses.

Secondly, regardless of whether there is a straw in the glass or not, you need to drink the Martini in small, slow sips, savoring it. Under no circumstances should you drink in one gulp. Not only does the Martini have a certain strength (especially when combined with certain ingredients), it is not intended for getting drunk. Martini is a noble drink and can have a very beneficial effect, relieve stress and allow you to relax.

Thirdly, Martini is served chilled. If suddenly there is no opportunity (or time) to cool the drink, you need to add ice to the glass. If you don't have ice, you can replace it with frozen strawberries. At the same time, the Martini will not only become chilled, but also acquire a light strawberry aroma.

Here, in general, are all the basic rules. And now about how to drink Martini.

It can be consumed pure, diluted or as part of cocktails. It should be noted that one of the classic methods includes drinking Martini diluted with water. However, as a rule, it is diluted with juice or stronger drinks that help increase the degree. Understanding how to drink a Martini is, in principle, not difficult.

Special mention should be made about Martini Extra Dry. “Dry Martini” is an alcoholic drink that belongs to the elite class. It has a very piquant taste and persistent spicy aroma, which makes it very different from other types of Martinis. It is produced using dry wine, and its strength is higher than that of traditional popular types. At first, Martini-Extra Dry was conceived to create some kind of competition for French-made dry vermouths, which were quite common at that time. Trial copies immediately won the favor of many connoisseurs. In the aroma of this drink you can clearly feel the aroma of raspberry, lemon and many other subtle subtle shades. The recipe for making Martini Extra Dry, of course, is not subject to publicity and is kept in the strictest confidence. There is, however, an opinion that about forty different ingredients are used for its production. Many people know how to drink Martini Extra Dry to experience the fullness of its taste. It is known that olives go well with this drink (as well as other types of Martinis). They can be placed on the bottom of a glass or strung on a skewer.

As for the question of what you can drink Martini with, there are a lot of options. As already mentioned, the drink can be diluted. Typically, water, juice, gin, vodka or tonic are suitable for these purposes. When consumed in its pure undiluted form, add olives, lemon, strawberries or ice. “Martini” with a piece of onion acquires a very original taste. You need to throw it into a glass and pour the drink. A rather unusual addition is lemonade or Coca-Cola. As a snack, you can use crackers, salted nuts or hard cheese.

"Martini extra Dry" is a dry, but without bitter aftertaste vermouth of a pale color. It has a fresh, fruity aroma with notes of lemon, raspberry and hints of iris. The drink is famous for its unique taste. It contains only 2.8% sugar instead of the usual 16%, and the alcohol content is two degrees higher than in other vermouths.


"Martini Extra Dry" can be consumed in its pure form by adding a little water or ice. Professional tasters believe that this way the taste of this vermouth is revealed more fully.

Before serving, keep the bottle in a cool place. Better drink Martini, cooled to 10-15 degrees. A drink that is too cold or warm loses its exquisite taste.

In its pure form, Martini Extra Dry is usually poured into whiskey glasses. For cocktails, it is better to use the famous “triangular” glass.

All kinds of cocktails can be created with Martini Extra Dry. Almost any recipe can be used as a basis. Dry vermouth goes well with everything that is mixed with other varieties. The result is cocktails with a higher degree. Feel free to mix vermouth with white rum, whiskey or gin. Domestic drinks such as vodka and cognac go well with Martini Extra Dry.

In our country, they prefer to make martini-based cocktails with juice. In Western countries, dry vermouth is only one of the alcoholic components of drinks. An example is the Trinity cocktail: 20 ml Martini Extra Dry, 20 ml Martini Rosso, 20 ml gin.

Hard, mild cheese, salted crackers and nuts are used as a martini snack. Dry vermouth is often drunk with green olives, strung on a skewer and dropped into a glass of drink. A classic appetizer for a dry martini is lemon. You can also serve it with fruit cut into pieces.

The history of the martini is not exact, so it is difficult to say with certainty where this famous alcoholic drink first appeared. Some even say that it is one of the most popular drinks of all time.

Even if this statement is not one hundred percent true, there is still some truth in it. This drink has gained popularity in almost all countries of the world. Moreover, it became more widespread at the beginning of the twentieth century. This drink could be produced in large quantities, and at the same time it did not lose its quality characteristics.

What is Martini made from? Initially, Hippocrates spoke of “wormwood wine.” Today, in order to prepare it correctly, they use white wine, extracts from various herbs, caramel and other ingredients. Today, major producers of this drink are countries such as France and Italy. However, the leadership in the production of martinis still belongs to Italy.

There are several options.

The classic option is to dilute the martini with juice. Some people prefer to drink this drink without mixing it with anything. Other lovers of this drink prefer to dilute it with juice. Moreover, martinis are diluted with a variety of juices. Some suggest diluting it with orange juice, while others believe that you can mix a martini with grapefruit juice and get an excellent cocktail. We can say that the choice of juice or something else with which to dilute a martini is a matter of personal taste and preference. One important feature of drinking this drink is the fact that it is best to serve martini not after a meal, but before it, with light snacks. In this case, a person can fully appreciate the taste of the drink. Moreover, it is recommended to drink Martini slowly and sip it elegantly in order to fully enjoy the taste and aroma. Cocktails based on martinis are also popular.

To prepare the Bronx martini cocktail you will need:

  • Gin - 2/5 parts

  • Red Martini - 1/5 part

  • Dry Martini - 1/5 part

  • Orange juice - 1/5 part

  • Cocktail glasses

  1. Prepare all ingredients.

  2. Mix everything.

  3. Place in shaker

  4. Shake

  5. Strain into a special cocktail glass.

  6. Garnish the glass with a slice of lemon and your martini-based cocktail is ready!

Martini is not a special type of wine, as many people mistakenly believe, but the name of a brand. The wine itself, which in our country is usually called a martini, is called vermouth.

First, let's talk about the rules of how to drink Martini (vermouth)

Everyone knows that there are special glasses for each drink. And Martini is no exception in this matter. You've probably seen a glass with a long stem more than once, the container itself has the shape of an inverted cone. So, this particular glass is intended for martini. In some cases, it can be replaced with a low rectangular glass, but this is done quite rarely. Nuts, mild cheese, olives, salty crackers, and fruits are suitable as a snack for a martini.

Like most alcoholic beverages, vermouth should be consumed chilled, although there are exceptions. The optimal temperature for a martini is considered to be 10-15 degrees C. But this temperature is not always achieved only by cooling the drink itself; quite often chilled additives are added to it. We will talk about them further.

How can you drink a martini?

They drink martinis both in pure form and in combination with juices, or as part of cocktails. In addition, the drink can be consumed with lemon, orange, ice and other additives to taste. If guests are already on the doorstep, and the martini has not yet cooled down, then it is best to serve it with ice, chilled fruit or juice.

How to drink a martini with juice?

For those who find the taste of a martini too rich, the following cocktail will suit their taste: 100 ml martini, 100 ml juice, a few ice cubes. This cocktail is drunk without a straw. All that remains is to figure out which juice is suitable for this cocktail.

For a martini cocktail, it is better to choose juice with minimal sugar content, and since the martini itself is quite sweet, it is better to take juice with sourness. The most common juices to mix into martinis are orange, pineapple and cherry juices. Lemon, lime and grapefruit juices are also popular.

But peach, apple or multivitamin juice are not suitable for cocktails. However, you should know that if you like the combination of a martini with one of these juices, then drink to your health. The main thing is that you like this combination.

How to drink a red martini (Martini Rosso)?

MartiniRosso is usually consumed with orange or cherry juice. The proportion of mixing juice and martini can be as follows: 160 ml martini and 80 ml juice. But you can take it in a one to one proportion, or any other.

How to drink dry martini?

A dry martini is a cocktail that consists of 1 part white martini and 3 parts gin. It is not customary to add ice to this cocktail. But it is often served with an olive or a slice of lemon.

How to drink extra dry martini?

Martini Extra Dry is one of the varieties of martini. It differs from other types in that it is most often drunk in its pure form and is very rarely mixed with other ingredients. If you nevertheless decide to mix this type of martini with something else, then pear juice is best suited for these purposes.

The combination of martini and vodka is found in this cocktail: 30 ml martini, 75 ml vodka, ice. The cocktail is not shaken, but served immediately with olives or lemon.

How to drink a pink martini?

Martini Rose has a soft pink color. It is quite often used to make cocktails. Lemon or lime juice works best when mixing pink martinis. It also goes well in a cocktail with gin and ice.


You can drink Martini Extra Dry neat by diluting it with a little water or ice. Professional tasters say that this way the taste of this drink is more fully revealed.

When pouring martini into glasses, try to hold the bottle approximately at the level of the label, placing your index finger on the neck. At the same time, make sure that the neck of the bottle does not come into contact with the glass.

If the company is small, it is customary for the owner of the house to pour the martini into glasses; otherwise, you can invite each guest to pour themselves as much drink as they need.

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  • composition of Martini Bianco

Today Martini- a companion to any fashionable party, women's gatherings and an integral part of any holiday. It contains dry wine, caramel and extracts from natural herbs. That's why this drink has such a unique aroma. The martini cocktail is James Bond's favorite drink. We all remember his stylish phrase: “Martini with vodka - shake, don’t mix!” How to mix martini? stir a martini? And how to drink it?

You will need

    • Martini
  • olives
  • various fruit juices
  • vodka
  • mixing containers
  • lemon
  • various alcoholic drinks.


Mix 50 ml vodka with 10 ml martini and add ice. Place the resulting mixture in a pre-chilled glass. You can add olives to this cocktail to suit your taste. This particular cocktail is the favorite of the iconic James Bond.

Have a martini and orange juice. Mix them. If it is freshly squeezed juice and not packaged, the cocktail will turn out much tastier. You can decorate the glass with a sugar rim or a slice of orange.

The cocktail owes its widespread fame to cinema. The drink made its screen debut in 1934, in a romantic comedy called The Thin Man. But the real laurels came a year later, when Dry Martini brilliantly “played himself” in a glass of Clark Gable and his partner Constance Bennett in the film “After Hours.” Since then, he has become a regular guest at any feast. How to prepare and drink Martini Dry?

You will need

  • Beefeater Gin - 75 ml
  • Dry vermouth - 15 ml
  • olive - 1
  • cocktail glass - 1
  • Mixing glass - 1
  • Cocktail spoon - 1
  • Strainer - 1


Then drain the melt water from the mixing glass.

Mix both drinks in a mixing glass using a cocktail spoon. It is not recommended to use a shaker.

Place an olive on a skewer (toothpick) and place it in the bottom of the glass.

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Among the countless admirers of the Dry Martini cocktail are Truman Capote, Luis Buñuel, Ernest Hemingway, and Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

By the way, Winston Churchill offered his recipe for making Martini Dry: “I pour gin into a glass and glance at the bottle of vermouth standing in the far corner of the room.” He called this drink “Very Dry Martini.”

Helpful advice

There are numerous variations of the traditional Martini Dry with similar preparation techniques.

- “Martini (2:1)” - Martini Cocktail (2:1): 60ml gin, 30ml dry vermouth, 1 tsp. Orange bitters (optional), green olive or lemon twist.

- “Dry Martini (4:1)” - Dry Martini Cocktail (4:1): 75ml gin, 20ml dry vermouth, 1 tsp. orange liqueur "Orange Bitters" (or 1-2 drops of "Orange Curacao"), green olive.

- “Black Devil”: 35 ml of white Bacardi rum, 15 ml of dry vermouth, black olive.

- “Black Martini” - Black Martini: 60ml gin, 15ml blackberry brandy, black olive.

- “Rum Martini”: 35 ml of white Bacardi rum, 15 ml of dry vermouth, a twist of lemon.


  • Cocktail Dry Martini
  • Dry Martini
  • Martini drinks

"Martini extra Dry" is a dry, but without bitter aftertaste vermouth of a pale color. It has a fresh, fruity aroma with notes of lemon, raspberry and hints of iris. The drink is famous for its unique taste. It contains only 2.8% sugar instead of the usual 16%, and the alcohol content is two degrees higher than in other vermouths.


"Martini Extra Dry" can be consumed in its pure form by adding a little water or ice. Professional tasters believe that this way the taste of this vermouth is revealed more fully.

Before serving, keep the bottle in a cool place. Better drink Martini, cooled to 10-15 degrees. A drink that is too cold or warm loses its exquisite taste.

In its pure form, Martini Extra Dry is usually poured into whiskey glasses. For cocktails, it is better to use the famous “triangular” glass.

With “Martini Extra Dry” they create all sorts of things. You can take almost any one as a basis. Anything that is mixed with other varieties goes well with dry vermouth. The result is cocktails with a higher degree. Feel free to mix vermouth with white, whiskey or gin. Domestic ones, like cognac, are good with Martini Extra Dry.

In our country, martini-based cocktails are preferred with. In Western countries, dry vermouth is only one of the alcoholic components of drinks. An example is the Trinity cocktail: 20 ml Martini Extra Dry, 20 ml Martini Rosso, 20 ml gin.

Hard, mild cheese, salted crackers and nuts are used as a martini snack. Dry vermouth is often drunk with green olives, strung on a skewer and dropped into a glass of drink. A classic appetizer for a dry martini is lemon. You can also serve it with fruit cut into pieces.


  • dry martini
  • Martini at home - recipes

The name "" is a brand of vermouth originally from Italy. This noble drink contains a large number of herbs, which creates its unique taste. Use Martini- a special ritual, the performance of which brings pleasure.

You will need

  • - Martini;
  • - special glass;
  • - ice.


Remember that vermouth, which refers to Martini, is an aperitif. This means served before meals as an appetite stimulant. Use Martini during a meal is considered bad manners. It is suitable, for example, for parties where there are no heavy dishes. Combining it with snacks is not prohibited.

Serve Martini exclusively in a special glass. Its shape is always recognizable (a low inverted triangle). Before serving, the drink must be cooled to 10-15°C.

If you do not want to spoil the taste of the drink, you should not drink it in its pure form. Martini served either diluted with water or with ice. Martini Dry and extra dry can be served with a few olives on a skewer.

A classic combination is considered to be vermouth with juices. Suitable for this Martini Bianco variety. For example, mix it with citrus (grapefruit, orange) or cherry. Ratio Martini should be one to one.

Fans can "James Bond": Martini“drizzle” with lemon slices, fresh fruits, berries and even onions. However, it is worth clarifying that the correct choice of ingredients depends on the type of martini.

Martini Extra Dry is one of the strongest vermouths with a hint of lemon, raspberry and toffee. Like Bianco, it is included in many cocktails.

For example, if you have a Bianco martini (white with a mild bitter vanilla taste), you need to add an olive or lemon skewered. To reduce the degree of alcoholic drink, you can add a few ice cubes or a couple of slices of fresh fruit to the glass. Excellent options would be cherries, strawberries, pineapple or kiwi. Bianco goes well with soda and tonic. In addition, this type of martini itself is one of the ingredients for various cocktails.

If you prefer a Rosso martini (boldly bittersweet in taste), you can mix it with orange or cherry juice. After adding it, the taste of this alcoholic drink acquires freshness and softness. It is recommended to use a 2:1 ratio, that is, 2 parts martini to 1 part juice.

Martini "Rossato" (pink vermouth with a bitter-spicy taste) is recommended to be consumed without additives, with the exception of a couple of pieces of ice.

For those who like to experiment, a martini with the addition of onion is an excellent option. To do this, put 1 slice of onion in a glass of drink and let it brew for a while. Please note that this ingredient is intended for an amateur and not everyone likes it, but for a change it’s worth trying the combination.

Also, regardless of the type of martini, you can use the James Bond cocktail Shaken not stirred (“Shaken but not stirred”). To do this, simply combine vodka in a 1:1 ratio and go ahead for adventure!

Rules for drinking martini

Martinis require special glasses. Externally, they are distinguished by a long stem and a cone-shaped shape. If you don’t have such a glass at hand, you can take a low rectangular glass, but in no case a shot glass or a glass, as this is bad manners.

The ideal temperature for a martini before drinking is 10-15°C. You can use ice to cool this alcoholic drink. In its pure form, martini is recommended to be drunk slowly in small sips, and in cocktails it is best through a straw.

You need to drink Martini in moderation, in good company and in a great mood, otherwise it will not give you much pleasure. Remember that you need to drink alcohol, but it has so many varieties that some of them are based on wine.

Martini is consumed chilled with the addition of ice cubes and various fruits.

A classic martini consists of dry white wine and the addition of various herbs. In particular:
- juniper,
- chamomile,
- ginger,
- mint,
- coriander.

And of course, wormwood plays a special role, which gives the famous bitter taste.

Each type of martini has its own brand; we are not talking about a trade name, but about a name that is given based on the base of the drink, for example Bianco, Rose, Gold and others.

Rose varieties - Rose - are made from a combination of two wines: red and white. Thanks to this synthesis, the drink acquires a pleasant pink hue, delicate taste and aroma with notes of cinnamon and cloves.

And this type of martini like D'Oro, which is made on the basis of white wine, is distinguished by such bright fillings as citrus, vanilla, nutmeg and even honey notes.

The famous and exquisite Asti martini is made using dry sparkling wine. The final product should have a sweet taste that will be rich in notes of apples, honey, peaches and oranges.

Thus, a martini is a white wine, a red one, and even a sparkling one, it all depends on the type of production and the base chosen by the winemaker. In a word, the variety is usually called “vermouth”, which is distinguished by the presence of such components as ginger, honey, orange, raspberry, vanilla and various types of herbs and flowers. Thanks to this, Martini becomes a unique drink, different from ordinary wine.

Drinking Martini

With the help of juice, preferably freshly squeezed, you can reduce the martini if ​​you add it to an amount equal to the alcoholic component of the drink.

Martinis are often used as bases or additions to cocktails. In such cocktails, martini is mixed with liqueur or, and pieces of fresh fruit or berries are added to the glass. There are many variations of using martini, but the main thing to remember is that you should not overdo it with additions, so as not to completely lose the true taste of the drink.

If you consume martinis in reasonable doses, it is almost impossible to harm your health.

The various components included in Martini wine give it an unforgettable aroma, thus flavoring the wine with their natural components.

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Martini Extra Dry is a dry, clear-colored drink with no bitter taste. It has a fresh fruity aroma with a hint of lemon, raspberry or toffee. Flavor combinations and a minimal amount of sugar are the main advantages of martini.


1. You can use Martini Extra Dry in its pure form, diluting it with a small amount of water or ice. Highly professional tasters say that this way the taste of this drink is more fully revealed.

2. Before serving the martini bottle, place it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Cool to 10-15 degrees. This is the optimal temperature, because a more warm or icy drink loses its amazing taste properties.

3. Pour pure Martini Extra Dry into whiskey glasses. But for cocktails based on this drink, use the famous triangular-shaped glasses.

4. When pouring Martini into glasses, be careful to hold the bottle approximately on the label tier, placing your index finger on the neck. At the same time, make sure that the neck of the bottle does not come into contact with the wine glass.

5. If the company is small, it is customary for the owner of the house to pour the martini into glasses; in another case, it is permissible to invite each guest to pour himself as much drink as necessary.

6. Drink this luxurious intoxicating drink slowly, in small sips. Try to taste as much as possible the taste of the herbs and spices that are part of it.

7. You can prepare all kinds of cocktails based on Martini Extra Dry. Many varieties of vermouth and other drinks, for example, white rum, whiskey, gin, vodka and cognac, are in delightful harmony with it.

8. In Russia, cocktails based on martini are most often made with juice. In Western countries, dry vermouth is only one of the alcoholic components of drinks. Let's say the recipe for such a cocktail: 20 milliliters Martini Extra Dry, 20 milliliters Martini Rosso, 20 milliliters gin.

9. As a martini snack, use strong cheese, salty crackers or fruit. In addition, you can drink dry vermouth with green olives by skewering them and placing them in a glass with the drink.

The history of Martini is not exact, so it is difficult to say with certainty where this famous intoxicating drink first appeared. Some even say that it is one of the most famous drinks of all time.

Even if this statement is not one hundred percent correct, there is still some truth in it. This drink has become famous in virtually all countries of the world. Moreover, it became more widespread at the beginning of the twentieth century. This drink could be produced in huge quantities, and at the same time it did not lose its high-quality collations. What is Martini made from? Initially, Hippocrates spoke of “wormwood wine.” Today, in order to prepare it correctly, they use white wine, extracts from various herbs, caramel and other ingredients. Today, countries such as France and Italy are huge producers of this drink. However, the championship in the production of martinis still belongs to Italy. How do you recommend drinking a martini? There are several options. A typical option is to dilute the martini with juice. Some people choose to drink this drink without mixing it with anything. Other lovers of this drink choose to dilute it with juice. Moreover, martinis are diluted with a variety of juices. Some suggest diluting it with orange juice, while others believe that you can mix a martini with grapefruit juice and get a good cocktail. It can be said that the choice of juice or something else that can be used to dilute a martini is a matter of personal taste and preference. One significant specificity of using this drink is the fact that it is best to serve a martini not after a meal, but before it, with light snacks. In this case, a person can fully appreciate the taste of the drink. Moreover, it is recommended to drink Martini slowly, sip luxuriously in order to fully enjoy the taste and aroma. Cocktails made on the basis of martini are also famous. To prepare the Bronx martini cocktail you will need:

  • Gin – 2/5 parts
  • Red Martini – 1/5 part
  • Dry martini – 1/5 part
  • Orange juice – 1/5 part
  • Cocktail glasses
  • Prepare all ingredients.
  • Mix everything.
  • Place in shaker
  • Shake
  • Strain into a special cocktail glass.
  • Garnish the wine glass with a slice of lemon and your martini-based cocktail is ready!
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    White or silver rum is a light and sugary intoxicating drink with a clean and delicate taste, one that is made from sugar cane. As usual, it is kept in stainless steel tanks for a year to a year and a half and filtered before being bottled. White rum– an impeccable base for cocktails, many of which are not easily famous or famous, but rather famous and iconic.


    1. Daiquiri Daiquiri is not a primitive cocktail - it is a family of different cocktails based on white rum A. The basic, main official version of this drink, recognized by the International Bartenders Association (IBA), consists of 9 parts of white rum a, 4 parts fresh lime juice and 1 part sugar syrup. All ingredients are shaken in a shaker and served in a cocktail glass - a cone-shaped glass with a high stem.

    2. Hemingway's Daiquiri or Papa Doble is the next cocktail invented by the epoch-making writer and connoisseur of strong spirits. It is much “harder” than the light version and contains no sugar at all. It requires placing 8 parts of white in a blender rum a, 4 parts fresh lime juice, 2 parts fresh grapefruit juice and 1 part clear, strong Maraschino cherry liqueur. At the very end, add a cup of crushed ice for each required portion and blend rum until the drink begins to foam. Hemingway himself described the appearance of this drink as “the waves of the sea that boil at the bow of a ship when it goes at a speed of 30 knots.”

    3. Two more popular cocktails from the daiquiri “family” are banana and strawberry. Both of them are “frozen” drinks, that is, prepared using crushed ice and therefore perfectly suitable for hot summer parties. For strawberry cocktail you need 4 parts rum a, 2 parts fresh lime juice, 1 part Triple Sec orange liqueur and one spoonful of sugar, a cup of ice and about 5 fresh strawberries per share. A banana daiquiri has the same ingredients, but instead of strawberries, use half a banana. All ingredients are placed in a blender and blended first at low speed to break up the ice, and then the speed is increased and the cocktail is waited until it foams. Such drinks are served in chilled glasses called Hurricanes - capacitive (from 300 to 350 ml), pear-shaped with low and thick legs.

    4. Pina Colada This famous drink even has its own memorial plaque. It is located in Puerto Rico, in the city of San Jose on the pediment of the Barrachina Hotel and reads “In this house in 1963, Don Ramon Porta Mingo invented Pino Colada.” It must be said that Don Ramon is just one of the bartenders who rum he is credited with the honor of creating this cocktail, but he is the exclusive one whose right to be called the creator is supported by such a weighty argument. For a classic Pina Colada, take one part of white rum ah, one part coconut cream (it is much thicker and not as sweet as coconut milk) and 3 parts pineapple juice. This is also a frozen cocktail, so you need to add crushed ice to it and blend it in a blender. It is served garnished with a piece of pineapple, also in hurricane glasses. Of the particularly exciting variations of this cocktail, it is worth noting the more accessible version - Belize Pina Koloda, where coconut cream is replaced with regular condensed milk. And absolutely exotic - the Lava Flow cocktail, in which rum strawberry daiquiri and classic Pina Colada are splashing.

    5. MojitoAnother iconic cocktail with white rum om – Mojito. This drink is also associated with the name of Ernest Hemingway, even though he didn’t invent it, but that didn’t stop the writer from falling in love with this white mixture rum and with soda. For a classic mojito, you will need a tall glass - a highball - in which you should put a couple of fresh mint leaves and a spoonful of sugar. It is worth grinding the sugar and mint a little so that their tastes mix. Cut one lime in half and squeeze the juice from both halves into a glass, throw one of the halves into it. Add about 50 milliliters rum a, shake and add a full glass of crushed ice. Top up with soda and garnish the cocktail with a sprig of mint.

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    Whiskey is an extremely famous strong intoxicating drink. It is usually produced in Scotland and Ireland. Whiskey has a fairly large citadel, from 40 to 60 degrees, and is made from grains such as wheat, rye, barley or corn. In addition, there is a culture of correct use of this drink.


    1. Whiskey drinking habits vary greatly between countries. In Ireland, the drink is served undiluted, but a glass of clean water is brought separately. In Scotland, on the contrary, the whiskey is immediately diluted. The exception is pure malt drinks. But Americans absolutely calmly add Coca-Cola or soda to their whiskey, generously pouring ice into the glass.

    2. Pour whiskey into bulky, short, thick-bottomed glasses called “tublers.” Americans came up with similar dishes during the Wild West. During fights in saloons, dishes were constantly breaking, and the owners, in order to reduce losses, came up with the idea of ​​sawing bottles. The use of tulip-shaped wine glasses is allowed. The rounded walls and small diameter of the “neck” allow you to fully appreciate the smell of the drink.

    3. Pour whiskey into about a third of the glass, but do not drink it all in one gulp. Sip your drink slowly, enjoying every sip. Do not refrigerate whiskey too much. This drink does not always require cold; it enjoys the warmth of human hands. Pay attention to the aftertaste of the drink. Traditionally, wonderful whiskey has a long aftertaste, and its aroma can linger in an empty glass for several days.

    4. Drink whiskey in much the same way as cognac. First, look at the color of the drink, then enjoy its aroma, and only then take the first sip. Feel the taste of whiskey by holding it a little in your mouth. Next, take another small sip and exhale through your nose.

    5. The landowner keeps several types of whiskey in his home in case guests come. There are malt, grain, cask and blended (mixed) whiskeys. Enjoy this drink in good company or in a warm homely atmosphere. Just remember that this is a strong intoxicating drink, count on your strength.

    Cognac is a strong alcoholic drink of amber-golden color with a complex aroma with hints of vanilla and a soft, harmonious taste. You can appreciate and experience all the advantages of the skate only if you know how to drink this drink correctly.


    1. 20-30 minutes before drinking, open the bottle so that the smell of cognac spreads throughout every room. Do not refrigerate this drink; its temperature should be slightly above room temperature.

    2. It is customary to drink cognac from special cognac glasses - snifters. They have the shape of a pot-bellied glass on a stem that tapers steeply towards the top. Snifters come in capacities of 70 and 250-400 grams.

    3. Pour about 1/8 of the glass's capacity and hold it so that the stem is between the middle and ring fingers, and the bottom is on the palm.

    4. After pouring the drink into the glass, touch its outer wall with your finger. If a fingerprint remains on the other side, it means you are holding high quality cognac in your hands. Rotate the glass around its own axis. If traces of the dripping drink on its inner walls are visible within 5 seconds, you are dealing with cognac aged 5-8 years, if 15 seconds - approximately 20-year-old cognac. In 50-year-old cognac, these traces differ within 17-18 seconds.

    5. Bring the glass to your lips, but don’t drink, first inhale its scent. There are 3 “waves” of cognac aromas. The first “wave” – light vanilla tones – can be detected at a distance of 5 centimeters from the edge of the wine glass. The second “wave” - floral and fruity aromas - can be felt at ease at the edge of the wine glass. And the third “wave” is the smells of “aging”. In order to feel them, you need to have a developed sense of smell.

    6. After enjoying the aroma of the drink, taste it in small sips, feeling how it spreads in your mouth, revealing its unique bouquet.

    7. It is not customary to have a snack on cognac, only with lemon; it can easily overwhelm the smell and taste of this drink. It’s better to put a small piece of chocolate under your tongue, and as soon as it starts to melt, drink cognac.

    8. Young cognac can be drunk with ice, its taste will not be affected by this, but an older drink is better to drink in its pure form.

    9. There is a national 3 C (Cafe, Cognac, Cigare) rule for drinking cognac: first drink coffee, then cognac and after that smoke a cigar.

    10. Drink cognac slowly, in a modest atmosphere, with close people. As usual, it is consumed after the feast. It is impossible to experience the taste and bouquet of cognac if you drink it with food.

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    Types of vermouth

    In real time, Italians occupy a leading position in the production of vermouth; the quality of famous brands (Martini, Grand Torino, Cinzano) is beyond doubt. In order to fully enjoy this drink, you need to follow a few simple rules. Vermouth is a fortified wine to which medicinal herbs and spices are added as flavoring agents; quite often wormwood can be found in vermouth. Previously, this drink was prepared exclusively on the basis of white wines, but nowadays many manufacturers use both red and rose wines. Vermouth is systematized by the type of wine and the amount of added sugar. The first group includes dry (secco) vermouths, the sugar content of which does not exceed 4%. The next group usually includes white (blanco) vermouths, which can contain from 10 to 15% sugar. Red (rosso) vermouths traditionally contain more than 15% sugar. Rose vermouths contain 10 to 15% sugar. Strong bitter vermouths contain a minimal amount of sugar.

    Methods of use

    There are several multifunctional rules for drinking vermouth, which do not depend on which group a particular drink belongs to. You can drink this drink both before and after the main meal, since it has the ability to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. Vermouths are often mixed with other drinks, and both strong mixtures with vodka, cognac or gin, and light mixes with different juices are popular. In its pure form, this drink is drunk chilled from special cocktail glasses or special glasses for whiskey. It is not recommended to drink vermouth in one gulp; small sips allow you to better appreciate the taste of this drink. In order not to dilute the drink with melting ice, it is better to use frozen grapes or special stones for cooling alcoholic beverages. Roasted nuts, salted almonds or fresh fruit go deliciously with vermouth as a snack. Dry vermouths perform better in their pure form; when mixed with other drinks, their taste becomes simpler and becomes more “flat”. Sweet vermouths harmonize well with lemon juice in a one-to-one ratio. In general, sugary vermouths behave better when combined with sour juices, tonics, or even soda; in such mixtures, the excess sweetness of vermouth disappears, while the intensity of the taste does not actually suffer.

    Italian vermouth Martini Extra Dry was first introduced in 1900 and has since enjoyed great popularity around the world. The amazing taste and aroma of the drink is due to the combination of over 30 elements.

    Helpful advice
    Martini Extra Dry boasts a truly unique taste. Contains little sugar and has a relatively large stronghold. Authentic dry vermouth. Charming both in its pure form and as a base for cocktails, including exotic ones.